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Jesus God, Leah!!

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This picture shows so much. Corey is engaged in the baby, whereas Leah looks zoned out and sad. Not too much has changed.

I really forgot how young they were 5/6 years ago, they are kids themselves and look it.

I agree, however if I got knocked up with twins off a one-night stand at sixteen, I'd probably have that expression on my face too, lol.

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This weeks deleted scene must sting for Leah, I have my fingers crossed she goes on another twitter rampage as I find her delusion amusing. I am wondering how she will spin that Jerm regrets having a child with her into Jerm told me that the producers made him do it.




Nice stash of pills on the fridge that must have been Leah's last daily dose


I absolutely love the way the friend says "therapy."


When Leah had her meltdown on Twitter was she saying that the editors spliced together the conversation of Corey and Jeremy together and that it never actually happened? I really don't know how she's ok with Jeremy after all he's spilled but has it out for Corey who has kept pretty quiet


So they spliced it together and it never happened? It can't be both! If it is spliced together it was still filmed and if it was filmed it happened. You can blame the editing for what the editors/story producers choose to show, but you can't blame it for what you've actually said or done. 


I saw on Dr. Phil (don't judge me) that an unrelated, non-bio male moving into a household is 33x more likely to be a pedophile.


That don't make no sense.

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33% more likely to be molested sounds a lot more plausible than 33x more likely!  It may also have to do with the type of fellow the woman who's not with the father of her children may be choosing - bio-Dads in some cases included. (Less together mother hooking up with less-together men). That the man isn't related to her children may be less the issue, than that a certain percentage of women who are no longer with the father of their children are picking or settling for men who nobody should pick. Most second husbands are probably fine! Not so sure about the sort of guy who moves in with a woman and her children but has no intention of getting married. 


So it's also "multiple" nonrelated men? Well, I'm not surprised the risk goes up then. The risk factor is unscrupulous man in the household, and the more men cycle through the household, the greater the chance one of them is going to be a problem. Also, the more men cycle through, the more likely that the woman who's agreeing to live with them is not a great picker of men. 

Edited by akr

Doesn't "unrelated male" cover that? "Unrelated non-bio male" makes me think some kind of transgender issues are involved.

An uncle would be an example of someone who is related but not necessarily biologically related.

how many times do you read about a child suffering horrific abuse and it turns out the boyfriend is the perpetrator? A lot! too many women choose men over the safety of their children. I'll never understand that. maybe Jenelle can explain it.

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missy jo, on 21 Sept 2015 - 3:28 PM, said:

    I saw on Dr. Phil (don't judge me) that an unrelated, non-bio male moving into a household is 33x more likely to be a pedophile.

I have read about that same statistic as it is part of the information we have at the therapy facility where I work.


The same holds for guys having females around their child(ren). Predators are not just males. I have brought up a few times my fear about the girls bringing guys around their children. I mentioned it a few times when discussing Maci. Leah and Jenelle are too quick to move a guy into their bedroom and in the homes where their children live. Even though Chelsea waited to move her guy in, and it doesn't matter to me that they dated ten months, the risk is still there. I think Leah and Jenelle are the worst because those two have mental problems that can cloud their judgment.

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I guess I am the only person who doesn't see the problem with the name Chasity. I had a friend in school name Chassity. That's how she spelled it. No one thought it was weird. No one does even now. I don't get it.

I live in the south and I've met more women named Chasity than Chastity.

{My guess is many people in my area don't even know which one is the correct spelling. I hardly even notice when I see the name spelled with only one T.}

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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I live in the south and I've met more women named Chasity than Chastity.

{My guess is many people in my area don't even know which one is the correct spelling. I hardly even notice when I see the name spelled with only one T.}

This is likely the scenario. The name "Chasity" came about because of parents not knowing the proper spelling. Parents can of course name their kids whatever the hell they like and choose whatever spelling, but with this specific name, it surely was a result of not knowing how it is spelled and that is how it grew from there.

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Doesn't "unrelated male" cover that? "Unrelated non-bio male" makes me think some kind of transgender issues are involved.

This. I know about the increased risk with an unrelated male but the phrasing was weird so I wasn't sure what was actually being said.

What does she mean (by #AAA)? Probably not the American Automobile Association, so I am clueless.

Maybe it stands for the three "A" girlseseses? If so, dumb. Edited by Rebecca
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I may be repeating what has already been said (there are so many posts on this subject I am sure I missed some!) but I do think the doctors Leah goes to are going about treating her all wrong. I am on meds for anxiety/panic attacks and starting out I was ordered a SSRI antidepressant that helps with anxiety also. I was ordered a Benzo but only a limited amount to take when I was in complete panic mode, not every day. In fact I can only take a small amount at bedtime and use them sometimes as a sleep aid because they knock me out. If the doctor did indeed order this type of med to be taken regularly, especially to a young mom, that is ridiculous! Not only are these meds addictive but also you build up a tolerance and need more to get the same effect over time. That's why they are usually ordered as needed. Maybe that was how it was ordered and Leah overdid it but I feel that if the doctor would have monitored her more closely maybe there wouldn't be as much of a problem? It's hard to take Leah's side at all and I think I would have an easier time sympathizing with her if she would be honest about her faults. From the get go she was blaming Cory for all the problems, then Jeremy. In her mind she has done nothing wrong and doesn't have a drug problem. The doctors play a part in all this too and I hate how MTV is trying to cover it up. These girls get away with way too much because of this show!

Edited to say sorry if this is completely off topic but it just came to my mind and had to vent lol

Edited by Sounditout
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Thinking abut how the reunion show will go really has me wondering. The Totally Ineffective Dr Drew thinks very highly of himself as the ultimate addiction expert. I'm really dying to see if he'll let Leah get away with saying she went to 'therapeutic treatment not rehab' for anxiety and depression? Or, if he'll show the footage of her nodding out over and over again and tell her to her face that she was so fucked up she almost let her brother's baby slide off her lap. I'd better start a fund for a new TV right now because if he pussyfoots around it and lets her get away with saying she was just depressed, I'll surely throw enough shit at the TV to destroy it.


I also want him to ask Corey if he's decided to not give consent for the twins to be filmed since he's is done with the show. If Corey and Jermy pull the plug on the girlses being filmed, Leah's going to have to get her ass a job.

Edited by lovesnark
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From a cynical point of view, I think they'll consent to let the girlses be filmed. If MTV is Leah's job and she loses that job she'll be back in child support court so fast their heads will spin. At this stage in the game I don't think the cameras are such a bad thing because it keeps Leah somewhat accountable for the welfare of the children while they're in her care. Same goes for Jenelle. Kaiser probably would have been traded for a dime bag of weed at this point if there weren't millions of viewers watching Jenelle like a hawk.

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TBH I think the children themselves have become bit players in the dramas of their train wreck parents a long time ago. I think it is possible that even if her girlses on screen time was limited or cut off entirely that MTV couldn't resist Leah's entertaining brand of screwed up. Jenelle and Leah give this trash the steam it needs to keep on going and some silly thing like not having their kids on screen isn't going to stop MTV from displaying the trash.

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but I do think the doctors Leah goes to are going about treating her all wrong.

You are assuming that Leah is going to doctors who are prescribing her meds when it is more likely she is getting her meds from a street dealer. Drug dealers don't only sell weed, cocaine, or heroin. Their big business is sometimes prescription medications that they buy off from people who sell them. Leah may have started out with legal prescriptions and it just spiraled out of control. Leah may still be prescribed medications for her supposed anxiety and migraines but, she is co-mingling that with illegal drugs.


I wanted to touch back on the matter about Cory not being able to use MTV footage in court because the powers that be at MTV stated the program is highly edited.  However, back in 2013 when MTV was being accused by Kailyn Lowry's friend of editing their footage to imply a crime of domestic violence had occurred in their trailer for the upcoming season. We know it did occur and this accusation was just rubbish since Kail did admit to it and we saw it happen. This was MTV's response back then:


"An MTV spokesperson responded...telling The Huffington Post, "This is a docu-series and the scenes shown are accurate portrayals of each young woman’s story..."


Please note, MTV states their program is a docu-series, not a reality show.


This is what an insider was quoted as saying when it came to Cory not being able to use footage:


“The contracts state that the show may not depict a whole truth”


Strange how the show's footage was allowed to be used as evidence against Amber Portwood when she assaulted Gary. It was used against her when CPS was called about her committing a crime in the presence of her child but, Cory cannot use footage to show Leah possibly causing harm to her children or being neglectful.

Edited by SPLAIN
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I may be repeating what has already been said (there are so many posts on this subject I am sure I missed some!) but I do think the doctors Leah goes to are going about treating her all wrong. I am on meds for anxiety/panic attacks and starting out I was ordered a SSRI antidepressant that helps with anxiety also. I was ordered a Benzo but only a limited amount to take when I was in complete panic mode, not every day. In fact I can only take a small amount at bedtime and use them sometimes as a sleep aid because they knock me out. If the doctor did indeed order this type of med to be taken regularly, especially to a young mom, that is ridiculous! Not only are these meds addictive but also you build up a tolerance and need more to get the same effect over time. That's why they are usually ordered as needed. Maybe that was how it was ordered and Leah overdid it but I feel that if the doctor would have monitored her more closely maybe there wouldn't be as much of a problem? It's hard to take Leah's side at all and I think I would have an easier time sympathizing with her if she would be honest about her faults. From the get go she was blaming Cory for all the problems, then Jeremy. In her mind she has done nothing wrong and doesn't have a drug problem. The doctors play a part in all this too and I hate how MTV is trying to cover it up. These girls get away with way too much because of this show!

Edited to say sorry if this is completely off topic but it just came to my mind and had to vent lol

Leah is most definitely doctor shopping or getting her pills from a dealer. My doctor only prescribes benzos in limited quantities. Every time I pick them up from the pharmacy, I have to show my license and electronically sign for it. I have a feeling that Dawn may be getting the scripts in her name and then giving them to Leah in addition to whatever Leah's doctor is prescribing. Dawn is an enabler and a groupie. Leah is her prized pig. If Leah wants the pillses, then I have no doubt that Dawn would move Heaven and Hell to git Leah the pillses.

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I somehow get the feeling he'll keep trying till it's a boy.

I really hope not. I have a family member who desperately wanted a girl after her first baby was a boy. She had two more boys then the girl. Sometimes I think those two middle boys (especially the younger one) just feel like their parents just had them hoping for a girl, were disappointed when baby was boy, and just went on focusing on having coveted girl. (Hope what I'm saying makes sense.)

Corey and Miranda have 13+ more years of dealing with Leah. That's sure to be stressful and exhausting. If I was them, I probably wouldn't add further stress, work, and expenses to my life by having any more children after their little girl is born. But different strokes and all.....

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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I don't see Cory getting to the age of 90 years old. Every time I watch him chewing tobacco, all I think about is cancer - tongue cancer, throat cancer, mouth cancer, CANCER! I wish he would get rid of that bad habit. It's one thing for the girlses to have a mama addicted to pillses, but to have their dad possibly shorten his life or endure a disease that may shorten his life because he couldn't curtail his nasty addiction to tobacco? Not good. 

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   Archer just reran the episode where Sterling and Ray go to "the holler" in West Virginia to bail out Ray's drug-selling brother Randy. Sterling, predictably, ends up having sex with Randy's blonde floozy of a wife but Randy isn't angry when he catches them undressed, because they have "an open marriage" and Randy believes that he can score with Sterling's coworker Cheryl.

   Oh, and the blonde wife was named Jenelle. You almost got it right, FX.

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CANCER! I wish he would get rid of that bad habit. It's one thing for the girlses to have a mama addicted to pillses, but to have their dad possibly shorten his life or endure a disease that may shorten his life because he couldn't curtail his nasty addiction to tobacco? Not good. 

   And Leah smokes as well, though she tries to hide it on the show.

   That "chaw" habit has probably been in the Simms family for generations. It's very prevalent in Appalachia. Maybe he'll quit when he sees Gracie start using it in middle school.

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Slight OT: I wish anyone who smokes would quit, having recently lost my mother--after she spent almost 3 full years ventilator dependent due to smoking.

And chew is just as bad!

But I know these guys don't make the best lifestyle choices in general.

But those sweet girlses deserve better

So sorry about your mother :( Grandpa on my mom's side was on iron lung at the end too. My parents said that back then it was part of "growing up" to smoke. They never touched it themselves.

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And Leah smokes as well, though she tries to hide it on the show.

That "chaw" habit has probably been in the Simms family for generations. It's very prevalent in Appalachia. Maybe he'll quit when he sees Gracie start using it in middle school.

Hee! Every time I see the blonde twin do something heinous, I imagine the brunette twin recalling it in an interview for the former's upcoming episode of Snapped. And when I see all three of them huddled in the back seat of that trash truck, they remind me of a barefoot Appalachian version of the Chipettes, with crazy Miss Miller driving, zooted out of her mind.
  • Love 4

   And Leah smokes as well, though she tries to hide it on the show.

   That "chaw" habit has probably been in the Simms family for generations. It's very prevalent in Appalachia. Maybe he'll quit when he sees Gracie start using it in middle school.

Aside from Jenelle, Cate and Tyler smoke, too. I don't think it is Leah hiding it as much as it is MTV editing those scenes out.

Corey's dad has always had a bottom lip/mouth area that screamed "chewer of tobacky" to me. I just assume he is dignified enough to not be caught on camera with any in. This is part of the reason I could never find him attractive.

I can't decide if I should just be happy Corey is smart enough to end with this show or kinda wishing MTV would do whatever would get them to appear, at least a bit. I would like to see how Gracie behaved after spending more time at Corey and Miranda's house regularly. And see their baby. But I understand why they want to be done.

Edited by Rebecca
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In all the reading about Corey and Miranda's gender reveal, I read that Dawn was hoping for a girl... Because she knew Corey wanted a boy...(I think it might be the Ashley), how much more 8th grade can you get? No, that's an insult to 8th graders... What a spiteful bitch


Are you serious??? Wow. She is pathetic. Who even gets that invested in the gender of someone they aren't related/close to???

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In all the reading about Corey and Miranda's gender reveal, I read that Dawn was hoping for a girl... Because she knew Corey wanted a boy...(I think it might be the Ashley), how much more 8th grade can you get? No, that's an insult to 8th graders... What a spiteful bitch

It also said she was pissed when they wouldn't reveal the gender to her at the reunion...as if she had any right to know the gender of a child she has nothing to do with! I don't care if you're the child's sibling or grandmother, if the parents don't want you to know what gender the child is, you're going to just have to wait until they're ready to tell the world. And what the hell is Mama Dawn doing sticking her nose in their business anyway? She's just being spiteful because she wants Corey to not get what he wants. She's probably gloating like a gleeful little troll over Corey being miserable, when he's probably like, "well, a boy would have been nice, but I'm going to love this baby like crazy and I just hope she gets a chance to have a close relationship with her sisters."


Ugh, I just hate Mama Dawn. What a reprehensible little troll. You know how, sometimes, a person with lower-than-average looks becomes really beautiful by having a great attitude and kind personality? Dawn is the opposite. Her outside reflects her inside.

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