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Kyle Richards: Pantene Poster Girl

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21 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Do we actually know that he got divorced in New York. He could have "moved" to Nevada for 6 weeks and gotten a divorce there.

Well they were either undergoing a divorce in NY or they weren't.  You have to have the consent of the other party to move to Nevada and file for a divorce.  One can't have proceedings going in two jurisdictions. Here is what is strange to me-this all happened 55 years ago-why does anyone care?

We are talking about someone essentially giving up their job way back in 1963 moving across country to secure a divorce.  Kyle's dad would have been 100 this year her step-sibs are Tom Girardi's age in their late seventies. 

I am thinking Kyle and her sisters probably didn't fact check their parents. 

I will say this Kyle made an error when she started talking about Kim on "Nanny and the Professor", Kim didn't get the job until after Kyle was over a year old, not before she born.  So there is a fair amount of date fudging going on in the Richards' family history.  She did say one thing that stuck with me and that was growing up she never considered Kathy Hilton anything but a sister that it wasn't until RHOBH people started referring to her as a half sister.  Technically that is incorrect as Kathy was adopted by Ken Richards making her a full on sister.

I find Kyle kind of funny talking about wanting to attend the school she was enrolled in where she could wear normal clothes instead of a bonnet and long dress.  Her best friend from her private school is going to NY with her this weekend and Kyle will be doing WWHL this week.

All in all I find Kyle to be a good interview, she may not have the tightest timeline down and she has certainly had an interesting upbringing.  I am looking forward to Part 2-it might even have some RHOBH stuff on it.

2 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Well they were either undergoing a divorce in NY or they weren't.  You have to have the consent of the other party to move to Nevada and file for a divorce.  One can't have proceedings going in two jurisdictions. Here is what is strange to me-this all happened 55 years ago-why does anyone care?

We are talking about someone essentially giving up their job way back in 1963 moving across country to secure a divorce.  Kyle's dad would have been 100 this year her step-sibs are Tom Girardi's age in their late seventies. 

I am thinking Kyle and her sisters probably didn't fact check their parents. 

I will say this Kyle made an error when she started talking about Kim on "Nanny and the Professor", Kim didn't get the job until after Kyle was over a year old, not before she born.  So there is a fair amount of date fudging going on in the Richards' family history.  She did say one thing that stuck with me and that was growing up she never considered Kathy Hilton anything but a sister that it wasn't until RHOBH people started referring to her as a half sister.  Technically that is incorrect as Kathy was adopted by Ken Richards making her a full on sister.

I find Kyle kind of funny talking about wanting to attend the school she was enrolled in where she could wear normal clothes instead of a bonnet and long dress.  Her best friend from her private school is going to NY with her this weekend and Kyle will be doing WWHL this week.

All in all I find Kyle to be a good interview, she may not have the tightest timeline down and she has certainly had an interesting upbringing.  I am looking forward to Part 2-it might even have some RHOBH stuff on it.

I think the Richard sisters childhood became interesting to others when Kim started the "You stole my GD house" fight and as long as they are on this show, the entire family will be talked about, not just Kyle/Kim.

  • Love 5
On 3/31/2017 at 9:52 PM, WireWrap said:

I have no problem with Kyle/Kim/Kathy defending their mom but I also have no problem with Ken's other children setting the record straight. As I said before, I think it possible that Ken's first marriage was over for all intent/purpose before he left his then wife and started dating/sleeping with Kathy, it happens. And, if she, the first wife, didn't contest the divorce, it would have made things easier/faster in getting divorced and he/they had the money to get things done faster than the average couple.

The book, HoH, was a big deal when it first came out as Paris was a big deal back then. So, if anyone interviewed for the book was misquoted that would have made the tabloids. One thing is clear, that the Dugan clan is close and likes to keep things in the family, like most families do. They can talk about family secrets but no one else can. LOL

I'm inclined to believe the HOH stuff for this same reason.  
Plus, info about the Richards family is only a small part of the book as I recall.   The author wouldn't have had anything to gain or lose by misrepresenting the Richards' family.    Especially back then when no one really cared about Kim and Kyle Richards news they way they do now on the heels of RHBH.

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, Jextella said:

I'm inclined to believe the HOH stuff for this same reason.  
Plus, info about the Richards family is only a small part of the book as I recall.   The author wouldn't have had anything to gain or lose by misrepresenting the Richards' family.    Especially back then when no one really cared about Kim and Kyle Richards news they way they do now on the heels of RHBH.

The author did not have a good thing to say about the Richards family.  I find it hard to believe if he was credible and researched his book there would not be one positive thing to say.    It wasn't about Kyle or Kim but it certainly was about Kathy Hilton and her mom.  Sometimes it is more the tone than the information. 

9 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

The author did not have a good thing to say about the Richards family.  I find it hard to believe if he was credible and researched his book there would not be one positive thing to say.    It wasn't about Kyle or Kim but it certainly was about Kathy Hilton and her mom.  Sometimes it is more the tone than the information. 

I don't know.  Could be there weren't any positive things to say.  The two Kathy's made quite large and dark wakes.  

  • Love 5
On 3/31/2017 at 5:06 PM, zoeysmom said:

I don't think husband stealer has ever been attributed to Big Kathy.  Where you get it from is beyond me.

Don't listen to the step children.  Keep in mind Kyle's dad would have been 100 years old this year.  Her dad was a divorced man when her mom met him.  Big Kathy wasn't pregnant with Kim when they married. 

Kyle said very clearly in the interview there was zero in the way of relationships with her father's other children.

Sometimes it takes a bigger person to look past "the headlines" which were that dreadful book.  The women was far from perfect but she should not be vilified.

I agree that the stepchildren probably have a better grasp as to what happened due to the fact that they were living it. At the same time I don't blame any of the Richards sisters for having a hard time conceptualizing it. When my dad started cheating on my mom and got his girlfriend pregnant, it was a terrible time in our home. I remember very clearly everything that happened because I was there. When they later married and had 4 kids, who I am extremely close to (and my stepmother as well), we didn't talk with them much about what had gone down for years. When they were older the truth came out and it was devastating to them. The knowledge that their mom was sleeping with a married man with 3 kids was incomprehensible to them. They simply could not reconcile that fact with the mother that they loved more than the world. My youngest sister told me recently that she still tries to pretend it couldn't have happened and doesn't acknowledge it because she would look at her mother differently, even though she knows it happened. It is still very hard for them and something we work hard to not discuss. 

  • Love 6
On 01/04/2017 at 2:30 PM, zoeysmom said:

I am questioning how good this series of Kyle's is-waiting over a year to air it and on some re-tooled network.  http://deadline.com/2017/03/paramount-network-american-woman-heathers-wacolip-sync-battle-renewed-season-4-launch-2018-1202055474/

I'm baffled that Kyle ended up a co-executive producer for a scripted tv show despite having no experience. What's going on at Viacom?

6 minutes ago, Kokapetl said:

I'm baffled that Kyle ended up a co-executive producer for a scripted tv show despite having no experience. What's going on at Viacom?

Well, she created it and pitched it. They often give a co-producer credit to the creator. Michael Crichton had one for all of ER even though functionally it was John Wells', Wendy Spence's, and Christopher Chulack's show day in and day out. An executive producer credit does not mean that Kyle is the showrunner.

  • Love 5
On 3/27/2017 at 3:52 AM, zoeysmom said:

Kyle's fur children:

Storm looks like she is sporting a wig.

Two things stand out for me in that photo. First, that haircut on Storm is both adorable and hilarious. Second, how in the hell did she get five dogs to stay in the same place and hold still long enough to get a pic?  I'm jealous. I have 3 dogs and the only time I can get a picture of them together is if they are all asleep!

  • Love 5
7 minutes ago, CatMomma said:

Two things stand out for me in that photo. First, that haircut on Storm is both adorable and hilarious. Second, how in the hell did she get five dogs to stay in the same place and hold still long enough to get a pic?  I'm jealous. I have 3 dogs and the only time I can get a picture of them together is if they are all asleep!

I think that is Storm's natural hair growing in which is why I found the photo fun.  Those dogs area at the top of the staircase-I hope when they are "released" Kyle gets out of their way.  I am not lucky with group photos of pets-someone always decides it is good time to scratch or lick.  THis stock photo was titled 100 pounds and six months ago.  It is Leonberger.


  • Love 6
5 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I think that is Storm's natural hair growing in which is why I found the photo fun.  Those dogs area at the top of the staircase-I hope when they are "released" Kyle gets out of their way.  I am not lucky with group photos of pets-someone always decides it is good time to scratch or lick.  THis stock photo was titled 100 pounds and six months ago.  It is Leonberger.


Oh, I agree that is natural hair growth on his head. Just find it adorable because it is obvious the rest of his hair is cut short.  It does look like a wig. 

  • Love 2

During the Second Part of the podcast, Kyle and Heather are discussing Rinna's claims that Dorit was doing coke in the bathroom.  Kyle was like, "who DOES THAT?  I don't know anyone who does DRUGS!"

Ummm well your sister does drugs, we all know that.  Your niece does coke, she was arrested for it.  Let's not clutch our pearls, ok Kyle?

  • Love 10
15 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

During the Second Part of the podcast, Kyle and Heather are discussing Rinna's claims that Dorit was doing coke in the bathroom.  Kyle was like, "who DOES THAT?  I don't know anyone who does DRUGS!"

Ummm well your sister does drugs, we all know that.  Your niece does coke, she was arrested for it.  Let's not clutch our pearls, ok Kyle?

To me, it means people don't do drugs in front of her.  I don't really see Kyle holding Paris' purse while she snorts a couple lines of coke.  Pretty much what Heather McDonald was saying as well.  If you don't do drugs people tend to not do them around you.  

I think it was such an incredible leap by Rinna and it tends to give a black eye to the franchise.   

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

To me, it means people don't do drugs in front of her.  I don't really see Kyle holding Paris' purse while she snorts a couple lines of coke.  Pretty much what Heather McDonald was saying as well.  If you don't do drugs people tend to not do them around you.  

I think it was such an incredible leap by Rinna and it tends to give a black eye to the franchise.   

At first I thought Rinna was doing it in a really exaggerated fake way to say "See, how ridiculous it is to throw out a drug accusation even when it's so overblown no one could really believe it?" But sometimes Rinna starts something as a joke and inexplicably decides to commit to it as serious halfway through. She's gotten so annoying. It's funny now that when Rinna was on the podcast, she acted like she and Eden were still close friends. 

I loved Kyle on Heather's podcast! I like hearing her talk about her family and her mom, it gives so much insight into the messy Richards dynamic.

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, racked said:

At first I thought Rinna was doing it in a really exaggerated fake way to say "See, how ridiculous it is to throw out a drug accusation even when it's so overblown no one could really believe it?" But sometimes Rinna starts something as a joke and inexplicably decides to commit to it as serious halfway through. She's gotten so annoying. It's funny now that when Rinna was on the podcast, she acted like she and Eden were still close friends. 

I loved Kyle on Heather's podcast! I like hearing her talk about her family and her mom, it gives so much insight into the messy Richards dynamic.

I did feel like she was initially trying to do a "let's be careful about what one says about a situation," and tried to turn it into probable cause for a search warrant.

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

During the Second Part of the podcast, Kyle and Heather are discussing Rinna's claims that Dorit was doing coke in the bathroom.  Kyle was like, "who DOES THAT?  I don't know anyone who does DRUGS!"

Ummm well your sister does drugs, we all know that.  Your niece does coke, she was arrested for it.  Let's not clutch our pearls, ok Kyle?


Yep and it's her perpetual BS disingenuous act that keeps Kyle so repellent to this viewer.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, AndySmith said:

Well, Kyle did say she was getting a second-hand buzz from...the other women eating the hash cakes in Amsterdam ;)

Yeah and then Brandy piped up with, "well the last time I smoked pot was with you..."  and the look on Kyle's face made me realize that Brandy was speaking the truth.  She sort of half admitted it.

So she can GTFO with her "OMG who DOES DRUGS???" bullshit.


24 minutes ago, steelcitysister said:


Yep and it's her perpetual BS disingenuous act that keeps Kyle so repellent to this viewer.

Yes - exactly!!!  I really want to like her, but the disingenous act makes me roll my eyes.  

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, heatherchandler said:

Yeah and then Brandy piped up with, "well the last time I smoked pot was with you..."  and the look on Kyle's face made me realize that Brandy was speaking the truth.  She sort of half admitted it.

So she can GTFO with her "OMG who DOES DRUGS???" bullshit.


Yes - exactly!!!  I really want to like her, but the disingenous act makes me roll my eyes.  

A lot of people of a certain age don't consider smoking pot "doing drugs".  I think in the context of which the question was asked it was more about doing cocaine or more hard core drugs.  Then there are those that consider smoking pot akin to something out of Refer Madness.  I keep thinking of the woman from Southern Charm, lecturing her 40 something year old son on the evils of marijuana smoking.  http://www.bravotv.com/southern-charm/season-4/episode-1/videos/patricia-does-not-approve-of-whitney-smoking-weed  The evils of smoking pot cause one to end up working at Blockbuster Video.   

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Yeah and then Brandy piped up with, "well the last time I smoked pot was with you..."  and the look on Kyle's face made me realize that Brandy was speaking the truth.  She sort of half admitted it.

So she can GTFO with her "OMG who DOES DRUGS???" bullshit.


Yes - exactly!!!  I really want to like her, but the disingenous act makes me roll my eyes.  


I agree, heatherchandler, it was a moment of transparancy through the murk that Kyle, try as she might, can never quite escape.

  • Love 3
20 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Yeah and then Brandy piped up with, "well the last time I smoked pot was with you..."  and the look on Kyle's face made me realize that Brandy was speaking the truth.  She sort of half admitted it.


Kyle didn't half admit to it. She said, "I know," and when Brandi had no comeback, went back go joking with LVP.  And it pissed Brandi off that she wasn't able to get a rise out of her. Kyle didn't take the bait. She could have easily said, "yes, Brandi, I was with you the last time you smoked pot." Or, she could have gone further and said, "you were smoking pot around me." Or, she could have outright said, "But I wasn't smoking pot with you." Because let's face it, Brandi phrased that in a way that only incriminated herself while leaving enough open to interpretation that Kyle would still come out the loser no matter what. But, Kyle seemed to have learned in that split second, that the best way to deal with Brandi is to not engage her and let her self-destruct on her own. Which she did. And it was GLORIOUS!

I loved that whole thing because Brandi was trying so hard to start something with Kyle and LVP that she ended up screaming profanities in the streets of Amsterdam. And even Yolanda walked away from her. To me, that was the beginning of the end for Brandi - she started her spiral off the show in that instant and everything she would do from that point on was just a nail in her desperation coffin. From there, she went on to tell Lisa V. that Kyle was accusing her of having an affair with her trainer. Then, when that had no legs, she slapped LisaV.  It was amazing to watch her self-destruct by simply not engaging with her. I would be willing to bet that it was the start of no one wanting to film with Brandi. 

  • Love 8
20 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

A lot of people of a certain age don't consider smoking pot "doing drugs".  I think in the context of which the question was asked it was more about doing cocaine or more hard core drugs.  Then there are those that consider smoking pot akin to something out of Refer Madness.  I keep thinking of the woman from Southern Charm, lecturing her 40 something year old son on the evils of marijuana smoking.  http://www.bravotv.com/southern-charm/season-4/episode-1/videos/patricia-does-not-approve-of-whitney-smoking-weed  The evils of smoking pot cause one to end up working at Blockbuster Video.   

I certainly don't consider it doing drugs and I am almost 49. 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, heatherchandler said:

Hey I am 100% pro-pot and I still consider it doing drugs.  That reminds me of when my husband says, "I am not drinking tonight," while he is opening a bottle of wine.  I am like, yeah wine is actually alcohol.  He's like, not really though.

This is kind of a reoccurring theme about others perception of drug and alcohol use.  If people are consuming marijuana edibles are they doing drugs?  (Bruce Jenner thought so when his MIL was doing them with a prescription.)

That wine and beer thing still runs rampant.  A lot of people feel like it doesn't count-it does,  Just as people who quaff a cold beer don't see any similarity in their drinking habits and people doing beer bongs.  It is all alcohol.

I am also from a world years ago when not only did you discuss another's party habits you sure as hell would never say, "were you doing coke in the bathroom?", on camera or publicly.  You would be considered a pariah.    I had a relative who was a judge and he told us early on -never count another's money or drinks, it is none of your business. 

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, MatildaMoody said:

Kyle didn't half admit to it. She said, "I know," and when Brandi had no comeback, went back go joking with LVP.  And it pissed Brandi off that she wasn't able to get a rise out of her. Kyle didn't take the bait. She could have easily said, "yes, Brandi, I was with you the last time you smoked pot." Or, she could have gone further and said, "you were smoking pot around me." Or, she could have outright said, "But I wasn't smoking pot with you." Because let's face it, Brandi phrased that in a way that only incriminated herself while leaving enough open to interpretation that Kyle would still come out the loser no matter what. But, Kyle seemed to have learned in that split second, that the best way to deal with Brandi is to not engage her and let her self-destruct on her own. Which she did. And it was GLORIOUS!

I loved that whole thing because Brandi was trying so hard to start something with Kyle and LVP that she ended up screaming profanities in the streets of Amsterdam. And even Yolanda walked away from her. To me, that was the beginning of the end for Brandi - she started her spiral off the show in that instant and everything she would do from that point on was just a nail in her desperation coffin. From there, she went on to tell Lisa V. that Kyle was accusing her of having an affair with her trainer. Then, when that had no legs, she slapped LisaV.  It was amazing to watch her self-destruct by simply not engaging with her. I would be willing to bet that it was the start of no one wanting to film with Brandi. 

yes, that all was SPECTACULAR!

  • Love 3
On 4/5/2017 at 8:33 AM, heatherchandler said:

During the Second Part of the podcast, Kyle and Heather are discussing Rinna's claims that Dorit was doing coke in the bathroom.  Kyle was like, "who DOES THAT?  I don't know anyone who does DRUGS!"

Ummm well your sister does drugs, we all know that.  Your niece does coke, she was arrested for it.  Let's not clutch our pearls, ok Kyle?

Kind of like how Kyle had never even heard of crystal meth in Season 2...yeah, I'm so sure.

Not too dissimilar from Yolanda's "Housenmousen" last season. These women know how to play very coy.

  • Love 8
On 4/15/2017 at 5:06 PM, PhilMarlowe2 said:

Kind of like how Kyle had never even heard of crystal meth in Season 2...yeah, I'm so sure.

Not too dissimilar from Yolanda's "Housenmousen" last season. These women know how to play very coy.

I think Kyle plays dumb to drugs of any kind because she doesn't want any of her family stuff coming into the show.

i.e. the cocaine use by Dorit and PK.

She's got Paris who was caught with it in her Chanel bag, and now numerous occasions of Conrad - pot and cocaine.

  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, BBHN said:



The connection is disturbing.

Conrad and Hunter dated years ago, she is maybe 22 now? His stalking behavior has escalated.

EG Daily - Hunter's mom in an interview. She's very careful with her words.

Hunter needs to go into hiding for her own safety. For whatever reason he's fixated on Hunter and that is dangerous.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:


The connection is disturbing.

Conrad and Hunter dated years ago, she is maybe 22 now? His stalking behavior has escalated.

EG Daily - Hunter's mom in an interview. She's very careful with her words.

Hunter needs to go into hiding for her own safety. For whatever reason he's fixated on Hunter and that is dangerous.


  • Love 2
16 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

I think Kyle plays dumb to drugs of any kind because she doesn't want any of her family stuff coming into the show.

i.e. the cocaine use by Dorit and PK.

She's got Paris who was caught with it in her Chanel bag, and now numerous occasions of Conrad - pot and cocaine.

Maybe it is as simple as her family doesn't use drugs in her presence.  There a fair number of cousins' kids who smoke pot and do drugs but they aren't doing it at Family Reunions or family dinners in my family.  I have a 62 year old cousin who has never smoked cigarettes in the presence of her parents or siblings.   

There is no proof of Dorit or PK using drugs of any kind. By anyone.  A blogger saying someone has cocaine eyes is not even close to proof.  Rinna is an ass and many people are convinced she uses Adderall.  Short of confirmation of the same it is still just an unsubstantiated rumor.  This drug stuff is getting old. 

Kyle's family members getting caught with drugs does not reflect on her.  It just means she has family members who use and are stupid enough to get caught.

Conrad is an ass.  There is no excuse for his entitled behavior.  He very well have a mental illness, Kyle may not want to comment. I usually hear of Kyle speaking and singing the praises of Barron not Conrad. 

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 7
On 4/15/2017 at 5:17 PM, AndySmith said:

Once again, the Style Fairy showed up while Kyle was getting dressed, laughed at her, and decided to hex her.

I will say, I do like the color on her, and yeah her hair and make up look good, but what the hell kind of opening is that for the jacket? Oh Kyle. You try so hard...

It's a moto style jacket.  Most of them zip on the side.  They are in right now.  I like them and have a few in that style myself.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Giselle said:

Wouldn't you be upset if mere peasants arrested you and put you in jail then tried to dictate your life.

He'll never be worth a damn and is going to end up in prison or the morgue. No real loss to humanity.

Most likely Rick and Kathy may have to face the fact Conrad needs serious mental health care.  It certainly has nothing to do with Kyle.

  • Love 6
On 4/6/2017 at 2:23 PM, heatherchandler said:

Hey I am 100% pro-pot and I still consider it doing drugs.  That reminds me of when my husband says, "I am not drinking tonight," while he is opening a bottle of wine.  I am like, yeah wine is actually alcohol.  He's like, not really though.

I'm not pro pot and I absolutely hate the smell of it, but I do agree with Mr. HeatherChandler.

Wine is a food and like other foods moderation is key. At least that's how we were brought up to view it. :-)

  • Love 2
22 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Most likely Rick and Kathy may have to face the fact Conrad needs serious mental health care.  It certainly has nothing to do with Kyle.


She is only responsible for how she has parented and raised her children. I have to wonder if privately she has discussed her sister and the younger Hilton's issues as cautionary examples to her children as they have gotten older.

  • Love 3
11 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Kyle was on a radio interview recently bragging about her nieces and nephews (Paris, Nicky, Conrad)

There are some bizarre family dynamics.

So Conrad was dating Hunter Salomon.

Hunter Salomon is the daughter of Rick Salomon

Rick Salomon was the guy in the One Night In Paris sex tape.


That's pretty sick.

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