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S01.E02: Let This Mother Out

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SEEN AND HEARD — After getting a message from the spirit board to not trust Harry (Rupert Evans), the sisters are conflicted and ultimately concoct a plan to see if he is telling the truth. Desperate to believe the person warning them is trying to protect them, they end up going against their better judgement. Harry soon realizes that the sisters are up to no good and tries to help before it’s too late. Meanwhile, this new sisterly unit is not fully unified, with Mel (Melonie Diaz) and Macy (Madeleine Mantock) struggling with who’s the real big sister and Maggie (Sarah Jeffery) caught in the middle. Vanessa Parise directed the episode written by Jessica O’Toole & Amy Rardin (#102). Original airdate 10/21/2018

Dear Genre Gods:
Someday, can we get a show where people get superpowers, find out they're the new targets of all evil, and start not only training like mofos, but also USING THEIR BRAINS? "Oh, hey, manifestation of our dead mom sends us after a random prism -- you know what's smart? Let's creep into our strange White Lighter's office and all get trapped in an alternate dimension of mirrors, only worrying about it once we can't get out."

On the plus side, though, they took the Woke Level down from 12 to 5. I'm appreciative of that.

  • Love 11

I think it was a better episode then the pilot, thats for sure. It was tighter and not as all over the place. 

They seem to have the best grasp on Maggie thus far Her scenes work the best thus far. The sex scene was funny, I will give them that but I would've preferred if this happened later in the season when I actually knew Maggie better. 

Will the lab always have an ingredient that they need for a spell? 

Glad that they had some tension between Macy/Mel and I hope this isnt the last we see of it after this episode. I am glad that they are bringing up Macy not feeling like a sister. They havent done "The Power of 3" spell in this show but hopefully this effects the strength of whenever they have to pair up for a spell. 

This old ass switcheroo plot though? They just happen to have the same exact container (a bit different sizes but still). OG Charmed did a similar episode with a truth spell but I like how the OG did it with it actually being a spell instead of a potion that gets mixed up instead of backfires due to personal gain. Spells were a big part of the original but it doesnt seem like it will be here which is a shame, especially the fun spells.

Harry is still way to involved in the sisters witch lives and staying safe, especially when they want this show to be ultra feminist. 

I admit that I freaked out for a hot minute when they "summoned" their mother via the board. It was way to fast, doesnt need to happen for at least until the end of the season if not S2 (doesnt mean they cant travel in time) but climbing out of the spirit board effect....not needed, just looked bad. Thank god they have Harry and technology to save them.

Why is everything so dimly lit in this show? Everything has been so dark. Is it because Vancouver is always dismal?

I really hope that they dont face The Source at the end of the season.

Edited by Primal Slayer
  • Love 5

I enjoyed this episode much more than the pilot. It seemed to flow better and I found myself more invested in the characters. I like the youngest sister and felt bad for the boy she slept with after she let him down again. I don't know why she doesn't want to be with him, he's adorable and clearly loves her. Blah. 

Anyway, it's nice to have something to watch of on a Sunday night now that Shades of Blue is over. 

  • Love 4

Enjoyed this episode even more than the premiere. I think Maggie is the standout of the show, so far. She's certainly the best written. It's odd because even though she and Mel were raised together I feel like she and Macy have better chemistry as sisters. The writing for Mel was greatly improved this episode- much more chill and funnier, too. 

The actor playing Harry really needs to work on his line deliveries because it really sounds like he's talking at the sisters and not to them.

The element that needs the most work is integrating the baddie of the week into the overall storyline and building tension w/r/t throughout the episode.

I do like, however, how they don't telegraph when something bad is gonna happen. Any other show would've done a close up of the thermoses so we'd realize Macy took the wrong one, or when Maggie told not!Mom that she couldn't feel her emotions they would've had the actress playing the mom give a really exaggerated response to tip us off that something was up. Instead we just got a shot of Macy setting her thermos next to Niko's and only a quick flash of something across not!Mom's face. I'm also getting a kick out of how the fight scenes on this show are just as eye-rollingly slow as they were on the original.

  • Love 4

I noticed that Mel used her hands to freeze time throughout the entire episode instead of just using her minds.


I wonder if its something they decided to do after the pilot and (hopefully) seeing that freezing with your mind is boring or if it just depends on the episode.

Same with Macy, I've been watching to see how she uses her telekinesis, with her mind or hands. 

  • Love 1
10 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

Enjoyable.. I must admit I'm also not sure what the youngest sister's prob is with the guy she slept with.. But I assume the show will clear that up... I feel like harry is around as much as he needs to be.. And I said it last week I'm not sure where this idea came from that feminism can't exist if a man is being helpful

A man can be helpful but the sisters would be dead had it not been for said man. He is the reason they are live to fight another day in the pilot and that doesnt change here. 

  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

A man can be helpful but the sisters would be dead had it not been for said man. He is the reason they are live to fight another day in the pilot and that doesnt change here. 

Ok.. And that's what hes there for to protect and train them until they're ready to take over and then he's supposed to support.. It seems logical and as realistic as this premise could be... 

  • Love 2

I did like this better than the pilot, but I feel like I need some more time before I can fully accept this show for what it is, as well as what it isn't. This is mostly on me so my grumbles about episodes will be incredibly biased for a while. 

I really think I like Maggie the best. She does seem to be the most developed and I am fully invested in her scenes, even the scene with her having sex with her ex. This show is definitely working the comedic aspect hard, which is fine but I hope they don't go too over the top for the funny moments.

The truth serum scene was pretty funny with Nico. 

I feel like they need to work harder at the demon of the week. This week's demon was fine and all, but there was something off about that plot. It felt a little jarring at times. Perhaps I've just watched too much television but I knew their mom wasn't going to be their mom, so I was waiting for the big reveal. 

That being said, the sisters' relationships were better this episode for me. Mel was toned down, which is incredibly helpful for me to like her. Macy's a good character, but I don't have a solid impression on her yet. 

I'll be rewatching this episode tomorrow to possibly give a more accurate review of the episode.

  • Love 4

I don't mind Harry helping to keep them alive this early in- they're new to witchcraft, the demons aren't gonna pull their punches just because the sisters only just got their powers, he is their whitelighter so it's his job, after all. I mean, Leo had to repeatedly heal the sisters from major injuries and bail them out of bad situations all the time. For me the issue with Harry is the somewhat hammy acting and that he's very out of place with the sisters. And he's kind of an exposition fairy.

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, jmonique said:

On the plus side, though, they took the Woke Level down from 12 to 5. I'm appreciative of that.

Same. But it is just so... old fashioned. This felt like any plot from the old show and I am kind of looking for more than that.  At the moment Harry just doesn't fit for me. He is too talkative / intrusive and I wonder where they are going with him. What is his purpose on this show? Is he just going to be a Jarvis like mcmuffin who pops up when things need explaining or a demon needs to be vanquished? He seems a severe mansplainer. 

I feel like they should have had the sisters fumbling though things for a little bit before introducing him.  

I find Macy to be the most well formed and compelling but am irked as heck that they seem to want to give her a love interest in a clearly inferior co worker with zero chemistry. 

I still like Harry. He's hammy and campy and at times he does seem like he's talking down to the girls, but the Elders were all about that kind of life in the OG Charmed so I guess he got influenced by them. I don't think this deters the show from its feminist message, because ultimately he's there to just guide them while they are the ones who have to actively do things. Plus, they're new witches and need guidance right now. Plus, feminism is about everyone working together in harmony...in a sense, so Harry being there poses no problem to that.

Maggie is great and Macy is good too, I still can't stand Mel. She's just so angry and rash about everything. I do like that the sisters don't feel connected yet. After their mom's death Maggie and Mel kind of drifted apart and Macy is already an outsider, so it will need time for them to find their footing. It's clear the Maggie will be the glue to hold them together, which probably means we'll get an episode of Macy and Mel working together to save her at one point.

I also don't understand Maggie problem with her love interest. This was the second time when she pushed him away, only to lead him on once again. I also don't feel anything between Galvin and Macy.

Also, why didn't Maggie just touch Harry?

Edited by CheezyXpressed
  • Love 4

This is a better episode. I really want to know what Marisol's deal was with Macy.  I also think that we should hear from Macy's dad as well. 

I'm cool with Harry. He's not pureness and light, but at least he is not an immediate danger to the sisters.  May the training hijinks ensue!

I'm glad they eliminated that "majority rules" nonsense. It only served to pit 2 sisters against 1. 

There's only 3 bedrooms in that house? It seems quite large. 

  • Love 2

I'm more or less encouraged by what I'm seeing here so far. I like that this episode picked up right where the last one left off, and that they carried over a lot of what they started. I think a common complaint about the pilot was that it was over-stuffed so it's good that they used this second episode to expand on it rather than just drop it and move on.

I still like the three main actresses and I got a kick out of the girlfriend accidentally drinking the truth serum then telling everyone what was on her mind. 

Ironically this episode showed me that Phoebe's power of premonition in the original series would have come in pretty handy after all. It was generally used to shorthand info the girls needed and gave them a heads-up. Without it they're sort of flying blind.

I must say, for a show that would seemingly want to portray itself as one about female empowerment, the main characters are - so far- less mature and less self-reliant than the sisters in the original series. They are relying on their Whitelighter from the jump, whereas the sisters didn't even know they had a Whitelighter until well into the original version. And yes, he's doing far too much man-splaining to them. It makes the sisters look sort of helpless and needy. 


 I must admit I'm also not sure what the youngest sister's prob is with the guy she slept with.

I think basically she's just not that into him. She wanted a quickie with no strings and she heard him thinking that he loved her and wanted her back. 

  • Love 4

Enjoyed this episode more than the pilot.  The connection between the sisters in original recipe Charmed was always my favourite thing abut the show. It’s early days but I like the foundations we are seeing here and think as the actresses settle more into the roles the chemistry will improve. I look forward to watching the bonds develop with the occassional clash along on the way.

Macy and Maggie both have completely boring love interests which means I don’t care whether they get together with them or not. Not a lot of chemistry going on with either pairing IMO (which makes me wonder whether they even bothered  chem testing the actors). Mel and Nico on the other hand are cute and believable together.

Edited by quazimodo
  • Love 2

Second episode in and I'm still enjoying this cute little show. There were no surprises for me regarding Harry and the mother, but that's okay, I'm not watching for the mystery, but for the witchery. 

I'm glad others have mentioned confusion regarding Maggie and her boyfriend because I thought I had missed something so I guess the point of that wasn't clearly portrayed.

I like Harry and it sounds like he's going to be doing more training. Can somebody please explain what mansplaining is? Thank you.

  • Love 2

Man-splaining - men explaining things to women, usually in a condescending manner.

I mean . . . I get that Harry isn't necessarily being condescending towards the sisters. But in the original version the sisters were able to figures things out on their own simply by reading their Book of Shadows and putting the pieces together. The sisters in this reboot are comparatively much less self sufficient.

I don't think I'm alone in being bugged by the fact that they need some guy to explain everything to them. It's kind of step down in terms of female empowerment considering this is taking place a good 20 years after the original. 

Edited by iMonrey
  • Love 5
3 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I don't think I'm alone in being bugged by the fact that they need some guy to explain everything to them. It's kind of step down in terms of female empowerment considering this is taking place a good 20 years after the original. 

I also thought Leo did his explaining in a much more equal way. He gave information when it was relevant and was much more laid back. I don't know that Harry is being condescending but he definitely has that man in the room who knows one thing and can't shut up about it because he knows it and they don't look about him. As opposed to someone genuinely trying to help the girls learn, grow, and find their way. If say Megan Markle was eventually fated for Maggie or something it might make more sense but I don't sense an ounce of that. So is Megan just going to be the obnoxious magmuffin that pops in and solves all their problems and tells them all that they need to know?   Not exactly compelling. 

  • Love 1

I would say that was a bit of an improvement on the pilot. It at least spent mire time setting up the story than proving how hip they are to the kids or whatever was going on last week. I think the characters are a bit more defined, and the dialogue felt more natural. Not super grabbing me yet still, but its moving in a better direction at least. 

I mean, it being a demon and not the mom really should be obvious, but on OG Charmed, dead relatives came back to chat with the sisters pretty much all of the time, so that would at least be consistent! I did like Maggie defeating the demon with the camera on her phone, I thought that was a fun idea.  

So I guess Mel's girlfriend is the Andy equivalent from OG Charmed? Even with her glasses, she seems super young to be a detective. Its only episode two, I know, but I am not super psyched about any of the sisters love interests. But, if they keep the focus on the sisterly bonds, that wont be too much of an issue. 

The Meghan Markles stuff was fun, but I agree with others here, I wish that Harry stayed in the background at first, and let the girls figure things out on their own, before he revealed himself as their Whitelighter. 

  • Love 1

So it doesn't get any better. They were trapped in that mirror dimension for all of two minutes, and vanquished the demon in 2 seconds by using selfie mode on the camera.

Also, a truth serum isn't equivalent to verbal diarrhea. The person who ingested it would be forced to answer questions truthfully and unable to lie, but this show's take on it was just so hokey.

I'm quite disappointed by this weak reinterpretation of Charmed. 

Edited by Rahul
  • Love 1

The characters started growing on me a bit more in this one.  The love interests of the sisters all seem rather bland thus far, though, so their lives outside of being witches are not very interesting.  

The episode itself was rather frustrating to watch since Mel in particular was being foolish to trust in the board.  Both the other sisters owed Macy an apology since this would never have happened if they didn't free the demon.  

There was the cleaner who was attacked, but the girls did nothing to help her in this one, and she even died.  It seems like the Whitelighter is the one doing the important work while they actively made things worse with a diversion.

Edited by Camera One
  • Love 2

Alright ladies, looks like your life of having some kind of powers/secret destiny/ancient legacy has began! I thought you might enjoy this *hands over box*. Its the Special Destiny Starter Pack! Open that up, and we can really get this series started! In it you will find...

A postcard to be sent to any tragically deceased relatives, either recently or otherwise: There is also a postage stamp you can add that says "Gee, thanks for the info" with a sarcastic smiley face to any postcard to a relative that somehow never thought to mention this secret special destiny that totally affects you until the very last possible second. 

A portable DNA test: Just go ahead and start looking out for those long lost relatives right away. It will save everyone from future awkwardness, and possible incest vibes. 

Tissues: Its cool that you now have powers/special destines/cool secrets, but, there will be angst. Such, such angst. More likely than not, you will suffer from endless traumatic experiences, everyone around you will either die, disappear, or also suffer from endless traumatic experiences, with very few breaks in between. Sometimes, your just going to need to cry. 

Phone Number of the local Newspaper: To alert the obituary section, for when people you love inevitably die and/or come back from the grave. You want to keep up on that, it can get very confusing. 

A leather jacket. Its not necessary, but it will probably help you feel the part, now that your life is about to take several weird turns. Your life is about to get weird, complicated, and your probably going to lose a whole lot of sleep. But, if you look super cool, that could more or less balance things out. 

  • Love 2

At least in my view, mansplaining is when a man condescendingly explains a subject to a woman when she demonstrably already knows just as much about the subject as he does (or more). Harry knows much more about magic than the girls. He is a little condescending, though, I agree.

It was too early to do an evil mom story, I think. It would have had more impact if they'd been missing her for a while or if there was a big mystery they needed her help to solve. They also got over destroying a facsimile of their dead mom awfully fast!

The show is fun enough, but very slight. It feels low stakes. I just finished The Haunting of Hill House, though, so it's probably unfair of me to compare any supernatural show to that right now (I didn't love the finale, but the series in general was creepy and sad and great).

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, CheezyXpressed said:

I kind of have a feeling he might go with Macy, since I find that the two of them have more chemistry than her and Galvin. Maggie seems way too young for him.

Sorry I meant Macy. But at the moment I am not feeling any thing between them. I just speculated that because Macy has ZERO chemistry with Galvin and it feels like that is a stalling plot. 

On 10/22/2018 at 2:57 PM, iMonrey said:

I mean . . . I get that Harry isn't necessarily being condescending towards the sisters. But in the original version the sisters were able to figures things out on their own simply by reading their Book of Shadows and putting the pieces together. The sisters in this reboot are comparatively much less self sufficient.

I don't think I'm alone in being bugged by the fact that they need some guy to explain everything to them. It's kind of step down in terms of female empowerment considering this is taking place a good 20 years after the original. 

Harry = Siri. The ladies are too lazy to read up on the subject, so they just ask their phone...er, Whitelighter. I definitely see the problem with having a male advisor with the whole female empowerment angle, but I also see why they couldn't put a woman in that position because of the whole recently dead Mom thing. They might be less likely to listen to a woman they subconsciously felt was replacing their mother.

The obvious answer would be a (potentially evil) child mentor! Like the girl in the White Room in Angel.

  • Love 1

really? cause honestly the blob thing was horrible cgi everything "looks" cgi it just makes it look cheap can they not do practical effects at all? 

I guess I wasn't looking too closely at that, but the ice demon from the pilot was pretty damn impressive. Meanwhile there were some truly horrendous FX shots in the original, like the one with the headless horsemen where all three sisters lost their heads, or the one with the dragon, etc., etc.


Harry = Siri. The ladies are too lazy to read up on the subject, so they just ask their phone...er, Whitelighter. 

And that makes me worry that the writers aren't up to the task on this one if they need to take such lazy shortcuts. They must think their audience has the attention span of a flea if they can't wait for the girls to simply look up the info themselves. 

But I think it's more likely the writers are more interested in this new iteration of the Leo character and just like featuring him. And that's not necessarily encouraging either.

Edited by iMonrey
  • Love 2

The sound mix was terrible in this one, to the point where I couldn't make out a word of the entire telepathy montage. Unfortunately I have that problem with a lot of shows (*sideeye at Elementary, starring Jonny Lee "Mumbles" Miller*).

4 hours ago, iMonrey said:

And that makes me worry that the writers aren't up to the task on this one if they need to take such lazy shortcuts. They must think their audience has the attention span of a flea if they can't wait for the girls to simply look up the info themselves. 

But I think it's more likely the writers are more interested in this new iteration of the Leo character and just like featuring him. And that's not necessarily encouraging either.

I think this sums up what most concerns me about this version as well. I mean, 9 out of 10 shows are clunky for the first few episodes so I can cut them some slack until the cast, characters, story elements, etc, really start to gel. But the way Harry has been handled as far as his function on the show has me wary. To some degree I believe he's a result of the tv convention that wants every single thing spelled out so the characters (and by extension the audience) don't have to think too hard to understand anything. But the fact that a show that markets itself as starring strong women has a male character leading them by the nose and telling them what to do every step of the way is frustrating - and the fact that the show comes across as so oblivious as to why this might go against their message is downright troubling. All we can do is see where this goes.

On 10/22/2018 at 2:23 PM, AngelKitty said:

I'm not watching for the mystery, but for the witchery.

Well said. Unfortunately, this has been reeeeally light on the witchery so far. I want moar!!

All that being said, I'm going to stick with it awhile longer. I liked that we got to know Maggie more and saw more of her relationship with her (now two) older sisters. There's always something sympathetic about an underdog. And the actress playing Macy continues to be the standout so far. Although I have to admit that during the final fight scene I was waiting for someone to get thrown into a grandfather clock. It's just not Charmed if a grandfather clock doesn't get smashed to bits every week!

Random thought: Maggie's top was seriously fugly. Yikes.

  • Love 4
On 22/10/2018 at 4:47 AM, Primal Slayer said:

A man can be helpful but the sisters would be dead had it not been for said man. He is the reason they are live to fight another day in the pilot and that doesnt change here. 

Of course he did. They had no idea they were witches. 

It would have been absurd for them to just save the day... because they're strong women and... feminism!

LOL, throwing in a smashed-up grandfather clock would've been a fantastic Easter egg!

I've yet to watch a second of the reboot (and don't plan on doing so until I decide to buy the DVD and marathon it), so I'm getting all my info via those who *do* watch and comment - so thanks much for that.  From what I'm reading, this is much more about three women who are the vanquishers of evil beings than three sisters who are the protectors of those innocent of magic, the reason I prefer "Classic Charmed" (S1-3) over its alternate-universe spin-off, "The Perils of Poor, Poor Pitiful Piper" (aka S4-8).  This seems more like a reboot of TPoPPPP than CC,-

Am I right?  If I'm wrong, how so? 

  • Love 2

Nice summary of OG!Charmed, Esmeralda. For me it’s too early still to say which way this reboot is going to go. So far we’ve had mention of fighting evil and slaying demons but not a word about protecting innocents; yet there have also been no signs that any of the sisters will start whining endlessly about wanting a normal life. Which is a relief. (Seriously Piper, you have fucking magical powers yet you’d rather fly from San Fran to Europe commercially?!)

Glad to hear that's changed, since what I heard about the pilot during the previews at the cons was that the youngest was always whining about wanting to be a normal college girl.  Of course with her power, I'd be whining, too! What I said before? That's why they changed premonitions to whatevertheheck the youngest has. If you're not going to protect innocents, you don't need premonitions to tell you which ones to protect.  Especially when you have someone mansplaining everything.

At least it doesn't sound like their whitelighter is nothing more than a magical doctor/taxiccab, which is all Leo was in S4-8.  

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, Maelstrom said:

The sound mix was terrible in this one, to the point where I couldn't make out a word of the entire telepathy montage. Unfortunately I have that problem with a lot of shows (*sideeye at Elementary, starring Jonny Lee "Mumbles" Miller*).

I think this sums up what most concerns me about this version as well. I mean, 9 out of 10 shows are clunky for the first few episodes so I can cut them some slack until the cast, characters, story elements, etc, really start to gel. But the way Harry has been handled as far as his function on the show has me wary. To some degree I believe he's a result of the tv convention that wants every single thing spelled out so the characters (and by extension the audience) don't have to think too hard to understand anything. But the fact that a show that markets itself as starring strong women has a male character leading them by the nose and telling them what to do every step of the way is frustrating - and the fact that the show comes across as so oblivious as to why this might go against their message is downright troubling. All we can do is see where this goes.

This is especially irritating for me because the original show actually provides a decent template for how this should be done. In the first season we had the sisters scrolling through the book of shadows, researching, trying to get inform from Andy and Phoebe checking out new age shops and talking to Wiccans. These sisters should already be on a relevant reddit group. Using Harry is just lazy writing that undermining the characters. It’s still early and and the first two episodes focused on their mother so hopefully this improves.

I really need to see them protecting an innocent and being more witchy. 

Edited by Guest
21 hours ago, Maelstrom said:

Although I have to admit that during the final fight scene I was waiting for someone to get thrown into a grandfather clock. It's just not Charmed if a grandfather clock doesn't get smashed to bits every week!

Or they could have the pieces of one laying around and one of the sisters comment, we really need to get that fixed.

On a more serious note, I hope in this version, the sisters at least put some wards up on the house (or at least lock the door).  In the original, demons just seemed to walk in the front door every week.  At least sneaking in through the oujia board was better since they did invite it.

  • Love 1
On 10/26/2018 at 1:57 AM, Dani said:

This is especially irritating for me because the original show actually provides a decent template for how this should be done. In the first season we had the sisters scrolling through the book of shadows, researching, trying to get inform from Andy and Phoebe checking out new age shops and talking to Wiccans. These sisters should already be on a relevant reddit group. Using Harry is just lazy writing that undermining the characters. It’s still early and and the first two episodes focused on their mother so hopefully this improves.

I really need to see them protecting an innocent and being more witchy. 

I actually really hated every time the original show would utilize wiccans and wicca. It was all so cringey. So I'll be very happy if this show doesn't go that route. 

I do want these witches to be witchier, tho. Otherwise, what's the point?

  • Love 2
On ‎10‎/‎28‎/‎2018 at 6:28 AM, slf said:

I actually really hated every time the original show would utilize wiccans and wicca. It was all so cringey. So I'll be very happy if this show doesn't go that route. 

I do want these witches to be witchier, tho. Otherwise, what's the point?

Unfortunately it *does* sound like they're going to go that route - the reason for having each sister have a different father - to show different versions of witches.  They might end up being even MORE witchy than the Halliwells are.  HOWEVER, if they do it closer to how "All Halliwell's Eve" did it and CONTINUED to do it that way, not totally forget everything they learned in that episode to hurry back to a half-demon (there should NEVER be such a thing, just like a half-angel...) who turns from being a mercenary demon for 100 years to someone wonderful just because Phoebe is so loveable. BARF!  I *so* hope they don't repeat that storyline, or if they do, they do it better by letting NuCole be pure demon and pure evil.  They do that while letting NuPaige remain the Only, NuPrue remain the Oldest and NuPhoebe remain the Baby, I'll binge-watch the entire first season as soon as it comes out.  But right now I have no desire to do so.

Edited by Esmeralda
  • Love 1

I just finished this episode, so I’ll go back and read the thread but...

I still can’t stand Mel. She’s just insufferable. And not one redeemable quality. So far, at least. 

Maddie (? Still can’t keep their names straight) was pretty cool at the end with her analysis of her sisters. So she’s not a complete airhead as they’ve been pushing. 

Maci, I like, but do we need “I’m a scientist “ every ten seconds? We get it. You’re a scientist. Baking soda, sugar, uh-huh. 

Overall, I like it though. 

Well, I tried this show out of curiosity and it looks like I'm in the minority. I usually give a new show three episodes before I decide whether or not to keep watching, but I found the constant bickering in this episode tedious and the plot obvious so I don't think I'll be watching episode three. Of course Harry is actually the good guy and the entity in the Ouija board was not their mother.

I understand this show is on the CW so I shouldn't have really expected much, but the CW actually has some topical, smart shows. For me, this is not one of them.

I'm glad there are some folks that do like it, and I hope folks continue to enjoy the show!

On 26/10/2018 at 6:11 AM, Esmeralda said:


At least it doesn't sound like their whitelighter is nothing more than a magical doctor/taxiccab, which is all Leo was in S4-8.  

Tbf, at least the later seasons actually flesh Leo out a little. 

I'd say the first three seasons were when he was nothing but a cardboard magic taxi and a talking BoS who would always "check with the Elders". Later on he actually has an active role in storylines and goes beyond simply regurgitating what he found out from the Elders. 

Edited by Lost
21 hours ago, Lost said:

Tbf, at least the later seasons actually flesh Leo out a little. 

I'd say the first three seasons were when he was nothing but a cardboard magic taxi and a talking BoS who would always "check with the Elders". Later on he actually has an active role in storylines and goes beyond simply regurgitating what he found out from the Elders. 

You're right about that.  But as a whitelighter, in the latter seasons he never did check with the Elders, which was supposed to be his prime function - acting as a messenger between them and the Charmed Ones.  I preferred that (especially if it meant we hardly ever saw him) than as a magical taxicab (I preferred when he/Paige could only orb one person by hugging them like he did with Piper in Season two) and magical doctor (I would've preferred it if they actually had to suffer from their injuries - it made that, like death, practically meaningless which is why I was glad they changed it so he couldn't heal the dead.)  Harry appears to be a messenger, but more.  and as you said, they're giving him a personality and backstory right away.  But that makes sense - Leo was never supposed to be a regular until the actor playing Andy decided to leave, while Harry was from Day One.  I still wish they hadn't made him a whitelighter.  With what they've turned Elders into (which I prefer over the classic ones.), them being able to turn dead people into whitelighters makes absolutely no sense.  That's one of the few things that makes sense on the classic version.

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