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The GCEh?C: Canadian Episodes (Spoilers for Non-Canadians)

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Such a boring show today. The writing with regards to Hillary and Devon is sooooooo stupid. Why in the world would Hillary not go to Devon's room? Again, just stoooopid that Devon would come to the suite she is sharing with his sister. Ugh.


And this baby talk is just barf inducing. Even if Hillary wasn't having an affair with her step son, why in the world would she be rushing to get preggers by a blind man? And one who already has two kids. And is many years older than she is. Makes. No. Sense.


Did I miss something from yesterday's show that proved that Kelly poisoned herself? I assumed Psycho Phyl poisoned Kelly. But I am loving the storyline that has us guessing - or at least me since I am not sure who poisoned who.


Why oh why are both Lauren and Jill apparently unaware that Lauren can have a sex life without MIchael getting an erection? Jill seems to think it is woody or celibacy with nothing inbetween. Just. Not. Believable. Geesh I would guess virgin-until-Austin Summer is smarter than that. Which is really pathetic.


The only bright spot in today's show was Faith. She has more brains that many of the residents of GC combined.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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The only bright spot in today's show was Faith. She has more brains that many of the residents of GC combined.


And was that McKenna Grace returning as Faith today?  I love her spin on Faith, she brings sooo much more animation to the set than the other casts. I admit to having a soft spot for chuckyFaith. That girl is dangerous double dipped in mischief.

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And was that McKenna Grace returning as Faith today?  I love her spin on Faith, she brings sooo much more animation to the set than the other casts. I admit to having a soft spot for chuckyFaith. That girl is dangerous double dipped in mischief.

I haven't seen it yet but I know she switches off with the other little actress when they have other projects to do. I love McKenna too and she has that little devilish imp look going for her that the other one doesn't have. The original Faith has a sweetness about her and I love her too . It seems to me they use McKenna more when the stories call for Faith to be a little more angry at something or someone usually Nick. This must be her plan to help her mom with the custody battle. I hope she gets her heartless daddy good. Lol
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Did I miss something from yesterday's show that proved that Kelly poisoned herself? I assumed Psycho Phyl poisoned Kelly. But I am loving the storyline that has us guessing - or at least me since I am not sure who poisoned who.



Absolutely not. ;) I just don't trust her. My brain is broken and right now I can't offer specific examples that could support my opinion. However, I think the producers/directors have done an effective job of causing (some) viewers to doubt Kelly's character, without being too obvious.


Of course, there's the matter of the look on Kelly's face today in the hospital after she spoke with Stitch about what Phyllis had supposedly done. The woman smirked. She has a lot of nerve.

Edited by C76
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Ah, today's show doesn't air for me for another hour. I am looking forward to getting back to the Kelly/Phyl storyline after yeserday's snoozefest of the Winters clan. Never thought I would see the day when I would look forward to seeing Kelly. Or Phyl for that matter.

I swear if Hilary and Darvon don't get busted soon, and I mean like tomorrow, I'm gonna change the channel ala Elvis.

  • Love 10

I swear if Hilary and Darvon don't get busted soon, and I mean like tomorrow, I'm gonna change the channel ala Elvis.

Certainly two people trying to hide an affair couldn't do worse than these two.  There must a book Affairs for Dummies that they could read.  I bet it says, don't tell your step-daughter that you want to have a baby with the man you love, but you can't have a baby with her father.  This is one of those logic quizzes that can only lead to one conclusion.  I was really hoping Lily would be walking through the fancy revolving door at the GCAC and get stuck in there with a little "aha" light bulb over her head.


And of course sharing a suite with Lily, sleeping with Devon in said suite.  Even telling Lily where she was going.  How about planning your sexcapade in the place where your step-daughter and step son in law work, and which seems to be your husband's hang out.  Couldn't they meet out at Delia's crash site, or the lake where the Carltons died, the bridge where Diane got her head bashed in, or even the mysterious cabin near the Binghams?  There must be plenty of places they could conspire, and fuck.  Devon is a billionaire after all, he could hire a super fancy RV and they could drive around plotting and fucking.


Did I mention I loathe these two?  

  • Love 9

Nick really could care less about his daughter's mentality at all, he has her for the night and he's instead only caring about his new chick. I don't blame Faith at all for calling Sharon and wanting to go home. Sharon was right, Nick should be grateful that she's taking Faith so he could get back to his evening. Not that being a father to her was getting in the way anyways.


He's proven that he doesn't have any reason but spite for this custody battle. He doesn't care about being a full time parent to Faith.


Mariah should have punched Summer. Good for Austin for calling Summer out on how she treated Mariah, Summer's her father's daughter. A spoiled cruel brat.

  • Love 11

Okay after today's Canadian, I'm pretty convinced Kelly is the one behind the machinations.


She said a lot of stuff to indicate she has motive to frame Phyllis in a way Phyllis does not have to frame her. I do think Phyllis has been affected by the coma juice (the doctor said lack of empathy, no filter etc.), but this is playing into Kelly's hands. So in a sense they are both nuts, but Kelly is the one playing the games. It was completely bizarre for her to get up from the tea to give Phyllis a "timeout". And when she came back, Phyllis said that the tea was cold. And supposedly she had just poisoned Kelly's. That makes no sense. If someone told me the tea we were drinking has gone cold, I would NOT drink it. Plus the whole tea was Kelly's idea. Why the fuck would Phyllis walk around with poison in her purse? Would she expect Kelly to share a drink with her? Or would she expect to even be in a position to have access to something Kelly is about to drink? And then Kelly absolutely didn't want a police investigation. Stitch assumed it was because she didn't want Jack to know, which she said was the case. But then she showed up at Jack's and announced it.


Combine this with the succession of emotional blows Kelly has had (finding out Jack proposed to Phyllis; that her mom killed her dad), the wacky shot of Kelly's psycho face on NYE, her conviction Jack loves her and should be with her and not with "psycho Phyllis", the apparent self-slap (if Phyllis is blacking out or something due to the coma juice she would not black out for a half second slap. And she would admit she slapped Kelly if she did. She's admitted all the other crap she's pulled on Kelly.)


The comment that absolutely cinched it for me today was to Stitch: "What life? Phyllis is living my life." And then she went on about how she is saving Jack. That must be how she's convincing herself to do this.


Okay, gang. I've solved it. :-)


  • Love 12

All good points miamama. The main reason I think it is Psycho Phyl is that why would PP just take all of this Phyllis-like behaviour from Kelly, and do nothing to retaliate? She should have mowed Kelly down in her car by now. Or burned her up in a fire. Running continually to Jack to whine about Kelly is not Phyllis's MO. However I am enjoying the storyline, and think it is likely Kelly since she would be easier to write out of the show. Unless of course it turns out to be Phyllis and her coma juice. Which of course does not explain Phyllis's last 20 years of bad behavior without coma juice to blame it on.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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I liked this storyline better when I though Phyllis was behind everything.

I just have never thought Phyllis was behind this.  Always looked like that freak Kelly.


You're thumb doesn't go all twitchy on the ff button when Summer appears?

There are so many that make me FF.. not just Summer.. 

  • Love 2


Such a boring show today. The writing with regards to Hillary and Devon is sooooooo stupid. Why in the world would Hillary not go to Devon's room? Again, just stoooopid that Devon would come to the suite she is sharing with his sister. Ugh.

Sloppy shit writing and I guess we get to thank Pratt for that.. OH FUCKING JOY!


The only bright spot in today's show was Faith.

I can't stand this Child Of the Corn Faith.. she always has that shitty look on her face and the character is such a spoiled rotten brat. I can't stand bratty kids and having to watch one on my show flat out pisses me off. Sharon and Nick are such horrible parents.


The original Faith has a sweetness about her and I love her too

She is a sweetie.. this is the Faith I like..


Of course, there's the matter of the look on Kelly's face today in the hospital after she spoke with Stitch about what Phyllis had supposedly done. The woman smirked. She has a lot of nerve.

Oh ya.. Kelly is the guilty one.. the freak is getting freakier.. all over stupid old man Jack. BLECKKKKKKKKK


Mariah should have punched Summer.

NO way. Mariah is the douche who was kissing on her husband. No other woman is expected to take that shit so why is Summer held to a higher standard?

  • Love 1

Nick really could care less about his daughter's mentality at all, he has her for the night and he's instead only caring about his new chick. I don't blame Faith at all for calling Sharon and wanting to go home. Sharon was right, Nick should be grateful that she's taking Faith so he could get back to his evening. Not that being a father to her was getting in the way anyways.





Faith is indeed a treasure, I absolutely love her attitude, a little force to be reckoned with... she speaks her mind and makes more sense then her idiotic father..I wish she was not trying to get her parents back together, because that is the last think I want, but I have to admire her determination in her quest...I can't understand why some want to label her a brat just because she says how she feels, children should have a right to voice their discontent with a situation that effects them, I personally have brought up some very successful children by never filtering their feelings or thoughts, they were always allowed to speak what they felt..Faith will always speak up for her what she feels is right, a great asset when she becomes an adult..

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I do think Phyllis has been affected by the coma juice (the doctor said lack of empathy, no filter etc.)

I think they are evening the playing fields..Now Phyllis has the same mental excuse for doing things just like Sharon does. Kelly is the freak in this story tho.. for sure.


The main reason I think it is Psycho Phyl is that why would PP just take all of this Phyllis-like behaviour from Kelly, and do nothing to retaliate? She should have mowed Kelly down in her car by now. Or burned her up in a fire

That was the Phyllis of old. She has not done anything like that in years, kelly did it. No doubt.

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All good points miamama. The main reason I think it is Psycho Phyl is that why would PP just take all of this Phyllis-like behaviour from Kelly, and do nothing to retaliate? She should have mowed Kelly down in her car by now. Or burned her up in a fire. Running continually to Jack to whine about Kelly is not Phyllis's MO. However I am enjoying the storyline, and think it is likely Kelly since she would be easier to write out of the show. Unless of course it turns out to be Phyllis and her coma juice. Which of course does not explain Phyllis's last 20 years of bad behavior without coma juice to blame it on.

Yup. Good points, too. However in the past Phyllis did something nutty when threatened directly (in her mind). She mowed down Paul and the bug because she saw Danny kiss Cricket, for example. Each time Nick would appear to comfort Sharon Phyllis would go nutso. Kelly just doesn't have that power. Jack is clearly not into her any more. Phyllis even said this, why would I waste my time framing her? Rubbing it in her face is one thing but this is a bit much. So now Phyllis is becoming a cornered animal and lashing in anger because Jack won't believe her.

It's all good stuff! I'm amazed. lol.

Edited by miamama
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miamama, everything you said made sense to me. Thanks for the excellent breakdown of why Kelly can't be trusted.


Today's ep took the cake. "Yes, Phyllis poisoned me. Nooo. Don't tell the police!!"


Chica, you don't want the police to know because if they investigate Phyllis, then they'll investigate you as well.


And I feel for Phyllis.


"The only thing that matters right now is getting [Jack] away from [Phyllis]..."Bit by bit Kelly is revealing herself. 


I'm going to use Google* to see when the next ratings sweeps season is due. I want Kelly to get caught, ditto for Hilary, and as fine as he is, I'm tired of Joe Clark's shenanigans.


Hell, I just saw the preview for tomorrow's show. I think I'm tired of everyone.






*Apparently the next sweeps dates are the 29th of January until February the 25th. I guess the show's going to get a lot more annoying in the days to come.

Edited by C76
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Bit by bit Kelly is revealing herself.


Exactly! That's why it continues to be nicely written. We are actually having fun figuring this out. I feel somewhat respected as intelligent with this storyline. I wonder who the writers are handling the Jack-Kelly-Phyllis stuff. Because they are far superior to the other writers. lol.


miamama, everything you said made sense to me. Thanks for the excellent breakdown of why Kelly can't be trusted.


My pleasure, C76! I needed to break it down for myself. As I say above, I love that the writers are giving us this gift of not stupid not heavy handed writing.

  • Love 5

Exactly! That's why it continues to be nicely written. We are actually having fun figuring this out. I feel somewhat respected as intelligent with this storyline. I wonder who the writers are handling the Jack-Kelly-Phyllis stuff. Because they are far superior to the other writers. lol.


My pleasure, C76! I needed to break it down for myself. As I say above, I love that the writers are giving us this gift of not stupid not heavy handed writing.


Agreed.  And then weirdly, within the same story we get served the cringeworthy dialogue handed to that unfortunate actor portraying Dr. Cutler.  How these actors deliver crap like that without rolling their eyes mystifies me.

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I just read the Canadian update for today, and it said Kelly had the leftover tea with her when she was at Jack's house and dared Phyllis to drink it.  When she went to the hospital, she supposedly didn't know what was wrong with her - Did she take it with her to the hospital, and if so, why?  Surely the leftover tea didn't sit on the table all that time, allowing her to return and get it.   And, why would Jack scream "No" when she dared Phyllis to drink it?  This is all being well written enough to confuse me and that hasn't happened in years.  lol   Obviously, I haven't seen this yet, but wondered if anyone else knows about it.  This update is by Candace on that other board and she's not always correct, like Red was.

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Agreed.  And then weirdly, within the same story we get served the cringeworthy dialogue handed to that unfortunate actor portraying Dr. Cutler.  How these actors deliver crap like that without rolling their eyes mystifies me.


Yeah, the Cutler stuff was laughable. He's such a cartoon. 


Movinon: Kelly admitted the tea she brought was perfectly safe (after Jack's reaction). In other words it wasn't leftover tea. But she seemed to think she made her point that Jack believed Phyllis poisoned her when he screamed No. But it doesn't prove that. It just proves Jack believes Kelly is insane enough to bring poisoned tea and Phyllis is insane enough to drink it to prove a point. lol.


If this show were even smarter, they'd have Jack do some self-examining at some point about why he attracts and is attracted to women who are insane. But that might be just too much character-driven material to hope for.

Edited by miamama
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One thing I do have to compliment Kelly on is her research ability. Many moons ago, Phyllis attempted to poison Christine with tainted tea. Kelly probably did poison herself herself but she's doing a great job of making Phyllis look like the sociopath she truly is and always has been.


Really??? That's awesome! I do have a vague memory of her trying to poison Cricket but I didn't realize it was tea. hmmm this could be very very good. I really want someone to cut up Phyllis's panties and write "I hate myself" on her mirror. lol.

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I just read the Canadian update for today, and it said Kelly had the leftover tea with her when she was at Jack's house and dared Phyllis to drink it.  When she went to the hospital, she supposedly didn't know what was wrong with her - Did she take it with her to the hospital, and if so, why?  Surely the leftover tea didn't sit on the table all that time, allowing her to return and get it.   And, why would Jack scream "No" when she dared Phyllis to drink it?  This is all being well written enough to confuse me and that hasn't happened in years.  lol   Obviously, I haven't seen this yet, but wondered if anyone else knows about it.  This update is by Candace on that other board and she's not always correct, like Red was.

aw, thank you sweetie....:0)

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I remember them sitting at a table at the GCAC having tea and Kelly left the table, next thing she was in the hospital crying the blues, next thing she is in Jack's living room claiming Phyllis poisoned her tea and has a lidded cup of it with her?  Where did that mug come from anyway...they did pan a coffee table at Jack's but they weren't drinking it there so why?  I'm confused and please end this fiasco!!

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Well, after Phyllis left the club, Ben sat down at the table with Kelly and was talking with her, when she passed out in her chair. Next, she was in hospital, with Ben sitting beside her, and the ER doctor said that she had been poisoned, and that the hospital would have to report it to the police. Somehow (offscreen) she talked them out of reporting the poisoning to the police. Next, she walked into Jack's house and accused Phyllis of trying to kill her, because she "almost died" (yet somehow only spent a few hours in the ER? WTF). And even later, she was well enough to be propping up the bar at the GCAC.

I hate that I remember all of this.

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Yeah, the Cutler stuff was laughable. He's such a cartoon.

I was wondering why he looked like a 'mad scientist' type-and so familiar-and then saw the Krieger/Archer clip and realized he is a cartoon! And why do the 'specialists' Victor flies in always have those stupid goatees?

Edited by MollyB
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I know, Capricasix. I am thinking about it at the oddest time (like when falling asleep). lol. Kelly also told Phyllis that the nurses/doctor/ her OWN brother tried to tell her to press charges. Um, no. You lied to prevent the hospital from filing a report. That's a whole different thing. She's nuts.


And why do the 'specialists' Victor flies in always have those stupid goatees?


To look diabolical??

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Was it just me or did Gabe look like he wanted to go a few bare knuckled rounds with SlowBro at the gym for Sharon's sake? Haha, the look on his face was so MM like.

Continuing with my train of thought from the Joe thread, I did enjoy watching Gabe pound on that heavy bag today!

I can't wait for Gabadam to rough Dickweed up a little bit. It would be like a gorilla swatting a little mouse.

I would love nothing more than to see the two little Faiths alternate between scenes in one show! 

That would be a treat! They are both great little actresses.

Really??? That's awesome! I do have a vague memory of her trying to poison Cricket but I didn't realize it was tea. hmmm this could be very very good. I really want someone to cut up Phyllis's panties and write "I hate myself" on her mirror. lol.

I am hoping Kelly does more crazy stuff to her.That would be hysterical if the writers threw that one in.lol

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Okay, yesterday's show was Chuck Pratt work.


So...it was also, IMO, staggeringly boring--right down there in the fathomless depths that the show has been plumbing for a while now. Why the bitching, you ask?


Well, I could care less about Chelsea Bun and NunuBilly, and the tedium of champagne at the GCAC while we wait for the other shoe to drop. And [uO warning] much as I know many enjoy Adam3, I don't, sorry. And the set-up, "will he, won't he," with Chelsea bores me in advance of actually watching it happen. Then, set-up of set-ups, Adam3 and Sage show-and-tell...better than Sominex.


I never mind Mariah, so I'm not including her here, but apparently it was set-up day all 'round: Nick>convo Adam3/Sage, marriage issues>Mariah goes home>Noah sets up Apeman to go home and talk to Sharon>Sharon must immediately rush to the GCAC to set up Faith as a witness [good for some trauma there]>Surprisingly, Nickman arrives as Sharon is absent>shit ensues. Just short of revolving doors-style plotting.


And then the Woodenator and his gun...do I really have to explain? Special Ops? Did he bore people to death?

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I just realized that name is pronounced or inspired by "Olivia" . I know a guy named Airyk (Eric).


I'd find that odd, except I just acquired a student named Dauntae...  And, for our CDN readers, I have for the second time a female student named Emmylee Kahr. I'm not even sure she knows whom her name is a play on--and this is a third-year university student.


Ya kind of wonder what their parents were thinking...

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I feel like Drinki needs some help.  She finally has figured out that she can put Vodka in her water bottle.  And she can swill that and think no one will notice.


If I was Drinki, I would announce to my family and friends, I now choose to drink, and I hopefully will not get stupid. But if I do, okay.


This whole hiding her drinking is ridiculous.  And, the woman is in her sixties, she has the biggest asshole husband ever, let her drink.


She should take a page from Maureen's book, including the part where she kills her asshole husband.

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