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The View in the Media


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I'm a pretty unprofessional person, haha, I bad mouth my ex bosses to anyone who will listen (of course not to a newspaper, but that's just because I haven't been given that opportunity... yet.)  I can't imagine working for a person like BW and Geddie and not publicly bashing them afterwards.  So I can't fault Sherri for that.


Wendy Williams talked about the Rosie Perez rumors on her show and said they were most likely true.  I have fun watching her show a lot more than The View, mostly at how impressive I think her broadcasting skills are, her ability to just talk.  And even though I'm white, I've always been pretty into black culture, so I love all her guests and stuff.

Edited by Morbs
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Wendy Williams talked about the Rosie Perez rumors on her show and said they were most likely true.  I have fun watching her show a lot more than The View, mostly at how impressive I think her broadcasting skills are, her ability to just talk.  And even though I'm white, I've always been pretty into black culture, so I love all her guests and stuff.

I really like that show too Morbs and often catch the late night showing on cable.  She has good celebrity gossip including the Real Ho-wives, who are often guests on her show, and yet will spent five minutes talking about George Clooney too.   I think she is enjoying all the rumors about The Spew.  

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Sherri tweets

"I know you’re over there breaking out the champagne @JulieChen @THESaraGilbert @sherylunderwood & @aishatyler … It’s a race hard won"


I guess in response to the news that The Talk's ratings were higher than The View's.


Also RO seems to be shifting a little in her position that Rosie P is coming back. (As RO acknowledges the decision as to whether or not the show continues and who the hosts are is not in her hands, but the corporate decision makers. She does like Mario in the role.)  I'm not liking the signals going out now.

Edited by merriebreeze
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God, Sherri is annoying...talk about someone who has never gotten past being fired.  I bet she comments on the View for the rest of her life.  She needs to be grateful that they allowed her stupidity for as long as they did, and move on.  No need to continuously talk trash about the show.  I would love for them to ask her to guest co-host and then devote a segment to question her about her inane tweets and interviews about why she talks trash about the show that made her a household name unfortunately.

Edited by CMH1981
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Sherri tweets

"I know you’re over there breaking out the champagne @JulieChen @THESaraGilbert @sherylunderwood & @aishatyler … It’s a race hard won"


I guess in response to the news that The Talk's ratings were higher than The View's.


Also RO seems to be shifting a little in her position that Rosie P is coming back. (As RO acknowledges the decision as to whether or not the show continues and who the hosts are is not in her hands, but the corporate decision makers. She does like Mario in the role.)  I'm not liking the signals going out now.

IF RosieP doesn't return in February The Spew is just making things worse by their continued denials of her firing.  We already know this is exactly how they have handled the stories about Babs retirement, Bitsy's firing, and famously of Star's contract non-renewal.   No wonder the tabs and viewers don't believe them when they say Rosie P isn't going anywhere. 


Too bad Rosie P won't make a statement.  I was always grateful I just happened to be watching the day Star surprised them all by announcing her last day on her own terms because the look on Babs face was awesome.  


A couple appear to be strictly right-leaning sites.

Ha!  One of the "sources" contacted Fox-411.  Why am I picturing Bitsy in a closet calling all these obscure (to me) sites to continue the rumour?   The only reason this show would end has nothing to do with being "ultra liberal" or politics, but if it's losing money.   Period. 

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This is the source blog post which is then referenced by a gleeful right-leaning Q-Political, then both the Mad World and the Inquisitr reference Q-Political.


In the source blog post:



Another source connected to the show told us that Internet chatter suggests ABC News may be looking to expand its No.1 morning show “Good Morning America” to take over “The View” slot.


So now "internet chatter" is a reliable source?


I'm not questioning the likelihood that a lot of this is true, but come on.  Fox news?


Which leads me to, my surprise the Bitsy and Fox have been so quiet about goings on at The View, I thought for sure we'd get daily recaps from bitter Bitsy.

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MSN is currently running an article entitled "5 Ways 'The View' Can Avoid the 'Today' Show Fall", which I've linked in case you haven't seen it.  Among the suggestions it offers is that the panelists need to interact more directly with the studio audience. In relating to The View's backstage instructions to "make sparks", the article suggests that the panelists get off their perch on stage to walk among their guests and engage them. 

"The View" has a live audience, but rarely utilizes it. Imagine the viral possibilities if Rosie or Whoopi got into it with an audience member."  (my bolding)


Can you just imagine the fiasco this could bring about???  LOL!  I see lawsuits!



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As long as they don't make good on the promise (threat) to be active on social media during the show.  I HATE when a chunk of the screen on any program is taken up by some inane tweets from fans as on Dancing with the Stars.  I wouldn't object to their including comments and questions from Facebook or Twitter like they do on The Chew but maybe nobody from this crew is capable of reading off a page as smoothly as Clinton Kelly does.

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I also don't enjoy the social media stuff on the screen.

I don't watch The Chew - do the cohosts there actively go out and chat with the audience? I am not very interested in seeing that and taking up time with audience members gushing about how happy they are to be there, meet them, etc. That to me is more of a one host thing like with Donahue or Oprah. I would rather see that time used for longer segments and longer interviews where discussions could be a little more in depth.

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I also don't enjoy the social media stuff on the screen.

I don't watch The Chew - do the cohosts there actively go out and chat with the audience? I am not very interested in seeing that and taking up time with audience members gushing about how happy they are to be there, meet them, etc. That to me is more of a one host thing like with Donahue or Oprah. I would rather see that time used for longer segments and longer interviews where discussions could be a little more in depth.

The Chew does segments where audience members taste food, play games for prizes, stuff like that. The success of those segments, IMHO, is that the host needs to control the interaction and keep it brief and focused. It works on The Chew, because it's always connected to the cooking theme.

I don't know how that would work on The View

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the article suggests that the panelists get off their perch on stage to walk among their guests and engage them.



LOL, I read this fast and saw it as, "walk among their guests and enrage them."


A few years ago they did an audience participation bit called "Ask Whoopi." If I recall correctly it was pretaped and edite. BUT, I found Whoopi pretty funny with the audience. The problem is, she didn't suffer fools gladly, so doing it live might be dicey.


I wasn't a Rosie O'Donnell show fan but the few times I saw it, she interacted with audience members quite warmly.

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I never read Audition because watching the show the year it came out seemed like I'd already heard enough about it.  Plus an entire hour of her on Oprah.  But I do remember RO discussing it - at least on her blog.  She said she felt stabbed in the back and took responsibility for her rift with Babs, saying she [RO] blew up at her[babs] and felt like she might have frightened her.  RO also said that she made the mistake of thinking Babs was some sort of mother figure and feminist when really Babs just played by the Good Ol Boys rules.   I'm glad RO has evolved to where she could reconnect with Babs without expectations. 


I read Audition the year it came out and don't remember anything that was a particular bombshell about RO in it, but I remember BW doing the media rounds and being very careful how she talked about Rosie. She told Oprah that she only had two years that she didn't enjoy on The View, and that was the year they fired Star Jones and the year with Rosie (and I think she was mainly talking about Trumpgate and the end). Rosie's book Celebrity Detox is full of a lot of flowery language and clumsiness, but I think she spoke about her spat with BW best when she, too, was on Oprah:


"I was demanding an emotional connection from her that she was not willing or perhaps even able to give, and that I had no right to ask for." Because she's so good at speaking extemporaneously, there was a sadness to her voice that made me think that she was just, at that moment, realizing that.

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"I was demanding an emotional connection from her that she was not willing or perhaps even able to give, and that I had no right to ask for."



That sounds like some therapist talk to me - in a good way. I'm glad that RO speaks so openly about meditation and therapy and how much they have helped her.

Edited by merriebreeze
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Whatever the truth is or was, looks like Rosie Perez isn't going anywhere anytime soon. 


Inside ABC's Botched Plan to Fire Rosie Perez from The View



I found this interesting:

Ben Sherwood has made revamping “The View” one of his top priorities as the incoming president of Disney/ABC Television Group (he formally starts the job next week), but the changes implemented since the show moved to the news division haven’t worked so far. Ratings haven’t improved from last year’s sluggish season when Jenny McCarthy was the new addition to the panel.


This part at least is a fact:

“It’s never been such a mess,” one insider revealed. “Nobody knows what’s going on."



Sounds like no one is really running the show over there and it certainly shows. 

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Last year wasn't better, imo, what with the Year of Barbara, and SS. Jenny was hired to bring the fluff....and did. Not that I liked the fluff brought by JM. Or JM.


This year they have a new EP, and moved it to the News Division, Nice try but not working. Too many cooks and not s good mix of co-hosts.


And why is there not any thing in the media about WG's behavior and value to the show? And GMA, Kelly and Michael, and The Chew getting better guests?

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I mean come on, Perez being fired could never be like the Anne Curry situation. People actually watch the Today show, and that was a complicated fuck up that left audiences blaming Matt Lauer. That was a big error in judgement in a show much more important than The View. Sure they'd get some bad press from Latina groups, but it would blow over by the time they announce the show's cancellation in May.

Edited by Morbs
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Personally, I don't think Perez was planned to be fired, and that this article is just Variety's way of saving face when what they supposedly said was the "truth" before doesn't come to pass. I noticed one of the links listed below the article had a headline about how the View co-hosts "raged" over Jennifer Lopez's being labeled a cougar. I was watching that day, and they didn't "rage" at all during that topic.

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Perhaps putting the show under the News divsion might have been the first step in making it fit the 2016 election.  They have the GOP chair filled and now they can subtley fill other seats. A Morning Joe knock off which could eliminate the rest of the table.  Wallace is getting all kinds of exposure and practice. 


Another article that highlights viewers:  https://tv.yahoo.com/news/inside-abc-botched-plan-fire-rosie-perez-view-011830153.html



After a strong launch for the new panel in September, with total viewers hitting an eight-year high of 3.9 million for the premiere episode, ratings haven’t improved dramatically from last year’s sluggish season, when Jenny McCarthy was the new addition to the panel.




This was left out of the MSN article, nice to know how they tweak facts from one article to the next! 


ETA:  I just noticed the word dramatically was also left out of the MSN article regarding ratings.  Going from "ratings haven't improved dramatically"  to "ratings haven't improved" is certainly a different picture in my view.

Edited by Dizzy9
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I take anything from Breitbart with a ton of salt.


I should note that Wallace disguises herself as a Republican but only because in doing so she can do more damage to the conservative movement and in turn make herself more useful to the mainstream media. Not terribly charismatic or interesting, were Wallace to be honest about who she is (an elite left-winger), it’s doubtful she would be making a living as a marginal celebrity. The media just wouldn’t have much use for her.


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Other than her charisma and likability deficit, “The View” producers made a huge mistake casting the mercenary Wallace. They should have gone for another conservative like Elisabeth Hasselbeck. Conservatives tuned into to see Hasselbeck, who is whip-smart, fearless, and lovely. Conservatives are turned off by the not-terribly-bright Wallace.




Are they fucking kidding me??????  Elisabeth Hasselbeck whip-smart?  Puleeze.  Fearless?  Yeah, and how many times did we have to watch Barbara coddle her?


If Nicole isn't loved by conservatives it's because she saw Sarah Palin for who she really was and didn't fall in line with the rest of GOPbots.

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Are they fucking kidding me?????? Elisabeth Hasselbeck whip-smart? Puleeze. Fearless? Yeah, and how many times did we have to watch Barbara coddle her?

If Nicole isn't loved by conservatives it's because she saw Sarah Palin for who she really was and didn't fall in line with the rest of GOPbots.

By Breitbart standards EH is a fugging genius and paragon of journalistic integrity.

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Nicolle Wallace graduated from Cal-Berkeley and had high positions in the McCain campaign. I may not agree with her viewpoints, but I have no doubt that they are actually *her* opinions, and not something someone else told her to say. To say she is not bright, and then call that idiot "whip-smart" - I'm thinking this writer is trolling.

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I really have a hard time believing this. Somebody would have to show me the hard data and whether or not those polled are actual View watchers.


I wouldn't be surprised if Whoopi "outpolls" Rosie in the general public. Rosie is a lightning rod among the hard-right, Fox News crowd. They have made her into a monster. Whoopi just doesn't inspire that animus among people in the general population, and a lot of people think of her fondly from her work in Sister Act, Star Trek, etc., which had huge followings. Whoopi also probably polls better among men; Rosie's fan base, from her talk show days, has been female.


But your other point is a really good observation - among View watchers, I'd imagine Rosie outpolls Whoopi. Rosie is more engaged, enthusiastic, passionate, and warm to the guests (For me, Whoopi > Rosie, just coz I'm a big Whoopi fan, but I understand that I'm probably in the minority here.)

Edited by Mumbles
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I wouldn't be surprised if Whoopi "outpolls" Rosie in the general public. Rosie is a lightning rod among the hard-right, Fox News crowd. They have made her into a monster. Whoopi just doesn't inspire that animus among people in the general population, and a lot of people think of her fondly from her work in Sister Act, Star Trek, etc., which had huge followings. Whoopi also probably polls better among men; Rosie's fan base, from her talk show days, has been female.


But your other point is a really good observation - among View watchers, I'd imagine Rosie outpolls Whoopi. Rosie is more engaged, enthusiastic, passionate, and warm to the guests (For me, Whoopi > Rosie, just coz I'm a big Whoopi fan, but I understand that I'm probably in the minority here.)

It's not just the hard-right FN crowd.  Every tabloid story I've seen about RO and Whoopi frames RO as "screaming"  "raging" "furious" etc.   Those words are never used to describe Whoopi despite all her finger pointed and ranting at the audience.   I'd like to see a poll of people who have actually watched this show. 

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I think you need to be a regular viewer of the show to understand just how unlikable Whoopi can be, especially in regards to taxes, celebs committing crimes, and especially rape. If you just occasionally watch and hear her "We don't know, we weren't there" she probably seems kinda reasonable. Rosie is more strident, and unafraid to say unpopular opinions that are correct, like how the NFL is evil. Plus, Whoopi has been in some great movies, so will always have that working in her favor probably.

Edited by CuriousParker
Removed Off-Topic Stuff
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I think Rosie P returned and acts like she is teflon b/c of some outcries after it was reported she was fired.  She had this look of, "fuck yeah i'm back, suck it America," smugness on her return show.  I do think Rosie O was part of the reason for her return to the show after the supposed "firing."  It seems Rosie O is friends w/Rosie P, which let's face it Rosie O is friendly w/everyone to a degree, and needed Rosie P to have her back in the war against Whoopi, which I think Whoopi was mistakenly thinking that she had both Nicole and Rosie P on her side.  It's so awkward seeing the panel split up into cliques for Hot Topics as well as for interviews, it's so glaringly obvious what is going on that ABC, in my opinion, has no other option but to other cancel the show at the end of the season and pay Whoopi or wipe the panel blank and start from scratch next season and still have to pay Whoopi.  Whoopi wins no matter what the outcome.


I really think they should try and get Katie Couric, Meredith Viera, or Anne Curry to lead the show especially if it's part of ABC News now.

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