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Kandi's Wedding: Going to the Chapel and... Mama Joyce is Pissed.

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The description states the Joyce's sisters try to talk to her about accepting Todd. I hope they redeem themselves a little after the wedding dress shopping fiasco episode.


They were supportive of Kandi marrying AJ the Sperminator, basically saying it's her life & choice.


Lisin says that this can be all one thread since there aren't that many episodes! :)

I liked it. I laughed so much while sipping on my special drank of pineapple juice, ginger ale and sugar.


I'm glad that Joyce's sisters defended Kandi and Mama Todd. My jaw dropped when Joyce said that Todd's father was a pimp and his mom was a hoe. She's about to get it. Lol @ the preview of Mama Todd telling Joyce she picked the wrong one.


Todd was being kind of shady. I didn't like how he was speaking to people and his obsession over the prenup is almost as bad as Mama Joyce. Partial side eye to him for now.

  • Love 2

I was happy to see that Kandi did not pay for that wedding dress. It doesn't make it look any better but at least she didn't pay tens of thousands on it. I died laughing when her friend told her she needed to run. Why didn't she listen.

I can't believe Joyce called Todd's mom a hoe repeatedly & to pick/argue with the bride on her wedding day.

I don't know why people continue to think they can hire their friends and/or family to work as their assistants.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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Wow. Kandi needs to put Mama Joyce in check- and in a home. That woman is crazy as hell. Calling Todd's mama a hoe and his daddy a pimp? Is that even true??

I wondered that as well. I noticed Kandi didn't correct her when she said that. All Kandi said was to not speak ill of Todd's deceased father. Joyce is beyond vulgar.


I had to side eye Carmon about not going to her son's school because of bridal shop gate. Is her name really being dragged through the streets of ATL because of crazy Joyce and her rambling? I didn't know it was that serious.

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Did Mama Joyce repeatedly call Todd's mother a prostitute on TV?? WTH?


She used the word ho and called his dead father a pimp, which Kandi checked her mama for because he's dead and Todd didn't know him; but said nothing to her in reference to Todd's mother being a hoe.  It's not clear if it is true or not, I guess we have to consider the source.

Edited by appledumpling

I had to side eye Carmon about not going to her son's school because of bridal shop gate. Is her name really being dragged through the streets of ATL because of crazy Joyce and her rambling? I didn't know it was that serious.


I think she was grasping at straws to try to be the victim. I think that Todd should have let Kandi handle the situation, but Carmon would have gotten fired from a real job if she acted like that.

  • Love 1



I laughed so much while sipping on my special drank of pineapple juice, ginger ale and sugar.


Diabetes in a cup.






Carmon would have gotten fired from a real job if she acted like that.



That's what happens when you hire family or friends, they're very comfortable showing you their ass.

Edited by appledumpling
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 I'm glad that Joyce's sisters defended Kandi and Mama Todd. My jaw dropped when Joyce said that Todd's father was a pimp and his mom was a hoe. She's about to get it. Lol @ the preview of Mama Todd telling Joyce she picked the wrong one.

Mama Joyce needs to be checked into Shady Pines.  If her relationship with Todd wasn't strained before, it has to be now.  There's nothing cute about her foul mouth.

  • Love 2

I liked it. I laughed so much while sipping on my special drank of pineapple juice, ginger ale and sugar.


Do you mean "Ghetto Pernch?"


My mom is the youngest of 11 and the oldest looks just like Aunt Bertha. Not nearly as sour though, because that woman "talk too merch." I see Aunt Nora and Cousin Weenie (!) have that voice tremor that Mama Joyce has. 


I was happy to see that Kandi did not pay for that wedding dress. It doesn't make it look any better but at least she didn't pay tens of thousands on it. I died laughing when her friend told her she needed to run. Why didn't she listen.

I can't believe Joyce called Todd's mom a hoe repeatedly & to pick/argue with the bride on her wedding day.


Very interesting though, that Reco and the press claimed a $20K value on his "gift." The blue man group dress? The head wrap? The 50's church hat pinned to the shoulder? Did she go out in that?


My mouth dropped when Mama Joyce first said that. She's crazy, but I cannot believe she would go THAT low. Kandi didn't deny, so I would go with it being true. If so, then Todd really came up if his momma was in that kind of lifestyle. Getting successful with a tough background shows a lot of drive. But no matter how pissy you get, why would she say stuff that also impacts Kandi, Riley, and any future kids. People she supposedly cares about. She is a greedy, hateful wench. She is so lucky that Kandi has a big heart. There are lots of people who would have cut her off long ago. I doubt her social security check is big enough for an Audi SUV. 


WRT Todd and the employees: I think he comes across brusque, but that's how a lot of my NYC guy friends talk, and they don't mean any harm. I think he sees Kandi as too soft on people and is trying to step in and fill an alpha role. I get that viewpoint, but he also has to consider that Kandi has handled her business enough over the years that she is doing something that works. He did try to put Carmon and the other dude on blast about Kandi always keeping them in a job. 


I don't like these friends' talking heads. Especially Tan. The aunts are kind of cute, so far. Joyce is damn Joyce. I just wonder if there will ever be a point in her life where she looks back and is truly embarrassed by her behavior. Will she ever grow, or stay delusional to the grave?


Ghetto Pernch.

Edited by sunsheyen
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Well there's a "Celebrity Moms of Atlanta" show that's being shopped that she's signed on to. So, no, I don't think she's ashamed of her behavior. It's made her a "star" so she'll probably keep upping the outrageousness.


I also liked the reactions of Johnnie, Kandi's production coordinator. He was so overwhelmed and his facial expressions were hilarious.


Diabetes in a cup.

I think I have diabetes just thinking about that concoction. 


Kandi needs to check everyone in her life.  Todd was out of line talking to Kandi's friends/employees the way that he did.  If he had a problem with their performance, he should have discussed it with Kandi so she could address it.  Karmon is out of line for not having a rational conversation with Kandi about Karmon's conversation with Todd.  Kandi should have spent the money to hire a REAL wedding planner.  Mama Joyce...y'all know.  Of course Kandi is not going to do it, so the dysfunction will continue and its all Kandi's fault.


I hope Todd's mother sues Joyce for defamation...saying someone was a pimp and/or whore is offensive.  Kandi should have laid it down when she heard these words out of Joyce's mouth.


What is it about our elders and the added "r" when its not required?

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If I was Carmon, when Kandi said she wanted all of those animals at her wedding, I would have suggested that they have the wedding at the zoo.  Problem solved! 


As far as Carmon having attitude, I think that with all she's gone through with Joyce and with Kandi's minimal support, she has a right to feel some kind of way when dealing with Kandi's kin folk and soon to be husband.  Nobody should have to take that kind of abuse on any job.  If you ask me, Kandi and Todd are the one's who need to keep it about business and make their family members leave their employees alone.

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I thought Todd came across as an asshole.  First he is telling Kandi about his minimal financial contribution to the wedding.  Next he is scolding her friend employees about having no excuses because money is not an issue (I guess since Kandi is paying).  He was even out of line with the dog and the fetching the football thing.  Kandi has to already see he is speaking for her when he shouldn't.  Doesn't look good.

Edited by SpringTulips
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I thought Todd came across as an asshole.  First he is telling Kandi about his minimal financial contribution to the wedding.  Next he is scolding her friend employees about having no excuses because money is not an issue (I guess since Kandi is paying).  He was even out of line with the dog and the fetching the football thing.  Kandi has to already see he is speaking for her when he shouldn't.  Doesn't look good.

I get what you're saying here. I was looking at this situation from a kind of paternalistic viewpoint. I like Todd, and to me he seems like he can be on the asshole side. I don't mind jerks  (I can definitely be one), it's just that they have to be paired up with someone assertive enough to shut it down when needed. I do think his general intentions are good, but can easily veer into something more like control if not limited. That said, maybe Mama Joyce's disdain for Todd is rooted in Kandi's decision making, and who gets the biggest input. That decision making would also include where the money goes, so that's driving her crazy. She was so much calmer with the AJ situation on Thursday's marathon. There is NO WAY AJ's situation was better than Todd's, but AJ was much more submissive towards Mama Joyce.


I wonder why they framed this under Real Housewives instead of a free standing spinoff like Kim and NeNe. There is actually a real storyline and conflict, not just Kim takes off the wig! or Diana gets snippy! I did notice Kandi's production company was up there shining bright. Girl is about her business. I love it. 

Edited by sunsheyen
I laughed so much while sipping on my special drank of pineapple juice, ginger ale and sugar.


Diabetes in a cup.




Sounds disgustingly similar to that Jupiña soda (http://www.samsclub.com/sams/jupina-soda-24-12-oz-can/155869.ip) that old caribbean ladies, like my grandma, love.  


My mouth dropped open when Mama Jocye said Todd's mother was a ho.  Whether it is true or not (which I suspect it just might be because Kandi did not correct her), it was completely inappropriate of her to say, especially on TV.  And then she wonders why viewers are against her.


I didn't think Todd was out of line with his conversation with Carmon and the other dude.  It seems he was more annoyed with them than anything because its came across as if they weren't trying very hard and that they didn't really care.  When Todd asked about the invitations, they said they couldn't find the scroll ones she wanted on such short notice so they would go to party city.  Like, what the hell!  And Todd asked if there were any alternatives that they could present to Kandi to choose from and their response was basically, "why?".  They hadn't sought out any additional solutions and were just giving up and moving on.  I  would be a bit pissed too.


And Carmon, if she felt uncomfortable helping to plan the wedding, she should have just said so from the beginning.  

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If it is true, so what?  What is Joyce's aim or point for saying that in a televised conversation?   Bitch.  If I was Mama Todd, the first thing I would say to Joyce is I did what I had to do to raise my child after my husband died.  Yea I tricked (which I know you understand because you said so on the reunion show).  It wasn't fun and it wasn't nice but it was more lucrative than giving it away for free.  By the way Joyce, what's your point in bringing it up?   Peer to peer, for real? There is no way I'd get out there without dragging a bitch.  Off camera. 


Kandi needs to check everyone in her life. 


This will never happen.  Ever.   Her father.  Ya'll that tore my heart up, her FATHER is sitting there telling her how Joyce obstructed him from seeing her and how she allowed her sisters to run roughshod over their marriage.  What does Kandi say in the TH that follows?   I don't believe it.  KNOWING Joyce and the Coven the way she does, she doesn't think they would've done such a thing?  It's one thing to say nothing because you're processing, but to deny out loud what is obvious because you're blinded by loyalty is so so sad.  She was crying which means on some level, she knows he's telling the truth.


and no sun, Joyce will never look back and be ashamed or embarrassed because she has no idea that she's deluded.  This is the same woman who has seen the bridal shop footage and to this day not only maintains that Carmon moved on her (except that no, not at all) but that Kandi should've defended her more vigorously for it.  You need to be able to tell the truth to make progress.   Joyce and her sisters must've had really horrible childhood experiences, for all three of them to only know how to be poisonous to themselves, their children and each others marriages, something bad happened there.

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I think they're keeping Kandi's show under the RHoA umbrella because it's so hot right now. Why not just squeeze every last drop from the brand?

I searched but couldn't find the number of episodes this will be. If it goes through the end of the month, we are looking at 8 solid months. Ridiculous season length.


The Party City thing was stupid. There is somewhere online that would have done a rush job for some cash. In that respect, I could see what Todd was saying regarding money not being a problem. It's BRAVO's dime, just like I'm sure they covered a lot of the cost of Reco's gift dress.

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I didn't think Todd was out of line with his conversation with Carmon and the other dude.  It seems he was more annoyed with them than anything because its came across as if they weren't trying very hard and that they didn't really care.  When Todd asked about the invitations, they said they couldn't find the scroll ones she wanted on such short notice so they would go to party city.  Like, what the hell!  And Todd asked if there were any alternatives that they could present to Kandi to choose from and their response was basically, "why?".  They hadn't sought out any additional solutions and were just giving up and moving on.  I  would be a bit pissed too.

Agreed. I understand it might look bad that he's speaking to Kandi's employees, but shit, it's not as if he could count on Kandi to handle her business. Lack of effort annoys me a well, so I felt where Todd was coming from.  But I do think that he was harsh with Johnnie, though. I don't know why Kandi was too cheap to hire a real wedding planner; it's not as if money is an issue. Surely she didn't expect Carmon and Johnnie have the contacts that a legit planner would have. She wants to have this big production on short notice when realistically, it would've probably taken six months to maybe a year to plan. I know it all came together anyway, but still.


I guess I'm so used to people beating around the bush on tv that I was surprised to hear Kandi's stylist/friend tell Reco to his face that Kandi looked like a smurf in that awful blue dress. Man, it looked like a vulva was attached to it. What was that  Audrey Two looking mess on that blue dress? Ya'll peeped that, right?

Kandi could splurge and hire a professional to plan her wedding in 5 weeks, but she'd rather let her friends do it. Just mentioning 'Party City' to me would have gotten Carmon a pink slip.


She could splurge on custom couture for her bridal gown (Reco, you're not Jason Wu. Just, stop) or buy high end off-the-rack. But she'd rather throw the dice on a Fashion Show contestant, who is untested WRT the volume and complexity of the job, on such short notice.


Instead of renting the San Diego Zoo to stand around and funk up your nuptials, why not put that cash toward the reception and bridal party attire?

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I can't believe that vile ass woman got on national TV & called Todd's mama a ho & prostitute!  & Even more unbelievable to me was that Kandi again said nothing to shut her ass down.


The aunts somewhat redeemed themselves but it was still sad because they never should have had to.  They should have never shown their asses to begin with.


Broke my cold little heart in the previews when RIley had to finally shut that shit down.

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Broke my cold little heart in the previews when RIley had to finally shut that shit down.

And it looked like it was the actual wedding day!

Todd & Carmon both rubbed me the wrong way during their confrontation. He's tone could have been different but her reponses weren't helping. You have the cash yet your telling me all you can do is an e-vite or party city for invitations when I'm asking you about options. That's what I took from his money statement.

Now ya'll have me thinking there may be some truth to Todd's mom being a prostitute because Kandi really didn't correct or get upset with Joyce at all.


Kandi could splurge and hire a professional to plan her wedding in 5 weeks, but she'd rather let her friends do it.


Yeah Kandi never splurges on anything. It was a little unrealistic for her to expect Carmon to plan a wedding if she's never done it before on short notice with grandiose ideas.


I am so interested in Todd's Mom now.

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I see Aunt Nora and Cousin Weenie (!) have that voice tremor that Mama Joyce has.

So does Kandi. I'm glad to see Riley didn't inherit it.

My mom has a rack of mean as hell sisters too and they get meaner the older they get. I wonder why they had a change of heart regarding Kandi marrying "Tow-It." And I wonder why Kandi didn't correct Joyce when she called Tow-It's mom a prostitute.

  • Love 2


I was happy to see that Kandi did not pay for that wedding dress. It doesn't make it look any better but at least she didn't pay tens of thousands on it. I died laughing when her friend told her she needed to run.

Not only that, but the sheer look of shock on Kandi's face when he told her it would be free! I know Kandi has some cheapskate tendencies, but that really took it over the top. That dress was a true example of you get what you pay for.



Carmon would have gotten fired from a real job if she acted like that.


That's what happens when you hire family or friends, they're very comfortable showing you their ass.

I understood where Carmon and the rest of the planners were coming from when she was speaking to Todd. She is NOT a wedding planner and doesn't have the contacts to get a wedding of this magnitude off the ground in five weeks. I imagine it would be as frustrating as any other job when your boss asks you to do an astronomical amount of work in a small time period. Yes, it is her job to assist Kandi, but she was exactly right in defining her role and limitations. I do, however, I agree with Todd that she should have put more effort into finding the invitations and such if only to demonstrate that the wedding preparations may be more difficult than anticipated. Todd came off very hard, but I agree with the poster about that he was probably attempted to bring down the hammer in a manner that Kandi would not.


Last, but not least, Momma Joyce is still a piece of shit. I never liked her. I can recall TWOP posters finding her humorous during her first seasons, particularly when she forced Kim and Nene to have a polite conversation, but that still rubs me the wrong way to this day. I'd like to see someone coach her through a polite conversation with Todd and his mother and see how she likes it.


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Todd was being kind of shady. I didn't like how he was speaking to people and his obsession over the prenup is almost as bad as Mama Joyce. Partial side eye to him for now.


If Todd doesn't divorce Kandi over her lack of defense of his Mother over the prostitute accusations, I'll look at him sideways.


She better have unedited footage where she vehemently denies the whole thing.  Even if it is true, Kandi better have lied to the cameras and it just got cut.  And if it is true, then her mother better have found out by hiring a PI rather than Kandi opening her mouth. 


I looked at Bravo's site and they have an interview blog with Kandi about the pimp and ho allegations.



Bravotv.com: Why was Joyce saying that Todd was raised by a "pimp and a prostitute"?
Kandi: My mom was so wrong for this comment. Todd's father died when Todd was about 3 or 4. I have no idea why my mom would say that. She claims she heard that from someone, but you would have to ask her.





Bravotv.com: Has your relationship with Carmon improved now that she no longer works for you?
Kandi: She still works for me... LOL! I told her she could work for me as she looked for something else, but it doesn't seem like she's looking for anything, LOL! That's what happens when your friends work for you.



Edited by charming
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I looked at Bravo's site and they have an interview blog with Kandi about the pimp and ho allegations.


 Kandi is not helping herself.  That is still pretty wishy washy.  I'm dumbfounded that a anyone would go through with a marriage with the toxic circumstances here,  Its one thing if you have a toxic relative.  Its another entirely if you let them roll over you, your soon to be spouse, and your soon to be in-law's reputations.   The 's it true' questions are happening because Kandi didn't shut it down immediately.


She is still side-stepping.  She says her mom is wrong for the comment, not that its not true.


I wonder if whatever they sign for the show protects Joyce from a defamation lawsuit.

Edited by ParadoxLost

The aunts somewhat redeemed themselves but it was still sad because they never should have had to.  They should have never shown their asses to begin with.



I have a suspicion that the aunts straightened up and joined Team Todd so they can remain on the show.  I don't think Kandi's loyalty is so strong for them as it is for Joyce, so I think they probably wanted to insure that they get an invite to the wedding and air time on the wedding show. 

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