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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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a quick question, if this has been discussed previously then just ignore me. (i read jenelle’s thread pg 60-current pg over the course of a month so its possible i missed something)

was david born in 1988 or does he have the number 88 at the end of his ig handle to show where his politics and beliefs on other humans stand?


eta: i just saw his rant & what he saw about nev. back off my precious cinnamon roll you monster! the audacity. he is more of a man then you will ever be david, he is a good pastry.

Edited by shinyclefable
  • Love 2
40 minutes ago, LegallyRed2 said:

Wait...wait...is he trying to imply Jade should be fired for doing drugs? But Jenelle should keep her job? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA

At least Jade is smart enough to not get popped (repeatedly) by the cops for her drug issues...just saying.

Yep. Jenelle should keep her job and they should hire him back because everyone is worse than they are. They both suffer from outrageous delusions. Since both of them are spending the weekend on social media whining about how unfair MTV is, I'd say the contract negotiations with MTV aren't going very well. The Ashley posted an article saying Jenelle is having her lawyer negotiate for her and that she wants UBT to be allowed to be around during filming and she wants MTV to allow him to travel to out of town tapings with her at MTV's expense.

  • Love 8
9 hours ago, shinyclefable said:

a quick question, if this has been discussed previously then just ignore me. (i read jenelle’s thread pg 60-current pg over the course of a month so its possible i missed something)

was david born in 1988 or does he have the number 88 at the end of his ig handle to show where his politics and beliefs on other humans stand?


eta: i just saw his rant & what he saw about nev. back off my precious cinnamon roll you monster! the audacity. he is more of a man then you will ever be david, he is a good pastry.


88 is the yr he was born.  

6 hours ago, lovesnark said:

Yep. Jenelle should keep her job and they should hire him back because everyone is worse than they are. They both suffer from outrageous delusions. Since both of them are spending the weekend on social media whining about how unfair MTV is, I'd say the contract negotiations with MTV aren't going very well. The Ashley posted an article saying Jenelle is having her lawyer negotiate for her and that she wants UBT to be allowed to be around during filming and she wants MTV to allow him to travel to out of town tapings with her at MTV's expense.

If they give in, I will be done with this show. I already dread the new ones every Monday, except for snarking here. 

Edited by Mkay
Fat fingers on a cell phone.
  • Love 11
On 6/22/2018 at 12:27 AM, guilfoyleatpp said:


Also adding for your ETA @Jennifersdc

According to a few sources, not the least of them The Guardian, Steve Job's final words were "oh wow. oh wow. oh wow."

I tried to google this Forever 21 shit (And is MK really on SJ's radar? Like at any point?), and nope. A fake story circulated about a speech he supposedly made on his deathbed about wealth, but that was bogus (per snopes). And then there was a famous commencement speech at Stanford...also no Forever 21 or Michael Kors shout outs. 

PS I can believe that SJ and MK possibly ran into each other every now and then, but I'm less certain that MK was any sort of marker for a certain status of wealth. Or SJ was able to differentiate the few levels of status between Forever 21 and Michael Kors.

Yeah, I went into the rabbit hole. I should probably find something else to do tonight. But I'm stuck watching Alvin and the Chipmunks with an amped up 7 year old. gah. 

The best is that it looks like David’s mother who attributed that to Steve Jobs.

  • Love 6
On 6/23/2018 at 8:24 AM, druzy said:

This is so rich because David has shown himself to be all the things he is accusing others of doing abd more and the people he listed are only accused or guilty of ONE of those things each while he is guilty of them all. He’s shown himself to be racist (nevermind his potential 1% African ancestry ?) - not to mention homophobic and transphobic, even though we don’t have concrete proof he does drugs we can all see it and obviously it’s a FACT with the wife, and he’s threatened to sodomize strangers (rape threat!). David, YOU ARE “those kind of people.” You are the fucking poster boy for “those kind of people.” 

23 hours ago, lovesnark said:

Dear Swamp Things, 

We've known what a psychotic, hateful, violent asshole UBT is since his ugly mug appeared on our TVs. We watched him call Kaiser a whiny little bitch. We watched him call Jace a sissy and refer to him as a fag boy. We watched  him threaten and intimidate Barb repeatedly.  We watched  him threaten to beat Nathan. We watched him call Nathan and Dr Drew faggots. We watched him yank Kaiser by his arm and drag him. We read his threats to rape and sodomize a total strangers mother. We heard him say he'd beat his child if they dropped his phone in the toilet. I know I've missed a lot more gems he's given us. But, he said and did all of this before he went on the hateful rants he was fired for. 

There is nothing either of you ignorant fools can say or do that will change what the world already knows. Please delete all of your social media accounts and fade away.

?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? Bravo!!

8 hours ago, shinyclefable said:

i’m glad he has it in his handle bc its year he was born & not the other thing 88 stands for. thank u for telling me.

No reason to think it’s not both, imo. 

  • Love 12
9 hours ago, shinyclefable said:

i’m glad he has it in his handle bc its year he was born & not the other thing 88 stands for. thank u for telling me.

I'm out if the loop here,what does 88 stand for?

It is funny that he is calling out all the other MTV trash people, he isn't completely wrong...all the shows are trash, imo...but he is just as bad or worse! 

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, Cherry Cola said:

I'm out if the loop here,what does 88 stand for?

It is funny that he is calling out all the other MTV trash people, he isn't completely wrong...all the shows are trash, imo...but he is just as bad or worse! 

Neo-Nazi symbol.  I'm sure David considers it a happy coincidence that '88 is his birth year, as well. Asshole.

  • Love 11
5 hours ago, Cherry Cola said:

I'm out if the loop here,what does 88 stand for?

It is funny that he is calling out all the other MTV trash people, he isn't completely wrong...all the shows are trash, imo...but he is just as bad or worse! 

H is the 8th letter of the alphabet. So to neonazis 88=HH which is short for Heil Hitler. 

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, zenme said:

What is the "nasty shit" image of?

I am guessing it is the run off pond for the paper mill, they usually contain chemicals used in the production process and pulp etc. It all just runs into the pond and left to sit while the pulp breaks down and is supposed to contain the contaminates so they do not leech into the surrounding environment, in reality the chemicals leech into the soil and the water run off from these ponds contaminate the local river systems.


I did a quick google and it looks like their local paper mill is actually the pretty bad for contamination of Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFAS) a toxic chemical, the recommended level of safe discharge is 70ppt Cape Fear has  an estimation of 1279ppt (18 times recommended safe levels). From my understanding 'The Land' is downriver from that, I just never knew it was so close so yeah I would call that 'Nasty Shit'.



Affects of PFAS


  • Love 10
16 minutes ago, crazychicken said:

I am guessing it is the run off pond for the paper mill, they usually contain chemicals used in the production process and pulp etc. It all just runs into the pond and left to sit while the pulp breaks down and is supposed to contain the contaminates so they do not leech into the surrounding environment, in reality the chemicals leech into the soil and the water run off from these ponds contaminate the local river systems.


I did a quick google and it looks like their local paper mill is actually the pretty bad for contamination of Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFAS) a toxic chemical, the recommended level of safe discharge is 70ppt Cape Fear has  an estimation of 1279ppt (18 times recommended safe levels). From my understanding 'The Land' is downriver from that, I just never knew it was so close so yeah I would call that 'Nasty Shit'.



Affects of PFAS


And they let their kids play and kiss fish from that nasty river. Yuck!

  • Love 12

my family has spent decades camping at pickwick in TN & it is right by a paper mill, the most disgusting smell. luckily the campgrounds are on the TN river away a little from the town with the paper mill, so you get a break from the smell. jenelle’s house is way closer to that paper mill than the campgrounds i know of near one. i can’t even imagine getting used to that smell. also seeing all the murdered trees breaks my heart. jenelle is a fucking idiot for letting david talk her into living there. (i assume he had to convince her bc i thought it was so unlike her for wanting to live there.) this whole time i thought they just lived off a paved, striped road out in nature, a swamp, but nature. this is absolutely a nightmare & an investigation discovery episode waiting to happen lol. surprised if mtv isn’t working out that they (him) aren’t jumping on every swamp reality tv opportunity there is.

  • Love 9
35 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I can't believe Jenelle put a house down within spitting distance of a pulp mill. Those things absolutely reek. The only worse smell I can think of that I've experienced firsthand is a chicken farm.

Just a simple google search and there’s plenty of info on the stench from the paper mill , the mill being one of the biggest emitters of toxins in all of NC. I do not feel bad for these two child abusing low IQ morons one bit. Tho i am worried for the kids.  Who would put their children in a place like this ? It reminds me of a documentaries about the Gowanus Canal in Brooklyn NY & the Love Canal in upstate NY.  JE moved to a toxic waste dump.

Edited by DNR
Ninja edit
  • Love 14
16 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

HOLY SHIT how fucked up is he in this picture???  I feel high just looking at him.

His eyes are pinned- that’s opiates right there.


He doesn’t even look totally human here...it’s unsettling, even more than looking at him usually is for me. He shouldn't be allowed to call anyone else ugly without his own glass house exploding around him. 

32 minutes ago, ShaNaeNae said:

They probably still love to brag to each other about the "deal" they got on the land and haven't even put 2 & 2 together that it's so cheap because it's a shitty piece that stinks.  I'm sure they're talking shit about the other girls, saying stuff like "Kail and Chelsea live in a neighborhood for da same price we got alls this laaaand for, damn dingleberries, they ain't as smart as us babe!"

You know it!

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 19

I seriously want some of those instagrammers on this forum ???

“David looks like an aging avocado”? ?? ? ? 


For every cruel spoken or typed word that Jenelle or David spew may one new wrinkle form on their face, may their home sink an extra inch (fully sink while their children are safely at their grandmothers home), may David’s face get oddly wider and boxier than it already is and may their bank accounts get siphoned due to the many law suits they will accrue from all of their hate crimes against small businesses that don’t kiss the Easons ass.

I think we are witnessing the downfall of UBT and Jenelle. They’re no longer getting MTV to kiss their ass and their home is sinking and their faces are wrinkling way too early. Karma.

  • Love 24

Per the inspection report, water is ponding beneath their home.  The septic tank and drain field are within 10 inches from the house and appear to be at a higher elevation than the crawl space of the house.  The top of the tank appears to be covered with only 2 or 3 inches of soil.  There is approximately 6 inches of soil over the drain field.

Recommendation is installation of a 6 inch perforated French sock pipe to properly drain the water away from the house.  Regarding the cracks in the ceiling and crown molding, the inspector recommends hiring a "soils engineer."  The report also revealed that the doors do not close properly.

In summary, the report says "It is our opinion that the house should have been raised higher than it is presently.  We feel the French drain will be one of the only solutions that can be utilized at this time.  Some additional soil can also be placed at this end of the house [probably illustrated] to help alleviate the water from ponding." 


  • Love 15
4 hours ago, Mkay said:

Jenelle slipped. She’s typing for him.

This makes me wonder how many of his other awful Tweets were actually Jenelle. Don’t get me wrong, he’s clearly a hateful, rascist homophobe, but so is Jenelle. So  far, she’s gotten off pretty lightly (still filming and getting paid). MTV should use this as proof that she’s just as vile as he is (not that they don’t already know that) and not renew her contract.

  • Love 18

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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