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Did Tony straighten his hair?  He looks different. I love Avalon's dress.

There is speculation that the bloom is off the rose between Kody and Mykelti because she agreed with Christine in that one episode about the fact that Christine was in a loveless marriage with Kody.  He claimed on camera that Mykelti just did it to gain favor with Christine, but I'll bet he was mad.

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16 minutes ago, goofygirl said:

Mykelti agreed with her Mother about the whole "loveless marriage" bit.  She probably shit the bed with that one.  Douchie's pissed now!

Yeah, but - it WAS a whole loveless marriage on Kody's part. Christine loved him but it was one-sided. Kind of hard NOT to see. Mykelti pretty much had to agree with Christine on that no matter how Kody reacts.

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22 minutes ago, altopower said:

Yeah, but - it WAS a whole loveless marriage on Kody's part. Christine loved him but it was one-sided. Kind of hard NOT to see. Mykelti pretty much had to agree with Christine on that no matter how Kody reacts.

True, but I'm guessing he is going to make Mykelti pay in some way for siding with Christine.

How could it be his fault he didn't love her?? "He tried reeeeealy hard to love her, but she was just so unlovable." Yeah sure douche bag! Keep saying that carp as you see photos of her and David and see how much he loves her!! No one is buying your $hit anymore....

Edited by Gramto6
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1 minute ago, Gramto6 said:

No one is buying your $hit anymore....

To paraphrase Meri - was he lying then or is he lying now?  In early episodes he insisted that he loved each and every one.  Now he says he never loved any of them.

Somebody needs to nail him on that and point out his BS.

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20 hours ago, goofygirl said:

Yep, Mykelti agreed with her Mother about the whole "loveless marriage" bit.  She probably shit the bed with that one.  Douchie's pissed now!

You could see how angry he got during the tell all when he saw the clip of Mykelti saying something about him not being attracted to her mother being crazy because she’s (Christine) is beautiful. You could see him write her off in that moment. 

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Mykelti is far from my favorite person, but I think she has a right to want a loving relationship with both parents. Acknowledging her Dad has treated her Mom and siblings horribly but still trying to work things out with him doesn’t mean she co-signs his behavior. 

She’s in a really bad position to be in (which I blame Kody for), but I don’t doubt she had a good holiday with Maddie& Co and the other siblings. 

I know what it’s like to be told “you’re not taking my side” as a child and it sucks. Yes Mykelti is a grown woman but Kody will always be her Dad, she has to decide for herself how much of a relationship is worth it to her. It may take her longer to get there than it has for others. She seems to respect the boundaries the other siblings have set which is all you can really ask for. 

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2 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Mykelti is far from my favorite person, but I think she has a right to want a loving relationship with both parents. Acknowledging her Dad has treated her Mom and siblings horribly but still trying to work things out with him doesn’t mean she co-signs his behavior. 

She’s in a really bad position to be in (which I blame Kody for), but I don’t doubt she had a good holiday with Maddie& Co and the other siblings. 

I know what it’s like to be told “you’re not taking my side” as a child and it sucks. Yes Mykelti is a grown woman but Kody will always be her Dad, she has to decide for herself how much of a relationship is worth it to her. It may take her longer to get there than it has for others. She seems to respect the boundaries the other siblings have set which is all you can really ask for. 

I agree.  As much as she irritates me and does tend to stir up drama, I think on some level she wants to get along with both sides.  Christine may be hurt occasionally like when she told Kody and Robyn first about the twins, but she would never write her off.  Kody, however, demands complete loyalty and writes people off for the slightest offense.  Then he blames everyone else because he is supposedly separated from his kids.  He is going to be one lonely old man because he just doesn't want to take responsibility for anything.  I'm sure her spending the holiday with Maddie got under his skin as well.  

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5 minutes ago, Meow Mix said:

Kody, however, demands complete loyalty and writes people off for the slightest offense.

What he demands is more like fealty which, as Lord and Master, gives him the power to punish.  Which he does in his words and deeds.  

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14 minutes ago, Orcinus orca said:

What he demands is more like fealty which, as Lord and Master, gives him the power to punish.  Which he does in his words and deeds.  

Yes, but his kids are adults now, so his punishments are meaningless to most of them.  As Garrison said this season, he doesn't have to care anymore how Kody and Robyn react.  That's got to be frustrating to a narcissist like Kody.

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On 12/27/2023 at 7:51 AM, Quof said:

The Padron's what, Mykelti? 

And which Padron, (since you have used the singular possessive)?

Grammar and punctuation matter, kids. 

See also: #readyforthechaso

I just listened to a SW podcast and one of the hosts mentioned that she thinks that while all of the Brown children had difficult childhoods in their own ways, Mykelti's story might be the saddest of all.  Based on Mykelti's own words, she got the most crap from Meri out of all the kids, which I can believe - I think Meri punished the kids who got on her nerves and Mykelti was in that group.  Mykelti seemed to love pushing boundaries and in one memorable episode, Meri singled her out for wearing a shirt which Meri told her, on national tv, exposed too much flesh.  Christine told all of us that Mykelti was the child that kept her up the most at night.  She was another blond girl in a family of blond girls, and a daughter of the least-favored wife.  So it's no wonder that when Robyn came into the picture and took Mykelti under her wing (self-servingly...I think Robyn identified the one kid who seemed to be the most lost in this ginormous family and took her away from Christine to gain whatever small foothold she could, but I think Mykelti glommed onto Robyn to punish her own mother).  To me it seems that Robyn and Mykelti used each other for their own purposes which translated into Mykelti being the only child that connected with Robyn into her adulthood, and that Mykelti used that relationship to finally get attention from her stupid father.

Now, though, Kody seems dedicated to emotionally abandoning all of his non-Robyn kids and Mykelti seemed to be the last one standing.  If Robyn truly valued that relationship, I would think she would fight Kody harder to keep at least one of his kids in their grips.  Mykelti was the self-proclaimed "bridge" between Kody and Robyn and the rest of the family.  But there's no need for a bridge anymore if Kody's just going to burn it all down.

This is why I absolutely loved Mykelti's wedding.  It was messy and weird and she sucked for making her guests sit outside in December.  But she also wanted a September wedding, if I recall, which Kody deemed was too close to Kody's man-crush's wedding to his golden daughter, so Mykelti was like - you know what?  It's going to be December, then.  Outside.  Have fun freezing your asses off.  She was going to get attention any way she could, and negative attention is still attention.  Piñatas beaten in effigy?  5,000 street tacos?  I loved it all, lol.

TL;DR - I put way too much thought into these people's actions, but I can definitely see why Mykelti does what she does.  And it makes me happy that she seems to really enjoy being a wife and mother.  Good for her.

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2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

TL;DR - I put way too much thought into these people's actions, but I can definitely see why Mykelti does what she does.  And it makes me happy that she seems to really enjoy being a wife and mother.  Good for her.

No I can certainly believe that. Mykelti was the youngest of the first set, the "5 in diapers". Logan and Asypn were the dutiful, obedient first borns who caused no problems, Leon was Meri's only biological child, and Madison had more of an easy going personality anyway. I can see how someone with Mykelti's personality, really struggled in that birth order, and especially compared to her big sister Asypn. 

Robyn came a long and paid her attention for who she was as a person, she got to feel special and not compared to her other siblings constantly. I also think she really liked Robyn, who probably didn't criticize her as much as her mother did, or discipline her as much as Meri did. No shade to Christine for that, parents are not perfect (as my Mom says, they are just people having sex for the most part)- I can believe that Meri was unnecessarily harsh on Mykelti rooted in her own jealousies and heart ache over secondary infertility. 

But if Kody cannot even keep peace with Mykelti, who has TRIED more than her share, its just further evidence that Kody is the worlds biggest asshat. Which we all knew.

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4 hours ago, laurakaye said:

...Mykelti's story might be the saddest of all. 


This is why I absolutely loved Mykelti's wedding.  It was messy and weird and she sucked for making her guests sit outside in December.  But she also wanted a September wedding, if I recall, which Kody deemed was too close to Kody's man-crush's wedding to his golden daughter, so Mykelti was like - you know what?  It's going to be December, then.  Outside.  Have fun freezing your asses off.  She was going to get attention any way she could, and negative attention is still attention.  Piñatas beaten in effigy?  5,000 street tacos?  I loved it all, lol.

TL;DR - I put way too much thought into these people's actions, but I can definitely see why Mykelti does what she does.  And it makes me happy that she seems to really enjoy being a wife and mother.  Good for her.

I agree that Mykelti's might be the saddest story of all. It's certainly up there.

I think she was odd man out of the big kids, and a little too old for the middle kids especially since Hunter, who is younger than Mykelti, seemed to fit in fine with the big kids (brotherly tensions with Logan aside).


2 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

No I can certainly believe that. Mykelti was the youngest of the first set, the "5 in diapers". Logan and Asypn were the dutiful, obedient first borns who caused no problems, Leon was Meri's only biological child, and Madison had more of an easy going personality anyway. I can see how someone with Mykelti's personality, really struggled in that birth order, and especially compared to her big sister Asypn. 

Robyn came a long and paid her attention for who she was as a person, she got to feel special and not compared to her other siblings constantly. I also think she really liked Robyn, who probably didn't criticize her as much as her mother did, or discipline her as much as Meri did. No shade to Christine for that, parents are not perfect (as my Mom says, they are just people having sex for the most part)- I can believe that Meri was unnecessarily harsh on Mykelti rooted in her own jealousies and heart ache over secondary infertility. 

Recently, Mykelti said something that made me wonder if Meri's verbal abuse of her happened in the greater context of Leon and Mykelti's sibling struggles. 

In one of her more recent watch parties, Mykelti said that she and Leon probably butted heads the most out of her "sisters." I'm not trying to misgender Leon, and I don't think Mykelti was, either. The context was such that another patron asked something like, "Which of your sisters did you clash the most with?"

Mykelti kind of acknowledged (maybe more with gestures than words) that it was awkward to use "sister" in that context, and maybe then switched to "sibling," but at any rate, she was talking about how it was for her in childhood. She did say she and Leon have talked out their childhood struggles and they're all good, now.

Mykelti said she and Maddie clashed too, but that she clashed the most with Leon. She and Madison are close now. I think Mykelti also tries to stay close to Leon. I remember her saying (in an earlier video) that she was possibly hosting Leon and Audrey for Thanksgiving, but I don't know if they were able to come, and can't remember if Mykelti ever talked about Thanksgiving after the fact.

I was a little surprised Mykelti didn't mention her tension with Aspyn. I remember the episode where they confessed they had some real doozies of fights, including at least one in which they threw knives at each other.

Sometimes, I understand why Robyn didn't ask the other moms to mind her kids.

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18 hours ago, Meow Mix said:

Yes, but his kids are adults now, so his punishments are meaningless to most of them.  As Garrison said this season, he doesn't have to care anymore how Kody and Robyn react.  That's got to be frustrating to a narcissist like Kody.

I think it’s much more than frustrating for Kody. It has fed into his persecution complex and helps to explain why he sounds more demented and delusional as time goes by.
In his head denying other people his company was the worst punishment he could give. That the majority of his kids and his first 3 wives no longer seek him out or care about his opinion or company and refuse to apologize for the adult decisions they have made has left Kody with nothing to retaliate with.

He is at a loss of what to do and just continues to strike out and blame everyone else for his shortcomings.

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On 12/28/2023 at 3:06 PM, General Days said:

I think she was odd man out of the big kids,

She was also excluded from some of the big kids' couch sessions - Hunter was included. I've read some speculation that the family (or production) were concerned that she was a "wild card" and might say something "unacceptable" or embarrassing (although they could have edited her if that had been the case, idk). She must have felt very left out.

ETA: Mykelti did make that comment about Robyn sniffing Kody's jacket - it's possible the parents were afraid she'd say worse in the couch session and production would run with it for entertainment value.

Edited by Teafortwo
added thoughts
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Mykelti did a live. Some facts from it, one twin had pink eye and was vomiting daily while they were at Maddie’s for Christmas. Then they got home and all three kids got pink eye. This wasn’t a diagnosis from a doctor, just an opinion. Avalon then got chickenpox. She might test them for covid. She said she’s going the homeopathic route and got some ideas from Maddie one of which was an onion and honey concoction for the kids. She has decided to pause LuLaNo for her family and her own mental health. 

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41 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Mykelti did a live. Some facts from it, one twin had pink eye and was vomiting daily while they were at Maddie’s for Christmas. Then they got home and all three kids got pink eye. This wasn’t a diagnosis from a doctor, just an opinion. Avalon then got chickenpox. She might test them for covid. She said she’s going the homeopathic route and got some ideas from Maddie one of which was an onion and honey concoction for the kids. She has decided to pause LuLaNo for her family and her own mental health. 

Disclosure- No doubt homeopathic remedies can and are used effectively by many people including myself at times.

That being said, as a long time preK teacher and mother, pinkeye will clear up much faster with antibiotic drops. Is she certain it was chicken pox? That childhood illness is much less prevalent than 30 plus years ago due to an effective vaccine. Other illnesses may manifest with a rash.

Mykelti is kind of flaky, hope all are feeling better and Maddie didn't recommend plexus.

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I read somewhere that Mykelti and Tony don't believe in vaccines.  Yet another thing in common with Kootie and Crybrows.

I believe it was Paedon that said online that when the OG 13 were kids, they weren't vaccinated.  He indicated that his first vaccines were when he joined the military.

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Mykelti definitely seems like someone who might skip that step. 

That said, the recommended schedule in the US is first dose at age 12 months through 15 months, second dose at age 4 years through 6 years. Avalon isn't 3 yet, so she would have had one dose at most, and the twins are right in the age for that first dose. 

I suspect none of her kids were vaccinated against chickenpox though, because if I vaccinated my kids against it and they caught it, I think I'd mention, "Even though they got one of the two shots, they still caught it, so be careful blah blah blah..."

If she is anti-vax (or even just hesitant), I hope the possibility of having three kids under 3 with chickenpox will make her reconsider the issue. 


58 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

I read somewhere that Mykelti and Tony don't believe in vaccines.  Yet another thing in common with Kootie and Crybrows.

I believe it was Paedon that said online that when the OG 13 were kids, they weren't vaccinated.  He indicated that his first vaccines were when he joined the military.


I think he Paedon did say that.

I know Gwendlyn mentioned it too (she's very pro vax now). When watching an old episode where the kids were at Winn's ranch, and helped corral the cattle for vaccinations, she snarked about how at least the cows were vaccinated (or something along those lines).

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4 hours ago, ginger90 said:

She said she’s going the homeopathic route and got some ideas from Maddie one of which was an onion and honey concoction for the kids.

How's that working for you, Earth Mother?  Why not just burn sage and feed them cups of cider vinegar?

Why would you subject your kids to the discomfort of a preventable disease and possible neurological sequelae? To say nothing of predisposing them to shingles later in life. Great mothering there.

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53 minutes ago, Orcinus orca said:

How's that working for you, Earth Mother?  Why not just burn sage and feed them cups of cider vinegar?

Why would you subject your kids to the discomfort of a preventable disease and possible neurological sequelae? To say nothing of predisposing them to shingles later in life. Great mothering there.

I used to see this all the time with rescue dogs. They would get ear infections and people would pour all sorts of crap in their ears to avoid a vet visit and giving them antibiotics. Vinegar was a popular one - like they were making salad dressing down there.

People have all kinds of reasons for liking "homeopathic" remedies. I'm not a fan, but if it doesn't impact me, live and let live. The lack of "belief" in vaccines really chaps my ass though. "Believing in" is for Santa and the Easter Bunny, Mykelti. Not for vaccines. Get your kids (and yourselves) vaccinated before one of them develops polio or smallpox or some other entirely preventable illness.

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4 hours ago, BAForever said:

pinkeye will clear up much faster with antibiotic drops.

OT - only if it's bacterial, rather than viral. 

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9 minutes ago, General Days said:

Mykelti had a live tonight. I missed it, but am watching late. Now she says it is not Chickenpox, but they don't know what it is.

Her Patreon, or elsewhere?

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24 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Thanks. I’d be interested in what she says, if you don’t mind. 😁


Mykelti is not covering any episodes today. I think she did this little chat, because she hasn't put out content in a couple of weeks (she traveled to Maddie's for Christmas, and her kids got sick there and have been sick since they got home).

Tuesday, she will do a watch party for part I of the wedding episode (that airs tomorrow). She plans to cover the Talk Back/Look Back things, but not for a couple of weeks probably (until after she's done both parts of the wedding episode).

Janelle was the only Brown parent at Maddie's for Christmas, and Mykelti said it was kind of cool to have Janelle take that primary parent role. A lot of those in NC agreed it really felt like Christmas (they think because they had the six grandkids -- Maddie's 3 and Mykelti's 3) there. 

So far, the chit chat has included that she had Garrison in the gift exchange and gave him Star Wars and Lord of the Rings merch. Tony had Gabe and gave him a desk organizer that looks like a tool box, and a miniature, actionable rifle model (to build).

The chat that accompanies the video isn't visible right now, so I can't see questions people are asking, but someone asked Mykelti if she watched Friday With Friends. Mykelti didn't even know what it was. When someone explained it was Meri and Jenn's Instagram live thing, Mykelti just played it straight and said "No," without any snark. 

(I can't imagine asking her something like that.)

I'm bowing out about halfway through. So far, it's not really show related.

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Mykelti always comes across to me as playing whatever side/angle that will get  her the most return on investment. Sincere? Not even slightly, IMO.

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Sigh, another anti vaxxer whose kids are going to get all sorts of preventable illnesses and then spread them around.  Way to go Mykelti.  And I'm all for homeopathic stuff in certain cases, I even got my cat acupuncture once upon a time, but there is a time to get your kids to a real doctor instead of letting them suffer.   

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More from Mykelti's live chat:

She thinks Avalon might have hand, foot, and mouth disease, so she was going to take her to urgent care after her live. Christine was going to come watch the twins, because Tony had to go to work.

Mykelti said something about going to the doctor last night, because Christine wants her over for Christmas. My guess Christine is doing Christmas with her kids who went to Maddie's (Mykelti, Ysabel, Paedon).

Leon and Audrey weren't in NC. Mykelti wasn't sure where they celebrated Christmas, but she thinks they usually do it with friends in Colorado. Tony said a lot of the siblings do holidays with friends. 

Someone asked something about Hunter and his Audrey. Tony didn't read the question (and the chat moves fast). He just said, "Hunter and Audrey? Super awesome. I imagine they're going to have a long courtship, though."

Mykelti agreed, and said she thought they'd be like Logan and Michelle. She thinks Ysabel will have a long courtship (she was talking in general). She thinks Paedon, if/when he finds someone, will have a short courtship. She thinks Gabe will too, but that Savanah and Garrison will have long courtships. 

She then said, "I think Truely wouldn't happen. Period." That felt like super weird speculation about a 13-year-old.

Even though Mykelti's kids were sick, Aspyn insisted she bring them over for NYE. Ysabel was there, and Gwendlyn and Bea were "in town" (I think she meant since they were in town, they were at Aspyn's, but sometimes it's hard to tell with the Browns). Christine and David didn't go over, because David was sick.

Tony went to Hawaii for a chess tournament and a little vacation (because he stayed home with the kids when Mykelti went to UK with Christine). Most of the rest of the chat was about his trip. 

Nothing groundbreaking. I think Mykelti is just afraid to lose subscribers right now, especially since she's "pausing" her LulaRoe business for at least a while, so she did a placeholder chat to keep people tuning in. Sorry there wasn't anything more interesting to report.


Edited by General Days
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I do not think any of Janelle or Christine’s offspring are interested in having courtships.  Dating, living together, eventually marriage - sure.  However none of them are conservatively religious that they would welcome courtships.  Including Paedon( works in a strip joint) and Garrison ( even if he is traditional Mormon).  It’s also a little ridiculous to speculate on whether a 12-14 year old will have a relationship over the course of her adult life. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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20 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

People have all kinds of reasons for liking "homeopathic" remedies. I'm not a fan, but if it doesn't impact me, live and let live. The lack of "belief" in vaccines really chaps my ass though. "Believing in" is for Santa and the Easter Bunny, Mykelti. Not for vaccines. Get your kids (and yourselves) vaccinated before one of them develops polio or smallpox or some other entirely preventable illness.

I still remember a very powerful storyline in the old tv show "ER". An anti vax mum brought in her child with measles or chickenpox and very quickly the child took a turn for the worse and the mother was screaming "he can't die...it's ONLY measles/chickenpox"!

Yet millions did just that pre vaccine.

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I had a bad case of measles when I was 4 years old.  This was in the late 50's, before the MMR shots were available.  My mother hung a blanket on the bedroom window, and I (who LOVED dolls) didn't want a Muffie doll they got for me, so my older sister got it.  I still remember that darkened bedroom.  

Measles is a serious illness.  It's on an uptick because of anti-vaxxers.  

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43 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:

I do not think any of Janelle or Christine’s offspring are interested in having courtships.  Dating, living together, eventually marriage - sure.

The way they used the term, it was clear (to me, anyhow) that they didn't mean religious, strict courtships. Rather, they used the term for a dating relationship prior to marriage.

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44 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

I had a bad case of measles when I was 4 years old.  This was in the late 50's, before the MMR shots were available.  My mother hung a blanket on the bedroom window, and I (who LOVED dolls) didn't want a Muffie doll they got for me, so my older sister got it.  I still remember that darkened bedroom.  

Measles is a serious illness.  It's on an uptick because of anti-vaxxers.  

I had a very mild case of Chicken Pox as a child in the mid 50's. I didn't even really remember it at all. As an adult in my mid 20's, both of my kids brought Chicken Pox home from school. They were vaccinated but did have quite a time with it. All of a sudden, I was feeling like carp and realized I had caught it from them!! I called my mom to see if I had had it as a kid and found out, yes I did, but a very, very mild case.  

I was sicker than a dog for a good 2 weeks, of course my then husband was traveling for work! I pity Mykelti if she catches any of these childhood illnesses as an adult (Tony too if he isn't vaxxed). They are brutal for adults and with 3 littles to care for at the same time, I just can't imagine! It was hard enough with 2 littles!!

Edited by Gramto6
random periods ack!
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1 hour ago, Gramto6 said:

I pity Mykelti if she catches any of these childhood illnesses as an adult (Tony too if he isn't vaxxed). They are brutal for adults and with 3 littles to care for at the same time, I just can't imagine!

Agreed. I had chickenpox in the early 1960's and my brother's class had measles, so we were home together and gave them to each other. Our spots had spots! I think my mom was ready to kill both of us. If one of the Padrons gets either disease, you know they will give it to the others. That's just how it works.

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On 1/6/2024 at 1:47 PM, xwordfanatik said:

I read somewhere that Mykelti and Tony don't believe in vaccines.  Yet another thing in common with Kootie and Crybrows.

I believe it was Paedon that said online that when the OG 13 were kids, they weren't vaccinated.  He indicated that his first vaccines were when he joined the military.

My thought is that they had no health insurance growing up so didn't have any way to pay for them.  Even when my daughter was born in the 80's at that time they still didn't offer preventative measure at no cost, as a single parent I paid out of pocket for all of her shots.  Luckily they didn't have all the different ones they have now.  For years I had a constant running bill at the doctors office.  Luckily at the time they would let you pay it out.  


On 1/6/2024 at 2:45 PM, General Days said:

three kids under 3 with chickenpox will make her reconsider the issue.

I have a brother and sister, after our birthdays each year we are all three years apart.  Needless to say my mom frequently dealt with 3 sick kids.  My brother being the one who was oldest and brought everything home.  At least my sister and I had all the childhood diseases before starting school.  Long before they had shots for those things.  We all had measles, mumps, chicken pox.  At least at the time she didn't work full time.  I had the chicken pox the worst, all over but I had them really bad on the bottom of my feet in clusters.  So bad I couldn't walk.  So I had to be carried around or walk on my knees and hands.  The measles was bad, because you had to be in a room with low lighting.  I remember the widows being covered, it was depressing.


I would imagine that Tony probably had all of his shots growing up.

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Even in the 80s our local health department did free or reduced cost vaccinations.  If Mykelti's kids aren't vaccinated, it's no doubt her and Tony's choice.

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