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Jesus God, Leah!!

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On 10/9/2017 at 3:28 PM, Tatum said:

I have to strongly disagree here. To me, saying Leah is a good mom EXCEPT for how she doesn't listen to Dr. Tsao is the equivalent of asking Mrs. Lincoln how she liked the play (my dad's favorite analogy). There is no *aside from* or *other than*- the fact that she ignores such a glaring need (and Corey is equally guilty of this) is an absolute that firmly places her in the "bad mom" camp.

This!!!!!!!! I also don't see her as very attentive (frosting, cold soup, no breakfast.....). I like the Lincoln analogy!

On 10/10/2017 at 10:35 AM, Evie said:

I actually didn't think fishing was a bad idea. Ali had a pole in the beginning, so she started out participating. I'm not in a wheelchair, but I am disabled and fishing was an activity that my dad, sister and I did together a lot growing up. Obviously Ali wasn't enjoying it so in the future, Corey should probably just take Gracie, but I just don't think it was something that Ali couldn't do. 

This. Ali will still have to do activities that aren't her first choice because her siblings want to. This is normal, as others have said. Ali would become a huge brat and it would be a big disservice to her to give in to everything she wants because of her disability. My takeaway was that she just didn't want to fish, not that she couldn't. 

On 10/10/2017 at 4:25 PM, evilmindatwork said:

ETA: i don't understand why they don't put Ali into chess or the school spelling bee. That way she can be challenged and feel a sense of accomplishment without being physically drained.

Because 'them things just isn't important like sports is.'

On 10/11/2017 at 10:10 AM, AirQuotes said:

Where in West Virginia does Leah live?  Elkview?

I'm intrigued by the gas station "pepperoni rolls" the girls were gnawing on in the back seat.  lol  Regional foods like that interest me because there is always a history.

I'm from Natchitoches, LA, and we have meat pies which are delicious!  All around Natchitoches (really the whole western central part of the state), meat pies are everywhere.  Most all local restaurants make their own and every gas station station has some hot and ready to go.  There are even restaurants entirely devoted to only meat pies.  Both my grandmothers made them homemade at Thanksgiving and Christmas.

From my understanding that's how pepperoni rolls are in West Virginia, lots of different bakeries and they're sold all over. They originated with the miners. (Not sure if you read my more detailed post about them in the episode thread.) I'm also intrigued by regional foods...it's the (mostly useless but interesting) sociology degree in me.

On 10/13/2017 at 8:21 AM, Mkay said:

I had never heard of this WV gas station/ convenience store until yesterday on this board. I read at night before bed and what do I see in my book:  Sheetz


I love when that happens! Sheetz is based in PA and they're in several states in that area though, not just WV.

On 10/18/2017 at 3:17 PM, LunaMia said:

She is serving up some Boy George realness. 


And he looks way, way better.

Edited by Rebecca
Typos...my brain isn't well today
  • Love 8

Wow. For the poster who said Leah is a great attentive mom. The bar for good mom is set pretty damn low. If being a good mom means getting high and nodding off while your kids are in the same room, losing custody of two of your girls because you can't get them to school on time even though you have no job or any other excuse for being late. If being a good mother means not watching your 2 year old and letting her wander out if the house at 1am and get picked up (luckily) by the police. If it means ignoring the strict orders of a specialist when your daughter has, a, rare condition that will eventually kill her or sending your kids to school hungry or only feeding them cold canned ravioli when you make 300,000 a year. Or when your children had 2 chances to grow up in a stable family and you screwed up both because you couldn't remain faithful. Or to rent a house that isn't handicap accessible even though you have a ton of money thst allows you to choose practically any rental you need. None of those is my definition of a good parent. Leah may love her girls but she loves drugs and dick more than her children and that is nowhere near what I consider a good mother. I'm not mother of the year but my kids are well cared for and have all their needs met and are happy most of the time. And I take care of them alone while working a full time job. I've felt like a shitty mother because I had to put them in daycare and because sometimes i feed them chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese. Who knew to be a good mom I need to do drugs and let my children wander off in the middle of the night and drop them off with every relative I have because raising kids is just too much work lol. Leah has more opportunities and money than most 20 somethings could ever dream of and yet she wastes it all. 

Edited by kira28
  • Love 18
6 minutes ago, kira28 said:

Wow. For the poster who said Leah is a great attentive mom. The bar for good mom is set pretty damn low. If being a good mom means getting high and nodding off while your kids are in the same room, losing custody of two of your girls because you can't get them to school on time even though you have no job or any other excuse for being late. If being a good mother means not watching your 2 year old and letting her wander out if the house at 1am and get picked up (luckily) by the police. If it means ignoring the strict orders of a specialist when your daughter has, a, rare condition that will eventually kill her or sending your kids to school hungry or only feeding them cold canned ravioli when you make 300,000 a year. Or when your children had 2 chances to grow up in a stable family and you screwed up both because you couldn't remain faithful. Or to rent a house that isn't handicap accessible even though you have a ton of money thst allows you to choose practically any rental you need. None of those is my definition of a good parent. Leah may love her girls but she loves drugs and dick more than her children and that is nowhere near what I consider a good mother. I'm not mother of the year but my kids are well cared for and have all their needs met and are happy most of the time. And I take care of them alone while working a full time job. I've felt like a shitty mother because I had to put them in daycare and because sometimes i feed them chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese. Who knew to be a good mom I need to do drugs and let my children wander off in the middle of the night and drop them off with every relative I have because raising kids is just too much work lol. Leah has more opportunities and money than most 20 somethings could ever dream of and yet she wastes it all. 

100% spot on with your post! Quick question tho, when was addie walking around outside at 1am? 

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Tatum said:

You're nicer than me. I think Leah's days (even with full, professional makeup) of passing for a college aged girl are long gone. She looks to me like the run of the mill 30 something trophy wife of a Midwestern real estate broker who drops the kids off at school or daycare then goes to the gym and would call Gwyneth Paltrow her idol.

And has a cocktail of vicodin, percocet, and fentanyl during her day. 

  • Love 6
12 hours ago, Tatum said:

You're nicer than me. I think Leah's days (even with full, professional makeup) of passing for a college aged girl are long gone. She looks to me like the run of the mill 30 something trophy wife of a Midwestern real estate broker who drops the kids off at school or daycare then goes to the gym and would call Gwyneth Paltrow her idol.

Leah’s not a bad looking young woman, but the combination of her petite frame, and ROUGH living means she isn’t going to age well. She will never look “fresh” again, she’s not even “mature” looking, just haggard. I too think anyone with eyes knows she’s not college aged, she’s only 26 but an old 26. (She’s 26 right?)

  • Love 6
On 10/30/2017 at 7:52 AM, JuliesMommy said:

100% spot on with your post! Quick question tho, when was addie walking around outside at 1am? 

I think the question is "when wasn't Addie walking outside at 1am?"

It breaks my heart that Leah can't even get the girlses to bed at a decent hour, which totally explains their crankiness when they have to get up for school only a few hours after they probably went to bed!

Hey Leah, Fun Fact: everyone, especially your girlses, needs a minimum amount of sleep each night to function.

  • Love 10
15 minutes ago, monicageller said:

Leah would also leave her girlses for a 6 week trip to Amsterdam to meet 'the love of her life' and beg for him to propose every day, so, fair call.

While she is more age appropriate than Darcy, can you even IMAGINE the drama Leah would have with Jesse, when he discovered her love of pillses?! It would be so bad that I would watch it. I admit it.

  • Love 3
44 minutes ago, Bridget said:

While she is more age appropriate than Darcy, can you even IMAGINE the drama Leah would have with Jesse, when he discovered her love of pillses?! It would be so bad that I would watch it. I admit it.

That would be reality TV heaven! She'd be falling into bushes left and right, he'd tell her to look at the goat...

  • Love 4

This is crazy.  I just overheard my coworker selling Lipsense to another coworker.  I wondered why all of the sudden she was wearing lipstick--she doesn't really wear any makeup and one day she had this dark lipstick on that I found very distracting.  Well, now I know...she has joined Leah to tell everyone how wonderful it is.  This is the funniest part...she even said that she wore her lipstick to the dentist, and the dentist asked if she wanted to take it off before the cleaning, and she said she didn't need to and they remarked at how it wasn't coming off.  Now, come on.... who would wear their lipstick to the dentist to prove that it stays on?  That is just ridiculous.  I admittedly hardly wear lipstick, but I would not wear it to the dentist no matter how sticky it is.  

  • Love 10
54 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

We wore velour as 70's kids.

and braids!

also in the late 90s I went through a braiding phase. It looks good on my face. I have a hat/braid face.

I'm also admiring Leah's braids because they are so tight and tidy and I want to see how they started them in the back. Are they french braids?

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Lm2162 said:

LOL I love braids so I can't hate.

I went to the store the other day and saw all those crushed velvet shirts. I really wish they weren't back, I remember wearing them as a '90s kid and thinking even then that they were kind of weird.

I would love to wear crushed velvet but Mario, our orange and white short haired cat, sheds like crazy so I can't wear velvet any longer.

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

LOL I love braids so I can't hate.

I went to the store the other day and saw all those crushed velvet shirts. I really wish they weren't back, I remember wearing them as a '90s kid and thinking even then that they were kind of weird.

Same. I know fashion comes around in cycles, but this one should have been left where it was. As a late 90s kid, I have many embarrassing photos featuring crushed velvet attire. Cringe.

  • Love 4
10 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

We wore velour as 70's kids.

70's and 90's were similar in so many ways! I remember watching reruns of The Brady Bunch as a 90's kid, and so much of what was popular was back again (bellbottoms, velour, bright striped shirts, etc). I think that was one thing that really drew me to the show...we could kind of still dress like them!

  • Love 6

One of my sisters used to sneak butter from the tub when she was little. She's now totally healthy. At least Leah appeared to have cooked dinner; there were baked dishes and pots on the table. Some of these moms only know how to go through the drive-thru. I'm sure she sticks with fairly simple dishes, not necessarily the healthiest, but it's something. 

  • Love 7
55 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

One of my sisters used to sneak butter from the tub when she was little. She's now totally healthy. At least Leah appeared to have cooked dinner; there were baked dishes and pots on the table. Some of these moms only know how to go through the drive-thru. I'm sure she sticks with fairly simple dishes, not necessarily the healthiest, but it's something. 

Gas station was probably closed...no pizzapocketrolls and jerky or whatever the fuck else she feeds those kids...

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, druzy said:

  Leah showing off her new hair extensions under the guise of an involved parent.

Wow. She is really full of herself isn't she? I can't believe she posted a video of herself pretending to listen to her kid but really she's just preening in front of the camera. If I didn't know who this chick was, I would assume she is a stuck up, bratty teenager babysitting. (And no that is not a compliment saying she looks young. I'm just referring to her  overall attitude.)


28 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

I'm so over Leah talking to her kids like she is giving a motivational speech. Forget about it, girlfriend! You are never, ever going to be a motivational speaker, so just talk normally, pleeeeease!

This! She is so entitled and lazy to think she is now a motivational speaker just because she read some inspirational quotes on the internet so she thinks that's all there is to it. I would respect this "endeavor" of hers if it was something  she was really working hard towards and taking the necessary steps to be successful.

But, nope, Leah is so special that she doesn't need to do anything. She thinks just spilling empty platitudes constantly makes her inspiring and someone to emulate. I just really can't with her anymore. I love that her kids have her number though. Leah, your girlses ain't buying what you're selling! 

  • Love 14
3 hours ago, AmandaUnbidden said:

Wow. She is really full of herself isn't she? I can't believe she posted a video of herself pretending to listen to her kid but really she's just preening in front of the camera. If I didn't know who this chick was, I would assume she is a stuck up, bratty teenager babysitting. (And no that is not a compliment saying she looks young. I'm just referring to her  overall attitude.)



She does this ALL the time on Snapchat. I have to skip most of stories because this is what every single video looks like.  

  • Love 7

@Mkay you are the expert here on social media. I am confused about something. When I check out Instagram, I see there are these videos at the top of the page and I think they are only there for a certain amount of time. When I have clicked on one of them, I will see photos and videos. It will automatically flip to the next person. Is that like a Snap-Chat thing, too? 

  • Love 1
22 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

@Mkay you are the expert here on social media. I am confused about something. When I check out Instagram, I see there are these videos at the top of the page and I think they are only there for a certain amount of time. When I have clicked on one of them, I will see photos and videos. It will automatically flip to the next person. Is that like a Snap-Chat thing, too? 

I think it is. (I’m not good at explaining things but I’ll try). Sometimes when I’m not following someone on Instagram and I go the their page, it forces me to watch their videos first. I think it may do the same if you follow them.  I just click lift and flip through them all to hurry it up.  Then you can go The her account and see her pictures. 

  • Love 3

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