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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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Ok I propose a new rule that will kill two birds with one stone. You can't be a housewife of Beverly Hills if you don't have health insurance.

Also Brandi and Kim you might want to cut back on the plastic surgeries and vacations and buy yourself some insurance. It's the grown up thing to do.


Agreed.  See their boundaries are messed up!  Brandi gets fillers, injections and run away saying "Im a single mom" but shes still living better than most single moms who are struggling to provide for their kids.  Least her ex and his wife are not neglectful from what it seems.  I think even Brandi said she has no health insurance in season 4 when she messed her up when they went boxing.


Kim same thing!  She puts her money on booze, drugs, trips to Cabo in the off season.  But she has no health insurance.  No need for me to ask if she has any life insurance neither.


These two are idiots.  I see why they are joined at the hip!

  • Love 9

Glad to hear Dr. Phil mention the "three year sobriety" that Kim has loved touting this whole season.


Funny you posted this. Just the night before I took a pain pill for pain from an old injury that flares up now and again. It made my jittery and hyper. I didn't fall asleep until 5 in the morning. My guess is, after taking the stronger pain pills for five years (when I suffered my injury), my body reacts differently to the strong pain pills. With Kim, if she has been popping pills on a regular basis, her body may react differently to them as well. Throw in the liquor and anything else she might have ingested, it would surely cause her to behave like she did that night.

It is very possible that Kim crushed, then snorted, several vicoden in order to get that type of reaction/high but, IMO, it was not just 1 vicodin pill she "swallowed".

  • Love 16

Whoa.  Dr Phil just aired a promo for the interview.  

First he's saying to her--very strongly--"You were drunk in a bar fighting with a cop.  THAT IS NOT GOOD MOTHERING!"  

Kim says "Is this an intervention?" Her kids are sitting there with her and Dr Phil

Kim starts crying and walks out the door.   

::dramatic music::


This breaks my heart--her kids look sad to me.   This is just so pitiful.

Edited by car54
  • Love 5

It is very possible that Kim crushed, then snorted, several vicoden in order to get that type of reaction/high but, IMO, it was not just 1 vicodin pill she "swallowed".

No, definitely not. I agree. Kim did far more than she will ever admit to.  Kim will spin it so that she may admit a bit of truth, but the rest is all a lie. In that Dr. Phil snippet, it sounds like she will admit to drinking some vodka, but she won't admit she had been guzzling it throughout the evening. She might have had vodka instead of coffee that morning. She will admit just enough to make her sound as if she is admitting to taking something or drinking, but at this point, she will never admit all that she has ingested, in what amounts and how she went about it (snorting).  It is okay to admit drinking a bit, but anything else would mar her "three year sobriety" stance.



Whoa.  Dr Phil just aired a promo for the interview.

The video is posted on the previous page.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 6

Wow Kim has been through so many interventions, it took her no time to figure out what Dr.Phil was doing.  That Kim is a quick one hahaha.  Hard to believe this is the same Kim that would not stick up for Kyle with Camille because she did not like confrontation.  BWAHHHH 


Yeah right.  But yet she found a way to start drama between Adrienne/Paul and Brandi at The Agency launch party.  She's full of shit.

  • Love 11

Does it speak well of him? I only say this because, I think Kim and Monty have a messed up relationship. I'm sure the 2 have shared many drugs over the years.


Monty will be gone soon and that leave his daughter Brooke still dealing with a drunk high mother. Monty might want to protect Kim but imo he is putting Kim's  needs over Brooke's. He should want Kim clean and sober, of course we don't know he might be fine with what Kim is doing.

What a messed up family.

This is my thought exactly. I don't want to speak ill of Monty, but the guy looks and sounds like he's about 3 sheets to the wind every time we see him. And yes, I know he's on legitimate pain killers, and I wouldn't blame him if he's self administering his own mix of pain cocktails at the end of his life, but I also wouldn't be shocked if he's sharing drugs with Kim regularly. And I believe this has been the case between them for years, if not decades.

  • Love 17

"Is this an intervention". . . Uh, excuse me, you are with Dr. Phil (Mr. Intervention), your kids are there, what did you think this would be?????  I feel so badly for her kids, but come on, the possibility of "Hey Mom you need to go to rehab" had to come up.   Seriously, is Kim so delusional that she thought she was going to be "interviewed", and assure her kids it was a one time only deal, spruce up her image, and everyone would just go out to lunch?????

  • Love 22

Oh please....Kyle has had more than a few puffs. She is a teen of the 80's from the party scene. It is no more Kim's fault that Kyle smokes pot, even recently, than it is Kyle's fault that Kim can use recreationally and responsibly.


Not necessarily.


I was a teen from the 80s party scene and pot has never been my substance of choice.


To assume that all of us in that demographic were liberally indulging in marijuana usage isn't accurate nor fair, IMO.

  • Love 13

I can't wait for Kim to have her court date and have a meltdown. I hope the judge tells her she has to enter rehab. And it just happens to take place before the wedding. I have no sympathy for Kim and hope she gets her ass handed to her in court. I just don't care for her. Maybe it is because I know three people right now, different families, who are struggling with children, keeping them out of foster care/adoption, because a parent in each case can't get themselves together. The things these kids have witnessed are horrible. The things the grandparents are dealing with, having to adopt the kids, at 60 years old and the kid is 3 in one case, worrying if they will live long enough to raise the 3 year old, ugh, the whole thing just makes me completely indifferent to that asshole named Kim. Like she told Taylor, Kim go blow yourself up! And in the words of Kandi Burruss' aunt (RHATL) with appropriate changes in circumstance: Kim get hiiiiigh, Kim get druuuuuunk, just leave me the hell alone!

Yes, there are people struggling with drug addiction WHO want to get help and can;t afford it or the services they can get free are not successful.    I think we have all seen enough Interventions and people in our own lives so we know it is usually much more than a 30 day program and it is extremely expensive.  A person who has been an addicted and ALLOWED to act like the beast she is , is going to need a year of detox, rehab and sober living at the very least.

         Her family (Kathy) has always had the means to get her the best and I am sure paid all the bills in the past for that and much more like homes, etc.

         So, I really hope the special treatment and any other freebies stop and go to someone who will appreciate it.

         Also, Bravo needs to fire her right now.    Her storyline is old. She was an addict in season one and never got sober.   Of course Bravo loves a good suicide or tragedy.  Its gone way too far.

  • Love 8


Sorry if this is a stupid question, but do most insurance plans cover trips to rehab?

Not a stupid question at all.  Some do and some don't, but it has become more likely that rehab is covered with the increased understanding of what truly counts as mental health/medical treatment.


If the insurance plan does cover rehab, there is the further problem of whether it will be covered as a 'medical' condition (which gets the higher %ages of payment) or as a mental health condition which, traditionally, has gotten paid for at a MUCH lower %age than medical conditions.  There are some mental health conditions ( Manic-Depressive Disorder, Anorexia Nervosa, Severe Depression, Bi-Polar Disorder, for example) that are covered at what is termed 'parity' with medical/physical conditions - which means if your medical insurance pays 80% when you break a leg, but only 50% for an anxiety disorder, they would have to pay the 80% rate for the 'parity diagnoses like Severe Depression or Anorexia Nervosa.  It's complicated, that's for certain.


However, most SA recovery agencies (not the gold-plated kind kimmie would probably see as the only ones good enough for her, so this is likely a moot point) to have means of helping clients qualify for the dreaded public assistance programs. 

  • Love 8

I must have missed something. When was it mentioned Kim had no health insurance? I knew about Brandi, but not Kim.


How is it these two morons have no health insurance when it is required now?


I cannot imagine either of them online filling out health insurance application forms!  Kim would get stuck on "what is your social security number?"


Nor do I imagine either of them are capable of doing their taxes, where it would be more obvious to them that there is a penalty to pay for not having health insurance.

  • Love 6

I cannot imagine either of them online filling out health insurance application forms! Kim would get stuck on "what is your social security number?"

Nor do I imagine either of them are capable of doing their taxes, where it would be more obvious to them that there is a penalty to pay for not having health insurance.

Kim to Brandi: Brandi, I'm filling out this paper thingy and they want to know my social security number. Whats a social security number?

Brandi: It means how secure you are in social situations, you know...mine would be a ten because I'm very secure socially. You aren't super secure in social situations so I'd say your number should be 6.

Kim: Brandi, you're so smart. 6 it is! This is easy!

  • Love 15

Kim AND Brandi get paid pretty well for being on this show don't they?  I cannot IMAGINE them not HAVING health insurance, but what the hell do I know?? I only make a fraction of what they do in a year....

Honestly, I thought I'd go to work an hour earlier so I could get home for the Dr. Phil show Tuesday, but now I'm thinking, NOT!  I think she's just going to try to blow her usual smoke up his big old Texas ass and when he won't let her, she'll walk away.  I mean, where he usually sends people for rehab requires them to stay until they are fixed. And we ALL know old RumRaisin ain't ABOUT to do that!  She's got a WEDDING, she's got MONTY, she's got her son KINGSLEY to deal with.  NO TIME Dr. Phil.  Just no friggin' time.

Just go away already and be done with it!

  • Love 9

I'm curious why only three of her kids are at the interview? I'm wondering if Whitney has disowned her mom or is through helping her mom?


Well can you blame her.  She probably been through all the dramatics, excuses, lies and deflections from Kim in the 20 something years she's been around to last a lifetime. 


Kim has said several times throughout the season she never wanted her sobriety to be brought into question because it hurts her children but yet shes the one that either is completely selfish about going to rehab or when she goes she never completes it and still proclaims to be 3 years sober.


I don't blame Whitney for being done.  If the other three siblings want to keep at it then thats on them.  But shes entitled to love her mom from a distance but she doesn't have to stick around to see her slowly kill herself.



Kim AND Brandi get paid pretty well for being on this show don't they?  I cannot IMAGINE them not HAVING health insurance, but what the hell do I know?? I only make a fraction of what they do in a year....


I do keep in mind they live in California where taxes are a MF and from what I've read in the past Kim only get paid enough to afford for her living expenses.  Brandi I think gets bonuses (ie her Range Rover).  Either way these two don't know the value of dollar because they spend it on their substance abuse problems shit like fillers/botox for example.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 4


Also, Richards allegedly told the higher-ups that it is “unfair of them to tell her she has to do this when there are others on the cast who she thinks have just as much of a problem with drinking as she does.”



Kim's BFF Brandi is the obvious name to fill in here as Kim tries to deflect yet again and fails.


While Brandi drinks more than she should, and her drinking has lead to very questionable behavior both on and off camera,  I don't believe she is anywhere close to having the kind of substance abuse problem Kim has. Not to say she doesn't have some sort of problem, but its not on the level Kim's is.


 Not only does she walk out on Dr. Phil, she essentially walks out on her kids too.  And it sounds to me like she tells Dr. Phil she had one little glass of vodka - I suspect she's going to try to make him believe this was a one time thing.


Is Kim made of spun sugar, so fragile that the word "intervention" sends her running off?


She's not interested in rehab.   She wants to continue to do whatever she's doing and make excuses and blame everyone else. If she was serious about getting better, she would already be in rehab, and any drug tests would not be an issue.


I am sorry for her children and the rest of her family. For Kim herself, not one ounce of sympathy.



I cannot imagine either of them online filling out health insurance application forms!  Kim would get stuck on "what is your social security number?"


Because Kyle stole her #@%&@# social security card!

Edited by mwell345
  • Love 11

No. They do not. They may cover a six day detox but not a 30, 60 or 90 day in house rehab.

ETA: Since Kim doesn't have health insurance who paid for the 5, 7, 9 day hospital stay???

It was either "good sister" Kathy or Monty that paid for her 5,7,8,9 day hospital stay!


Not necessarily.


I was a teen from the 80s party scene and pot has never been my substance of choice.


To assume that all of us in that demographic were liberally indulging in marijuana usage isn't accurate nor fair, IMO.

Heck, I am a 70's kid and did not use drugs or drink!!

  • Love 6

I am just going to guess, but I think she drinks and uses something like crack or meth.     Drinking alone can cause severe agitation too.   You would think a Vicodin or some other kind of pain pill would subdue her a little.

 But, some people can have opposite effects from normal. My ex was like that, taking a downer made me speedy.


 I like turtles

 I love meth

 Just don't get too close and smell my breath

  • Love 10

Kim's BFF Brandi is the obvious name to fill in here as Kim tries to deflect yet again and fails.


While Brandi drinks more than she should, and her drinking has lead to very questionable behavior both on and off camera,  I don't believe she is anywhere close to having the kind of substance abuse problem Kim has. Not to say she doesn't have some sort of problem, but its not on the level Kim's is.


 Not only does she walk out on Dr. Phil, she essentially walks out on her kids too.  And it sounds to me like she tells Dr. Phil she had one little glass of vodka - I suspect she's going to try to make him believe this was a one time thing.


Is Kim made of spun sugar, so fragile that the word "intervention" sends her running off?


She's not interested in rehab.   She wants to continue to do whatever she's doing and make excuses and blame everyone else. If she was serious about getting better, she would already be in rehab, and any drug tests would not be an issue.



Because Kyle stole her #@%&@# social security card!

Someone needs to tell Kim that she does not get to dictate what Bravo puts in anyone else's contracts, it is none of her business!  She needs to worry that she even gets offered another contract for next season, I hope she does not.

  • Love 5

Not necessarily.


I was a teen from the 80s party scene and pot has never been my substance of choice.


To assume that all of us in that demographic were liberally indulging in marijuana usage isn't accurate nor fair, IMO.

Agree. I was a teen in the mid 70s and came out of that with just a few puffs of weed under my belt. I didn't get the joy of weed. I don't know, maybe it was bad stuff? I tried it on at least five occasions and eh. Call me a geek, a nerd, whatever floats your boat, but I just didn't want to indulge in drugs for any reason. Beer, yes.

  • Love 5

When she was arrested the poster at CDAN mentioned that when she goes to court the judge might require that she do some rehab program.  

I realize her public drunkeness is probably not that serious, but with her assaulting an officer would that charge be serious enough that they would be able to legally require her to go into some program as part of avoiding jail?  I know they don't keep people long in jail because of over-crowding so they do in and out, but I was wondering if the judge might do that given her situation.
I do think if she had to choose jail vs rehab, she'd do the rehab.

  • Love 2


Someone needs to tell Kim that she does not get to dictate what Bravo puts in anyone else's contracts, it is none of her business!  She needs to worry that she even gets offered another contract for next season, I hope she does not.


She probably thinks she can dictate because she was able to dictate to Chicken Andy what she would and would not talk about at the reunion.


She must have it in her vodka soaked mind that she is a fan favorite, and truthfully I've seen some articles over the last week saying she is.  Why they think that is beyond me.

  • Love 8

I cannot imagine either of them online filling out health insurance application forms!  Kim would get stuck on "what is your social security number?"


Nor do I imagine either of them are capable of doing their taxes, where it would be more obvious to them that there is a penalty to pay for not having health insurance.

I was told there would be no GOD DAMN math!

  • Love 13

When Kim walked out of the interview with Dr. Phil, she more or less sealed her own fate. Her children sat there with their jaws dropped, Dr. Phil looked shocked and there's not a single person that will ever again believe Kim or give her any sympathy. How much responsibility do others have for one person on a mission of self-destruction? After so many years of trying. people will eventually throw their hands up and say 'goodbye, go kill yourself, we tried'.

Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 9

Kim will admit to enough to sound plausible and sincere but she won't get into the real issues. Of course whe will admit to vodka it's public knowledge that she was intoxicated. No lying her way out of that one. I wonder if she knew at the time that the mic picked up Chad outing her on the pill and pot use. Poor kid, like he doesn't have enough issues to deal with. Kim, you can do your daughters launry every week and that will not make you a good mom. Hell , you can pay someone to do laundry ( dear God don't let the great laundry debate of 2015 start again, we barely made it out alive the first time) if you had to.

She's like Pavlov's dogs, she hears the word intervention and she's off like a shot. I just wished she had to scale a wall, that would make it so much more enjoyable for us.

  • Love 11

E News reported tonight that Kim is not going for treatment.

I can only imagine what Kim will turn into once Monty dies, she loses her gig with Bravo and her children give up on her. Is that what could be considered 'rock bottom''?  She's going to hit it hard. I hope there's still one hand left that's willing to reach into the abyss of her downward spiraling and pull her out before there's just no hope left.

  • Love 6

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