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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


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10 hours ago, BitterApple said:

It's interesting because when Jenelle was ranting in the parking lot, she mentioned how she has to pay for everything and no one does anything for her. Yeah, guys like Nathan and Dave are losers who are all too happy to live off their sugar mama, but Jenelle seems to prefer her men unemployed so they can be around all day to do her bidding and take care of the kids. She complains all the time about her situation, but the common denominator in every clusterfuck in Jenelle's life is HER. 

Yup. She can't have her cake and eat it too. This was Leah's same issue with Cory and Germy. Except her guys didn't quite their jobs to ride the gravy train. But, like Jenelle, she wanted them home all the time to kiss her ass and validate her as a woman. Yet, she sure didn't mind the steady income their hard work provided. These women are such children. I know they got pregnant young, but damn. How is that they have no understanding of the realities of adult life - like paying bills and working to pay those bills? Damn. I homeschool my kids and I already talk to them (5, 7, and 9) about our finances, bills, budgeting, etc. I don't give them every little detail, but when it comes up I explain why we can't pay for "X" and why certain things have priority, etc. Mama ain't raising no fools! 


8 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

The shaming along with the harsh critical comments that exist in that household will surely corrupt those children. The kind of criticisms that are said to these kids teach them they are naughty, bad, a source of trouble for the adults. Sticking with Kaiser, he will be made to feel the things he wants to do are bad. Exploring is bad, climbing is bad. He should be different, he's not good enough the way he is. I imagine when he gets older he will begin to feel overwhelmed with shame. Kaiser will likely feels so unbearable that he will do anything not to feel it. He may lash out in anger and blame others.

It's truly heartbreaking. Tell a kid enough times that he is "bad" and he's going to end up being bad. 


8 hours ago, Mkay said:

Woah! My reply to Jenelle is getting all kinds of likes.  I'm sure she will block me tomorrow.  


I'm not very going with words  I wish I had written my reply better   Oh well. 

I think you said it perfectly!  Good on you for pointing out that people can and DO break the cycle. Being raised horribly can be an explanation, but not an excuse. It's hard, but people overcome their shitty childhoods every day. 

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2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Yup. She can't have her cake and eat it too. This was Leah's same issue with Cory and Germy. Except her guys didn't quite their jobs to ride the gravy train. But, like Jenelle, she wanted them home all the time to kiss her ass and validate her as a woman. Yet, she sure didn't mind the steady income their hard work provided. These women are such children. I know they got pregnant young, but damn. How is that they have no understanding of the realities of adult life - like paying bills and working to pay those bills? Damn. I homeschool my kids and I already talk to them (5, 7, and 9) about our finances, bills, budgeting, etc. I don't give them every little detail, but when it comes up I explain why we can't pay for "X" and why certain things have priority, etc. Mama ain't raising no fools! 


It's truly heartbreaking. Tell a kid enough times that he is "bad" and he's going to end up being bad. 


I think you said it perfectly!  Good on you for pointing out that people can and DO break the cycle. Being raised horribly can be an explanation, but not an excuse. It's hard, but people overcome their shitty childhoods every day. 


Anytime I read Jenelles comments Im reminded of a meme that goes around alot and always grinds my gears when I see it. Its the one that says "Why should I apologize for the monster I’ve become? No one ever apologized for making me this way". That one always gets me because to me at anytime a person can say "This is not what I want. This is not who I want to be. Im going to be better than they were" and work towards that goal. If I learned anything from my less than ideal childhood, its about the kind of person and parent that I dont want to be, and I hope to avoid those mistakes if and when I become a parent myself. I know it wont be easy but I'll do my damndest.  People like Jenelle can shove their excuses up their fourth point of contact. 

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12 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

The shaming along with the harsh critical comments that exist in that household will surely corrupt those children. The kind of criticisms that are said to these kids teach them they are naughty, bad, a source of trouble for the adults. Sticking with Kaiser, he will be made to feel the things he wants to do are bad. Exploring is bad, climbing is bad. He should be different, he's not good enough the way he is. I imagine when he gets older he will begin to feel overwhelmed with shame. Kaiser will likely feels so unbearable that he will do anything not to feel it. He may lash out in anger and blame others.


I minored in psychology in college, and one of the things that really stuck with me from my child psychology class is the concept of not praising a child by saying "good boy/girl" or scold them by saying "bad boy/girl" because children can internalize the praise or scolding of an action to be of themselves as a person.  I don't have kids myself, but I find myself saying "good job" instead of "good boy" to my godson (who I spend a lot of time with) without even thinking about it.  Thankfully I haven't been in a position to have to scold him yet lol!  I know it's a lot to expect of any of the Teen Moms and especially Jenelle - but with all her whining about how badly she was treated as a child you'd think she would try not to make the mistakes that were made with her.

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1 hour ago, jadecorleone said:


Anytime I read Jenelles comments Im reminded of a meme that goes around alot and always grinds my gears when I see it. Its the one that says "Why should I apologize for the monster I’ve become? No one ever apologized for making me this way". That one always gets me because to me at anytime a person can say "This is not what I want. This is not who I want to be. Im going to be better than they were" and work towards that goal. If I learned anything from my less than ideal childhood, its about the kind of person and parent that I dont want to be, and I hope to avoid those mistakes if and when I become a parent myself. I know it wont be easy but I'll do my damndest.  People like Jenelle can shove their excuses up their fourth point of contact. 

Definitely...it's also obviously a matter of maturity. Sometimes it takes a while for people to realize they did have a messed up chaotic life. That's the first step, an important one, and it might take some time to work through it. Even years. You could have a lot of justified anger and depression about it before you're able to move forward and manage it and end the cycle. So during those years, don't have 6+ pregnancies and 3+ engagements? Just a thought. 

It would be fine for her in her early 20s to still be dealing with the aftermath of a messed up childhood and getting herself together. Except she's already well into giving multiple children messed up childhoods of their own that they will now have to spend lifetimes undoing! How does she not grasp that at all? 

Edited by Lm2162
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I hate to even mention it because I think she had it so rough with her life and marriage but, Barb tends to do what Jenelle does which is lash out at a kid for their behavior. I recall a scene where Barb got mad at Jace for making a mess when he was eating crackers. Barb having it rough with her marriage which was consumed with DV doesn't change the fact she likely said the very things to her kids that we are now hearing Jenelle say to Kaiser. That may be what Jenelle is referring to in that tweet of hers. I will put the blame on Jenelle's dad as well. It might have been the norm in that house to criticize the kids for innocent mistakes. I had a couple of friends where this was the norm. It wasn't at all the norm in my home growing up. Such a contrast. 

With that pointed out, it still is just one of many excuses and Jenelle not holding herself accountable. If she realizes things weren't all sunshine and roses growing up in a volatile home, she can do something about it, but she won't. The resentment she holds against Kaiser is so obvious. I think of those abuse stories that come out every so often of the step-dad who abused the step-child but not his own children while the bio mother either ignored it or engaged in the same abusive behavior. No matter, I believe Jenelle would be like this with Jace if she had him in her care and soon, Endtable will be called out for being a bad child for simply being a child. 

@Mkay *slow clap* Thanks for tweeting to Jenelle and dishing out the truth. Obviously, the truth hurts. 

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I have no doubt that living in that house growing up with constant fighting among the parents, anger (likely) towards the kids, and DV, was terrible. I absolutely believe her that things were awful and fights were a daily occurrence. She's giving her kids all that all over again and either doesn't see it or doesn't care. 

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@GreatKazu and @Lm2162 you guys are both right. I don't pretend to know what it's like to grow up seeing DV and lots of screaming (my mom rarely raised her voice), I am sure that has affected Jenelle and how she copes with stress (same with Barb), but what gets me about Jenelle is not that I see a hair trigger temper (like Barb sometimes has) or inappropriate yelling, it's that those behaviors are ALL we see.

I wonder what her cortisol levels are like because Jenelle acts like she's living in a war zone- she blows up over and over and over again but there's no "calm down". 

Edited by Scarlett45
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21 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

I hate to even mention it because I think she had it so rough with her life and marriage but, Barb tends to do what Jenelle does which is lash out at a kid for their behavior. I recall a scene where Barb got mad at Jace for making a mess when he was eating crackers.

There was also that scene at the reunion where Barb snapped at Jace and asked "why did you go with them?" after Jenelle took Jace back to the hotel without her permission. I get that Barb was upset, but she still put the burden of guilt on a small child and that wasn't fair. 

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15 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

There was also that scene at the reunion where Barb snapped at Jace and asked "why did you go with them?" after Jenelle took Jace back to the hotel without her permission. I get that Barb was upset, but she still put the burden of guilt on a small child and that wasn't fair. 

No it wasn't fair for Barb to do that to Jace, but I think she did apologize to him and give him a hug.

I do wish Jenelle would listen and actually interact with Barb sometimes because I think Barb could say "look I made this mistakes when you guys were young and xyz are the ways I'm trying to do better, maybe that would help you too." 

Jenelle and Kailyn have the fact that they have ZERO self awareness.  Even Leah can look at herself and say "hey maybe that wasn't the best thing- sorry girls Mom loves you guys". Jenelle puts the blame for everything on others, others not loving her, not doing what she wants....just like Kailyn. 

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According to Jenelle's logic, I could beat the snot out of my husband and  believe that it's ok. I saw it growing up so everyone should just get over it.  That's not how it works Jenelle. It bugs the crap out of me to see people blame things on stuff that happened as a kid. Everyone handles things differently. I get that. But I knew from a very young age it wasn't normal and knew that I would never, ever let my kids grow up that way. 

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6 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

No it wasn't fair for Barb to do that to Jace, but I think she did apologize to him and give him a hug.

I do wish Jenelle would listen and actually interact with Barb sometimes because I think Barb could say "look I made this mistakes when you guys were young and xyz are the ways I'm trying to do better, maybe that would help you too." 

Jenelle and Kailyn have the fact that they have ZERO self awareness.  Even Leah can look at herself and say "hey maybe that wasn't the best thing- sorry girls Mom loves you guys". Jenelle puts the blame for everything on others, others not loving her, not doing what she wants....just like Kailyn. 

Thank you for pointing out how Barb at least self-awareness and does tend to apologize. Barb has moments of peace and calm and really shows her love to Jace. I am sure she was always that way. Jenelle just remembers the hostile and violent times from her years growing up without acknowledging her mother was in a DV situation. Jenelle never apologizes and has no clue what she does is wrong on so many levels. 

You are right, Jenelle never seems to have a time-out from her temper. It is as if she is always on high alert, ready to lash out at the most minimal of things. 

The constant excuses and finger-pointing is constant. Never ever can she just listen to reason. For all his assholish behavior, David was at least making some good suggestions to Jenelle about going to the other house while he finishes up moving their stuff. Jenelle just couldn't simply say, "Ok. I will see you later" and go on her merry way. Why couldn't she go to the hotel where she could order food in and relax? Shit, I love going to hotels on vacation because of all the amenities. they offer. 

There had to be something else going on there. What was she so afraid of if she left David and his friends on their own? She mentioned them drinking beer all day, but I didn't get the sense that David was drunk or even buzzed. Guys do tend to have some beers while doing work. Nothing wrong with that. Was she worried about him driving afterwards? Well then, pick him up. See how I came up with a solution there? With Jenelle she throws out all of these reasons why she can't do something instead of problem-solving. 

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3 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Thank you for pointing out how Barb at least self-awareness and does tend to apologize. Barb has moments of peace and calm and really shows her love to Jace. I am sure she was always that way. Jenelle just remembers the hostile and violent times from her years growing up without acknowledging her mother was in a DV situation. Jenelle never apologizes and has no clue what she does is wrong on so many levels. 

You are right, Jenelle never seems to have a time-out from her temper. It is as if she is always on high alert, ready to lash out at the most minimal of things. 

The constant excuses and finger-pointing is constant. Never ever can she just listen to reason. For all his assholish behavior, David was at least making some good suggestions to Jenelle about going to the other house while he finishes up moving their stuff. Jenelle just couldn't simply say, "Ok. I will see you later" and go on her merry way. Why couldn't she go to the hotel where she could order food in and relax? Shit, I love going to hotels on vacation because of all the amenities. they offer. 

There had to be something else going on there. What was she so afraid of if she left David and his friends on their own? She mentioned them drinking beer all day, but I didn't get the sense that David was drunk or even buzzed. Guys do tend to have some beers while doing work. Nothing wrong with that. Was she worried about him driving afterwards? Well then, pick him up. See how I came up with a solution there? With Jenelle she throws out all of these reasons why she can't do something instead of problem-solving. 

She was probably mad she could partake in their beer drinking. Ha

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This episode was one of the more depressing ones I've ever seen...first, Jenelle is just awful. The fact that she had another baby when she can't adequately parent Kaiser is beyond stupid and irresponsible. David scares me. The way he threw Kaiser on the floor after he broke the ornament was terrifying. And that was on camera! I am so afraid that this child is going to be physically abused or maybe already is.  Jenelle cannot handle him...she resents him and doesn't even try to engage him in some kind of activity or discipline him in a calm, measured manner. These two will be divorced in a year...poor Kaiser...what a mess. Her parking lot rant was pathetic...Jenelle, always the victim...blames her mother for everything and whines she doesn't have friends. She takes zero ownership of her own behavior that makes being a friend or mother to her nearly impossible.

Kailyn...selfish, self absorbed brat. She had no business getting pregnant...the baby daddy was just a hook up and he wants nothing to do with her or the baby. What a terrible way to be brought into this world. At least Issac and Lincoln have fathers that love them and take care of them.  She treats Javi terribly...she has become quite the diva on camera also. Stomping off and saying she won't talk about her situation on camera. Then don't do the show!

Chelsea: Something weird about Cole...he seems like such a hayseed. Nice guy but sort of vanilla. A beer drinking baby shower? OK...

Leah looked good last night and seems happy. Fingers crossed that she will continue with college. It looked like the kids were going to school in the middle of the night!

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7 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:


The constant excuses and finger-pointing is constant. Never ever can she just listen to reason. For all his assholish behavior, David was at least making some good suggestions to Jenelle about going to the other house while he finishes up moving their stuff. Jenelle just couldn't simply say, "Ok. I will see you later" and go on her merry way. Why couldn't she go to the hotel where she could order food in and relax? Shit, I love going to hotels on vacation because of all the amenities. they offer. 


because "A HOTEL w/KAISER?  OH, THAT'S FUN!!"

fucking Kaiser, being alive & ruining *everything* 

j/k, I love him to death & I hope Nathan gets his shit together because they love eachother & maybe someday he'll be mature enough to parent....*sigh*...wishful thinking

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11 minutes ago, teapot said:

because "A HOTEL w/KAISER?  OH, THAT'S FUN!!"

fucking Kaiser, being alive & ruining *everything* 

j/k, I love him to death & I hope Nathan gets his shit together because they love eachother & maybe someday he'll be mature enough to parent....*sigh*...wishful thinking

I heard Jenelle's voice as I read the first two sentences. lol  I hate to laugh, but damn, that is spot on about her feeling like Kaiser ruins everything because he dares to be alive. 

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I really wish Kaiser could just go live with his paternal grandmother. She seems to really love him, and I'm sure she would encourage Nathan to be the best parent he could be. Is she raising Nathan's other child, or his baby Mama's parents? So confusing!

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7 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

I really wish Kaiser could just go live with his paternal grandmother. She seems to really love him, and I'm sure she would encourage Nathan to be the best parent he could be. Is she raising Nathan's other child, or his baby Mama's parents? So confusing!

Nathan's mom is raising his other child. 

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54 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I look at that picture, see the tall grass and think 'snakes and ticks and Lyme disease." Maybe rustic is in these days, but that is the last place I'd want to attend a wedding.

my nephew's wedding had port-a-potties.  they had hand wipes in every "stall", but...

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3 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

These people's situations are just fucking sad. 

Many people have been raised by loving grandparents/aunts/uncles because their bio-parents weren't able to care for them (addiction/illness/disability/incarceration)- but what makes these situations especially sad in my mind is that the Nathans/Jenelles/Daves of the world keep finding each other and breeding with other deadbeats. You would hope a child would have ONE stable parent if the other was a fuck up,(like Aubrey has Chelsea no matter how awful Adam is) but no. The shitty adult should be the outlier not the norm. 

Edited by Scarlett45
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24 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

Is David's ex ok? I know that Nathan's other baby mama is an addict, or was. 

Maryssa's mother or the son's mother?

I'm assuming Maryssa's mother is a trainwreck, because Maryssa was being raised by her maternal grandparents prior to Dave. 

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3 hours ago, Mkay said:


It's very poetic that the site of their wedding is swamp land that they force into solid ground. The land soon returns to swamp once the party is over. Metaphoric for their relationship. 

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Nathan's oldest daughter is being raised by her maternal grandparents, not Nathan's mom. Nathan and the mother of the child have a pretty restrictive visitation plan, and neither one were visiting last time it came up. They have to be sober to see their daughter, and never are, apparently.

David getting custody of his daughter back from his parents is probably why Jenelle thought she would get custody of Jace easily. I don't know if David and his ex signed paperwork for his parents like Jenelle did with Barb, and they just turned her back over to him or if it actually went to court, but think it went to court for a judge to approve. If the grandparents said, "We're done," as it was alleged, David, as the biological father would be granted custody unless there was some proof before the court that a foster situation would be in her best interests. His rights as a biological parent are tough for a court to get past, but it is scary to me that his assault of his son's mother didn't weigh more in the decision. 

Neither David nor Jenelle should have custody of any child, animal, or living creature or plant. Kaiser is the child I worry the most about, and reading this thread before going to sleep might result in me having a Teen Mom nightmare, too. 

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Seeing the 5 second clip of Barb laughing with Jace in the car was such a contrast to when he's at Jenelle's. He looked so broken and sad putting the ornaments on, along with Marisa. I can't help but think, Jenelle and ID just see Nathan every time they see Kaiser, and act accordingly. They treat him like a piece of gum on their shoe. I have a 5 year old and 15 month old and it breaks my heart thinking of anyone treating them with such disdain. They don't deserve more children, they don't deserve the ones they have.

Chelsea and her family are beautiful and she   has truly grown so much. I'll take their normal life over these train wrecks any day.

Kail's looks are really matching her insides, shitty and tragic. 

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12 hours ago, GreatKazu said:


There had to be something else going on there. What was she so afraid of if she left David and his friends on their own? She mentioned them drinking beer all day, but I didn't get the sense that David was drunk or even buzzed. Guys do tend to have some beers while doing work. Nothing wrong with that. Was she worried about him driving afterwards? Well then, pick him up. See how I came up with a solution there? With Jenelle she throws out all of these reasons why she can't do something instead of problem-solving. 

I just posted this in the other thread, but after reading that "blind item," I was wondering if she was waiting around to do drugs. With her complaining about how little they got done and not wanting to be out of sight of them, I'm thinking meth.

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I can't shake the feeling that UBT is going to "Federline" Janelle once this farce of a relationship/marriage is over.  He has custody of one kid and I can totally see him trying it with Enz.  She'll be paying him out the wazoo when it's all said and done. 

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You all are just haters dude, leave me alooooone dude, pizza dude, I'm pregnant dude, mom won't give me Jace dude, nobody cares about me dude, you're so bad Kaiser......dude.

2 minutes ago, DudeLeaveMeAlone said:

No, it's "Dude, leave me alone!"

Bwhaha, love the user name.....dude!

Edited by LunaMia
Forgot the dude, never forget the dude!
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45 minutes ago, LunaMia said:

You all are just haters dude, leave me alooooone dude, pizza dude, I'm pregnant dude, mom won't give me Jace dude, nobody cares about me dude, you're so bad Kaiser......dude.

Bwhaha, love the user name.....dude!

But seriously... I'm not one to talk about anyone's eating habits, but all we ever see her eat is pizza. Yeah we only see a small portion of her life laa dee da, but still that's a lot of pizza.

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18 minutes ago, leighroda said:

But seriously... I'm not one to talk about anyone's eating habits, but all we ever see her eat is pizza. Yeah we only see a small portion of her life laa dee da, but still that's a lot of pizza.

I know right!? Poor Kaiser probably bleeds marinara sauce. 

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18 minutes ago, LunaMia said:

I know right!? Poor Kaiser probably bleeds marinara sauce. 

And shits pizza crust every damn day. 

Duuuuude...She should have named all her kids Dude. 

57 minutes ago, teapot said:

or the way she answers the phone, "hulluh"

At least she says that. Kail can't bother. 

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On 7/18/2017 at 3:36 PM, RamonaSenomar said:

I only got as far as Jenelle throwing Kaiser over her shoulder in order to ignore him in his crib.  Her bitching and whining pushed me over the edge and I was in no mood to listen to her shit.  But what struck a chord with me was the way Kaiser was asking for his bottle.  It was gripping.  I suspect he's so used to finding comfort with this 'lovey' and uses it for self-soothing because he knows no other affection.  I suspect this will lead to other self-soothing as he gets older.  I am no psychologist, but I'll bet my house on this child following his mother's footsteps for some kind of addiction.

I think more than the bottle it's the fact that both of his parents are substance abusers that could lead poor Kaiser down that path, LBR.

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I hate  Jenelle for making me side with  UBT! 

She was crying and "no one even cares," but wasn't David at the restroom door asking to be let in only to be met with "Leave me alone!"?

David didn't intentionally cause Kaiser to fall--I saw it as an accident, but when he does fall, shouldn't he go and help him up, apologize or something? 

These idiots don't know to keep the glass  ornaments away from the toddler, or even forgo those until the kid gets older?  Everyone knows the babies head straight to the Christmas trees and those ornaments.

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I hate the chaos of moving! I can't stand all  the shit looking disorganized. I would have gladly taken my baby to a hotel with some toys to get away from it! Also, Jenelle should have been packing boxes long before the move. 

Call her bluff, David. Dump her.

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6 minutes ago, zenme said:

I hate the chaos of moving! I can't stand all  the shit looking disorganized. I would have gladly taken my baby to a hotel with some toys to get away from it! Also, Jenelle should have been packing boxes long before the move. 

Call her bluff, David. Dump her.

Dump her? Are you kidding! He'll never leave that cash cow. voluntarily. She buys him trucks, boats, a big ol' plot of land in the sticks, whatever he wants.. And he doesn't even have to work a normal job. All he has to do is put up with her BS. Down the road Though,, I could envision him choking her out, then being led away in handcuffs.

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I think eventually, his own issues with violence will win out. Being with jenelle would be a challenge for a normal person, but everyone has their breaking point! Cash is a huge incentive for David, so that's why he's held it together this long, but eventually he will be gone, and I predict it'll be before the TM2 money is close to gone!

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