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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


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Here's some free advice for you, Jenelle. If all you want is privacy, it is yours for the taking. All you have to do is get your shitty parenting and your abusive boyfriends off my TV and stop trying to sell me teeth whitening kits and flat tummy tea. 


How much of a lunatic does she have to be to have Dave post a photo barely two weeks ago showing her flat stomach with a "I'm soooo pregnant!" caption as if the very idea that she could be pregnant was crazy? 

Edited by TeeMo
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Typical bitch. She wants people to mind their own business but keeps putting herself out there for ipublic consumption. This bitch is thirsty as hell. 

Ohhh but she is the victim!! At least that is what the Jenelle defenders have been suckered into believing. SMDH

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Most of the Jenelle defenders are bots or slave labor in India data centers (who will just post positive comments on celebrity twitters in order to fool the Twitter algorithm into believing it's not a fraudulent account), right? There aren't people out there who actually believe she's a good mother. 

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2 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Did this piece of shit really think we would rejoice for her like we did w Chelsea's announcement? Can she not see the clear differences?

The delusion with this bitch is heavy.


Jenelle's an idiot. Chelsea doesn't have a history of abusing or neglecting her child. Cole doesn't have restraining orders for beating a pregnant woman. They have jobs. They're getting married. They can function without the use of illicit substances. The cops aren't regular visitors to their home. Neither has done jail time. I could go on and on. 

I can't even imagine the crazy shit that's about to go down when hormonal Jenelle and psychopath Dave start to butt heads over this baby. The TM2 producers must be having orgasms right now. 

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Just got caught up on the news. I kind of want to barf. When I think of all the women who desperately want children but can't, or the women who fight tooth and nail to get to be with their children... Life is a giant turd sometimes.

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I read the accident report sometime early this morning, like around 4 am. Reading it again, it is clear that it WAS David's fault. I did misread it this morning. I was trying to quote the person who said I misread it, but I can't seem to quote, again. PTV hates me sometimes. :(   I assume she'll read this thread and see that I acknowledged my error.

If I turn my adblocker on, PTV gives me no troubles. If I have it off, like I usually do for this site so it can earn it's pennies from me, I have trouble off and on with the quote function working, the whole thread just hanging when I try to post, and eventually posting several of the same thing. I'm guessing by reading the Bugs forum that it is a bad ad causing the trouble, but I don't know which one so that I can report it. None of that has anything to do with Janelle, but it was a general gripe I had to get out, before I take a break from this site for the night.

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I was just browsing Jenelle's Instagram and there was a cute picture of Kaiser at the doctor's office. People in the comments were slamming Jenelle for having him vaccinated. I mean, Christ on a cracker, for all her shitty parenting, that's the ONE thing I wouldn't criticize her for. 

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So what ridiculous name do you think they'll pick out for this one? Also,  I give it a month  maximun after this one is born before Jenelle signs custody of  Der Kaiser Roll over to  Nathan's mother .

Edited by FlowerofCarnage
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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

Ooh snap, what did Kail say? Or did she just neglect to congratulate Jenelle? This is going to be one messy ass reunion! Bring on Season 8!

I wish this show would have a Real Housewives kind of feel to it, where they would force the 4 of them to take trips to Cancun together, or go to the same charity events. And then even though they pretended to be friends they could hash it out and fight. They never really interact much on camera, and I wish they would.

12 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I was just browsing Jenelle's Instagram and there was a cute picture of Kaiser at the doctor's office. People in the comments were slamming Jenelle for having him vaccinated. I mean, Christ on a cracker, for all her shitty parenting, that's the ONE thing I wouldn't criticize her for. 

Not trying to get into the vaccine debate, but I agree this is like the ONE thing I think she's done right.

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I'd never thought I'd post this but, you go Kail! 

1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

I was just browsing Jenelle's Instagram and there was a cute picture of Kaiser at the doctor's office. People in the comments were slamming Jenelle for having him vaccinated. I mean, Christ on a cracker, for all her shitty parenting, that's the ONE thing I wouldn't criticize her for. 


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2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I was just browsing Jenelle's Instagram and there was a cute picture of Kaiser at the doctor's office. People in the comments were slamming Jenelle for having him vaccinated. I mean, Christ on a cracker, for all her shitty parenting, that's the ONE thing I wouldn't criticize her for. 

If any kid needed vaccines it's hers.

2 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

So what ridiculous name do you think they'll pick out for this one? Also,  I give it a month  maximun after this one is born before Jenelle signs custody of  Der Kaiser Roll over to  Nathan's mother .

See I always thought Kaiser was named after The Kaiser, from Germany, grandson of Queen Victoria, hated by the whole family, ... seems to be emulated by skin heads who also like to name their kids Kaiser - I'm looking at you Nathan.

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7 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

If any kid needed vaccines it's hers.

See I always thought Kaiser was named after The Kaiser, from Germany, grandson of Queen Victoria, hated by the whole family, ... seems to be emulated by skin heads who also like to name their kids Kaiser - I'm looking at you Nathan.

I remember Nathan telling Jace or Barb that Kaiser meant "Saxon King" and me shaking my head because i took two semesters of German and knew it was the German word for "Emperor".  One thing is for sure though , if Nathan chose the name Kaiser as  some sort of reverence for Neo-Nazi ideology, the joke is on him because I am sure  most people associate the name with bread and a medical center! Lol

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5 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

So what ridiculous name do you think they'll pick out for this one? Also,  I give it a month  maximun after this one is born before Jenelle signs custody of  Der Kaiser Roll over to  Nathan's mother .

I can already hear the voice over.  "I'm really overwhelmed with moleculitis and {insert terrible name here} so Nathan's mom is taking care of Kaiser"

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Juh-Nelle!?! You need some therapy not another baby!

Does she realise that she has just made her life so much harder than it needs to be! With all her money she could have hired one of the best psychiatrists/ therapists and sorted through her childhood demons but no she keeps screwing her kids and herself over! 

Shes not a good mother that's for sure but she really doesn't know how to be. It is obvious that she lacked a solid role model and guidance growing up and her popping out kid after kid when she really has no desire to be a mother or actually facilitate the healthy emotional development of her children she already has is a symptom of some unresolved issues and shows she really lives in a fantasy land. 

Uncle bad touch no doubt knocked her up to stake his manly claim over her too! She is now his as she's carrying his seed. It's like a caveman type ownership thing. Rational intelligent people don't give in to their primal desires. They look after the babies they already have! 

I could actually see this happening a mile off as UBT is so caveman he was dying to knock her up and drag her back to his cave!

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Neither Jenelle nor UBT are able to stay out of trouble with the law. There's a very high likelihood that one or the other or both of them will be in jail by the time this child is born.

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13 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

I remember Nathan telling Jace or Barb that Kaiser meant "Saxon King" and me shaking my head because i took two semesters of German and knew it was the German word for "Emperor".  One thing is for sure though , if Nathan chose the name Kaiser as  some sort of reverence for Neo-Nazi ideology, the joke is on him because I am sure  most people associate the name with bread and a medical center! Lol

Every time I hear his name I crave pastrami, cheese, onions, and mustard on a Kaiser roll. Or that school Kaiser college - never an Emperor. ?


Dang - now I really want a hot pastrami on fresh Kaiser roll. ?

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Well, you guys have covered it all. I'm not surprised, but I'm still disgusted. The only one who benefits from this is Jace, who will most likely not be considered for custody again. The nerve she has, comparing her situation to Chelsea's. Not only is Chelsea a loving, supportive, stable mother, but you LIED Jenelle. You told everyone you weren't pregnant and posted pics as proof and now it leaks out and you want applause? Fuck you. 

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Given Dave's history of domestic violence (especially towards pregnant women), I am very frightened for Jenelle. As vile as she is I wouldn't want her (or anyone) seriously injured at the hands of this guy. I also fear for Kaiser's safety as well. He's just an innocent little boy.  If anything happened to either one of them Barb would never forgive herself. 

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15 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

I remember Nathan telling Jace or Barb that Kaiser meant "Saxon King" and me shaking my head because i took two semesters of German and knew it was the German word for "Emperor".  One thing is for sure though , if Nathan chose the name Kaiser as  some sort of reverence for Neo-Nazi ideology, the joke is on him because I am sure  most people associate the name with bread and a medical center! Lol

The title Kaiser comes from the word Caesar, as did the Russian title of Czar or Tsar. Its use was a form of cultural appropriation, when your country tried to borrow some of the coolness of the Roman Empire. A hundred years ago, Germany's "Kaiser Bill" was our enemy in World War 1. For my grandparents, this would be like naming your kid Ayatollah or Osama or Imam.

Edited by lidarose9
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Since everyone else pretty much covered it all I can say that we called it, for sure, after seeing that picture of her in Target. That is all I have to say about Juh-nelle being pregnant.

Oh and...Ugh.

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8 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

Have any of Jenelle's loser BFs had their own car or place to live? Just because he's a "man," that doesn't mean you can't drive your own car, Jenelle.

For most people at her age this is a red flag.  Then again most men should be seeing her red flags waving in the wind too.  So.....

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Whoever said she was delaying to determine the sex of the fetus, I suspect you're exactly right. Jenelle wants a girl so she can show her mom how to raise a girl right! If it's a boy, it'll be off to Nathan's for Kaiser; I'm sure UBT won't want to raise another man's son when he has his own.

But yeah, given those two, domestic violence is a real possibility.  I hope nothing bad happens.

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I always think of Kaiser Wilhelm when I think of "Kaiser" too. Maybe it's just from watching one too many old movies. ? I wonder why they didn't spell it "Kiser," like the last name. That way, most people would assume they were naming him after somebody. 

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I always read Kaiser's name as the way Mark Wahlberg said it in the movie Fear (with Reese Witherspoon). The German Shepard in that movie was named Kaiser. With Marky Mark's Boaton accent he says Kaisah. 

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Finally catching up with the news. It is seriously the most Jenelle thing ever that her pregnancy news got out due to a police report. At least there wasn't an accompanying mugshot.

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12 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

So Jace will continue to stay with Barb, Der Roll will be with his paternal grandmother and I guess this one will  go to UBT's  sister when UBT goes full ID channel on Jenelle!

This is so sad, but not a stretch of the imagination at all.

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5 hours ago, Fosca said:

Whoever said she was delaying to determine the sex of the fetus, I suspect you're exactly right. Jenelle wants a girl so she can show her mom how to raise a girl right! If it's a boy, it'll be off to Nathan's for Kaiser; I'm sure UBT won't want to raise another man's son when he has his own.

I think this is Completely correct. I think she will keep having kids until she gets her girl, too. Dave already seems to have nothing but contempt for Jenelle's kids, and indifference towards Maryssa. I think he's hoping for a boy, so he can "replace" the son he doesn't see anymore. 

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With the exception of Farrah (who lives in a world of delusions), Jenelle is the only mother in the franchise who would abort a child based on gender.  While I support a woman's right to abortion, this is just sick.  I don't think I can continue to watch the series and give it ratings/hits on MTV if she aborts based on gender.

Dave doesn't want a baby. Life is exactly how he wants it. He spends weekends on the boat. Weekdays "managing" Jenelle's career.  No more long days at underpaid work for this guy.  Jenelle will immediately become a shrill harpy the minute he wants to go fishing and she's stuck at home with an infant.

This is not going to end well for anyone involved. 

Jace - Continued confusion and angst over why his mother kept Kaiser and future baby but not him - will lead to increased inattentiveness and disruptive behavior. 

Marissa - Will be tasked with having to care for the baby (and Kaiser and Jace when they're around).  Dave will exercise his allotted custody time to have her around solely for child care. 

Kaiser - Pawned off on whoever will care for him. 

Dave - Another eventually DV charge. 

Babs - More stress leading to stroke/heart disease. 

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25 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

  Jenelle will immediately become a shrill harpy the minute he wants to go fishing and she's stuck at home with an infant.

She will BECOME a shrill harpy???

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38 minutes ago, CofCinci said:


With the exception of Farrah (who lives in a world of delusions), Jenelle is the only mother in the franchise who would abort a child based on gender.  While I support a woman's right to abortion, this is just sick.  I don't think I can continue to watch the series and give it ratings/hits on MTV if she aborts based on gender.


Even if this was what Jenelle was planning, I don't think she'd go through with it anymore, now that it's leaked. She'll likely concoct some big story about how she and Dave are like The Notebook and meant for each other and how happy they are to have a baby together, and how they're all going to be one, big, happy family. (Until it all blows up, of course. Which it will.) 

I suppose she could still do a gender based abortion and claim miscarriage, but I am leaning towards her keeping it at this point, to prove people wrong. Wasn't Jace basically a spite baby anyhow? 

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The only way Jenelle is getting an abortion is if she and Dave break up before the baby comes, regardless of the sex of the baby. She didn't abort Courtland's baby because it was the responsible thing to do, she did it because she didn't want him anymore and having his baby would not net her anything. I don't think Jenelle cares if she has a boy or a girl because it's not like she's going to be the one raising him or her. A baby is a source of control to her over someone, and as long as she wants the control, she'll want the baby/child. Once she gets completely over Nathan, she'll have no use for Kaiser. When she goes through a calm period with Barb, and feels no need to threaten or punish her, she doesn't have any use for Jace.

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I thought when pregnant you don't find out the gender until 18-20 weeks? Which is by law past the weeks allowed for a doctor to perform an abortion if she was that friggen evil (I'm pro-choice when it's for a solid reason not when a parent just doesn't like the gender).

I know they do a non-invasive blood test to check for abnormalities as early as 9 weeks gestation (correct me if I'm wrong on the week) and it can tell you the gender as I remember finding out the gender of my third at around week 11 which was accurate. So if she planned to abort based on gender that blood test would've given her the green light.

Per "TheAshley" she's a few weeks past the lawful week cutoff to abort for any reason she has.

So I don't think she was planning (as vile as Jenelle is) on waiting for a gender reveal to decide if she was keeping the baby before announcing the pregnancy on her terms instead of a police report.

I think she was keeping quiet for a few reasons other than to abort or not to abort.

A. Trying to sell the story for a huge profit

B. MTV wanted to get the reveal documented and to save it for the next season even though her belly would get too big before the season premier.

C. Too friggen embarrassed (with reason) to announce it and was trying to think of a plan to avoid the backlash... Get married first? Silly, I know - too responsible for Jenelle.

D. Who knows what that girl has in her head...

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5 minutes ago, Tatum said:

I think most states are 20 to 24 weeks for abortions.

Oh, I didn't know it was that many weeks. I could've sworn it was 12 weeks. I learn something new every day. Thanks for clarifying. 

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26 minutes ago, Calm81 said:

I thought when pregnant you don't find out the gender until 18-20 weeks? Which is by law past the weeks allowed for a doctor to perform an abortion if she was that friggen evil (I'm pro-choice when it's for a solid reason not when a parent just doesn't like the gender).

I know they do a non-invasive blood test to check for abnormalities as early as 9 weeks gestation (correct me if I'm wrong on the week) and it can tell you the gender as I remember finding out the gender of my third at around week 11 which was accurate. So if she planned to abort based on gender that blood test would've given her the green light.

Per "TheAshley" she's a few weeks past the lawful week cutoff to abort for any reason she has.

So I don't think she was planning (as vile as Jenelle is) on waiting for a gender reveal to decide if she was keeping the baby before announcing the pregnancy on her terms instead of a police report.

I think she was keeping quiet for a few reasons other than to abort or not to abort.

A. Trying to sell the story for a huge profit

B. MTV wanted to get the reveal documented and to save it for the next season even though her belly would get too big before the season premier.

C. Too friggen embarrassed (with reason) to announce it and was trying to think of a plan to avoid the backlash... Get married first? Silly, I know - too responsible for Jenelle.

D. Who knows what that girl has in her head...

Choice A gets my vote. She probably thought every tabloid would be clamoring  to pay her big bucks for the privilege of announcing her latest idiotic choice. Selfish twat. My heart already breaks for this innocent child and breaks even harder than usual for Kaiser.

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I think the gender can be identified as early as 12 weeks, though it's usually done in the 15-20 week period to be more certain. Like Tatum said, legal abortions can be performed up to 20 to 24 weeks, depending on the state.

I doubt Jenelle cares about the gender of this baby or that that would be a factor in how much she doesn't give a crap about raising it. The kid is screwed either way.

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