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S03.E05: Chapter Forty: The Great Escape

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I’m back and I didn’t watch the flashback episode but I saw brief clips and I was happy they didn’t retcon certain relationships. Also a lot happened this episode and I liked none of it, mostly because I think the show and everyone involved with it messes with the viewers and misleads then all the time and not because of promos or previews, interviews and things they say.


So I clearly can’t stay away for long, can I? But honestly I’m only back because I firmly believe that everyone involved in this show is a lying liar who lies.  And here’s why I say this:


One, Cole was doing spoiler type interviews a month or so

Ago on reddit and said this season Jughead was more soft and not jumping into danger or crazy  dangerous things with no resolve for anyone else like he did in season two with being reckless and serpent things, uh like what the hell is this game story about? He doesn’t give a damn once again about the people he loves and cares about by jumping into this. 


Two.. Varchie having issues? If anything Varchie has been real good this season. Sure there’s a distance because he’s in jail and all that but none the less they are still pretty great. Their reunion was hot and heavy and pretty much shows me they seem to be okay.  I mean yeah there’s distance but still.. so far they seem okay.


That’s why I’m thinking the big breakup of this season that we’ve been teased about could still possibly be Bughead. 


Again.. everyone involved with this show is a lying liar. I trust nothing they say. 


Love that Archie’s grand plan was just storming the prison gates.


I hate everything about the game.


Anyways. I actually kind of ship Serria and Tom. If the flashback episode showed me anything it’s that they had a real relationship as teens. Falice was not and I’m glad the show chose to not retcon that. Seriously I’m still confused about why people are shipping Falice?


Also can Tom and serria get married? Are they officially divorced from their current husband/wife? 


I liked Veronica going to Betty for help about archie. Remembering that people are friends in this show is a thing that rarely happens. And of course the game decides to keep Jughead out of it. I’m not a fan. Also I feel like we were supposed to like Betty being all “I’m taking your bike” uh.. I don’t? 

Sorry. I know it’s supposed to be all cool Betty is on a motorcycle, but the previews made it seem like she was saving Jughead but she’s not...  she’s saving Archie..again, for all this great Bughead stuff we get sometimes and rarely we get nothing at times too. Hard for me to have faith in this show and this ship when the show rarely does.


Veronica is good at plans. Maybe.


Bye Joaquin. Way to be an ass. Remember when you were kind of nice?  Now you’re off randomly doing things for the warden that had jail guards beating you to a pulp for playing football. 

So.. there are two games happening? There’s a prison chess like game that’s not really a game but just people trying to get ahead in the prison and the stupid g and g game that I don’t give a damn about and that has ruined this show for me?


Also we need to talk about Veronica’s blonde wig.  And that it’s bad. Like all the wigs. 


I’m sorry I can’t talk about the stupid game scenes and why they attempted to intercut it with breaking Archie out of the prison. So so dumb. Again for all the talk about this was an ensemble episode which it was.. it really wasn’t. Half the group was doing something else and so was the other half. Sorry, show. You’re trying to work and it’s not. At least not for me. I fully expect to be disagreed with by everyone here.


Also while we are also probably supposed to find Betty messing with cars In her serpent attire cool and fun but to me, again, I don’t know as a Bughead shipper it feels like once again they’re messing with Bughead for another ship and it’s annoying to me. 


Hey Kevin and Joaquin scene. 


Madddog Saving Archie! Bye mad dog!  You were cool.


Also what’s the plan when Archie breaks out? Like where is he going to go? He can’t go to his own house obviously... but what’s  the plan?





Also that Barchie scene.. still giving hope to that ship. Not me. Again.. proving that the door will never be  closed. I mean personally I didn’t see this scene as romantic but.. yeah. But again Barchie at this point would be random, Betty has been pretty absent about Archie and his juive thing for a few episodes  up until now  and is in love with Jughead and Archie is clearly madly in love with Veronica. Hence the scene he had with Veronica in this episode. Whatever. I don’t get it. 


Then again.. this show just keeps lying about almost everything. Bughead is probably on their way to a breakup. 


Okay but really where are they taking Archie? And I think I was supposed to think Betty riding a motorcycle was cool.. really? Again.. this would have been a great Bughead moment but it isn’t because really great Bughead moments like this we don’t get to have. 


Also I’m starting to doubt that a Reggie and Veronica hookup is going to happen. Reggie seems to have really good loyalty towards Archie and I know they’re teenagers but the way Reggie has been acting towards and for Archie tells me otherwise, that he would never try to date Veronica or even hook up with her. 


I should have guessed they would bring Archie to the bunker. Also I had heard that the Barchie moment was an intimate moment and that’s why Barchie shippers were excited but that Jughead and Archie moment when Archie was dropped into the bunker was.. just as intimate if you ask me. As was all the serpents and others staring at he got patched up. Like really..


Also now Bughead no longer has a safe space.


Hey look Hermione is woke. Maybe. I don’t know when Veronica walked in she seems mad about Veronica but not that her husband seems to have organized a juive fight club.


Hey more people are playing this stupid game. 


So the prison is planning g and g too. Ugh. Way to ruin every storyline in this show.  


And so the show is insinuating Archie is super super special because everyone was calling him the red pallet. 


And the warden died.. on purpose or not?


And Jughead sees the king. For the second time? 


Ugh. I’m seriously wondering if the actors burst out laughing anytime they open a script this season.

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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I think one of my new favorite things about the show is when Veronica goes into her "Mistress of Disguise" mode. LMAO. Monica Posh er Monica Norton.   I waffle sometimes BUT I am now more convinced then ever, Veronica Lodge is out of touch.  It's fitting and sometimes, hysterical.  But this girl is not the mastermind she thinks she is.  Intelligent, sure. Shrewd, at times but her borderline Bond girl aliases or her disguises. How can she be the most worldly (well traveled, well versed in high society and I think I remember it being intimated that she use to play with cocaine) and the most sheltered at the same time?    

She and Elio had nice chemistry.  I don't know if it's going anywhere but.....I have grown to like her and Archie, but I can't see Veronica without money.

Also, how much did I love that Hermione wasn't so much horrified that Hiram was helping to coordinate an underground fight club to likely kill Archie Andrews, she was LIVID that he got caught and that it could blow back on her.   She was just as pissed off at Veronica.   She could give a tinkers tool about Archie's life or the toll it's all taken on Fred and Mary.  She has her moments of softness but Hermione at heart, is about Hermione.  And Veronica, though you can tell Hermione would like to ring her neck more often then not.

Hiram hates as only a Lodge can.  He's done irrevocable damage to Archie's life.  By doing so he's crushed the hearts of Fred and Mary.  And he loathes that the Warden didn't finish the job.  I'm convinced he lashed out at Archie whenever Veronica defies him.  He's not willing to hurt her but he'll hurt those she cares about.  I still gasped when she stepped on Hiram's foot.  I've been furious with my parents before but I could never do anything physically.  Why was I shocked to see her do it?

The Warden was one of the creepiest characters this show has ever introduced and that includes the Blossoms.

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Well, that was something. 

It WAS better than the last episode for me. They obnoxiously brought the G&G stuff to pretty much all the plots and I'm still convinced they have no idea what their endgoal is. And Cole Sprouse was very extra as Jughead this episode. I know he can play Jughead as over the top, but this felt worse than usual. Jesus, I was yelling at my TV "Shut up Jughead" at a point. 

So, Archie's Fight Club plot ends...somewhat alright with him? Ok, he gets branded, shanked and beaten, but he's out of juvie and in the bunker for now! And...the Warden....is dead. Well, that's anticlimatic. Now who is going to be Archie's big enemy if he's shipped back to juvie? The Warden was a piece of shit to begin with. 

Mad Dog! I had a feeling you weren't dead, just like I assume you're not dead now either! 

So, Josie, Kevin, and...is that Sweet Pea who are going to run their own adventure? 

Huh. Hermione became interesting for a split second. Cool. 

I was getting a bit annoyed with the parallels with Jughead's game and narration with the big escape. 

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6 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Well, that was something. 

It WAS better than the last episode for me. They obnoxiously brought the G&G stuff to pretty much all the plots and I'm still convinced they have no idea what their endgoal is. And Cole Sprouse was very extra as Jughead this episode. I know he can play Jughead as over the top, but this felt worse than usual. Jesus, I was yelling at my TV "Shut up Jughead" at a point. 

So, Archie's Fight Club plot ends...somewhat alright with him? Ok, he gets branded, shanked and beaten, but he's out of juvie and in the bunker for now! And...the Warden....is dead. Well, that's anticlimatic. Now who is going to be Archie's big enemy if he's shipped back to juvie? The Warden was a piece of shit to begin with. 

Mad Dog! I had a feeling you weren't dead, just like I assume you're not dead now either! 

So, Josie, Kevin, and...is that Sweet Pea who are going to run their own adventure? 

Huh. Hermione became interesting for a split second. Cool. 

I was getting a bit annoyed with the parallels with Jughead's game and narration with the big escape. 

The whole episode was annoying because of the parallels and now everything about this season is related to the game. The only thing not at the moment is the cult but i bet it’ll be intergrated into it soon.

Also it appears that Archie is as I said the shiny shiny piece in the game so he apparently will be the main focus of the season. Maybe for the first time in any of the three seasons it seems! He’s always had a second story compared to the main story.

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1 minute ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Also it appears that Archie is as I said the shiny shiny piece in the game so he apparently will be the main focus of the season. Maybe for the first time in any of the three seasons it seems! He’s always had a second story compared to the main story.

It's funny because, as irritated as I was with Archie in season 1, he's one of the better characters for me now. I'm most interested in him, and I think KJ Apa has become a much better actor. So, if he IS the focus and it's not some fakeout and Betty or Jughead become the focus of the game, then at least it would be different. 

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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

It's funny because, as irritated as I was with Archie in season 1, he's one of the better characters for me now. I'm most interested in him, and I think KJ Apa has become a much better actor. So, if he IS the focus and it's not some fakeout and Betty or Jughead become the focus of the game, then at least it would be different. 

I don’t know. kJ has gotten better and Archie had a better story for the first couple episodes but now he is wrapped up in the game or the main piece it’s going to be bad.

I still feel like LR is my favorite and I like Cole but considering what they are giving Jughead this season is terrible he’s bad too. Seriously it feels like they have Jughead what would have been an Archie story this season.. but I don’t know. 

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7 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I don’t know. kJ has gotten better and Archie had a better story for the first couple episodes but now he is wrapped up in the game or the main piece it’s going to be bad.

I still feel like LR is my favorite and I like Cole but considering what they are giving Jughead this season is terrible he’s bad too. Seriously it feels like they have Jughead what would have been an Archie story this season.. but I don’t know. 

I adore Lili a lot and I like Cole. I think, whoever gets to play the "main player", so to speak, it's not going to be good anyway. But at least if it's Archie, it's something different. Besides, the ones who would be the best choices for the main piece (likely Betty, Jughead or Veronica), they're preoccupied with other plots while Archie doesn't really have any. Betty still has her cult stuff, Jughead still has his Serpents stuff, and Veronica still needs to deal with her dad. Archie's biggest plot has been him stuck in juvie. Of course they could have allowed any of their other characters to be the main piece. Josie or Reggie, for example, but I can't see the show doing that. So...Archie it is! 

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7 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I adore Lili a lot and I like Cole. I think, whoever gets to play the "main player", so to speak, it's not going to be good anyway. But at least if it's Archie, it's something different. Besides, the ones who would be the best choices for the main piece (likely Betty, Jughead or Veronica), they're preoccupied with other plots while Archie doesn't really have any. Betty still has her cult stuff, Jughead still has his Serpents stuff, and Veronica still needs to deal with her dad. Archie's biggest plot has been him stuck in juvie. Of course they could have allowed any of their other characters to be the main piece. Josie or Reggie, for example, but I can't see the show doing that. So...Archie it is! 

For now. Like you said it’s probably going to end up being about Betty or Jughead. Probably Betty so they can torture her some more. Like for  the hate that character gets she gets tortured quite a lot.


2 minutes ago, wingster55 said:

KJ/Archie was involved in the main plot last year, which alternated between Black Hood, North vs Southside and Hiram Lodge...he was at the forefront of all of those plots as he was in season 1 with Jason Blossom's murder. 

Eh, he was at first but then the blackhood became Betty’s plot. And  he was hardly involved in Jason’s murder.

Also Sonoma I’m not sure why I’m still watching and I know Bughead is more than that. That Betty and Jughead are separate characters but I do feel like they tend to mislead a lot with their answers but that’s how I feel. Not everyone has to share my feelings. And I’m not expecting t to go back to season one but I’m not feeling the plots this season and I feel like I’m allowed to

feel that way. Again we can all disagree. 

Anyways.. Instagram has fun reactions, of course the Choni fandom isn’t happy with the screen time they got. I’m pretty meh on Choni,  I do find it interesting that someone pulled up a screen cap of VM replying to a Choni fan about their 5 seconds of screen time from earlier today and she deleted it shortly after.  Like I get it she’s mad the ship she’s in gets a lack of screen time but she really shouldn’t encourage the comments like that.

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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2 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

For now. Like you said it’s probably going to end up being about Betty or Jughead. Probably Betty so they can torture her some more. Like for  the hate that character gets she gets tortured quite a lot.


Eh, he was at first but then the blackhood became Betty’s plot. And  he was hardly involved in Jason’s murder.

And when it became hers (even though Archie became involved when it was the A plot from 2A. From that point on it became Archie and Hiram (hence the cliffhanger being another move in that war). 

When Jason's murder stopped being a sideplot for Betty and Jughead, Archie was right there in the thick of it. 

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19 minutes ago, wingster55 said:

And when it became hers (even though Archie became involved when it was the A plot from 2A. From that point on it became Archie and Hiram (hence the cliffhanger being another move in that war). 

When Jason's murder stopped being a sideplot for Betty and Jughead, Archie was right there in the thick of it. 

Eh, to me Archie I always thought Archie was very much a side character in the season one mystery for the most part. Then again I felt all four weren’t really the center piece of the story.

In season 2 in the first half with the black Hood he was front and center until they have it to Betty and then it was both of theirs but it always felt like more Betty’s and then they they didn’t have much of a main plot 

, I never thought the Archie/Hiram plot was an a plot and when the black Hood returned it was Betty’s. 

And this show trends to make the season finales cliffhangers and starting new seasons with them. I wish the second season black Hood had been Archie’s story actually. That’s how that season finale cliffhanger ended and I always wished it had had something to do with Hiram. That’s where I thought it was leading, considering Fred had refused to give away his business to Hiram and Hermione. I never understand why it became about Betty and her dad. Archie’s story always felt second to me, even Jugheads story with the serpents felt second story, maybe even third to me. And Veronica didn’t really have much of a story. She just seemed to be moving in other peoples stories.

Also while I wish others of the main cast of teens would get to be the center story, I doubt that’s going to happen. I think the closet Cheryl got to one was in season one and that wasn’t really hers, it was about Jason. And none of the others will have the main story.

And the adults.. I can take or leave the adults. 

Anyways. If this season is about Archie, that will be something different. Apparently there’s something super special about him because the warden was calling him a red pellet.. for reasons. I mean yes   Hiram is obsessed with him and seems to have been for a reason, maybe it’s more than just making Veronica angry/upset and it has something to do with the game, who knows.

Also a small part of me is thinking that while yes Veronica loves Archie, a part of her may be doing all this to prove her father wrong and to defy him for the first time. I mean yes she loves Archie but.. like others have said.. she’s known Archie for only a year, she’s going to such great lengths, I think there’s more to it than that. I think she really just wants to prove him wrong. I don’t think her dad thinks much of her, smart wise and business wise. 

I was really hoping Hermione would be more awesome but then Veronica walks in and she’s just as angry at her.  So. I really have no idea what we’re supposed to think of the Hermione character at this point. I wouldn’t be surprised if she ends up being the king of this stupid game, actually. It would make sense.

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I thought it was a fun episode. It's Riverdale, not Masterpiece Theater. Try to enjoy the ridiculously campy and soap opera-y fun as and drama as it happens. 

I hope this isn't the last we see of MadDog. I like him and wouldn't mind him sticking around! Joaquin can GTFO though. Archie's plan to just make a run for the fence and climb over (seriously, not even like a hole was cut in it they were running for?!?) was the dumbest plan but he saved Joaquin from the rubber bullets! Then you're just going to stab him! Rude.

I liked that everyone had something to do and that Kevin was more involved in the plot. I like episodes when he shows up for more than one scene!

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Even if this game wasnt some kind of evil addictive monster game that drives people crazy, I think Jughead would get into it. Being a DM totally fits his melodramatic ass. Really, his narration of the game isnt any more over the top than his usual narration. Its just more manic than usual. 

I just take this show as it is, so I enjoyed the episode. I also always like when the kids all work together, so seeing everyone team up to spring Archie from jail (or play evil DnD) was fun, and them all getting into this whole plot, complete with disguises and code words, is prime Riverdale. We even had a Kevin and Jaquein scene! And Kevin and Joaquin get a scene! And Joaquin has joined yet another gang! God dang, how many criminal gangs does this town have, anyway? Its like 1970s New York with Pine Trees! 

So the Warden is also a part of this weirdo game? Is his teenage fight club just how he gets the money for his expansion packs? Well either way, he offed himself after being possibly caught, in true Shawshank fashion. Poor Archie is just having a real crappy time, even if he did escape. Being branded and stabbed, then hide in a bunker, is no way to spend senior year. I think its senior year anyway, I have no real clue. I hope Mad Dog survived, he seems cool. 

So now Josie, Kevin, and Reggie are going to start playing. Well, thats going to end badly, but I am mainly just happy that they actually get some screen time. 

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Do we think Veronica is going to end up playing? I mean i know she’s too cool and sophisticated for that, but one her father played and two Reggie said his dad would never be lame to play basically stating he wouldn’t ever play himself and now he’s about to.

Im guessing the only teen not to play will be Betty, and possibly Archie? But I feel like Archie is going to be integrated into the game because he appears to be the shiny chess piece and everyone will be protecting him. That might also be a reason Veronica starts playing. 

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Also, I guess there was really no point to the Joaquin/Archie kiss besides shock factor and fan service, right? Oh, and for it to line up with Jughead's line about "It all starts with a Judas kiss."

Also....did Veronica and company just dump Archie down into the bunker? Really? They didn't try to lower him down gently or anything? They just....what, said "See ya" and threw him in?

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

Also....did Veronica and company just dump Archie down into the bunker? Really? They didn't try to lower him down gently or anything? They just....what, said "See ya" and threw him in?

This made me laugh, but I’ll rationalize it by saying Archie insisted he could make it down on his own, but then couldn’t and fell.

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5 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Also, I guess there was really no point to the Joaquin/Archie kiss besides shock factor and fan service, right? Oh, and for it to line up with Jughead's line about "It all starts with a Judas kiss."

Also....did Veronica and company just dump Archie down into the bunker? Really? They didn't try to lower him down gently or anything? They just....what, said "See ya" and threw him in?

Uh.. it was done for promos and twitter reactions, don’t you know?!?!?! Seriously. It was dumb. 

Also yeah I commented on the bunker thing too in my first post. Like what was that? But then in the next scene everyone  who helped get him out was there anyway... so.. obviously it was done for dramatic purposes.

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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1 hour ago, WhosThatGirl said:

, I never thought the Archie/Hiram plot was an a plot and when the black Hood returned it was Betty’s. 

Not to keep this going too long...but the Black Hood plot disappeared for like...7 episodes. That kinda disqualifies it from being an A plot imo. 

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14 minutes ago, wingster55 said:

Not to keep this going too long...but the Black Hood plot disappeared for like...7 episodes. That kinda disqualifies it from being an A plot imo. 

Yeah I don’t want to talk about it anymore but I did say it went away and I said there wasn’t really an a plot.. but I don’t want to talk about it anymore either. Also again this is just how I perceive things as a viewer, Archie has never felt like a main plot story for me. At least not

on his own and it on his own only for like two episodes.

But at least he has gotten the main story at times, the only character who never really has is Veronica. Even this season, sadly her plot is more c story. I do like that she has the speakeasy, I hope more of her storyline focuses on that and not on the men on her life for all of her screentime.

I will say again though I don’t think Reggie and she are going to be a hook up. I know there was speculation because he works at the speakeasy and everything but for all of his interactions with Archie, he seems to be loyal to him as I said and I don’t think he would do that. I did find it funny though that Reggie and Josie don’t acknowledge whatever that relationship was in the last couple episodes of season 2 was. Almost like it never happened.

eta: Also I was glad the adults weren’t really around. I mean we got that short scene with FP and we got

Sierra and Tom  for a second but I was glad about the lack of Falice. I don’t need to see their great relationship that really isn’t. But I am curious about how Fred is going to take the news of Archie escaping from jail and essentially being on the run.

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20 minutes ago, opus said:

This made me laugh, but I’ll rationalize it by saying Archie insisted he could make it down on his own, but then couldn’t and fell.

Probably....but I like the image of them tossing Archie down the bunker. 

Archie also has no idea about everything that's gone down. I guffawed when Archie was asking about Dilton having a bunker and Veronica smiling as she said that she'd catch him up later, as if he's missing some inside joke. 

Archie's gone through some real tough shit in his few months in juvie. He's been beaten, tied up, put in isolation for weeks, forced to fight other kids, branded, shanked, and those are the only things that I could think of on the top of my head. If Archie's put right back in juvie, even with the Warden dead, what else is he going to have to endure? Electroshock therapy? Cannibalism? The ideas are endless!

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10 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Probably....but I like the image of them tossing Archie down the bunker. 

Archie also has no idea about everything that's gone down. I guffawed when Archie was asking about Dilton having a bunker and Veronica smiling as she said that she'd catch him up later, as if he's missing some inside joke. 

Archie's gone through some real tough shit in his few months in juvie. He's been beaten, tied up, put in isolation for weeks, forced to fight other kids, branded, shanked, and those are the only things that I could think of on the top of my head. If Archie's put right back in juvie, even with the Warden dead, what else is he going to have to endure? Electroshock therapy? Cannibalism? The ideas are endless!

Archie: so what do you need to catch me up while I was away?

veronica: oh it’s so fun. There’s a new role playing game going around and it starts here in this bunker. Anyway, Dilton played and killed him self. Along with Ben that random guy who he hung out with. Also Ethel has gone nuts because she is playing the game too. Also Jughead plays now and in this bunker too! And the best part is our parents played it too and maybe killed their Principal but they refuse to tell us anything about it, only that it’s evil and we should never play.

Archie: so we’re going to start playing now right?

veronica: Yeah, probably. 


Anyway.I very much doubt he’s going back to Kid Prison but your ideas were probably on the writers chalkboard for what they were thinking of doing. 

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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Okay, I am officially on board (so far) the season three train; the writers seem to have learned their lesson about winging it through a season and actually plotted some of this madness out rather than inform a regular that he's a serial killer and off the show a week ahead of the finale. (But what about THE FARM?)

I appreciate how everybody involved seems to get that they have to play their roles seriously no matter how over the top ridiculous the situations become because it's the only way this kind of insanity can work. Even when somebody shakes their head and says "this is all nuts," the others agree and move right onto breaking Archie out of the worst juvie ever and having a permanent campout with the rest of the Serpents while getting drunk and nearly killing people with arrows or whatever. 

So, what I liked/blinked at/went WHAAAAT upon beholding:

I really like Manic Jughead. Cole Sprouse plays him very well: understanding that mania is basically taking certain personality traits that already exist and turning them up to eleven, not frothing at the mouth out of nowhere. He's exactly the type of obsessive, complete-ist weirdo who would start by investigating this game and turn into the poster boy for Satanic Panic PTA groups. He does a great job of almost convincing you he actually is onto something until you step back and go but wait, no, that's impossible. But still...

I'm unlike most posters in that I liked the crosscut between the Great Escape and the quest: no, of course it didn't make any real sense, but within the fever dream that is Riverdale it fitted right in; plus it moved both stories along at a great clip so you could just go along for the ride without getting bogged down in every single impossibility. 

Veronica barefacing her way past security was great! You could see her past as a rich kid getting into clubs coming to the fore. Although, Vee, if you're going to keep up with the constant sneaking in you may want to rotate the wigs a bit. Ask Betty: she's got a spare. I also liked her stomping Hiram's foot. It served him right and showed that she was willing to take it past breakfast bitching at each other and into the realm of consequence. (Kids, do not do this in real life. It's a really bad idea.) 

Bad Girl Betty on the cycle and fucking with the Warden's car was terrific: finally some continuity of character! The switcheroo with Kevin was nicely done as well. I have to ask, though: what kind of amazing benefits package are those guards getting? Because if my boss took things out into the open like that and told me to fire on two kids I know he has no jurisdiction over I'd be having my union rep bring it up during negotiations. That was a terrific way to blow the whole rotten thing wide open and send them all to prison.

Hermione giving both Hiram and Veronica a time out was funny--it's like she keeps forgetting who she's married to and what she's been involved in. But she was absolutely right that Archie has become this bizarre bone of contention/obsession between them.

Gotta give a shoutout to William MacDonald, who played the warden/mad emperor. I called him that a couple weeks ago, even. I think the idea behind his suicide was not so much that he was caught (although I'm sure that didn't help) but that he had been ordered to kill Archie by whoever the Gamemaster was and failed. He's clearly old enough to have been involved in the earlier Midnight Club shenanigans as well, but the timeline shows that he's not whoever's running around the woods wearing the stick costume. So far the main suspect is Edgar from The Farm (remember that?) but who knows what the hell the writers are going to do.

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13 minutes ago, Snookums said:

Okay, I am officially on board (so far) the season three train; the writers seem to have learned their lesson about winging it through a season and actually plotted some of this madness out rather than inform a regular that he's a serial killer and off the show a week ahead of the finale. (But what about THE FARM?)

I appreciate how everybody involved seems to get that they have to play their roles seriously no matter how over the top ridiculous the situations become because it's the only way this kind of insanity can work. Even when somebody shakes their head and says "this is all nuts," the others agree and move right onto breaking Archie out of the worst juvie ever and having a permanent campout with the rest of the Serpents while getting drunk and nearly killing people with arrows or whatever. 

So, what I liked/blinked at/went WHAAAAT upon beholding:

I really like Manic Jughead. Cole Sprouse plays him very well: understanding that mania is basically taking certain personality traits that already exist and turning them up to eleven, not frothing at the mouth out of nowhere. He's exactly the type of obsessive, complete-ist weirdo who would start by investigating this game and turn into the poster boy for Satanic Panic PTA groups. He does a great job of almost convincing you he actually is onto something until you step back and go but wait, no, that's impossible. But still...

I'm unlike most posters in that I liked the crosscut between the Great Escape and the quest: no, of course it didn't make any real sense, but within the fever dream that is Riverdale it fitted right in; plus it moved both stories along at a great clip so you could just go along for the ride without getting bogged down in every single impossibility. 

Veronica barefacing her way past security was great! You could see her past as a rich kid getting into clubs coming to the fore. Although, Vee, if you're going to keep up with the constant sneaking in you may want to rotate the wigs a bit. Ask Betty: she's got a spare. I also liked her stomping Hiram's foot. It served him right and showed that she was willing to take it past breakfast bitching at each other and into the realm of consequence. (Kids, do not do this in real life. It's a really bad idea.) 

Bad Girl Betty on the cycle and fucking with the Warden's car was terrific: finally some continuity of character! The switcheroo with Kevin was nicely done as well. I have to ask, though: what kind of amazing benefits package are those guards getting? Because if my boss took things out into the open like that and told me to fire on two kids I know he has no jurisdiction over I'd be having my union rep bring it up during negotiations. That was a terrific way to blow the whole rotten thing wide open and send them all to prison.

Hermione giving both Hiram and Veronica a time out was funny--it's like she keeps forgetting who she's married to and what she's been involved in. But she was absolutely right that Archie has become this bizarre bone of contention/obsession between them.

Gotta give a shoutout to William MacDonald, who played the warden/mad emperor. I called him that a couple weeks ago, even. I think the idea behind his suicide was not so much that he was caught (although I'm sure that didn't help) but that he had been ordered to kill Archie by whoever the Gamemaster was and failed. He's clearly old enough to have been involved in the earlier Midnight Club shenanigans as well, but the timeline shows that he's not whoever's running around the woods wearing the stick costume. So far the main suspect is Edgar from The Farm (remember that?) but who knows what the hell the writers are going to do.

Yeah the obsession with Archie that both Hiram and Veronica have is odd. I mean we’ve known he’s a pawn to Hiram to hurt Veronica. That’s been obvious for a while now and like someone else said he would never directly hurt her. At least not from what we have seen thus far.

But as I said it now seems to me that Archie is a pawn to Veronica too. I mean of course she loves him and Varchie forever  and all that but like others have pointed out: her father is her father and she has had blind loyalty to him for her whole life before this, is she really invested that much in a guy she has known for a year? I feel like Archie now symbolizes more to her quest to take her father down.

These are the times when I want more insight on the Lodge family. I mean I can honestly really take or

leave Hiram but we really need to know more backstory on them. There seems to be a lot of unrooted contention between Veronica and her father, we saw a Glimpse it in season 2 when Veronica wanted to be more involved in the inner workings of Lodge industries but then that sort of got pushed away so Hiram and Archie could have more scenes. But there seems to be a more, like pre Riverdale, Veronica’s role as a dutiful daughter was that. Sit at the table for meals and listen to your parents and you get shiny things and don’t ask questions.

Now with the speakeasy it seems to be coming back but I want more of this.

I would also like to see where Hermione is in all this. I can never figure her out. Is she a mob type wife who clearly knows what’s up but pretend not to because that’s the role she knows she needs to play? Or is she the woman controlling it all and keeping things in line  and toeing it to protect her daughter as she claims she’s doing to Veronica? Seriously. These are flashback moments I need to see.

And there. People think I only want Bughead or Betty and Jughead, read what I just wrote.

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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8 hours ago, Snookums said:

I really like Manic Jughead. Cole Sprouse plays him very well: understanding that mania is basically taking certain personality traits that already exist and turning them up to eleven, not frothing at the mouth out of nowhere. He's exactly the type of obsessive, complete-ist weirdo who would start by investigating this game and turn into the poster boy for Satanic Panic PTA groups. He does a great job of almost convincing you he actually is onto something until you step back and go but wait, no, that's impossible. But still...

Jughead really makes a great GM. It suits him much more than being a gang leader.



I'm unlike most posters in that I liked the crosscut between the Great Escape and the quest: no, of course it didn't make any real sense, but within the fever dream that is Riverdale it fitted right in; plus it moved both stories along at a great clip so you could just go along for the ride without getting bogged down in every single impossibility. 

I enjoyed that as well. It was crazy, but hey, this is Riverdale. I watch for the crazy.



Hermione giving both Hiram and Veronica a time out was funny--it's like she keeps forgetting who she's married to and what she's been involved in. But she was absolutely right that Archie has become this bizarre bone of contention/obsession between them.

I'm just glad that someone has finally pointed out Hiram's creepy obsession with Archie. Though, it was highly hypocritical for Hermione to compare what Hiram and Veronica were doing.

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Considering I’ve been feeling for a while that the Hermione character is written really non consistent(although yes I know is anything/any character consistent), I’m not going to be surprised if it turns out he’s running this whole game. I don’t get her motivations for any of her choices because they don’t add up.

So yeah.. it won’t be surprise me if Hermione is running the whole thing. I feel like we’re supposed to be suspecting Hiram but he’s totally just a red herring because it’s too obvious.

Then again who knows with this show. Sometimes they run out of ideas and then spend an episode being obviously obvious even though it doesn’t add up to the whole story of a season because they want to just end a story and didn’t think it through (see season 2). 

But Hermione and her behavior is really confusing. As I said.. what kind of wife is she? There were times last season when she was the mob wife and didn’t ask questions and then she did what she was told and encouraged Veronica to do the same. But then she was off hiring faux FBI agents to talk to archie and we were told she runs the show. But she really doesn’t. She’s still acting as a puppet because she’s trying to protect Veronica but she has not issues with throwing her in the same category as her husband who is running teen fight clubs for saving her boyfriend. Was that an act? 

Again, I love betty and Jughead and all that but the lack of focus on other characters becomes problematic when I have no idea what the motivations are for their actions and brief scenes that we get here and there that just leave me questioning more things and things that probably aren’t important. Like.. I still can’t get over how sketchy Hermione was in the first episode of season 2 right after Fred got shot... only for that to lead nowhere. 

I am curious about the warden situation. My guess is Hiram probably already has a replacement right? I mean.. I honestly don’t think we’re going to go back to juive but I could be wrong, it just seems like the show wouldn’t want to continue to keep Archie out of the hot mess that is G&G. 

Also I thought it funny that Kevin saw Joaquin and now his mission was to find him. Kevin and moose are still a thing, right? I mean Kevin is being kind of rude to Moose. But also wow.. all of Kevin’s love interests aren’t great this season, are they? I mean I don’t even like Kevin all that much but Kevin and moosenhas been problematic for a little bit and it seems like kevin to force him out of the closet and now we have Joaquin who just stabbed Archie in the stomach And betrayed him. I know it’s part of the game and all will probably be forgiven but still. These are his options. Granted Kevin isn’t then greatest and half the time seems like a fair weather friend but even I know that he probably deserves better.

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1 hour ago, Diapason Untuned said:

Jughead really makes a great GM. It suits him much more than being a gang leader.


I enjoyed that as well. It was crazy, but hey, this is Riverdale. I watch for the crazy.


I'm just glad that someone has finally pointed out Hiram's creepy obsession with Archie. Though, it was highly hypocritical for Hermione to compare what Hiram and Veronica were doing.

I don't think it was hypocritical.  I think she is irate at Hiram and Veronica's focus.  Hiram is letting his hatred of a teenager, get him to take unnecessary risk.  Veronica has fractured, a once very United group (one dedicated to her benefit as well) for the same teen.

As far as Hermione is concerned, Archie's life is incidental.  He's not worth the trouble he's causing.  And she's irate that neither Hiram or Veronica can see that.

I like what that scene told me about her.  She was so utterly indifferent to Archie's fate and the effect it would have on his loved ones.  It was the inconvenience to her, that caused her to lose her cool.

I think that was the first time we've seen her visibly angry isn't it.  She usually keeps such a cool veneer.

I think if she feels slighted, she will find a way to give it back to Hiram (hence why she has occasionally helped Veronica scheme against him) but ultimately, she is team Lodge.  She clawed her way out of nothing and she's never going back.

I do wonder if we will start to see her resent Veronica.  Veronica is causing a lot of disruption.  Their financial well being is very much linked to Hiram and I don't think Hermione ever forgets that.

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4 minutes ago, Advance35 said:

I don't think it was hypocritical.  I think she is irate at Hiram and Veronica's focus.  Hiram is letting his hatred of a teenager, get him to take unnecessary risk.  Veronica has fractured, a once very United group (one dedicated to her benefit as well) for the same teen.

As far as Hermione is concerned, Archie's life is incidental.  He's not worth the trouble he's causing.  And she's irate that neither Hiram or Veronica can see that.

I like what that scene told me about her.  She was so utterly indifferent to Archie's fate and the effect it would have on his loved ones.  It was the inconvenience to her, that caused her to lose her cool.

I think that was the first time we've seen her visibly angry isn't it.  She usually keeps such a cool veneer.

I think if she feels slighted, she will find a way to give it back to Hiram (hence why she has occasionally helped Veronica scheme against him) but ultimately, she is team Lodge.  She clawed her way out of nothing and she's never going back.

I do wonder if we will start to see her resent Veronica.  Veronica is causing a lot of disruption.  Their financial well being is very much linked to Hiram and I don't think Hermione ever forgets that.

I’m curious if Veronica is successful with her speakeasy if Hermione will resent her for that too. Hermiones life and money as you said has always been linked to Hiram. The only time we saw her briefly stand on her own was season one and that appears to have been an act. And I can’t forget the way she acted towards Veronica in season 2 when hiram would close the door his office and not let Veronica in, and she seemed a little upset when Veronica wanted in on the Lodge business. Like it was something she was never given as Hiram’s wife. I feel like Veronica has a lot of left over feelings of resentment to and from both her parents and it goes back.

Just because they were a united family pre Riverdale doesn’t mean there were not fractured pieces. They just chose to ignore it and move on and not speak about it.

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17 hours ago, Sonoma said:

They're doing something different every year and it's nothing close to reality. It's a fantasy show with no specific genre. Not supernatural (yet) but a fantasy show that no one should take seriously. Yes, the actors laugh like crazy when they read the scripts because they know it's a ridiculous show and that's what they love about it. The only thing they have to play seriously is their characters.

I'm pretty sure the theme this year is "It", basically. See the Lover cast on Young FP.

Damn, KJ has such a magnificent body.

Edited by methodwriter85
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35 minutes ago, methodwriter85 said:

Damn, KJ has such a magnificent body.

“I’d recognize those abs anywhere!” Same. And Mad Dog, too. Are these dudes on that celery cleanse? I mean, damn.

Cole rocked this epi, I have to say. He played unhinged and nutballs so well. I FELT that, lol. Jug has completely lost himself in this game, so much so that I don’t even know if he could distinguish what was real or fantasy. His initial response to Archie’s situation vs. his reaction when he SAW Archie’s state was A+.

Betty taking charge and being all bad-ass on that motorcycle was the best. It’s what I would expect from her when it came to Archie, though, and seeing them reunite was the sweetest. Their friendship is such a bright spot. Their smiles, the relief, “what took you so long,” once again reminded me that it’s criminal these two don’t get more screen time together. And, no, it doesn’t have to be romantic, although I wouldn’t care either way because I’m not watching for “ships” and I also don’t think any couple, especially the teens, are so “endgame” that they can’t have relationships with anyone else.

Oh, Joaquin, wyd!?

Hermione calling Archie an “obsession” just proved what I kind of gathered for a while. Veronica and Hiram are basically in a control battle, which is why it will prove to be interesting to see what happens once someone “wins.” Would Archie then become irrelevant?

Edited by HeatLifer
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All I know is that it's kind of the good people at Riverdale to hire unemployed porn writers to work for them.  At least, that's what I assume is going on, otherwise I'm not sure why Veronica is uttering lines such as, "I'd recognize those abs anywhere" and "Curse your broad shoulders".  

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Am I the only one that gets fuckingly surprised for every episode that passes?!?! 
Because really, this show is just leaving me on the edge of my seat! 
Watching Crazy-Jughead (the LEADER of a BIKER gang, who  almost DIED a couple of moments ago) going totally bonkers over a game is just soooo...  Riverdale! lol! He speaks so fervently and so crazy that you can't like look away and REALLY! ROLF, way to go show! I'm liking this a whole lot although I'd hoped Betty would've bitch slapped some sense into him but being ever so nice, she took the pacifist approach and simply let him go about his crazy game and try to save their friend instead! 
I kept getting Indiana Jones-Temple of Doom images of when Indiana was brainwashed by that evil indian sorcerer and how being burned by flame made him "wake up". I kept hoping Betty would do the same thing, lol! 

Can anyone feel sad for Reggie and that black eye? Not cool!

Oh and a wedding!!!! Here's hoping it won't be a repeat of the Red WEdding..... I really do wonder how Riverdale will approach it! Mwahhaha!

I like the trio of Kevin (who looked SO COOL in a serpent jacket), Reggie and Josie! I mean, it's nice to see them with their own little story there! Making those smoky bombs.

The whole Archie thing.... While I thought it was way too early for him to escape prison, this was quite unexpected! He definitely has a bigger role to play now with being marked like that and it'll be exciting to see how it'll work out! Is he going to be the chosen one of the game?

Joaquin stabbing him? Not cool! Warning Kevin when they suddenly meet out of nowhere? Interesting! REdeemable!

The prison playing G&G? WHY! 

Veronica and her wigs? Yawn.... Veronica stepping on her dad's foot? Hell to the yes! 

Elio? He's interesting, I like him! 

BAMF Betty Cooper?!?! THat's my girl! Love the small Barchie scene, they deserve to have more time together! They're meant to be BFF, please, show that! 

The adults denying playing the game? Who's telling the truth? I'm not trusting Alice at all with her version..

And Hermione havin absolutely no freaking sympathy for Archie and seeing her murderous eyes towards Veronica? That woman is soooo shady! 

Blah! Loving this show! 

Nice to hear from Sonoma and WTG, glad you're sticking around! 

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46 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

“I’d recognize those abs anywhere!” Same. And Mad Dog, too. Are these dudes on that celery cleanse? I mean, damn.

Cole rocked this epi, I have to say. He played unhinged and nutballs so well. I FELT that, lol. Jug has completely lost himself in this game, so much so that I don’t even know if he could distinguish what was real or fantasy. His initial response to Archie’s situation vs. his reaction when he SAW Archie’s state was A+.

Betty taking charge and being all bad-ass on that motorcycle was the best. It’s what I would expect from her when it came to Archie, though, and seeing them reunite was the sweetest. Their friendship is such a bright spot. Their smiles, the relief, “what took you so long,” once again reminded me that it’s criminal these two don’t get more screen time together. And, no, it doesn’t have to be romantic, although I wouldn’t care either way because I’m not watching for “ships” and I also don’t think any couple, especially the teens, are so “endgame” that they can’t have relationships with anyone else.

Oh, Joaquin, wyd!?

Hermione calling Archie an “obsession” just proved what I kind of gathered for a while. Veronica and Hiram are basically in a control battle, which is why it will prove to be interesting to see what happens once someone “wins.” Would Archie then become irrelevant?

I like Barchie as friends and I think so far Bughead has been telegraphed as endgame, at least to me. Yes they are teenagers but from my viewing perception they seem to be. Also.. while this show is crazy I feel like a romantic relationship between Archie and Betty would be random and make people dislike the characters. They would have to find a way to build to it and not make Betty or Archie look like bad people and right now I don’t think they are able to do that.

Anyways. I wish Jughead had been a part of the saving mission, I really hate how wrapped up in the game he is and Cole said that Jughead was going to be more his season one self... which what?  He isn’t. Also maybe coles acting was great but I was trying not to roll my eyes. 

Also I’m curious with why Toni, Cheryl, fangs and Sweet Pea all joined to play too. Toni and cheroot does not seem like their thing at all and sweet pea...? He seems like too cool for it. Fangs is a wild card, we don’t get much time ever with him but he likes a whole bunch of different things so who knows. 

And yeah the JoquinArchie kiss was really lame on the writers part. Then again this show did start with the Betty/Veronica kiss that ended up really doing nothing plot wise so... 

As I said I’ve posted the exact same feelings about Hiram Veronica and archie. He now seems more of a prize to be won. I do think Veronica cares about Archie but I think she more wants to take down her father. 

Also.. yeah.. my guess is if Veronica is going to be hooking up with someone else, it won’t be Reggie. I know everyone wants that but as I said Reggie has been pretty good to Archie throughout this season so far, unless something were to directly change, I just don’t see Reggie going after Veronica. I think it’ll probably be Eilo. He did tell Veronica if he were to do something for her, she’s going to have to return the favor, with what... we don’t know yet. 

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Jughead was born to take the role of Dungeon Master. I'm not sure how that is working. Maybe if you read the beginning of the manual, otherwise known as 'spell', you awaken the gargoyle king and the rest of the story is sent to you via gargoyle brain waves. 

I love the visuals in this show.

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Damn, KJ has such a magnificent body.

Damn his broad shoulders! Shoulders that can take multiple rounds of bare knuckle boxing and yet still hold Veronica up to do the deed in the locker room while standing up. Ah, to be young again.

Now that the immediate excitement and peril has calmed down, could somebody check in on Reggie? His dad gave him a black eye! What the hell? Not really the way to convince your kid that there's nothing to see here, you know?

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15 minutes ago, Snookums said:

Damn his broad shoulders! Shoulders that can take multiple rounds of bare knuckle boxing and yet still hold Veronica up to do the deed in the locker room while standing up. Ah, to be young again.

Now that the immediate excitement and peril has calmed down, could somebody check in on Reggie? His dad gave him a black eye! What the hell? Not really the way to convince your kid that there's nothing to see here, you know?

Well, considering how sketchy all the parents are about this game, it’s no wonder the kids are all going to play. I mean yeah it’s the cliche tell your children not to do something and they will do it, but in this case it’s all feeling very much like a bad drug psa. Alice is the only one who told betty something but there’s probably more to that. Also I take almost anything Alice says with a grain of salt. And I hate to side with FP but those are Her version of things. Another parent really does need to talk.

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I'm confused or I missed something -- how did Archie's escape from Fight Club alert the outside world to the existence of Fight Club?

On an equally serious but probably not-to-be-answered note: did he seriously not have visitation with his lawyer during all of this?

On 11/14/2018 at 10:57 PM, tennisgurl said:

Even if this game wasnt some kind of evil addictive monster game that drives people crazy, I think Jughead would get into it. Being a DM totally fits his melodramatic ass. Really, his narration of the game isnt any more over the top than his usual narration. Its just more manic than usual.

We've speculated before that maybe Riverdale is a story Jughead wrote... maybe it's his RPG. O_O

On 11/14/2018 at 11:24 PM, Lady Calypso said:

Also, I guess there was really no point to the Joaquin/Archie kiss besides shock factor and fan service, right? Oh, and for it to line up with Jughead's line about "It all starts with a Judas kiss."

Yeah, I feel weird about the way this show sets that stuff up -- this and the Betty/Veronica kiss in season one, and the thing where everyone randomly made out in the hot tub for reasons I don't remember. If you want to tell a story with lots of kissing, you can do that without making it weird and fake and random. I feel like it's kind of missing the point of Riverdale to scold it for not taking its characterization seriously... but it would be nice to take it a little bit seriously and give us something to hold onto through all the crazy plot twists.

16 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Also I thought it funny that Kevin saw Joaquin and now his mission was to find him.

I'm okay with it. You see the only other openly gay boy in Riverdale, you chase after him, Kevin. Don't let him out of your sight.

8 hours ago, Quark said:

Also Lili Reinhart looks amazing in that leather jacket. Wow.

It's a better look for her, but now that you bring it up, that reminds me: why did Betty dress up like Young Alice to do the prison break?

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Veronica automatically knowing it was Archie in the fighting pits just by his abs is totally the most realistic thing to ever happen on this show.

Well, at least Archie is now out of the juvenile detention (although, less be serious: that place could go right alongside the likes of Fox River or Shawshank as the worst prisons ever) thanks to an elaborate scheme hatched by Veronica and backed by almost everyone else.  Of course, he still got a shiv for his troubles, and now has to hide in the bunker.  It's never easy for poor Archie!  I do hope the gang finds some way to at least let Fred know everything is OK, because he's probably going to freak out.

Glad Mad Dog wasn't actually dead, but I hope him helping Archie didn't finish him for good.  Although, considering how jacked he is, he probably could have just punch his way through the drain, and gotten out as well.  I can't remember if Eli Goree was that fit during The 100, but he really should be on one of the superhero shows (well, he did play Jefferson's dad in an episode of Legends of Tomorrow, so maybe they can fine a way to recon that!)

Jughead going full-blown into Dungeon Master mode (or whatever the hell the title is for "G&G") is awesome.  I love how everyone else is kind of freaked out by it, but also roll with it, because whose really going to stop him, right?

I actually hope Tom Keller and Sierra McCoy work out.

I guess Kevin, Reggie, and Josie forming their own group is going to lead somewhere.  Maybe those three will actually get a storyline for themselves!

So, the first season I was all about Camila Mendes, last season, it was Madeline Petsch that had me crushing, and while I still love them both, Lili Reinhart has really been rocking it these past two episodes.  Got to love the show for at least never skimping on the eye-candy department!

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thanks to an elaborate scheme hatched by Veronica and backed by almost everyone else. 

This reminds me: I love when Veronica goes to find Betty and she's in her Blue and Gold office with Kevin, Reggie, and Josie. Instead of asking to talk to Betty privately, she just recruits the whole room! "Hey, bunch of people I know, we've gotta risk life and limb to get my dumb boyfriend out of jail!" It never crosses her mind for a second that any of them would say no, or go to their father the sheriff, or even just post it on Instagram. And they all just go okay, sure! To the chemistry lab!

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On 15/11/2018 at 7:54 PM, Snookums said:

Oh, forgot to mention that I loved Josie's silver eyeliner, and her little hair dealibob when they were making the soda bombs. They really do a great job on her hair and makeup.

I also noticed, she looked great this episode!

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I see still the story being about Archie and Hiram. For me that was the main subplot of season 2, and even now still is - the other things were just moving around them. I think Hiram saw him like a son he never had.... And then Archie turned against him. 

And then the same thing happened with Veronica. She used to be so loyal and loving to her father, when did that change? I think Hiram hates them both for it. 

He wanted them to be on his side. They all sort of have this hate/love relationship.

Edited by bara007
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On 11/16/2018 at 12:07 AM, Snookums said:

Damn his broad shoulders! Shoulders that can take multiple rounds of bare knuckle boxing and yet still hold Veronica up to do the deed in the locker room while standing up. Ah, to be young again.

I don't get this as all.  KJ doesn't have broad shoulders, when Veronica said that I thought "We have eyes you know."  He's petite.  He could wear women's blazers.

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On 11/14/2018 at 11:24 PM, Lady Calypso said:

Also, I guess there was really no point to the Joaquin/Archie kiss besides shock factor and fan service, right? Oh, and for it to line up with Jughead's line about "It all starts with a Judas kiss."

Also....did Veronica and company just dump Archie down into the bunker? Really? They didn't try to lower him down gently or anything? They just....what, said "See ya" and threw him in?

I rewound the clip of Archie falling into the bunker like three or four times just to make sure that KJ/Stuntman didn't break any toes.


Yup, Joaquin kissed Archie as a sorry to what he was about to do but it was total fan service!

What happened to Kevin joining ROTC to be with Moose?

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1 hour ago, willgracefan said:

I rewound the clip of Archie falling into the bunker like three or four times just to make sure that KJ/Stuntman didn't break any toes.


Yup, Joaquin kissed Archie as a sorry to what he was about to do but it was total fan service!

What happened to Kevin joining ROTC to be with Moose?

I mean.. my guess is Kevin is going to be in a love triangle soon with Moose and Joaquin and himself. Which.. I dislike Kevin quite a lot, but seriously.. These are his options? God. 

And yeah I said it in a different post but the joquin/Archie kiss was dumb. And yeah it was done just for baiting. Like the Betty and Veronica kiss in season one. That was put there for nothing but they still did it.  This show does like to play games, they knew that brief scene would be put in the previews.

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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On 11/16/2018 at 12:07 AM, Snookums said:

Now that the immediate excitement and peril has calmed down, could somebody check in on Reggie? His dad gave him a black eye! What the hell? Not really the way to convince your kid that there's nothing to see here, you know?

How did everyone gloss over the fact that his dad punched him in the eye just for asking about the game? I felt so bad for Reggie

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