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  1. So I hadn't connected the dots until I read this forum but I think they are going to have Midge pregnant next season or at least think she is pregnant. When Joel proposed he asked if she was surprised and she said no because she knew it would happen and then she looked down and kind-of patted her belly. I watched that scene again because I was wondering if they were really saying the marriage happened because she was pregnant with Ethan and not that they were totally in love. With Imogene pregnant and them talking about how they always have babies together and Midge getting kicked off stage for talking about pregnancy it does seem that the possibility is high. Also if Joel and Midge married because she was pregnant there would be a parallel with her almost marrying for love this time. I guess we will find out in a years time!
  2. I think both Will and Zoey are high-octane children and there is nothing wrong with that. Zoey's talks more than Will so we hear here more but I'm definitely not writing Will off. Also Zoey did not come up with "Hot Diggity Dog". That is a phrase said often on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on Disney channel so I'd assume she has seen that show a few times. Trust me if a kid watches that show often they'll say that phrase and many other "Oh Toodles...."
  3. My neighbor volunteered a few months at New Day when Will first got there. I saw her last night with their recently adopted daughter from China and while talking with her I asked her about the above as she watches the show. Her reply was "Are you kidding? No, I wish all orphans at ND and throughout China could go to homes like Bill and Jen's." She went on to say that Will had a list of issues and his chances of being adopted were slim. So while, like all parents, Bill and Jen aren't perfect and they will do whatever necessary to help Will.
  4. I remember reading that they found Megan when the casting crew met with Sean at a DS convention. I don't think they said more than that but its plausible she did her speech at the convention so the casting people took notice. In the Gazette article posted in this thread they said that Kris and Meg live in LA part-time and part-time in CO.
  5. I live in the same area as Kris/Megan and it is so weird to see Kris/Megan driving around and know exactly what roads they are on, etc. Since they are local I did a little searching and Megan's dad owns businesses in Denver. Megan has quite a few pictures on her facebook page of her with her half-siblings and pictures of her before proms/homecomings with her dad. I don't think he's a completely absent parent maybe not around more than once a month but around. It appears Megan moved around a lot with her mom and her dad is solidly planted in Denver so I think that is why she hasn't gotten to see him as much as she wanted. Her half-siblings go to a private school that I am very familiar with so unless their mom is the one who is paying for it I imagine that her dad is paying a lot in child support and there is probably a pretty good size trust for her. As a side note Megan had to quit her job in Denver with Rocky Mountain Down Syndrome Association in 2012 because the family (i.e. Kris) was moving to Virginia according to their newsletter.
  6. I think it would of been a great idea if Kail would of connected with a deployed spouses group for this deployment. I give her a bit of a pass since she's young and this is her first deployment but that call with Javi was just cold. Deployments are kind-of all about the spouse who is deployed. The other spouses job (to a degree) is to keep things going on the homefront and encourage the one who is gone. I send weekly packages with treats, reading material, etc to my spouse who is deployed. That is the absolute highlight of his week when he gets a package. Homemade stuff is discouraged because the temps in airplanes and on the ground will cause a lot of "treats" to melt or go bad. There is a super short window that you can send chocolate anything because of the conditions. I always send a 5lb bag of gummy bears and my spouse said the bags are now arriving as one melted blob. From what my spouse has told me Javi is at the "hub" if you will of the area and they "honor" their departed brethren when they arrive. Life stops regardless the time of day and they all stay out till "the solider" in question gets on their next plane home. Deployments are hard and Kail and Javi seem ill-equiped to handle it.
  7. Just watched the episode and I really did laugh out loud cause that conversation between Joy and Jamie was hilarious. Given Joy is 9 (10?) her reaction, to me, showed they aren't sheltering the kids as much as other families on TLC.
  8. This season was originally supposed to be 8 episodes and if I counted right it was 6. So I guess TLC decided to end the series early due to low ratings. I saw the last 15 minutes (whole episode is on the DVR) and I came away with two things. First the new rental house looks really, really nice. Hopefully this house will not have any surprises that manifest like the old house did. Second it did seem like even just the last 15 minutes of the episode could be a tidy closing for the series. I could see where it could also lead to a season 3 but given TLC ordered 8 episodes and only showed 6 I'm guessing that was technically the series finale. Overall I like the Willis Family and wish them all the best in their future endeavors. It is a shame that they couldn't gather more of a following on TLC but they did gain one more fan who will check in on what the family is doing from time to time.
  9. I'm guessing Jada and Jaeger will compete when they are old enough. My thinking is pairs might need to be close in age to compete and so there are no "built-in" dance partners for the middle string of girls. I really liked Jenny's rendition of the Alison Krauss song, her voice works well with bluegrass!
  10. That would make a little more sense. Since he was just talking to the oldest ones I couldn't figure out with that much land why there wasn't enough for everyone.
  11. I've seen all the Dr.Jenn "shows" and while it somewhat pains me to say it, "Sister" Patterson may be the worst person on any of Dr.Jenn shows. That woman is taking nuts to a whole new level. While she was going on and on about the male dr entering her room and saying they were leaving, etc I was begging Dr.Jenn to look at her and say "fine, you can leave but you won't be getting paid". Woman needed to be knocked down and reminded why she was there in the first place. Interesting dynamic between Sister and her daughter as all her outbursts happened after someone pissed Tiffany off. Very weird dynamic between those two. I feel really bad for Bam's mom. Bam, on the other hand, needs detox (or maybe they were doing it at the house and won't show it) but going off all he's on cold turkey could literally kill him.
  12. I felt bad for the younger kids when Jessica mentioned that they are renting a house that is empty 9 months out of the year. When they had an episode last season where they visited my hometown I looked at their tour schedule and it was jammed packed. Looking at it now it's still quite demanding. While the younger kids are starting to play different instruments in the band they are spending the majority of the year in a bus and hotel rooms while their older siblings and parents follow a dream/career. They are getting a unique experience for sure but when Toby was talking about creating plots on the land they own he mentioned the older kids could sell their land to their younger siblings later if they didn't want it. With 150 (??) acres I'd think he could set plots up for all his kids but it sounded like just the older kids would get a plot. That made me a little sad for the younger ones. I do like this family but last season I figured between the accident and the fire they were well off financially. This summer I watched the episodes of the show they had on GAC on youtube and after watching this episode I'm starting to think that the accident and fire insurance money (if the house was insured, which it might not have been) was put into the band (and a wrestling venture Toby tried around the time of the fire) so now that rebuilding the house comes up Toby needs the older kids to funnel some of their money to make it possible. I absolutely could be completely off and I hope I am.
  13. I hadn't seen Janice since her modeling agency show and wow she looks absolutely horrible. I love her comment to Rocky when they entered the house which was "I need a Ritalin". Yeah right, that is what you need. I was curious about Rocky and lo and behold his a psychiatrist. Obviously if he's with Janice he has issues.
  14. I was wondering if Javi had switched to reserves so I looked at the global AF address book and he is active duty. If I remember correctly his tech school was like supply ordering or something like that. So I definitely can see him having a Mon-Fri 7-3 kind of position. Not all AF jobs are shift work, honestly just a small percentage. Pretty sure Javi is getting all holidays and family off days, etc so basically he is part of the chair force. Also I wouldn't make too much into that he hasn't been deployed (i.e. somewhere else). AF is starting to deploy people in place which basically means you just do your job and none of the email, training, etc. So yeah I totally don't find Javi's time on screen and AF duties to be in conflict. As for Jo I just get the feeling like there is some missing piece that isn't being talked about. Like Jo started college or something. I think they wanted to make a story line but there is a simple explanation.
  15. After last night I am really starting to think that Delta Dawn relies on Leah for some amount of money. Delta Dawn and Franklin Lee Spears divorced in 2013. While she did at one time work who knows if she still is. When Leah was seriously considering letting Corey get more time with the twins (which would have probably reduced child support) Momma Dawn nixed that idea at warp speed. We see in the previews that Dawn is talking to Leah during her first days of rehab saying Corey may use this situation to get more time with the twins (which could result in less child support). Who in the world would tell that to their child who just checked in to rehab?!?! When Janelle was super messed up Barb was doing everything in her power to get Janelle out of the situation and get help. Momma Dawn seems to not want to derail the money train. Her reactions to a lot of things with Leah seem more about insuring the money keeps coming in and not about what is in Leah's best interest.
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