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S13.E16: Twin Tweaks

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13 hours ago, enchantingmonkey said:

Is Gina not quite Housewife savvy enough to know what she was getting herself into by spilling the tea all over Shannon's bed, or was she just trying to keep her job?  Enquiring minds want to know!  


13 hours ago, MinorL said:

I’m not sure how Gina could possibly think she’s some sort of victim here.

I'm not buying it. I think it is the set up that Tamra planned and Gina is going on script per Tamra's instructions.

I don't think Tamra likes Shannon and never did. She likes her even less since Shannon became a fan favorite and liked by Andy. It's not jealousy - she just doesn't want another HW taking spots that she covets. Wasn't it Tamra who told Heather about the "affair" seasons ago? I think both Eddie and Gina are following Tamra's orders. Gina may get grief for another episode or two from Tamra - but they'll make up. I think Emily will go off script and Tamra will use that as an excuse to ex Emily out because she's not over the Eddie rumor.

Shannon will never take Tamra down even when she sees the conversations when the episodes air. I think Shannon is brainwashed into taking "abuse" The only person who has a shot at taking down Tamra - is Kelly - I would absolutely love to see that. Not that it will get Tamra kicked off the show because Tamra sold her soul to hold on to that orange.

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5 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

He is really awful. I see nothing redeeming about the troll, and his freakishly perpetually hostile face! I find schlubby Steve more caring and kinder, and I think Steve is a cold fish barely tolerating Vickie!

?The way Shane kept going "hmmm?" Or "mmm" as his only reaction to Emily's sobbing yet audible comments in opening the mourning box was perplexing.  He couldn't muster anything more??!! I can only think that the fact is not lost in him that this easy money TV show and filming such moments is so over the top, staged, cheesy, that he only reacts in these "cold" or "detached" ways bc he is no actor and won't feed into it all. Just collect the $$ and run. I hope he's not *actually* like this. 

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37 minutes ago, MajorNelson said:

I think he's seen or overheard the 100's of phone calls Shannon makes to Tamra.  Tamra even admitted to jumping out of bed and going downstairs to talk in whispers on the phone, like a junkie.

According to Tamballs, the purveyor of Truth & Justice.


13 minutes ago, Kdawg82 said:

Oh boy! Another creepy spawn. Yeesh! But Spencer is her everything , most special child,  dontchaknow?! He had never touched a drop of alcohol despite her "cool mom' prodding, dontchaknow?! He knows exactly what he wants to do and be, dontchaknow?! He's got the soul of a 90 year old psych major, dontchaknow?! Lmfao! Oh Tamballs, don't ever change. The gift that keeps on giving! That boy seemed burnt out and not very well spoken so maybe average at best . Ymmv.

So ... how long before she plies one of her "girlfriends" with enough tequila shots and convinces her other darling son to try & molest said girlfriend in the powder room?

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1 minute ago, walnutqueen said:

So ... how long before she plies one of her "girlfriends" with enough tequila shots and convinces her other darling son to try & molest said girlfriend in the powder room?

Oh jeepers! Maybe she'll sick him on her "good friend" Shannon and claim it was all just for her own GOOD! To raise her self esteem!!! I.Can't.Stand.Tamra. To think there was a time when she was my favorite HW of OC. Ugh!! 

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11 hours ago, Thumper said:

Still watching later rerun.  Why is Vicki wearing those weird toe-less socks after her facelift?

Felt bad for Gina with so many miscarriages and the loss of the twins at 4 months gestation.   That is tough.  Not sure about her husband -- maybe he is a guy who tries to stay strong and just can't express emotion?


4 hours ago, Sterling said:

Compression socks, given to you by the hospital, because you won't be moving around much, so it's to prevent blood clots.

As I wrote in an earlier post, I've had my upper eyelids done.  I didn't have those socks then, but I did have them when I had my hysterectomy.

I've had 2 friends who have had facelifts (I live in plastic-surgery world), and the compression toe-sock things are sent home on you from the hospital.

Vicki was on WWHL, and while her face looks good, she just looks like a wax figure now.  So many surgeries, so many fillers and botox.  So unnatural.  

My friends who have both had facelifts don't look anything like Vicki.  They both look completely natural.  Vicki looks like one of those wax candy lips.  Ugh, no wonder Steve told her "no more".

Oh, and all the surgeries I've had, I've never experienced this "fire crotch" thing, nor have any of my friends.

Why was Vicki's doctor "insistent" that she stay in a hotel?  I found being at home so much more comforting.

Sterling - while I believe your explanation of giving patients compression socks to prevent blood clots - the ones Vicki had on just looked like loose non-skid socks they give you to prevent slipping.

I also think the ones she was given had toes - but once you place them on cloven hoofs - well Vicki - Satan

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25 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

I also think the ones she was given had toes - but once you place them on cloven hoofs - well Vicki - Satan

Even Satan draws the line at cancer scamming.

Edited by walnutqueen
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8 hours ago, FairyDusted said:

Small thing but Gina is living in a pool house? Where are her children? 

Gina described it as a casita which looks like code for garage/shed/small pool house on someone's property - not legal to rent out as a "home".

I would imagine it's fully furnished and she just rented it for day they filmed. Matt and Gina don't have the "money" to add another 1000 per month to rent a place. I think they did it for "show" on camera and the rest of the time - they all stay at the house even when he is visiting the kids.

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I have way less $$ than all the women on this show but DAMN! Gina has the tackiest style I've ever seen on a show!  I manage to look classic and put together on a serious budget.  Yeah maybe I miss at times but holy smokes! Between Gina and Vicki and the way they present themselves, you'd never guess they have much $ at all! A shame, really. Even the NJ ho's look better! 

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1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

I think Steve wants this to be Vicki's last surgery until he has his name in place as the beneficiary to her estate, health care proxy agent and power of attorney. Then Vicki can have all the surgery she wants - the riskier the better. You can just feel the love coming from Steve - look at the fabulosity of his birthday gifts - year 1 - a gun, year 2 a motorcycle henley.

I don't like Shane either, but Emily chose him. I don't think he had an extreme personality change after marriage. I don't think he ever swept her off her feet - he asked her to date via Google chat, he asked her to marry him via Google chat. I see him as emotionally unavailable from the jump - yet she chose to stay and constantly tried for children - multiple miscarriages, IVF, surrogacy. I do think she loves him but I also think he doesn't care. 5 kids are enough for him. I wonder if they ever had a Google chat about how many kids they would have prior t walking down the aisle.

She actually mentioned this in her drug induced stupor.  But I'll wager the ink is drying on those documents before he becomes a Saturday night Dateline Murder Mystery.


14 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Gina described it as a casita which looks like code for garage/shed/small pool house on someone's property - not legal to rent out as a "home".

I would imagine it's fully furnished and she just rented it for day they filmed. Matt and Gina don't have the "money" to add another 1000 per month to rent a place. I think they did it for "show" on camera and the rest of the time - they all stay at the house even when he is visiting the kids.

Oh, sweet, delusional KFB - $1,000 per month wouldn't rent sweet fuck all in her district.  ;-)

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29 minutes ago, Kdawg82 said:

?The way Shane kept going "hmmm?" Or "mmm" as his only reaction to Emily's sobbing yet audible comments in opening the mourning box was perplexing.  He couldn't muster anything more??!! I can only think that the fact is not lost in him that this easy money TV show and filming such moments is so over the top, staged, cheesy, that he only reacts in these "cold" or "detached" ways bc he is no actor and won't feed into it all. Just collect the $$ and run. I hope he's not *actually* like this. 

I think you’re spot on. It’s been years she’s avoided that box and enter Bravo and now Shane (a non actor) has to be a witness of her opening it on camera. It’s pretty awkward.

With that said do I think the cameras yell “cut” and Shane turns into a warm and touchy feely type, no, but he’s showing up when required so I kind of have to give him credit. 

Gina just keeps pissing me off more each episode. They were screaming at Shannon in Jamaica about medications, help, etc. Shannon, as a human being for one, but also reality show player, can deduce conversations were had and they weren’t spouting that shit to her on the fly. 

A trmendous pet peeve of mine is people delivering hurtful news in the guise of “help”.  Unless someone is directly injuring a loved one or pet- most things don’t need to be relayed if they start with “So this won’t be easy to hear ”. It’s hurtful and the messenger needs to be shot in this case. And she’s all sympathetic fake NY voice saying she’s been hurt when trying to help. But this one will do it on your cozy recuperating with Archie post op bed. Fuck off, Gina. You’re not good TV and I hope you’re  not asked back. 

Someone mentioned above how rocking Kelly looks and I agree!  I never really found her that pretty and find her really good looking this season. Her personality is better but I can be pretty shallow so I don’t think it’s just that. 

And damn, Eddie said dizzy?  I knew he kind of rested on something but I thought they must have a pet named Isabella and he said “Izzy”. Gosh- that makes me sad for him. 

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2 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:


These two posts pretty much sum up what I feel about this season, and in particular the two newbies. Shane could be Scott (at least I assume the poster means Shane, but could be Steve?), and Gina and Emily are interchangeable.  Sixteen episodes in, and there has been no improvement. Archie has been the star of the show. 

I find it ironic that Emily thinks Shannon needs lots of help, based on what Emily went through with her mother. Talk about glass houses. At least Shannon's divorce is recent, and though I have never been divorced my friends/family who have been said it is like dealing with a death. Emily on the other hand has never dealt with the miscarriage of her twins 7-8 years ago, and is just now seeing a psychiatrist regarding it? I actually feel sorry for Shane, as he obviously has dealt with it, including looking at the box given to them by the hospital. Shane has had to deal with Emily not dealing with this for years now. It looks like they lost a boy and a girl? (I think I saw pink and blue cards in the box). So is Emily trying to replace the girl she lost since she went on to have two boys? And if she had another daughter, who is to say she wouldn't then want another one as the first two daughters would not likely be close due to age difference. 

Emily really needs to deal with her own shit. No, the children she lost cannot be replaced but it seems to me that is what she is trying to do. Of any Howife on this franchise, she needs help more than any of the others, IMO. But I sincerely hope that I don't have to watch it be played out next year, as I am really not interested. Sorry, not sorry. 

Emily never carried a baby to full term - that's what she needs to deal with through therapy. Until she does, it won't matter if she convinces Shane to go through 9 more embryo surrogacies - this will not fill the void.

If she ends up truly wanting to try for another girl after therapy then she needs to drop Shane now - cause it ain't gonna happen with him.

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2 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:


These two posts pretty much sum up what I feel about this season, and in particular the two newbies. Shane could be Scott (at least I assume the poster means Shane, but could be Steve?), and Gina and Emily are interchangeable.  Sixteen episodes in, and there has been no improvement. Archie has been the star of the show. 

I find it ironic that Emily thinks Shannon needs lots of help, based on what Emily went through with her mother. Talk about glass houses. At least Shannon's divorce is recent, and though I have never been divorced my friends/family who have been said it is like dealing with a death. Emily on the other hand has never dealt with the miscarriage of her twins 7-8 years ago, and is just now seeing a psychiatrist regarding it? I actually feel sorry for Shane, as he obviously has dealt with it, including looking at the box given to them by the hospital. Shane has had to deal with Emily not dealing with this for years now. It looks like they lost a boy and a girl? (I think I saw pink and blue cards in the box). So is Emily trying to replace the girl she lost since she went on to have two boys? And if she had another daughter, who is to say she wouldn't then want another one as the first two daughters would not likely be close due to age difference. 

Emily really needs to deal with her own shit. No, the children she lost cannot be replaced but it seems to me that is what she is trying to do. Of any Howife on this franchise, she needs help more than any of the others, IMO. But I sincerely hope that I don't have to watch it be played out next year, as I am really not interested. Sorry, not sorry. 

Is that a thing, to save the boxes from the hospital and then look at them in the future?  I don’t know about anyone else, but I could not do that.  Maybe it brings closure or comfort for some, but I could not handle it.  Same with ashes of the deceased.  I could never hold a box of ashes, but that is just me.  My sister whipped out a box of ashes of her husband and I almost fainted.  Couldn’t sleep that night.  Crazy, I know.

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16 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Emily really needs to deal with her own shit. No, the children she lost cannot be replaced but it seems to me that is what she is trying to do.

This is some deep stuff especially for a new howife. Just dealing w/ having to decide whether to "destroy" the remaining embryos is sick sh** -pardon my vulgarity. I couldn't imagine this torment . I'll say Emily gets a pass for anything she may say this season due to the emotions she's forced to confront in this dumpster fire then - please get off our screens and deal with your life before ever returning.  No dislike, it's just a LOT.

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For the love of God I don't want to see a mourning box, hear about your dead babies, see you crying over the past when you have 3 beautiful healthy children. How long ago did all this happen? Mourn all you need to in private but the show is no place for it. This IS NOT entertaining. What in hell has this show come to? Emily should definitely not be back next season if this is what she's bringing to the show. I don't even want to start on that ingrate of a husband of hers. 

Wayyyyy to much crying this season, too. Shannon, Emily, Gina, Tamra. The only one's not crying are Kelly (which is probably why we can tolerate her now) and Vicky. 

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14 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Steve thinks this is gonna be Vicki's last surgery. How cute. 

Kelly was dressed like she was going clubbing when she came with Shannon to the doctor. 

I really feel for Emily with her multiple losses. I can't even imagine. It's so easy for people to say, "But you have three kids." But babies don't replace babies.

I'm glad to see she's in therapy. Shane is clearly not budging about having another. I don't know if she's always like this, but Shane shows absolutely no empathy. I can't stand him.


I bet Tamra was just salivating leading up to Spencer's 18th birthday. Finally, another kid she can get on camera. And, since he's a legal adult, I'm gonna let my snark flag fly - was the dude electrocuted???


Gina continues to be such a shit stirrer. She ran to Shannon, throwing Tamra under the bus, then gets all pissy when it comes back to her. She is sloppy.

Everything you said...YES! I thought Kelly looked a street walker. Emily is clearly very anguished about her losses and her husband could care less. There's no warmth or affection towards his wife whatsoever. And I thought the same thing about Tamra's son...he looks nothing like his mom...he's all Simon with crazy hair. And Gina...I guess she doesn't realize this is all on tape? The reunion show should be interesting.  

And Vicki...where to begin. All the surgeries in the world aren't going to make her life better. She should work on improving herself emotionally and intellectually but I realize this is the OC and the women there are addicted to plastic surgery. It's really sad, in a way, to see women spend their time trying to be 30 years younger. Their entitled, privileged lives afford them the luxury of yearly cosmetic procedures that they hope will make them the MILFs they want to be. Vicki seems to be really insecure...constantly asking Steve if he thinks she's pretty. What is she 12? This guy didn't want her to have the surgery! He's fine with the way she looked before the procedure...he doesn't care so why does she need to do this? And she's had so many of these procedures...wow. Tamra is the same...one surgery after another. And what is with her hillbilly family? Her mom's boyfriend looked creepy. I find Tamra's sexual referrals to be tawdry and vulgar. Like saying Eddie needs to "bone" her...really? No wonder her daughter doesn't want to see her. I would be embarrassed if my mother spoke that way on TV...real classy Tamra. WE get it...you and Eddie have a lot of sex. We don't care. 

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32 minutes ago, Kdawg82 said:

This is some deep stuff especially for a new howife. Just dealing w/ having to decide whether to "destroy" the remaining embryos is sick sh** -pardon my vulgarity. I couldn't imagine this torment . I'll say Emily gets a pass for anything she may say this season due to the emotions she's forced to confront in this dumpster fire then - please get off our screens and deal with your life before ever returning.  No dislike, it's just a LOT.

You are so right.  This is very disturbing to me for a shit show like this.  Having a miscarriage is enough, but this seeing the photos in the box and the colors is too much.  You see this .. get emotional, then it skips to Vikie or Tamra acting or saying stupid things.  I know it’s life, but I don’t want to see it in this format.  What was Bravo thinking?

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20 minutes ago, kicksave said:

constantly asking Steve if he thinks she's pretty. What is she 12?

Yes! And the constant references to things "he bought her." "The roses you bought me when I was in Ireland" and "the sunglases you bought me flew off my head." Yes vicki - we see what you're trying to sell..men buy YOU things , not the other way around.  Suuuure. Ummm it's not working no matter how much you try to sell it. How many times this episode did Vicki have to tell the audience "that's REAL LOVE" & her "mom and dad sent me love"?  We have eyeballs and ears and closed captioning on our tvs. We can see and hear that the men in your life have ZERO love for you!!! 

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3 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:


These two posts pretty much sum up what I feel about this season, and in particular the two newbies. Shane could be Scott (at least I assume the poster means Shane, but could be Steve?), and Gina and Emily are interchangeable.  Sixteen episodes in, and there has been no improvement. Archie has been the star of the show. 

I find it ironic that Emily thinks Shannon needs lots of help, based on what Emily went through with her mother. Talk about glass houses. At least Shannon's divorce is recent, and though I have never been divorced my friends/family who have been said it is like dealing with a death. Emily on the other hand has never dealt with the miscarriage of her twins 7-8 years ago, and is just now seeing a psychiatrist regarding it? I actually feel sorry for Shane, as he obviously has dealt with it, including looking at the box given to them by the hospital. Shane has had to deal with Emily not dealing with this for years now. It looks like they lost a boy and a girl? (I think I saw pink and blue cards in the box). So is Emily trying to replace the girl she lost since she went on to have two boys? And if she had another daughter, who is to say she wouldn't then want another one as the first two daughters would not likely be close due to age difference. 

Emily really needs to deal with her own shit. No, the children she lost cannot be replaced but it seems to me that is what she is trying to do. Of any Howife on this franchise, she needs help more than any of the others, IMO. But I sincerely hope that I don't have to watch it be played out next year, as I am really not interested. Sorry, not sorry. 

I totally agree that Emily is the one who needs major therapy. Yes, Shannon over reacts sometimes and overshares, but at least she's not too proud to publicly mourn the end of her marriage and is getting it out of her system, and leading an active life, which is like the exact opposite of what Emily's mother did. She also started a little entrepreneurial enterprise, which is a huge step for her. All of these mental health assessments piss me off, given their own fucked up lives. Emily needs to focus on not ending up like her mother. 

I think a lot of it has to do with jealousy. I picture Gina coming over to Shannon's spacious post-divorce rental from her shitty tiny house and the envy becomes like bile until she spits out the crap she spewed about how everyone was talking about her. She acts like a fucking teenager. And then both she and Kelly lied about the conversation which will bite them when the stupid idiots see the footage. What is wrong with them?

I actually like Shannon and am amused by Kelly, but the rest are vipers. 

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2 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:


I find it ironic that Emily thinks Shannon needs lots of help, based on what Emily went through with her mother. Talk about glass houses. At least Shannon's divorce is recent, and though I have never been divorced my friends/family who have been said it is like dealing with a death. Emily on the other hand has never dealt with the miscarriage of her twins 7-8 years ago, and is just now seeing a psychiatrist regarding it? I actually feel sorry for Shane, as he obviously has dealt with it, including looking at the box given to them by the hospital. Shane has had to deal with Emily not dealing with this for years now. It looks like they lost a boy and a girl? (I think I saw pink and blue cards in the box). So is Emily trying to replace the girl she lost since she went on to have two boys? And if she had another daughter, who is to say she wouldn't then want another one as the first two daughters would not likely be close due to age difference. 

Emily really needs to deal with her own shit. No, the children she lost cannot be replaced but it seems to me that is what she is trying to do. Of any Howife on this franchise, she needs help more than any of the others, IMO. But I sincerely hope that I don't have to watch it be played out next year, as I am really not interested. Sorry, not sorry. 


Bingo! I understand this is a reality show, and I appreciate the reality, but I think Shane is entitled to act how he wants to act. I don't get the vibe that he is unfeeling, the way I do with Eddie. I think he is just pragmatic. It looks like he made peace with the whole thing a long time ago, and, for all we know, they have gone through this process several times in the past. At some point, if Emily is not pursuing active therapy and doing the work--writing assignments, grief counseling in a group, grief counseling in private, hell--hyptnotism (I don't know what these rich people do)--Shane may have to erect a wall to protect his own mental health. When Emily was discussing losing the twins with her mother in law a few episodes back, she was not emotional, and their story seemed to be a vehicle to explain why she can't carry her own children to term. It is sad. But I think Emily has some idea of what a "perfect" family is in her head, and she will destroy this marriage and have emotional distance from the children that are in front of her until she can achieve that. I think she needs a lot of help. I get the impression that she resents her step-daughters from some of the comments she's made. She's not gonna be happy until she embraces all the gifts in her life, rather than bemoaning what could have been. 


1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

I don't like Shane either, but Emily chose him. I don't think he had an extreme personality change after marriage. I don't think he ever swept her off her feet - he asked her to date via Google chat, he asked her to marry him via Google chat. I see him as emotionally unavailable from the jump - yet she chose to stay and constantly tried for children - multiple miscarriages, IVF, surrogacy. I do think she loves him but I also think he doesn't care. 5 kids are enough for him. I wonder if they ever had a Google chat about how many kids they would have prior t walking down the aisle.

Yessss--there is a podcaster to whom I listen who frequently mentions "dating for marriage." He means that when two people are serious and not just fooling around, they will ask each other the important questions (and get answers) before they marry. Emily knew Shane had kids going into the marriage. She said she was pregnant with the twins at 32, and that she got pregnant relatively quickly. So they were procreating when Emily was in her 30s. If she wanted daughters (plural), they definitely should have come to an agreement about the IVF situation beforehand. I have a feeling that they did, and now she's unilaterally changing it cause of her fixation.

1 hour ago, Kdawg82 said:

Oh boy! Another creepy spawn. Yeesh! But Spencer is her everything , most special child,  dontchaknow?! He had never touched a drop of alcohol despite her "cool mom' prodding, dontchaknow?! He knows exactly what he wants to do and be, dontchaknow?! He's got the soul of a 90 year old psych major, dontchaknow?! Lmfao! Oh Tamballs, don't ever change. The gift that keeps on giving! That boy seemed burnt out and not very well spoken so maybe average at best . Ymmv.

I know. Tamra seemed perplexed that Spencer turned out "good," and almost a little threatened by it. I see this a lot with people who, on some level, self-identify as low-class or trashy, and when one family member breaks that cycle, the others feel rejected and scorned. I think she is more comfortable with Ryan (who, by the way, should not have been holding his barely dressed toddler daughter on camera. It's embarrassing. And while I'm going there--Emily, for Christ's sake, put some pants on your damn kid one time!) Spencer seems hella awkward though. After I checked out him and the girlfriend, I told my husband that Tamra could have kept that bedroom door closed; that they're not gonna give her anything to worry about.


I, too, am completely perplexed about the Gina, Shannon, and Tamra situation. This is some Beverly Hills-level convoluted shit. Why couldn't Gina and Kelly have simply told Shannon everything Tamra was saying behind Shannon's back, Shannon feel betrayed by Tamra, and let the long-overdue dismantling of Tamra Barney begin? Where's Lizzie to call Tamra "crap" to her face again?

Last thought: Sooo, Gina, Matt still has the place in "North LA" and he gets the Coto house when he sees his kids, while you move to the "casita"? Yeah, Shannon, there's a lot to be envious about with this divorce, lol!

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1 hour ago, walnutqueen said:

Oh, sweet, delusional KFB - $1,000 per month wouldn't rent sweet fuck all in her district.  ;-)

I worded this wrong. $1000K a month for 4 weekends in a shed isn't the price for the area?



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I'll throw Shane a bone on this one

IMO , how one grieves--or doesn't,  is their own business .

I know it was devastating for  Emily  to have 5 miscarriages and losing twins at 4 months, but Shane suffered those losses too....and he lost his wife during the grieving process and there was nothing he could do to help her pain.

Keep in mind. he's a Mormon and it's all about family

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48 minutes ago, Kdawg82 said:

This is some deep stuff especially for a new howife. Just dealing w/ having to decide whether to "destroy" the remaining embryos is sick sh** -pardon my vulgarity. I couldn't imagine this torment . I'll say Emily gets a pass for anything she may say this season due to the emotions she's forced to confront in this dumpster fire then - please get off our screens and deal with your life before ever returning.  No dislike, it's just a LOT.

Pssst...you replied to a post but it wasn't mine

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Gina's going to be staying in the 'casita/studio apartment/room above someone's garage' while her ex is enjoying his weekend visitation at the house with the kids... she explained that the kids wouldn't go back and forth, the parents would.

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3 hours ago, Thumper said:

Vikie coming out of surgery says to Steve “I have no panties on now”.  Or how about “Do you love me”? ,  “Am I Pretty?”   WTF?

HAHA...when I came out of surgery I asked my husband if the surgeon had sewn a penis on my forehead...no rhyme or reason LOL (he almost died of embarrassment)

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4 hours ago, snarts said:

Yes, I expect it wasn't the first time he was embarrassed by his mother.  I'm actually surprised he agreed to appear on the show. 


2 hours ago, esco1822 said:

Was he though? I thought Spencer was the child that decided he wanted nothing to do with Simon, the polar opposite of his sister who wants nothing to do with Tamra.  I'm pretty sure he's been solely living with Tams and Eddie for several years.  So maybe we can chalk it up to Eddie's influence?

Clearly he wanted to be on tv - I thought the "finally legal" or whatever comment was referencing that because hadn't Simon made it part of their custody agreement that the kids couldn't be on the show?

I'm getting the feeling the producer's script for this year is that "Shannon is crazy" and that's really bothering me. Yes, she's always been high maintenance, but she's in the midst of a divorce from her husband of 20ish years, a divorce she did not want, so her being all over the place emotionally is totally understandable. Could she benefit from the help of medication, maybe, but that's a personal choice and certainly not the panacea many want to think it is.

I can almost take Vicki, Tamra and Kelly being "concerned" about Shannon's mental health, but for Gina to talk to her about it and tell her she's doing so because she's concerned - after spending the entire season badgering Shannon on various issues - is kind of gross. Gross because I'm sure Gina is doing it for purposes of the "storyline" and not because she cares one iota about Shannon. And same goes for Emily in her trying to compare Shannon to her mother. Shannon who she's know for all of what 10 weeks? Or however long they've been filming? 

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33 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

The thing that bothered me the most about Vicki’s surgery was the fact that she withheld important information from her surgeon. It made the procedure last an extra hour and it could have been the MD’s reputation and license if something had gone wrong. Even Steve was telling her to be honest. I’m sure she didn’t say anything because she was too afraid that she might not be able to have the facelift if the truth was known. Hmmm... Vicki lying to get what she wants. Why doesn’t this surprise me? CSC strikes again. 

And the surgery patients behind her had to wait an extra hour too.

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22 minutes ago, sheetmoss said:

I'll throw Shane a bone on this one

IMO , how one grieves--or doesn't,  is their own business .

I know it was devastating for  Emily  to have 5 miscarriages and losing twins at 4 months, but Shane suffered those losses too....and he lost his wife during the grieving process and there was nothing he could do to help her pain.

Keep in mind. he's a Mormon and it's all about family

I was just going to post the same.  What is Shane supposed to do?  Cry on national t.v. ?  A lot of men  are embarrassed to show their feelings and probably grieve in private.  I admit he’s sarcastic, but I don’t think he’s unfeeling.

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5 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Interesting that Eddie said that he missed working out, running etc and Tamra had to remind him that boning her was important too. I’m sure he loved it broadcasted on national tv that his medications make him impotent...but not completely. 

I'm sure he also appreciated her trying to take booger out of his nose on national TV.


3 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Agree - I am curious as to why he has such venom for Shannon. Is he just trained like Pavlov's dog to recite the lines Tamra has given him? He doesn't seem have have as intense a hatred for Vicki - and she did more direct damage to Eddie.

I bet it's due to Eddie's friendship with David. He probably believed everything David told him about Shannon.


3 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

I don't like Shane either, but Emily chose him. I don't think he had an extreme personality change after marriage. I don't think he ever swept her off her feet - he asked her to date via Google chat, he asked her to marry him via Google chat. I see him as emotionally unavailable from the jump - yet she chose to stay and constantly tried for children - multiple miscarriages, IVF, surrogacy. I do think she loves him but I also think he doesn't care. 5 kids are enough for him. I wonder if they ever had a Google chat about how many kids they would have prior t walking down the aisle.

LOL, you're right of course. I couldn't tolerate him, but Emily doesn't really seem unhappy with him. 

I do think she needs to consider that he already had several children when they got married. 

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Does anyone wonder what Steve’s motive is?  Is he in love with Vick or her money, or her daily you know what?  Does he just love to be on t.v. and the Bravo paycheck? Lonely?   What?

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2 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Emily never carried a baby to full term - that's what she needs to deal with through therapy. Until she does, it won't matter if she convinces Shane to go through 9 more embryo surrogacies - this will not fill the void.

If she ends up truly wanting to try for another girl after therapy then she needs to drop Shane now - cause it ain't gonna happen with him.

You could be right about Emily not dealing with her inability to carry a child. However if she were to drop Shane now because he doesn't want a 6th child (and who can blame him?) she would be back at square one. She would not be entitled to the embryos as they are half Shane's. What are the chances she would meet someone at 42 who would then want to take on her three children and produce a 4th (via surrogacy once again)? I doubt she would go that route on her own. And in the end, she would be breaking up her family which has a stable loving father (which she never had as a child) to chase a pipe dream. Not sure if I would label her delusional or selfish, but the outcome would be the same. 

I don't think Emily married her mother, as some others do. Didn't she say her mother was mentally ill? I think Shane is actually quite stable - certainly more so than Emily. I think Shane may have married Emily's mother. 

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6 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

The difference between Ryan and Spencer May have more to do with Spencer being raised primarily by Simon. Though he was never one of my favorites, Simon did seem like a stronger parental figure than flighty Tamra.  Spencer seemed embarrassed by his Mother and his mother’s family who were weRing their trashinesd like a badge of honor.

Ugh.  I hate to defend Tamra,  but Spencer is estranged from Simon.  Tamra raised him after the divorce. He refuses to see Simon.  

It sounds like both Simon and Tamra are awful.  

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6 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

The difference between Ryan and Spencer May have more to do with Spencer being raised primarily by Simon. Though he was never one of my favorites, Simon did seem like a stronger parental figure than flighty Tamra.  Spencer seemed embarrassed by his Mother and his mother’s family who were weRing their trashinesd like a badge of honor.

I am pretty sure Spencer is estranged from Simon and at a certain point elected to live with Tamra full time - much like Sidney elected to live with Simon full time.

ETA: Aah, CatMomma, it looks like we responded to this at about the same time. I was thinking the same thing - neither Tamra nor Simon seem like ideal parents. And I dare say Tamra seems like she *may* have learned some lessons from her fallout with Sidney.

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
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3 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Gina described it as a casita which looks like code for garage/shed/small pool house on someone's property - not legal to rent out as a "home".

I would imagine it's fully furnished and she just rented it for day they filmed. Matt and Gina don't have the "money" to add another 1000 per month to rent a place. I think they did it for "show" on camera and the rest of the time - they all stay at the house even when he is visiting the kids.

Still it doesn't jive with their divorce is friendly, she and Matt are best friends, even have sex on occasion and still love each narrative.

2 hours ago, Pegasaurus said:

The only other takeaway I had was how much I liked the big, comfy, poolside/patio chairs that Vicki & Steve were sitting in.   Really nice!  (Too bad about those gnats, though. That's annoying).

What was odd was in the Vicki/Steve poolside scene you have Steve complaining about the heat and gnats and the next scene we have Tamra and Eddie in parkas outside complaining about the cold. 

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1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

I worded this wrong. $1000K a month for 4 weekends in a shed isn't the price for the area?



$1,000 wouldn't buy you a dirty weekend at the Murder Motel around these parts.  :-)


1 hour ago, Kdawg82 said:

Yes! And the constant references to things "he bought her." "The roses you bought me when I was in Ireland" and "the sunglases you bought me flew off my head." Yes vicki - we see what you're trying to sell..men buy YOU things , not the other way around.  Suuuure. Ummm it's not working no matter how much you try to sell it. How many times this episode did Vicki have to tell the audience "that's REAL LOVE" & her "mom and dad sent me love"?  We have eyeballs and ears and closed captioning on our tvs. We can see and hear that the men in your life have ZERO love for you!!! 

Steve's unnatural teeth look like Vicky paid for them.


1 hour ago, nexxie said:

Really - his only good quality seems to be his mother.

That little turkey vulture with nail polish is harrrible!


41 minutes ago, SnarkAttack said:

Maybe Shannon doesn't want to go on medication due to increased awareness about prescribed med addiction.  It's not just pain meds that can be addicting.   

I finally caved & saw a doc for the first time in decades, due to a pesky UTI (I know, TMI).  He gave me Paxil for life-long depression.  Made me shit like a Canadian goose.  I'd rather be mentally ill.  My HMO lets me see him again, and I cannot wait to try out another medication with even worse side effects! 

BTW - not all pain patients are addicts.  To the contrary, idiots who assume so have made our lives a sheer fucking misery, because we can no longer get the meds we need to make life tolerable.

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2 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

$1,000 wouldn't buy you a dirty weekend at the Murder Motel around these parts.  :-)


Steve's unnatural teeth look like Vicky paid for them.


That little turkey vulture with nail polish is harrrible!


I finally caved & saw a doc for the first time in decades, due to a pesky UTI (I know, TMI).  He gave me Paxil for life-long depression.  Made me shit like a Canadian goose.  I'd rather be mentally ill.  My HMO lets me see him again, and I cannot wait to try out another medication with even worse side effects! 

BTW - not all pain patients are addicts.  To the contrary, idiots who assume so have made our lives a sheer fucking misery, because we can no longer get the meds we need to make life tolerable.

Amen. I have constant pain and I am fortunate to have a doctor who understands and a pharmacist also. The fact that I now have to hand deliver my script and sign over one of the cats is ridiculous. 

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I think that Emily has repeatedly made it clear that Shane’s children (from his prior marriage) are not her children, and are not her children’s full siblings. Her daughter has at least two half-sisters, and every time Emily talks about needing a sister for her daughter, she is dismissing his daughters as second-rate members of the family. I also think it’s pretty outrageous that she opened the memorial box to their miscarried twins on television. Emily is not someone who has lived her entire life on television for years, there are many things she has yet to share. If she exposed that private moment to an audience, then it is understandable to me if Shane did not treat it as a private moment of comfort in a marriage. So to me, they’re both pretty cold towards each other, and frankly neither seems like a prize as a partner.

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This is a day the ladies went out without Shannon...Enter "FUN" Gina - Bwahahahaha

Truthfully, I don't mind if both Emily and Gina got second seasons - because I really couldn't stand Lydia and Peggy.

However if one has to go to bring one back - Let Emily stay then I'd like them to bring back Meghan (mainly for  Ronnie Karam and Ben Mandelker's "Justice" impression)

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17 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Steve thinks this is gonna be Vicki's last surgery. How cute. 

Kelly was dressed like she was going clubbing when she came with Shannon to the doctor. 

I really feel for Emily with her multiple losses. I can't even imagine. It's so easy for people to say, "But you have three kids." But babies don't replace babies.

I'm glad to see she's in therapy. Shane is clearly not budging about having another. I don't know if she's always like this, but Shane shows absolutely no empathy. I can't stand him.


I bet Tamra was just salivating leading up to Spencer's 18th birthday. Finally, another kid she can get on camera. And, since he's a legal adult, I'm gonna let my snark flag fly - was the dude electrocuted???


Gina continues to be such a shit stirrer. She ran to Shannon, throwing Tamra under the bus, then gets all pissy when it comes back to her. She is sloppy.

I am gonna say it and for those that agree with me, there is room in my handbasket straight to hell (bring booze).  Tamra does NOT produce attractive boys AT ALL.  He has a very pointy rodent-esque face.  Then again, so did Tamra before she could afford facial work.  

I think Shane has empathy he is just sick of talking about having more kids and her trying to change his mind.  I would be tempted, as harsh as it may sound, to yell what about NO do you not understand?  Told ya my basket is heading somewhere warm.

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12 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

That little turkey vulture with nail polish is harrrible!

I was just going by what Emily said about her - but Emily thinks Shane is great too, so what does she know?!

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