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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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18 minutes ago, DNR said:


This pisses me off .

We’ve heard of many Police Officers shot & killed during domestic calls in the last few years.

i have police officers in my family...For Juhnelle to say NO about firearms and have officers walk into a confrontation with a drunken violent ARMED Lurch...that f^cking bitch. 

We all knew this was coming eventually , but that selfish bitch won’t take those kids and run for safety from that monster.

DV calls are at the top of the dangerous list for law enforcement. For her to not warn them that he was armed is just disgusting. They could have walked right into an ambush. I wonder if the cops knew they had guns after they ran their names since both of them have concealed carry permits?

I really, really hope this is the last straw for Barb and that she's in her lawyer's office right now to start the process of stopping all visitation unless it's supervised by a court appointed person or at her house.

  • Love 19
7 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

DV calls are at the top of the dangerous list for law enforcement. For her to not warn them that he was armed is just disgusting. They could have walked right into an ambush. I wonder if the cops knew they had guns after they ran their names since both of them have concealed carry permits?

I really, really hope this is the last straw for Barb and that she's in her lawyer's office right now to start the process of stopping all visitation unless it's supervised by a court appointed person or at her house.

I just listen to it. The only thing now he is going to seclude her more sad ?

  • Love 6

I really wish they would just off each other already. I don't mean to "play god" & think I have a say of who should live or die, but it's at a point to where these two are extremely dangerous to those around them, and they will not change for anything. If they didn't have innocent children & just holed up on The Land in their little drug induced bubble away from the eyes of the world, then more power to them. The fact of the matter is though, there are numerous examples of them putting their children in immediate danger, being physically rough with the children, spewing hate on a scale neither one of them should have ever been granted, and now they are not only putting the lives of law enforcement in danger, there are numerous examples of them unnecessarily calling the police which takes those resources away from people who actually need them (this last example notwithstanding). Oh, and let's not forget about them taking resources from true victims of the hurricane. This goes beyond "ugh, I hate them". It's at a point of "someone needs to stop them", and in my eyes what better scenario than them just taking each other out so nobody else has to be hurt by them anymore. 

  • Love 14
4 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

This is so scary. Fuck Jenelle....but those kids. I hate to judge domestic violence victims, but she has all the means to get away and protect her kids. David is a threat to ALL of them. 

Exactly. She's not totally dependent on him with no job and no resources. She's the breadwinner in that household and, unlike so many others, has the ability to remove her children from the daily terror they live in.

  • Love 14

Who is the "ex" who comes in while she's on the call?  It sounds like David, but she didn't say it was. And yet, her tone changed like she was trying to goad whoever it was.

And she 100% lied to the operator about David's possession of firearms. Fuck her for putting innocent people in that situation. Her kids, the police, the medics. Fuck her.

  • Love 20
9 minutes ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Who is the "ex" who comes in while she's on the call?  It sounds like David, but she didn't say it was. And yet, her tone changed like she was trying to goad whoever it was.

And she 100% lied to the operator about David's possession of firearms. Fuck her for putting innocent people in that situation. Her kids, the police, the medics. Fuck her.

I'm guessing Nathan.  Maybe he came to pick up Kaiser?

  • Love 3
On 10/18/2018 at 9:55 AM, Faul McCartney said:

I get that most people won't wait until 4, but Ensley isn't even 2 yet. I don't know what the NC rules are, but forward facing her would be illegal in California.

Unfortunately, the laws in NC say FF at 1 is acceptable. Believe it or not, SOUTH Carolina has the law to rear face until 2. I wish NC would catch up and enforce it!

  • Love 1
28 minutes ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

I'm guessing Nathan.  Maybe he came to pick up Kaiser?

God I hope so. But my gut says David. I'd love to say I can't believe this is happening because this situation alone will scar his frightened children. I don't know if she would take the time or the chance to call Nathan. I hope I am wrong. I will gladly be wrong. 

  • Love 7

Out of Lurk-Ville again. I also have a lot of law enforcement in my family and her not disclosing that he has so many weapons pissed me off. 

Another thing that struck me is that she said the 4 kids were asleep. From personal experience, I can tell you that they were more than likely awake and all huddled together in a closet or something because they were terrified. 

This is a horrible thing to say but that 911 call didn't make me feel a bit sorry for her. If not for the kids, I probably would have laughed at her getting a taste of her own medicine.    Even though I have no human children, I have a lot of compassion for them and would love to be able to do something to help these kids. 

 I'm wondering if I may join your "Save Kaiser" bus. 

  • Love 24
19 hours ago, CaliforniaLove said:

My grandparents used to live by a park that had a duck pond when I was young. I used to love going to the duck pond & feeding the ducks bread (leave me alone, it was the 80's...no "don't feed bread to birds PSAs please :-)). The only thing I didn't like about the pond was the sludgy, duck-shitty, stagnant smell of that pond...it has been years since I've been to the pond, but anytime I see a picture of an Eason (including the kids, sorry), I smell that smell. Blech. 

I used to feed ducks all the time as a kid in the 80s. When did it become a crime against humanity (or should I say "avianity")?

  • Love 7
14 minutes ago, FairyDusted said:

God I hope so. But my gut says David. I'd love to say I can't believe this is happening because this situation alone will scar his frightened children. I don't know if she would take the time or the chance to call Nathan. I hope I am wrong. I will gladly be wrong. 

She was referring to UBT as her ex. The Ashley was replying to folks on Twitter about it.

  • Love 12
Just now, BitterApple said:

I used to feed ducks all the time as a kid in the 80s. When did it become a crime against humanity (or should I say "avianity")?

Crime against avianity ?? Although they adore bread, it's really bad for them. Causes them to develop fatty liver disease and too much, too fast can plug up their crops and stop digestion altogether. A little bit every now and then as a treat would be okay. My chickens LOVE bread and I give them a little as a treat.

  • Love 13
2 hours ago, lovesnark said:

She LIED to the dispatcher! The 911 operator clearly asked her if he had any weapons and she said no. I have no sympathy for her. I don't care how afraid and upset she was, she needed to tell dispatch that he carries a sidearm 24/7 and has a fucking arsenal in the house.

This x a billion. I'm sure the local cops deal with their fair share of drunken, redneck assholes and go in assuming the worst, but still. To cover for Dave and not let the dispatcher know they've got a collection of guns on the property was dangerous and irresponsible. 

Just now, lovesnark said:

Crime against avianity ?? Although they adore bread, it's really bad for them. Causes them to develop fatty liver disease and too much, too fast can plug up their crops and stop digestion altogether. A little bit every now and then as a treat would be okay. My chickens LOVE bread and I give them a little as a treat.

I didn't know that, thank you!

  • Love 9
1 minute ago, FairyDusted said:

Why tho? Was she protecting him? She said it was ok to hang up.  Then again she LIED outright about the guns. 

Oh Mercy.

Because it's Jenelle. You know she probably refers to him as her ex every time they have a fight. I think he left and that's why she didn't stay on the line with 911. You know he didn't want to stick around and have to deal with the cops. He was drunk and had just beat her up. No way he'd risk getting arrested.

  • Love 10

Barb and Nathan need to fucking get into action and get Kaiser and Jace out of there. How horrible for all those kids. As a kid I got worried when my parents would just argue cause kids are sensitive. I can’t imagine being around these psychos. It makes me sad.

Poor Ensley and Marissa tho because I don’t know who can save them.

  • Love 24
11 minutes ago, Marley said:

Barb and Nathan need to fucking get into action and get Kaiser and Jace out of there. How horrible for all those kids. As a kid I got worried when my parents would just argue cause kids are sensitive. I can’t imagine being around these psychos. It makes me sad.

Poor Ensley and Marissa tho because I don’t know who can save them.

I wonder what Barb's options are. We've seen Chelsea go to court multiple times to put limits on Adam's access to Aubree, so can't the same be done for Jace? I understand the laws vary by state, but The Land is undeniably no place for children. I can't believe all these incidents lumped together can't be taken into consideration to get the custody order changed. 

  • Love 8
9 minutes ago, Giant Misfit said:

In case anyone was wondering how Jenelle was doing, The Ashley included her Snapchat pic from today:


So, if this is taken at face value, she was also "enjoying" getting beat up by the Sasquatch she married. (I assume the missing word at the end of the sentence is "day.")

There's just something about this picture that scares me.  It gives me the "Sleeping With the Enemy/Enough" vibes. How he's kissing the top of her head while holding her daughter and looking at the camera.  Her smile seems forced, too.  And I guess he's got the gun on him, too.  I can't stand her, but I really feel for her in this situation.


*edited to add after seeing the pic with David with the holstered gun

Edited by SpitfireJess
Had to add a comment.
  • Love 11
8 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I wonder what Barb's options are. We've seen Chelsea go to court multiple times to put limits on Adam's access to Aubree, so can't the same be done for Jace? I understand the laws vary by state, but The Land is undeniably no place for children. I can't believe all these incidents lumped together can't be taken into consideration to get the custody order changed. 

Barb can petition the court for a revocation of the ordered visitation or a modification. The gun pulling incident, Jenelle accusing Jace of lying about it and now this is enough ammo for her to ask for a modification at the very least. If not revoking visitation alltogether, make the visits happen at Barb's home or at a court approved, supervised visitation center. Jace was at the swamp when this happened. So, Jenelle can lie about it all she wants (just like she did about chasing that man home and pulling a gun on him) but Jace can tell the truth and so can the 911 call.

  • Love 19

This is part of my issue with Barb, she doesn't do anything.  I get that Jenelle is her daughter and she wants to have a relationship with her, I really do, but, it's pretty clear that Jenelle has problems and some of them stem from the childhood she had.  Barb and Jenelle have both said that Jenelle grew up watching Barb be abused, so, I would think it would be a "know better, do better" kind of thing where you would go out of your way to be sure that Jace wasn't put in a position to have to go through the upheaval that Jenelle did.  Yet it seems like she sometimes does sacrifice his stability in order to maintain the relationship with Jenelle.

  • Love 11
16 minutes ago, SpitfireJess said:

There's just something about this picture that scares me.  It gives me the "Sleeping With the Enemy/Enough" vibes. How he's kissing the top of her head while holding her daughter and looking at the camera.  Her smile seems forced, too.  And I guess he's got the gun on him, too.  I can't stand her, but I really feel for her in this situation.


*edited to add after seeing the pic with David with the holstered gun

I don't feel for her in the least. I feel for the innocent children in the home but I feel nothing but contempt for Jenelle and I feel she's getting exactly what she deserves.  When has Jenelle ever "felt" anything for anyone? 

In my opinion, she doesn't deserve an ounce of pity or sympathy.  Eff her. 

  • Love 15

"It was a drunk and dramatic misunderstanding," Jenelle told E! News exclusively on Friday. "Everything is great...We are totally fine."

"We are feeling fine," she added. "Just taking time off social media...time to focus on ourselves and our family."


  • Love 4
4 hours ago, LBS said:

Oh my.  I just listened to this.  It is horrifying.   She actually sounds truly terrified and in a lot of pain.   We've all heard her fake cry over the years but these tears and her voice shaking sounded very genuine.  

Her voice/crying in that call are very different from her voice and crying-because-Barb-didn’t-play-Yahtzee cry-screaming we’ve heard on the show. It’s the most I think I’ve ever sensed that Jenelle had an emotion (besides anger). 

Something is different in her voice here. I dislike Jenelle with the power of a 1,000 suns but there’s something almost “real” about the emotion here (until David comes back in the background). This is the closest we’ve seen to her being “human,” and even I felt for her in that moment. (I feel for the kids more.) This doesn’t sound like Jenelle calling the cops on her soulmate because he tried to get an engagement ring back or the guy pushed her off when she was coming at him. This doesn’t sound like Jenelle calling the cops to use them to punish her soulmate. This sounds like Jenelle might legitimately be scared for her life.

As I’ve said for months, this isn’t going to end well. 

Those poor kids. You know at least the older ones were awake but faking sleep. 

In a perfect world, Jenelle would leave & admit she has no business raising a passel of kids based on her life choices & string of violent partners (and also, because she doesn’t want to raise kids...just be honest about it, cause we know she’s never going to “grow up”/“woman up” and truly parent). Let Doris raise Kaiser. Barb has Jace. Place Ensley for adoption. She’s still young & she’s white; she can have her own Brandon & Theresa. Maybe Maryssa can be taken in by Gary & Kristina or something? 

David is a POS. I’d love for David to fight a grown man of his size WITHOUT a gun. It’s easy to assault a 5-foot-nothing 100lb girl. Let’s see David fight a man. But he knows he needs guns for that because he’s a (all the expletives).  

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 23

If Jenelle and David are still together whenever MTV pulls the plug on this show, someone (probably Jenelle) will likely die in the land (if that doesn’t happen while the show is still on).

Throw in the sudden absence of that $250k/yr income into the mess on The Land and the violence/rage will get even worse. 

Jenelle needs to get out NOW, hand Kaiser to Doris, and take Ensley to Barb’s (or some place). (Sorry, Maryssa.)

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 10
6 minutes ago, ScorpioSoul said:

I really hope Barb and Nathan's mom can use this in court. This happened in front of 4 of the kids. That 911 call should be enough to prove Jenelle would be lying if she tried to say it was just a drunken misunderstanding.


I really wonder if since no charges were filed if anything can/will happen in NC court since then it’s not necessarily *proven*. I feel that like that’s dumb shit Jenelle & David’s lawyer would say in court and somehow the judge would be like “yeah, true” unless CPS also decided  the kids were in trouble or something (and CPS has worked with Jenelle and David before & found no issue, so that’s not looking good).  I also feel like Jenelle and David using a stupid excuse of “no charges were filed” or “he wasn’t convicted of anything” would work because Jenelle’s lucky court star and all...

Those poor kids.

David isn’t just the worst of Jenelle’s soulmates, he’s the worst person on this show. Worse than Nathan. Worse than Adam. Worse than Amber. David is violent, has substances issues, etc...but he does all the awful stuff they do/have done WITH an arsenal in his home & a firearm permanently at his side (not to mention his hateful views). 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 17
1 hour ago, SpitfireJess said:

There's just something about this picture that scares me.  It gives me the "Sleeping With the Enemy/Enough" vibes. How he's kissing the top of her head while holding her daughter and looking at the camera.  Her smile seems forced, too.  And I guess he's got the gun on him, too.  I can't stand her, but I really feel for her in this situation.


*edited to add after seeing the pic with David with the holstered gun

That look in his eyes is so creepy. Like ha, nothing happened to me losers.

  • Love 16

Are we sure any of those pictures are even from Today? I can see them putting up old pictures to make it look like they are a happy, perfect family. 

I don’t think Jenelle will leave David unless he hurts one of the kids and she can’t cover it up. Then she would only leave because there is no way to spin it in his favor and she needed to look like a good mom. Otherwise, I don’t actually think she is concerned about the safety of her kids. 

  • Love 16

Terrifying, I feel for any woman in that situation, even Janelle.  That said, until she gets the therapy/mental help she needs, this is pattern she'll continue to repeat until she's dead.  My only hope is that the 911 call alone is enough to get Jace & Kaiser out of that situation.  Unfortunately, I don't know that the other kids have people fighting for their safety.  

  • Love 11
17 minutes ago, MakingBacon said:

Are we sure any of those pictures are even from Today? I can see them putting up old pictures to make it look like they are a happy, perfect family. 

I don’t think Jenelle will leave David unless he hurts one of the kids and she can’t cover it up. Then she would only leave because there is no way to spin it in his favor and she needed to look like a good mom. Otherwise, I don’t actually think she is concerned about the safety of her kids. 

I don't think she'd leave him even if he beat one of the kids to the point of a broken bone or something worse. She would lie for him and blame the child. Kaiser has told people UBT punched him and hit him with a stick.  She lied for the monster and tried to blame Nathan for the bruises. Maybe she would try to save face if UBT lost his shit and assaulted her in a public place where there were witnesses that would give statements to the police. I wish the person/people who were there during this "drunken misunderstanding" would come forward and say what really happened. Maybe humiliation would make her open her eyes and leave.

  • Love 19

Someone said maybe the reason she wanted her she shed was to lock herself in there to try and hide out when UBT has one of his rages.  (Could also be her drug/booze den). Sadly, I don' think that little shed will stop him,  I flashed on him setting the shed on fire or him shooting through the door, etc.  I just see this ending badly with someone seriously injured or dead and UBT (and/or Jenelle) in prison.  If one of the kids (God forbid) are seriously hurt or killed, Jenelle could be looking at charges, too.    She's an idiot.

Are the rest of Barb's kids (Jenelle's siblings) as bad as Jenelle?  Wouldn't they have gone through the same abuse or witnessed the same stuff?  I am thinking Jenelle already had issues or is using the abuse card in the past for her shitty lifestyle and decisions now.  I think that booze and drugs are playing a huge part in their lives now.  He probably did the 'baby I didn't mean it, I was just drunk/high' and the ever popular 'you know you shouldn't do/say/wear that because it pisses me off' (aka it's your fault I hit/strangled/choked/beat/stabbed you).

  • Love 11
26 minutes ago, hoosier80 said:


Are the rest of Barb's kids (Jenelle's siblings) as bad as Jenelle?  

Sadly, yes. Her brother Colin has schizophrenia, which isn't his fault, but he's had drug issues. He burned down the family home at age 9 and has lived in a treatment facility ever since. Ashley, her sister, had both her children removed from her care by CPS. One is with his bio dad, the other with Barb. She's been married and divorced twice, and claimed both husbands were physically abusive. The entire family is one giant clusterfuck.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 17

I feel nothijg for Janelle but I feel terrible for all those kids! They must be terrified on a daily basis. I don't blame barb or Marissa grandparents or Doris or anyone but the courts for the situation those poor children are in. Kaiser could have had a way out but cps brought him back to the hell hole. The courts will bend over backward to let pos unfit parents see or have custody of their kids. My sisters step daughter was three when her mother let her registered sex offender boyfriend who was awaiting trial for kidnapping and sexually assaulting a young girl and he was ordered to stay away from anyone under age 18...she let him babysit my  3 year old niece. Sex offender got drunk passed out and the three year old wandered outside and ended up several blocks away and was found playing with a woman's children. Police and cps were called. Thank God my niece was OK. My sister and her husband spent two years fighting in court and five years later are still paying off the loan they took out to pay an attorney while bio mom got a free lawyer. Not only were the mothers rights not terminated, she was awarded visitation supervised by anyone of HER choosing. She chose a relative who doesn't even show up to supervise but cps doesn't care. And this is all after the bio mom refused to take a single drug test even though she was ordered to take one every month. Judge threw out that order because much like Janelle bio Mom cried in court. Oh and she was dating yet another sex offender while the trial was going on and her cps case worker allowed the sex offender at the house during the daughter's visitation. (he was fired) and the judge ordered her to have no contact with the sex offender. Bio mom refused and  paraded boyfriend out in public was caught on a store security Camera with him and the judge still did nothing. My nieces dad has no criminal record he has a good job, a home etc and yet he was the one treated like a criminal. While the pos "parent" was given chance after chance to prove she was fit to be a parent and the judge even said she didn't attempt to complete anything he or cps  asked of her and she still gets weekly "supervised" visitation. My sister and bil have to pay for all transportation, have to rearange their lives to accommodate the egg donor and are still paying  off legal bills. The girl even did drugs while pregnant with her 2nd child and that child is still in her care. The Court system is crazy and even if barb could prove David has plans to kill Jace they would proly still order visitation. There really isn't anything she or Doris can do aside from kidnapping the kids and disappearing. I wish the show would go away and maybe Janelle would lose interest in her kids and dump them off with their grandparents. 

Edited by kira28
  • Love 18

I know we snark and call him UBT and ID channel and say he’s gonna bury her body in the swamp or place her at the bottom of the ocean with his scuba gear but seriously... he’s going to kill her... and it’s not funny now that it’s really coming true! 

If he kills her, he’s gonna kill kaiser next. 

If I were barb I would cease all contact with Jenelle and letting jace go there! I would break that custody agreement and take my chances in court! She should have her daughter declared unfit and get little egg head out of there too!

Donna and stupid “I pick things up and put them down” Nathan need to get kaiser. Donna needs to go over her sons head to get that baby out of that house. Do whatever she needs to do! Sign his parental rights over to her (if that’s even a thing!). 

The fact that she is with him still is the absolute scariest thing! All his fuckibg guns and her saying he’s not armed! Maybe he didn’t have his piece on him but he has access to a house full of weapons!

if this didn’t wake her ass up, nothing will, there’s no covering up this shit with “happy happy joy joy” family picnic photo shoots! It’s over homie! No one buys your happy housewife shit! 

God help those little babies. 

  • Love 15

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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