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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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1 hour ago, druzy said:

was just looking at that pyscho's Instagram. He's sleeping with a gun. Jenelle can go to hell for allowing her kids around that disgusting ugly bearded beast. He's on major drugs.

how do you get to his page?  I tried looking up his IG name on IG and it says it doesn’t exist.  When I try and google it, it comes up as his profile but when you try and follow him nothing.  Probably a good thing because I saw the IG on here and he’s a f’n nut job.  

  • Love 2
6 minutes ago, LBS said:

how do you get to his page?  I tried looking up his IG name on IG and it says it doesn’t exist.  When I try and google it, it comes up as his profile but when you try and follow him nothing.  Probably a good thing because I saw the IG on here and he’s a f’n nut job.  

Enter at your own risk!

  • Love 4

I followed him on Instagram, I have to see how this plays out. 


Heh, I was just thinking about something. A couple of years ago my instagram got jacked by the Russians so most of my posts and followers are in Russian with only a few posts in English. He gets high and paranoid enough this could be entertaining to make him think he's secretly being followed.

  • Love 3

Those poor kids. This is going to end with someone in that house getting shot. A paranoid racist asshole hopped up on meth and sleeping with guns? It's only a matter of time.

And for the life of me, I cannot figure out why Barb continued to allow Jace to visit that hellhole. Fuck a custody arrangement. I'd be in court throwing out every accusation and roadblock I needed to make life miserable for Jenelle.

  • Love 15
6 hours ago, druzy said:

I'm thinking methamphetamines?

Seems about right. I was thinking though..what if David truly doesn’t take ANY drugs? What if this is all just him, naturally? I vote for a combo of severe personality disorders and mental illness, drug induced paranoia and a hefty dose of just plain asshole, though.

5 hours ago, druzy said:


Wow, even highly self absorbed Kailyn is concerned. Or knows it’s crazy bad enough that she should pretend to care.

4 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

Is he sleeping with his gun?  The only people who should be sleeping with their guns are marines.  

The only time I’d feel like I should sleep with a gun is if I was sleeping in the vicinity of David and I don’t think I could even sleep at all in that scenario. Maybe he’ll accidentally shoot “hisself” in his sleep.  

4 hours ago, LBS said:

@druzy the below is what I get when I click on your link and every time I look him up  ‘User not found’.  I think he seriously blocked everyone else who didn’t follow him before. Be careful !



You’ve been blocked! Welcome to the club! I’ve said it before but I was blocked by David for agreeing with someone who rather politely pointed out that a sick Ensley probably shouldn’t be outside, wet and playing with the hose a long time ago on Jenelle’s page. I think I literally just said “agreed.” Jenelle herself didn’t block me. That’s all it takes for him to find and block people. I think he’s obsessed with it and spends all day/night doing it. Who knows what you supposedly did @LBS. There’s no way to just block every account that’s not a follower, other than make your account private, but it wouldn’t look like that to you if that were the case. What you’re seeing is what happens when someone specifically blocks YOU. So, scary as it is you are “on his radar.” But so are the 500,000 others he’s probably blocked, including me. Or Belgium 🇧🇪 really is exceptionally advanced at blocking out hateful, ignorant bullshit from your browser! 😆 

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 8
2 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

Did Jenelle really say “hisself?” Remember when people used to think she had any intelligence?

I think she has, David DEFINITELY did on the show, more than once, which is why I used it. Fucking idiots!! Glad they’re “homeschooling” Marysa.

1 hour ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

He is fucking scary. 

And dumber than most. 



Yeah..I’m sure if a toddler were to unassumingly wander onto the land and was shot nothing would happen.

I don’t know NC law but can you really just shoot someone for setting foot on your property (let alone “secret service”/law enforcement/etc)? I would assume there would have to be clear evidence of a threat. Otherwise wouldn’t we hear more stories about people being killed this way? The only reason I even question it is because some states have (what I think are) insane laws. I’m assuming he’s just being his psycho self but hopefully someone can confirm that.

  • Love 9
13 hours ago, Mkay said:



He's such a lying bitch. There's no way in hell he told them "get the fuck" out of his house. He probably had to change his underwear after shitting himself when they showed up. I also don't think the Secret Service will take kindly to the threats he clearly laid out in that post.

And was this ugly inbred goon really born in 1988 or was the '88' chosen for its ties to white supremacist organizations?

MTV needs to drop Janelle's ass hard. By continuing to pay her and showcase her to a nationwide audience means they're actively contributing to and supporting this asshole's violent belief system. 

15 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

Is he sleeping with his gun?  The only people who should be sleeping with their guns are marines.  

He might be, but that picture is staged as fuck. 


13 hours ago, DeeReynolds said:

This article seems to sum up the latest meth trip pretty well. And also, what the actual fuck? https://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/david-eason-responds-to-secret-service-by-showing-off-guns-and-ammo/

I mean, this dude is crazy. I'm actually a pretty big supporter of 2A rights, and we're kind of mild preppers here. So I get the idea of stocking up on stuff. (Although, in our case, it's largely medical supplies.) But this dude is fucking off his rocker. Every morning when I see her thread activity, I'm scared something big happened at the land. I'm scared for those kids. 

And he pisses me off. Because the way he acts just reinforces the idea that some people have about gun owners. He makes the stereotypes true. And it's really really shitty. 

  • Love 19
5 hours ago, ghoulina said:

He might be, but that picture is staged as fuck. 


I mean, this dude is crazy. I'm actually a pretty big supporter of 2A rights, and we're kind of mild preppers here. So I get the idea of stocking up on stuff. (Although, in our case, it's largely medical supplies.) But this dude is fucking off his rocker. Every morning when I see her thread activity, I'm scared something big happened at the land. I'm scared for those kids. 

And he pisses me off. Because the way he acts just reinforces the idea that some people have about gun owners. He makes the stereotypes true. And it's really really shitty. 

Thank you! He is the worst kind of gun owner! 

Those poor kids. I have gone from fearful to terrified for those kids. I could see him waiting until all the kids are there to do something. I hope Barb and Doris can get the visits with Jace stopped and get custody of  Kaiser. I don't think the visitation has started again. That just leaves Maryssa and Ensley unfortunately...

I checked @Giant Misfit he was born in 88 however I am positive he loves the Aryan connotations. Fuck UBT and Jenelle.

Edited by badhaggis
I really meant fuck tablet
  • Love 6

Someone should mail him the dvds of the movie versions of Ruby Ridge and Waco.  See how that turned out, Dumb Fuck.  Oh how I wish the government would reign down on him and his land.  Then again, poor use of tax monies and resources.

@ghoulina ❤️ your post x 1000.  He’s doing this for shock and awe.  He may loooooove his guns, that I do not doubt, but this fascination with broadcasting it is just for attention. 

Edited by geauxaway
  • Love 14

Fuck this imbecile and the horse he rode in on.  Does he actually believe that military bases have unsecured weapons and loose ammunition scattered randomly around their facilities?  He's obviously never set foot on a base.  If he's so obsessed with military weapons, why doesn't he go visit a recruiter?  Oh, that's right, the military doesn't want his sorry ass.  And he would wash out of Boot Camp/Basic Training very quickly anyway.  


  • Love 15
51 minutes ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

Fuck this imbecile and the horse he rode in on.  Does he actually believe that military bases have unsecured weapons and loose ammunition scattered randomly around their facilities?  He's obviously never set foot on a base.  If he's so obsessed with military weapons, why doesn't he go visit a recruiter?  Oh, that's right, the military doesn't want his sorry ass.  And he would wash out of Boot Camp/Basic Training very quickly anyway.  


Well, he probably has bone spurs.

  • Love 4
19 hours ago, DeeReynolds said:

This article seems to sum up the latest meth trip pretty well. And also, what the actual fuck? https://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/david-eason-responds-to-secret-service-by-showing-off-guns-and-ammo/

He's a goofy looking bastard, more so every time I see a photo of him.  WTF does Janelle see in him to begin with?  Not that her other boyfriends/exes were prizes, but Jeezus Christ on a Cracker...

  • Love 16
16 hours ago, badhaggis said:

I checked @Giant Misfit he was born in 88 however I am positive he loves the Aryan connotations. Fuck UBT and Jenelle.


Yeah, he probably sees being born in ‘88 as some sign that he’s extra supreme Aryan or whatever. 🤢 

16 hours ago, druzy said:

Remember a few weeks ago Corey challenge UBT to a boxing match? Did UBT ever respond? Probably not. 

Wait...what?! Ohh.. you must mean “new Cory” not Cory Simms, duh...I was in awe for a second. “New Cory” usually sucks but I’ll like him more if he beats David’s ass, for sure! I’m sure he could get a bunch of Challenge guys together who also want to beat David’s ass and really make their mark...

7 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:

He was available and he's a fellow drug user. That's good enough for Janelle.

And he’s obsessive about her and never lets her do anything without him. I think she likes that in a guy and thinks it equals true love. She’d rather be controlled than “ignored”.

“Wulllll, we like, never fight and spend like, all our time together and stuff, dude...everyone else is the problem.”

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 12

This is so disturbing! I am almost at a loss for words... What kind of mother would let her kids grow up in a household with an unstable, paranoid, drugged up asshole!?! And the arsenal of weapons is beyond insanity! I wouldn’t even allow my children into a house with a weapon! Why are the authorities just letting this continue? They know he abuses her and the kids! Shame on Nathan and the extended families for not getting those kids out of that hell hole! One day we will wake up to the news, there will be a massacre at the land. Just wait and see, and then it will be too late...

Edited by Norwegian
  • Love 11

He has to be on some hardcore drugs.  There’s no other explanation for his appearance, is there?  He’s been on the scene 3 years?  I’ve never seen someone in their mid 20’s that wasn’t on drugs or having other health issues decline that rapidly.  He wasn’t completely hideous (looks wise) when he first arrived.  Now?  No explanation.  And I’m talking strictly his physical appearance, not all his other shit he pulls.  Like does she not see this?  She looks at him and thinks oh babe you’re hot?

  • Love 15

Wow. UBT is even more unhinged than he was on the show. And, apparently, he walks around with a gun on his hip at all times, even when he's cooking and holding his toddler. And he loves bump stocks. Just, wow. How could this possibly end well? Even if UBT and/or Jenelle don't intentionally or accidentally shoot someone, there are all kinds of weapons all over the place with a bunch of young kids and parents who regularly lock themselves in their bedroom/lock the kids out of the house. 

Is Jenelle still on the show? Last I heard, she was still negotiating about what/when/whether she would film without UBT.

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, druzy said:

Nathan's ice skating while his son is living with a lunatic.

Kaiser is truly fucked. I can’t forget that Nathan is a selfish fuck too just because David and Jenelle are worse. Remember when Nathan and Jenelle were speeding and darting through traffic trying to get away from each other because neither wanted Kaiser? 😢 All of us random “hatters” are worried and sick over what has been going on and Kaiser’s dad is off posing for couples pictures with his latest piece of ass. Real nice.

I have to say..some of you really called all of this craziness on the land going down just like this. I never doubted David’s crazy but I didn’t really allow myself to fully comprehend it all because I wanted to think it couldn’t be AS bad as some of you have always thought...but it really is that bad. It’s to the point where I am fully expecting to hear about a serious injury or worse at any moment on The Land.

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 24

The first season is on demand, and I've been watching it. One moment that really stood out to me is when Jenelle said, "jace is nine months old and nothing's changed." They should give her a voiceover this season where's she says, "Jace is nine years old and nothing's changed." It's so awful that she's such a terrible person!

  • Love 19

When I see how crazy things have gotten with David and Jenelle, I am reminded of a case years back in North Carolina. A woman, Susie Sharp  Newsom and her cousin Fritz Klenner, with whom she was romantically involved, killed members of her family and themselves, including her two sons. A book, Bitter Blood, by Jerry Bledsoe was written about it. David reminds me of Fritz Klenner.

  • Love 14
28 minutes ago, Adiba said:

When I see how crazy things have gotten with David and Jenelle, I am reminded of a case years back in North Carolina. A woman, Susie Sharp  Newsom and her cousin Fritz Klenner, with whom she was romantically involved, killed members of her family and themselves, including her two sons. A book, Bitter Blood, by Jerry Bledsoe was written about it. David reminds me of Fritz Klenner.

  I saw that story on an episode of Southern Fried Homicide on the ID Channel. Wow-that comparison is spot on @Adiba.

  • Love 7

Interesting to see that they've dropped the pretense of UBT having a job/running some kind of business Jenelle was financing. He now describes himself as taking care of the kids and homeschooling Maryssa every day. I guess that leaves plenty of time for shooting his guns, posting on IG, and surfing right-wing gun nut websites. I can only imagine (while shuddering, screaming, and breaking into a cold sweat) what his homeschooling looks like. Maryssa doesn't even have the hope of building her own life through school as a comfort/escape route from life on The Land with her drugged out, psycho "parents."

  • Love 22
On 12/14/2018 at 3:06 PM, harleybeanswind said:

David’s Instagram is INSANE right now. Apparently the Secret Service came to his home to question him because he tagged Trump in a video with him shooting guns.

I don’t know how to share video, but for real. If you can, go look. It’s terrifying.

He also tagged Nancy Pelosi. This fucking asshole is too dumb to be allowed to draw breath.

Edited by MadLove
  • Love 13

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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