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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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I just now saw Jenelle's segment of the Reunion sneak peak and all I can saw is wow, there is seriously something wrong with her. She is one messed up chick. She needs at least a whole month of therapy to get her head straight. (She should've gone with Leah) She is delusional and has absolutely no idea of the sacrifices Babs has made for her and continues to do so on a daily basis. She should be so thankful not so resentful.

And that dress ain't doing her any favors either.

  • Love 5

That's it. A panel of PTV posters to run the reunion show in lieu of the entirely ineffective Dr. Drew. 

I'm game. I'd rip them new assholes.



She is really just a vile little bitch, isn't she? Barb may "only" work at WM, but she has saved Jenelle's hide in more ways than one. And God knows where Jace would be today if Barb hadn't intervened. I have my issues with Barb, but to snark on where she works? When her fucking paycheck is putting a roof over your kid's head??? I'm glad I wasn't on that stage with her, that's all I can say...

I would have given Jenelle an earful.  Jenelle thinks she is so damn smart. What a smug-ass bitch.


Yes, Barb only works at Wal-Mart. Say what you will about Wal-Mart, but plenty of people, like Bar, have WM to thank for putting a roof over their head, keeping them off the streets, and putting food on their table. Wasn't it Barb's credit cards that Jenelle stole when she and Kieffer went on their road trip? They didn't have money so, they go and use the credit cards of the woman who works her ass off at WM! Barb earned her credit and she wouldn't have likely been able to do it without that job at WM.

  • Love 8

I can only hope for the day Jenelle sits there, broke and alone. Her douchebag boyfriends have long since taken off, all her kids have long since stopped having anything to do with her, have call-blocked her permanently and Babs is happily ensconced at a nice comfortable senior living facility. That's her future in a nutshell. 

  • Love 4

I'm kind of glad that all of Jenelle's shit has been documented. I can just tell in 10-15 years, she's going to try and manipulate the hell out of Jace for money, affection, housing, and whatever else she'll be devoid of once MTV dumps her.

"Oh I wanted to raise you Jace, but your grandmother was so mean and she wouldn't give you back to me. Every time I tried, she'd take you away! Now let me borrow 20 dollars."

It's a good thing this footage exists so she can't rewrite history once Jace is a teenager and raising Kaiser on his own.

  • Love 16

As a general rule of life I say the only (legal) job you need to be ashamed of is the one you thought you were too good to accept. Exceptions? Sure, I can think of a few. But all things being equal working for minimum wage at McDonald's even though you have a degree because that's what you need to do right now is less emabarassing then sitting at home moaning that you can't find a job. I had to do it briefly once. And I did because I am no better than anyone else. All this to say FUCK OFF JANELLE! Your mom's "non life saving" job has fed and clothed your son his entire life! You ungrateful bitch. Nathan is right, you are just trailer trash.

  • Love 16

The only lives Jenelle will save is when she is locked up in jail for a long time. She won't be behind the wheel of her car as she is crying and foaming at the mouth over the loss of another loser boyfriend. She won't be driving around recklessly as she tries to avoid being mother to Roll. She won't be driving while under the influence.

  • Love 5

This broke my heart. Barb is a good person. Jennelle is worthless. I really would like to know what it would take to get rid of Dr. Drew hosting the reunions. It seems like he doesn't even watch the show. We really need a host who calls out these girls and their baby daddies on their b.s.

I'm sure Nipples wants custody so he can get Jennelle's $$$.

Jenelle can fuck off. For real. This bitch......

Barb already HAS saved lives. She probably saved her own life and possibly those of her kids when she left the abusive relationship she was in & moved out on her own (and probably had to work at Wal-Mart to support herself).

Barb has saved Jenelle's life. Where the heck would Jenelle be without Barb taking her ass back in every time she's broke/single/lost it all on drugs? Possibly dead somewhere in an alley from a drug overdose or worse. It's my understanding that Barb supported her and helped her get off heroin in the end of the Courtland era.

Barb saved Jenelle's own son's life by taking custody of and caring for Jace. If he was left with Jenelle, it'd be just because of luck that he'd be alive. He might have died of neglect. Maybe he would have been physically abused by one of Jenelle's "soulmates." Heck, he might have even been sold for drugs or to pay off a debt a la poor Shania Davis (RIP) - http://abcnews.go.com/WN/accused-shaniya-davis-kidnapper-charged-murder-rape/story?id=9136407

So that's at least 2-3 lives saved by Barb so far and 0 for Jenelle.

This bitch is delusional and MEAN. It's a testament to a mother's unconditional love that Barb puts up with it. (I wish she'd cut Jenelle off but I know that as a mom that would be so difficult.)

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 10

After what Jenelle said to Barb in that clip, I take back any time I felt bad for Jenelle when Nathan treated her badly. His emotional abuse isn't even enough karma for this bitch.

Also, I co-sign what some of you have posted about Kaiser being better off with Nathan (although he deserves neither of those creeps as his parents) & that Jenelle will absolutely try to manipulate Jace when he's older by trying to convince him Barb kept her away. Here's hoping Jace either gives Jenelle a taste of her own medicine or he's smart enough to see through her.

  • Love 5

I have always liked Barb and declared her a saint for putting up with Jenelle's bullcrap. For Jenelle to make low blows like that just pisses me off. Have some respect for your mother and the fact that she is raising your son for you. Seriously, I can't wait for the money train to be over and for Jenelle to be broke and struggling to find work cause of her million arrests.

  • Love 6

Jenelle has always been a useless piece of shit in my eyes but, this is lower than anything she's ever done. I can't wait until she's broke and living in one of her cars.


I sure hope Jace learns at a young age that he can't ever trust her or believe anything that comes out of her disgusting mouth. Man, oh, man! I wish Babs would cut her out of her life. 

  • Love 7

Like I said, this is not the first time Jenelle has said this to Barb, which is why I maintain that she is one sorry bitch. This clip is from about two years ago, but Jenelle doesn't count time in years, she counts in penises. So this is about 40 penises ago, when she was with Reefer.


"You have not changed,” Barb yells at Jenelle after she admits she’s still behind on rent. “You’re the same — when you met him, and you two were homeless and got arrested?…Deja vu!” she screams. “I don’t need your f**king help,” Jenelle fires back, to which Barbara says that selling weed pipes (Jenelle corrects her — they’re “tobacco” pipes, apparently) is not lucrative enough to support a child. The fight spirals out of control, and that’s when Jenelle goes for the kill shot, insulting Barb’s job. “You’re a deli person that’s gonna work at Walmart the rest of your f**king life,” she shouts.

  • Love 1

Didn't her arrest for assaulting Nathan's girlfriend happen AFTER the reunion taped? Yeah, that really sounds like she had gotten her "shit together"...and wasn't there a scene on the show just this season where she basically said she WASN'T going to try to get Jace back (after break-up 7,362 with Nathan)?

  • Love 2

Didn't her arrest for assaulting Nathan's girlfriend happen AFTER the reunion taped? Yeah, that really sounds like she had gotten her "shit together"...and wasn't there a scene on the show just this season where she basically said she WASN'T going to try to get Jace back (after break-up 7,362 with Nathan)?

Her latest arrest was August 21. I don't know when the reunion was taped.



Jenelle has recently started dating David Eason. After a few weeks of bliss there’s already trouble in twitterdise! The drama started on the antiquated form of social media known as Facebook when David’s sister Rachel accused Jenelle of lying about graduating with her Medical Assisting Degree.


The reasons Rachel doesn’t like Jenelle, according to OK! Magazine, include: “Because she doesn’t have her state certification since she failed the exam. Because when she isn’t being fabulous at a red carpet event, she’s partying locally. Because she has to actually have her kids longer than 4 hours to be a mother. No one is perfect, but they don’t have to be this train wreck either. There’s mistakes, and then there’s habitual f—kups.”


I think I like his sister! hahaha

  • Love 14

Jenelle is delusional if she thinks she's ever going to work in the medical field.

Test subject, maybe.



The drama started on the antiquated form of social media known as Facebook when David’s sister Rachel accused Jenelle of lying about graduating with her Medical Assisting Degree.

How apropos that her alleged degree spells M.A.D.


"GTJ (Gym, Tan, Jail) ex-boyfriend Nathan Griffith,"


Well played! Jersey Shore was never this dramastically trash...dratrashtic?

Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 4

Whoa, so Jenelle doesn't have her actual degree? Does that mean she cannot be employed as a medical assistant? How is she going to be saving lives then? By being a cautionary tale for getting off drugs and wrapping your pecker? 



(by the by, I accidentally typed "cautionary tail" and almost left it. Teehee!)

  • Love 4

She could have her diploma (or whatever) from her school, meaning that she graduated their program...but failed the state's certification exam, which in SC might leave her unable to work as an MA in any medical office. Which really, is probably leaving the patients of Myrtle Beach with a collective sigh of relief. I would never choose a practice that would hire our Jenelley. 

  • Love 11

Like dude I'm not going back out there. Like dude my mom is so fucking mean to me.

Jenelle shut up.

Babs- I would do anything to get my children back.

Jenelle- I am doing everything to get Jace back.

Babs- Yeah six years later

Dr.Drew- Don't do that.

Do what Dr. Drew speak the truth. Can someone please replace him with a REAL therapist. He's a quack.

  • Love 7

Hell, replace him with anyone else. Even that chick from Girl Code who hosts some of the after shows....just anyone who has an actual spine when it comes to these chicks. Aside from Chelsea they all need a heavy dose of reality about their relationships and behavior. Granted Chelsea's not a perfect mom....but she's got it together waaaaaaaayyyy more than the other 3, baby talk and all. It always struck me as odd that Dr. Quack seems to be hard on Chelsea and coddle the rest of them. It should be the total opposite by this point....yet I'll bet Dr. Quack will spend her entire segment grilling her about Adumb and why she's so hard on him, or some other dumb nonsense.

  • Love 3

If Sad Panda gives Chelsea shit about why she's not nicer to Adam I think I will throw something at my tv. If Sad Panda doesn't call Adam out on missing Father's Day, I'll throw something else at my tv.

Jenelle was arrested in August? So would that be the second time she's gotten arrested over Nathan and his new girlfriend?

  • Love 5

Sigh. I just can't with these people. Going by his Instagram pics he has a daughter and a son with a big enough age difference between them to make me think they're by two different baby mamas. He's big on selfies and greasy food and if I had to guess, I'd say his occupation was meth dealer. In other words he's perfect for our Jenelle.

In this pouty-lip shot he looks like a less decayed version of Adumb.



  • Love 3
If Sad Panda gives Chelsea shit about why she's not nicer to Adam I think I will throw something at my tv. If Sad Panda doesn't call Adam out on missing Father's Day, I'll throw something else at my tv.


I guarantee you that Sad Panda will come down HARD on Chelsea for moving Cole in and trying to replace Adumb with him (not saying some admonition isn't warranted), but nothing will be said of Leah moving her girlses from one dude's house to another. No mention of Jenelle using her child as pawn. Adumb will definitely be poor, mistreated, trying-so-hard daddy. Oh, and Corey will probably get a ration of shit from him as well. Dr. Drew is ass fucking backwards. 

  • Love 11

Whoa, so Jenelle doesn't have her actual degree? Does that mean she cannot be employed as a medical assistant? How is she going to be saving lives then? By being a cautionary tale for getting off drugs and wrapping your pecker? 



(by the by, I accidentally typed "cautionary tail" and almost left it. Teehee!)

According to Jenelle, the Medical Assistant "degree" is just a backup.  She intends to pursue training to be a surgical technician.  Don't look for her to be employed any time soon, with our without State Certification.

  • Love 2

According to Jenelle, the Medical Assistant "degree" is just a backup.  She intends to pursue training to be a surgical technician.  Don't look for her to be employed any time soon, with our without State Certification.

If it's any consolation, Jenelle, I'd totally hire you to star if I were making a low budget local horror movie about an insane surgeon.

If I wanted nonstop headaches as a director, that is.

  • Love 4


Aside from Chelsea they all need a heavy dose of reality about their relationships and behavior. Granted Chelsea's not a perfect mom....but she's got it together waaaaaaaayyyy more than the other 3, baby talk and all. It always struck me as odd that Dr. Quack seems to be hard on Chelsea and coddle the rest of them. It should be the total opposite by this point....yet I'll bet Dr. Quack will spend her entire segment grilling her about Adumb and why she's so hard on him, or some other dumb nonsense.

That's the thing, none of the other 3 girls are by any means perfect parents, but they've all at least made some sort of attempts (even Leah) to somewhat act like parents. Even Leah in her drug induced stupor would attempt burnt Chef Boyardee at midnight. While faaaaaar from perfect, she was at least sort of being mom-like. Jenelle on the other hand has yet to do anything that I've seen is even a feeble attempt at parenting. At the reunion, I think Barb's comment about Jenelle finally attempting to get Jace back 6 years later was inappropriate...not because it's "NOT FAIR!!!!" to Jenelle, but because from what we saw this season, she attempted to get Jace back for the 5 minutes her & her equally delusional roided out piece-of-shit baby daddy were getting along for 5 minutes & thought it a good idea to make it seem like they were decent human beings & trying to regain custody of their original kids. The moment they started getting into psychotic arguments & Jenelle was told "lose the loser, or you're not getting Jace back", her response was "ok. I want Nathan back more than my son". So again, watch the fucking show DREW. Gah!!!

  • Love 5
Good luck passing ANY background checks


Right? I don't think it's fair when someone with a criminal past is penalized their entire life for it. But this isn't her past. It's her goshdamn present! She just got arrested a month ago! For the millionth time. Who would hire someone that's in court every other month????

  • Love 8

Yeah, I actually have a heart for people who make A mistake and have to live with that. But- one, when you have a record, you have to be realistic. Medical and educational type jobs are pretty much off the table. Unfortunately for a lot of people, but I'm sure we are all happy Jenelle can't do either of these things.

Two- A mistake. Once you have sixteen or seventeen mug shots, when you've stolen from your own hardworking mother, when the cops are called every other month- my sympathy wanes. Jenelle deserves whatever judgement befalls her at this point.

Edited by Elizabeth9
  • Love 8

This bitch kills me. I'm almost done rewatching the whole series and just when I start feeling sorry for her she just does something that disgusts me. Bitch shouldn't have dogs much less children. Watching her with Jace just reminds me of when I dated a guy with a kid for awhile. I'm not a kid person and had zero connection with the kid so our interactions were just forced and awkward for awhile. That's how she is with her own kids. Bizarre. I still don't get why she had either one of them.

  • Love 6

Right? I don't think it's fair when someone with a criminal past is penalized their entire life for it. But this isn't her past. It's her goshdamn present! She just got arrested a month ago! For the millionth time. Who would hire someone that's in court every other month????

Exactly. What is appalling about this is, there are people who make mistakes. There are those who make a lot of mistakes. They have criminal records and are addicts. They want help, but can't afford it. They want to make changes, but don't have the resources. They want to have a better life, but they have no money to at least get started in the right direction. Jenelle has earned six figures for at least FOUR YEARS NOW! She is not on welfare. She is not living in her car. She is not homeless. She has the means to make a better life for herself and her boys. But, she pisses it all away on one loser after another, buying new cars, taking vacations, getting tattoos, bail money, and attorneys' fees. She can't get herself into proper therapy and get her mental shit together.  She couldn't even bother to put all that money to get herself a decent education that could possibly get her into a career where she would at least have a chance of obtaining employment. All of that is what makes me throw shade at her time and time again.

  • Love 8


That's the thing, none of the other 3 girls are by any means perfect parents, but they've all at least made some sort of attempts (even Leah) to somewhat act like parents. Even Leah in her drug induced stupor would attempt burnt Chef Boyardee at midnight.

Right. I gotta give Leah at least that. It wasn't the best thing for her kids, but it was better than sending to them bed hungry, which is what Jenelle would do.

  • Love 6

What a hypocrite. Issac missed one full week of school. He's falling behind. He needs to be in school. Something Karl would say to Jo.

My parents have taken us out of school for a week before (provided that we were doing well in all of our classes and hadn't missed many days before that) for vacations a handful of times. We brought work with us, did it on the car ride and it was fine. But we were going to places like Disney world, where it was something that we enjoyed as a family. Who, besides Kail, enjoyed that fashion week trip?

  • Love 2

Newsflash, Jenelle. You may have completed the course and have a shiny certificate. But, you don't have a job and aren't saving any lives. Your mom's job at Walmart put a roof over your head, food in your mouth and is providing the means to raise the son you abandoned to party.

If a bird in the hand is worth two in the branches, one real Walmart career is worth 100 imaginary medical careers in Jenelle's head.

That's it. A panel of PTV posters to run the reunion show in lieu of the entirely ineffective Dr. Drew. 

Even the South Park kids would have been better than Drew. Even Cartman. I bet he'd get into it with Jenelle.

  • Love 6

Nathan insists he doesn't hate Barb, even though he called her "pure evil" and blamed her for Jenelle's choice to get into drugs, because he's Christian. Specifically, the Gotta Lift Bro denomination. This is why he gets so angry when gym time is interrupted; it's part of his religion.



Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 6

Nathan insists he doesn't hate Barb, even though he called her "pure evil" and blamed her for Jenelle's choice to get into drugs, because he's Christian. Specifically, the Gotta Lift Bro denomination. This is why he gets so angry when gym time is interrupted; it's part of his religion.


I bet 'RoidJesus has wayyyy better legs than Nathan..

  • Love 5

As much as I think Nipples is an ignorant, manipulative user, I believe he would be a better parent to the Roll than his egg donor. At least he seems to like him and we've seen him  interact with him.

Also, his high pitched giggle-chuckle is probably less grating to a baby than Jenelle's voice.

*eeee hee hee*

  • Love 6

What a dumb bitch.  Barb never once said anything about "owning" Jace - I have never seen anyone turn shit around like Jenelle does. Everyone knows Barb didn't take Jace, Jenelle dumped that kid on her from the time he was born.  Barb is the only stability that child knows.  But when Jenelle decides she wants something, she wants it NOW - like she owns it.



  • Love 7
What a dumb bitch.  Barb never once said anything about "owning" Jace - I have never seen anyone turn shit around like Jenelle does. Everyone knows Barb didn't take Jace, Jenelle dumped that kid on her from the time he was born.  Barb is the only stability that child knows.  But when Jenelle decides she wants something, she wants it NOW - like she owns it.


She really does turn shit around. She was all asking Barb, "You think you deserve Jace???" Barb never once said anything about deserving Jace. It's not about OWNING him. Those are terms Jenelle thinks in. Very telling. A child is a possession to her. A pawn. Barb clearly has not given Jace up because she is worried about his well-being. That is all. 

  • Love 9

If the Roll spends more time with Nipples, his first word will be gym instead of dude. And, he'll be more prone to smile. At least Nipples smiles when he's being a manipulative asshole.

With Nips as primary parent, Roll will move on from that milk bottle and go straight to the Patron bottle.


With Nips as a primary parent, Roll will get his gym lifetime membership by his second birthday.

  • Love 3

What a dumb bitch.  Barb never once said anything about "owning" Jace - I have never seen anyone turn shit around like Jenelle does. Everyone knows Barb didn't take Jace, Jenelle dumped that kid on her from the time he was born.  Barb is the only stability that child knows.  But when Jenelle decides she wants something, she wants it NOW - like she owns it.



One of Jenelle's friends probably put those words in her head. Jenelle doesn't have a mind of her own, we all know that. She only wanted Jace because Nathan was pushing her about. She said on one episode that her friends were asking why she didn't have Jace. She wasn't thinking about Jace until it started making her look bad to her friends. They're probably saying to her "does she (Barbara) think she's owns/deserves/etc him, Jenelle??"


Jenelle is perfectly happy pretending to the world that she wants to get him back, because it makes her appear to be a good mom. She can then play victim (Nathan was so right about that) when she doesn't get him back all because the Big-Bad-Barb won't let her have him. I thought she was going to go to court to get him back? She knows she has no real chance in court so she just wants Barbara to give him back on her own.

  • Love 1

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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