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Live With Kelly And Mark - General Discussion

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It is funny because Kelly was mad at Regis because he only told right before they went on air that he was leaving. Then Kelly is mad at Michael Strahan that he told after the show was done that he was leaving in a meeting. Is she ever happy? LOL!!!!


I think she is both mad at Strahan and the ABC Executives who left her in the dark. She's been there a long time and I guess she feels a little left out of everything.

  • Love 3

It is funny because Kelly was mad at Regis because he only told right before they went on air that he was leaving. Then Kelly is mad at Michael Strahan that he told after the show was done that he was leaving in a meeting. Is she ever happy? LOL!!!!


I think she is both mad at Strahan and the ABC Executives who left her in the dark. She's been there a long time and I guess she feels a little left out of everything.

Awwww, poor Kelly ... she's so hard done by!!!  (I can't generate a scintilla of empathy for her!!!)

  • Love 8

Well, what do you know ... Kelly has the vapors ... I guess so!!!  LOL.  I'd give my kingdom to be a fly on her wall at home.  LOL.  (Her absence was definitely unplanned because Ana G. was not listed as a co-host or guest.

I think there indeed might be some envy or jealousy, but I also get the impression that Kelly really likes Michael. The two of them got along, and their on-show banter was good-hearted and friendly. I think she's upset about him being gone from the show. 

  • Love 6

I think there indeed might be some envy or jealousy, but I also get the impression that Kelly really likes Michael. The two of them got along, and their on-show banter was good-hearted and friendly. I think she's upset about him being gone from the show.

I agree with you, Topanga. I think Kelly is (was?) crazy about Michael. If not, then she should consider focusing on her acting career, because it was an Academy Award acting job! Michael leaving means that apparently he wasn't as devoted to their partnership as she was. I believe that Kelly considered their relationship as an "on-air marriage" - and this divorce could get bitter. It probably stings that Live turned out to be just a stepping stone to bigger things for Michael, whereas it's the top of the mountain for Kelly. Add in the fact that she was blindsided by the news, and I'm not at all surprised that Kelly was MIA today. As someone earlier said, I'd love to be a fly on the wall in Casa Consuelos today!

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and, the latest gossip is that won't come back until he leaves for GMA. I'm not sure how she would do that though. She has a contract but I guess she could take all of her vacation and the show is usually dark in August. Not to mention the awful pre-taped "live" shows during Memorial Day, 4th of July & Labor Day. It's like a soap opera which is something she should be used to. Both Regis & Michael have left her.

Poor Kelly can cry in her millions. Doesn't a true Professional wipe away the tears, swallow their pride and say, (aloud if necessary) "The Show Must Go On!!!"


As much as I have disliked Kelly, I would NEVER have thought she would pull a no-show. Being in The Biz since an early age? A good Disney employee?  She shows her hand by acting the brat. A real Pro would've held her head high and strutted out like, "Who cares??" And really, doesn't she have plenty of Fuck You $$$$?? (Probably why she's pulling this stunt. Money don't buy happiness, money don't buy love, and money don't buy Class.)


Unless she really IS SUPER PISSED, she drew a line in the sand, and is taking an aggressive stance. Maybe she'll rethink this one, and say she was upset about losing her TV Husband, or some Bullshit. And quit with the "I'm on Strike" crap. Do your job, Kelly!!

  • Love 11

Poor Kelly can cry in her millions. Doesn't a true Professional wipe away the tears, swallow their pride and say, (aloud if necessary) "The Show Must Go On!!!"


As much as I have disliked Kelly, I would NEVER have thought she would pull a no-show. Being in The Biz since an early age? A good Disney employee?  She shows her hand by acting the brat. A real Pro would've held her head high and strutted out like, "Who cares??" And really, doesn't she have plenty of Fuck You $$$$?? (Probably why she's pulling this stunt. Money don't buy happiness, money don't buy love, and money don't buy Class.)


Unless she really IS SUPER PISSED, she drew a line in the sand, and is taking an aggressive stance. Maybe she'll rethink this one, and say she was upset about losing her TV Husband, or some Bullshit. And quit with the "I'm on Strike" crap. Do your job, Kelly!!

Just last week, Kelly was saying how she has only taken (I believe) 1 sick day since starting the show. Not that she's never sick, but being the professional that she is, she sucks it up for an hour and goes on, no matter how bad she feels. So I don't think she'll be playing the sick card when she returns!

It's not like she would have had to act all happy this morning. She could have come out and shown how devastated and sad she was that Michael was leaving - exactly how everyone would expect her to feel! She must be truly pissed and in a rage to be pulling this stunt!

  • Love 6

Have to wonder if there is some jealousy at play here.  Bet she would have said yes to GMA in a heartbeat, but they didn't ask her.


I am not a regular watcher of the show, but I read yesterday that the close buddy act was just for the cameras and they were not in fact that close after hours. 


While I can understand being blindsided by the news, with the money she makes she will not generate much sympathy. Be an adult and do your job! Most of the viewers would be happy with 1% of her salary.

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I am not a regular watcher of the show, but I read yesterday that the close buddy act was just for the cameras and they were not in fact that close after hours.

I never really thought the were best friends or anything. I just thought they got on well while they were working. I have people at work that I get along well with, but do not hang out with them after work is done. I would be sad if they left my company, especially if I did not see it coming. I would get over it, but sometimes it can be an adjustment. As for Kelly and Michael, they both seem pretty busy outside of Live! to really hang out after work.


I don't blame Kelly for taking the day off. If she was blindsided by it all and thinking everything was good there could be quite a mixture of feelings going on. The amount of money she makes should not override that she has a right to be upset or have other feelings about all of this. I do not think she needs sympathy, but since she can afford to take the day(s) off to digest the news that is her right. I do not expect her to come back and not be or pretend to be happy for Michael, and that is fine because I do not expect anything else.


I think she cannot win either way. If she is actually genuinely happy for him (after she processes the news) she will be accused of being fake and if she is upset by the news, she should not be upset since she makes a ton of money. It doesn't matter what she does, for some, she just cannot win.

Edited by Misslindsey
  • Love 9
Have to wonder if there is some jealousy at play here.  Bet she would have said yes to GMA in a heartbeat, but they didn't ask her.



I'm not wondering, I don't think KR is jealous at all.  Kelly's got it good at Live and nobody knows that more than her, she's got a sweet high-paying gig that many in the biz would kill for.  Is she upset that her co-worker (not friend) is leaving?  She probably is.  Does that warrant my sympathy?  No, but I do have some empathy.

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Poor Kelly,  I guess Disney didn't forget that she was a disaster as a solo co-host, drove the ratings to a 20 year low, and Michael had to basically come on and save the show.


After all the years sitting next to Regis, she learning nothing, and was horrible and embarrassing after he left. Her behavior was like a perverted teen, and she prided herself in letting any male co-host take over all of the heavy lifting.  I will never forget the constant off color jokes,  her inability to even read a highlighted article and her bragging about "prepping" for the Oscars by getting botox and tanning!   We had tampon talk, and we also had her throwing tampons at Gelman with Carrie Ann Innaba when she cohosted on Fashion Finder.  Everything was off color and on the level of a 12 year old. 


How long will Kelly's list be of people she doesn't talk to now? She is still holding a grudge against Regis because he didn't tell her ahead of time that he was leaving.  It doesn't matter that he was the reason she didn't have to be an unemployed soap star, living with her unemployed soap star hubby, in a very less upper crust life style, and spending her days with her celebrity A-list buddies like NPH and Anderson Cooper,  and going to private islands.   Kelly holds a grudge, even though everyone else at Live still talks to Regis.  


Disney probably realized that Michael is natural and very popular, and he did save Live, so they  are promoting him from reading stupid clips and playing second fiddle to a woman that makes money for doing way less than her predecessor, who actually had to come up with off the cuff conversation.


Will Kelly just be a big baby and not return? That would be priceless!


As much as she is down to earth in many ways, I think she still comes across as a once very down to earth woman who is very much into the rich society life of NYC, and is pretty much embarrassed and out of touch with her Jersey roots. The way she always puts down her mom and mocks that Jersey lifestyle is very telling.


Michael and Regis on the other hand, while definitely living the rich lifestyle, never seemed to forget their roots of feel above it. 

  • Love 10


Michael and Regis on the other hand, while definitely living the rich lifestyle, never seemed to forget their roots of feel above it.

I hated Regis. Hate. I know that is an unpopular opinion. I thought he was so completely out of touch with everything. I also, hated that he seemed to subscribe to the Larry King non-interview prep. I do not love or hate Kelly. Sometimes I like her, sometimes I do not, but I do not think she is any worse than Regis in the not forgetting their roots/rich lifestyle department.

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According to many outlets she is Furious! And will not appear at all this week. Did we notice that MS thanked everyone in general at the beginning of today's show and then at the end of the show he thanked Kelly in particular?  Rawr.

I think that it has been scheduled that Monday will have a guest co-host for her also, but I think that has been on the books before all this Michael leaving stuff went down.

I hated Regis. Hate. I know that is an unpopular opinion. I thought he was so completely out of touch with everything. I also, hated that he seemed to subscribe to the Larry King non-interview prep. I do not love or hate Kelly. Sometimes I like her, sometimes I do not, but I do not think she is any worse than Regis in the not forgetting their roots/rich lifestyle department.

I think that some people liked Regis, some people didn't, but he was in touch enough to speak off the cuff without needing to have his nose in printed up pointless tidbits like Kelly.  He also kept ratings up even in his 70's. 


I think Regis totally kept close to his roots, he was always talking about his roots, and still had lifelong friends.   Kelly  never "had a chance" to even take her kids to the Jersey shore- even though her oldest was about 15 at the time, and they lived down the road in NYC.

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It's the best reality show on tv right now because you really can't "unscript" this up. I see it that abc wants to hold on to a gma lead and Michael is part of the long term. I do think it was bad to do this on a Tuesday though and should have been held until Friday (or the last taping day of the week.) Give Kelly and Gelman a few days to process this. Instead Kelly doesn't go in today, and right now she may be staying away for a few days at least. No one in this looks good right now even though the ratings will go up from this. Now that the truth is coming out that they didn't get along 100% makes you wonder if Regis is thinking "you see?"

  • Love 4

I don't blame Kelly for being furious, but, in all honesty, I thought Michael was the worst of the contenders when they were auditioning to replace Regis. I had a similar thing happen to me when I hired someone who was an unpopular choice but needed a job. She went behind my back and transferred to another division giving me no notice and leaving me in the lurch for months. I was pretty much the only one who didn't know what she was doing. Totally blindsided. I have no respect for that sleazy, sneaky shit.

I know show business is a whole different thing, but, I totally understand why Kelly would feel betrayed. Don't know how long Kelly can stay away contractually, but, she's going to have to go back. We all know Mark Consuelos can't support their lifestyle.

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I once had a situation at work where my supervisor had built our department from scratch, hand-picking our team members, marketing our skills throughout the company, and building a solid in-house client base that loved the work we did for them. After many years, one day she was informed that not only was someone higher up creating a similar department, but they had hand-picked the projects and the employees from our department that they would be taking. She was completely blindsided and devastated; she couldn't stop crying, and the rest of us were deeply shaken as well. So I can sympathize with Kelly (and Gelman, and the rest who got hit with this ton of bricks.)


On the other hand...Kelly's allegedly a pro. Surely she knows when new deals are in the works you shouldn't and often can't talk about them. Once you've gotten the news go home, talk, cry, rage if you have to, then show up for work the next day, summon whatever acting skills you have, and have an adult on-air conversation about how surprising it was but how happy you are for your co-worker. It's what we did at work; the folks who were chosen for the new, higher profile department had survivors' remorse and didn't want to accept the new positions, but those of us left behind -- while we were feeling (as Kelly might well be) not quite good enough since the opportunity hadn't come our way -- told them we were happy for them (and we genuinely were, we all got along great) and they should go forth and knock 'em dead. That's what grown up professionals and real friends do.


On the other, other hand, this is the woman who, after Friday's guest co-host Clay Aiken rudely put his hand over her mouth when she wouldn't be quiet and let him contribute, was still carrying on about it when Regis returned on Monday. It's gonna be a l-o-o-o-o-n-g summer.

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I don't blame Kelly for being upset and opting to stay home for a few days.  This decision affects the show in a big way.  I'd be having a major WTF moment too! 


In the beginning Kelly was so excited to have him as a co-host.  I can understand her feelings of betrayal by him and ABC since she was kept in the dark about it.  It would've been awkward for her to be there today and try to act like she was excited for him.  Let him face the music by himself.  

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Boo hoo. Kelly needs time off to "process her feelings?" Please. She has shown up for work in the WORST physical condition (illness, lack of sleep, what have you) and brags about needing little sleep. Plus, as several have pointed out, she's an ACTRESS.  Is this Devastating News somehow psychologically worse than, say, showing up after a close friend dies, a close relative dies or gets bad news, pet dies, any NUMBER of things that would warrant a "Mental Health Day," or a Personal Day, or even calling in a random Vacation Day. I'm sure she has the contractual right to take any random day off for Whatever Reason. NOT THE POINT!!! Point is she is butt hurt over not being "In-the-know". She is not sad about dear old Michael leaving (he's not leaving until SEPTEMBER). Her EGO is wounded, that's all. I would not let the Higher Ups see ME sweat and play the little brat. Kelly stomps her feet and takes her "talent" home. Bye, girl!!


Hey, Kelly - you did us a favor - stay home and let the Boss try out some fresh faces - for you AND Michael (Gelman, too, while we're at it). Yes, you are The Talent, but watch your back, "Sweetie."

  • Love 10

Things just keep getting better!!


"She is feeling so hurt and betrayed on so many levels," says a source close to Ripa, 45, who adds the host feels specifically hurt "by Michael."

After Regis Philbin announced he was leaving the show in 2011 and ABC was seeking someone to fill the legend's shoes, "She was [strahan's] champion," says the source. "She pushed for him to get the gig in the first place."

After Philbin, "She agonized over who would be the best partner for her in the long run. She wanted the same kind of partnership she had with Regis." But shortly after launching into a successful run as a must-watch morning duo with Strahan, the source says the relationship began to splinter. "The minute he got in that seat he started acting like he was the biggest star on the planet."

The source also claims Strahan began looking for his next big gig almost immediately.

"Michael's not the boss of the network. He's an employee," says another source close to show. "He didn't make this decision. The network offered him a job, it didn't happen over night."

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She is paid to show up, read the Funny Bits, pout her plumped lips, make sexual innuendos, and chit chat with the guests. She is paid a TON of money to do so. She is NOT paid to sit home and nurse her little hurt feelings. She should be ashamed at herself for throwing a tantrum, IMO. MAYBE stay home for one day, but make it clear it is about being SAD, not "furious" that she didn't get a head's up. Is that in the contract?? "Mizz Ripa MUST be alerted at least 48 hours before the little people of the world get wind of ANY changes to Mizz Ripa's working environment." Hey, maybe it should be. No matter that she can ice skate, don any number of costumes, have food fights, do acrobats, ballet, dancing, "cook," and many other Talents. She just can't ACT happy, I guess. Whaaaaahhh. :(


"When it comes to ABC, "Kelly feels like they're telling her they don't value her or the show," says the Ripa source. "She was a barely known soap actress and she revitalized the whole show."


Oh, okay. {snicker}

  • Love 10

Character revealed.


Paradoxically, had she faced the music today and displayed honest emotion, she would have cemented her position and put Disney in a really bad spot in her contract renegotiations.  Instead, her diva hizzy fit gave them insurmountable leverage.  She abandoned her fans on a day they most needed to see her and know that this is all gonna be OK.  


She has forever reinforced that this whole enterprise is all about her.  The millions of dollars and endless hours spent creating the artifice that everyone is a "family," viewers included?  Tossed away in a fit of pique.  


Two fantasy segments I would kill to see.  1)  On Michael's last day, Cindy Lauper shows up and sings, "True Colors."  2)  Tomorrow, the quiz question is, "What did Kelly say was the best part about the NY primary elections yesterday?"  Answer:  Nothing - she wasn't here!!!!!!!! 

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
  • Love 12

Or boo hoo! Poor spoiled Kelly! Sorry, but she needs to get her /0 million dollar a day butt on the air and suck it up! She's lucky she has a job at all. She and Mark would be living a very low income lifestyle and not socializing with very rich and famous celebs if it wasn't for this show !

Sorry, but she pretends to be all "normal" and down to earth, but it seems like under her persona, she really is a diva when her fraglile ego is offended !

Real people have to go to work and suck it up for little or no money. She should be told to get her butt to work or they will replace her mediocre butt !

  • Love 8


After all the years sitting next to Regis, she learning nothing, and was horrible and embarrassing after he left. Her behavior was like a perverted teen, and she prided herself in letting any male co-host take over all of the heavy lifting.  I will never forget the constant off color jokes,  her inability to even read a highlighted article and her bragging about "prepping" for the Oscars by getting botox and tanning!   We had tampon talk, and we also had her throwing tampons at Gelman with Carrie Ann Innaba when she cohosted on Fashion Finder.  Everything was off color and on the level of a 12 year old.


Actually, Kelly behaved exactly as I expected her to, and I wasn't at all surprised to see Ana G. pinch-hitting today.  Anyone who has followed Kelly's arc on this show from the beginning knows that, at least on-air, she's not exactly a nice person.  Remember how immediately after Regis retired, all she and Gelman could do were make snarky and dis-respectful comments about him?  I always attributed Kelly's passive-aggressive behavior towards Philbin as the result of her knowing that she was supposedly Regis's second choice for co-host behind Valerie Bertinelli (who in my opinion would have been about a zillion times better than what we ended up with).

Edited by Winston Wolfe
  • Love 17

She is paid to show up, read the Funny Bits, pout her plumped lips, make sexual innuendos, and chit chat with the guests. She is paid a TON of money to do so. She is NOT paid to sit home and nurse her little hurt feelings. She should be ashamed at herself for throwing a tantrum, IMO. MAYBE stay home for one day, but make it clear it is about being SAD, not "furious" that she didn't get a head's up. Is that in the contract?? "Mizz Ripa MUST be alerted at least 48 hours before the little people of the world get wind of ANY changes to Mizz Ripa's working environment." Hey, maybe it should be. No matter that she can ice skate, don any number of costumes, have food fights, do acrobats, ballet, dancing, "cook," and many other Talents. She just can't ACT happy, I guess. Whaaaaahhh. :(


"When it comes to ABC, "Kelly feels like they're telling her they don't value her or the show," says the Ripa source. "She was a barely known soap actress and she revitalized the whole show."


Oh, okay. {snicker}

LMAO! "Revitalized " the show ! OMG! They were in a 20 year ratings low! She nearly killed the show ! They like Michael because he saved the mess Kelly made of a decent show !

She's a spoiled snob! I will never forget her asking Faith, her stylist on Fashion Finder the question of "how do we feel about this?", when she was told that one is her designer dresses was available at Nordstroms ! Gasp! How dare anyone suggest that her skin touches dresses that are only available to the rich and snobby size zero crowd in NYC!

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According to this, Kelly won't be back on the show until at least Tuesday. Dancing with the Stars' Erin Andrews has been called in to co-host tomorrow's show & Friday's, which is being pretaped. Shay Mitchell from Pretty Little Liars will co-host on Monday's show. There seems to still be some "confusion" about whether Kelly's absence was or wasn't planned. The show's saying she was planning to be off Friday (which sounds weird if they were always planning to pretape that show after Thursday's live show) & Monday; other sources are saying she's just absent because she's pissed, or whatever, over when/how she found out about Michael leaving for GMA fulltime.


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Kelly always acts like a diva when she doesn't get her way.

I think Kelly has had things very easy compared to most people in show business . She started on the soap as a teen, and has never been really in need of a job since that time .

I think her lack of struggle has made her a spoiled brat diva. Most people in show business with her mediocre talent, and even those with a lot of talent struggle to make it.

Maybe if she spent years in a basement apartment in NYC with a few roommates while waiting tables while auditioning, she wouldn't act like an entitled brat.

She also has never learned fi put her personal feelings aside and act like a professional if something is bothering her.

I think she has shown this repeatedly . Clay Aiken was a jerk, but a professional wouldn't have spilled her feelings in the air the next day. I don't blame her for putting him in his place, but she should have just made it clear she never wanted to cohost with him again, and left it off the air.

The fact she holds such a grudge against Regis, and now can't even put her feelings aside to do a job for an hour. Sure shows she has been sheltered from the way rhe business works, and is used to getting whatever she wants .

Beyond all of that, she's getting little dose of how Regis was treated by TPTB. Only difference is, unlike Kelly, Michael is kind and respectful to her on the air. Kelly was not like that to Regis.

Edited by orangekit
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Huffpo is saying the same thing as Variety.

Wasn't Ripa just on vacation?

I would have loved to see her stomp out in her 5" heels, when she learned this, lol.

Michael works for ABC - not Kelly or Gelman. He is still with the same Corporation. Boo hoo Kelly.

I never liked her at the end with Regis and hated her when she sunk the show alone. Fortunately I have not really watched much since.

Edited by maggiemae
  • Love 11

So much for the Tinker Bell Award she jusssssst received personally from Iger, eh?  


"Kelly has asked to take some personal time and we, of course, are happy to give it to her."  This isn't rocket science, people.  Then again, marketers exist in their own universe.


What, Ginger Zee wasn't available to sub?  ;)

People magazine is saying Kelly & Gelman don't get along, haven't for a long time, & 1 of the reasons she's pissed Michael's leaving is because Kelly would talk to Gelman through him.


They're also saying Kelly & the family (they seriously pulled the kids from school for this?) are en route to Turks & Caicos for a "long planned" vacation celebrating Kelly & Mark's 20th wedding anniversary. Kelly was originally supposed to have been off the show Friday & Monday for this, according to the article, but they're on their way now... at least 2 days early.


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Hmmmm....it's not just me.




I note also the reference to the revenue stream the show currently creates.  Odds are pretty good that number would be lower going forward, anyway.  The fight will be about the value of a flagship brand for ABC News versus the loss of some number of millions of dollars.


I also note an unusual symmetry with Erin Andrews guesting...Strahan and Erin are each crossover talents (Fox Sports and Disney).  Lord, is this business different than it was at the turn of the century.  The first call went to someone with outside ties?  Wow.  You just know they had anticipated the need.  Erin is darn good in that chair, too.

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
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