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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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32 minutes ago, AdorkableWitch said:

Since at the time of the DDS investigation, Jenelle had no legal relationship with Jace, there is a good chance due to privacy laws Babs was not informed. Since Nate hasn't signed his rights away, there would be an obligation for DDS to inform him. 

Jenelle never signed away her parental rights, legally Jace was (and is) her son although Barb is his guardian; but I agree with you that since there wasn't a formal visitation schedule in place no one thought to inform Barb. 

More likely though the counties just don't communicate with each other regarding those things. 

  • Love 1

Wait. Jenelle did sign her rights away. There was that video posted here the other day where she and her mom are talking with the attorney and he specifically says "You are signing away your rights to your son temporarily" with the assumption Jenelle was going to regain her rights when she was fully prepared to take responsibility down the road. 

@AdorkableWitch is correct with her comment about Jenelle not having had any legal rights to Jace at that point in time so, disregard my comments about Barb was probably informed by CPS. 

  • Love 10
15 hours ago, Mkay said:

omg Ensley tests positive for marijuana.  Click to read about upcoming article. 

Holy hell. She wants to dog her own mother for having a fucking drink but smoked while pregnant. 

And David looked like he was on more than pot in the last episode. He had dark ass circles and just didnt look 'fresh' and that he had been hitting the drugs too much and not in a recreational way.

  • Love 14

That poor baby has been congested and miserable for months and those two POS probably hit him because he was being whiny and uncooperative! I would say that it's time to end the show but that won't help because Jenelle will be more determined to keep Kaiser in order to collect a bigger welfare check(because we all know that is where she'll end up...on government assistance)

  • Love 10

I FF through Briana's segments but I'd promise MTV that I would watch them if they'd take Jenelle off. Her brand of crazy doesn't deserve to be on TV anymore. 

I really hope Doris succeeds in her petition to get Kaiser full time. Then that would make two children Jenelle isn't fit to care for on a daily basis. I hope she gets ton of bad press over this latest development.  MTV needs to sit up and take notice.

  • Love 23

I really want to know on what grounds Doris is trying to get custody of Kaiser. I mean, we know he is treated like crap by Jenelle and David, but what happened that was so bad that Grandma had to step in? The pot use seemed like more of a side issue she brought up in regards to Kaiser's situation with his mom and David. I hope she gets him, but that really depends if his home life is extremely horrible and they can prove it. I feel so sorry for those kids.

  • Love 7
17 minutes ago, Moogen said:


I didn't think it could get worse than Nova Baltierra picking up a piece of literal shit off her bedroom floor, but yeah...

these are some fucking dysfunctional families!

Edited by teapot
  • Love 20
7 hours ago, HeySandyStrange said:

I really want to know on what grounds Doris is trying to get custody of Kaiser. I mean, we know he is treated like crap by Jenelle and David, but what happened that was so bad that Grandma had to step in? The pot use seemed like more of a side issue she brought up in regards to Kaiser's situation with his mom and David. I hope she gets him, but that really depends if his home life is extremely horrible and they can prove it. I feel so sorry for those kids.

This gives more details...sickening details: 

6 hours ago, Moogen said:

And take note from the article:

Davidson said that Jenelle Evans’ own mother, Barbara Evans, is also extremely concerned about Kaiser’s well-being.

I always knew she was concerned. Save Kaiser! Rooting for Doris that she is successful. I also hope Barb makes a motion to modify the court order. I just know the reality is many children are not removed from dysfunctional and neglectful homes and there is a chance this is what may happen with Kaiser. 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 15

Seriously, just when I think it couldn't get any worse....

Jace certainly wouldn't be the first kid to wander a little too far in the woods, but how the hell did Jenelle not know where Kaiser was the entire time?! He's a freaking toddler, ffs. It's not Jace's responsibility to watch him.

For those with experience, how bad does it have to get before Doris is awarded custody? Whore-y County seems to have very loose definitions of what it means to be a fit parent.

I'm also going to be giving Barb a major side-eye if she doesn't have her ass in court ASAP and continues to let Jace visit that hell hole.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 11
10 hours ago, druzy said:

Someone posted this on reddit



Someone should post about how is that any different than in ur womb.

And why are these kids not being supervised out in the middle of nowhere and where a pool is currently under construction. Not to mention the numerous other things that could happen. I know she is too busy on her phone.

Edited by toodywoody
Because this bitch makes my head spin and I can't think straight
  • Love 16
15 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Seriously, just when I think it couldn't get any worse....

Jace certainly wouldn't be the first kid to wander a little too far in the woods, but how the hell did Jenelle not know where Kaiser was the entire time?! He's a freaking toddler, ffs. It's not Jace's responsibility to watch him.

For those with experience, how bad does it have to get before Doris is awarded custody? Whore-y County seems to have very loose definitions of what it means to be a fit parent.

I'm also going to be giving Barb a major side-eye if she doesn't have her ass in court ASAP and continues to let Jace visit that hell hole.

We know Jenelle has left the little ones to be watched by Jace and Maryssa outside. That is why Barb had to call the police that one time Jenelle was locked in her bedroom. No doubt she has had Jace watch Kaiser outside a lot more often. That is why Jace is bored as hell, he is being used as a babysitter when he has visitation with Jenelle. Maryssa and Jace were brought in to be the parents so the so-called parents can go get high. 

It is hard to know what Horry County considers unfit parent. Going by what Doris has claimed, it wouldn't even make a dent here in California. Sad, I know. 

As much as I hope Barb would make a move to modify the order, her attorney may advise her they need something more to even consider such a request. No doubt that is what Jenelle's attorney told her which is why she tried with all her might to get footage of Barb driving drunk. 

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

For those with experience, how bad does it have to get before Doris is awarded custody? Whore-y County seems to have very loose definitions of what it means to be a fit parent.

I'm not the most experienced, but from what I've learned about Child Maltreatment in school and the things I've picked up by experience, I'm not sure all of the things Nathan's mother is reporting is quite enough to get full custody. It take a hell of a lot, up to and including broken bones, black eyes, starvation, and sexual abuse for the authorities to crack down and take the kids away. The incidents Doris is reporting are definitely neglectful, but maybe not enough for custody to be taken from Jenelle. Jenelle and David will probably be investigated, Doris might get a bigger percentage of custody and more rights for Kaiser, Jenelle and possibly David might have to take parenting classes, meet with case workers regularly, etc. Maybe someone in the field can give us a clearer picture. I just want Kaiser and the rest of the kids to be safe.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
  • Love 17
33 minutes ago, HeySandyStrange said:

I'm not the most experienced, but from what I've learned about the Child Maltreatment in school and the things I've picked up by experience, I'm not sure all of the things Nathan's mother is reporting is quite enough to get full custody. It take a hell of a lot, up to and including broken bones, black eyes, starvation, and sexual abuse for the authorities to crack down and take the kids away. The incidents Doris is reporting is definitely neglectful, but maybe not enough for custody to be taken from Jenelle. Jenelle and David will probably be investigated, Doris might get a bigger percentage of custody and more rights for Kaiser, Jenelle and possibly David might have to take parenting classes, meet with case workers regularly, etc. Maybe someone in the field can give us a clearer picture. I just want Kaiser and the rest of the kids to be safe.

You pretty much described what could happen. 

Even Leah at her worse was still given partial custody of her girlses and she was an addict who was falling asleep at the wheel while driving, the girlses missed a lot of school time, Ali missed many medical appointments, and even Ali was found out wandering by herself only to have the police bring her home. 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 12
15 minutes ago, HeySandyStrange said:

The incidents Doris is reporting is definitely neglectful, but maybe not enough for custody to be taken from Jenelle. 

*sigh* That's what I was afraid of. David and Jenelle are shitty and abusive, but not shitty and abusive enough to warrant removing the kids from their home. 

If Doris noticed all sorts of bruising on Kaiser, I'm a little surprised his daycare didn't report anything. 

  • Love 9



Above is Jenelle's response. This woman has no idea what normal is. She does not deny ANY of the allegations. She is putting the blame on Barb and making sure everyone knows the order is against her and Nathan. She actually thinks it makes Nathan's mom look bad to say he is not fit either. I think it shows that Grandma truly loves Kaiser and wants what is best for him. I hate to think of what goes on in that house no one knows about. I truly fear that those kids are going to end up dead. MTV needs to fire her immediately.  Brianna may be boring and dumb, but I can handle that. I don't think I can handle watching Jenelle's kids and wondering when the story about one of them missing or dead is going to come out. 

  • Love 16
21 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Well, let me answer my own question. NOPE. Jenelle could not stop hitting the bong even towards her due date. Radar reports that Jenelle tested positice for marijuana, as did Ensley and that DDS (I guess like CPS?) got involved. They also say that Jenelle and David both failed a drug test sometimes after that (I guess as they were being monitored). Yet....they seem to still have the kids....so....

Maybe DDS has whatever Jenelle magic that the lawyers do in that state. NOTHING touches them!

I also hope Nathan's mom gets Kaiser. Yes, she raised Nathan, and I have no doubt he had problems pre-military. But I also think his military experience and PTSD made it way worse. Also, sometimes people turn out "bad" despite good, or decent, parenting. I haven't seen hide nor hair of the woman, so I can't judge one way or the other. But....the fact that she even realizes something is wrong with how poor Kai is being raised and WANTS to get him out of there, says something to me. '

I am all for the legalization or marijuana and I don't give a fiddler's fart what other people put in their own bodies....but.....YOUR OWN body. Not your baby's. You sick fuck. 

18 hours ago, Farmfam said:

Agreed. MTV needs to drop her. This is way over the line in my opinion.

I couldn't agree more. At least TLC dropped June BooBoo and Josh Duggar when all the pedophile/molester stuff came to light. Is MTV waiting for it to go that far??? 

(although, I am slightly consoled by thinking the kids are taken care of better in front of the cameras than they ever would be off the cameras. Who KNOWS what shit goes down when MTV leaves???)

  • Love 21

I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Kaiser's grandmother getting custody is part of the long game being played by UBT in order to further isolate and control Jenelle. 

I worked adjacent to CPS and these moms get soooooo many chances to keep their kids. I understand laws are in place to make removal difficult, but gee whiz, it's plain to see that this broad doesn't care about having her kids. It's probably been said before but if Teen Mom didn't exist, Jenelle would sign all these kids over to someone else. Now they are only good as Insta-props for her. 

  • Love 11
5 hours ago, HeySandyStrange said:

I really want to know on what grounds Doris is trying to get custody of Kaiser. I mean, we know he is treated like crap by Jenelle and David, but what happened that was so bad that Grandma had to step in?

Bruising/suspicion of abuse and refusal to give the child adequate medical care (not giving him his prescribed nebulizer). That sounds pretty justified to me.  I mean, she feels justified to TRY - don't know that she'll actually win, but I'm hoping. 

  • Love 5

"She is requesting a judge test Jenelle's hair follicles for drugs and undergo a psychological evaluation "for the purpose of assisting the Court in determining her fitness to have contact with the minor child..."

I hope the judge does order the hair follicle test. I know there was discussion here not too long ago about if Janelle's drug use was recent enough to justify random drug tests so I hope this does it. Marijuana stays in your system where it can be detected for a long time. Up to 90 days. I am worried about what she may have been taking that clears out a lot faster.  

  • Love 13
3 hours ago, mscav said:

Jenelle mentions Barb tried to get an emergency order herself, but it failed. When was this? 

I hate Jenelle and David. Sick fucks, both of them. I really could care less if they both just dropped off the end of the planet. 

@TresGatos those marijuana cleansers don't do squat. All they do is make money from stupid people. Hair follicle testing is done in most cases because they show traces of drugs better and for longer periods of time. 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 11
20 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Bruising/suspicion of abuse and refusal to give the child adequate medical care (not giving him his prescribed nebulizer). That sounds pretty justified to me.  I mean, she feels justified to TRY - don't know that she'll actually win, but I'm hoping. 

Leah didn't take Ali to her medical appointments and therapy appointments. She also was tardy numerous times for school. Leah still retained custody to a degree. As for bruises, the child can't speak for himself. The adults around him will just say he is a child who falls down. With all the construction going on around "The Land", that might be one excuse. The other will be put on Jace. Jenelle will say Jace is aggressive and has hit people including Barb. It is on camera where Barb and Jenelle discussed Jace's physical aggression towards others. Poor Jace will be the fall guy in this one. I bet big bucks on that one. 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 18
21 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Someone just responded to me on FB, telling me I shouldn't be unfair to Jenelle, because there's two sides to every story. Okay, I get that, but here's my question: Is the prospect of raising a toddler in middle age so desirable that all these Grandmas are going to court just for shits and giggles? Hiring attorneys costs money. Raising a child for 15+ years costs money, to say nothing of the exhaustion and the stress. So am I supposed to believe Doris is willing to forego retirement just to make life miserable for Jenelle? These people make no sense.

Oh are you on the We Love Teen Mom FB group?  There's some illiterate bitch on there blasting everyone for judging Jenelle.  Typical Jenelle type people, grossly misinformed about reality and largely illiterate.  

Edited by ShaNaeNae
  • Love 12
2 minutes ago, ShaNaeNae said:

Oh are you on the We Love Teen Mom FB group?  There's some illiterate bitch on there blasting everyone for judging Jenelle.  Typical Jenelle type people, grossly misinformed about reality and largely illiterate.  

Lulz, no! I was on the MTV TM2 page. But now I totally have to check this other group out. I can only imagine...

  • Love 6
7 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Leah didn't take Ali to her medical appointments and therapy appointments. She also was tardy numerous times for school. Leah still retained custody to a degree.

As far as neglecting to give the child medical interventions, I think it depends to what degree it will effect the child's health. Definitely it will probably be a big focus of the investigation and possible future checkups into how Jenelle is parenting, but parents are given quite a bit of leeway as far as how they choose to medically treat their children. Even in cases where parents were with holding life saving treatments due to whatever beliefs, it seems to take a hell of a legal battle to take that decision away from the parents and put it into the court's hands. As far as it goes, the rights (in this country) of parents to parent their children in whatever way they choose barring extreme abuse and neglect are highly protected. I don't know all the legal aspects, but that was what was impressed on me when I took a college course in Childhood maltreatment.

As for bruises, I believe to make a strong allegation of abuse there as to be a history of medical/state documentation of them. Also the amount and placement of the bruises come into play. Please some one correct me if I'm wrong, but that is what I recall from my Professor and textbook. Now that the concern over the bruises have reached the court's ears, hopefully there will be special medical attention paid to them.

On the bright side, anything that can and will put Jenelle under scrutiny and keep her under it is a good thing. I hope the families and the court keep her and UBT on their toes for the next 18 years+. Outside of getting full custody of the children, that is the best thing the families can do to keep those kids safe at this point.

  • Love 6

I haven't had time to read everything but I want to point out that Horry County is in SOUTH Carolina. That's where Jenelle was living when she hit Nathan's girlfriend with the mason jar, so that's why she had a different lawyer than Teflon Dustin and that's where that ridiculous trial happened. They're all living in North Carolina now. I don't know what counties they're in, though.

  • Love 7
24 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

I haven't had time to read everything but I want to point out that Horry County is in SOUTH Carolina. That's where Jenelle was living when she hit Nathan's girlfriend with the mason jar, so that's why she had a different lawyer than Teflon Dustin and that's where that ridiculous trial happened. They're all living in North Carolina now. I don't know what counties they're in, though.

That would be Brunswick County, NC. Her town (Leland) and Barb's town (Boiling Springs Lake) are in the same county.

  • Love 2

Of course, that evil little bitch is trying to blame this all on Barb. Sure Jenelle. Barb forced you to stay stoned while you were carrying Endtable. I hope Barb IS doing what she can to help Kaiser's other granny get him out of there! Like I said earlier, I haven't had a chance to read everything yet. But, it's not surprising to read that her leghumpers are acting like it's no big deal because pot comes from the earth. So does alcohol, nicotine, heroin, arsenic,etc. They'd probably all be okay with all that, too, because she's doin' so gud now and has a gr8t guy and THE LAND!

  • Love 13
2 hours ago, HeySandyStrange said:

As far as neglecting to give the child medical interventions, I think it depends to what degree it will effect the child's health. Definitely it will probably be a big focus of the investigation and possible future checkups into how Jenelle is parenting, but parents are given quite a bit of leeway as far as how they choose to medically treat their children. Even in cases where parents were with holding life saving treatments due to whatever beliefs, it seems to take a hell of a legal battle to take that decision away from the parents and put it into the court's hands. As far as it goes, the rights (in this country) of parents to parent their children in whatever way they choose barring extreme abuse and neglect are highly protected. I don't know all the legal aspects, but that was what was impressed on me when I took a college course in Childhood maltreatment.

As for bruises, I believe to make a strong allegation of abuse there as to be a history of medical/state documentation of them. Also the amount and placement of the bruises come into play. Please some one correct me if I'm wrong, but that is what I recall from my Professor and textbook. Now that the concern over the bruises have reached the court's ears, hopefully there will be special medical attention paid to them.

On the bright side, anything that can and will put Jenelle under scrutiny and keep her under it is a good thing. I hope the families and the court keep her and UBT on their toes for the next 18 years+. Outside of getting full custody of the children, that is the best thing the families can do to keep those kids safe at this point.

You are so right about the legal battle when it comes to intervening on behalf of a child when their parents are choosing alternative methods or not giving their child any sort of medication for whatever ailment their child is dealing with on a daily basis. 

There was that time Jenelle said to Barb how she wasn't too keen on Jace being on any kind of meds for his mental issues.  There was also the recent scene where Barb only gave Jenelle so much of Jace's ear medicine while she hinted about "what happened last time".  Not sure what that was about. Jenelle probably spilled it all or misplaced it. 

Kaiser doesn't need medications on a daily like Jace. So, it will be kind of hard to prove Jenelle was not giving Kaiser his meds and not using the nebulizer. She could easily say one of two things - Kaiser wasn't getting better because the meds were not working or she was giving him his meds but, it was Nathan's mom who was failing on her end to give Kaiser his treatment.  

  • Love 12

How awful that apparently so many people don't think that using drugs while pregnant is a big deal anymore. If there is even the slightest CHANCE that using something will hurt the baby, why use it? Even if I loved pot (I don't) and saw nothing wrong with it, I would at least take it as a personal challenge to quit for nine months. 

Jenelle is vile, and even if she loses, I'm sooooo happy Doris is at least giving her something to stress over! I want Kaiser to stay happy and safe!

  • Love 13

Fuck these assholes and MTV for I'm sure covering up, or should I say leaving out, tons of shit Jenelle and David do. Short of killing someone, these assholes will still be on next season. They're making thousands by being scum of the earth "parents." I'm sure that stupid ass producer turned the blind eye to many of Jenelley's and psycho's abusive moments. 

I doubt very much that having MTV around is saving these kids, it's only enabling them to keep on breeding to have a story to stay on the show. 

Reminds me of a certain someone who said he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and still be adored, retch! These Teen "stars" aren't far off as they still get paid thousands for being heinous dredges of society. 

  • Love 24
1 hour ago, Christina87 said:

How awful that apparently so many people don't think that using drugs while pregnant is a big deal anymore. If there is even the slightest CHANCE that using something will hurt the baby, why use it? Even if I loved pot (I don't) and saw nothing wrong with it, I would at least take it as a personal challenge to quit for nine months. 

Jenelle is vile, and even if she loses, I'm sooooo happy Doris is at least giving her something to stress over! I want Kaiser to stay happy and safe!

It truly bothered me to have found out I was pregnant after having consumed some wine coolers a few weeks before. My doctor gave me a pregnancy test and I was floored to find out I was 3 months along. I felt so bad for having drank those coolers. I know it wasn't done intentionally, but still. I couldn't shake that feeling of guilt for the longest time. Another time, I had taken medication for bronchitis only to find out three weeks later I was pregnant. I was consumed with guilt again! I was so damn worried about the harm I may have brought onto my unborn children. I can't fathom how any mother in her right mind would ingest something that is not required or in the best interest of her health or her unborn baby. There are some women I know who are smokers, but they were able to give it up for their pregnancies. 

  • Love 15
24 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

It truly bothered me to have found out I was pregnant after having consumed some wine coolers a few weeks before. My doctor gave me a pregnancy test and I was floored to find out I was 3 months along. I felt so bad for having drank those coolers. I know it wasn't done intentionally, but still. I couldn't shake that feeling of guilt for the longest time. Another time, I had taken medication for bronchitis only to find out three weeks later I was pregnant. I was consumed with guilt again! I was so damn worried about the harm I may have brought onto my unborn children. I can't fathom how any mother in her right mind would ingest something that is not required or in the best interest of her health or her unborn baby. There are some women I know who are smokers, but they were able to give it up for their pregnancies. 

Its because of that worry that Ive cut back on having drinks. Granted I dont drink that much these days compared to my party days, but I have. My wallet is grateful for it.

To me if someone had a drink or two during early stages and didnt know they were pregnant at the time, It doesnt make them a bad person at all. It only becomes bad when some knows they are expecting and continues to drink anyways (or smoke pot). To me if a person cant give those things up for the sake of their unborn child, I question weither that person could qualify as a good parent. Im sorry if I sound a tad harsh, but it makes my blood boil when people so willingly risk their childs health for their own selfish reasons. (looking at you Jenelle and Maci) 

  • Love 10

@GreatKazu, that was my sister. She RARELY drinks, had a random outing where she got hammered on a boat, and found out 2 weeks later she was preg. She was like "omg!! I'm already a bad mom!!".

I'M the one who smokes weed pretty much daily, and if my 6-year old nephew is going to come over, you better believe I'm hiding the weed, anything related to the weed, and making sure it hasn't been smoked inside LONG beforehand...and I'm not even a mom. I don't know anything else to refer to Jenelle as at this point other than an absolute monster. If she experienced "It's a Wonderful Life", she would see that the world is in fact better off without her (it). 

  • Love 14

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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