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19 Things I Hate About You: How the Duggars Infuriate

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Can you imagine what the shower drains are like with all that long hair? And the carpet in the girls bedroom? And all that tiled area downstairs? And in JB and Ms room?

When I was younger (in the seventies), my two sisters and I all had long hair. It was the fashion. It also drove my mother mad. Long blonde hair everywhere. The deal was, if we wanted it, we had to look after it and clean it up from around the house. So, if JB wants them to have long hair, HE should clean it all up and keep the place hair free!!!!!

Could you see that happening???

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I imagine Josie wanted Jana over Michelle - Michelle is such a stressful presence, and even though she carries Josie everywhere, they don't seem particularly close. 


I'm just surprised that Michelle wasn't in there filming it with her phone.  Poor kid. 


And yeah, the camera crew just happened to be there...either they're there a LOT more frequently than we're told, or they fucking called the film crew to come in.  Even if they happened to be there, wouldn't any real mother tell them to get the hell out in such a terrifying time? 

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Jill is the worst dressed of the older girls. A hugely pregnant woman does not need to look like a hippie who just bought out the discard pile at a thrift store circa 1968. She doesn't have to spend big bucks. Just a couple of cute maternity dresses with stylish flats and a visit to a hair salon for a few inches off, and she'd look a million times better. She seems to have no idea that she's in the public eye. It's embarrassing.

As for the Josie incident, that should never have been filmed. Chances are, however, Jana called Boob and he OKed it. For people who trumpet their modesty, they aren't very modest or private.

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Things that still get on my nerves:?  One of the older girls said that  Jill "took all the good clothes"? Oh my, what does that leave them with?

Can't help but notice when Anna gives that clenched teeth fake smile, I always think she has a was of gum in her mouth...

Why do Josh and Anna think they have to steal some thunder and kiss in photographs? Especially pictures that are NOT about them?

Kissing "open eyed" and "thumbs up".....makes me want to gag...

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Maybe that's the fashion amongst the younger pregnant set? I work with a 25 year old who is only weeks away from giving birth, and everything she wears tightly hugs and accentuates her belly, to the point that her bellybutton is often visible (especially since it popped into being an outie a few weeks back). I see it a lot in pictures of other young pregnant women I'm acquaintances with on FB too.

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I'm 20 weeks pregnant now, and yes, most modern maternity clothes are fairly fitted to show off the "bump". It doesn't really bother me- I'd rather have a shirt be somewhat fitted than feel like I'm wearing a tent. That said, I do think it's interesting that Jill still looks pretty frumpy while pregnant. Target, Old Navy, and Motherhood Maternity are all fairly inexpensive places to get decent looking maternity clothes. I would even guess that Wal-Mart probably has maternity clothes available online.

A lot of young women buy maternity clothes that are too small.  They should be fitted somewhat but not as tight as Jill's.  She needs to go at least one size up.  Many of them buy them too early and thus don't realize how much stretch they are going to need and then don't realize they have outgrown the clothes.  Jill seems to have fallen into that trap.  If they would look at the photos the maternity manufacturers themselves put out, then they would know what fits.  Or they could try checking out Duchess Kate's look.  :)


It's funny because we have a relative who was recently pregant and she also wore a lot of Seraphine maternity wear.  It's not expensive and it almost all looks good on almost any pregnant woman.  It also doesn't lend itself to the cheap look Jill has going.

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I second Seraphine. They ship worldwide. I just bought a jersey "Amethyst wrap dress" from there. Came pretty wrinkled because of the material, but I think it's cute and has a shape that flows. It's possible I could outgrow it but with the tie under the boobs, it's doubtful.

Edited by Betweenyouandme

I know that dress. The relative owns it, too. :)  We're lucky to have a maternity shop that sells Seraphine here.  It's doubtful you'll outgrow it.  It's a great dress at all stages.  I wish Jill had at least one or two nice dresses like that so she could look decent at church, showers, etc.  

Edited by Absolom
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Not sure I am in the right thread, but I am so angry I could spit nails.


I just watched the trailer for the new season, which I really hope I can purpose myself not to watch.


Since when is a child having a seizure something that should be on this show?  It's not entertainment, and what makes me even angrier, is there's Jill taking care of Josie!!!   Where the heck is Mechelle??!?!?   Oh, probably trying for number 20.


Wonder what Jill's big announcement is.  Let's all act surprised, now.


Bunch of morons.

I signed in just to comment on this. I haven't seen the promo shots.....I'm just appalled at how these poor kids are exploited by thier parents all for the almighty dollar, 'ministry' be damned.

That poor kid. I'm hoping against hope that her REAL mother is shamed into paying more attention to her needs, but that's probably wishful thinking. I think Michelle is dealing with mental issues herself, really.

I'm working under the impression that Jana and the other kids don't know any better to refuse that TLC keeps the camera running when something like this happens, but the people who work at TLC should have some kind of line they need to draw. Fuck everything about that. And, so should the parents...oh, wait. They aren't even there to tell TLC to turn off the fucking cameras.

If I had a medically fragile child, I'd make more of an effort to take care of them myself on a daily basis, not pawn the care off on my older daughter. There's a price to pay when you pop out 19 fucking kids, and this is the price. The parents don't feel the strain because they are surviving on TLC's dime, I'm quite sure.

If TLC didn't make them 'famous' (and I use that here loosely) they would be struggling, despite the businesses Jim Bob has....and they know it.

What angers me is that the fundie cult they follow glorify this BS and others think they can have 12-19 kids as well and get by ok. Chances are, they will struggle and the kids will pay a heavy price.

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Being a parent is a lifetime job. It simply never ends... as your children grow, mature and eventually leave the nest, they always need their parents in their lives; age appropriately..the role changes from total caregiver to advisor, etc. Michelle's issue, one of many, is that IMO, she sees her babies as accomplishments. Once she has delivered and nursed for the minimum recommended amount of time, she's ready to pass it off and is focused on her next accomplishment. Not much involvement after that at all....something terribly wrong with that.

It also was evident when Joy has had wisdom teeth removed, Michelle didn't do anything for that girl...the other kids took care of her...typical of her.

I don't know why she is awarded special treatment, even from Grandma Duggar who washes Michelle's dirty underwear for her...Perhaps the laundry room is where Michelle had her breakdown and is needing to "stay clear" of that environment for fear of another breakdown when looking at a pile of dirty laundry. That woman most likely needed or needs professional intercession and treatment. She never got it. They just enable her to continue like that.

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Things about the Duggars that get on my nerves. Where to begin? Their whole modesty spiel when they have sex on the brain 24/7. Uterus being so proud of having birthed 19 kids, but then giving them up at 6 months old. Their thinking that a woman shouldn't do more with her life than cater to a pig of husband and push out an ass load of kids. Everything about miracle Josie. Anything that Uterus says. Puke. There's more, but I would probably wear out the keyboard trying to type it all.

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The thought the older girls will be good parents because they raised their younger siblings. I would not say the howlers and lost girls are doing well because they were taken under the wings of their older sisters. Their emotional and physical needs are not being taken care by their parents or their mommy sisters. Yes, JB and Michelle need to take the blame for this, but not all the blame.

During the JillyMuffin and DerekDillard wedding episode, they kept saying that everything was "surreal." Now, DerrickDillard has been off the compound and went to a real college and has some book learnin', but how in the blue fuck does JillyMuffin know that word? I can't imagine that there are any Salvador Dali prints hanging in the TTH. Of course, to us heathen folk, her whole life is surreal, so there's that.

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The thought the older girls will be good parents because they raised their younger siblings. I would not say the howlers and lost girls are doing well because they were taken under the wings of their older sisters. Their emotional and physical needs are not being taken care by their parents or their mommy sisters. Yes, JB and Michelle need to take the blame for this, but not all the blame.


I was a sister-mom to my youngest brother and sister. At the time, I felt that I did a good job of raising them -- I love kids and I was loving, attentive, and involved, but I wasn't their mother. I felt a lot of guilt as I watched them struggle as they got older. The reality is that children need love, affection, and attention from their parents. Loving, supportive siblings are great, but they aren't parents.


Just because these tween/teen girls were not successful in raising a dozen younger siblings by themselves doesn't mean that they won't be good parents themselves (I have my own doubts, but that's more because of their role models).


There are a lot of things about the Duggars taht get on my nerves but I don't think it's fair to suggest that the girls won't be good parents as adults because they weren't great parents when they were children themselves. Perhaps I'm biased, but I do think that JB and J'chelle shoulder 100% of the blame.

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I'm still irritated that they are on TV and do magazine interviews and they aren't allowed to watch or read anything that isn't Gothard approved. The kids are missing out on a lot of great pop culture and it makes me sad for them. I just want to rescue them from constant religious indoctrination and let them see the wonders of the world. I think Jill, JD and Josh are lost causes but the rest can be saved.

I mean JoyAnna, Jessa, Jinger and Jana would love Pretty Little Liars and a whole host of shows on ABC Family, MTV and the CW.

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The colossal waste of human potential on display in this show depresses me



Me too. Watching this kids not being allowed to do anything. Go to a real school or have a real homeschool education, go out and meet people and make friends, have interests and hobbies, get jobs, and decide who and what they want to be. Or simply go to the movies or a book store. Or watch tv. Their whole lives consist of nothing. How their parents could chose to deny them so much I'll never understand.

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The colossal waste of human potential on display in this show depresses me.  Poor kids-- all 19 of them.

I agree. It's so sad to see. I remember the earlier specials when they asked some of the kids what they wanted to be when they grew up. It's a shame that none of them have gone on to pursue those dreams. Unless you count Jill's brief foray into midwifery. Which I don't.

  • Love 5

The colossal waste of human potential on display in this show depresses me. Poor kids-- all 19 of them.

I have to agree. Whenever there's a "big announcement " in this group, it's sad to know that it will never be "I just got accepted to law school!" or "I just bought a new condo!" or "I made the deans list!" It will always be an announcement about a pregnancy or marriage. That's the only accomplishment these children are limited to and I too find that very depressing. Edited by charmed1
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 How their parents could chose to deny them so much I'll never understand.

Sigh. Because an incompetent  ignoramus named Jim Boob gets off on having absolute patriarchal control over twenty human beings.  As long as he gets to live HIS dream, who cares about anyone else having desires or aspirations? 

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Because their upbringing was so abnormal, it is hard for me to really snark on any of the kids, and that includes Jill and Jessa. How are they supposed to be any different? What do they know about the world?

My hope is that they will change as they become more settled into married life. Derrick is teaching Jill about healthier eating and he took her to a Broadway play.

Little by little, they are changing. Why do we think ok, they are 18 now, it's time to be normal?

I blame it all on the parents but not much on the kids.

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Jill is a married woman with a baby on the way. I think it is past the time to blame mommy and daddy for the way she acts since the minute she said I do and got pregnant. She is bringing a child into the world, and she acts like she is playing house with her husband.


Plus the fact, many people had neglectful parents or a crappy childhood and do not like a fifteen year old on happy steroids 24/7. I do not think Jill would realize what the real world is if it came up to her with a song/dance number, and a large billboard with pretty pictures and illustrations.


Derick and Jill need to take a long, hard look at Josh and Anna. Number four is on the way and Josh is finally learning what the real world is all about, and he is scared to death.

It doesn't bother me if Jill acts 15 in some ways. She doesn't seem to be putting her baby at risk so far, and I don't see signs that she would be negligent. She seems committed to her new family, not running around getting lost or "smooching the newspaper boy behind a shed." Giggle on, Jill, and be as excited as you want about Derick abd your baby!

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The treatment of grandparents in this family. I hope Michelle and Jim Bob are prepared for the same treatment from their children.


Amen to this! 


J'chelle has been strutting her baby-making ass around that house for years while her daughters, and her MIL did everything for her. I think that part of her freak-out about her baby-making days coming to an end is that she is finally waking up to the fact that she has taught her daughters that fertile women are the only women worthy of respect, and that once your baby-making days are over, you should consider yourself lucky to do the laundry for a fertile woman. Enjoy the next 30 years, J'chelle!


Also, reagarless of JB's "issues" with his father, he seems to have had no respect for the fact that he did have a father who provided for him, put a roof over his head, and educated him.


And, of course, J'chelle's parents are just non-people in their world. They haven't taught their children much, but what they have taught them is that "parents aren't important."


I would definitely love to see these chickens come home to roost. 

  • Love 11
J'chelle has been strutting her baby-making ass around that house for years while her daughters, and her MIL did everything for her. I think that part of her freak-out about her baby-making days coming to an end is that she is finally waking up to the fact that she has taught her daughters that fertile women are the only women worthy of respect, and that once your baby-making days are over, you should consider yourself lucky to do the laundry for a fertile woman. Enjoy the next 30 years, J'chelle!


This makes me idly wonder which child she will be doing laundry for; I suspect Jill, if JimBob has anything to say about it.


But not yet, because I'm sure Michelle will say she has to "raise her children".  Yeah, right.

cmr2014: Well said! I agree with you totally. One would think that Michelle was an orphan from infancy. We still don't know, because we have never heard her say, what advice it was that HER OWN MOTHER gave her before her wedding? We constantly hear from this "friend" she had at 17...the always be available crap...

I would think that Mary Duggar is not financially in need of her son's protection as she owns more than one home and vacant property in her own right...she owns that 2 bdrm house that the grandkids mooch off from HER, not JIm Bob..Why she puts up with this crap treatment and improper comments by her son about her husband is beyond me. The man spoke volumes when he said that a woman's body needs time to recover from childbirth before having another..he was correct! You can see the disrespect Michelle had for this man...opening up their home to him when he was ill, was merely Jim Bob's way of creating a depend situation for this man so Jim Bob could feel superior to his dad...I'm sure he can't walk one mile in that man's shoes...How did Mary Duggar acquire those houses and property? She did it WITH her husband...he sent his son to Christian school, etc., he made that family what they can be today....no credit or respect for it from Jim Bob. I would like to hear from Deanna about those things...but we never will as her brother has a lot of power over all of them somehow.

Michelle has made for darned sure that she would not be alone in her golden years as she will always have some daughter at home to do all the work and to take care of her when she ages...smart girl, that Michelle....I wouldn't be surprised if it were Jana.

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It could be true that Mary Duggar worked and achieved those things DESPITE her husband. That does happen. That she is the one who worked and paid all of the bills while her husband didn't, and even sabotaged her efforts. We have no way of knowing what went on, and her lack and Deanna's lack of words might be very eloquent here. It's pretty clear they don't need the TLC gravy train to get by, and aren't in awe of JB, so maybe there is at least some truth to what he's saying. Not the whole truth (no family member's memory is the whole truth, actually ) but some.

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I can't wait to see if MEchelle treats Baby Dilly differently that the little Smuggars. It was so nice to see Kelly Bates acting like a real grandparent gushing over baby Bradley. She was talking to him like the rest of us do with a baby. We have never seen MEchelle talk that way to any baby, except Miracle.

It doesn't bother me if Jill acts 15 in some ways. She doesn't seem to be putting her baby at risk so far, and I don't see signs that she would be negligent. She seems committed to her new family, not running around getting lost or "smooching the newspaper boy behind a shed." Giggle on, Jill, and be as excited as you want about Derick abd your baby!

I can understand about being excited about your new husband and baby, but Jill takes it to the extreme. Her emotional state is just as important as her physical state while she is pregnant. Jill acts like a fifteen year old on happy steroids almost 24/7. A baby inside the womb can be affected by the way she acts. Even her relationship with Derick can be a part of Baby Dilly's development during Jill's pregnancy. We have seen the way Michelle acts before, during and after her pregnancies after Josh has affected her children. Jill, imo, is a younger vision of her mother. After watching the way Jill and Derick were interacting with each other on the episode last week makes me think all is not well in the Dillard household. I think Jill is much more excited about baby Dilly than Derick is. He seems to be blindly going along with what Jill wants, and it is coming back to haunt him. Jill and in a round about way, JB is running shot gun over his life right now, and he probably is seeing how Josh is dealing or not dealing, with another baby on the way. It is not pretty, but he is nervous or afraid of upsetting his pregnant wife. His life is in the hand of his wife and father-in-law and is being sold to the highest bidder. Sadly, Baby Dilly is in the same boat unless daddy Derick speaks up and puts in end to it quickly.

I don't think being happy or even "overly" happy can have a negative affect on a fetus unless a mother is maybe really chemically unbalanced and wildly manic. I think being happy is the very least -or no- concern of what's going on with Michelle. I don't see Michelle and Jill as the exact same person. I can't and won't say Jill is definitely going to be this terrible mother whose baby is definitely going to die because she uses a midwife while her definitely miserable and waste of a life husband is deluded in the corner.

Just don't agree with any of it. YMMV.

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Jill, for me, is quite possibly the most annoying of the Duggar children. However, that being said, I think she will be a terrific mom. There are some similarities between Jill and Michelle, but they are worlds apart in the way they respond to children. Jill is a natural when it comes to nurturing. She also seems loving and kind hearted toward children.

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Is Jill really this happy or was she told a wife is suppose to act happy 24/7 even when she is mad, angry, depressed etc.etc. Not dealing with stress or dealing with anger, and putting on a happy face 24/7 can affect her and the baby. Jill can be putting on a good act because she does not know any better. She probably thinks being married and popping out the kids right and left is the way her life should be. I hope she and the baby will be fine, and she will not continue the bad pattern of being a neglectful mother and keep having children for the wrong reasons because Michelle was a bad role model.

Sure, but like I said, I don't think Jill is secretly stressed out and miserable at least not any more than a typical new mother if that. Besides, ignoring stress and allowing it to build up and then come up like a volcano is different than feeling worry or stress but taking measures to focus on other things, let small things go, and take a deep breath and smile. I just don't have any proof that Jill has a hormonal imbalance.

But, I'm probably in the wrong thread because while I wouldnt want to live in the Duggar household, I never feel very bothered by them. But. Maybe that's a great thing since I'm pregnant and don't want to stress out my babe because of a family I have no direct contact with.

Edited by Betweenyouandme

I do not think they are having serious problems, but they do seem to be nervous and awkward around each other. The look on Derick's face when he said they went from a chaperone one minute, and the next minute we by are ourselves was a little telling. He also brought up the fact that they went from just meeting to married and having a baby within a short period of time. He probably is nervous about the whole married and having a baby so quickly. He also has been spending a lot of time with the Duggars, and he may not like having the cameras filming his new life. Throw in the fact he married to a girl who acts like a clingy, fifteen year old, acting happy 24/7, wanting to sell their story to the media, and totally obnoxious in-laws, and he would be thrown for a loop. He may be feeling he lost his freedom as soon as he said I do. He should have seen the writing on the wall before he married her. I do not buy they are happy 24/7 spiel they are trying to sell their fans. Derick's family may not be totally on board with him marrying into the Duggar family also. I do think they are not too excited about Jill getting pregnant too quickly, and Jill and JB having control about showing Derick's marriage and child to the world. No privacy from now on.

If I was Derrick, I would be petrified.  No amount of preparation could prepare you for the fact that within 3 months he got married, moved out of home with a girl he had never spent any alone time with and is expecting a baby.  It probably sounded good on paper but he is now expected to be responsible for providing for a family and for a guy who 8 months ago had never kissed a girl, it would be a a big deal.

Add onto the fact that his in-laws are probably involved with every aspect of the pregnancy and I can see why their marriage might be a bit awkward at the moment. 

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I guess it depends on a person's definition of maturity. I see Jill as sweet rather than unable to make decisions or keep a child safe, fed, and played with. Saying someone seems like a 15 year old because they smile a lot and get excited about getting married and having a husband doesn't mean the person actually has the decision-making skills of a 15 yr old.

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I'm still irritated that they are on TV and do magazine interviews and they aren't allowed to watch or read anything that isn't Gothard approved. The kids are missing out on a lot of great pop culture and it makes me sad for them. I just want to rescue them from constant religious indoctrination and let them see the wonders of the world. I think Jill, JD and Josh are lost causes but the rest can be saved.

I mean JoyAnna, Jessa, Jinger and Jana would love Pretty Little Liars and a whole host of shows on ABC Family, MTV and the CW.

They seem to have full internet access. How do they stop them from seeing and reading what they want?

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