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S11.E03: A New Edition

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6 minutes ago, cooksdelight said:

I’m betting Gregg doesn’t have cancer. This is Nene’s half-baked scheme to give herself a storyline.

I’m not saying that to be callous. I just know how Nene craves fame and money, and will use anyone or anything to get it.

I don't think he (or Nene) is faking this.

He doesn't look well.

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The article is all about how Nene feels, and what did she do to deserve this, and there is a whole paragraph at the end about how she thinks about leaving.  Leaving? LEAVING?  And this is what she is willing to say publicly; Can you imagine what she is saying/thinking privately?


I think she is ok if he dies.  She just wants this to end.  (And I don't really judge her for that; a lot of people grieve their loved one's loss before they're dead, and they have little quality of life.  On the other hand, it's not as if the guy is on artificial life support).  I just feel like I've been watching a different show than some of y'all last night.

I'm going to give Nene a break on any comments of frustration because many people (who are not caregivers) expect & demand caregivers be all-sacrificing and unconditionally nursing their loved ones.  If they express any frustration, then they are labeled a bad selfish person.

Nene will be fine if Gregg dies because then she can live again.  As long as the person needs care, the caregiver has no more life.  The caregiver's life revolves around the patient's life.  No more vacations, no more day trips, no more 8 hours of sleep and no more job if the person you're caring for requires 24 hours a day care.  No more clean house, no taking a walk around your neighborhood and your days will revolve around coordinating doctor appointments and cleaning poop (if the person cannot take care of their daily hygiene).

Obviously Nene has the financial resources to hire housekeepers, chefs and home health aides (for now).  She is fortunately she has the money for Gregg's care but cancer is really expensive & she's going to have to keep doing RHOA, stand up gigs, appearances, selling merch etc to keep the dough coming in so she can afford Gregg's treatment & care.  But neither of her sons is equipped to really help her (Bryson is a Cant Git Right, Brentt is too young) and Gregg's older kids may not be coming around.  On top of that, I'm pretty sure Gregg is depressed and angry and taking that out on Nene at times.

So I'm going to cut Nene a break on her frustrations.  Focusing on herself might be the only way she's staying sane and quite frankly she should.

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1 hour ago, cooksdelight said:

I’m sure he’s ill. But stage 3 cancer and leaving it up to a coin toss to decide about chemotherapy?

Not saying that this is the exact case for Gregg, but for some people, the fear of chemo (especially the side effects) can outweigh the benefits. Even with stage 3. Especially when you consider that the tumor removal was seemingly successful.

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Kandi is Kandi so she didn’t let Ronnie’s “placement” advice skate by without getting a li’l shady. I heard her tell him she would watch his show to give him advice so she’d have to “come early” . . . In the TH she reveals that’s because he’s the opening act. Catch that umbrella, Ronnie! ⛱

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23 hours ago, Rosiejuliemom said:

I'm not really feeling Shamari just yet, but I can't knock her husband's vocal skills.

I have too much of a soft spot for Bel Biv Devoe and New Edition.

I kind of enjoyed watching Kandi get critiqued about Escape.

I also found her annoyance funny.

At 54, I can say that I had never heard of Escape, and still wouldn't know but for the Bravo special. I totally know who BBD was.

Take a couple of seats there Miss Kandi.

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15 hours ago, Juniebaby said:

Beware of anyone who wants to get a big tattoo of you after only a few months of dating

One of my brother's ex-girlfriends got his initials tattooed on her inner forearm after less than six months. She did not tell him before she did this; he was horrified. They were in college. Literally everyone who saw or heard about it, including me, was pretty horrified. She was not well-liked by my brother's friends or family (my mother couldn't stand her; the only friend who liked her was the one through whom they met and even they eventually fell out). They didn't last too much longer after that. (I think she's married now; not sure what became of the tattoo.)

I laughed when Kandi was like "owning hot dog restaurants makes you a chef now?" because I was thinking the same thing. Even if he owned a Michelin-starred restaurant, owning a restaurant and being a chef aren't the same thing.

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I have always really liked Kandi, especially her early drama stance ("don't start none, won't be none"). I thought she lived up to that well -- in the first seasons I never saw her start anything. She'd get involved if someone started something with her, but I do see that as a very different thing.  Out of all the HWs everywhere, I thought Kandi was someone you could have as an actual friend.

But after last episode I thought she was being disingenuous, because she definitely was starting it there. And now I read other posts about how she'd get her Mom or friends to introduce topics so she could look like she wasn't involved, and I'm wondering if I have been gullible. 

But, while she was jabbing a little at Posha, I can understand why -- I imagine she has some lingering resentments over the fact that um, gee,  Posha accused her and her husband, on national tv no less, of drugging and raping her. I can see how that would stick in any person's craw.  I get that they are supposed to be good now, but I also get that Porsha gets away with too much -- Kandi's "crime" vs. Porsha's actual one (false accusation) do not equate.  Kandi's pointing out that Porsha's boyfriend has a cheating past. Is she wrong?  She's bringing it up on tv, which is beneath her, but, all things considered, Porsh should count herself lucky that that's all she's getting from Kandi, imo.  If it were anyone but Kandi, I would expect alot more.

And thinking about Kandi's mom and her friends, they don't seem to be like people who suffer from an opinion shortage about anything, so while it's not outside the realm of possibility that Kandi had them do her dirty work all along, it's also not outside the realm of possibility that they came to those conclusions on their own.

Still Team Kandi.

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1 hour ago, Jel said:

But, while she was jabbing a little at Posha, I can understand why -- I imagine she has some lingering resentments over the fact that um, gee,  Posha accused her and her husband, on national tv no less, of drugging and raping her. I can see how that would stick in any person's craw.  I get that they are supposed to be good now, but I also get that Porsha gets away with too much -- Kandi's "crime" vs. Porsha's actual one (false accusation)

Team Kandi here too, @Jel. Her family may be annoying and she’s a pushover with questionable taste in men herself, but I’ve always appreciated her laidback behavior and sensible nature, plus her big heart—-not to mention I truly respect what a talented and successful businesswoman she is.

Of course she’ll never be tight with Porsha again even though they’re “cool” now; that was a pretty gross and damaging accusation. Obviously she can’t trust that gal and she has good reason; she totally has her number. Not to mention that their Atlanta social circles are rather small and Kandi probably knows all the dirty little secrets and serial players in that scene. I don’t blame her for questioning the validity of this instant romance with the local hot wiener king that Porsha’s pushing so hard. 

As for Porsha herself, it baffles me that she continues to behave so poorly on and off camera and continues to be a regular cast member. Maybe it’s just me, but I’d say her physically assaulting another co-worker is far worse and more dismissal-worthy than Phaedra spreading false gossip about another co-worker.

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On 11/19/2018 at 10:27 AM, pasdetrois said:

WTF? Gregg is pursuing alternative treatment for Stage 3 cancer? After having a doctor tell him (on camera) that the chances of his cancer reoccurring are about 50%, and that alternative treatment doesn't work?

And Gregg wants to help educate and inspire other cancer patients? Let's hope others don't follow his lead on this.


He can definitely be a proponent of early screening through colonoscopy. He is definitely a test case of what not to do. I read an article and Nene said that he had pain in his lower abdomen for years - maybe decades - and outright refused to see a doctor as Nene insisted. I guess it finally reached critical mass and caused him so much pain that he had to go to the ER.  He is/was afraid of doctors. I find it so interesting how people won't go to doctors because they fear being told they are ill, but seriously, going regularly, undergoing testing and following advice can lead to early detection. Early detection can lead to a higher survival rate as they may catch it at an earlier stage. Happened to my aunt. Caught her breast cancer at Stage 0. She had it surgically removed and had radiation as a precaution. 

I don't think Nene has much of a nurturing personality. 

The only members of New Edition I have known by name and sight are Bobby Brown and Ralph Tresvant. The others were just the rest, however, I always referred to Ron as the E.T. looking one. Sorry not sorry. LOL!

Shamari is a bit too extra for me. 

Not impressed with the Dennis tea if the extent of it is that he dates (i.e. has a body count) and has a particular MO.  I don't know how big or small ATL is but I expect if you date within a certain pool or type, you wind up dating people that intersect one way or another. If that is all there is he makes Kandi's former deceased fiance (RIP) look like a vestal virgin. 

Porsha really needs to cool her tits and I mean that in every way imaginable. 

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18 hours ago, drivethroo said:


So I'm going to cut Nene a break on her frustrations.  Focusing on herself might be the only way she's staying sane and quite frankly she should.

I dunno.  You and I seem to agree that Nene is not the typical caregiver by a long shot.  So what is she doing venting to a tabloid?  Methinks she is planting the seed for when she does decide to "leave" (leaving = Gregg leaving).  


I feel bad even going here, cause I thought what Porsha did to to Kandi was awful, but Porsha didn't commit a crime when she told Kandi what she heard from Phaedra (which Phaedra later admitted to saying, and it got her booted from the show).  I looked up Georgia law and I highly doubt it's even fodder for a civil suit.  Kandi would have to show actual (not potential) damage in order to prevail, and there's nothing in the footage to show that.  Kandi is a public person, which makes it a lot harder to prove defamation.  Yes, turnabout is fair play, and I'm not exactly losing sleep at night about the idea that Kandi is bringing people on to film that Dennis is...someone who dated other people I guess?  I just don't think it's a good look on her.  

Porsha was on WWHL and she said that Dennis doesn't have any other women's names tattooed on his body that she knows of, though he has pictures of the faces of his sister, mother and grandmother tattooed on his body.  Kandi?  I think you can sit this one out. The story is writing itself.

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On 11/19/2018 at 9:27 AM, pasdetrois said:

WTF? Gregg is pursuing alternative treatment for Stage 3 cancer? After having a doctor tell him (on camera) that the chances of his cancer reoccurring are about 50%, and that alternative treatment doesn't work?

And Gregg wants to help educate and inspire other cancer patients? Let's hope others don't follow his lead on this.

He and NeNe stated several times that they're aware of how chemo ravages patients. Let's see how they feel about ravages if his cancer returns. And generally speaking, chemo protocols have improved. One of my friends had surgery, chemo and radiation (breast cancer) and commented that the hardest part was losing her hair. She does worry about the long-term effects of chemo and radiation on her longevity, but the cancer probably would have killed her much earlier.

I wonder if NeNe and Gregg have health insurance.

I bet Gregg has Medicare. Isn't he over 65.  What I don't get is for someone to go all the way to MD Anderson, one of the top Cancer hospitals in the country, and not heed the advise of the oncologist.  The hospital I work at is associated with MD Anderson.  It was a proud day when we became associated with MD Anderson.  They have them all over the country.  They could have gone to an MD Anderson associated clinic in Atlanta and not have to fly to Houston.  Especially if you have no plans to follow the Drs advise.  And like the doctor would ever say for Gregg to go with holistic medicine.  The chemo for Colon cancer is rough, but many people go through it daily and with minimal difficulty.  The medicines to manage the side effects are immensely better than they were years ago.  I feel like Gregg's tumor will return, somewhere else, with a vengeance. I hope I am wrong.

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1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I dunno.  You and I seem to agree that Nene is not the typical caregiver by a long shot.  So what is she doing venting to a tabloid?  Methinks she is planting the seed for when she does decide to "leave" (leaving = Gregg leaving).  


I feel bad even going here, cause I thought what Porsha did to to Kandi was awful, but Porsha didn't commit a crime when she told Kandi what she heard from Phaedra (which Phaedra later admitted to saying, and it got her booted from the show).  I looked up Georgia law and I highly doubt it's even fodder for a civil suit.  Kandi would have to show actual (not potential) damage in order to prevail, and there's nothing in the footage to show that.  Kandi is a public person, which makes it a lot harder to prove defamation.  Yes, turnabout is fair play, and I'm not exactly losing sleep at night about the idea that Kandi is bringing people on to film that Dennis is...someone who dated other people I guess?  I just don't think it's a good look on her.  

Porsha was on WWHL and she said that Dennis doesn't have any other women's names tattooed on his body that she knows of, though he has pictures of the faces of his sister, mother and grandmother tattooed on his body.  Kandi?  I think you can sit this one out. The story is writing itself.

You're spot on. The only reason the rumor gained traction is because Kandi kept bringing it up on camera. If she didn't want it out there at all she could have pulled an Adrian Maloof and kept production from airing it in the first place. There's no case there at all and we all know it.

And you're right, it's not a good look. It's the same thing Phaedra did to Kandi and iirc Kandi thought it was a shitty thing to do (and it was). They're all hypocrites so it's whatever but it's just another thing about Kandi that irks me. And I will never get over her allowing her hag of a mother to call Todd's mother a prostitute on national television. 

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What I don't get is for someone to go all the way to MD Anderson, one of the top Cancer hospitals in the country, and not heed the advise of the oncologist.  The hospital I work at is associated with MD Anderson. 

I agree. This scene seemed like product placement for MD Anderson. Gregg has his own oncologist in Atlanta (presumably), and never intended to have chemo at MD Anderson.

Gregg has always been a big baby, living off of NeNe's notoriety (and paychecks). At MD Anderson his first comment was to whine about the drink they gave him for his gastro tests.

He stole NeNe's pop-up shop scene, dramatically announcing he wasn't feeling well and attracting the ladies' and cameras' focus. (Calling Fred Sanford) NeNe grew tired of Gregg's shenanigans a long time ago, but it made sense for them to stay together as a brand. And they have a child. Now in her mind she has to - perhaps wants to - see him through this illness. She's caretaking a very difficult and demanding personality.

I don't think he has worked for at least a decade. I haven't forgotten that in their earliest scenes together on RHOA, he lectured her about her need to lose weight and dictated her meal to her while in a restaurant, as if she were a child.

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On ‎11‎/‎19‎/‎2018 at 7:24 PM, cooksdelight said:

I’m betting Gregg doesn’t have cancer. This is Nene’s half-baked scheme to give herself a storyline.

I’m not saying that to be callous. I just know how Nene craves fame and money, and will use anyone or anything to get it.


Hmmm, no.. Greg's really sick fighting cancer. Nene is the primary breadwinner for the family , she has been for sometime now. Nene has to get her coins because I am betting the medical bills are piling up now for Gregg as well as everyday living expenses .. Insurance will only do some much anyway .  Praying for the family..

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1 hour ago, pasdetrois said:

I agree. This scene seemed like product placement for MD Anderson. Gregg has his own oncologist in Atlanta (presumably), and never intended to have chemo at MD Anderson.

Gregg has always been a big baby, living off of NeNe's notoriety (and paychecks). At MD Anderson his first comment was to whine about the drink they gave him for his gastro tests.

He stole NeNe's pop-up shop scene, dramatically announcing he wasn't feeling well and attracting the ladies' and cameras' focus. (Calling Fred Sanford) NeNe grew tired of Gregg's shenanigans a long time ago, but it made sense for them to stay together as a brand. And they have a child. Now in her mind she has to - perhaps wants to - see him through this illness. She's caretaking a very difficult and demanding personality.

I don't think he has worked for at least a decade. I haven't forgotten that in their earliest scenes together on RHOA, he lectured her about her need to lose weight and dictated her meal to her while in a restaurant, as if she were a child.

Been there and done this..my father had prostrate & lymphoma cancer, two different types growing in his body . He appreciated the care we gave to him, but there were times when I would see him being frustrated with my mother who doted on him. Being a strong , independent and powerful man , the head of our family, it was a humbling experience for him to depend on someone else to care for him.  I did not understand at the time why he was so mean to her because I was young., now I realize that he felt helpless and was frustrated by the Cancer and being dependent on us. I understand how hard this is for Nene dealing with Greg's attitude . It's not easy to be a caretaker.

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15 hours ago, ridethemaverick said:

You're spot on. The only reason the rumor gained traction is because Kandi kept bringing it up on camera. If she didn't want it out there at all she could have pulled an Adrian Maloof and kept production from airing it in the first place. There's no case there at all and we all know it.

And you're right, it's not a good look. It's the same thing Phaedra did to Kandi and iirc Kandi thought it was a shitty thing to do (and it was). They're all hypocrites so it's whatever but it's just another thing about Kandi that irks me. And I will never get over her allowing her hag of a mother to call Todd's mother a prostitute on national television. 


Kandi needs to stay out of this.. I hate it when they get all involved in someone's else's relationship. However Porsha needs to chill out some. Guess it's to late for that , she's pregnant and engaged now.

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16 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I dunno.  You and I seem to agree that Nene is not the typical caregiver by a long shot.  So what is she doing venting to a tabloid?  Methinks she is planting the seed for when she does decide to "leave" (leaving = Gregg leaving).  


I feel bad even going here, cause I thought what Porsha did to to Kandi was awful, but Porsha didn't commit a crime when she told Kandi what she heard from Phaedra (which Phaedra later admitted to saying, and it got her booted from the show).  I looked up Georgia law and I highly doubt it's even fodder for a civil suit.  Kandi would have to show actual (not potential) damage in order to prevail, and there's nothing in the footage to show that.  Kandi is a public person, which makes it a lot harder to prove defamation.  Yes, turnabout is fair play, and I'm not exactly losing sleep at night about the idea that Kandi is bringing people on to film that Dennis is...someone who dated other people I guess?  I just don't think it's a good look on her.  

Porsha was on WWHL and she said that Dennis doesn't have any other women's names tattooed on his body that she knows of, though he has pictures of the faces of his sister, mother and grandmother tattooed on his body.  Kandi?  I think you can sit this one out. The story is writing itself.

Thank you for this important correction, @LibertarianSlut. You are right: it was Phaedra who lied and said that Kandi had planned to drug and rape  Porsha.  I had completely forgotten about Phaedra's role in the whole thing. It is indeed different if Porsha repeated what she believed to be true vs. manufacturing an accusation.  If Porsha had accused Kandi of planning to drug and rape her, I (in my non-lawyerness,) believe that's more than slander because drugging and raping are criminal acts, so she'd have been accusing Kandi and Todd of conspiring to commit a felony. But she didn't, so that's that.  But you are right -- Porsha didn't start the rumor, she believed it to be true, Phaedra's the guilty party on that front and it cost her her job. 

Kandi's (theroetical!) claim to defamation may be shaky, but she did suffer for Porsha's comments -- for example, she did say in an interview that people were calling her Kandi Cosby (or something like that).  Leaving any potential for a defamation claim aside, and just going at it from a "which is worse" perspective,  I believe Porsha knew that repeating (indirectly accusing) Kandi of that would be hurtful to her, and that's why she said it on camera. When I weight that against Kandi saying, on camera, that Porsha's dream man has a philandering past, that he impetuously and insincerely tattooed the names of other women (with whom he had a romantic relationship) on his body, both are hurtful, both are damaging, but one has the potential to inflict emotional pain and the other has the (theoretical anyway) potential to inflict a loss of liberty. That one is worse by a lot.  To my mind, to make it mere turnabout, Kandi has a whole bunch more "work to do" before she will even come close to inflicting the same level of pain that was inflicted on her.  

In light of your kind reminder about the truth, Porsha is less wrong and Kandi is less right, and I'm not letting Kandi off the hook  -- her recent behavior has disappointed me; and I agree it's not a good look for her.  So the bee in my bonnet is near death. But it is still buzzing a little! soooo...... on balance, and even in light of the fact that Porsha was only repeating what she believed to be true, I still think Kandi has the moral high ground over Porsha.  Will Kandi continue with the jabs at Porsha (which to make things "even", she's entitled to do, in an everyday, average level of moral reasoning, kind of way, imo) or were my first instincts right about her and she will soon come to rise above that pettiness? I hope she does, and I hope if she does people recognize that she has chosen to rise above it.

Mostly though, I really appreciate your thoughtful disagreement :)

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From what I’ve heard from two friends here in Atlanta (so, anecdotal) dealing w their father’s cancer, black men can be even more difficult than white men when they’re sick. Especially when it comes to cancer & treatment. My one gf’s dad didn’t even want to have surgery, much less chemo. :(

My very best to those that are fighting/have fought/are caregivers. Fuck cancer.  https://www.letsfcancer.com/

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Oh yea New Edition and Bell Biv Devon were huge. Everybody listened to them. I still hear their songs in store intercom music or on the pop station. Blaque not so much, SWV was the girl group. Jodeci, Dru Hill and Blackstreet had tons of bops too. 

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19 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

Kandi's recap of the episode:

Kandi does not have the personality to carry a 12-minute video with only some lame effects to break up the monotony; this should have been half as long, if that.

They didn’t dog him on the episode? Did she not watch the same episode we did? Besides, I thought this was Kandi “don’t talk about my money or my mama or my man” Burruss (™️ Nene). Kandi wouldn’t appreciate people talking about Todd like this while they were dating, but good for Porsha if she’s cool about it.

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On 11/19/2018 at 10:45 PM, Rosiejuliemom said:

Not saying that this is the exact case for Gregg, but for some people, the fear of chemo (especially the side effects) can outweigh the benefits. Even with stage 3. Especially when you consider that the tumor removal was seemingly successful.

I’m not a doctor, but I’ve sadly known a lot of people who’ve had cancer and survived, and who’ve not survived, including immediate family members. I’m of two minds about chemo. Literally everyone I’ve known with cancer who chose to do chemo has told me that they’d never do it again, even if it means losing his or her life. At first, I understood this from the perspective of those who were diagnosed when their cancer was stage four and chemo was a way to gain just another year (not to minimize a year of life, but their diagnoses long term wasn’t good regardless). 

But then my friend who is my age (43) was diagnosed with stage two breast cancer three years ago. She did the chemo (and radiation) and they probably saved her life, but she told me that if it comes back, she will never do chemo again. I was shocked, but it made me think that the chemo side effects were just that horrible that she’d rather be dead than do it again. For her, it wasn’t horrible because of losing her hair or being nauseated, but the actual pain of the OTHER side effects, which she described as excruciating bone pain from a follow up shot a day or so after the chemo and just generally other pain, like to the point where she couldn’t even walk for a few days.

At first, I could not comprehend not doing chemo to save her life, but my friend is EXTREMELY rational and logical, so I believe her when she said that it was just that bad. She is married but doesn’t have children (in part because of the cancer), and maybe (hopefully) she’d think differently if she did have kids.

So, I don’t know. I get both sides. I can’t imagine not fighting for my life, if it was me. But, I can’t discount the feelings of those who have actually been through it and are emphatic about never doing it again, even if it means dying. 

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Regarding Ronnie DeVoe, he was a part of the group New Edition which came out in the 80's and were the blueprint for the boy band.  They have 6 platinum and gold albums.  Ronnie branched off and did a project with 2 other members forming the group BBD and their debut album sold 4 million copies.  New Edition has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, had a record breaking movie on BET last year and have received lifetime achievement honors.  I think that certifies him as a legend.

Regarding Blaque, they had two top 10 hits on the pop charts "808" and "Bring It All To Me".  Their debut album went platinum and they were modeled after TLC, put together by Left Eye.

Xscape released three albums and all three albums were certified platinum meaning 1 million sold.  They have 5 top 10 hits on the pop charts.

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On 11/20/2018 at 4:07 PM, islandgal140 said:

WTF? Gregg is pursuing alternative treatment for Stage 3 cancer? After having a doctor tell him (on camera) that the chances of his cancer reoccurring are about 50%, and that alternative treatment doesn't work?

Not that I don't understand everyone's point, but the doctor actually said chemo would reduce his chances of reoccurance by 50%.  We never actually heard what the original percentage was, but if he had a 100% chance of it coming back, and getting chemo would reduce that to 50%, yes, that's insane not to get it.  But if his chance was 10% and chemo would reduce it to 5%, I could understand taking a pass.

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On 19/11/2018 at 2:45 AM, link417 said:

Shamari’s head is going to fall off her neck one day. Not a fan of her, or her and her husband’s song. They showed the picture of Blaque from back in the day but she never mentioned that one of the original members died, I thought that was a little weird.

Eva and Porsha working out together was funny, but I’m still a bit perplexed by all her shade at Cynthia, coming out of seemingly nowhere. (Don’t get me wrong, I cackled at a lot of it and don’t feel the least bit bad about it.) Am I forgetting an incident from last year that explains all this?

Kandi is being messy, messy, messy re: Porsha’s man. Is she really interested in moving past their issues? Because bringing up her man before and claiming she’s going to stay out of it, only to be part of another extended scene about him says differently.

Poor Gregg. That’s all I have to say about that situation, it’s just heartbreaking.

I'm not a fan Shamari either. She seems a bit catty !

Kandi is just two faced. She throws shade at people and when they do it back shes can't take it. When Posha brought up rumours Khandi was a lesbian. Khandi was in tears!

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7 hours ago, Bb78 said:

I'm not a fan Shamari either. She seems a bit catty !

Kandi is just two faced. She throws shade at people and when they do it back shes can't take it. When Posha brought up rumours Khandi was a lesbian. Khandi was in tears!


4 hours ago, cooksdelight said:

No, Porsha said that Kandi and her husband drugged Porsha and raped her. 

Actually, Porsha said that she heard Kandi and Todd planned to drug her and rape her. Still a horrible thing for her to say/repeat, but an appreciable difference.

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6 minutes ago, cooksdelight said:

You’re right, she didn’t say it actually happened. My bad, it’s been a tiresome week. :)

I feel like I’m still digesting stuff I ate on Thanksgiving, so I feel ya!

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On 20/11/2018 at 2:38 PM, Jel said:

I have always really liked Kandi, especially her early drama stance ("don't start none, won't be none"). I thought she lived up to that well -- in the first seasons I never saw her start anything. She'd get involved if someone started something with her, but I do see that as a very different thing.  Out of all the HWs everywhere, I thought Kandi was someone you could have as an actual friend.

But after last episode I thought she was being disingenuous, because she definitely was starting it there. And now I read other posts about how she'd get her Mom or friends to introduce topics so she could look like she wasn't involved, and I'm wondering if I have been gullible. 

But, while she was jabbing a little at Posha, I can understand why -- I imagine she has some lingering resentments over the fact that um, gee,  Posha accused her and her husband, on national tv no less, of drugging and raping her. I can see how that would stick in any person's craw.  I get that they are supposed to be good now, but I also get that Porsha gets away with too much -- Kandi's "crime" vs. Porsha's actual one (false accusation) do not equate.  Kandi's pointing out that Porsha's boyfriend has a cheating past. Is she wrong?  She's bringing it up on tv, which is beneath her, but, all things considered, Porsh should count herself lucky that that's all she's getting from Kandi, imo.  If it were anyone but Kandi, I would expect alot more.

And thinking about Kandi's mom and her friends, they don't seem to be like people who suffer from an opinion shortage about anything, so while it's not outside the realm of possibility that Kandi had them do her dirty work all along, it's also not outside the realm of possibility that they came to those conclusions on their own.

Still Team Kandi.

I warmed to Khandi in the beginning . She was fresh and had a cool vibe about her. 

She showed her true colours later on though. Take season 9 for example when she and the rest of the women tried to gang up and bully Posha.

 She is even bringing other people on the show to diss Posha. Kinda ironic how she says Posha doesn't know how to control herself but Khandi's mum had no self control when she had to be held back from attacking someone in a wedding dress store..


Finally she says things are good between herself and Posha but she called Posha's beau a dog!

I don't like Khandi anymore shes two faced!

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On 11/19/2018 at 8:24 PM, cooksdelight said:

I’m betting Gregg doesn’t have cancer. This is Nene’s half-baked scheme to give herself a storyline.

I’m not saying that to be callous. I just know how Nene craves fame and money, and will use anyone or anything to get it.

So you think she had him lose all that weight and book those fake doctors appointments ala Brooks and Vicki? Ok then. I guess it’s not completely out of the realm of possibility (again: Brooks and Vicki). However I’d say the likelihood is minute. 

On 11/19/2018 at 10:07 PM, cooksdelight said:

I’m sure he’s ill. But stage 3 cancer and leaving it up to a coin toss to decide about chemotherapy?

 There are plenty of people with cancer who pursue alternative treatments over chemo/radiation. Greg choosing not to do chemo is not an indication that he’s faking it. 

Edited by Duke2801
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14 hours ago, Bb78 said:

I warmed to Khandi in the beginning . She was fresh and had a cool vibe about her. 

She showed her true colours later on though. Take season 9 for example when she and the rest of the women tried to gang up and bully Posha.

 She is even bringing other people on the show to diss Posha. Kinda ironic how she says Posha doesn't know how to control herself but Khandi's mum had no self control when she had to be held back from attacking someone in a wedding dress store..


Finally she says things are good between herself and Posha but she called Posha's beau a dog!

I don't like Khandi anymore shes two faced!

What's even more ironic is that the woman whom Kandi's mom threatened to beat with a shoe at the wedding dress store is the same woman Kandi brought on last episode to talk about Dennis being a dog--her assistant, Carmon.  

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On 11/18/2018 at 9:19 PM, announcergirl said:

I don’t care for Shamari at all. Nothing. And she’s a little funny looking. Wasn’t her husband like one of the least lusted after members of New Edition? 

Her twins are cute. All I’ve got for her and her husband.

Actually I’ve been in love with Ronnie since 1983z

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My heart goes out to anyone and any family who ever has to deal with cancer. It’s a nightmare.

Party of one, but I was excited to see a Blaque member on the show and had no idea she married someone from New Edition, pretty cool. I enjoyed Blaque’s debut album a lot as a kid. Was very saddened when Natina died. 

First Eva shades Cynthia’s age and now her body? What’s up with that? Cynthia has to be one of the most beautiful people ever, and I don’t think we’ve seen her mistreat Eva. Did something happen off camera?


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