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Heather Thomson: Inventor of Yummie Tummie

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Well, a number of us called this: apparently Heather is leaving.




Personally, while I'm sure that many people will say she was fired, I actually believe that she walked away.  She hasn't seemed into it this season, and I truly do believe that all the fighting and nastiness got her down.  It would me.


I wish she could have gone out on a good note, but sometimes it's better to walk away.


One thing I thought was interesting was last night when asked about Dorinda's nasty tweeting on WWHL, Heather said something off the cuff like it didn't bother her any more, or "not now" or something.   I think she's mentally checked out.


I know so many people will disagree - and that's cool - but I think this is a loss to the franchise.  I think it will discourage other "real" women from joining the show.


Maybe it will be enough to get me to break my Housewife habit, which I don't think is good for me.  :)


I guess the question now is, what will Carole do?  I think she will get a lot of pressure to stay, to be with Bethenny.  And she doesn't get as worked up as Heather, and she doesn't have a business to run or kids to raise, so she has more emotional bandwidth.  So maybe she will.  I guess we'll see.

I'm not sure if I believe it or not, but I am certainly not surprised if true. I never thought she would do another season.  


It's always been said that no HW ever leaves the franchise, unless they have another show lined up (Beth,Caroline Manzo). Tamra said in an interview the other day when she was discussing the fact that Brandi was claiming leaving was her choice, that Brandi was lying because no one gives up this gig. For working only 4 months a year, they get a fantastic salary and media attention galore. I had always hoped that Heather would be the one HW that would break the mold and leave on her own. I hope this is the case. Of course now we have Nene, who also left on her own a couple of weeks ago. 


I think it will be pretty easy to know if this is her decision or Bravo's. Bravo made a big deal out of Nene's departure when it was announced last week. Confirming it, and saying they would miss her. They never make comments when a HW leaves, so it was clear to me that she was leaving on her own.  I think if this really is Heather's decision that they will say something similar. 

  • Love 3


I had always hoped that Heather would be the one HW that would break the mold and leave on her own. I hope this is the case. Of course now we have Nene, who also left on her own a couple of weeks ago.


I think it will be pretty easy to know if this is her decision or Bravo's. Bravo made a big deal out of Nene's departure when it was announced last week. Confirming it, and saying they would miss her. They never make comments when a HW leaves, so it was clear to me that she was leaving on her own.  I think if this really is Heather's decision that they will say something similar.


I still think Heather is that one - Nene didn't leave behind a decision of "I'm going to what's next," she left behind "If I can't have more money, less time, and some executive control, I'm out" as a threat. Which Bravo answered with "We'll miss you. See ya."


Count me as another one who is disappointed. I don't know what all transpired this season to make Heather the goat of the season (invisible as she was made - was last night REALLY the first package she got alone? She's had TH and shown up at things in others' packages but I swear she hasn't had a one of her own.) -  she hardly did a damned thing except try and be nice to Bethenny who nobody can be nice to. I mean, for real, what in the hell did she do so wrong? Certainly they filmed a lot with her that they only showed in flashbacks. God forbid they balance the chick's bossier tendencies with some nice normal living.


I would take Heather as a friend over ALL these sheisty bitches. Which I guess means she makes for bad TV, along with Carol and Kristen. Not making up drama, or getting drunk, stupid or talking about their sex life all the time. Ho hum. When will Bravo get the message that balance exists for a reason? Because you need a palate cleanser between the rest. If I wanted to watch non-stop foolishness I could skip over to VH-1. Between this and Claudia leaving on RHOA, they're making it easy to break my Ho'watching that dates back to episode 1 of RHOC.


All this week I watched the first 3 seasons and was reminded of why I got into this to begin with. And whoever said upthread it shifted from being a show promoting lifestyles, home lives and charity into a non-stop petty fightfest interspersed with commercials for whatever they were shilling was right. Certainly there was enough drama even with the charity activities ("evidentally Madonna," Signagegate "Just leave!" giving us the first Jill/Beth fight; Brooklyn fashion week(end) and the classic Ramona Runway?). Charity was never boring.


Anyway, Heather's thread so ... later, mama. Hope I bump into you around the city so I can tell you you're missed. Believe I wouldn't be stopping any of these other heaux to even show that I recognize them - and I've seen a few at the airport and in Vegas who I've paid dust. Holla!

  • Love 14

ottergirl, mcm, and snarkkitty: We right here, ladies *points to my eyes, point to each of your eyes*


I do think that Heather is leaving of her own volition. The season is still airing and the reunion episodes haven't aired, yet we're already getting news of a departure. Usually that kind of news starts to leak out a few weeks after the final of the reunion episodes have been shown, and when that happens, it's typically that Andy has opted not to renew the contract.


There's a list on Bravo that gives some details about what happened at the reunion. Number six is "Times someone blamed bad editing: 1 | And yes, the rest of the ladies all jumped on this person for it." I think that's in reference to Heather. At some point during the season, she also tweeted about it. Like I said in the episde 15 thread, Heather B. once stated that the show only uses what you give them. So, yes, everything we saw of Heather came out of Heather's mouth (duh!), but when it literally takes 15 weeks before she has a solo package aired? Yeah, we can also talk about how editing shafted her in presenting her as a more-rounded person in favor of only showing Bethenny rolling her eyes at her all the time.

  • Love 9


I do think that Heather is leaving of her own volition. The season is still airing and the reunion episodes haven't aired, yet we're already getting news of a departure. Usually that kind of news starts to leak out a few weeks after the final of the reunion episodes have been shown, and when that happens, it's typically that Andy has opted not to renew the contract.

There has been info leaking out who is in and who is out since the day after the reunion was taped in this case. Bethenny, back. Kristen out. Something about Dorinda, I can't remember if she is in or out. Now Heather. I'm not surprised she's out, I think it's a mutual decision. She didn't want to come back and they didn't want her back. Bye Felicia.

I'm interested to see which way Carole goes, without Heather.

  • Love 1

I can buy that Heather quit. Good for her. If the cons outweight the pros, move on. Life is too short to stay where you aren't happy if you can help it. She has a business that makes her millions and she's gotten to publicize her line for 3 seasons. More power to her. After this season, why would she come back? Every episode is about someone in the group fighting with another person. We see very few light, playful moments. I can only speak for myself, but I am not a big fan of drama on reality shows because it's exhausting to watch. I can't imagine how exhausting it must be to be the one living it. I'm sure the salary was nice, but Heather was doing fine before this and she'll be fine after this.


Someone upthread mentioned that Tamra recently said that no one voluntarily leaves the series. Tamra would never leave this gig...doesn't mean others wouldn't. Tammy left the OC because she realized the show was negatively impacting her family and Lydia also left because she felt like the show did not align with her values. I think there are a handful of HWs who feel enough is enough and are more than happy to move on with their lives. Money isn't everything.

  • Love 9

I won't believe she is leaving, not until net season starts filming anyway.


Seems to me she is throwing her weight around so I hope Bravo calls her on her bluff and just lets her go.


Heather, take your groupies Carole and Kristen with you , maybe between the three of you combined can find one story line that is half way interesting.

  • Love 2

Was upset to hear the news this morning, but her leaving is really Bravos loss. I need at least one person to root for on these shows and Heather was that girl for me from mid season 5 on. I enjoyed that she stood up to the original girls, cut through the bull shit and seemed like a genuinely good friend and individual. She was the only truly sane one left on the show at this point. I'm disappointed that Bravos focus on her this season was predominantly negative. I believe she was not willing to compromise her self any further to retain her apple and I can respect that.

  • Love 11

I won't believe she is leaving, not until net season starts filming anyway.


Seems to me she is throwing her weight around so I hope Bravo calls her on her bluff and just lets her go.


Heather, take your groupies Carole and Kristen with you , maybe between the three of you combined can find one story line that is half way interesting.


This is still so curious to me. Are you truly under the impression that these women have nothing going on in their lives, and so during filming they wake up itching to interact with Bethenny? Bethenny is their raison d'etre, apparently?

  • Love 12

I don't blame her if she's had enough. She's got a sick child and that's enough to make anyone say "fuck this, motherfucker! I've got real life problems at home and don't want to deal with nasty Tweets."


All of them (except probably not Carole LOL) might be philanthropists.



FWIW, Carole hosted that ping-pong charity event for a charity in her late husband's name - the Anthony Radziwill Documentary Fund. It wasn't a big event like Creaky Joints - no step and repeat, no ball gowns - but that doesn't mean it's not important to her. All of these women are involved in things and I wish we knew more about them. I never knew about Kelly's trips to Africa, for instance, until I read her blog and became interested.


I also turn a side-eye at people who want everyone to know how charitable they are - Sonja, I'm looking at you, and your definition of a burlesque performance as an in-kind gift to a nonprofit organization. Is Kyle Richards still referring to herself as a "humanitarian" on her Twitter account?

  • Love 1

I actually lean toward believing her exit is involuntary. She's always relished positioning herself at the center of conflict even when it does originate with her (see: how she somehow managed to make herself just as an important figure in BookGate as Carole). From a production perspective, I would also hazard a guess that she was always in the most jeopardy when it came to her cohort. She's more interesting than Kristen but cutting her would be a better narrative move for Bravo since the relationship between Carole and Kristen is less stable. In any case, the season 5 overhaul never really worked for me. And I've never liked Ro or So, so I think casting should keep Carole, B, and Lu.

I actually lean toward believing her exit is involuntary. She's always relished positioning herself at the center of conflict even when it does originate with her (see: how she somehow managed to make herself just as an important figure in BookGate as Carole). From a production perspective, I would also hazard a guess that she was always in the most jeopardy when it came to her cohort. She's more interesting than Kristen but cutting her would be a better narrative move for Bravo since the relationship between Carole and Kristen is less stable. In any case, the season 5 overhaul never really worked for me. And I've never liked Ro or So, so I think casting should keep Carole, B, and Lu.

I think that at this point it's only Heather's choice. They haven't made decisions yet on who to bring back - but, they may have been moving to cut her eventually and she beat them to the punch. Don't know on that one. Even if you see see her as a villain, these shows like conflict and since she was perceived as involved in that this season they may have still wanted her for that.

  • Love 1

Agree with all that's been said re Heather walking away by choice. She definitely increased YT's brand visibility in her time on the show and, between her company's established success plus Jonathan's salary, she has the freedom to leave. I'll miss her -- I see her as part of the show's early premise: successful well-to-do NY wife and mother and businesswoman* -- not someone living in Delusionland, not someone who's become a truly nasty Pinot-pickled loon or not someone whose do-as-I-say-but-do-not-dare-to-opine-on-my-own-chic-c'est la vie grandeur is wearing thin.

*what's sad is this description was Jill until she became unable to lasso the bitch side of her character.

  • Love 7

I seriously can't see pirate-hopping around town pretending you weren't the one lecturing on manners and class as interesting. Maybe if they cobble LuAnn, Ramona and Sonja together they creating one sad, sopping pathetic storyline.


I'm sure Clever is somewhere laughing his ass off, Bitch demanded more accountability from the driver than the dude she fucked. Classic.

Edited by SnarkKitty
  • Love 2

I'll miss her because I think this cast is perfection.  


That said, I was on the fence about her until watching her on Andy's show last night.  Carole/Andy had a moment about a line he liked, Heather tried to pop in with a line she said that she loved.  Made me see her differently. Not so cool, a little more desperate to be popular.

Agree with all that's been said re Heather walking away by choice. She definitely increased YT's brand visibility in her time on the show and, between her company's established success plus Jonathan's salary, she has the freedom to leave. I'll miss her -- I see her as part of the show's early premise: successful well-to-do NY wife and mother and businesswoman* -- not someone living in Delusionland, not someone who's become a truly nasty Pinot-pickled loon or not someone whose do-as-I-say-but-do-not-dare-to-opine-on-my-own-chic-c'est la vie grandeur is wearing thin.

*what's sad is this description was Jill until she became unable to lasso the bitch side of her character.


I continue to believe it's voluntary because official word typically doesn't come out until a few weeks after the last of the reunion episodes have aired. I think that there's a difference between leaks on Radar Online (with no byline) and something in Us Weekly (with a byline).

  • Love 3

I'm a little sad to see Heather go, but it's probably the right thing to do. Yeah, she's a pita at times, but I generally liked her, Carole, not so much. I hope Carole takes a page from Heather's book.

I think she's not cool with the way she was edited this season, but that's the way Andy rolls. Eventually they'll all get a not so good edit, it's par for the course -- if she can't handle that then it's good for her to move on. Being on the show this season and last didn't exactly showcase her Yummie business, so why bother.

Good luck and goodbye.

Edited by msblossom

Oddly enough my biggest surprise surrounding all the casting gossip is that Bethenny seems to be returning. Given her chumminess with Andy, I just sort of assumed she was doing one season of HWs and then they'd find some sort of solo show for her.


Count me in as one of those who thinks Heather A) will have left of her own volition and B) her departure will be a loss to the show. I think time and again we've seen just how questionable the producers/editing monkeys discernment is in giving viewers what they want. (How many times have we said, "why are they airing this footage in the lost clips episode? This should've been in the regular season!") What I think Heather gives you is someone who's a strong enough personality to give you interesting footage that doesn't have to adhere to a Bravo script. I mean, just look at how much everyone is talking about her reaction to Nakedgate in T&C. 


Plus, for all her stupid slang appropriations, I still contend that she's the most genuine of the cast members on this franchise. 

  • Love 8

Heather, take your groupies Carole and Kristen with you , maybe between the three of you combined can find one story line that is half way interesting.


They are taking me with.


You couldn't pay me to watch the remaining "housewives" I used the quotes because none of them are housewives and all of them are nasty pieces of shits. 


I'd be the fool if I wasted one minute on them.

  • Love 10

They are taking me with.


You couldn't pay me to watch the remaining "housewives" I used the quotes because none of them are housewives and all of them are nasty pieces of shits. 


I'd be the fool if I wasted one minute on them.


This isn't specifically directed at you, but in general, this is precisely why I'm confused when people say there are too many HWs and that "dead weight" needs to be cut. Like you, I really don't think I'd have the energy to watch a show that was solely drunk Ramonjas/slutty Luanns. You need the contrast from the other wives for there to be some balance, IMO.

  • Love 5

Heather leaving makes me sad. At this point it's still a rumor, but it feels like it's coming from her camp. Bravo doesn't start thinking about the next season's cast while the current season is still airing. Tamra was right - HW's never leave, but if anyone were to buck this trend, it's Heather. She's got so much going on in her life, and doesn't need the aggravation. And it must be frustrating to see Skinnygirl crap featured all over the place, while the Yummie at Bloomingdales display got a blink-and-you'll-miss-it quick moment in one episode of the entire season.

Btw, MCM - Nene didn't leave on her own volition. As SnarkKitty wrote, it was a power play over money and time and control. She called their bluff, and lost. Yes, it was unusual for Andy to say something publicly, but I think it was strategic - his way of saying: negotiation over! Goodbye and good luck. I don't foresee this happening with Heather.

  • Love 6

Am I misremembering? Didn't Adrienne (RHOBH) opt not to return by way of simply bailing on reunion filming? Like, she wasn't let go at that point, right? She walked away.

I think Adrienne pulling a no-show at the reunion was all due to not wanting to address any of the topics over the dramas surrounding her that season, as opposed to quitting the show entirely. But then Andy took the unprecedented step of essentially firing her on the spot, on-air. It's kinda like what I wrote about Nene - the producers (and network) always have the upper hand.

  • Love 1

Two words. Dina Manzo.

I'll give you Dina, and even Adrienne. They left of their own free will (Dina was still under contract but they let her out of it because the shit stirring around her was real) and Adrienne's contract was up and she had had enough of Bravo. Don't believe it about Tammy or Lydia. They sign 3 year contracts. If you go before that, while you might want to go, Bravo doesn't want you back. If they did want you back, your ass would be theirs. I think particularly in the case of Lydia they didn't want a pregnant girl on the show.

  • Love 1

According to the attached article, it's just as many of us assumed all along - she filmed lots of other stuff, including her work with No Barriers and stuff with YT, but it all ended up on the cutting room floor. Why would anyone want to continue if you aren't going to get to show any of the stuff that is really important to you? Good for her for walking away. She doesn't need the money, amd apparently she isn't getting an opportunity to promote her ventures. Hardly makes it worth it. I will miss her desperately, and I think probably won't watch it anymore after she goes, but she has always been very different to me any any other HW I have ever seen. She seems to have her priorities all lined up and gets what really matters in life. That is what always came through to me in her smile - that she is really just very happy.


  • Love 9

I thought the rumor was that Lydia on OC quit because she wanted to minimize the news about her brother soliciting underage girls?


And I'm another person who liked Heather. She has her quirks but she always stuck out as someone who was generally happy with who they were and at peace with their life, which is generally not how I would describe HW cast members. She brought some levity to the show because she was one of the few women (across all the franchises) who seemed to be more or less the same off camera as she was on, and that there weren't some huge skeletons lurking in her closet.

  • Love 4

Heather's departure is not similar to Dina nor Adrienne. Dina had a convoluted situation of ex husband/child authorization troubles, family dysfunction--Dina's spoiled familial coercion attempts, and upcoming divorce. Adrienne and Paul attempted to utilize their deep coffers and entailed powers to quash sensitive information that was vindictively spewed by a nasty nitwit. Whereas, I believe Heather truly just felt f_ _ _k it. Monetarily, SHE EARNS quite a tidy sum through her business with hubby's loving partnership. I think that her leave is voluntary and professional. And, unlike Dina and Adrienne, I do not believe that she will be hungrily circling/hovering Andy's menagerie of fools.

  • Love 6

Two words. Dina Manzo.

Yes, she quit. She did so because of what Danielle told her ex's family and they in turn told him. He was not a happy camper about their daughter being on the show. Notice that she came back when Lexi was old enough to sign the film release though and I don't think we will see Heather come back to the show, except in a random shot supporting either Carole or Kristen because she does value true friendships unlike the rest of these idiots. Yes, IMO, LuAnn, Ramona, Sonja, Dorinda and Bethenny couldn't form true friendships with anyone on the show if their life depended on it. LOL

  • Love 4

Two words. Dina Manzo.


Oh! I'd forgotten about Dina. 


I think Adrienne pulling a no-show at the reunion was all due to not wanting to address any of the topics over the dramas surrounding her that season, as opposed to quitting the show entirely. But then Andy took the unprecedented step of essentially firing her on the spot, on-air. It's kinda like what I wrote about Nene - the producers (and network) always have the upper hand.


I mean, but could it be said that Andy decided to be all dramatic about it on camera so as to come off look like the bad ass boss with the upperhand? If the HWs are expected to show up for reunion filming and one of them opts not to show up, isn't she pretty much telling Andy to shove it?

Edited by Mozelle

According to the attached article, it's just as many of us assumed all along - she filmed lots of other stuff, including her work with No Barriers and stuff with YT, but it all ended up on the cutting room floor. Why would anyone want to continue if you aren't going to get to show any of the stuff that is really important to you? Good for her for walking away. She doesn't need the money, amd apparently she isn't getting an opportunity to promote her ventures. Hardly makes it worth it. I will miss her desperately, and I think probably won't watch it anymore after she goes, but she has always been very different to me any any other HW I have ever seen. She seems to have her priorities all lined up and gets what really matters in life. That is what always came through to me in her smile - that she is really just very happy.


I hate to say it, but I think I'm done too. I have no interest in Ramona and Sonja or even Beth. I have always been able enjoy Lu, but I've soured on her too much. Dorinda seems crazy, and not in a good way.

It took me forever to get back into this season with both NY and OC.

I gave up on Atlanta with still a few episodes left to the season.

I wish Heather the best.

I agree it's not worth the trouble and time if all her footage wasn't shown. It's a shame that Bravo wanted to focus on Beth so much.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 8

I mean, but could it be said that Andy decided to be all dramatic about it on camera so as to come off look like the bad ass boss with the upperhand? If the HWs are expected to show up for reunion filming and one of them opts not to show up, isn't she pretty much telling Andy to shove it?

Adrienne was fairly unique in that she was not only über wealthy, but grew up wealthy and pampered, and so I think it fit her m.o. to do as she pleased - and this included not only skipping the reunion, but also limiting and downright refusing to film after the surrogacy reveal. Then she gave the surrogacy story to a magazine (while refusing to talk about it on the show), which Andy even made a snide remark over. I think all of this put together infuriated Bravo, so they ended things with her the way they did. We'll never know if she would have returned the next season, but I guess I belonged in the camp that thought she did the show (and wanted to continue) b/c she wanted the one thing (her) money can't buy - fame.

I must be in denial because I won't believe she's leaving till I hear it from her! It doesn't necessarily sound that way in her quote from Reality Tea:


"We have so much to talk about on what’s happening on the show right now, we just shot the couch [reunion show]… I mean, who can even think about next season, let’s stick to this season.”

I must be in denial because I won't believe she's leaving till I hear it from her! It doesn't necessarily sound that way in her quote from Reality Tea:


"We have so much to talk about on what’s happening on the show right now, we just shot the couch [reunion show]… I mean, who can even think about next season, let’s stick to this season.”

She has neither confirmed or denied it on twitter but she is also not talking about next season at all.

I must be in denial because I won't believe she's leaving till I hear it from her! It doesn't necessarily sound that way in her quote from Reality Tea:


"We have so much to talk about on what’s happening on the show right now, we just shot the couch [reunion show]… I mean, who can even think about next season, let’s stick to this season.”

This is giving me hope, but it certainly makes the first story so perplexing. I never believe tabloid stories, esp. ones with news on HW casting while the season is still airing. But this one didn't sound like an Aviva-type fake story to get back at a HW, but more like a strategic leak. Hmmm...

Btw, Heather also said in today's interview that Ramona apologized for what happened, but they didn't show it. She said Ramona explained that it's the one thing she tells Avery not to do, and then she did it. Interesting that they excluded this scene. I guess it didn't fit into the Girl Code narrative, song on iTunes included.

  • Love 6

I find it fascinating that Sonja and "others" have berated Heather for ill treatment of Sonja. HEATHER is the only one in that NEST of vituperative women who actually took time, money, and use of industry connections to help her. No one else has done this for Sonja. What did she get in return. Well, let us ponder that for a moment. Um, yes, right, she was heavily criticized by both Sonja and her good caring friend Ramona. Yes, Ramona who has done what for Sonja. Speak up, I can not quite hear. Oh, that's right, Ramona has done absolutely nothing. And, early in the season when Heather was attempting to befriend "Her Highness, Bethenny of the Walls are Up", Bethenny sentenced Heather to execution upon her attempt to explain how she tried to aid Sonja. However, Bethenny later took great pride in her aid to Sonja--having Sonja attend a meeting with her "people". Yeah, boy, that Heather, so utterly, utterly uncaring and selfish.

Heather go no further into the light--It's not yet your time.

Edited by BookElitist
  • Love 12

I must be in denial because I won't believe she's leaving till I hear it from her! It doesn't necessarily sound that way in her quote from Reality Tea:


"We have so much to talk about on what’s happening on the show right now, we just shot the couch [reunion show]… I mean, who can even think about next season, let’s stick to this season.”


Heather was on NY Live earlier today and basically said the same thing.  She didn't confirm or deny, just wanted to focus on this season.  I missed the latest episode but she gave some greater detail on why she was so upset.


She also told the hosts she brought them some Yummie goodies and got in a plug  (via the happy hosts) for the Yummie website and the charity.


I wish her the best.

  • Love 5

Agreed if Heather does leave, it will be one of the only ones (except for a couple of early OC women) truly about stepping away. Dina and Adrienne only left because of the drama in their lives. Lydia didn't want her brother's legal issues played up more than they already started to be. The minute it was all over and returning was an option, both Dina and Adrienne were back in the saddle.


I really feel Bravo fucked Heather over this season. 17 episodes to get a single solo package for a veteran? Come on. That wasn't by accident.

  • Love 8

Heather knows if she leaves voluntarily the door is open for her to return.  There have been complaints about too big a cast and with Bethenny taking up a good 60% of the screen time the other ladies have really had their screen time cut back.  Last episode sunk so low as to have a bedazzling party to get Kristen involved.  Heather's doesn't have a snarly teenager, kids ready to go away to college, an egotistical husband and we have already seen her various amazing physical feats, her singing and her business.  It is like what the man said at the  Skinny Girl branding summit-he needed something more than a new flavor.  Heather had her opening with the fitness wear and because know it all Bethenny had to open her mouth, her exposure to fitness wear was kind of lost.


Heather is a high paid executive, she may be the CEO or COO but she is not the sole owner of her company.  Taking four or five days off to go on a trip is a big sacrifice for her both family wise and business wise.  So if she leaves I can see why.  The more successful the cast member the easier it is for them to step away from the show and its frustration.

  • Love 3

If Heather leaves it is not because she is so above all these women that she just needs to focus on her business.  She needs the free eposure more than anything.


Heather is a control freak and if she is reading any of the blogs and comments online then her massive ego must have taken a fatal blow, something she is not used to.


Heather is like the little kid who can't dictate the rules of the game so she takes her toy and leaves.


I hope Bravo just lets her go.

  • Love 8

I do think she's leaving.  On her twitter feed, she has favorited several tweets telling her how much they're going to miss her, and thanking her for doing the show.


I'm ambivalent.  I totally get why she's leaving, and I think it's smart.  She can wish the show were different - so do I - but the truth is, it's not.  It's always going to favor Bethenny, in terms of edit and screen time.  It's always going to focus in on fighting and petty BS.  It's always going to reward people for saying something memorable, even if it's nasty.  


I laughed at Brandi, early in her run on RHOBH, when she said that the producers would not hire LeAnn because "they would never do that to me."  I thought, oh, you are so deluded.  The producers would do ANYTHING to you, or to anyone, if it increased the ratings.  As she has since learned.   I also remember when someone asked Judd from Real World San Francisco why he and Pam never did a Challenge or any other show.  He said "we made it out intact once, we weren't going to push our luck."  Smart move.  Sooner or later reality TV will always destroy you.


I've said before, the one thing that we all get to claim in life is our own narrative.  I would never go on one of these shows, because I would never give my narrative to anyone else (God, especially not Andy Cohen).  Heather took a calculated risk - that the benefit to her new company and her charity work would be worth the control she gave up.  It worked for two seasons.  But her luck ran out.  It failed this time.


Look, there are people who are saying that Heather was bossy, controlling, bitchy, etc.  Sometimes she can be.  Sometimes I can be too!!  But it's pretty evident, in my opinion at least, that her good qualities outweigh her bad.  She literally did not have ANY of her redeeming characteristics filmed this season, except for that one brief scene playing on the beach with Bethenny.  And the level of vitriol that she's gotten this season, over such slights as offering Bethenny a meatball or crying because she found a naked stranger in her suite, has made my stomach turn, and I don't even know her.  I feel sorrow for her, I admit it, but also for us, for the level of hatred and outrage that we visit upon others.  I don't think it's good for us, or healthy. I think it is smart of Heather to back away from the cruelty, to recapture her own narrative and her own life.  I wish her well.  And I think I will actually buy some Yummie in her honor.

  • Love 15


I do think she's leaving.  On her twitter feed, she has favorited several tweets telling her how much they're going to miss her, and thanking her for doing the show.




Heather must have gotten blasted at the reunion and threw a hissy fit threatening to quit.


I hope Bravo calls her on her bluff.  

Edited by Leroux
  • Love 3

I do think she's leaving.  On her twitter feed, she has favorited several tweets telling her how much they're going to miss her, and thanking her for doing the show.


I'm ambivalent.  I totally get why she's leaving, and I think it's smart.  She can wish the show were different - so do I - but the truth is, it's not.  It's always going to favor Bethenny, in terms of edit and screen time.  It's always going to focus in on fighting and petty BS.  It's always going to reward people for saying something memorable, even if it's nasty.  


I laughed at Brandi, early in her run on RHOBH, when she said that the producers would not hire LeAnn because "they would never do that to me."  I thought, oh, you are so deluded.  The producers would do ANYTHING to you, or to anyone, if it increased the ratings.  As she has since learned.   I also remember when someone asked Judd from Real World San Francisco why he and Pam never did a Challenge or any other show.  He said "we made it out intact once, we weren't going to push our luck."  Smart move.  Sooner or later reality TV will always destroy you.


I've said before, the one thing that we all get to claim in life is our own narrative.  I would never go on one of these shows, because I would never give my narrative to anyone else (God, especially not Andy Cohen).  Heather took a calculated risk - that the benefit to her new company and her charity work would be worth the control she gave up.  It worked for two seasons.  But her luck ran out.  It failed this time.


Look, there are people who are saying that Heather was bossy, controlling, bitchy, etc.  Sometimes she can be.  Sometimes I can be too!!  But it's pretty evident, in my opinion at least, that her good qualities outweigh her bad.  She literally did not have ANY of her redeeming characteristics filmed this season, except for that one brief scene playing on the beach with Bethenny.  And the level of vitriol that she's gotten this season, over such slights as offering Bethenny a meatball or crying because she found a naked stranger in her suite, has made my stomach turn, and I don't even know her.  I feel sorrow for her, I admit it, but also for us, for the level of hatred and outrage that we visit upon others.  I don't think it's good for us, or healthy. I think it is smart of Heather to back away from the cruelty, to recapture her own narrative and her own life.  I wish her well.  And I think I will actually buy some Yummie in her honor.

I bought YT before Heather ever came on the show, I love it.

  • Love 4
Plus, for all her stupid slang appropriations, I still contend that she's the most genuine of the cast members on this franchise.



Holla that! I can easily imagine her and Jonathan clearing brush out of their yard in the Berkshires, hammering nails etc. and I can't say that about the other HWs. A lot of these women like to act as if they're too good to do certain things, like carry their own luggage or serve their own food to guests, and I found Heather's down-to-earth attitude refreshing.


She seems to really love her life, too, and be grateful for it. I've enjoyed that about her. No whining about entitlement (Sonja). Not expecting a free pass on attitude because of childhood trauma (Bethenny, Ramona, Aviva). 

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