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S10.E04: Patriot Love Games

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Serious question, but are the Bachelorettes forbidden to wear pants, except for jeans for the occasional casual date? I think if there is one thing I would truly criticize about Andi is those damn too tight/mini dresses she's worn for like almost every night portion date. And she almost always has to have a blanket when talking to the guys so she could seat comfortably without the possibility of an accidental crotch shot.

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 1

To be fair, I don't think Eric was doing a good job articulating himself. I sort of get what he was saying but it didn't come across very well at all. Ultimately, Eric and Andi just did not click obviously and of course there is some level of "poker face" as he calls it that goes into being the Bachelor/Bachelorette which is why this whole process is ridiculous for finding "the one" and why it's yielded a whopping what, 4-5 successfuly couples? But Eric should have known that going into this and maybe he did but being in it was harder than he expected.


But still I think the problem is Eric articulated his issue with the process and the whole situation as issues he had with Andi per se and that's where it all went to shit. Like Nick flat out said to Andi on their first date that he didn't actually buy the process working (I watched the DVR and those were his exact words) but he phrased it as entirely being skeptical of the process not Andi herself and her feelings or integrity. Andi and Eric was just a mis-match and it is a pity that's how his time on the show ended. Will be interesting to read the recaps for this episode and to read Andi's blog. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 3

She is pretty guarded. In her defence it isn't exactly a natural situation, but she needs to be a bit more open to others if she's going to be the Bachelorette.

I know I'd be equally as guarded, but that's why I'm not jumping up to be on the show…although I do write a Blog series about what it would be like if I was, lol


Edited by krispadget
  • Love 1

Wow - that was rough watching Eric's goodbye, but I think the sit down with Andi was a nice touch.

On a more shallow note, in the basketball game why were the Rosebud jerseys professionally done and the 5 of Hearts jerseys were made with Sharpies? Was it really a spontaneous decision to have them play each other and thus the scrambling for opposing uniforms?

  • Love 2

I think they ended the episode the right way with Chris & Andi.


But I think Eric put on that little show to make it easier to leave. What did he want her to do or say in the
little time they had after their date? Express her absolute and undying love immediately?  Show up
at his room at 3am begging to bang him? He came off as more of an actor than her, as he came off as a storyteller. 
I think she was totally confused by his accusations. And I think she's been the most relaxed & natural Bachelorette
they've ever had.


But as for the rest of the show, Seven studs in a tub!  Loved it!


Bless Dylan's heart, that info about his family was hard to watch.  It's tough enough for a guy to
spill all that to somebody he barely knows, much less a girl he's trying to impress. Andi seemed
very compassionate and caring. She handled the situation and the rose well.


Total boredom with the Brian Basketball court thing.  A replay with the JP and Nicki Baseball stadium
date from last season. At least he finally grew a sack & kissed her.


Marcus really was sweet to Andi on the side of that building, distracting her.

  • Love 3

I think the ending was more about Andi and less about Eric. They should have had a family member or one of his guy pals from the house sit down. Or just have Chris talk and do a clip montage segment.

The way Andi flipped out over being called putting on an act when it's her 2nd time on a reality tv show in front of cameras was ridiculous. So she can dish it out to JP but can't take it? I agreed with what Eric was saying and she can't handle anyone criticizing her in anyway, just like last season. She flips completely out and goes into dramatics. The rest of the guys should have taken note, I don't see this working out for her at all.

  • Love 7

That basketball game was classic.  They managed to use Josh for a Mesnick balcony moment recreated in the tunnel of a basketball arena.  Bravo, editors! That cracked me up, big time.


I was appalled that the rapelling folks actually pushed her legs over the edge.  Really?  Is that how you deal with a reluctant someone?  Did the producers threaten these folks in some way?  That was terrible.  I appreciated that Andi told Marcus there would be no kissing while passing by the guys on the way down.


And for a little thing that struck me -- I really liked that Andi had short, practical nails when we saw her wiping away tears at Dylan's story.  Holds with the impression I have of her, and respect up to this point.  She is showing her lawyering skills to us -- she is so very good at drawing people out.  I admire that she seems to really listen to the guys, and ask questions that are about them and not her.


I'm saying this because I was on the phone during the Eric ending.  Not sure what happened there.  Did she overreact?  Possibly, but I'll rely on all of you to tell me so.

I think maybe the "poker face," Eric was seeing was just Andi not turning on the charm with him, as much, after she started to realize she liked some of the other guys better. I don't fault Andi for doing that but I do fault her for getting furious with Eric for picking up on it. Maybe she should have just told him that she "was developing feelings" for someone else.

That's twice, counting Juan Pablo, that she's had a huge hissy over a slight criticism and that's twice that she's lectured the entire group like an irate school teacher, because one guy did something she didn't like. Don't frighten my Marcus like that, Andi!

  • Love 9
That's twice, counting Juan Pablo, that she's had a huge hissy over a slight criticism and that's twice that she's lectured the entire group like an irate school teacher, because one guy did something she didn't like. Don't frighten my Marcus like that, Andi!



But don't y'all understand that Andi stays up late!!!!  It's not easy being put up for free at nice hotels and resorts and basically getting paid to travel around the world.


Granted, Connecticut is no Banff.  (I guess Ohio was busy that week?).  But y'all don't get that this is so real to her!!!!!

  • Love 6
That basketball game was classic.  They managed to use Josh for a Mesnick balcony moment recreated in the tunnel of a basketball arena.  Bravo, editors! That cracked me up, big time.



OMG I was rolling...it was all so "dramatic" and "emotional". He was just so "heartbroken" by losing time with Andi. The whole thing was ridiculous.


Not sure what happened there.  Did she overreact?



Well judging by the comments...kind of subjective really. My opinion, I don't think she did. Like I said above, I don't think Eric meant to hurt her feelings but I don't think he articulated himself well at all and it felt like he was equating them not really connecting and their relationship stalling to her not really being open enough and real. And I think Andi made a fair point in her interview with Chris Harrison - that they probably both were guilty of not really opening up to each other and communicating and it probably had to do with the relationship stalling and things just getting more and more awkward and weird between them.


Again, I sort of understood what he was trying to say but I don't think he articulated it well and I don't think Andi was being a drama queen for being offended by more or less being called fake. How else was she supposed to take a comment like he came to date a real girl and not a "Hollywood actress..." Again, like I said above, I think Eric may have bitten off more than he could chew with the process and once he was in it realized that but rather than just saying and realizing it wasn't for him, his words came out like he was criticizing Andi and who she is as a person.

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 3
I think the ending was more about Andi and less about Eric. They should have had a family member or one of his guy pals from the house sit down. Or just have Chris talk and do a clip montage segment.



I think that was 100% damage control for Andi being an ass.  I wouldn't be surprised if she was real drama queen at the Rose Ceremony and kept whining about her conversation with Eric and that's why they didn't show it.


And Andi sure paid them back, the way she always does, by giving them every talking point they want.  We're a family . . . blahblahblah . . . the journey . . . yadayadayada

  • Love 7

I think Andi knew it wasn't working with Eric. She should have been honest with him. I thought his conversation was mature and non dramamtic. I don't think it needed the meltdown, crying and loud talking.

Sad for Eric and his family/friends. Rest in peace.


But at the same time Eric could have phrased his comments as his not feeling like he's moving forward with her, like he doesn't feel like they're truly developing anything real. I don't think Andi would have been offended by that because she expressed the sentiment about their feeling stalled when she spoke to him on the group date and was upfront with him then. But rather than that, he phrased his issues as basically the problem being her and her not being completely genuine and even a little fake. As she said to him, "what was she really supposed to say to something like that..."


I'm truly sorry that Eric died and my heart goes out to his family and friends but I don't agree that Andi was really the unfair one or she flew off the handle or she was being a drama queen. Maybe her teary, angry speech to the other guys who did nothing wrong was a bit much but I didn't think she did anything so wrong with Eric. After everything, she simply told him calmly that obviously they were not going to happen and she gave him a hug and told him goodbye. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 3

Eric's death is sad, but the Bachelorette was only a small part of his life. I didn't think they needed this sit down with Andi, a note on the screen at the end would have sufficed. I didn't really get what Eric was trying to say to Andi. She is getting to know a big bunch of guys, the show requires that she act like she is interested in all of them. Of course she has to have a poker face. I don't see her as any more of an actress than any of the other contestants. Eric himself came across as very controlled and robotic to me so I was surprised that he felt so emotional about it.


That being said, Andi was out of line in scolding and lecturing the guys. This should be a big red flag for these guys; Andi likes to play the attorney and lecture people. She also seems to have a really high opinion of herself. And what about the expression Poker face made her so upset? 


I like Marcus and thought he was great to her on the building. I wouldn't try that on a windy day either and I am glad that they showed Andi having that real moment of showing her fear. 


I actually wish she had more of a poker face. We are not supposed to be able to tell this early who she is into and not into but it is pretty obvious. Cody, Marquel, Andrew, Eric and JJ are definitely in the friend zone. Not sure she really is crazy about anyone; I suspect she is but she is so bossy and demanding that she isn't showing a soft, in love side yet.

  • Love 3

What is wrong with her? She went completely batshit for no real reason. I'm glad the other men caught a glimpse of the crazy. Andi is as phony as a $3 dollar bill. All the fake mannerisms and poses -- she's probably "exhausted" from all the hours she spends practicing her faces in front of a mirror. I feel bad for Eric that he wasted a month of his short life around that lunatic. The sitdown with Harrison was total damage control, which went over poorly, imo.

  • Love 12

Dylan was way too morose on his date. He won't hit it off with the right romantic match if he continues to carries that sadness into everything he does. Poor guy, but he'll be in a better place once he drops the poor guy disposition.


I completely agree with the above comments that the ceremony was cut out because Andi probably continued her criticism about Eric. I think it was the right move to ax that part and insert some measured condolences.

  • Love 2
That being said, Andi was out of line in scolding and lecturing the guys. This should be a big red flag for these guys; Andi likes to play the attorney and lecture people. She also seems to have a really high opinion of herself. And what about the expression Poker face made her so upset?

Totally agree.  I also get why she was put off by Eric's comments and why his comments about dating a girl not a 'tv actress' might've stung, but I found it funny that she walks away from this conversation only to deliver an overwrought, soap-worthy monologue in front of the other guys, complete with cracking voice and holding back non-existent tears.  TV actress, indeed.  And how awkward for those guys.


Whatever - she's not awful (lectures notwithstanding) and does seem fairly intelligent, but she doesn't strike me as overly genuine here either.

  • Love 7

So that's what happened. I was wondering why Eric received the first one-on-one date and got cut so early. Like others said, he had valid points, but he was unable to communicate them effectively. Andi made it seem as if it was her idea for him to leave, but from my point of view, seems he elected to leave. Andi is a spoiled, entitled drama queen. She is going to make some poor guy very unhappy.

  • Love 5

Ok, last night's episode wasn't my favorite but maybe I was cranky because I LOVED this episode. I'm REALLY feeling Nick...I think he's starting to really get into Andi and I think it's cute and romantic. However, she missed out on Josh M. this week so I might feel differently once I see them together again. And maybe I'm crazy but I'm also starting to believe....Marcus???? There is something creepy about him but knowing that he hasn't dated anyone since his last girlfriend messed him up (or so he says), made me think he's more sincere. I might be a sucker though. 


Marquel? Bye. Friend zoned.

Personal trainer Cody? Not even on Andi's radar.

Dylan? You are really hot, even though you need a haircut. But you wear your "story" like armor and you need to put that armor down. Otherwise, no one will ever get through that Chinese Wall you've built around your heart. (That's a lot of metaphors)

Brian? Might be a dark horse. Whenever a girl says a guy is a good kisser, that's always an excellent sign


Eric. Not to speak ill of the dead but what the fuck was that? You can't come at someone who you want to to connect with more deeply with and accuse them of being fake and acting for the cameras. That will not endear you to anyone. If I was Andi, i would have thrown a shitfit as well. Maybe because I am not an extrovert, I totally related when Andi said that the men had no idea how hard it was to be "on" for everyone and give everyone attention and try to be fair to everyone. I could not do it so I really related to her in that moment. And I'm glad that she kind of flipped out on the men. I am so sick of women pretending to be perfect princesses on this show. A relationship will never be real until you see the not-so-cute side of someone and you realize that you can handle it and you like them anyway. So I'm happy that finally a Bachelor/Bachelorette demonstrated that side and I'm curious to see how the men will react next week.


Did The Bachelorette try to be classy tonight and forgo their format in order to honor Eric? Kudos. I thought they were going to go with video tribute but going with an interview with Andi...ok. 

Edited by PetuniaP
  • Love 5

I think Andi was mad at Eric for poking a hole in one of the central premises of the show, which is that the lead is actually seriously considering as a romantic partner all the suitors left on the show. There can't be more than 3 or 4 guys left at this point that Andi is really into, but she can't ditch all the other guys at once, because that would make for a really lame (or really short) season.


So she has to keep stringing all the other guys along, making them think she's interested, because otherwise they might figure out that she's not that into them and ditch the show. Also, if we believe that the lead is SUPER SERIOUS about all the remaining guys, then it makes it more okay that she's encouraging them to pour their hearts out and 'put themselves out there' and whatnot. Except that Eric realized that this was what Andi was doing and called her bluff - he realized that even though she asked him to open up, she wasn't doing the same thing, because he was one of the B-roll guys (I'm pretty sure that 'our relationship is moving more slowly' is bachelor speak for 'I'm just not that into you.')

So he tried to talk to her about it - basically, he said, hey, I feel like I'm being real and vulnerable and I'm not getting that from you - and what Andi heard was "I see through the facade, and you're a bad bachelorette." And then the explosion, where he said she was acting and not being real, and she started going on and about HOW HARD she was working.  

That... doesn't make any sense. Except in Bachelor world. 

  • Love 15
I think Andi was mad at Eric for poking a hole in one of the central premises of the show, which is that the lead is actually seriously considering as a romantic partner all the suitors left on the show. There can't be more than 3 or 4 guys left at this point that Andi is really into, but she can't ditch all the other guys at once, because that would make for a really lame (or really short) season.

So she has to keep stringing all the other guys along, making them think she's interested, because otherwise they might figure out that she's not that into them and ditch the show.



Exactly.  Which is a huge part of what she threw a hissy fit at Juan Pablo about.


I think Andi has made it very clear that she has a certain idea of what constitutes "masculinity" (at least to her).  And that's muscles, physicality, assertiveness/aggressiveness, etc.  There are obviously a number of guys (I'd say most of the remaining guys) who just aren't what she's looking for.  

  • Love 2

Josh M. really brought the crazy eyes tonight. Damn! Run Andi, run!


I felt awful for Dylan. What a hard thing to live through.


Marquel continues to be my fave. Marquel for The Bachelor!


Goodbye Eric! I applaud you for being honest. I agree with the poster who said that the problem was in the execution. 


Chris is a cutie! I smell Bachelor edit. 


Marcus...Meh. I can see your bald spot dude.

I'm REALLY feeling Nick...I think he's starting to really get into Andi and I think it's cute and romantic.



I was loving Nick and his comments during the basketball date. I admit that I'm a total sucker for an adorable, snarky dork and he was doing it for me tonight. I cracked up when in his talking head he talked about the guys having their asses handed to them by the WNBA players and completely dead-pan, goes, "and I think we were actually trying." That and his "so yeah suck it" comment to the other guys when his team won were hilarious. Especially because it was all said in this almost blank, dead-pan voice. Also, was it just me or did anyone notice Andi literally yank him towards her so they could start making out when they had their 1-1 time on that date? It looked like he was trying to speak and she just went, "yeah screw that..."


So he tried to talk to her about it - basically, he said, hey, I feel like I'm being real and vulnerable and I'm not getting that from you - and what Andi heard was "I see through the facade, and you're a bad bachelorette."



But that is not exactly what he said. He started off saying that he felt that he had opened up to her, that he was a little thrown by her comments during that date and that when he thought about it he thought she was the one not opening up. Yes she looked thrown when he said that but she kept calm at that point and even told him that she gets that it is a hard situation, that she gets it's not normal and it's frustrating. But then they started talking over each other and then he threw the "I came here to date a real person not a television actress.." which yeah, WTF?


Really I just think Eric was really, really bad at articulating himself. Yes maybe his whole point was poking holes in the obvious issue with this farce of a show (and at this point, I'm sorry this show has been on too long for me to buy people not realizing what they're getting into with it) but rather than saying he couldn't have faith in the whole process or that he wasn't feeling like Andi was truly connecting with him, his ramblings basically amounted to calling her fake and putting on an act and the whole thing was just one giant mess. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 2

Eric and Andrew are two separate guys, huh?  I had them merged in my head, kept getting them confused.  Must be the hairstyle. 

And Patrick?  there's a Patrick?


Josh, in the way he talks, his weird deadpan delivery where you don't know if he's being genuine or ironic - he reminds me of Patrick Warburton (Dave Puddy on Seinfeld). 

Edited by backformore
  • Love 1

If I ever want to shoot some hoops or rappel down the side of a building, I now know where to go: a casino! Who knew? Excellent advertising.


I don't know where Andi went to law school, but I was waiting for someone from the Registrar's Office to ride up on horseback beside the olden times train and revoke her degree for dropping the "Dylan and I's..." bomb. 


Poor Dylan, he's way too raw for the famewhore dating game right now. I could feel his grief coming off my screen in waves. He really needs to get some grief counselling because he's in no place to be on a reality show or dating right now. I actually feel genuinely bad for him; the large cavern in my chest where my heart should be actually tremored when he told Andi about his family.


I'm definitely on Team Andi when it comes to the Eric situation. RIP and all, but I absolutely hate guys who insult women in a passive-aggressive way and then are all "why are you so upset? You're taking it the wrong way. What did I do?" Total bullshit gaslighting behavior. Good on her for cutting him loose. I think he's a stealth drama queen and gets bored when he's not the center of attention because he's such a special snowflake, what with his world travelling and all. And then he totally pissed me off further with his monologue about love on his way out the door. He just totally destroyed a potential relationship and had absolutely no self-awareness about how he came across to her, then had the gall to say that he feels like he's really ready for love now. Did I mention RIP? RIP.  

  • Love 5

Well. That was dramatic.

Andi, you have to realize what he trying to say!!

And I might I point out that she she started it by telling him the night before they were backtracking. I think he was sticking up for himself, albeit, not very articulately, that she wasn't for him. He didn't want to sit down when they were alone. He knew he was going to be tough on her. She handled herself poorly. Again, she should have realized what he was trying to say. He did not react when she started freaking out. He knew ahead of time the conversation could go either way. He seemed like a sweet guy but not right for television.

This sort of reminds me of Brad and Emily. Brad would get all upset and walk away from her when she was being coy and he wasn't hearing what he wanted to hear. Half the time, I don't think Emily realized what he was upset about (but that could have been an act).

Josh on the other hand is perfect for this show. I love how upset he gets when he doesn't get his way!

Edited by caligirl50

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