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Jesus God, Leah!!

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. I dunno how a judge can keep ruling that keeping the girlses in Leah's care primarily is a good thing

I know, right? Unfortunately, without proof (and MTV footage is not reliable), the judge won't change an order without definite proof that the children are in fact in an unstable home.


Just as ridiculous as the notion that a court can order Kail to attend counseling.

Well, we can't assume this was on purpose. You win some, you lose some. Even fertile myrtle Leah can't keep a souvenir from every boooooyfriend.




What drug dealer hands over the goods without receiving payment up front? That's just bad business right there.


It's called "fronting"

Yep, that is how it goes down. In the courts, I saw a lot of cases where defendants were charged with assault and battery and so forth because they went after the person who owed them money for drugs. Yes, believe it or not, that was their defense. Many females also exchange sex for drugs. I wouldn't put it past Leah to resort to that in order to score.  Regardless if it is meth or not, who the fuck cares, the point is the girl is an addict. She likely has a dealer and she likely burned his or her ass for money. Leah didn't always have her MTV money. She gets paid yearly for her services. Jeremy was her source for instant money.

Edited by GreatKazu
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I am an opiate addict and I'm here to tell you that when I was in active use if my drug of choice was not available I went for the next available thing. If meth had been easier to obtain in my area I would have went directly for that until I could get my hands on opiates. Us drug addicts have our favorites but we are not loyal if the drug isn't available.

  • Love 10

Thank you for sharing such personal information with us. I hope all is going well with you.


I wanted to point that out in response to that comment about Leah couldn't possibly be doing meth. Perhaps she isn't, however, as you pointed out, when it comes to addiction, addicts will just about use whatever they can get their hands on. I have seen too many addicts start out using one drug only to end up being hooked on a few more. I wouldn't say this was the case with Leah, just making the point that the drug of choice may be their choice if and when it is available but, when that addict is desperate and needs that hit, they will try something else. Seeing how Leah is desperate to fulfill her needs when it comes to having a guy in her life, I wouldn't put it past her to be so desperate that she hasn't tried other forms of drugs, including illegal drugs.

Edited by SPLAIN
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To be honest, I'm surprised Leah hasn't embraced her status as an addict. She's a professional victim and loves excuses, I figure she would love to tell everyone "Not my fault, I'm hooked on pillses".

I think she sees it as a failure. When she divorced Corey, she didn't seem exceptionally sad about leaving him, or breaking up the family. It was just the stigma of being divorced. Same thing this time around. When she was close to giving Corey more time with the girlses, she changed her mind after Mama Dawn essentially shamed her out of it.

  • Love 2

To be honest, I'm surprised Leah hasn't embraced her status as an addict. She's a professional victim and loves excuses, I figure she would love to tell everyone "Not my fault, I'm hooked on pillses".

I think she is honestly afraid of loosing her kids. She knows on some level that she's failing. Corey may not be vindictive enough to say it, but Leah knows he doesn't trust her to be the custodial parent. I'm guessing Jeremy is vindictive enough to say it. Not that I think he actually wants to be the custodial parent, but I think he would threaten her with it. Leah is fucking up and how, but I don't think she has numbed herself to a Janelle level where instrest in her kids is only ever a convienence. I think she's terrified if she admits to a drug problem she'll lose custody.

Edited by FozzyBear
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The only thing I would front that chick is some Tide Pods! 


My stats….48 and a Grandparent. 


Tammy from RW was on Marriage Bootcamp this season. I understand now why she got so upset by those boys ripping the covers off of her while she was sleeping.


Yes, I watch way too much shit TV;) Both Delish and sad.

Yikes, make it regular Tide--you know she's not watching the girlses when they hide in the laundry room during one of her and Germy's fights....one of them would definitely be the type to stick anything in her mouth (not a double entendre--even I have my limits).

  • Love 3

Leah's post after posting the Serenity Prayer the other day:


Articles WAS Printed Y'all! 


Leah Messer's Official Fan Page :)
20 hrs · Edited ·
Articles was printed over me posting the Serenity Prayer. FYI... The "Serenity Prayer" isn't just a prayer for people who have an addiction. That is like saying the "LORDS PRAYER" is only for Christians. My ONLY addiction is MY CHILDREN


Edited to add this: http://www.teenmomjunkies.com/teen-mom-2-2/exclusive-teen-mom-2-splitor/


I have never seen this pic of Leah, TR, and her kiddos.

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 1

The jokes write themselves.




My ONLY addiction is CHEATING!







They hide in the laundry room because Leah never goes in there. It's a safe room.

You win!

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 4

I think she is honestly afraid of loosing her kids. She knows on some level that she's failing. Corey may not be vindictive enough to say it, but Leah knows he doesn't trust her to be the custodial parent. I'm guessing Jeremy is vindictive enough to say it. Not that I think he actually wants to be the custodial parent, but I think he would threaten her with it. Leah is fucking up and how, but I don't think she has numbed herself to a Janelle level where instrest in her kids is only ever a convienence. I think she's terrified if she admits to a drug problem she'll lose custody.

She has already very publicly been to rehab, so it's no secret to the courts.

Um, who relates to the Lord's Prayer other than Christians?

  • Love 1

Catholics are Christians. I was raised Catholic.

I was raised Catholic, too, and in a very culturally Catholic area.

Some Christian groups don't consider Catholics (or Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc) to truly be "Christians." I didn't learn this until some exposure to Duggar-esque brands of Christianity and "fundie light" Christianity. My guess is it might be common for many of the (non-mainline) Protestant churches in Leah's area to not consider Catholics, Mormons, etc as "real Christians."

Or she could just be an idiot who thinks Hindus say the Lord's Prayer.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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My spouse was raised Christian. He later converted to Catholicism, my religion. There are some differences such as his religion didn't believe in the seven sacraments and certain beliefs about original sin, the Virgin Mary, and some others. As for Leah, I don't think she really thought long and hard about her post. Simply that she referenced there are people who know the prayer she posted. She is not too bright, y'all. She is fifty one cards short of a deck.


On to the funnier stuff. Did anyone notice that beanie Leah's boyfriend is wearing in that article linked here? Ohhhhhh that is funny. It reads "How Bout No."  Now that is something Leah should have learned a long time ago.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 5

Everyone's got the jokes in here this week. Thanks for that on this early morning.

I am SO sick of the protected status Leah has achieved this season. It's complete and utter BS and makes me all stabby. I am not a fan of either of them (at all!) but why does Janelle's dirt get ran up the flagpole and Leah's doesn't? It's crap, it's not reality in the least.

Let me get real honest here for a second... I've had more knee surgeries than you can imagine and for a period of time, we didn't know if I would ever walk and bend my knee again. For real. And I took some pain meeds to get thru this time bc there was no other way to get thru the brutality of all of those surgeries and the following PT (my husband has cried watching me suffer thru a PT session and my therapist- big burly guy, has has very moist eyes... It was no joke and I thank God every day that I kept fighting and regained full ROM and walk unassisted, even exercise. And I surrendered my Handicapped Parking Placard! (huge step, I was so proud). Sorry for all of that but I refuse to let people think I just "took" pain meeds. I wouldn't have survived without them.

All this to say that I have NO doubt that opiates, taken in large quantities - usually not medicinal- will make you nod out mid conversation, sitting up in a room with other people. Without a doubt. It has also been my experience that there is much less side effect when you actually "need" the medicine... It's like the pain absorbs the meds and you don't truly get a high. I did not walk around (crutch) with pinned pupils and slurring words and falling asleep. So her back story doesn't compute with me, not at all. And her range of meeds was a little troubling... Most docs this day don't like to throw multiple painkillers at you. Surpressed breathing is no joke and can easily happen.

I will tell you that there are some crappy docs out there that will still write a script for heavy duty stuff for the lamest stuff. That always bugged me bc you should really reserve that stuff for one day when you really might need it. I believe, with her MTV money and whatever she was skimming off Germy, she could easily buy painkillers on the street. They ain't cheap but she thought she was so flush with cash and then once the addiction kicks in, she didn't care about the money... She had to have those pills. And they aren't cheap, I believe it's a $1 a milligram and addicts can take 100 mg a pop, easily.

Another side effect that we are seeing, and this one was a struggle for me, is that painkillers numb you to emotions, a lot. You just live in a fog enough that you forget how to deal with stuff. I actually went to therapy (hahaha, not rehab, but a shrink... And just office visits. I didn't take a month long vacation so I could take tie dyed selfless) to learn baby steps on how to start functioning in real life again.I actually developed anxiety and panic attacks and I think part of it was that my coping skills were crap. ( and so when Leah claims stress and anxiety are her problem, while she is nodding off like a pill popper, I don't buy it and I am offended that Backwoods Barbie thinks we are all that stupid).

And another note... Her mom is such a damn enabler that I fear Leah doesn't stand a chance of ever admitting the truth. I think her mom thinks it would hurt leah's imagined "fame" to admit she's abusing drugs and she thinks she's the cats meow now that MTV agreed to play along with her bullshit. If something happens to those girlses while Leah is driving them high out of her mind, that mom of hers better look in the mirror bc she contributed to it. And MTV should also feel like shit if it ever comes to that. They are practically being her dealer at this point between giving her the money and helping her lie.

And btw, those twins were not in car/booster seats or even seat belts on the way to the airport?!?! WTF?!?! 3 adults in that car and not a working brain cell between them. Disgusting.

Ok, I've confessed enough of my deep dark secrets but now you know why Leah makes me so mad. Forget about the fact that junkies like her made me have a tougher time getting the meds I so desperately (& appropriately) needed.

  • Love 12

I don't recall Leah ever having any major surgery that would require those types of meds. And as someone else said, her baby is how old now? So no doctor is prescribing something for childbirth related issues at this point. What I do remember is Leah having "anxiety" (and I say this as a person who has been prescribed meds for anxiety and panic so I'm not doubting anxiety in general but maybe with her) and getting a little fucked up on them. The convo on the phone with the therapist where she couldn't tie her shoes and wasn't making any sense and was falling asleep. Maybe she was hitting the Xanax too hard or maybe she was prescribed something stronger, I kinda doubt a doctor would start her off with something stronger but who knows. Anyway she probably liked how she felt on whatever that was, despite her claims that "I feel like a damn druggie!" And then went and got whatever pills she takes now. I don't believe the tall tale she wove for us last night. I'm sure it DID start with a legit prescription to something but I'm willing to bet the others were "prescribed" to someone else or she bullshitted a doctor into giving them to her and that's how she convinces herself it's okay because they are prescribed!!!!

  • Love 4

I was wondering if she was going to pain clinics and raking up prescriptions. I don't know about WV, but my state, KY, cracked down on pain clinics a few years ago because a lot of them were basically glorified pill mills.


Did I hear Leah say she had a spinal tap? Those are painful, but there's no way she would be prescribed three different pain killers.


I was actually frightened when she was holding that baby and nodding off, and I got a sense of what Cory must feel on a daily basis. Leah is not just an addict, she's an addict who is the primary caregiver for three, very young children. I shudder to think what kind of shape she's been in while alone with those kids -- or even worse, the kind shape she's been in while driving with them.


I know you have to count backwards from zero to measure Mama Dawn's IQ, but I wanted to slap her last night. Her daughter, high as a damn kite, is basically telling her that she's an addict, and she responds with "If I though you was real bad, I would have called Cory myself" What is "real bad" to this woman? Death?


And yes to the poster up thread. I, too, am sick of Leah getting the kid's glove treatment. If you didn't know the stuff that actually happened, the show would have you believe that Leah was just some poor, stressed out, single mom with a mean husband who is divorcing her and an ex-husband trying to take her babies away.

  • Love 7

After last night I am really starting to think that Delta Dawn relies on Leah for some amount of money.  Delta Dawn and Franklin Lee Spears divorced in 2013. While she did at one time work who knows if she still is.  When Leah was seriously considering letting Corey get more time with the twins (which would have probably reduced child support) Momma Dawn nixed that idea at warp speed.  We see in the previews that Dawn is talking to Leah during her first days of rehab saying Corey may use this situation to get more time with the twins (which could result in less child support).  Who in the world would tell that to their child who just checked in to rehab?!?!  When Janelle was super messed up Barb was doing everything in her power to get Janelle out of the situation and get help.  Momma Dawn seems to not want to derail the money train.  Her reactions to a lot of things with Leah seem more about insuring the money keeps coming in and not about what is in Leah's best interest.

  • Love 12

I don't recall Leah ever having any major surgery that would require those types of meds. And as someone else said, her baby is how old now? So no doctor is prescribing something for childbirth related issues at this point. What I do remember is Leah having "anxiety" (and I say this as a person who has been prescribed meds for anxiety and panic so I'm not doubting anxiety in general but maybe with her) and getting a little fucked up on them. The convo on the phone with the therapist where she couldn't tie her shoes and wasn't making any sense and was falling asleep. Maybe she was hitting the Xanax too hard or maybe she was prescribed something stronger, I kinda doubt a doctor would start her off with something stronger but who knows. Anyway she probably liked how she felt on whatever that was, despite her claims that "I feel like a damn druggie!" And then went and got whatever pills she takes now. I don't believe the tall tale she wove for us last night. I'm sure it DID start with a legit prescription to something but I'm willing to bet the others were "prescribed" to someone else or she bullshitted a doctor into giving them to her and that's how she convinces herself it's okay because they are prescribed!!!!

I think Leah might have had a c section. I was prescribed Percocet after mine, but only given 30 pills. I probably could have gotten a refill from my OB, but not 2 years down the road. And I did not get Percocet and Vicodin prescriptions simultaneously. I did not think her drug abuse though spanned 2 years but maybe it has. We know she was having trouble with meds last season as well.

At the moment, I am suffering from a 5mm kidney stone that has to be surgically removed on Monday. To say that I'm in pain is an understatement. My doctor is prescribing me Percocet for the pain. Only Percocet. Not Vicodin, Percocet, and Tylenol #3 like Leah's "doctors" did. I have two sons, ages 8 and 4, and even though I'm taking ONE Percocet roughly three times a day, I am still able to care for them. I am not nodding off like she did. I...I don't even know how anyone can get to that point. That was terrifying.

I believe she was referring to spinal anesthesia for her c-section with Baby Adderall, not a spinal tap. But who knows.

  • Love 5

I think Leah might have had a c section. I was prescribed Percocet after mine, but only given 30 pills. I probably could have gotten a refill from my OB, but not 2 years down the road. And I did not get Percocet and Vicodin prescriptions simultaneously. I did not think her drug abuse though spanned 2 years but maybe it has. We know she was having trouble with meds last season as well.

I had uterine surgery and like you, was only allotted 30 Percocet pills.

To get to the point of nodding off, you're most likely doubling what you should be actually taking. Or mixing with other drugs.

I'm a recovering addict..I started with pills like Leah. My pill addiction escalated into more illegal drug use. It took me losing everything to get my crap together. If Leah keeps this up..she will lose it all and maybe even her life. Unfortunately it seems like she is so in denial right now that no one will make her admit to being an addict; and if you can't admit to that then you're just going to keep doing what your doing.

  • Love 4

Right. Having a baby is not an ongoing situation. It's not a chronic pain condition. No doctor is going to write you RX after RX for months on end after your c-section. I don't even know that she's doctor shopping, because it doesn't sound like she even has a plausible excuse. Of course there are some doctors who are very unethical and will write for almost anyone/anything, but I have a feeling she's just buying her pills off the streets. 

  • Love 4

That's what I was wondering about Leah--she said "spinal tap with Addie" or something of that nature. Having never had one, I understand that they're painful but the pain doesn't persist for two years, does it? Unless the doctor administering the tap injured her or something. Do I have my facts straight about that or am I way off? I know she was prescribed medications for her "ziaty" that made her feel like "a damn druggie" and while I understand how addictive those pillses are, I am scratching my head watching this girl try to justify three kinds of pain meds over a year after her kid was born, if the birth was the reason for the drugs in the first place.


Then again I rarely take anything at all, and have never taken anything stronger than Aleve (okay I took a muscle relaxant once when I had a pinched nerve and all it did was make me sleepy), so I have zero idea what I'm talking about.


Everything I could say about Leah has already been said, but I have to say this is getting really scary and I hope she got all the help she needs and is getting better. It's easy to make jokes and I myself hold Leah in no high regard, but this is not a safe situation and for everyone involved, I really hope for the best for them all. Watching those girls cry as their mom walked into the airport (coincidentally the same one I fly into when I go to visit my own lovely mother) was heartbreaking.


And Delta Dawn is worse than an enabler at this point. Leah is trying to resurface from "drownding" in a pill fog, and Dawn is trying to push her back under. She is literally trying to do what is best in the situation, and Dawn just keeps convincing her to keep on keepin' on. Enablers allow the situation to happen; Dawn is actively propagating it. Perhaps I'm being nitpicky but I can't find any way to justify how she's treating her daughter.

  • Love 2

To get to the point of nodding off, you're most likely doubling what you should be actually taking. Or mixing with other drugs.

I'm a recovering addict..I started with pills like Leah. My pill addiction escalated into more illegal drug use. It took me losing everything to get my crap together. If Leah keeps this up..she will lose it all and maybe even her life. Unfortunately it seems like she is so in denial right now that no one will make her admit to being an addict; and if you can't admit to that then you're just going to keep doing what your doing.

Thank you for sharing your story. :)

As far as a spinal tap, I had one done 11 years ago for suspected meningitis. (It wasn't.) It hurt like hell. The ER sent me home with a prescription for 10 Percocet. I could barely walk the next day...but I was completely fine 48 hours after, and only needed to take two pills for pain. So I call BS.

I've also had two c-sections. Both times, I was given a post-operation prescription for 30 Percocet. Even though everyone's recovery is different (my second was much longer than my first due to the amount of abdominal adhesions they had to cut through to get to my uterus), I was medication free after the first week for both. Well, narcotic-free. I still took Motrin 800mg.

What I'm saying here is that her story doesn't add up. At all. Sadly, though, in healthcare, pain is subjective. I'm in my second year of nursing school and I have been taught that pain is what the patient says it is. It can't be proven or disproven. So although I'm sure Leah has a huge problem, she had a right to be treated for her "pain." It may not be right, but whatever her doctor originally gave her I'm sure was legally obtained. It seems that she may have become opiate tolerant, so it took more and more meds to get her relief, or that "high" she may have originally felt. For her to be to the point we saw last night though? I'm sure she'd been supplementing whatever her doctor had given her with stuff on the side.

  • Love 2
After last night I am really starting to think that Delta Dawn relies on Leah for some amount of money.  Delta Dawn and Franklin Lee Spears divorced in 2013. While she did at one time work who knows if she still is.  When Leah was seriously considering letting Corey get more time with the twins (which would have probably reduced child support) Momma Dawn nixed that idea at warp speed.  We see in the previews that Dawn is talking to Leah during her first days of rehab saying Corey may use this situation to get more time with the twins (which could result in less child support).  Who in the world would tell that to their child who just checked in to rehab?!?!  When Janelle was super messed up Barb was doing everything in her power to get Janelle out of the situation and get help.  Momma Dawn seems to not want to derail the money train.  Her reactions to a lot of things with Leah seem more about insuring the money keeps coming in and not about what is in Leah's best interest.


What?  Is that THE Lee?? So they got divorced? I guess that's why we haven't been privy to his sage words this season.  I wonder what the hell happened there.  Well, ladies.  I guess that means Lee is on the market.  Too bad I'm married.  <snark!>

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