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SNL Outside Projects: From Animal House to Wayne's World

Message added by formerlyfreedom

This topic is for discussion of projects for former cast and crew outside of the show  - it may be an SNL related project or not!

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I thought we could use a thread to discuss cast members in their non-SNL ventures past, present, and future.


Jenny Slate's movie Obvious Child is coming out on Friday. It looks pretty cute. I probably won't see it in theaters because I'm pretty bad at getting to the movies, but maybe once it's released on Netflix.




Also, I saw Neighbors over the weekend and 

all three Lonely Island guys

made a brief cameo (tagging in case people don't want to be spoiled for cameos).

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Some trailers for new shows coming out soon starring SNL alumni:


Will Forte in "Last Man on Earth" (FOX)



John Mulaney and Nasim Pedrad in "Mulaney" (FOX)


Casey Wilson and Tim Meadows in "Marry Me" (NBC)



Casey Wilson, Jerry Minor and Horatio Sanz in "The Hotwives of Orlando (Hulu)


Jenny Slate in "Married" (FX)



Chris Parnell and Horatio Sanz in "Bad Judge" (NBC) - Ok, for this show I think they're only guesting, but they're both featured in the trailer.


Brooks Wheelan did a standup routine on Conan Tues. night and he was not funny at all.


I still follow Brooks and John Milhiser on Twitter (and that other fired chick -- I forgot her name). Don't ask why.


Since they got fired, Brooks and Milhiser have been filling their Twitter streams with terrible jokes. Oh, man they are terrible.

Brooks Wheelan did a standup routine on Conan Tues. night and he was not funny at all.

See, I thought he was funny.  I also thought he was funny in the few things he did on Weekend Update.  But that is the way of the world.  We can't all find the same things funny.  if we did, what would we complain about online?

See, I thought he was funny.  I also thought he was funny in the few things he did on Weekend Update.  But that is the way of the world.  We can't all find the same things funny.  if we did, what would we complain about online?

I'm with you.  I didn't see him on Conan, but I loved him on SNL, and I thought he was great in his bits on Weekend Update.  

With all due respect, why is Ghostbusters even being redone? Sure, it's cool it'll be all women, but there's nothing original (and decent!) for them to do? It just seems like laziness/creative bankruptcy.


And I know a reboot of Battlestar Galactica played around with gender and worked. It's not the gender thing I object to (as a woman, I'm glad to see more projects with actresses in central roles!) more than it is the sheer laziness of using already-established TV and movies that are already known and known well, rather than attempting to go outside the box and do something new/fresh.


But hey, that's me!

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From what I've seen, it will be a new story. They are just using the concept of people getting a business going catching ghosts. The characters aren't just the same, except female, they are totally different. (I hope it stays that way.)

It seems more like remaking Godzilla to me. Taking the broad idea and writing a new story within it. 

I mean, Hollywood is constantly doing remakes and extending franchises way past their expiration dates anyway, so why not? Would it be cool to see all these women in an original project that ends up being just as revered as the original Ghostbusters? Sure, but something like this--a familiar, essentially brand name--has a better chance of making money, which is what it's all about at the end of the day. And considering we're getting our third (probably white) Spiderman in, like, a decade and a half, I can totally deal with lady Ghostbusters.


Trust me, I get why people get sick of remakes. Nine times out of ten, they don't work. But sometimes they're a really good way to examine a familiar story through a different cultural lens. I'm sure it didn't occur to many people in 1984 that women could be ghostbusters, and just the fact that this film exists says, "Yes, they can, and there's no good reason why they can't."

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This is the spot to talk about projects that the cast (and various crew) have been involved in through the years. It's not limited to projects directly related to SNL (like The Blues Brothers and Wayne's World), it can also include projects that featured one or more of the many 'Not-Ready-For-Primetime-Players' or was heavily influenced by the show (examples include Kids In The Hall (Lorne Michaels produced it), Stripes (Bill Murray), Kate & Allie (Jane Curtin), heck, even Driving Miss Daisy has Dan Ackroyd in it!).





My (limited) understanding is that the studio desperately wanted a new sequel  to the original movies but they had to negotiate with Bill Murray, who held the rights.  And he was just not inclined to revisit it after Harold Ramis died and maybe for any number of other reasons as well.  This was the compromise.


At least that's what I remember reading.  

From what I've seen, it will be a new story. They are just using the concept of people getting a business going catching ghosts. The characters aren't just the same, except female, they are totally different. (I hope it stays that way.)

It seems more like remaking Godzilla to me. Taking the broad idea and writing a new story within it. 


In that linked article, it didn't seem like the characters were that different.  Personalities, we'll see, but background seems very similar.  I'd hazard a guess that Wiig is Venkman, Jones is Egon, McKinnon is Ray, and McCarthy is Winston.  Frankly, I am convinced that anywhere from one to three of them will be the daughters of the original Ghostbusters.

Definitely not daughters, as of now.

From in interview with Aykroyd:

Aykroyd says Feig’s take on the iconic franchise will be a complete reboot. “It’s as if the first two movies don’t exist and as if this is a whole parallel reality where for the first time the Ghostbusters exist and they’re women in this environment that’s a lot different than the first two,” he said. “I can tell you, as the originator I’m very happy with what he’s done. It’s very tasteful. And it needed a reworking. The thing needed a new engine. You know? It needed new exhaust. It needed new steering. And this is what we’re getting.”


Eww, Ernie Hudson :(

Ernie Hudson, who starred in the original film, was critical of the idea, saying: “If it has nothing to do with the other two movies, and it’s all female, then why are you calling it Ghostbusters?


If it were all male, it would be OK?


“I love females,” he added. “I hope that if they go that way at least they’ll be funny, and if they’re not funny at least hopefully it’ll be sexy. I love the idea of including women, I think that’s great.


“But all-female I think would be a bad idea. I don’t think the fans want to see that.”


And yikes again.



OK, here's where I saw they would be new characters:


Erin Gabler is an academic on the tenure track at Columbia. Her former colleague and co-author is…
Abby Bergman, who’s more on the pop parapsychology side of things, and pursues ghosts for a living.
Jillian is Abby’s ghost hunting partner.
Patty is an MTA employee who comes across the main ghost.
HitFix guesses that Wiig is Erin, Jones is Abby, McKinnon is Jillian, and McCarthy is Patty, but as of now we don’t know for sure. It’s important to note, however, that these aren’t just gender-flipped versions of the Ghostbusters from the 1984 film, but entirely new creations.


Edited by morgankobi
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Has anyone else watched Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt? For the most part, I think it's a really great, fun show. It still has Tina's trademark humor, but has a more optimistic tone than 30 Rock did (that isn't a slight against 30 Rock; the more wahh-wahh tone worked for that show).


My only criticism of it is the awful Native American subplot. I love Tina to death but she has a habit of sliding back into "White Feminism" and it's annoying as hell. I don't know if I'd feel differently if Jacqueline was played by an actual Native American actress (and thank God the parents are) but it's really off-putting and I hated it each time they referenced it. I'm not sure how much criticism it's getting but hopefully it can be written out as a botox-induced hallucination or something at the beginning of the next season and never be brought up again.

I'm not big on roasts myself; I know they're all in good fun but they just make me really uncomfortable. Even one for a little shit like Bieber. However, roasts in general always have that no-holds-barred, everything's fair game attitude. They're like the Las Vegas of comedy: what happens at a roast stays at a roast and can't be used against a comedian when criticizing them for other problematic behavior. That being said, I have seen people do decent roasting jobs without resorting to sexist, transphobic, homophobic, etc., humor.

I don't care for roasts either.  I don't watch them, but that is what they consist of: OTT, offensive humor.  But the catch is that it is suppose to be (I always thought) done by actual friends of the roastee.  I wonder how many people who were  there are actually friends with Bieber?  I highly doubt he and Pete are friends(as everyone at SNL seems to dislike Justin), but who knows?   For sheer controversy though, I don't think anything will beat Ted Danson going in black face to Whoopi Goldberg's roast back in the 90s.  

I read an article once (and I'll be damned if I can remember where; it was awhile ago), but it was basically denouncing the Comedy Central roasts, because they go against everything The Friars Club roasts are supposed to be.  The point of the roasts is that you can do your "take-no-prisoners" type of humor, but As vb68 mentioned, the key is that they're all done by friends of the roastee, they're done with their own special brand of love and respect for the roastee, and they're kept within the club - for example, The Friars Club roasts still happen, but I couldn't tell you a joke from any of those roasts and I don't think they ever get publicized.  So there will be jokes that offend the general public, but to those inside the roasts, they're fine.


The Comedy Central ones are usually done by people who aren't friends of the roaster (James Franco being the exception I think), and because of that, they usually are just jokes that go straight for the jugular and there's no "love" or respect behind them.  Which is how you get Justin Bieber, Donald Trump and Charlie Sheen roasts.


The one exception to the Friar's Club roasts is Chevy Chase.  He's said that he finally realized how many people he angered throughout his career when he got roasted, because it was by a bunch of people who weren't his friends, and the jokes we're all said with malice, as opposed to respect.  


And I will say - I watched the James Franco roast back when it aired, I have to give some credit to Bill Hader, because he freaking KILLED his segment.  The jokes were scathing, but not mean (if that makes any sense).  He's just a supremely talented guy.    


As for Pete - the one joke of his I saw that was funny was when he told Kevin Hart and Snoop Dogg that seeing Soul Plane was the worst-ever thing that had happened to him involving a plane.  I do wonder if anyone got that joke though.

Edited by Princess Sparkle
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And I will say - I watched the James Franco roast back when it aired, I have to give some credit to Bill Hader, because he freaking KILLED his segment.  The jokes were scathing, but not mean (if that makes any sense).  He's just a supremely talented guy.

The best part of James Franco's roast was Bill Hader laughing hysterical through Andy Samberg's entire bit, to the point that Andy thanked him.

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The best part of James Franco's roast was Bill Hader laughing hysterical through Andy Samberg's entire bit, to the point that Andy thanked him.

I loved that too.  And if I had to guess, it's probably because Bill was trying to help Andy out, because I think his segment just died.  You can tell from Andy's off-hand comments during his bit that the laughter must have been added in later - he'd say stuff like "now, don't all react at once", and then his "thanks Bill".  Which was so completely genuine; at least Bill tried to help.  But Andy, bless his heart, is not the type of comic who is good at roasting.


Though, I should say, my favorite part of the roast is if you ever catch Andy Samberg or Aziz Ansari in the background of any of the shots.  Both clearly didn't want to be there, because when the camera isn't on them, they are in the background looking insanely bored.  I kind of love that.  

Edited by Princess Sparkle
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Okay, for you old timers (like me) who remember when John Belushi, Chevy Chase and Chris Guest were with the National Lampoon players - a takeoff on the Woodstock Festival called "Lemmings: A Celebration Peace, Love and Death" .  Belushi is the announcer between musical acts and also does his now infamous Joe Cocker imitation. Chevy and Guest as James Taylor/folkie-types.


I had this LP before SNL ever hit the airwaves.



There are videos on YT of them actually performing the skits but the above vid is the best sound quality and is how I first heard it all.


ETA:  I had forgotten that the Joan Baez imitator at the very end can be and is VERY offensive for this day and time.  You've been forewarned.

Edited by Fisher King
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I rented Hader and Wiig's The Skeleton Twins on demand last night and I have to say, for once, I didn't hate Wiig. Both of them were really good n their roles and I could actually believe them as the characters. I've read mixed reviews of the movie, but it's exactly the kind of movie that I like. Kind of dark and not overly funny, but the humor is there in a way. I did notice a couple of separate scenes where I saw shades of each of them channeling one of their SNL characters, one Stefon for Hader and two where I thought Wiig was doing a slight Gilly and Target Lady, but it was so brief with both of them that it was almost a blink and you'll miss it kind of thing. 

And apparently because of the leak; they've scrapped it: http://www.ew.com/article/2015/04/02/will-ferrell-kristen-wiig-scrap-lifetime-movie

If it's already completely filmed (and not an elaborate April Fools Day joke), then I doubt it's scrapped completely, just because that'd be a decent financial hit for everyone involved.

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Message added by formerlyfreedom

This topic is for discussion of projects for former cast and crew outside of the show  - it may be an SNL related project or not!

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