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S02.E07: Hubert

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Dr. Shaun Murphy and Dr. Morgan Reznick must contend with two brothers who are bargaining over life and death. Meanwhile, Dr. Claire Brown's friend who is dying of cancer asks her for something she doesn't think she can give her; and Dr. Aaron Glassman is dealing with the effects of his treatment.

Airdate: Nov. 12, 2018

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Hey, nice song choice at the end there, show :D. 

Aw. I'm glad Shaun decided to sort out the fish issue as he did. That ending was cute. I loved that puppy and the cats that he and Lea were looking at, too, though-so flipping cute! 

And now we have a better idea of what all Lea went through in Hershey. Having a falling out with your brother and a business going under would certainly affect things, yeah. Hopefully she'll find a way to deal with that-I wonder if we'll see her try and patch things up with her brother at some point. I do think she needs to chill on calling Shaun at work, though. His job's just not equipped for that kind of interruption. 

As for the cases, I loved Shaun trying to work things out between the two brothers. His comments about his own father and his brother broke my heart, too. Oh, Shaun...:(. 

And I'm glad that Claire's friend survived-I was totally expecting her friend to die after that fight they had, and Claire being stuck thinking about her final words to her. Very glad they didn't go that route. I do think Claire was right to call her friend out for pushing her so hard with Dash, and I can sympathize with her irritation at the other examples she gave as well. But the whole "trying to control other things because you can't control your own situation" thing makes sense, too. I hope we get an update on how her friend's doing at some point, or at least Claire gets a chance to spend one last time with her friend doing something fun, or whatever. 

So Glassman's memory is shorting on him. Oh, dear. 

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None of the patients died this week!

I have decided that Glassman is on his own show because Schiff is being kept away from other cast members. It makes no sense otherwise.

I noticed for the first time that Lea and Claire have very similar voices. I turned away from the screen for a minute and got confused about which character was speaking.

Edited by possibilities
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Claire's friend surviving the surgery is truly an early Christmas miracle, considering how things usually go for Claire.  I'm glad she stood her ground with the friend trying to push her to date her husband once she dies.  I know it has been known to happen and I certainly wouldn't be against it if it is done in a natural way, but the way the friend was doing it was getting into uncomfortable territory, and was just making things awkward for both Claire and the husband.  That said, I did laugh at Park's reaction when he heard about it.  I like to believe that Park spends his time off just visiting his cop buddies, and gossiping about all of the drama he gets to witness!

Interesting that Shaun and Reznick were almost on the opposite ends of what one would normally assume, with Reznick trying to get the one brother to give his kidney by pushing family and because it was the right thing to do, while Shaun saw logic in the brother's "negotiation tactics", and was trying to use that.

Melendez seem to be thawing slightly with his feelings towards Claire, but is still holding firm about her not being part of his surgical team.

Hey, Lea's storyline actually didn't bug me!  Probably helped that we actually here more about what went down with Hershey, so now I can see why she is acting the way she is.  Plus, puppies and kittens!  This show totally knew what they were doing with having Shaun handle those little things, but damn, if it didn't work!

It does feel like Glassman is currently off doing his own thing.  So, now he might be losing his memory?

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5 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

Melendez seem to be thawing slightly with his feelings towards Claire, but is still holding firm about her not being part of his surgical team.

I’m hoping that’s because he’s decided he wants to date her, and doesn’t want a conflict of interest at work.  They’d make a sweet couple.

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1 hour ago, TomGirl said:

I’m hoping that’s because he’s decided he wants to date her, and doesn’t want a conflict of interest at work.  They’d make a sweet couple.

Yeah I thought it was kind of played as if he's starting to realize that he has a different type of admiration for her and he wants to fight against it so he doesn't think it would be a good idea for them to be working together. I thought it was a bad idea to have clear operating or assisting on the wise after the wise was pushing a romantic entanglement. When something has gone wrong and some of her family members. Declare one of the shot at the husband? I also thought it was great the way they showed Sean helping Leah in the way that he could. I always fast forward through glassman or Resnick so I have no idea what happened there. I will have to rewatch

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I know they give Claire the worst luck to almost comical degrees (hey, here's Claire's BFF you never knew existed! She has terminal cancer and weeks to live), but she was kind of an asshole here. I get being annoyed that your friend is trying to play the dying card to guilt trip you into dating her husband, but dude, you really couldn't have picked any other time to unleash your pent-up "The Reason You Suck" speech that you've been hanging onto for 15 years other than the 5 min. before she's about to go under for an extremely risky procedure she might not wake up from? That was kind of a dick move. They didn't have to promise that they would get married or be such awkward preteens about it; they could've just said no promises, but we will spend more time together after you die. And for what it's worth, I actually thought the husband was very nice and pretty cute.  Sure it would be awkward and I didn't expect the date to end with a make out or anything, but I would like to see that character again after the friend dies and I wish the narrative would make space for Claire to explore that, even if it didn't go romantically. It was just nice to see a male character be soft and vulnerable with her as opposed to emotionally constipated closed book Melendez. Still, I knew the thing with the husband wasn't going to go anywhere because we are about to be steamrolled with the Melendez affair. I'm less and less excited about that. He just seems so...cold and withholding lately. Claire needs something good in her life and someone who's excited about her, not someone who's going to be intentionally ambiguous about his feelings or what I'm sure will be ultra sexy handwringing after every banging about how what they're doing is unethical – before rolling over for round two.

I feel bad for Glassman losing his memory, but for the love of God, I just couldn't care less about him. He is almost unconscionably dull. Please feature him less. I'm begging you. I don't care about kissing Richard Schiff's ass. Plus he and his wife are both getting paid to flirt badly on set. Enough.

THAT was Lea's big Hershey reveal? She was hyping it up as though she found her long-lost father or had to return to California because she had committed arson or something. Instead she's just sad because she couldn't save her brother's shitty bike shop and now apparently believes she has no life purpose and sucks at everything? Join the club, honey. I see what the writers are doing with her – trying to give her and Shaun all these cutesy sitcom plots to pave the way for romance – but the damage has already been done. I don't give a shit about her and I think she's not only callously disregarding Shaun's emotions and keeping him on a string, but jeopardizing his job with all her stupid pop in visits and now fish-related FaceTime calls while he's trying to map out a freaking kidney transplant. It makes no sense from a writer's perspective why they would spend the entire season up until now having Lea badgering him relentlessly for hurting her feelings while implying that it was delusional and borderline harassment for Shaun to have romantic intentions towards her, and then suddenly we're getting Happy Autistic Romcom B-plots. I have narrative whiplash. I guess they were trying to establish Lea really did see Shaun as an adult because she was hurt by his actions and he in turn had to be held accountable for hurting her in an effort to establish a level playing field between two consenting adults before pursuing the romance storyline, but it backfired spectacularly because as evidenced by this forum, all it did was make the vast majority of viewers hate her and think she is horribly toxic for Shaun. Good luck with that mess! I'm sure as hell not invested.

Edited by Guest
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Awwww Shaun playing with puppies and kittens! The cuteness is off the charts! They were both so adorable! I hope that Shaun can get a cat one day, he seemed really excited about the kitten, and Shaun is definitely a cat person. Like he said, they're smart and independent, perfect for him! Stupid allergies! I liked this plot better than the last few Lea plots at least, and hearing about how badly things went when she moved did make me feel for her more. And I liked how Shaun dealt with the fish, that was a sweet way to wrap things up. That being said, Lea really needs to stop calling Shaun at work. She does know his job is kind of important, right? 

So Claire gets a bit of a win, with her friend not dying on the table, but also has her friend dying eventually anyway. So, that sucks. I liked seeing her stand up to her friend, and telling her to back off, while later admitting that she knows that she is coming from a good place. I can see the friend wanting to make sure her husband and friend are looked after when she is gone, but trying to set them up and pressure them while she is still around is just...awkward. Lets not make cancer any more awkward than it already is. I do question Claire not getting into any sorority she rushed for. Claire is a total Greek Life catch! 

I wondered if they would bring in the backstory of Shaun and his brother and their awful father, and they did, and it broke my little heart. Oh Shaun. I did enjoy him and Reznick being on opposite sides, and not the sides you might expect, and the many turns the story took. The guys playing the brothers were good, and I bought their complicated relationship right away. The show always does a great job casting their patients of the week, they always do a lot with even minor parts. 

So Glassman is just doing his own thing pretty much all the time now, huh? 

Everybody lives! Just this once, everybody lives!

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If you die for lack of a kidney, and your brother inherits the entire business and then sells it now that you're no longer alive to stop him, how does that further your agenda of keeping yourself alive and in that business? The kidney patient's story made no sense. I guess he counted on his brother not being willing to let him die, but it was callous as hell and he clearly doesn't value his brother the way his brother values him.

I thought the goldfish needed a way bigger bowl.

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5 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Awwww Shaun playing with puppies and kittens! The cuteness is off the charts! They were both so adorable! I hope that Shaun can get a cat one day, he seemed really excited about the kitten, and Shaun is definitely a cat person. Like he said, they're smart and independent, perfect for him! Stupid allergies! I

I was a little surprised that pet store didn't have any RABBITS.  Have they forgotten about Shaun's poor bunny that was killed by his rotten dad?  And people with cat or dog allergies may do just fine with a house rabbit.  My brother does!  They're not quite hypoallergenic, but it's much less common.

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32 minutes ago, TWOPrefugee said:

When Glassman walked into Cuddy's office stating that his wallet was missing, why did she have to question him about it? She could have just said she had it.

It was a test to check on his memory. He specifically gave it to her before the procedure because he was worried about it being stolen. She tried to prompt his memory with her line (I forget the specifics), but when he failed to take the hint, it only proved to him that he's missing a beat. It's funny that you call her Cuddy. :)

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18 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

Claire's friend surviving the surgery is truly an early Christmas miracle, considering how things usually go for Claire.  I'm glad she stood her ground with the friend trying to push her to date her husband once she dies.  I know it has been known to happen and I certainly wouldn't be against it if it is done in a natural way, but the way the friend was doing it was getting into uncomfortable territory, and was just making things awkward for both Claire and the husband. 

I really hated that storyline, it was insulting to both Claire and the husband. I've never been married, so maybe I don't get it, but if I were and became terminally ill, I would want my husband to grieve and move on in his own time and with the person of his choice.

6 hours ago, possibilities said:

If you die for lack of a kidney, and your brother inherits the entire business and then sells it now that you're no longer alive to stop him, how does that further your agenda of keeping yourself alive and in that business? The kidney patient's story made no sense. I guess he counted on his brother not being willing to let him die, but it was callous as hell and he clearly doesn't value his brother the way his brother values him.

Yes, I thought skinny brother had more leverage since he could have just waited out the clock. I was also hoping that *after* the transplant rotund brother would thank skinny brother for his sacrifice by accepting the buyout deal. I just don't see the point of sentimentally keeping a business going to "honor" a person who's been dead for years. Life - and business - is for the living. And like Shawn said, rotund brother can start a solo business with his share of the money if he likes that line of work so much.

Is it just me, or does anyone else think Not!Cuddy is messing with Glassman? I think he did put his wallet in the locker and she took it to test whether he believes what she tells him over his own memory.

I called poor Hubert dying the moment Shawn and Lea brought him home, but I thought it was hilarious that Shawn ran a lab test on a dead fish and loved everyone's reaction in the OR when Shawn got the results and said it was "too late".

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2 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

I really hated that storyline, it was insulting to both Claire and the husband. I've never been married, so maybe I don't get it, but if I were and became terminally ill, I would want my husband to grieve and move on in his own time and with the person of his choice.

I can understand the sentiment of wanting your spouse to be with somebody you both already know and like and trust. But yeah-I'm not married, either, but I still fully agree with you. 


Is it just me, or does anyone else think Not!Cuddy is messing with Glassman? I think he did put his wallet in the locker and she took it to test whether he believes what she tells him over his own memory.

I can definitely see her testing him a bit, yeah. 

(Completely random, but on the mention of Not!Cuddy, I just saw her in an old "Mad About You" episode. Fun to see her way back in the early years of her career.)

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3 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

I can understand the sentiment of wanting your spouse to be with somebody you both already know and like and trust. But yeah-I'm not married, either, but I still fully agree with you. 

I can see suggesting an acquaintance, but trying to push the husband and the best friend together after they both refused is completely wrong. A big part of female friendship is to *not* be attracted to/fall in love with the same man, so it's almost like the friend wants them together because she knows that she will always be her husband's great love and Claire will just take care of his emotional and sexual needs without threatening to eclipse her memory. And worst of all, the friend is presuming that just because Claire is not currently in a relationship, she should just give up her own dreams and plans and seamlessly take her friend's place, like her life until now didn't matter. If I were Claire, I'd have had much more to say about that. 

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Everything about that is so ick. I remember years ago watching the old reruns of Family Feud with Richard Dawson and basically two brothers had swapped wives. They divorced and remarried each other. I thought that was the most outrageous and disgusting thing and now it just seems to be common. People dating their siblings old spouses or boyfriends or the old spouse or boyfriend of a really close friend. I feel old Because back in my day haha that was considered taboo. 

I just thought both stories last night were just meh

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18 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

I can see suggesting an acquaintance, but trying to push the husband and the best friend together after they both refused is completely wrong. A big part of female friendship is to *not* be attracted to/fall in love with the same man, so it's almost like the friend wants them together because she knows that she will always be her husband's great love and Claire will just take care of his emotional and sexual needs without threatening to eclipse her memory. And worst of all, the friend is presuming that just because Claire is not currently in a relationship, she should just give up her own dreams and plans and seamlessly take her friend's place, like her life until now didn't matter. If I were Claire, I'd have had much more to say about that. 

Also excellent points. Yeah. There's just so much potential for awkwardness. 

And that was another thing that bothered me about her friend, too-she kept trying to make it seem like Claire didn't go for things as much. I mean, based off what we know about Claire, she came up from a rough, poor life, made it to college, worked her way through medical school and is now quite successful in her job. That doesn't seem to really square with her friend's view of her as this timid woman afraid to take chances. 

(Besides that, given she was working so hard to get out of the tough life she'd had as a child, that would explain why she might not have had as much time for partying or whatever else her friend thought she should've been involved in-she kinda had more important things to focus on.) 

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5 hours ago, The Wild Sow said:

I was a little surprised that pet store didn't have any RABBITS.  Have they forgotten about Shaun's poor bunny that was killed by his rotten dad?  And people with cat or dog allergies may do just fine with a house rabbit.  My brother does!  They're not quite hypoallergenic, but it's much less common.

A bunny may be too traumatic for him...

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Lea sucks the air out of this show. When she called Shaun at work because her goldfish was "bored" - no words. I sometimes think the show is trolling me because I think I'm supposed to find Shaun the insufferable one, but Lea is leagues more emotionally immature in this episode alone. Plus FH's physical acting with the puppy was awesome and hilarious. 

I was glad Claire drew that line with her friend. The whole thing might seem contrived but just in the last year there was a famous story about a terminally ill writer who wrote a personals ad for her soon-to-be-widowed husband. It got a lot of press, and I think there's going to be a movie (of course). I guess that's this show's version of "ripped from the headlines." Plus the friend went from saying "just have one date" to "promise me you'll vow undying fealty" in, like, two scenes. Slow your roll, lady, and enjoy the time you have left with your husband.

I give the show credit for making some kind of effort for a slow burn with Claire and Melendez, with him deliberately keeping distance from her. Although SnarkEnthusiast has a point, his default setting is "emotionally constipated." I think the only time we've seen him relaxed and smiling was when he was with his sister. I never really bought that he enjoyed being with his blonde fiance-lady (can't remember her name) from last season. I'd look forward to this more if there were any indication that he has a sense of humor.

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8 hours ago, Babalooie said:

About the first ten minutes of the show was in silence except for background noises.  What was that all about?  Was it just here?

The episode had sound here. Maybe there was a problem with the feed where you are. You can stream it online, if you want to hear the dialogue for the first 10 minutes.


Melendez broke up with blonde lawyer lady because he wanted kids and she didn't. I really don't want them to fix Claire up with Melendez, for lots of reasons. First of all, he's her boss and in a position to ruin  or promote her career. There's no way around that. Even just refusing to let her participate in his surgeries is hurting her career. For him to continue to refuse her career opportunities because he wants to date her is a gross abuse of his position.

But it's not just that. It's also that I don't see Claire being in any kind of hurry to have kids. I just can't see it. And also, I really liked that this show as going out of its way to buck the TV trend of unprofessional behavior. They punished Jared for it, and even though I miss his character, I respected that they drew a line that certain behavior is unacceptable, even if we like you.

I really don't want them to abandon that line and start going down the Grey's Anatomy path.

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Not Grey's Anatomy, House. I get such House-Cameron vibes there. I guess it's hard-wired into Shore.

I wish Shaun had gone to an animal shelter instead of a pet store.  I know the assertiveness would had to have been written differently but the parallels to Shaun himself would have been nice. And shelter pets really need homes. Maybe she would have been better with a lizard. Or a rat.

I have started to mute scenes with Lea. She's too immature, too needy, and the definition of a manic pixie dream girl,:


Let's say you're a soulful, brooding male hero, living a sheltered, emotionless existence. If only someone could come along and open your heart to the great, wondrous adventure of life... Have no fear, the Manic Pixie Dream Girl is here to give new meaning to the male hero's life! She's stunningly attractive, energetic, high on life, full of wacky quirks and idiosyncrasies (generally including childlike playfulness), often with a touch of wild hair dye. She's inexplicably obsessed with our stuffed-shirt hero, on whom she will focus her kuh-razy antics until he learns to live freely and love madly.

If Glassman deliberately arranged with Lea to keep an on Shaun, it would be a huge betrayal of trust.

I'm sorry for Glassman worried about memory problems. Welcome to cancer treatment.

Edited by statsgirl
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1 minute ago, statsgirl said:

I wish Shaun had gone to an animal shelter instead of a pet store.  I now the assertiveness would had to have been written differently but the parallels to Shaun himself would have been nice. 

Agreed so much on this. 

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It was driving me nuts why Claire's friend (Kayla?) Was setting off alarm bells everytime she referred to her husband "Dash". 


Really???? They couldn't think of another name for this man on this show? To those who know what I mean,  was this done on purpose??

Sounds like a dogs name if you ask me. Anyhoodles- 


Ugh.  That was a heart wrenching episode for me.  But I hope Claire and Dash don't actually go there. Just. No.


Honestly,  I think we all know whose bed Claire's Danskos are gonna be under. (cough*melendez*cough)


Personally I'd rather they not, the chase and flirty (non) seduction is far more entertaining. Trust me, anyone in the medical field- they've all tried it, and anyone who watches Greys Anatomy, they've all witnessed it. 


What we have not witnessed however is someone keeping it in their pants for more than 5 minutes in a hospital drama (or real life lol) never ends good. Just keep it light flirty and fun!

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11 hours ago, Babalooie said:

About the first ten minutes of the show was in silence except for background noises.  What was that all about?  Was it just here?

That was on your end. There was sound here

2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Not Grey's Anatomy, House. I get such House-Cameron vibes there. I guess it's hard-wired into Shore.

I wish Shaun had gone to an animal shelter instead of a pet store.  I know the assertiveness would had to have been written differently but the parallels to Shaun himself would have been nice. And shelter pets really need homes. Maybe she would have been better with a lizard. Or a rat.

I have started to mute scenes with Lea. She's too immature, too needy, and the definition of a manic pixie dream girl,:

If Glassman deliberately arranged with Lea to keep an on Shaun, it would be a huge betrayal of trust.

I'm sorry for Glassman worried about memory problems. Welcome to cancer treatment.

You think Glassman would've gotten a neuropsychological evaluation before the surgery so he had a good baseline for post-surgery.

I imagine a shelter might be overwhelming for Shaun - an adoption event held by a rescue might be more his speed, though.

I don't think Glassman would have arranged anything with Lea, but I would not be surprised if he and Lea talked in-depth about Shaun after she came back, to make sure she was on Team Shaun and could help him cope after he dies.

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2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I wish Shaun had gone to an animal shelter instead of a pet store.  I know the assertiveness would had to have been written differently but the parallels to Shaun himself would have been nice. And shelter pets really need homes. Maybe she would have been better with a lizard. Or a rat.

I would hate to see the kind of fish you might get from an animal shelter, probably something like a barracuda or a moray eel.

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21 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

I hope that Shaun can get a cat one day, he seemed really excited about the kitten, and Shaun is definitely a cat person. Like he said, they're smart and independent, perfect for him!

When Shaun found the puppy too friendly and latched onto the cat I suddenly heard Amy-Farrah Fowler saying "I love cats, they're the epitome of indifference".  Shaun could learn that a puppy can be taught not to lick faces and that dogs can be friendly without climbing all over you but even so these two should NOT get a dog.  Shaun works long and unpredictable hours and Lea doesn't exactly have it all together.  An animal that needs to be walked and exercised, fed regularly (with cats you can leave the food out) and does all its business outside does not seem like a good choice for these two.  Even the cat would be  stretch right now.  Between a fish that does nothing and a dog that needs all sorts of care and attention I could see them settling in the middle and trying for something like a guinea pig.

I like when TV show's don't go for the obvious or the same stereotypical reactions all the time so I really enjoyed the first scene between Clair, Melendez and Park.  She walked up to them looking concerned and they picked up on it right away.  Instead of the writers doing the obvious, having Melendez cut her off assuming she wanted to talk about being on his team, having an argument until Clair yelled at them "Just listen" or something...........they didn't say a word and heard her out from the start.  Then they actually looked concerned and sympathetic in turn and both even gave her a "sorry to hear that" and they both listened to her again when she laid out her plan then they offered to at least try to help.    That was a great scene made better because in a lot of shows it doesn't get written like that and the characters very often don't get to the point of the problem without rehashing a lot of personal angst and drama first.

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I think Lea calling Shaun on his job about a fish dying and being in a funk is totally unrealistic and stupid.  First thing he said was, "Lea, I can't talk now."  And then she goes on about a GOLDFISH dying!  Come on writers, we're not 4-years old here!

Edited by Evagirl
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2 hours ago, Evagirl said:

I think Lea calling Shaun on his job about a fish dying and being in a funk is totally unrealistic and stupid.  First thing he said was, "Lea, I can't talk now."  And then she goes on about a GOLDFISH dying!  Come on writers, we're not 4-years old here!

And the fish wasn't even dead at that point, Lea just thought he looked "bored".

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If Melendez truly didn’t want Claire on his surgeries, he had the perfect out. She shouldn’t have been operating on someone she was that close to at all. But I’m glad she lived. 

Lea remains my least favorite part of the show.

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7 hours ago, Evagirl said:

I think Lea calling Shaun on his job about a fish dying and being in a funk is totally unrealistic and stupid.  First thing he said was, "Lea, I can't talk now."  And then she goes on about a GOLDFISH dying!  Come on writers, we're not 4-years old here!

It seems like the show thinks Lea is though. Instead of snarking at him that her first pet should be one that she's not allergic to, maybe she could have mentioned that before they got to the pet store.

14 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

I would hate to see the kind of fish you might get from an animal shelter, probably something like a barracuda or a moray eel.

I was thinking of some kind of lizard. More interesting than a fish.

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3 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Instead of snarking at him that her first pet should be one that she's not allergic to, maybe she could have mentioned that before they got to the pet store.

I really wanted Shaun to get that kitten!  Lea ruins everything.

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I agree that Claire and Melendez seem headed for a collision, but for me it just does not work. Claire was willing to fool around with Jared without investing her feelings, but she is too much in awe of Melendez, I think, to sleep with him and not fall in love. He, on the other hand, is so supremely confident, I just can't see him falling in love with someone with confidence as fragile as Claire's. She's coming along, and standing up to him was a big deal, but I just don't seem them on the same level of...personal strength, to work out. He is so competitive, I think he needs someone to challenge him both professionally and personally, whereas Claire needs mentoring and nurturing. Claire does have strength, but she needs to play off people her own emotional age, not someone like Melendez who could always crush her if he wanted to. In my opinion.

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Claire's friend was annoying all around.  She was pushy and insensitive and was passive-aggressively using her illness as a bludgeon.

I giggled every time the name 'Dash' was spoken aloud because I kept thinking of the kid from The Incredibles.  Although I know the actor who played Dash as Gabe from the Netflix series Dear White People. So I was pre-disposed to like him.

Lea stays being awful.  Good lord, she calls Shaun at work because a damned fish looks bored?  She cleaned the pebbles in a new  environment that was probably already shocky to the  fish?  Girl get a job!

The kidney transplant bickering sibs case was interesting. Maybe I have a cold dead heart, but  I was more sympathetic to the donor guy than the receiver guy.  Also WTF with Morgan pulling in all these random relatives?  I know the show wanted to soften her up but that level is a bit ridiculous.

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4 hours ago, DearEvette said:

Maybe I have a cold dead heart, but  I was more sympathetic to the donor guy than the receiver guy. 

I was, too, by the end. The receiver guy was trying to honor someone who wouldn't have appreciated the honor, if donor guy is to be believed. And while donor guy was willing to go against his inclination to do what was right, receiver guy wasn't. 

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5 hours ago, DearEvette said:


I giggled every time the name 'Dash' was spoken aloud because I kept thinking of the kid from The Incredibles.  Although I know the actor who played Dash as Gabe from the Netflix series Dear White People. So I was pre-disposed to like him.


The only reference to Dash as a name I have is Queen Victoria's dog lol

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1 hour ago, vavera4ka said:

The only reference to Dash as a name I have is Queen Victoria's dog lol

There was a Dash on "The Witches of Eastwich" the show the wife married to Dash was on. The character of Dash on "The Witches of Eastwich" was the doctor that was inappropriate to Claire that Jared threatened.

Edited by AnimeMania
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Oh man! I had a dream about Melendez last night. SO pissed I woke up!! He's not my usual type but damn I can't quit him! I hope there's a Claire romance here. You just KNOW Jared would show up and ruin it, right?!

Lea needs to bounce. I haven't seen that actress in anything before.  She's cute and I like her hair. But the Hershey reveal was some of the worst acting I've seen lately...and it is Hallmark Christmas movie season, so that's saying a lot!! Shaun has no time for this. And the lab test he did on the fish would've probably cost like at least $300 out of pocket for a person with no or crappy insurance in the states. So please Shaun don't waste resources that way anymore!

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I started off hating Claire’s storyline but ended up liking it because of Claire’s reaction to the crazy and selfish request. I hate pushy people like the friend and the fact that she was using her impending death to force Claire to make a choice she didn’t want was rage inducing. I’m glad that Claire told her off after initially appeasing her. I was afraid the show would have her pollly Anna her way through it with smiles and nods as this dying tweet direct her life from her deathbed. If ever there was a time to be assertive, it was now 

I’m off two minds about Melendez not allowing her back on his surgical team. Poeple complain when characters get away with wrongdoing, here we have a character paying for misdeeds even if she herself feels no regret. Now if that paves the way for a relationship with Melendez, fine. I’m down for it but it is a byproduct as far as I’m concern. Also when has shows cares about relationships between bosses and subordinates? I don’t care as long it’s properly addressed 

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To all those bored about grouchy Glassman:  cancer sucks.  You take the President of a hospital, an erudite man who lives the life of the mind.  Within a few weeks, you deal with a terminal diagnosis, then hope, lose your position which humiliates you, then the waiting, then an operation that may impair your very sense of self.  Then you are in recovery with psychosis, you are humiliated because you cannot walk properly, you try  to pretend all is well and have to push away what looks like normalcy and now you have to wait again for more therapy and now you are losing memories.  And from the look of the trailer next week not just short term ones.  This may be the end of any medical career post-therapy.  Think about it.  It would be absolutely devastating.  Watching my dad succumb to secondary brain tumors was devastating to watch.  Imagine what it must be like to have one and to know intimately what it means - and perhaps to feel a little guilty that you treated these patients with professional decorum and a necessary distance.  Give the guy a break.  Hospital dramas rarely show the recovery phase.  

Still annoyed about the shoe-horning Lea plot but nice to see that she is not so 2-dimensional.  And yes she is written deliberately as annoying.  The look at the end.  Shaun looks like he is trying to both understand her and also that he really loves her.  She gave him that look too.  Slow (annoying) burn but the direction of travel...

I loved the storyline with the brothers:  "My father told me he wished I hadn't been born.  I wasn't worth the trouble  But I knew I was worth the trouble.  Because my brother always looked out for me...even when it made his life harder".  Oh Shaun.  A beautifully acted scene.  I thought the donor brother was a terrific actor too.  Really nicely done.

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On 11/14/2018 at 6:46 AM, possibilities said:

If you die for lack of a kidney, and your brother inherits the entire business and then sells it now that you're no longer alive to stop him, how does that further your agenda of keeping yourself alive and in that business? The kidney patient's story made no sense. I guess he counted on his brother not being willing to let him die, but it was callous as hell and he clearly doesn't value his brother the way his brother values him.

I thought the goldfish needed a way bigger bowl.

He wouldn't inherit the whole business.  He owned just less than half.  He'd still be in the same predicament.  He was always going to give the kidney I think - hence his game theory speech - which Shaun was also obviously using too (I'm thinking physics and math major?).  He was, I think, trying to escape his past.  It all became clear when he saw his brother's reaction with the irony that the only way he could escape his past was to donate the kidney and support his brother after all.  Watch him really really look at Shaun when he talks about his dad.  How often is what Shaun is saying ignored when he has something useful to add?  We don't really value diversity of thought even though we pretend to.

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2 hours ago, Deputy Deputy CoS said:

I’m off two minds about Melendez not allowing her back on his surgical team. Poeple complain when characters get away with wrongdoing, here we have a character paying for misdeeds even if she herself feels no regret. Now if that paves the way for a relationship with Melendez, fine. I’m down for it but it is a byproduct as far as I’m concern. Also when has shows cares about relationships between bosses and subordinates? I don’t care as long it’s properly addressed 

I will be pissed on Claire's behalf if she is being kept off Melendez' surgical team because he is interested in her sexually. 

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3 minutes ago, izabella said:

I will be pissed on Claire's behalf if she is being kept off Melendez' surgical team because he is interested in her sexually. 

There is no support of that theory in the show. That is not even an assumption by fans. People think it opens the door to a possible romance between them. It ignores the fact that she royally fucked up. 

I just think that him being her boss is not in the way or them become romantically involved so the removal has nothing to do with a possible pairing. 

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4 hours ago, doctor destiny said:

Watching my dad succumb to secondary brain tumors was devastating to watch.  Imagine what it must be like to have one and to know intimately what it means - and perhaps to feel a little guilty that you treated these patients with professional decorum and a necessary distance.  Give the guy a break.  Hospital dramas rarely show the recovery phase.  

I'm sorry for your loss. That's really sad and I can not imagine. One really never knows where life can take you. I dont mind Glassman's storyline so much and agree I like that they're not just glossing over the recovery phase. I guess they had to give Glassman a love interest bc besides Shaun there doesn't appear to be anyone to really care or interact with him on that level.

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Busted kidney guy could have gone on dialysis with a central catheter. He didn't need an immediate donor LOL. And doctors could lose their license for trying to influence someone to be a living donor. The organ transplant ethics violations on this show bordered on heresy.

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