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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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i feel like if nathan was the one to call he would be all over twitter boasting about it bc he wants to appear like he is actively trying to get kaiser back (when really he sloshes all that off to his mom). ??‍♀️ 

after watcing the video i also am suspicious about the cop’s whole demeanor & the way he talked to david. i also don’t understand who thinks they can slam a door in a cop’s face no matter what the situation is. but then again i guess david is just exercising his white privilege. 

Edited by shinyclefable
  • Love 8
11 minutes ago, Mkay said:



They are so into quality control, they haven’t yet noticed/replaced the dummy text on the website. 

I wonder if it’s one of those things where the designers told them it means something...like when someone asks for the Chinese symbol tattoo for faith and the artist gives them the symbol for labia. 

  • Love 9

I encourage everyone to check out that website for a laugh.  My two favorite parts are:

1. Instagram being spelled wrong

2. The ‘happy clients’ testimonials that are clearly not ripped off.


Edited by LBS
When one is making fun of a spelling mistake, one should make sure that her spelling is correct.
  • Love 10
8 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

They are so into quality control, they haven’t yet noticed/replaced the dummy text on the website. 

I wonder if it’s one of those things where the designers told them it means something...like when someone asks for the Chinese symbol tattoo for faith and the artist gives them the symbol for labia. 

I've come across a lot of fairly new business websites lately that have forgotten to remove the dummy text.  Like c'mon people... its not that hard to at least change it to 'under construction'. 

  • Love 9
On June 19, 2018 at 8:16 AM, IgnoranceisBLISS said:

How many prescription pills can two people take?

Looked like roughly 17 plus an inhaler which we know is Kaiser's.  3 different pharmacies would not be weird if Barb and Nathan's Mom are the ones picking up prescriptions for those two and Jenelle and David use a different one.  We know Jace takes a few prescriptions, but that still adds up to a lot of prescriptions even spread out over 7 people and some of those must be deadly to kids.  I can't explain why someone with a toddler and a preschooler would keep medicine on the counter and next to the bathtub as we know they do.

  • Love 13
4 minutes ago, smhjess said:

Looked like roughly 17 plus an inhaler which we know is Kaiser's.  3 different pharmacies would not be weird if Barb and Nathan's Mom are the ones picking up prescriptions for those two and Jenelle and David use a different one.  We know Jace takes a few prescriptions, but that still adds up to a lot of prescriptions even spread out over 7 people and some of those must be deadly to kids.  I can't explain why someone with a toddler and a preschooler would keep medicine on the counter and next to the bathtub as we know they do.

You know how some people have an office in their home, or a gym, or a sewing room? The Easons need a designated pill room...they can just use Jace's room once that's finished. 

  • Love 16
7 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

Jace is only there every other weekend and the med he takes for ADHD is a tightly controlled substance (Barb said he takes Vyvanse). I'm sure she only sends the doses he needs while he's there. The swamp things would steal his meds to either take themselves or sell if Barb sent the whole bottle. 

Well that would explain the outburst of anger.  Vyvanse worked for my son until it started to make him very very angry at night when the medication wore off.  I feel for Barb and Jace, ADHD is really tough to deal with- for the kids who have it and the parents.  

  • Love 14
12 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

Jace is only there every other weekend and the med he takes for ADHD is a tightly controlled substance (Barb said he takes Vyvanse). I'm sure she only sends the doses he needs while he's there. The swamp things would steal his meds to either take themselves or sell if Barb sent the whole bottle. 

wow i always wondered about that incident of j & d taking his meds & babs only sending over the doses he needs. i always wondered why they’d want a kids medicine, but now i know bc my to be mother in law is on vyvance & i know of someone who has been stealing some of her pills. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, CaliforniaLove said:

You know how some people have an office in their home, or a gym, or a sewing room? The Easons need a designated pill room...they can just use Jace's room once that's finished. 

They sell a special locked box for them.  My friends who are foster parents are required to use them.  I guess these two can’t be forced to do so until one of the kids gets removed for taking a bottle of whatever stimulant/antipsychotic/tranquilizer I assume is sitting in easy reach.  I’m sure it will be Kaiser and we will hear about how it’s all his fault.

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, CaliforniaLove said:

You know how some people have an office in their home, or a gym, or a sewing room? The Easons need a designated pill room...they can just use Jace's room once that's finished. 

Like Yolanda (formerly) from RHOBH has.

22 minutes ago, DNR said:

It’s sickening to watch these two low-lives drive beautiful cars , have homes built , vacation , make $$$$ every year ....’ Teen Mom’ where you screw ⬆️ UP ⬆️ In life for being a worse and worse screw up.   I want to see these two when the TM gravy train ends.

We all do.

  • Love 10
On 6/18/2018 at 7:25 PM, FairyDusted said:

Yes. That is a safety strap. Luckily the tot has a diaper to cushion his baby chonies!

I guess that means we have to give them credit for a) having a life jacket on Kaiser, and b) having him wear it properly.  Damn it!!


Someone sober and responsible else must have been with them. I

  • Love 3

It’s no surprise to me they short cutted around every recommendation and regulation to put that house down for as cheap as possible (and also because Dumb Fuck #2 knows best and ain’t no one gonna tell him how to do things).   Clayton Homes is a huge dealer of MH’s (I work with them frequently in my line of business), and they surely have themselves covered for assholes like these.  It’s not their first rodeo dealing with ignorant fucks who think they can do it all.  There is a reason for building codes and the like (duh).  I’m guessing they sent this guy (Vice President of Clayton Homes, my ass.  Probably the local rep) out there to appease the dumb fucks and avoid slander on camera.  Their contracts to purchase are pretty clear and make provisions for people like this.  I’m also willing to guess that their financing is not with a regular mortgage company, most likely they financed through some other place that lends to MH buyers but doesn’t have the same requirements as an A paper lender.  Her interest rate is likely over 12% if this is the case.  She has no leg to stand on and is getting fucked up the arse on her payments (in my estimation, I don’t have anything to base this on other than my knowledge from my own job).  I find it hilarious.  

  • Love 17
16 minutes ago, geauxaway said:

It’s no surprise to me they short cutted around every recommendation and regulation to put that house down for as cheap as possible (and also because Dumb Fuck #2 knows best and ain’t no one gonna tell him how to do things).   Clayton Homes is a huge dealer of MH’s (I work with them frequently in my line of business), and they surely have themselves covered for assholes like these.  It’s not their first rodeo dealing with ignorant fucks who think they can do it all.  There is a reason for building codes and the like (duh).  I’m guessing they sent this guy (Vice President of Clayton Homes, my ass.  Probably the local rep) out there to appease the dumb fucks and avoid slander on camera.  Their contracts to purchase are pretty clear and make provisions for people like this.  I’m also willing to guess that their financing is not with a regular mortgage company, most likely they financed through some other place that lends to MH buyers but doesn’t have the same requirements as an A paper lender.  Her interest rate is likely over 12% if this is the case.  She has no leg to stand on and is getting fucked up the arse on her payments (in my estimation, I don’t have anything to base this on other than my knowledge from my own job).  I find it hilarious.  

She bitched about having to pay cash for things because she had piss poor credit shortly before they bought THE LAND. Like you, I knew a traditional lender wouldn't touch her. Clayton Homes is one of the biggest names in manufactured homes and has a stable of lawyers on the payroll for the specific purpose of dealing with idiots like these. They bought crappy property and were surely advised by every tradesperson they've hired that they were wasting their money. There's a reason they're surrounded with undeveloped land. It's unsuitable for building.

  • Love 20
42 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

She bitched about having to pay cash for things because she had piss poor credit shortly before they bought THE LAND. Like you, I knew a traditional lender wouldn't touch her. Clayton Homes is one of the biggest names in manufactured homes and has a stable of lawyers on the payroll for the specific purpose of dealing with idiots like these. They bought crappy property and were surely advised by every tradesperson they've hired that they were wasting their money. There's a reason they're surrounded with undeveloped land. It's unsuitable for building.

Clearly it’s also unsuitable for growing sod and installing a pool.   

I feel like soon enough it’s all going to look like one of those topsy turvy fun houses.  And my guess is they will just walk away at some point.  Of course this will be after many social media posts about how they were wronged.  

They will not get a dime out of Clayton.  I can’t wait!!!!

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, FairyDusted said:

LOL! Did you look at the kitchen counter?! Ain't nobody walking a straight line. Unless its a line of TOOT!

WHY would you seriously not remove drugs from your counter if you had a history of being addicted to drugs, but we're trying to convince everyone you were clean? I get that some people may have to take a lot of meds, and many would have them on the counter, but seriously? Jenelle, David, think things through a little better, please?

  • Love 6
13 minutes ago, geauxaway said:

Clearly it’s also unsuitable for growing sod and installing a pool.   

I feel like soon enough it’s all going to look like one of those topsy turvy fun houses.  And my guess is they will just walk away at some point.  Of course this will be after many social media posts about how they were wronged.  

They will not get a dime out of Clayton.  I can’t wait!!!!

I'm guessing that they didn't go with contractors recommended by or employed by Clayton Homes and just went with the lowest bid. Clayton Homes just delivered the house and sat it on the foundation. I bet the septic is already failing and there's raw sewage under the house that is downhill from the septic system. Fucking morons ?

  • Love 15
10 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

I'm guessing that they didn't go with contractors recommended by or employed by Clayton Homes and just went with the lowest bid. Clayton Homes just delivered the house and sat it on the foundation. I bet the septic is already failing and there's raw sewage under the house that is downhill from the septic system. Fucking morons ?

I don’t know how to insert a gif image, but I wanted to so bad!  I am picturing the Jon Lovitz scene in The Weddin Singer where the curtain slowly closes over his face.  It’s curtains for the Dumb Fucks!  They literally have a money hole on their hands.  

  • Love 10
14 minutes ago, geauxaway said:

I don’t know how to insert a gif image, but I wanted to so bad!  I am picturing the Jon Lovitz scene in The Weddin Singer where the curtain slowly closes over his face.  It’s curtains for the Dumb Fucks!  They literally have a money hole on their hands.  

On twitter, someone posted the segment with the Clayton rep and at the end, MTV had the house slowly sinking. I bet the swamp things are fuming and it makes me smile from ear to ear.

THE LAND is the type of property you buy as a weekend getaway. You pack up the kids and the camper or travel trailer and go for a few days to relax. Then, you empty the holding tank in your RV on the way home because you can't put a bathroom on that swampy property.

After the swamp nuptials, someone  who was there posted about how bad the mosquitos were. Jenelle fired back and said they had the property sprayed right before the wedding. I wonder what they spray and whether it's toxic? There's already a pulp mill nearby that stinks and is regularly fined for dumping toxins into the Cape Fear River. Add spraying for mosquitos and it sounds pretty bad as far as health risks go. They also eat fish caught in that river. Ick.

  • Love 13
3 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

On twitter, someone posted the segment with the Clayton rep and at the end, MTV had the house slowly sinking. I bet the swamp things are fuming and it makes me smile from ear to ear.

THE LAND is the type of property you buy as a weekend getaway. You pack up the kids and the camper or travel trailer and go for a few days to relax. Then, you empty the holding tank in your RV on the way home because you can't put a bathroom on that swampy property.

After the swamp nuptials, someone  who was there posted about how bad the mosquitos were. Jenelle fired back and said they had the property sprayed right before the wedding. I wonder what they spray and whether it's toxic? There's already a pulp mill nearby that stinks and is regularly fined for dumping toxins into the Cape Fear River. Add spraying for mosquitos and it sounds pretty bad as far as health risks go. They also eat fish caught in that river. Ick.

Is that not the same water Ensley was in a week ago?  Nice.  

Hey, I’m all for the camp life.  I just got back from 3 days with my kiddo at the camp and his only bath was lake bath the whole time, but it was a clear lake.  Not the swamp. There is a difference.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, lovesnark said:

Jenelle wasn't thinking. UBT told her that's where they should live and she's too stupid to research a major purchase before jumping in head first. Jenelle doesn't seem capable of original thought. She morphs into whatever soulmate she's with. Before the Tinder hookup with UBT, she never mentioned liking fishing, hunting, camping, riding dirtbikes, carrying firearms. Now, she acts like the gun toting country life is all she's ever aspired to. If her next soulmate likes living in a downtown highrise and attending poetry readings, she'll be spouting her love of the city and trying to understand what poetry is. Disclaimer: I know a hip, urban dwelling, poetry loving guy would never give Jenelle a second glance. Just used it as a comparison ?

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!  Exactly this^^^^^^. *PPP* 

  • Love 4

I watched the swamp things segment on Twitter. When UBT is spouting off to the Clayton Homes rep, the rep asked him twice if they, meaning Clayton Homes, did the dirt work and said they would have inspected it. UBT just kept on blabbering about his imagined experience in building houses and repairing foundations. He never answered him. All this happened last fall/winter and all Jenelle has said on Twitter is that she's tried to contact them, then nothing. I hope Clayton Homes told them they have no liability for their stupid decisions and had their legal department threaten to sue them six ways to Sunday if they took to social media trashing them. It's not the manufacturer's fault that they're idiots and plopped a house down on land that had the lowest possible rating for usability,  rented equipment and had an inexperienced idiot do the site prep, went with the bargain basement foundation bid, had a septic system put in uphill from the house and never had adequate drainage put in around the perimeter. I think they're completely screwed. And, it's a wonderful thing.

  • Love 24
4 hours ago, lovesnark said:

They bought crappy property and were surely advised by every tradesperson they've hired that they were wasting their money. There's a reason they're surrounded with undeveloped land. It's unsuitable for building.


4 hours ago, geauxaway said:

Clearly it’s also unsuitable for growing sod and installing a pool.   

But perfect to dispose of the dead bodies. UBT is obviously a serial killer, and with as often as he threatens rape, a serial rapist, too. Probably of men since he's so focused on men and their sexual preferences.

No one will be stopping by to visit because they are so toxic and their land is a mosquito and snake infested swamp.

  • Love 12

Wasn’t there a ton of rain there, too, right around the time her house was delivered?  I’m sure whatever they did “fill” was quickly washed away or at least decreased by the rains and the sitting water.  

And aren’t they constructing some sort of pole barn now?  Ha!  Should have just set a pile of money on fire in her fire pit.

  • Love 12

I'm procrastinating here instead of going grocery shopping and am giving the sinking pre fab way too much thought? I'm sure one of the reasons the swamp things cheaped out on  making sure the house had proper drainage, a properly situated septic and a good foundation is because they just HAD to have that fucking pool. I don't have a clue what an in ground pool the size of theirs would cost to build, but I'm sure it's a lot. When the house gets tagged by the county as uninhabitable, I guess they can drain the pool, put some tarps over it and live in it. Was having a backyard toy you can use for a few months of the year worth it, swamp morons? Anyone here know about what it would cost to build a pool like theirs?

  • Love 13
7 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

I'm procrastinating here instead of going grocery shopping and am giving the sinking pre fab way too much thought? I'm sure one of the reasons the swamp things cheaped out on  making sure the house had proper drainage, a properly situated septic and a good foundation is because they just HAD to have that fucking pool. I don't have a clue what an in ground pool the size of theirs would cost to build, but I'm sure it's a lot. When the house gets tagged by the county as uninhabitable, I guess they can drain the pool, put some tarps over it and live in it. Was having a backyard toy you can use for a few months of the year worth it, swamp morons? Anyone here know about what it would cost to build a pool like theirs?

$20 - $30k?   But again they cheaped out as soon as it was lined and filled they were done with making it look nice.   No fancy landscaping or rock scaping that I could tell.  

  • Love 10

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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