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25 Mistakes Fans Completely Missed In Arrow


When news of Oliver's return broke in the pilot, so did news that Robert Queen didn't make it home. In the report, it was listed that Robert's birth year is 1948, however, in the very next episode, Thea showed Oliver the gravestones behind Queen mansion, which has Robert's birth year as 1958.

Furthermore, in season 7 episode 8,


Emiko Queen

went to visit her father's gravestone behind what used to be the Queen mansion. And again, Robert's birth year was listed as 1958. Was 1948 just a mistake in the pilot, or was that a change made behind-the-scenes between the first two episodes?
*  *  *
In season 1, there was only a short list of people who knew Oliver's hidden identity. Over the years, that list grew, until he revealed the truth to the world in the season 6 finale.

In season 1, both Felicity and Tommy were on that list, and Oliver also operated out of the basement of Verdant, the club he opened with Tommy. At some point, it's possible that Felicity and Tommy could have met, but it never happened on screen and there has never been any indication that they knew each other. Still, in season 1 episode 19, Tommy pulled up his text history on his phone and Felicity Smoak's name was on the list. Even Marc Guggenheim doesn't know why.
*  *  *
In the season 3 premiere, Lyla gave birth to her and Diggle's daughter, baby Sara, which took place in October. However, two years later, Flashpoint happened on The Flash and it affected Arrow as baby Sara became JJ (John Jr.). The only change was that they had a son instead of a daughter, not even the baby's birthday was slated to change.

So, in season 5, when JJ's birthday takes place in episode 7, in November, where Diggle couldn't attend his party because he was a fugitive at the time, there is no explanation for why the birthday celebration has changed.

In season 7 episode 7, Oliver finally got out of prison. When he stepped through the gate, Felicity and Diggle were waiting for him.

Diggle stayed back while husband and wife reunited, but when the camera pulled back as Oliver and Felicity had their moment, Diggle was nowhere to be seen. He had nowhere to go, either, as there was an open stretch of road behind him with a cliff. If you didn't catch the mistake when the episode first aired, you won't be able to see it if you check it out on a streaming service or DVD since Diggle has been added back in.


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This article is from 2017, but I only found it today...

by Luciana Mangas   SEPTEMBER 13, 2017


That said, while we wait for the new season, let’s talk about one third of our beloved OTA, shall we? Arrow is a special case when it comes to characters and storylines because, besides Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell), the other two main characters were not supposed to be main characters at all when the show first started. Felicity Smoak and John Diggle were supposed to be secondary characters. Felicity was actually only supposed to be in one episode, but Rickards and Amell had such an amazing chemistry on screen that they kept bringing her back, until she became a regular and, eventually, the female lead for all intents and purposes.

The chemistry between Oliver and Felicity is so palpable, that it was impossible not to ship them — and we ship them really, really hard — and, thus, one of the most beloved couples on television was born. Olicity suddenly became this force of nature, and that is mostly due to Emily Bett Rickards’ incredible performance as Felicity Smoak.

The IT girl, that was only supposed to be on the show for one episode, turned the show on its head, and now we just can’t even imagine it without her. When it first started, back in 2012, Arrow was this gritty, vigilante show that was pretty cool, but it lacked spark and charisma. Once they brought Felicity into the fold, the show became a little lighter and funnier, and Felicity was just so endearing and awkward, that we all couldn’t help but fall in love with her.

And now, five seasons in, she has become an integral part of the show. Not only because she’s one half of Olicity, or because she is funny, but because she has been essential in Oliver’s journey. I mean, can you even imagine what Arrow would be like without Felicity Smoak? Oliver would probably still be growling “You have failed this city” at bad guys, and brooding, or working out in his spare time.

So without further ado, let’s talk about how Felicity Megan Smoak is actually the heart of Arrow. I took to Twitter to talk about our favorite IT Queen, and the response from her fans was overwhelming. Here’s what it all came down to:

1. She is the light of the team. Without her, the show would be just like that first lair — dark and sad. And not only because she’s our beloved IT Queen, but also due to her bubbly, infectious personality. After all, as you all remember, she was the first one who actually made Oliver truly smile after he returned from Lian Yu. You remember, right? That red pen and adorably awkward babbling?
*  *  *
2. She is not afraid to speak up her mind and call out the team on their wrong doings — especially Oliver — when she has to. Let us not forget that epic scene in season 4, when she made Oliver and Diggle sit down and face their own issues and talk things out. To this day, the line “No, no. This is the part where I talk and you two listen,” is still one of my very favorite Felicity Smoak moments.
*  *  *
3. She proves to us and to Team Arrow that you don’t need to physically fight and wear a mask to be a hero. After all, where would they be without her expertise, right? How many times has she saved everyone by being their eyes and ears out on the field? Pretty much every single episode. She takes care of everyone and her role in the team is essential for their missions to be successful. Her code name is Overwatch for a reason, and she has proved time and again that they are completely lost without her.
*  *  *
4. Even when things look bleak, she is the one who never loses hope. And we all know how Arrow is — things have been downright apocalyptic in this show. But there is one scene in particular that comes to mind, in which Oliver had lost all hope after Slade killed his mother, and he thinks that the only way to end this is to sacrifice his own life. Felicity steps up to the plate, and very firmly tells him that he is not done fighting, but most importantly, that she believes in him. And that’s what is maybe the backbone of her character. She believes in people and helps them believe in themselves.
*  *  *
5. She was the one who helped Oliver find his humanity again. If you compare the Oliver we met in season 1 to the one we see in season 4, it’s like a completely different person. Felicity was the one who helped him think outside of the list — of just putting arrows into people and being done with it. She helped him become a hero to Star City, simply because she believed in him and told him as much. She never let him give up on himself and, most importantly, she helped him feel again. She helped him become a normal, functioning human being, who ackowledges [sic] his feelings, who talks things out and who thinks before he acts. 

Edited by tv echo
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I omitted from the quote below the paragraph about a character with an arguably spoilery name...

DC TV Watch: Burning Questions the 'Arrow'-verse Shows Must Answer in 2019
DECEMBER 22, 2018 8:15am PT by Sydney Bucksbaum


*  *  *
Are Oliver and Felicity really back to normal? The "Elseworlds" crossover didn't have too many show-specific developments aside from revealing next year's crossover theme and some Superman (Tyler Hoechlin) life updates. But the crossover did make sure to not only focus on Oliver and Felicity's (Emily Bett Rickards) marital struggles but it also seemed to conclude that storyline. Oliver and Felicity made up and got over their differences, but is this going to be happily ever after for them? Or will the show keep going down the "relationship troubles" road in different ways for them?

Will Oliver play well with others? Now that Oliver's been given the go-ahead to suit up as the Green Arrow in collaboration with the SCPD, will he be able to take orders? Or will he find that going legit is harder than he anticipated? And whenever he does finally come face-to-face with the new Green Arrow (who he doesn't yet know is related to him), will he ally with her or be immediately her enemy?

What is happening in the future timeline? All season long, quick flash forward scenes have painted a rather bleak future for Star City. Why did Felicity leave plans to bomb The Glades? Is she really dead or is she just in hiding? And why hasn't Oliver been seen or heard from at all? Is that the biggest sign that he's going to die in next fall's "Crisis On Infinite Earths" crossover?

What are Diggle and Lyla up to? This whole side storyline with Diggle (David Ramsey) and Lyla (Audrey Marie Anderson) going on ARGUS off-the-books missions has been pretty random, to say the least. Will it eventually circle back and connect to the rest of the season's arc? And why do they think they can trust Diaz (Kirk Acevedo) to give them honest intel? That's kind of a stretch of a way to keep him around. 

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Assessing the Arrowverse: How to Solve ‘Arrow’ Season 7’s Big Problem
Joe Pellicone   December 20, 2018


This season’s biggest change has been the reversal of the series’ iconic Flashback formula. With all of Oliver’s ‘5 Years in Hell’ already told, the only real place to go with time hops – aside from the random flashbacks of other characters – is forward. Time skips can be a lot of fun and really enticing as the season becomes less about ‘where they’re going’ and more about ‘how they get there’. That being said, they can also cause underlying problems, which is precisely the situation Arrow Season 7 is finding itself in.
*  *  *
If Star City is truly that bad in the future, then every single sacrifice Oliver and the team ever made – or are about to make – is all for nothing. Every battle, every loss, every decision was for nothing and ultimately proven wrong. This is also partly why I don’t care for Ricardo Diaz as a major villain. His only power seems to be the ability to point out that EVERYONE is corruptible. And these flash-forwards keep that same theme by showing human nature is ultimately doomed to fail. Goodness is fleeting, but chaos and lawlessness is eternal. Why should we care about the lengths Team Arrow will go to in order to ‘save their city’ if we already know it’s doomed to failure. No matter what happens, our characters won’t get a ‘happy ending’ – not even Roy and Thea apparently, who were the closest we had gotten up until now.
*  *  *
So how can the show fix this? Well, it’s surprisingly complicated for a series that is known to exist with changeable timelines. We’ve seen The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow avert disastrous timelines, but this isn’t them. This is Arrow. Team Arrow doesn’t know the future that is coming so they don’t know how to change it. This was all confirmed in an interview with Collider where Executive Producer Beth Schwartz spoke about the nature of these flash-forwards. To be fair though, she didn’t explicitly say the future WOULDN’T change in the interview, but would the alternative be much better?
*  *  *
Let’s say they could somehow change the future in the past without knowing their futures. That would mean that all of these flash-forward sequences would be a waste a time – basically a dream sequence. Though at that point, what’s more important: flash-forwards that were all for nothing or an entire series that was all for nothing? If this was the path the show was going to take, it’d have to shift focus on what the flash-forwards are meant to achieve while still making the time spent meaningful.
*  *  *
What if the flash-forwards are less about telling us where they’re heading and more about filling in the blanks of the present? Remember how the old flashbacks told us how Oliver learned certain skills/ got to where he is (aka how his past affected the present)? Well what if the flash-forwards are simply to show us what choices are going to arise and the effects they’ll have. It’s a subtle difference and is probably best explained with an example.

Say the flash-forwards reveal that Character A made a certain decision in the past and that’s partly why things are so messed up in the future. Character A hasn’t made this choice in the present yet, but we know it’s coming. This paints the season in terms of seeing how/ why Character A would make that choice; but then in the final moments of the season they choose a different option – thus changing the future. If the writers paired this build up with an equally big build up in the flash-forwards, the result could actually be quite powerful!

Imagine this: It’s the season finale and the flash-forwards are getting more dire with each passing glimpse. Meanwhile in the present, Character A is about to come upon that major choice already hinted at in prior flash-forwards. This time however, Character A decides something different and we see the flash-forward cast fade out because destiny has been changed. Considering how many times we heard this season – and in the crossover – that Oliver becoming kinder and seeing the ‘gray areas’ makes him a better hero, this would be the perfect way to LITERALLY show this in show. The future created by same old Oliver (current flash-forwards) vs the new more open-minded Oliver (future yet to be seen). Yes the current flash-forwards would still end up being similar to a dream sequence, but they’d have a massive purpose in showing the power of one decision! Problem solved!

Edited by tv echo
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ACK!! I got Laurel Lance - how?! why?! where did I go wrong?! ...

Everyone's Personality Matches An Arrowverse Woman — Here's Yours
Posted on December 22, 2018   Nora Dominick


You got: Laurel Lance

Your personality matches Laurel from Arrow. Like Laurel, you're cunning, practical, and misunderstood. You're a planner who is constantly looking at the bigger picture. You've overcome a lot of hardship and are stronger because of it.

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I got Felicity.


You got: Felicity Smoak

Your personality matches Felicity from Arrow. Like Felicity, you're intelligent and funny, and you're a big kid at heart. You're someone who doesn't take life too seriously, but you also know when it's time to buckle down and get to work. You love to make people smile.

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You got: Alex Danvers

Your personality matches Alex from Supergirl. Like Alex, you're brave, tough, and headstrong. You're someone who charges into dangerous situations head on. Your family and friends are very important to you and you often put their well-being above your own.

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Iris West :D


You got: Iris West

Your personality matches Iris from The Flash. Like Iris, you're compassionate, sincere, and charming. You're someone who is constantly looking out for the underdog. While you love a good party, you also cherish alone time. You're the mom of your friend group.

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I got Felicity and I wasn't even trying. Only question I was 50/50 on was Shuri or Leia, went with Shuri but, going to try again with Leia.

Changing to Leia changed the results to Kara...sticking with Shuri.

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2 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I got Felicity and I wasn't even trying. Only question I was 50/50 on was Shuri or Leia, went with Shuri but, going to try again with Leia.

Changing to Leia changed the results to Kara...sticking with Shuri.

I picked Leia and all my other answers were Arrow-biased, and got Felicity. 

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2 hours ago, way2interested said:

I picked Oliver's bow and arrow (it was the only weapon! What am I going to do with a Beebo or coffee that I don't drink?) and still got Iris, but then again Iris' "Don't become Oliver" aside, being a fan of Oliver and still getting Iris makes sense XD 

LOL. I got Felicity and I picked Big Belly Burger for my weapon. I was actually surprised to get Felicity, because most of my answers weren't what I would've picked if I'd been trying to game the quiz to get Felicity.

I'm also surprised that Laurel was an option, since she's dead and E2 Laurel was a sadistic killer until 5 minutes ago.

Edited by KenyaJ
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4 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

Iris West.  

I wonder what gave me her?  

Meh, there are a lot worse options, even if there goes my love life.  Lol.  

Hehe You're stuck with Barry who loves his Ma more than you😛😜😝

I think I'm still dating James (last I watched).

Damn all of you who got Felicity *shakes fist*

Love of Oliver's life indeed 😤

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You got: Sara Lance

Your personality matches Sara from Legends of Tomorrow. Like Sara, you're bold, fierce, and passionate. You can come off as standoffish to some, but that's just because you keep your feelings close to your chest. Once you become friends with someone, they're your friends for life.

I was a bit concerned that picking black as my mask color would get me Laurel, but I didn't want to change my answer just for that reason. I guess my other answers helped me get the Lance sister that I actually like. My answers were: deserted island, Leia, Pie, The 100 and Beebo.

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Matt Mitovich questions what's the true purpose of the flashforwards?



The more one ponders Arrow‘s Season 7 flash-forwards, the more questions arise — and I’m not talking about, “Who killed Felicity?” or “How does a street fighter have a perfect manicure?”

No, the biggest mystery continues to be: What is the true purpose of this future narrative?


It’s a bleak future, to be sure — and I didn’t even mention that Oliver seems to be dead as well (always spoken of in the past tense), or that to hear some tell it, vigilantes like Dinah are to blame for Star City’s fate. But as noted above, it also seems to be a certain future; there are no time travelers in play who might return to 2018 and advise the heroes to take steps to avoid this outcome.

But if you’re going to spend a fraction of Season 7 glimpsing 20 years into the future, why bum out viewers with a depressing end point that apparently cannot be averted? If Season 7 isn’t about taking steps to change this sad little future, what purpose do the flash forwards serve?

The best I can come up with is this:

The repeated suggestions that Felicity as The Calculator was done in by her own extremism have run parallel with a present-day timeline in which Felicity, because Diaz was on the prowl, became more “ruthless” than ever, most recently putting a bullet into a home invader. They want us to think that if this current pattern of behavior continues and Felicity is unchecked, she will one day become the hacktivist spoken of in hushed tones in 2038.

Meaning, the flash-forwards are here to bait us into worrying about Felicity’s trajectory. Without them, people surely would shrug, “Eh, Felicity is a straight arrow, she will work things out.” But the flash-forwards mean to nudge us into genuine concern, because, hey, “look how things turned out!”


That’s why my current theory is this: the flash-forwards will eventually prove to be a big misdirect. That Roy and Dinah have both been acting honestly, but unbeknownst to anyone, Felicity is alive and well and still (very covertly) working on the side of good. And once that is revealed on-screen, a wave of relief will wash over viewers, while in the current timeline we’ll witness Felicity sidestep what might have been a ruthless, damning decision. We’ll then get a satisfying exposition dump from Future Felicity, about why she and Oliver had to “leave” William, and every decision of misdirection made since then.


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On 12/23/2018 at 6:48 AM, tv echo said:

Everyone's Personality Matches An Arrowverse Woman — Here's Yours
Posted on December 22, 2018   Nora Dominick

I got Ava Sharpe.  Oh dear. 😳

It was probably picking Beebo and an office building for my secret lair.

ETA:  Well it wasn’t the office building - must be Beebo.  I just took it again and still got Ava.😕

Edited by Starfish35
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I'm kinda afraid to take that test. ;) 

That TVLine article laying out the possibilities of the (yes terribly bleak FFs) reminded me that I had wondered that with the media and not just fans openly speculating that Felicity was A) Alive and B) not evil that even if they had been meaning to go that way that it would get changed to "yes she definitely is" to preserve spoilers/gotcha! moments and the FFs are so vague as to be nonsensical anyway. Since "Felicity is alive and undercover" (if it comes) will have ceased to be a surprise. Then again I'm not sure they care that much or would be willing to change a hopefully planned out arc based on speculation that most of the viewers won't read. Just a few Boxing Day boredom musings. 

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10 hours ago, KenyaJ said:

Matt Mitovich questions what's the true purpose of the flashforwards

Good lord, the amount of Felicity hate and speculation that Maya is Oliver and Laurel’s kid in the comments of that article is beyond depressing.

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As ridiculous as the “Black Star is Oliver and Laurel’s kid” comments are — please tell me how those two are going to go from hating each other to having a kid together in the next year and good job ignoring Oliver telling Felicity she’s the love of his life and that’s not going to change in the last Arrow episode — the “Felicity is definitely evil” ones I’m seeing on a few articles are worse. Mainly because I’m also seeing comments that Beth confirmed that when she clearly hasn’t because we haven’t gotten any quotes from her since 701. 

Edited by insomniadreams88
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1 hour ago, Trisha said:

Good lord, the amount of Felicity hate and speculation that Maya is Oliver and Laurel’s kid in the comments of that article is beyond depressing.

This is wild:


A more fanciful possibility: Felicity was shot in the abdomen by the then-insane Deathstroke three years ago or whatever, resulting in paralysis and who knows what other internal damage. If she isn’t able to carry kids and Laurel-2 volunteered to be a surrogate, then Maya would totally have two moms. Felicity and Laurel do seem to be bonding as, well, not quite BFFs as of yet, but they do seem to be empathetic toward each other’s points of view, so if they continue to bond, surrogacy wouldn’t be an unreasonable development. And it would be the most straightforward way to get both Felicity and Laurel into Maya’s backstory without the appalling cop-out of breaking Ollie and Felicity up yet again.

I wonder if this person forgot that Felicity was already shot in the abdomen and paralyzed or is just really super excited and hoping for the possibility of it happening - again! Given the rest of their post, probably the latter. 

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33 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

more fanciful possibility: Felicity was shot in the abdomen by the then-insane Deathstroke three years ago or whatever, resulting in paralysis and who knows what other internal damage. I

I'm confused by this timeline, does this mean that Felicity would get shot three years later from now in the present when trying to have a kid then and having a grown daughter in 2040 would make more sense or three years ago from the present day erroneously referring to s2 with "then-insane Deathstroke" and then also skipping or ignoring s4😅? Or 3 years ago from 2040 which would make even less sense?

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5 minutes ago, way2interested said:

I'm confused by this timeline, does this mean that Felicity would get shot three years later from now in the present when trying to have a kid then and having a grown daughter in 2040 would make more sense or three years ago from the present day erroneously referring to s2 with "then-insane Deathstroke" and then also skipping or ignoring s4😅? Or 3 years ago from 2040 which would make even less sense?

Clearly Felicity will travel back in time just to get shot so that Laurel can be her and Oliver’s surrogate. 

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12 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Clearly Felicity will travel back in time just to get shot so that Laurel can be her and Oliver’s surrogate. 

Thanks for clearing it up for me. It's such an obvious choice, that it puts all other theories to shame.

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2 hours ago, Trisha said:

Good lord, the amount of Felicity hate and speculation that Maya is Oliver and Laurel’s kid in the comments of that article is beyond depressing.

It's actually only seems to be one person - Brian- writing the same comments multiple times. 

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I think the surrogacy theory is implying that Felicity lost her ability to have children when she was shot/paralyzed in season 4, the commenter just doesn't pay enough attention to know she was shot by Darhk's ghosts not Deathstroke (insane or otherwise) and chooses to ignore that her inability to have children probably would have come up sometime in the last three years if it was true. 

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12 hours ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

I think the surrogacy theory is implying that Felicity lost her ability to have children when she was shot/paralyzed in season 4, the commenter just doesn't pay enough attention to know she was shot by Darhk's ghosts not Deathstroke (insane or otherwise) and chooses to ignore that her inability to have children probably would have come up sometime in the last three years if it was true. 

There are some that can't let go of Slade making promises about Felicity.  They still think he'll come back and try to kill her.  Even though he has now moved on to admiring her and envying Oliver.  

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And moved on from obsessing about Oliver "killing" Shado to asking for his help to find his just as crazy son and now being consumed by that. This show has a lot of lines from both good guys and villains that seem like they should be significant or come back to haunt them but just go no where. 

I mean I guess they theoretically could twist that she's Oliver and BS's kid but it seems a lot of work to do to make it happen soon, probably involving BS somehow "tricking"/raping Oliver which undoes all of her greyness and "redemption" or then getting drugged or amnesia. Since it's unlikely to be the result of an affair *touches wood* heh. ;) And really what would be the point the actors still don't have any chemistry and it destroys her "friendship" with Felicity they've taken so much trouble to establish.  

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I got Caitlyn Snow - I guess it's better than Laurel?

Your personality matches Caitlin from The Flash. Like Caitlin, you're smart, witty, and adventurous. You're someone who loves to teach people new things. While you crave stability, you also love to go on adventures with your friends.

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7 hours ago, Featherhat said:

I mean I guess they theoretically could twist that she's Oliver and BS's kid but it seems a lot of work to do to make it happen soon, 

The show would genuinely shock me, and not in a good way, if this was a twist they decided to pursue.  I have absolutely no idea how they would get from “you are the love of my life, Felicity. That will never change” to “gotcha! Oliver and BS have a future kid!”. 

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35 minutes ago, kes0704 said:

The show would genuinely shock me, and not in a good way, if this was a twist they decided to pursue.  I have absolutely no idea how they would get from “you are the love of my life, Felicity. That will never change” to “gotcha! Oliver and BS have a future kid!”. 

Let me preface this by saying I don't think Black Star will be revealed as a Lau2vier kid. Also, I don't even think my suggestion below is likely either.

However, they don't have to be in love or even like to make a Lau2iver baby. There's actually a comic storyline they could use, just swap out BS for Shado and have BS rape Oliver (while he's high on pain medication).

Of course if they did have BS rape Oliver i would LMAO and, since a woman is now in charge it's unlikely to get retconned like the Shado storyline did in the comics.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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45 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

However, they don't have to be in love or even like to make a Lau2iver baby. There's actually a comic storyline they could use, just swap out BS for Shado and have BS rape Oliver (while he's high on pain medication).

Don't think this is happening but in the spirit of discussing things that'll never happen- the grossest thing is that if this were to happen I could see it being shipped the hell out of. I mean in the 100th Aliens basically mind raped/brainwashed Oliver and some would have you believe it was a Jane Austen romance. 

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5 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Let me preface this by saying I don't think Black Star will be revealed as a Lau2vier kid. Also, I don't even think my suggestion below is likely either.

However, they don't have to be in love or even like to make a Lau2iver baby. There's actually a comic storyline they could use, just swap out BS for Shado and have BS rape Oliver (while he's high on pain medication).

Of course if they did have BS rape Oliver i would LMAO and, since a woman is now in charge it's unlikely to get retconned like the Shado storyline did in the comics.

Taking to the speculation without spoilers thread since 

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TV’S Most WTF Moments of the Year

Posted on December 27, 2018    By Raquel



Each day that passes becomes more real: there is less than a week left for this year to leave us. Our favorite shows have made us suffer, laugh, enjoy and cry for 365 days. But they have also left us amazing moments, scenes and situations in which we have not been able to stop shouting WTF?! SO LOUDLY. Here are our top 5 TV’s most WTF moments of the year.

 E-2 Laurel revealed as the new DA – “Arrow”

One of the things that made the least sense this year is seeing Earth 2 Laurel as an attorney at Arrow. She is not only a criminal, but she doesn’t have the training or knowledge to do it. They “explained” it away by saying that after reading a law book she can practice the profession without more. That’s when we feel stupid for having all the people who have gone to law school for at least five years to do just that. If we’d known, we would have just read the fattest book we could find and that would have been it! (if you want to do it, I have a couple of ideas).

I understand that they want to play with the redemption of Black Siren and they are turning her into a Malcolm Merlyn 2.0, but was it really necessary to see  that she read a law book and then went on to practice law as usual? They have not even shown her having any kind of difficulty. Maybe if they had done that, if they had shown us some problem that Laurel had faced when she started exercising a profession that she didn’t know anything about, it would have made more sense. But that doesn’t make any sense. Thank God Felicity Smoak speaks for all of us …



DC Crossover – “Elseworlds”

This year the superheroic crossover “Elseworlds” has given us a lot … in the bad sense. It was indeed great WTF?! for three nights in a row. It was not worth wasting hours of sleep to see it (in Spain, the time difference makes the broadcast start at 2 am). They have wasted characters (AKA Batwoman and Supergirl), the plot was bland, simple and bad. The action has not been much better, too many special effects and little stunts. But the worst thing they’ve done is write to Oliver Queen in the way they have written him.

I’m a fan of Arrow and I felt insulted when everyone, absolutely everyone (except Felicity), “friends” and villains included, ignored Oliver’s growth during all these years. Seeing how they described Oliver, I felt that this crossover was about six years too late. Too late for everything we’ve lived with Oliver. The Oliver they described is that of season 1.

In addition, it seemed that the writers and producers of the series had done their parts separately, without worrying about what others wrote or even the argument of the other shows. It’s like when we had to do some group assignment and every one did their part separately and no one tired to match up all the parts so nothing made sense in the end (this has happened to everyone)

Nor do I understand the reason for comparing heroes so that one is above the other, each one is different and has passed his own tests. That doesn’t make one better than another. Only different.

And the change of suits OMG! Barry didn’t  fill Oliver’s suit and Oliver in the Flash suit was simply ridiculous. A nonsense from start to finish.


Congrats to Arrow/the Arrowverse for claiming two of the five spots!

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Definitely agree about E2 Laurel being DA. It really felt like they went, "We need Laurel to have a career because we're giving them out like candy to everyone in Star City at the beginning of the season, we want Laurel and Dinah to interact and we need a lawyer at some point to present an argument in court to free Oliver from prison. Hmm... Hey, we can kill two three birds with one stone!" 

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