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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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Except for the fact that it'd really hurt Jace, next time Jenelle starts bitching I'd love to see Barbara drop Jace off at her house and say she's going to be out of town/unavailable/on vacation/whatever for the next month.

I'd love for Barb to leave Jenelle a voicemail (intentionally call when she knows she's in school) telling her that she (Barb) was going on vacation for two weeks and Jace will be staying with a friend while she's gone so he won't be going to Jenelle's on his designated weekend. Then, turn off her phone.

  • Love 10

I really did not like Jenelle's pink dress. It looked like it was too long or something.

I didn't like it, either. I thought it looked like something a girl would have picked out for prom in 2001. But, when you think about it, it was perfect since the entire night was like dinner before the prom. A bunch of people pretending to be grown ups, sitting around a table glued to their cell phones. Jenelle barely looked up from her phone until Nipples was squatting in front of her. The only difference between prom and that night was the smarmy proposal. If it was prom night, Nipples would have announced that he'd sprung for a hotel room and ask Jenelle if she'd go all the way with him.

Edited by lovesnark
  • Love 8

I really did not like Jenelle's pink dress. It looked like it was too long or something.

Another poster said it looked like she and the other girl were wearing prom dresses. They just didn't fit the restaurant. It was like she was trying extra hard to look classy. Maybe she'll save that dress for the next time she has to go to court.

  • Love 3

Another poster said it looked like she and the other girl were wearing prom dresses. They just didn't fit the restaurant. It was like she was trying extra hard to look classy. Maybe she'll save that dress for the next time she has to go to court.

Or, for her next mug shot. It would look great with runny mascara and tear lines in her foundation. Handcuffs would be a lovely accessory.

  • Love 6

I'd love for Barb to leave Jenelle a voicemail (intentionally call when she knows she's in school) telling her that she (Barb) was going on vacation for two weeks and Jace will be staying with a friend while she's gone so he won't be going to Jenelle's on his designated weekend. Then, turn off her phone.

It would be far more of a punishment to Jenelle if Barb said she needed to take him for two weeks, when she already has Jace, and then turn off her phone.

She'd probably love being rid of him for two weeks, while simultaneously being to whine, "Whyyyy won't she let me see my son?"

I really did not like Jenelle's pink dress. It looked like it was too long or something.

It looked like something a low rent stripper would wear.

  • Love 2

It would be far more of a punishment to Jenelle if Barb said she needed to take him for two weeks, when she already has Jace, and then turn off her phone.

She'd probably love being rid of him for two weeks, while simultaneously being to whine, "Whyyyy won't she let me see my son?"

It looked like something a low rent stripper would wear.

In a different situation, I'd agree with you. But, we all know that Jace would bear the brunt of Jenelle bitching and screaming about how Barb was evil and ruining her life. Jenelle and Nipples would tell Jace that Barb doesn't care about him because she took off and left him. If Barb made plans and arranged for Jace to go somewhere else when he was supposed to be at Jenelle's, Jenelle would have a fit  because Barb made the decision to do something fun for herself without any consideration for Jenelle. In Jenelle's world, it's only okay for her to do whatever she wants, whenever she wants, everyone one else be damned.

  • Love 4

How about when she was sitting at the kitchen counter, under a blanket, and couldn't even be bothered to *lift her head* off of the counter? All while complaining about her mother ...

Everything about her is like that. She's the human equivalent of a sloth (but sloths are cute and show more emotion).  She's entirely flat unless she's yelling at someone. When Nipples proposed, it seemed like she could barely pull herself off of the chair, stand up and hug him.


It cracks me up because she has nothing going on in her life to make her so exhausted. She goes to school for probably a couple hours a day, a few days a week. She doesn't have a job, her mom is raising her child that's at an age where he's full of energy and questions and I'd bet that Nipples does 99% of the housekeeping, laundry and caring for the Roll. Next we'll hear how exhausting it is to try to find a job. In her case, it will be exhausting because with her record, no medical facility will be willing to take that mess on. Even without her record, if anyone in an office that she applies at has seen this show, they'll run away screaming after they throw her application in the garbage.


I've imagined a scenario of her working more than once. She walks into an exam room and greets the patient with a grunted "hey" and sits down to take their history, never engaging them, just flatly grunting questions. She drops her stethoscope when she takes their blood pressure, grunts 'fuck!' and then launches into a tirade about being too fucking exhausted to be at work because her asshole boyfriend was arguing with her the night before and she had to call the cops again.

  • Love 10

I'm no fan of Jenelle and I think she's a psychopath.

However, so much of Nathan's actions reek of emotional abuse. He's pretty much isolating Jenelle from Barb, which is the classic M.O. of a manipulative abuser. By doing so, he's also punishing Barb and using Kaiser to hurt her because she never gets to see Kaiser (as she complained a few episodes ago). I bet Nathan has also isolated Jenelle from her friends during their relationship. When was the last time we saw Tori or another off Jenelle's regular on/off friends? Whenever we see them hangout with people, they're Nathan's friends. They took Nathan's friend, his brother, and their wives on Jenelle's birthday trip - not Jenelle's friends. I think Jenelle is probably a shitty friend (okay, I know she is), but the usual cast of characters of Jenelle's friends have largely been absent since she hooked up with Nathan. That said, I'm pretty sure Jenelle has doled out her own fair share of emotional abuse in relationships and with poor Jace and Barb, so it makes it kind of hard for me to feel for her. I'm also pretty sure she can be physically abusive to boyfriends as well.

As far as Nathan's veteran's disability, I know that can be hard to qualify for. But I kind of think this is how it went down that he was approved for disability benefits - he showed up at the VA and his caseworker recognized him as Jenelle's boyfriend from TM2. He/she asked Nathan straight up "do you love and by choice live with Jenelle from Teen Mom?" Nathan replied yes and the VA approved his benefits based on the fact that Nathan clearly had some psychological issues if he was willing to live with and profess his love for Jenelle. (I kid, I kid.)

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 14

Ignoring the stupid that is giving a baby a bottle while driving from the sneak peek of ep 3 I think Kaiser might be in childcare when they show him in the back of the car his bottles are named. On the up side when Janelle chased Nipps down for round 1 253 626 she did remove the roll and bring him inside.





I'm no fan of Jenelle and I think she's a psychopath.

However, so much of Nathan's actions reek of emotional abuse. He's pretty much isolating Jenelle from Barb, which is the classic M.O. of a manipulative abuser.


He is not even subtle about it I just posted this deleted scene in the episode thread and he straight up says once we get Jace back Barb will treat you different otherwise we will exclude her.



  • Love 1

I've always believed the reason Nipples wants Barb out of their lives is that she has his number and has since day one and he knows it. As long as she's involved in their lives, there's a chance Jenelle may listen to her and kick his ass to the curb. Barb knows he's an abusive asshole and the only reason he latched on to Jenelle and had a kid with her at lightening speed is for the MTV money and to be on TV. Pushing for Jenelle to try to regain custody of Jace is all about money, too. With Jace out of Barb's life, Jenelle will get whatever portion of the money MTV pays Barb. Notice Nipples hasn't done anything to get more time with or custody of his daughter. There's no money in it for him. Jace=money to the creepy pig.

  • Love 8

As soon as Nathan appeared, I knew he had some screws loose.  A trustworthy, calm and dependable man wouldn't be hooking up with a girl who has multiple arrests, had an abortion a few days before they met and had lost custody of her son.  When she told him that the craziest thing she had done was (IIRC) getting drunk, running away to the Kesha concert and going on a bender, his response was that he could tell that she wasn't like that and that he knew she was going to get her life on track.  With that, I knew that Nathan was either bat-sh*t crazy or was desperate to get his hands on some of that sweet MTV cash.  About 10 mins later, I knew it was the latter. 

Also, I saw Magic Mike XXL (no judgement!) and when they said that the stripper convention was going to be at Myrtle Beach, I thought if it was real, it would be right up Jenelle's alley! 

  • Love 5

Nathan is definitely abusive and controlling. He's the one who's always going "get Jace back, get Jace back" and I honestly think it's because he wants Babs as far out of their life as possible, because as long as she is around and has control of Jace, someone other than him has a huge amount of influence on Jenelle's life. And Babs has always seen through his bull. If Nathan was actually a stable person who brought stability to Jenelle's life, I might even agree with him about putting space between Jenelle and Babs because their relationship is terrible too, but he's a mess and he just wants her gone so that nothing threatens his control over Jenelle's entire situation. Her having a baby with him was incredibly stupid because now she's stuck with him - far more than she was ever stuck with Keifer. 

  • Love 4

I'm no fan of Jenelle and I think she's a psychopath.

However, so much of Nathan's actions reek of emotional abuse. He's pretty much isolating Jenelle from Barb, which is the classic M.O. of a manipulative abuser. By doing so, he's also punishing Barb and using Kaiser to hurt her because she never gets to see Kaiser (as she complained a few episodes ago). I bet Nathan has also isolated Jenelle from her friends during their relationship. When was the last time we saw Tori or another off Jenelle's regular on/off friends? Whenever we see them hangout with people, they're Nathan's friends. They took Nathan's friend, his brother, and their wives on Jenelle's birthday trip - not Jenelle's friends. I think Jenelle is probably a shitty friend (okay, I know she is), but the usual cast of characters of Jenelle's friends have largely been absent since she hooked up with Nathan. That said, I'm pretty sure Jenelle has doled out her own fair share of emotional abuse in relationships and with poor Jace and Barb, so it makes it kind of hard for me to feel for her. I'm also pretty sure she can be physically abusive to boyfriends as well.

As far as Nathan's veteran's disability, I know that can be hard to qualify for. But I kind of think this is how it went down that he was approved for disability benefits - he showed up at the VA and his caseworker recognized him as Jenelle's boyfriend from TM2. He/she asked Nathan straight up "do you love and by choice live with Jenelle from Teen Mom?" Nathan replied yes and the VA approved his benefits based on the fact that Nathan clearly had some psychological issues if he was willing to live with and profess his love for Jenelle. (I kid, I kid.)

Typically signs of an abuser

  • Love 1

Oh, sick! The thought of those 2 having sex repulses me.  Whatever happened to Keiffer anyway?  I'm sure he's doing well as, per Keiffer,  he can walk into any restaurant and get a job cooking.  <<snark>>

He's probably still sitting on that grassy knoll by the side of the road waiting for Janelle to remember to pick him up.

  • Love 9

Not that I needed proof that MTV stages certain scenes, but here is proof.  Kail mentions here how Javi proposed to her in front of his parents as they sat in lawn chairs:




Not at all the scene we watched a couple seasons ago.

So not only did Nathan buy tickets for all of his crew to go to St Thomas on Janelle's dime, but he bought last minute tickets? I was thinking it was pricey enough to sponsor tickets for a gang of folks but if he bought them only one or two weeks before the trip? Wowza. And Janelle is still trying to convince us HE paid for the trip.

  • Love 5
Another poster said it looked like she and the other girl were wearing prom dresses. They just didn't fit the restaurant. It was like she was trying extra hard to look classy. Maybe she'll save that dress for the next time she has to go to court.


I mentioned in the ep thread that they looked like they were heading to a tacky prom. And the fit wasn't good either. Or she needed Spanx. I could see every lump. I know she just had a baby, and that's cool. But don't dress for your pre-baby body. 

I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but Jenelle's melodramatic scene over not being able to see Jace was just ridiculous. She even said herself she'd been trying "all day" to see Jace. So...you knew however many days in advance when you were leaving, but you decided to wait until the last possible day and give your mom an hour's notice that you planned to swing by and spend 20 min with your kid? Yeah, there's a mom who desperately wants to see her child.


I want to meet one of the twitterers in person that continues to validate Jenelle's bullshit. I just fathom who these people are.

  • Love 8

I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but Jenelle's melodramatic scene over not being able to see Jace was just ridiculous. She even said herself she'd been trying "all day" to see Jace. So...you knew however many days in advance when you were leaving, but you decided to wait until the last possible day and give your mom an hour's notice that you planned to swing by and spend 20 min with your kid? Yeah, there's a mom who desperately wants to see her child.


I want to meet one of the twitterers in person that continues to validate Jenelle's bullshit. I just fathom who these people are.

And, that 20 minutes was probably going to wind up 0 minutes with Jace because the minute Barb asked her a question, she'd start screaming at her, tell her to shut the fuck up and storm out before Jace could even say hi to her. Maybe she thinks her melodramatic scene was an audition for something. When her medical career fails to materialize she can try acting.

  • Love 5

Jenelle is a damn mess with serious behavioral issues, but I'll say the same thing I was just saying about Scott Disick: I totally believe that she has an anxiety disorder. Her panicked ranting and meltdowns are classic anxiety, or at least anxiety as it manifests in someone with very poor coping skills and a lot of other issues. She's been self-medicating (poorly) for years, and the flat affect others have commented on suggests that there's another disorder at work, but I wish she could somehow get into effective treatment and actually be receptive to it. 


I also feel bad for her, because she did eventually complete some career training and seems to want to do something with it, but unfortunately I think you're all right that no reputable medical office is going to hire an addict with a serious record. I don't necessarily like Jenelle or want to be friends with her, but I do see her as someone who could've turned out a lot better if she came from a different background and had better counseling as an adolescent. Jace seems like a bright kid with a sweet personality, and it makes me wonder what Jenelle was like before all the screaming and instability in her own life took its toll.

  • Love 4

It would be far more of a punishment to Jenelle if Barb said she needed to take him for two weeks, when she already has Jace, and then turn off her phone.


I'd like to see a creative judge punish her next offense by exiling her to a hardcore Amish community for a good while,  with no cellphone and social media and forced to wear the full traditional garb of Amish women. When she screams "I'm so BORED!" they find her a barn that needs shit shoveled.

  • Love 10

I'd like to see a creative judge punish her next offense by exiling her to a hardcore Amish community for a good while,  with no cellphone and social media and forced to wear the full traditional garb of Amish women. When she screams "I'm so BORED!" they find her a barn that needs shit shoveled.


I like it, but again, as much as she may suffer, it would still inflict far worse punishment on the innocent Amish community.

  • Love 2

Holy shit. Was that video new? I noticed she covered up her left hand the minute the guy started talking to her. Guess she didn't want to tell him that Nipples took the ring back the night she called the cops and he was arrested. According to her  social media, they're still off and her feelings for him are still dropped, right?


Whatever happened to Keiffer anyway? I'm sure he's doing well as, per Keiffer, he can walk into any restaurant and get a job cooking. <<snark>>

For anyone who's interested, Keiffer's Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/confidence117k

(And it's pretty much exactly what you'd expect Keiffer's Twitter to be....)

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 3

For anyone who's interested, Keiffer's Twitter: https://mobile.twitt.../confidence117k

(And it's pretty much exactly what you'd expect Keiffer's Twitter to be, although he allegedly has a job.)


Thanks for taking the hit and searching out Keiffer, MyPeopleAreNordic.  You're a team player!

He's still a loser, but in my mind the debate is still out: who's better? Keiffer or Nathan?  Hmmm...

  • Love 2

Thanks for taking the hit and searching out Keiffer, MyPeopleAreNordic.  You're a team player!

He's still a loser, but in my mind the debate is still out: who's better? Keiffer or Nathan?  Hmmm...

While Nathan gains some points because he is not a heroin user, I'm still gonna give this one to Keiffer because he hasn't procreated, let alone thought it was a good idea to procreate with Jenelle.

  • Love 6

While Nathan gains some points because he is not a heroin user, I'm still gonna give this one to Keiffer because he hasn't procreated, let alone thought it was a good idea to procreate with Jenelle.

I'd really like to give Keiffer and Jenelle credit for making such a responsible decision; however, I suspect that by the time Keiffer's stoned-out, sluggish sperm finally reach their destination, it's too late: the egg is no longer viable.



I've always believed the reason Nipples wants Barb out of their lives is that she has his number and has since day one and he knows it. As long as she's involved in their lives, there's a chance Jenelle may listen to her and kick his ass to the curb. Barb knows he's an abusive asshole and the only reason he latched on to Jenelle and had a kid with her at lightening speed is for the MTV money and to be on TV. Pushing for Jenelle to try to regain custody of Jace is all about money, too. With Jace out of Barb's life, Jenelle will get whatever portion of the money MTV pays Barb. Notice Nipples hasn't done anything to get more time with or custody of his daughter. There's no money in it for him. Jace=money to the creepy pig.

Yes, he's afraid Barb will blast away the deceptive alter ego he's created (without much success, I might add). 

And speaking of "blast," that was a real blast watching Jenelle's rare moment of semi-enthusiasm when Nathan presented her with his big "surprise" trip to the islands. 

"Oh, my g--.   Thank you, Baby!" 

My repulsion of him just grows and grows.  Such as:

His comments, all of them disparaging, about Barb made me realize how very unintelligent he is.  After all, didn't his own mother ever tell him that blood is thicker than water, that you can say what you want about your own blood relative, but don't let anyone else say a bad word about that person?   Does he really think he is ingratiating himself to Jenelle by making a statement such as, "Your mother is EVIL?"   What a dumb f--k.


And, finally:  I do think money is the primary motive behind Jenelle's sudden theatrics regarding regaining custody of Jace.  I'm not convinced, though, that Jenelle is concerned with acquiring more t.v. exposure (and $$$) at the expense of Barb receiving less. 

I think the money angle that concerns Jenelle is this:  If Jenelle gains full physical custody of Jace, she will no longer be required by the court to pay her mother child support for Jace.  Even if she is awarded partial/joint custody (a 50-50 shared custody arrangement with Barb) Jenelle will still have to pay her mother something, since (presumably) Jenelle's "salary" amounts to more than Barbara's, at least for as long as their run on MTV continues.  

Edited by StayingAfterSunday
  • Love 4


Never change Janelle. Instead of driving her ass to her " lawyers appointment " she chooses to go back in the house and argue with Nathan.

No parts of her wants Jace back. I wish she would just give up the damn charade.

  • Love 3

I'm not sure Jenelle actually pays Barbara child support anymore. If I remember right, it was addressed awhile back that since the payments were always either late or not paid at all Barb just dropped that issue. I'm sure MTV pays her something for being on the show with Jace, but (sadly) it is probably less than what Jenelle makes....but more than Jenelle would be contributing via "child support". I really do wish they'd cut Jenelle off, but unfortunately all her drama (and the shade we throw) is a major draw for ratings. We all hate her and think she's pathetic, but she's like a trainwreck...we can't not watch her and Nipples and the never-ending drama. It would be nice though if Barb would finally go through with cutting Jenelle out of Jace's life, because then he might have a real chance at not being a total mess....she has custody of him and I am sure it would not be very hard to prove that Jenelle will never have her shit together enough to "get Jace back" to a judge. Or even if she just moved and changed her phone number...Jenelle doesn't strike me as the type to actually go looking for her son. I'm sure it's only a matter of time til Kaiser goes to live with Nipples' family like his daughter does, whenever the other shoe finally drops and they break up for good. We all know damn well if Nipples was out of the picture she'd probably never see Kaiser again.

Edited by fliptopbox
  • Love 4

I'm not sure Jenelle actually pays Barbara child support anymore. If I remember right, it was addressed awhile back that since the payments were always either late or not paid at all Barb just dropped that issue. I'm sure MTV pays her something for being on the show with Jace, but (sadly) it is probably less than what Jenelle makes....but more than Jenelle would be contributing via "child support". I really do wish they'd cut Jenelle off, but unfortunately all her drama (and the shade we throw) is a major draw for ratings. We all hate her and think she's pathetic, but she's like a trainwreck...we can't not watch her and Nipples and the never-ending drama. It would be nice though if Barb would finally go through with cutting Jenelle out of Jace's life, because then he might have a real chance at not being a total mess....she has custody of him and I am sure it would not be very hard to prove that Jenelle will never have her shit together enough to "get Jace back" to a judge. Or even if she just moved and changed her phone number...Jenelle doesn't strike me as the type to actually go looking for her son. I'm sure it's only a matter of time til Kaiser goes to live with Nipples' family like his daughter does, whenever the other shoe finally drops and they break up for good. We all know damn well if Nipples was out of the picture she'd probably never see Kaiser again.


Yeah, I don't think Jenelle's lip service about wanting Jace back is related to anything financial. Even if she has to split her MTV money 50/50 with Barb (not sure what the split it, I'd hope at least 50% goes to Barb, but that may not be the case) that's still enough for her to live on without having to work and finance the occasional vacation or tattoo, and we all know she probably never gave Barb a dime of her own money.


I liken Jenelle's tantrums about Jace to someone who gets really pumped up about going to the gym to lose weight- they'll tour a gym, pay for a membership, get really excited about it, run out and buy some work out clothes and a gym bag, and yet...when 5 am rolls around, they're too tired to get out of bed. Periodically, over the next year, they might temporarily catch the work out bug, but that quickly peters out. That's how Jenelle is. She gets a wild hair that she wants to be involved with Jace, so she expects Barb to accommodate that based on her whim, and when Barb very reasonably hesitates due to Jenelle's irresponsible past behavior (the past being, 12 hours prior), then Barb is the bad guy. Jenelle seems completely unable to connect her behavior with the consequences it brings. In her mind, if she wakes up one morning feeling maternal, then that's good enough, never mind that she didn't feel that way the previous day and probably won't feel it the next day.

  • Love 11

I recall a scene outside a courthouse with Babs and Janelle and she stated she was paying Babs 30 bucks! A month? A week? Either way not enough. I could be completely wrong but I think Babs dropped the order. 


Anyone else or did was I just "high,high,high!!" 


I don't remember that, but maybe we're both high.  (ya both high!)

  • Love 5

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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