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S07.E27: I Choose You


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I know Catelyn is trying to milk this trial separation for our sympathy but I’m afraid that ship has sailed. Perhaps if you paid more attention to him and Novalee and less time focusing on “me”, he might be more willing to stay. As long as you have MTV money coming, Ty won’t be gone long.  But once this is all over, he’s going to be gone and all the expensive therapy will be down the tubes.

  • Love 20

Why is Cate wearing a blue table cloth ... she looks hideous.... cate wtf doesn’t trigger that Heffer ... always something with her annoying self 


Is Cheyanne for real ... she doesn’t understand why her bf was upset that she was going to Detroit with that d bag Cory ... like cmon who doesn’t vacation with their baby mamma or baby daddy ... why couldn’t d bag Cory just take the kid why did Forest Cheyanne have to go .... then cheyanne is jealous that d bag Cory’s ex is coming by and she thinks it’s weird ... I don’t think she knows how stupid she is ... her IQ HAS to be lower than 60

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Does Matt still have Amber's driver license? Why does Matt need to follow her everywhere and drag the baby along? Some sweaty dojo is not where I'd want my new baby.

Why does he need to go with her everywhere?  

On a shallow note- baby James’s head and face is huge!


Maci that house, while nice from the outside is HIDEOUS inside.  Of course she loved it.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, FairyDusted said:

Maci is moving again?! 

Some people move a lot.  My sister moved 10 times while she was raising her kids.  I still don't think she is done either.

1 hour ago, snarts said:

Why are they showing aerial shots of downtown Detroit when Corey's family lives in Grand Rapids?

They either flew into Detroit as opposed to Grand Rapids.  They have more flights in and out of DTW than they do GRR and it's actually cheaper to fly into Detroit.  Just guessing.

54 minutes ago, FrankieTankie said:

Is Cheyanne for real ... she doesn’t understand why her bf was upset that she was going to Detroit with that d bag Cory

I think it's fine and I think her bf needs to learn that Chyanne and Cory are raising the baby together.  She is right to insist he know it now.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

I'd like to see who would win in a battle between Dakota and his "September 8, 2008" and Cate's " childhood trauma" mantra. Who would get sick of who first?

Right!    Cate should get Dakota a ‘scholarship’ next time she goes to Sedona.  Boy, does he need a September 8, 2009, trauma vacation retreat! 


I guess her childhood trauma affects her everywhere but in bed!  Lol! 


I want to feel bad for Tyler......but, I just can’t! Why does he keep getting her pregnant?  He needs to keep a secret ovulation chart or gone with Gary for the big snip.


When Cate has her #rainbowbaby......she will be back in Sedona before baby girl is 2 months old. Because too much childhood trauma.....you know? 

  • Love 11
3 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Does Matt still have Amber's driver license? Why does Matt need to follow her everywhere and drag the baby along? Some sweaty dojo is not where I'd want my new baby.

He always holds the baby.  I don’t think I have ever seen Amber hold her son.


I do think it is cute how the baby is always on his chest when they film their couch scenes.  They are already training him to couch hang!


He is such a good baby.  Very calm and peaceful looking.

  • Love 8

Guys!  Nova is the cutest little girl.....EVER!  Her reaction to the baby news was so sweet.


I want to save her, tho! 


Yall notice Cate ever hangs out with Nova when she is talking about her other children?  Last time it was cake for Carly’s birthday.  Now, this week it is cupcakes for Baby Girl #3. 


MTV completely edited out a few weeks of filming.

 But, where was Nova when her parents went on Couples Retreat???


Tyler is done. He is outta of there and breaking it super gently to her.

Cate is free to stay in Sedona permanently. You got your wish, Cate!

  • Love 15
3 hours ago, FairyDusted said:

Maci is moving again?! 

Right? I don’t care about Maci’s what, 6th? house she’s been able to purchase from being on this show and being boring. It’s kinda macabre but she should really thank Ryan for being a drama inducing mess. I don’t miss him and we hear all about him anyway but she truly would’ve had 96% less storyline the last 7 seasons without him. Send the asshole an edible arrangement 😆

3 hours ago, druzy said:

Weren't the 6 month spa vacations trial separations too?

That’s what I was thinking. And didn’t they literally already try this once before? When Tyler went to New Orleans? And Tyler should’ve thought of the trial separation before he told Catelynn to get off birth control and “surprise” him whenever she knew she was pregnant. The fact that he has said himself he hasn’t been happy in 2 years yet he still told her to do that is pretty mind boggling. And they’re just going to add to Nova’s “trauma” and separation anxiety by doing this and we all know they’re not actually splitting up so it’s just putting Nova through more for no actual reason.

2 hours ago, SuzyQILoveYou said:

don't Maci and Taylor ever get tired of wearing those ugly-ass TTM t-shirts 24/7?

You’d think but I guess not when the ugly shirts are one thing helping to keep them from needing regular jobs and enabling them to buy different and larger homes regularly. I still can’t believe people actually buy them.

But Cheyenne...you DID have “something to say about it.” She seems to forget she’s not actually with Cory and, apparently, never was. Why shouldn’t he invite his ex over? How is it weird? It’s weirder that he has a kid with a “random” (to the ex) chick he never actually dated than it is that his once girlfriend of 7 years would want to see his kid, IMO.  

I love the shots of Alaskan scenery, more please. I wouldn’t mind if they filled some time with that every week. Maybe it would increase ratings as well. 😆 

This episode was more boring that usual.

  • Love 11
3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Maci needs ANOTHER new house because....why??? Don't these bitches ever get tired of moving?


Bristol doesn't EVER want to date again. Famous last words. 


Cheyenne and Cory - quit with the juvenile games and just get together already.


Good on Gary for getting a vasectomy. He's so very thoughtful when it comes to his wife.

Amber - Keep. Your. Fucking. Hands. Up.


What is with the timing for Cate and Tyler's story? She wasn't even pregnant last week. Suddenly they've been to a couple's retreat and she's12 weeks pregnant?

I want to know if she got pregnant after Tyler announced he wanted to live separately. Because....

And who finds out the gender that early??? It's all so bizarre.

Then Cate loudly complains on national tv - "I don't want another girl." Asks Tyler what's wrong with him. She's a real peach,ain't she?

But I'm glad Tyler finally made a stand about something. It's bullshit that he feels like he can't ever address HIS needs because it will "trigger" her. Too bad the separate living won't be permanent.

So someone addressing what they need is a trigger? Or is it just someone saying anything is a trigger? Or is it really just a fucking excuse to hold onto someone and make them feel guilty because the other person can't fucking deal with anything? 

  • Love 15
4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

And who finds out the gender that early??? It's all so bizarre.

There are new tests that can determine if there are chromosomal abnormalities that would cause things genetic disorders such as trisomy 13 (which usually leads to a miscarriage, but the few babies who survive to birth are expected to die within a year), or downs syndrome.  They take a vial of blood from the mother, and test the fetal chromosomes.  These tests can also reveal gender.  It's hugely controversial since it has led to much greater identification of babies with downs syndrome prenatally during the first trimester, and a significant percentage of pregnant women choose to terminate these pregnancies.   In Iceland the termination rate of babies with downs syndrome is close to 100%, although in the US the numbers are a little lower.  Its now fairly common to find out gender in the first trimester due to these tests (ultrasound for gender reveal  still usually happen later).  


And a Christmas miracle came early!  Amber stayed off the couch for part of the episode 2 weeks in a  row!  Seriously, keep going.  Most of the other lumps on this show haven't made any progress, and we haven't (I think) seen Amber commit any felonies for awhile, and she's moving.  



There was an interesting documentary on the issues with prenatal testing at 

  • Love 7
8 hours ago, Maire said:

NuMatt telling Amber that she has to just cut out the fried foods! The nerve of him, he’s huge. Plus he must not have watched past seasons and seen how grouchy dieting made Amber. Just ask OldMatt!

I kept rewinding it, even put on CC , I couldn't make out Amber's "weakness " .Thank you. 🤣 the look on Amber's face when nuMatt said he'd keep her on her diet, oh my 😂.

That was a big leap in time with Cate and Tyler.  I'm guessing they shut down filming when the idea of separation  came up?Tyler is so done. I'm sure he can't wait for this show to come to an end. Once it's over,  he'll ask for a divorce.  

Nova was so cute when talking about the new baby. Too bad the new baby is a stinky ass girl like her( Cate's POV,  not mine)

I wish Tyler and Cate had talked about the "custody" plans for Nova. I know it's temporary but children do better with set plans. I also hope Cate planned to really bond with Nova before the new baby come along I think nova would be better off with Tyler but Cate needs to pick up the slack. 

When I was separated from my husband,  it helped that he had to deal with our son with autism on his own. He was so used to me carrying 80% of the load . That was ONE of our issues.  He felt ignored that all my focus was on our son. It was only one of our issues lol. There were others. 

Edited by Coffeewinewater
  • Love 10
9 hours ago, SuzyQILoveYou said:

Oh, I forgot one other thing I found really funny. When Cate was talking with Kiki in her car, she said that maybe the separation would be good for her because then she could "focus on herself."

When the hell has she ever NOT focused on herself? She is all about herself 100% of the time. 

 I thought she said so she could focus on her and Nova, because "it's always been 'Cate and Ty" And the producer agreed! HELLO!! Nova is 3. It has NOT always been "Cate and Ty". Have these therapy spa retreat how-to-brush-a-horse's mane things been going on for 3 years? (I've missed a season or 2, so this is part snark and part honest question). By the time a child is 3, you should be kinda used to having them around, imo.

  • Love 12
6 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Who is moving out during this trial separation? Where is that person going to live? Who will have Nova? Was this discussion in front of Nova?


Maybe one of them will move into a "casita" like Gina on the Real Housewives of OC.  Casita is the new drinking game word on that show!  At least we'd have some fun. Which watching this show isn't.

Edited by A-Lo
  • Love 14

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