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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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The gossip-mongers have been listening!   http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2018/02/blind-item-4_20.html

297. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 02/20 **#4**
I think this MTV star from that MTV franchise should remember back to when he used to let men orally service him in return for money when he didn't have any women around. Interestingly enough, he is not the only man in that immediate orbit of a female MTV star who has also been with men.
MTV franchise: "Teen Mom 2"
Star: David Eason and ex-husband Courtland Rogers ("prison pals")
Female MTV star: Jenelle Evans

  • Love 12
3 hours ago, CofCinci said:

According to MTV’s tweet, they were six weeks into production for next season. I wonder if any of this was filmed?

I bet it won't be filmed, but they'll probably mention it. MTV will want its due credit for getting rid of David.

While I don't think Jenelle will be fired (she deserves it, but if MTV is firing David over homophobic tweets, they can't very well say they are firing Jenelle for David's tweets), but I wouldn't feel so smug if I were Jenelle just because her producer told her she was in the clear. Those people have NO power compared to the real bigwigs. I expect this meeting is all for show, but it might have the unintended side effect of humbling Jenelle. 


Whether or not she'll quit is interesting. While I agree there is no way David will want her to keep filming, that is a lot of money to leave on the table. I hope she goes in, guns blazing, saying either he comes back or I quit, but I think Jenelle isn't always stupid and knows there is no way he is coming back. I'd say at this point it's 50/50 whether Jenelle will quit and 5/95 that she'll get fired. UNLESS- the other girls band together and say no Jenelle. Chelsea probably could, and if Leah is considering a reconciliation with Jeremy she might, since she'll have his income plus he hates filming, but I don't think Kail will risk that bluff. Briana is a wild card but I don't think she'll align herself with Kail and Leah, unless they convinced her she'd get paid a lot more without Jenelle around.

  • Love 6
53 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

I wonder if David will now tell MTV they’re not allowed to film this daughters. 

I sure won't miss looking at Ensley's dinosaur egg- shaped head!

I agree they should film just Barb and Jace. Let Barb collect that 300,000 salary the girls alledgely make since she is the actual parent of Jace.

  • Love 24
9 minutes ago, Luciano said:

It looks like someone who claims s/he knows Jeremy reached out to Jenelle to say that he talks about MTV drama a lot and that people (including Leah) have been wanting to get her fired.

Jenelle posted that conversation and Jeremy responded with those tweets shown above.

Deflect, deflect, deflect. Post some completely RANDOM, nonsensical bullshit that says NOTHING about Leah, or Jeremy, then mysteriously delete it to get people talking about THAT? Sorry you waste of space, you're fucking done. 

  • Love 10
39 minutes ago, druzy said:

fyi I purchase Cesar for my pooch. I  sent them an email and tweeted to them. THANK YOU!!! 

Thanks to the posters who posted the link to the sponsors. I never tweeted as much as I did that day. The only other time was when Matt sexually harassed the producer. This time though, we all pulled together and we got results. I am so proud of this group. 

I am going to go out and buy products from all those companies who have dropped sponsorship or leave a five star rating on their company site. We have to let them know we appreciate listening to the public. 

@Spiderella2 buy Nutro food and donate it. :-) 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 21
3 hours ago, Tatum said:

Whether or not she'll quit is interesting. While I agree there is no way David will want her to keep filming, that is a lot of money to leave on the table. I hope she goes in, guns blazing, saying either he comes back or I quit, but I think Jenelle isn't always stupid and knows there is no way he is coming back. I'd say at this point it's 50/50 whether Jenelle will quit and 5/95 that she'll get fired. UNLESS- the other girls band together and say no Jenelle. Chelsea probably could, and if Leah is considering a reconciliation with Jeremy she might, since she'll have his income plus he hates filming, but I don't think Kail will risk that bluff. Briana is a wild card but I don't think she'll align herself with Kail and Leah, unless they convinced her she'd get paid a lot more without Jenelle around.

I completely agree with the chances you're giving those outcomes. I'll also add possible outcome #3 (which I hope has a very low chance of happening) - someone(s) on The Land goes to the hospital/morgue/jail for domestic abuse (please not the kids). 

All snark aside, I've been saying for a long time that none of this is going to end well and I'm starting to get worried that "end" is coming sooner rather than later. I hope I'm wrong. I don't like Jenelle, but I don't want any physical harm to come to her (and I definitely don't want it to happen to the kids). 

2 hours ago, monicageller said:

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I laughed out loud!

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 11

Mornin all my fabulous hatters! Just wanted to say that even though I crashed and burned yesterday while unloading hay and am in excruciating pain this morning, I'm still grinning from ear to ear because half of the gruesome twosome got canned! You dear folks, high octane drugs and thinking of what's going through Jenelle's head will get me through!

  • Love 10
9 minutes ago, eskimo said:

MTV is responsible for at least some of this.  They let these idiots get away with anything.  In fact, the worse they behave the more their asses are kissed.  It's like kids who are raised with no boundaries from their parents.  When the little shits grow up and don't know how to have civil interactions, the parents share in the responsibility.  But now the media is going to applaud MTV for 'doing the right thing'.  They're only doing it because it affected their bottom line, that's it.  If the shit hadn't threatened to hit the wallet, things would be just as they've always been.  It's really the sponsors who should be applauded.  They listened to the complaints.  These same complaints have been falling on deaf ears at MTV for a long time now. 

I agree with you wholeheartedly. The sponsors with the balls to pull out are the ones that made it happen. My thanks go out to all the hatters who took the time to contact the sponsors and let them know what vile human garbage their products and money were associated with. Morgan Freeman only cares about the bottom line. 

  • Love 15
55 minutes ago, Mkay said:

High, high, you’re both high. 

^^^Shades of 2007 Britney Spears Breakdown  

(Of course, Britney isn't a homophobe, racist, bigot, etc, and people wanted her to get healthy.  She was obviously in distress. David is intentionally causing himself and others distress, so no one is cheering for him here.)

  • Love 8

My thoughts:

So if Janelle manages to keep her job, she will go crawling back to Barb to have someone to film with. Ha! Karma! I'm guessing that The Land and the kids are off limits per UBT, so she really has little choice than to deal with Barb. 

Good thing they brought in Brianna, not that she adds much. Maybe they figured one of them was going to self desrtruct. 

5 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

She claimed UBT deleted his twitter and her's disappeared shortly thereafter. I think they both were suspended.

Her instagram is still up. 

  • Love 5
44 minutes ago, druzy said:

@Mkay you have the receipts-lol


@Mkay and @druzy  this is how I imagine you two, and others who post info here, are looking through your archives on your hard drives. lol 

Takes me back to the days when I was searching for shit on Yolanda Foster (RHoBH) when she had her "Lymes". 

  • Love 13
54 minutes ago, druzy said:

Javi is selling stories. 

I commented "so you're making money off your reaction?". One good thing I can say about Javi is, he's too much of a famewhore to block a "hatter".  And Jenelle? Don't use dog filters on SnapChat. While you are in fact a bitch, you need to not insult dogs like that...well, I guess insulting them is better than killing them. 

  • Love 17
2 minutes ago, CaliforniaLove said:

I commented "so you're making money off your reaction?". One good thing I can say about Javi is, he's too much of a famewhore to block a "hatter".  And Jenelle? Don't use dog filters on SnapChat. While you are in fact a bitch, you need to not insult dogs like that...well, I guess insulting them is better than killing them. 

Wasn’t Javi kissing Jenelle’s butt while with Briana. Sit down and shut up, Javi.  

  • Love 8

David refers to gay people as dogs and if you lay with them you get fleas, then there’s Jenelle with a dog Snapchat filter on her face. The jokes right themselves. 

Also if he hated filming so much, why did he never decline to be filmed? He sure seemed fine with being on camera and getting paid for it. His hillbilly sister is just trying to make him look/feel better by trying to say he will enjoy being fired. He’s been out of a job for a couple years now and not many places are gonna hire him after this fiasco. Good luck trying to work while Jenelle blows up your phone crying about how loooonely she is.

Edited by littleB1rdy
  • Love 18

Does David not remember Jenelle hooking up with Tori? Like, multiple times? I get that people experiment, but I believe most people are not 100% one thing or the other (or at least many people are not) and you've got to be at least a 2 on the Kinsey scale or something to have pleasurable sex multiple times with someone of the same sex. Oh but I forgot, guys like David think that's "hot" when girls do it as long as it's meant for their own pleasure and not the girls'.

  • Love 9

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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