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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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Nipples has more feminine-looking breasts than Jenelle in those photos. Those side views of his body scared me for a moment.

If he's abusing certain substances for bodybuilding, he could eventually get gynecomastia from that. Time to break out the Seinfeld episode about man-bras.

Wait, so within the past month or so Jenelle has been spotted with both Keefuh AND Gary, and is hanging out with Nips once again? Talk about recycling. 

Jenelle's next reality show: Brother Husbands. Bringin' back the harem in 2015.

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I'm going to address this to Nathan since he has shown a modicum of self-realization about how he and Jenelle should not be together despite the fact that he likes her money and "fame"....

Run Nathan! Take Kaiser Roll with you and drop him off at BrandonAndTheresa's or an adoption agency on your way out.

(I'm assuming Nathan ran out of money so he's back with Jenelle mainly because of that....and the famewhore factor.)

Also, nice pic of Jenelle's marijuana pipe on her bedside table (at this link above). She's changed, yall!

That is totally awesome!  

  • Love 1

Sad thing is I don't think Jenelle or Nathan have ever watched an episode of Seinfeld.

"Not that there's anything wrong with that."

Yes!  Kramer invented the bra and named it the "Bro" pitching it to George's dad.  George's dad wanted to market the bra but hated the name so he renamed it the "Manzier".  (I know this because my elderly dad made me watch the episode with him a week or two ago).  Both names crack me up.

Back in ancient times (the Phil Hartman years?) there was an ad parody with the same thing on SNL.

  • Love 4

How fucking stoned is Jenelle in that clip? She looks like she hit the bong hard and followed up with a triple xanax chaser. I love the lawyer's description of 'snot flying' while Nips and Jenelle are having  a fight.

  • Love 5

I guess Jenelle has to pretend to want custody of Jace, but can you imagine?

Jace would be that kid in the news who brought a blunt or machete to school for show and tell. His home life would be worse than than the girlses. While they're blow drying their hair and making toast and coffee, Jace would be hot wiring cars to drive to kindergarten.

  • Love 9

Telling it like it is! She is not taking any of Jenelle's bullshit story. What are the charges? Is this for the recent arrest? No way. Was there another incident prior to the most recent one?

  • Love 1

There was the incident where she showed up to his apartment in the middle of the night, demanding Kaiser and threatening to damage his car. His neighbors called the cops and he went the next morning for a restraining order. Then she turned herself in to the cops a day or two later. I'm pretty sure it was the same instance where she claimed he was trying to run her over and her fan girls went mad, then her attorney wouldn't confirm it. lol

  • Love 2

Jenelle WANTED Kaiser????!! Shocker!! She likely went over there expecting to catch a girl in Nipple's apartment.

Jenelle only wanted Kaiser then because she thought Nathan did and/or to inconvenience him; now that she knows Nathan doesn't really want him, she will insist that he take him (hence the car chase). She only wants Jace because Barb loves him and doesn't want to lose him entirely.

Jenelle only does things that either benefit Jenelle or hurt those she's angry at, and she never worries about who she hurts in the process. In my opinion, that's classic sociopathic behavior.

Edited by Fosca
  • Love 8

134. THE GOSSIP LIFE 09/11
This professional reality star who is likely B-list in her world is currently working on a porno to release. She’ll do the whole ‘stolen thing’ but she’ll be earning cash and publicity from it the entire time. "Teen Mom" Jenelle Evans




Can't imagine anything more disgusting, unless her partner is Josh Duggar.  (Well, ok if it was Keiffer that would a bit more repulsive.)  I hope this isn't true.  Barb would be heartbroken.  Poor Jace.

  • Love 1

Eh, I don't judge anyone for having their kid in daycare for any reason. My husband and I both work full-time which is why our kids are in daycare normally, but I've definitely dropped them off at daycare after I've taken the day off for some "me" time. Also, when I was on maternity leave after having my daughter, you best believe my son went to daycare every damn day. Many parents that don't work put their kids in daycare for a variety of reasons: maybe they're volunteering, or going to the gym or want their kids to gain some social skills, or maybe they just want to sit at home and watch a netflix marathon after being up all night for three nights straight. It's really not anyone else's business.

I don't want to get into a daycare debate but I will say that a parent taking a day to themselves now and again isn't the same thing as someone leaving their baby in daycare all day, five days a week just because they don't feel like taking care of their baby. Kaiser wasn't even one when this was filmed so he wasn't exactly socializing with other kids. I just think the whole point of being a stay at home parent is to actually spend time with your child. If Jenelle and Nipps wanted so much "me" time maybe they shouldn't have had another baby.

Jenelle and Nipps are just lazy and don't want the day to day responsibility of taking care of their baby. The whole car chase scene proves what selfish assholes they both are.

  • Love 7

I have nothing against parents using daycare other then times when they are working. The problem I have with Jenelle and Nips using it is that they are not doing anything important with their lives. I haven't gotten the sense that either of them put so much effort into raising Kaiser or taking care of their other children to be all that mentally or physically exhausted. It comes off, going by that high speed chase that they were in last episode, that Kaiser is a burden to them and both will use any excuse to dump him on someone else. I agree with the sentiment that he is better off in a daycare where he might get some interaction, rather then lying around while Nips flexs in the mirror or Jenelle searches het phone for her next loser.

Yup. Day care can be a great option. I know one SAHM who started putting her son in day care one afternoon a week to make the transition to preschool, and then kindergarten easier. I don't think you need a "good enough" reason to use day care or a babysitter or whatever. However Janelle and Nathan pretty much just don't want to take care of their kid. Both of these fools have already lost custody of a child. Neither of them are fighting for more time with Kieser either! That blows my mind. Even drugged up Leah wants her kids and seems terrified of loosing custody. Nathan and Janelle are more concerned with gym time than Kieser. I think the biggest fight between them will be who has to take Kieser. That poor kid's only shot of either parent giving a damn is if Nathan tries to use him to get child support money out of Janelle, otherwise he's on his own.

  • Love 5

So I'm guessing we can all assume Ryan is Janell's next future baby daddy. I'd put money on him being the guy Barbara was referring to during that odd sceen when she said something about "we need to talk about this new guy." And then Janelle and her friend tried to act like Barbara was referring to Nathan. So it's Ryan. I guess in Janelle's world bailing her out of jail is like a 4th or 5th date?

  • Love 1

I am guessing that the felony charges didn't stick. That last fight Jenelle and the lawyer are talking about is from the night he allegedly ran her over, or whatever? And damn she looked high. How stupid do you have to be?? I can't even wrap my head around her way of thinking. The only thing that has saved her ass so many times is the TM2 association/money. If she were acting that way, but without the ability to keep paying fines and lawyers' costs she'd have been serving a lengthy sentence long ago.

  • Love 4

Wait a minute now…….Did Nips have the Roll in his truck when he was chasing her down an episode or so back when he was crying about gym time??

We're assuming he did. Jenelle was running away because she refused to take Kaiser. Nathan was chasing her down to dump Kaiser off so he could make his gym time.

  • Love 3

So I'm guessing we can all assume Ryan is Janell's next future baby daddy. I'd put money on him being the guy Barbara was referring to during that odd sceen when she said something about "we need to talk about this new guy." And then Janelle and her friend tried to act like Barbara was referring to Nathan. So it's Ryan. I guess in Janelle's world bailing her out of jail is like a 4th or 5th date?

Barb didn't say "new" just that they needed to talk about "that guy".



I am guessing that the felony charges didn't stick. That last fight Jenelle and the lawyer are talking about is from the night he allegedly ran her over, or whatever? And damn she looked high. How stupid do you have to be?? I can't even wrap my head around her way of thinking. The only thing that has saved her ass so many times is the TM2 association/money. If she were acting that way, but without the ability to keep paying fines and lawyers' costs she'd have been serving a lengthy sentence long ago.

Agree. So who was this lady lawyer Jenelle has now? Is she handling Jenelle's criminal cases now or is she a family law attorney?

I don't want to get into a daycare debate but I will say that a parent taking a day to themselves now and again isn't the same thing as someone leaving their baby in daycare all day, five days a week just because they don't feel like taking care of their baby. Kaiser wasn't even one when this was filmed so he wasn't exactly socializing with other kids. I just think the whole point of being a stay at home parent is to actually spend time with your child. If Jenelle and Nipps wanted so much "me" time maybe they shouldn't have had another baby.

Jenelle and Nipps are just lazy and don't want the day to day responsibility of taking care of their baby. The whole car chase scene proves what selfish assholes they both are.

Thank you!

More like they're playing STAY away with the kid.  Kinda like Hot Potato.

Fuck yes! Exactly.

So my sister watches this show and she was catching up on DVR over the weekend. She texted me to ask why Jenelle went to court in scrubs. She asked me what Jenelle does for a living. I tried to respond, "Nothing. But she was going to school to be a medical assistant". My auto-correct changed "assistant" to "assailant". I thought that was more fitting. 

  • Love 10

The lady lawyer is the same one that represented Nipples on his DUI case. She told him he had a problem with alcohol when she told him he was going to have to do the 30 days. The lawyer Jenelle sees about her fake 'fight' to get Jace back is a man. 

You know, that mean mediator scheduled the appointment on a day that Jenelle had to go to school so she wouldn't have time to go home and change into her white court pants and more classier heels! I wonder if she called the court and bitched them out like she did Barb for scheduling the school conference on Barb's day off, not Jenelle's.

  • Love 2

The lady lawyer is the same one that represented Nipples on his DUI case. She told him he had a problem with alcohol when she told him he was going to have to do the 30 days. The lawyer Jenelle sees about her fake 'fight' to get Jace back is a man.

You know, that mean mediator scheduled the appointment on a day that Jenelle had to go to school so she wouldn't have time to go home and change into her white court pants and more classier heels! I wonder if she called the court and bitched them out like she did Barb for scheduling the school conference on Barb's day off, not Jenelle's.

The female lawyer's frosted blue eye shadow and hot pink lipstick was very distracting.

  • Love 2

The lady lawyer is the same one that represented Nipples on his DUI case. She told him he had a problem with alcohol when she told him he was going to have to do the 30 days. The lawyer Jenelle sees about her fake 'fight' to get Jace back is a man. 

You know, that mean mediator scheduled the appointment on a day that Jenelle had to go to school so she wouldn't have time to go home and change into her white court pants and more classier heels! I wonder if she called the court and bitched them out like she did Barb for scheduling the school conference on Barb's day off, not Jenelle's.

Jenelle met with Nipples lawyer to discuss his case? I would think Jenelle would have been at the district attorney's office to discuss that matter. Or am I confused here? Did Jenelle also hire her for her own criminal matter? Why was Nipple's attorney talking to Jenelle about the charges that she could be facing?

Jenelle met with Nipples lawyer to discuss his case? I would think Jenelle would have been at the district attorney's office to discuss that matter. Or am I confused here? Did Jenelle also hire her for her own criminal matter? Why was Nipple's attorney talking to Jenelle about the charges that she could be facing?

Jenelle hired the same criminal lawyer that represented Nipples on his DUI to represent her for whatever criminal charge they were talking about last night. I know it's confusing. 

That is crazy. I suppose Jenelle's other lawyer had enough of her.

I think Dustin, the miracle lawyer that got her out of everything is near where Barb lives. The ones we've seen her with this season are from Myrtle Beach. Only Jenelle needs attorneys in both Carolinas to cover her ass. I'd love to know how much of her MTV money has been spent on attorney fees. Without it, she would have had to go the public defender route and would have had to take some plea bargains and do some time.

  • Love 4

I think Dustin, the miracle lawyer that got her out of everything is near where Barb lives. The ones we've seen her with this season are from Myrtle Beach. Only Jenelle needs attorneys in both Carolinas to cover her ass. I'd love to know how much of her MTV money has been spent on attorney fees. Without it, she would have had to go the public defender route and would have had to take some plea bargains and do some time.

I am surprised Jenelle's lawyers haven't written a book just like Leah's divorce attorney or even a cheesy commercial:


"If You Have Teen Mom Money, Call Us!"

  • Love 4

I am surprised Jenelle's lawyers haven't written a book just like Leah's divorce attorney or even a cheesy commercial:


"If You Have Teen Mom Money, Call Us!"

Dustin could do a commercial and say "Domestic violence, assault, criminal trespass? Are people just sooooo mean to you? I've kept Jenelle Evans out of jail for 5 years! Call me at 1-888-MTV-CASH!!

  • Love 17

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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