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Get A Room With Carson And Thom - General Discussion

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26 minutes ago, GoldaVining said:

Both the bra shop and the apartment redesigns were total successes in my opinion. Gorgeous all around! Johnny and Sebastian's tiny NY apartment was looking large after the redo. The sitting area was lovely with the round table. Adding the mirror around the window worked great and is a really good tip for the rest of us. Inexpensive and achievable for the average person/budget. Baby Vaughn's room is never going to be anything but a closet, but I loved that wallpaper. I think there were too many accessories, but that's fine, all the little stuff is going to change as the baby gets older anyway. I loved listening to Carson speaking German but the best segment was Carson teasing Sebastian in English in a clipped German accent saying, "What a symphony of beauty,,,," Hahahaha! I had to rewind that segment several times. So funny. Happy to see stiff Sebastian laughing along cheerfully as they teased him.

The bra shop redesign was unbelievable. What a stunner! It went from average to amazing in under 10 grand?! Now I can see the 'by appointment only' business model working. Before it didn't seem special but now I can imagine people dropping some serious cashish there.

I agree, I love both designs. The mirror around the windows is genius.

  • Love 5
7 hours ago, Empress1 said:

I am someone who wears cute underwear and lingerie (no matter what my relationship status, heh), so I know my way around a lingerie shop. The bra bar before was the sort of place that I would go in just to get a basic bra and leave - I wouldn't stay and browse because it just wasn't that welcoming. It was dark and cluttered.

The baby living in a closet didn't bother me (I mean, it's illegal, but meh) - very NYC, as space is at a premium. But the bare nakedness of it at first was driving me nuts. I know the German husband hated color (which: boo), but babies need color! I hated the glowing V, but I guess they had to keep it.

I was especially interested in this episode because, after decades of only buying bras on sale, I had decided a few years ago to treat myself and shop at Bratenders. I haven't been back lately because having to make an appointment and then brave the hustle and bustle of the Theater District during rush hours, are both major deterrents for me. That said, it's a great store. Once you're there you're the only customer in the store. You tell the saleswoman what you want, she brings you into a roomy, comfortable dressing room (with curtained windows), and keeps bringing in items for you to try on. The saleswoman I had was as nice as could be, and was fantastic at figuring out the right size and brands for me. She didn't even measure me - she just eye balled me. What a pro! Of course, it turned out I was wearing the wrong size. Alas, I had to pay full price there, but now at least I know the size and brands to buy. It was definitely worth the trip.

Anyway, while it needed some decluttering - I kind of liked the quirkiness of the store's original layout. It reminded me of a lot of Mom and Pop stores from bygone eras. Also, they didn't show the dressing room but it had a very nice, homey feel to it. Now, as they said, it looks like a department store. Apparently the owner likes it, and it was a good deal for the cost. But the end result seemed too sterile and small to me. I would have preferred if they had not divided the room up to hide the inventory. And while browsing through the display items wasn't necessary for me - it was nice to have that as a ready option. Sometimes you just want to go exploring without having to ask. It also would have been fitting to see some sort of subtle homage to the Theater District since the bulk of their clients are involved in the performing arts. I guess I'm just kind of tired of the slick sameness of so many stores. But, who knows. To me the original store looked better in real life, so maybe the final product looks better too.

Now as for that cute little baby who is currently sleeping in a fancy closet - I hope they have some sort of good air ventilation system in there. Or else that poor baby is going to be breathing in stale air. Not to mention diaper changing time......Also, where did the TV in the living room go? It had a prominent place on the wall, but I didn't see it after the redo. I wish they would film the before-and-after shots of the rooms at a more leisurely pace and give us more camera angles. As it is, I keep having to rewind and freeze the shots, and I'm still not getting all my nosy questions answered! Lol

  • Love 9
15 minutes ago, Mannahatta said:

I had decided a few years ago to treat myself and shop at Bratenders.

Thanks for the report! After Lori mentioned that her clients are mostly theater folks, I wondered just how their underwear requirements differ from mine. How did you hear about the store? I can't imagine how someone would build up an appointment-only business now, never mind in the years before social media and pop-up stores.

How long are the appointments? Were they booked up so that you had to wait a while?

I went to a boutique lingerie store (just once!) and ended up with two $150 bras. Even with that kind of markup, selling a handful a day doesn't seem like a sustainable business in NYC. Maybe Broadway costume managers buy in bulk. I'm curious how it all works! Same with that odd cupcake shop we saw.

  • Love 4
45 minutes ago, 2727 said:

Thanks for the report! After Lori mentioned that her clients are mostly theater folks, I wondered just how their underwear requirements differ from mine. How did you hear about the store? I can't imagine how someone would build up an appointment-only business now, never mind in the years before social media and pop-up stores.

How long are the appointments? Were they booked up so that you had to wait a while?

I went to a boutique lingerie store (just once!) and ended up with two $150 bras. Even with that kind of markup, selling a handful a day doesn't seem like a sustainable business in NYC. Maybe Broadway costume managers buy in bulk. I'm curious how it all works! Same with that odd cupcake shop we saw.

I was told about the place by a co-worker who was always impeccably dressed. She must have taken pity on me. LOL  I don't recall how long the wait was for the appointment, but I seem to remember that the appointment was for an hour, and in that hour I bought 6 bras at around $65 a pop. Mind you, up till then I had buying all my bras at discount stores like TJMaxx. So I really went bra-crazy while I was there - the fit was that good. Also, they sold some British brands I had never tried before, and they were perfect for me. I also later ordered some from them over the phone and they mailed them to me. So I'm thinking that after an initial appointment for a fitting they must generate a lot of sales through the mail. They also sell other items like shapewear, hosiery, etc. I can see how those items could be in ongoing demand especially for women working in the many nearby theaters. Plus, they have more than a few famous clients. Those customers are probably like the casino equivalent of a high-roller.

Yeah, in general I don't know how a lot of these businesses make it, mainly because the commercial rents in NYC are astronomical. Even though the store wasn't on street level, the rent couldn't be cheap. Unless, maybe they were lucky enough to sign a long-term lease when they first started out. But even then things were expensive.

Edited by Mannahatta
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9 hours ago, Mannahatta said:

She must have taken pity on me. LOL  I don't recall how long the wait was for the appointment, but I seem to remember that the appointment was for an hour, and in that hour I bought 6 bras at around $65 a pop.

Thanks for sharing your story with us, Mannahatta!   I'm guessing that with the theater folks, a lot of those costumes would require some specialty type of undergarments so as to make them look great on stage, especially the form-fitting ones.  For everyday folks, they probably appreciate the personal service in a more intimate setting, so the cost would be worth it.  

16 hours ago, rhys said:

I was surprised Thom didn't dry fit the mirrors first to see that there was a left & a right. That seemed like decorating 101. But it did turn out to be good advice for us viewers.

I think he had a brain fart or got in a hurry.  It's easy to think that both sides of the window should be the same, but the rule of thumb with carpentry and any home project is to "measure twice, cut once!"  I think of that whenever I'm doing projects in the house.  It's my way of reminding myself to always check things twice before doing anything that I can't undo!

  • Love 7
On 12/1/2018 at 12:14 PM, ChitChat said:

Carson and Thom are hilarious as ever.  "There's frugal, then there's frugal with bad taste!"   

I loved this line!

I also liked both makeovers and was glad they didn't get rid of the art in the couple's place and instead by repositioning, it was highlighted.  The "boujet" definition was "I'm going to need a crowbar to pry money out of this German" hee.    I thought they did a great job of making the space more colorful and interesting (and baby proof) while not overwhelming Sebastian. 

The design for the bra shop was great because it's by appointment only, so you want your customer to get comfy and relaxed so you can sell them more stuff.  Thanks so much for the report @Mannahatta!  It must have nice to be waited on like that.  I was sized for a bra once but it was unmemorable.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, raven said:

I also liked both makeovers and was glad they didn't get rid of the art in the couple's place and instead by repositioning, it was highlighted.

Isn't it amazing how repositioning furniture, artwork, etc. can make all the difference in the world!  I thought it looked good where Thom & Carson placed it.  It was more of an accent piece than the great big painting stuck on a lone wall.   That was a rather small loft apartment, but it was nice.  The views were awesome. I could sit and stare out of those windows for hours.  

Edited by ChitChat
  • Love 4

It's interesting because many designers chide homeowners for lining up sofas and chairs against the walls instead of bringing them into the room to make better conversational seating groups. Thom did the opposite in the loft space and it was a much better layout for owners' needs. There are no immutable rules!

I noticed they removed all the baby toys/paraphernalia for the reveal  shots, but there were some woven baskets and other crap on the floor that could go. I mentally remove about 20% of designer tchotchkes in a room, anyway.

Thom and Carson were amusing holding the baby: "I don't know how to hand him to you!"

  • Love 2

Re: Teaneck NJ  - catching up

I  couldn't believe they painted over the foyer wallpaper

As for the $8k  DR table, I wonder how much of the  price were the bases?

   Have no issues w/wood flooring being used for the tabletop, it's not uncommon in furniture making at all to join(glue/dowel/biscuits)} planks together side by side, plane,/sand and finish  so it looks like a solid piece of wood

Edited by sheetmoss

I didn't get to see the whole  episode tonight because we were out and I forgot to record it.  I did like most of what they did with the Montclair house.  I guess because I love blue with white trim and loved the black and white tile in the foyer (maybe it was painted).  The architectural trim was fantastic in the house - yeah it was a lot but it wasn't at the gaudy state.  Ok.  I wasn't a fan of the horse.  It was too out of proportion (too big).  I did mostly like the look.

Not a fan of the zen room.  The rugs were a little too bright for me.

  • Love 6

They really do use way too many tchokes and geegaws in all the rooms.   That zenden needed less, not more.  The view was all I needed!

The two chandeliers in the New Jersey house were to die for!!!!  I'm a big fan of deep blue, so I liked a lot of the parts.  That white relief over the fireplace was gorgeous jumping out from the  blue. But that living room was just packed with too much stuff!  

I could not visualize that sideboard in the furniture store, and was surprised at how it did work in the room.

I didn't hate the wallpaper this time.  I wouldn't have used any in the dining room, but it was better than the priors.

I just love this show, these guys are so genuine and downright fun!  Such a happy, enjoyable hour each week!

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, zillabreeze said:

They really do use way too many tchokes tchotchkes and geegaws in all the rooms.   That zenden needed less, not more.  The view was all I needed!

The two chandeliers in the New Jersey house were to die for!!!!  I'm a big fan of deep blue, so I liked a lot of the parts.  That white relief over the fireplace was gorgeous jumping out from the  blue. But that living room was just packed with too much stuff!  

I could not visualize that sideboard in the furniture store, and was surprised at how it did work in the room.

I didn't hate the wallpaper this time.  I wouldn't have used any in the dining room, but it was better than the priors.

I just love this show, these guys are so genuine and downright fun!  Such a happy, enjoyable hour each week!

There, fixed that for ya!!!  Cheers!!

  • Love 4

I hated the horse and the large pots in the foyer. 

I also didn’t like the columns and the scene above the fireplace but other than that I liked it.

Obviously this show is staged but they took it to ridiculous levels when they revealed the painted living room and had the gold curtains there. They wouldn’t have painted the room with them up and they weren’t planning on using them so hanging them again just so she could pretend to have an issue with the color was stupid.

  • Love 8

Yeah I am not crazy about Thom's style either..but adore him anyway. What is his problem with wall paper? God, I was so glad to get all the wall paper out of my house 15 years ago I can't tell ya! Oh, and that horse, ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Yep, they put way too many things in rooms they are decorating, but I'm kinda 50's Zen, so I have a problem with that. That's just me, I still enjoy this little show. They are nice men!

  • Love 8

Yeah, Tom is little Candice Olson was on HGTV. She used to put so much crap in one room that it was sooooo cluttered. I didn’t like any of the rooms in Montclair. I guess having lots of money or a big budget means it will be pretty. I did like the wallpaper, paint color and the chandeliers. Everything else can be returned. LOL!!!! The husband was quite the looker and the wife really did seem to understand she had design issues and needed the help. She did seem appreciative. So, it Montclair, NJ all super wealthy? Are there poor parts, too? 

  • Love 2
21 hours ago, breezy424 said:

I didn't get to see the whole  episode tonight because we were out and I forgot to record it.  I did like most of what they did with the Montclair house.  I guess because I love blue with white trim and loved the black and white tile in the foyer (maybe it was painted).  The architectural trim was fantastic in the house - yeah it was a lot but it wasn't at the gaudy state.  Ok.  I wasn't a fan of the horse.  It was too out of proportion (too big).  I did mostly like the look.

Not a fan of the zen room.  The rugs were a little too bright for me.

The black and white floor was there when they started. I hate the horse.

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, biakbiak said:

I hated the horse and the large pots in the foyer. 

Me too.  I wonder if some of these clients return anything after Thom and Carson leave.  Overall I liked the look that Thom was going for in the Montclair house, even though there were a few smaller things I didn't care for.  At least the rooms were finally done and they don't have to look at paint swatches on the wall anymore! I couldn't tell if the husband liked any of it or not.  He was being kind of quiet.  Hopefully it was a stunned, happy silence! 

I liked the Zen room!  They had to make it a calming place, but also one with storage space.  I thought they made good use of the space.  I liked the color of the walls too.  

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, ChitChat said:

Me too.  I wonder if some of these clients return anything after Thom and Carson leave.  Overall I liked the look that Thom was going for in the Montclair house, even though there were a few smaller things I didn't care for.  At least the rooms were finally done and they don't have to look at paint swatches on the wall anymore! I couldn't tell if the husband liked any of it or not.  He was being kind of quiet.  Hopefully it was a stunned, happy silence! 

I liked the Zen room!  They had to make it a calming place, but also one with storage space.  I thought they made good use of the space.  I liked the color of the walls too.  

Funny! I actually liked the large pots. I thought they fit the scale of the foyer. The horse was just dumb. Hopefully, it was returned or put to sleep. 

  • Love 5
7 hours ago, ByaNose said:

I actually liked the large pots. I thought they fit the scale of the foyer.

It seemed like the pots needed some greenery or branches in order to have a finished look. The pots themselves were pretty, but I'm not used to seeing vases/pots sitting around empty.  ;)   Maybe a smaller pot with some greenery would've been to my liking.  The idea of having the horse in the foyer was odd, IMO.  Maybe it was just a joke and Thom returned it to the store.  I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt on that one!!

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, ChitChat said:

It seemed like the pots needed some greenery or branches in order to have a finished look. The pots themselves were pretty, but I'm not used to seeing vases/pots sitting around empty.  ;)   Maybe a smaller pot with some greenery would've been to my liking.  The idea of having the horse in the foyer was odd, IMO.  Maybe it was just a joke and Thom returned it to the store.  I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt on that one!!

Can you imagine the amount of soil you would need for those pots? LOL!!!! That said, they were in front of side light windows (I think) and, would get plenty of sun light for plants.

Hey can somebody tell me whether or not they were using electronic candles in that semi Zen room? God I hope so. All those candles in those shelves would have burned the entire place down in 30 minutes flat otherwise. I love electronic candles for jazzing up tiny places in my bathroom for when company comes....just put in a battery and baby no danger and lots of MOOD. AND THEY FLICKER! Those were outstanding if they really were electronic. I want them.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, biakbiak said:

I didn’t find it minimalist, there was literally shit everywhere. I did like the wall color.

The other thing about the horse near the stairs is they have kids so I imagine sooner are later a kid or the horse will be harmed.

It was cluttered. Looking at that tiny room made a wave of panic roll over me. 

I was thinking minimalist more in terms of the desk and the white walls. The faux wood wallpaper on the door. The clutter definitely lended a more Boho look to the room. 

Edited by Surrealist
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The zen room looked like a room you'd hire a professional organizer to come in and spruce up and not a finished product.  Way too much.

But I liked the mansion.  I liked the color.  I liked the wallpaper.  I even appreciated the horse for the classical chateau fit.  But I have a weird sense of style that feels gauche at times.  

Even if it was fake, I appreciate Carson pointing out how it's hard to fully judge how the paint looks on the wall without having everything in the room.  Yes, it was staged because they wouldn't have curtains up but the floor wasn't fake so I feel like the lesson stands.  

So does anyone know why they moved their home shows to Friday? 

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, atlantaloves said:

Hey can somebody tell me whether or not they were using electronic candles in that semi Zen room? God I hope so. All those candles in those shelves would have burned the entire place down in 30 minutes flat otherwise. I love electronic candles for jazzing up tiny places in my bathroom for when company comes....just put in a battery and baby no danger and lots of MOOD. AND THEY FLICKER! Those were outstanding if they really were electronic. I want them.

Carson mentioned the candles were by Luminara in passing, which manufactures high-end faux candles with a realistic looking moving flame.


  • Love 2
On 10/30/2018 at 9:01 AM, LennieBriscoe said:

Carson can do no wrong in my eyes. He is pure entertainment, and I wish he was my friend (we come from the same local area in PA)!


Lehigh Valley, represent!!  I'm from Bethlehem, and drive through Kressley territory when I head up to Tamaqua to visit friends.  I saw Carson "in the wild" at the jewelry counter in the King of Prussia Mall Nordstrom's once.  I didn't want to bother him while he was shopping (plus, no matter how nice he is, I'm sure I would have been just embarrassingly non-fabulous...), but on my way out I did quietly confirm with the counter lady that it had indeed been him who had been there earlier.  It was still a little bit of a thrill :)

On 10/31/2018 at 7:09 AM, Bossa Nova said:

To all here: when they bring up the sensitive topic of the budget, and refer to it delicately as the "boujet", make sure you pause your DVR and read their on screen written definition of the "boujet". It changes with each decorating job to fit the client situation  - - -and ITS HILARIOUS !!


I'm only 2 episodes in, catching up On Demand, and this is one of my favorite parts!  "You're one of us, so we're going to give you a deal." (for the guy in E2 with the studio apartment and cute dog).

Edited by Lovecat
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