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19 Things I Hate About You: How the Duggars Infuriate

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Always calling babies and small children "little ones."


i.e. -- "We're preparing to welcome our newest little one."... "We're babysitting the little ones."


Ack! Just stahp!

When Jill rang 911 regarding the latest tiny, precious addition Josie, it was about a "little one" having trouble breathing.
  • Love 4

I have to say that I don't hate anyone; but the Duggars DO infuriate and frustrate me with their blinders on about their narrow views on Christianity...so here's my problem with them and BEN:


With all his anti-Catholic rants, which isn't based on any knowledge that he has about why Catholics do what they (we) do.. I have to say that Ben has drawn me closer to my CHRISTIAN Roman Catholic Faith a bit more...for every time one of the Duggars thanks the public for their prayers on the Duggars' behalf, don't they know that they are thanking those who have prayed for them for their intercession? Intercession is a Catholic belief. Aren't they going through the supportive prayers of others to Jesus? Of course they are. That is what intercession is...whether they be prayer partners here in on earth, or prayer partners in the next world; ie saints, who are closer to the Lord in existence than we are here on earth.  They are invoking a Catholic practice. I wonder if they know this?


Sorry, mods, I hope this isn't for the religion thread, but it is something that infuriates me about them so I posted it here.

Because of Ben and Jessa, specifically, I am drawn to utilize my Catholic avenues of prayer and worship of the Almighty. Thanks, Ben!

  • Love 11

I wonder if they know this?


Doubtful.  These folks don't seem to have an overly tight understanding of theology or religious history.  I doubt Gothard's Wisdom(less) Booklets covered the Early Church, Reformation and Counter Reformation, or anything that would lead to question Gothard's absolute spiritual authority.  

  • Love 7

I have to say that I don't hate anyone; but the Duggars DO infuriate and frustrate me with their blinders on about their narrow views on Christianity...so here's my problem with them and BEN:


With all his anti-Catholic rants, which isn't based on any knowledge that he has about why Catholics do what they (we) do.. I have to say that Ben has drawn me closer to my CHRISTIAN Roman Catholic Faith a bit more...for every time one of the Duggars thanks the public for their prayers on the Duggars' behalf, don't they know that they are thanking those who have prayed for them for their intercession? Intercession is a Catholic belief. Aren't they going through the supportive prayers of others to Jesus? Of course they are. That is what intercession is...whether they be prayer partners here in on earth, or prayer partners in the next world; ie saints, who are closer to the Lord in existence than we are here on earth.  They are invoking a Catholic practice. I wonder if they know this?


Sorry, mods, I hope this isn't for the religion thread, but it is something that infuriates me about them so I posted it here.

Because of Ben and Jessa, specifically, I am drawn to utilize my Catholic avenues of prayer and worship of the Almighty. Thanks, Ben!


Well, I might not count so much having been taught about intercessory prayer, because I'm Lutheran and we're just liturgy-stealers, but at minimum, someone has "borrowed" intercessory prayer for born-agains:




with results from places like CBN, the "Evangelical Church of Bangkok" and yea, verily, even the "Evangelical Lutherans", I'd say it's pretty widespread within Protestantism.  The issue needs to be taken up farther back than the Duggars. :)

  • Love 2

Their complete and utter dismissal of the arts. Music and dancing are sinful. Didn't Jim Bob say that dancing was nothing more than just moving your body around in funny movements?

I just don't get it. Dance taught me coordination, rhythm, teamwork etc.

Music has been a part of me as long as I can remember. I have music for any situation and emotion. How can you label this as sinful or meaningless?

Their lives must be completely boring and void of imagination, emotion and creativity.

Can you picture these assholes as the Louvre? Or at a ballet? Do they know who Leonardo da Vinci was or Van Gogh? Monet?

Edited by Joe Jitsu913
  • Love 14

JoeJitsu13 - YES!! How can they discount music and dance as frivolous and sinful?  I remember our priest always saying, "Those who sing to the Lord, pray twice." 

There are so many beautiful and meaningful songs and music pieces (Handel's "Hallelujah" comes to mind) that speak to the heart and soul that they seem to find lacking.  And to go beyond that - there are so many secular songs and music pieces that can touch our hearts, bring peace in times of trouble, or just make us smile from the pure joy of it.  

As you say, "Their lives must be completely boring and void of imagination, emotion, and creativity."

  • Love 6

The Duggars may not dance but they don't avoid music. The kids play instruments and sing.

IIRC Jim Bob's from a Southern Baptist family. Southern Baptist doctrine has historically forbidden dancing. I don't know why; never cared enough to ask. It's odd to me, because the SB church does have music in its services. My older SB relatives pretty much all had piano lessons as kids, and several of them have been really good singers, including at least one who sang in those "barbershop quartet" organizations for fun for most of her long life. The younger generations among m my SB cousins probably dance; I've just never asked about it.

I have no clue if GotHard frowns on dancing, or if Jim Bob is just being consistent with the SB attitude he grew up with. But it's not something unique to the Duggars.

Gothard frowns upon dancing and music, specifically music with a beat. It's akin to the Devil, IIRC.I don't really consider Jim Bob as Southern Baptist, I consider him Gothardite. I doubt he identifies as Southern Baptist due to his affiliation with Gothard. I could be wrong, but that's the impression I have.

Also, music and dancing were in the Bible. How can they (Jim Bob et al) just ignore that fact? When they go grocery shopping, how do they avoid the background music? I'd love answers to these questions, but I know they would never provide them.

  • Love 2

I think, regardless of King David, it might be drums, rather than "music with a beat" specifically, which is frowned upon.  You know, what the Puritans had available to them is acceptable.  Organ, piano, flute, harp, and the like.  Oh no, I take it back, some congregations probably don't love guitars either.  


But as for the drums, those were probably the purview of the Indians, not the Puritans, and thus bad. 

  • Love 2

Their complete and utter dismissal of the arts. Music and dancing are sinful. Didn't Jim Bob say that dancing was nothing more than just moving your body around in funny movements?

I just don't get it. Dance taught me coordination, rhythm, teamwork etc.

Music has been a part of me as long as I can remember. I have music for any situation and emotion. How can you label this as sinful or meaningless?

Their lives must be completely boring and void of imagination, emotion and creativity.

Can you picture these assholes as the Louvre? Or at a ballet? Do they know who Leonardo da Vinci was or Van Gogh? Monet?

Everytime I hear Let it Be, I have a complete and utterly beautiful spiritual awakening. Poor Duggars.
  • Love 6

Their complete and utter dismissal of the arts. Music and dancing are sinful. Didn't Jim Bob say that dancing was nothing more than just moving your body around in funny movements?

I just don't get it. Dance taught me coordination, rhythm, teamwork etc.

Music has been a part of me as long as I can remember. I have music for any situation and emotion. How can you label this as sinful or meaningless?

Their lives must be completely boring and void of imagination, emotion and creativity.

Can you picture these assholes as the Louvre? Or at a ballet? Do they know who Leonardo da Vinci was or Van Gogh? Monet?


Huh - I'm sure in his case, dancing is nothing but moving his body around in funny movements. And now I guess we know something else Boob can't do.


And no, I can't imagine any of the Duggars at a museum, a symphony, an opera or ballet or concert. Even if, for example, Boob was taken aback and stunned to find it a surprisingly wonderful experience, he would never state that, because he can't ever admit he was ever wrong about anything. And any of the younger Duggars would think there was something wrong with them if they found such experiences enjoyable, uplifting, or beautiful. They are truly missing so much...

  • Love 8

Their complete and utter dismissal of the arts. Music and dancing are sinful. Didn't Jim Bob say that dancing was nothing more than just moving your body around in funny movements?

I just don't get it. Dance taught me coordination, rhythm, teamwork etc.

Music has been a part of me as long as I can remember. I have music for any situation and emotion. How can you label this as sinful or meaningless?

Their lives must be completely boring and void of imagination, emotion and creativity.

Can you picture these assholes as the Louvre? Or at a ballet? Do they know who Leonardo da Vinci was or Van Gogh? Monet?

Da Vinci painted the Last Supper but the Duggars probably wouldn't agree with the wine and woman part of it.  

  • Love 2

Most music and all dancing are out but skating backwards to the YMCA song is permissible. In long skirts only. Along with a video of it to post on facebook. 


It all boils down to a simple principle. Goes not just for music and dance but for everything, so it's a handy rule: Anything that can make Jim Bob or Michelle the center of attention, however briefly, is not only acceptable but great, although for that instance only. (And by "anything" I do mean "anything," such as feigned backdoor humping in venues intended for children's entertainment.) Anything else is completely unacceptable, at all times.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 10

I remember the Duggars explaining that music and dancing could make them lose control of themselves.  Why they constantly call themselves out on not being able to control themselves is so revealing about who they are.  They can't control themselves around bare knees, they can't go without 'accountability partners'.  Why are they not able to control THEMSELVES?  Please take some self responsibility for your own actions Duggars.  Most people count on themselves to control themselves. 

  • Love 17

I remember the Duggars explaining that music and dancing could make them lose control of themselves.  Why they constantly call themselves out on not being able to control themselves is so revealing about who they are.  They can't control themselves around bare knees, they can't go without 'accountability partners'.  Why are they not able to control THEMSELVES?  Please take some self responsibility for your own actions Duggars.  Most people count on themselves to control themselves. 


Apparently they missed that part in the Bible where Christ went walk-about in the desert looking for temptations to resist. 

  • Love 7

I just posted in the Benessa thread but the topic applies here too:


Buy used and save the difference is for other people, not them.  Besides their cups of Starbucks, Benessa asking for gift cards.  Why not thrift store vouches for their baby?  If they had truly bought used and saved the difference, they wouldn't have to worry about being bounced off t.v. cuz they would have a ton of money to live off of.  And the Dillards would not be asking for supporters.  They could fund themselves.

  • Love 3

I just posted in the Benessa thread but the topic applies here too:


Buy used and save the difference is for other people, not them.  Besides their cups of Starbucks, Benessa asking for gift cards.  Why not thrift store vouches for their baby?  If they had truly bought used and saved the difference, they wouldn't have to worry about being bounced off t.v. cuz they would have a ton of money to live off of.  And the Dillards would not be asking for supporters.  They could fund themselves.

Hell, why not just raid the Duggar compound?  Between JB's warehouse of sketchy stuff and the maternity suite we all just know Michelle has set up, Miss Haversham style, awaiting the next blessing that will never come, I'm sure they outfit her for octuplets. 

  • Love 5

They believe dancing calls attention to bodies in a way that can't righteously be fulfilled. I don't know how they killed that in their toddlers, because my kids little bodies would start bopping the minute they heard music.

Well, there IS the episode where toddler Jackson bops and dances to a musical toy in a thrift shop. He is immediately reprimanded and the dancing was quickly put to an end. Can you even believe it!!!

  • Love 5

I remember the Duggars explaining that music and dancing could make them lose control of themselves.  Why they constantly call themselves out on not being able to control themselves is so revealing about who they are.  They can't control themselves around bare knees, they can't go without 'accountability partners'.  Why are they not able to control THEMSELVES?  Please take some self responsibility for your own actions Duggars.  Most people count on themselves to control themselves. 


So true. Good grief, what delicate little hothouse flowers the Duggars are. Very high maintenance. I would think if they actually were God's chosen people, as they believe, they'd be able to completely knock any temptation that dared to rise up in their path. They wouldn't need to hide from them, and they wouldn't need to depend on others to keep them honest. A truly strong, disciplined person of character doesn't need someone else watching his every move.

  • Love 10

So true. Good grief, what delicate little hothouse flowers the Duggars are. Very high maintenance. I would think if they actually were God's chosen people, as they believe, they'd be able to completely knock any temptation that dared to rise up in their path. They wouldn't need to hide from them, and they wouldn't need to depend on others to keep them honest. A truly strong, disciplined person of character doesn't need someone else watching his every move.


Ah, but when you're one of Jesus's Super Specialest Snowflakes, your temptation are flung at you by Satan himself. They're far more severe than the temptations that plague us ordinary folk because the devil is extra-super-determined to bring you down. He needs to prevent you from quickly helping Jesus to bring about the End of Days and the end of him, doncha know. Thanks to the Duggars and their doubled and redoubled efforts to arm themselves against those temptations, I'm sure Satan's days at this point are really numbered.


I mean, look how well it's worked with Josh.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 11


The Duggars may not dance but they don't avoid music. The kids play instruments and sing.


There seems to be some access to music, but we've only ever seen them perform a handful of pieces - which mystifies me because even if you take out all secular songs and anything post rock and roll (I remember them saying something somewhere about objecting to Christian Rock), you still have about 1940 years of beautiful religious music. I've been in secular choirs my whole life and at least a third our repertoire is religious because the music is so amazing. 

The other weird thing, is that despite the fact that all of the kids have taken music lessons of some sort for years, none of them seem to be very good at it. Shouldn't there be enough skill by this point to form a trio or quartet and tackle some Bach?  (very religious, big family, they'd love him) Of course, I wonder why they're not better at a lot of things, especially those high demand skills for ...ugh...helpmeets.

  • Love 6

There seems to be some access to music, but we've only ever seen them perform a handful of pieces - which mystifies me because even if you take out all secular songs and anything post rock and roll (I remember them saying something somewhere about objecting to Christian Rock), you still have about 1940 years of beautiful religious music. I've been in secular choirs my whole life and at least a third our repertoire is religious because the music is so amazing. 

The other weird thing, is that despite the fact that all of the kids have taken music lessons of some sort for years, none of them seem to be very good at it. Shouldn't there be enough skill by this point to form a trio or quartet and tackle some Bach?  (very religious, big family, they'd love him) Of course, I wonder why they're not better at a lot of things, especially those high demand skills for ...ugh...helpmeets.


They've had lessons, but I'm almost positive they don't practice. Anymore at least. The older ones probably did a bit, way back when. Let's face it - they don't have a mother who makes them practice, and that's difficult to do when you're on the road so much of the time anyway. And bottom line, you must practice to be good. Therefore, we get violins that sound like cats being diced by a lawnmower... 

  • Love 7

Ah, but when you're one of Jesus's Super Specialest Snowflakes, your temptation are flung at you by Satan himself. They're far more severe than the temptations that plague us ordinary folk because the devil is extra-super-determined to bring you down. He needs to prevent you from quickly helping Jesus to bring about the End of Days and the end of him, doncha know. Thanks to the Duggars and their doubled and redoubled efforts to arm themselves against those temptations, I'm sure Satan's days at this point are really numbered.


I mean, look how well it's worked with Josh.

So the rest of us are just collaterals that Satan need not bother with? Well lucky us.

  • Love 3

There seems to be some access to music, but we've only ever seen them perform a handful of pieces - which mystifies me because even if you take out all secular songs and anything post rock and roll (I remember them saying something somewhere about objecting to Christian Rock), you still have about 1940 years of beautiful religious music. I've been in secular choirs my whole life and at least a third our repertoire is religious because the music is so amazing.

The other weird thing, is that despite the fact that all of the kids have taken music lessons of some sort for years, none of them seem to be very good at it. Shouldn't there be enough skill by this point to form a trio or quartet and tackle some Bach? (very religious, big family, they'd love him) Of course, I wonder why they're not better at a lot of things, especially those high demand skills for ...ugh...helpmeets.

Here's Justin crooning to something.

Jesus was tempted in the Bible in Luke 4 and Matthew 4 (synoptic Gospels), but he didn't go looking for temptation.

I don't go 'looking for temptation' either but I'm able to control myself - all on my own too!  As most people are able to control themselves without accountability partners.  The Duggars are afraid of their inability to control themselves when faced with temptation.   Most people aren't because they know they are able to control themselves, they have integrity and morals and standards and if faced with temptation they are able to control themselves.  Obviously the Duggars feel they lack these characteristics and are not able to control themselves on their own.

  • Love 7

I don't go 'looking for temptation' either but I'm able to control myself - all on my own too!  As most people are able to control themselves without accountability partners.  The Duggars are afraid of their inability to control themselves when faced with temptation.   Most people aren't because they know they are able to control themselves, they have integrity and morals and standards and if faced with temptation they are able to control themselves.  Obviously the Duggars feel they lack these characteristics and are not able to control themselves on their own.

And in actuality they make it much harder for themselves because they are so focused on what the can't do, rather than on what then can do. It is like going on a diet, and the minute the diet starts, sugar plums start dancing.


When my daughter was a preteen many of her friends watched Dawson's Creek, a show I felt was too mature for her. By the 3rd time she complained that "all her friends can watch it", we sat down and watched an episode together. That was enough for her, the show didn't really interest her, and she never asked again. The show had appeal to her because she couldn't watch it more than her wanting to watch it.

  • Love 4

Hell, why not just raid the Duggar compound?  Between JB's warehouse of sketchy stuff and the maternity suite we all just know Michelle has set up, Miss Haversham style, awaiting the next blessing that will never come, I'm sure they outfit her for octuplets. 


Yes, but Boob needs all that crap for the next big flea market sale. Then he'll donate the proceeds somewhere and he & Me-chelle will get another tax write-off - without donating one red cent of their own money. 

  • Love 3

In light of the dance talk, I was reading a book at the Gutenberg Project on 1895 Etiquette and Parlor games and came across this little gem on dancing: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/50059/50059-h/50059-h.htm#Page_131. I never thought songs from the 1890's so controversial! :) The Duggar's would love living then, except they would be expected to be on time!

Edited by Catlyn
  • Love 4

I only started watching 19K&C towards the end but what annoyed me the most was how Mechelle was always, always, always talking about how the children (all 19 of them!) were growing up into adults/young adults and it was a "new season of life". At the time Josie, Jordyn, Jennifer and Johannah were all under 10 and Jackson, Justin and James were pre-teens.  I wanted to shake her and tell her that she still had 7 kids who needed parenting and that maybe, just maybe, she should get off her lazy butt and pay attention to them.  

It drove me up the wall that she would fart on about how her babies are were growing up into such precious, neat, special adults when there were still so many other kids who were certainly not grown up and needed a parent.  It isn't a "new season of life" if you still have 4 kids under 10 (which she still does!).  

  • Love 16

Yes, and despite all her constant rhetoric about 'leaving it up to God' she certainly has tried to maintain a death grip on her attention-seeking constantly pregnant / nursing status.


She's hoping for that one miracle baby that shows up after you thought you were in menopause.  I'm gagging just thinking about that VSE.

  • Love 7

She's hoping for that one miracle baby that shows up after you thought you were in menopause.  I'm gagging just thinking about that VSE.

You know, I was actually just thinking about that yesterday. Wishing I could just stop having periods altogether instead of this endless damn peri-menopause, because I'm way to old to have a baby. I'm the same age as Mechelle and I bet she doesn't think she's too old. Of course, in my case I was horrified by the idea of having to care for and raise another kid at this point in our lives. Mechelle wouldn't be doing that part, though, so no worries there. Just the pregnancy and six months of breastfeeding, and Jenny and Jordyn can take it from there.

  • Love 9

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