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Jesus God, Leah!!

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17 hours ago, SPLAIN said:


Is Ali walking a surprise? I mean, that has never been disputed since she has been walking for quite some time now. In fact, it is the walking that will eventually be her downfall. 

Right and that was Dr. Tsao's point. It's not that Ali is incapable of walking, it's that she shouldn't because it will deteriorate her muscles faster. These idiots are so hell-bent on turning Ali into some miracle child who beats the odds that they're shortening her life span in the process.

  • Love 18

Gah...it's stuff like this that just really turns me off from "religion" because it can so easily become an excuse not to listen to science, academics, and intellectuals. UGH. UGH. UGH. 

I feel like this phrase can apply to so many things in life: "Just because one can, doesn't mean one should."

Yes, Ali CAN walk. She's being doing it for years. She can (for now) play t-ball. But her playing t-ball now will most likely greatly reduce her quality of life later (and not all that much later, in the grand scheme of things). Sure, Ali might play t-ball now but that may mean she won't be able to walk across the stage at her graduation or lift herself from her bed to her wheelchair one day or be able to shower/bathe herself in a decade or two. These people. UGH! Just because she can doesn't mean she should. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 21

MargeGunderson,  I too thought of "I'd rather have 30 minutes of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special " (quote may not be exact) with regards to Ali. As hard as it is, they MUST listen to the experts,  Ali's future depends on it. Kids are so resilient, yes Ali in her wheelchair is going to be difficult to deal with daily at home and school, but she can thrive if the families are willing to commit to doing what's best for her.

  • Love 6

It is due to prayers that she is walking and playing athletics.

When Ali is reduced to life in a motorized wheelchair because she lost her muscle control and is incapable of walking anymore and her life span is greatly reduced, does that mean not enough people prayed? I mean, where will the fault lie because it won't be Leah and her family's fault. 

  • Love 14
On ‎5‎/‎23‎/‎2017 at 5:45 PM, poopchute said:

lol determination and prayer.  These fucking simpletons.

Exactly. Like I said earlier, I'm surprised we haven't already seen Ali up on the stage at some megachurch with the pastor laying hands on Ali to heal her.

When I was much younger, I thought there might be something to the whole "praying for healing" thing. But I'm very analytical, so it was more like "I suppose it COULD work, but I haven't seen any scientific evidence it does." The whole "correlation does not equate to causation" thing.

Then one day, I was sort of hopping, skipping, and jumping around the internet, and landed on a website about "faith healing." The authors main point was summed up in one question: "If faith healing works, why does God hate amputees?" In essence, he posited if it was possible to heal people through faith and prayer, then why has nobody born without a limb or who lost one due to an accident or injury, ever had it regrow? There is no evidence, scientific or anecdotal, this has ever happened. That was my "lightbulb" moment, because it made perfect sense to me that if faith/prayers actually could cure someone, then certainly there must be at least one person, somewhere, with a missing limb and enough faith for the limb to regrow if "faith healing" was possible..

But there isn't a single case of this ever occurring.

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

It is due to prayers that she is walking and playing athletics.

When Ali is reduced to life in a motorized wheelchair because she lost her muscle control and is incapable of walking anymore and her life span is greatly reduced, does that mean not enough people prayed? I mean, where will the fault lie because it won't be Leah and her family's fault. 

When the day comes that Ali can no longer walk (like walking down the aisle like homeboy is expecting) I thoroughly expect the Messer-Sims family to declare that Ali has given up. It can't be their Lord and Savior's fault after all.

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I am a believer in my God. I also pray. I have commented here on the chat thread to people who have been in situations or just endured a loss and I sent out my thoughts and mention I will pray for their situation. I also am a believer that whatever floats anyone's boat is their choice. I know some are atheists and others are believers like me. I think one thing we all have in common regardless of religion or beliefs is we all have common sense. Someone like me believes if a specialist says doing this will cause X to happen, then you should listen to that specialist. That doesn't mean religion and prayers can't also be a part of that process. Nothing wrong with having religion and a belief system to rely on, but it should not be the ONLY part of that process. 

  • Love 16
On 5/25/2017 at 5:53 PM, GreatKazu said:

It is due to prayers that she is walking and playing athletics.

When Ali is reduced to life in a motorized wheelchair because she lost her muscle control and is incapable of walking anymore and her life span is greatly reduced, does that mean not enough people prayed? I mean, where will the fault lie because it won't be Leah and her family's fault. 

My guess is they'll pull the old "only God knows why" it's happening, "it's all part of God's plan" (and not the results of their stupidity), and that we shouldn't question why God decided not to let Ali walk anymore cause we'll find out from God one day when He lets us in on the plan/reasons after we're dead (and  conveniently no longer able to blame the family members). Essentially, they'll make God the fall guy but say we can't question his reasons to deflect from themselves. I've seen God get thrown under the bus like this a lot.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 6

They refuse to realise that Ali's development is different from other children.  For any other child, if you want them to be better at something, you have them do more of it.  E.g. if you want to be a faster swimmer, do more swimming or if you want to run for longer, do more running. But Ali's condition means that this is completely flipped over.  If you want her to be able to walk for the long term, limit her walking now.  It doesn't *seem* to make sense because we typically think "practise makes perfect". For most people, being tired because of exercise is a good thing because improves stamina, muscle growth and so on.  But for Ali, it is the absolute opposite, it doesn't make her stronger, it makes her weaker. 

But I can't even put this attitude down to ignorance or misguided lack of understanding.  They have been told at least twice a year for the last 5+ years that Ali's best chance of survival comes from limiting physical activity and finding alternative options for her.  They know that more running/walking/skipping is bad for her but they put their heads in the sand and say "but her running has got better!".  Yes, her running has got better.  And for other children that would be a fantastic outcome but not for this child.  For this child, physical exhaustion means that her systems are overloaded and eventually breaking down. 

And the thing that kills me is that they know this is bad for her.  They know that the world authority on Ali's condition has told them to use the wheelchair daily but they think that somehow she is going to be the ultimate miracle who defies all medical knowledge.  And maybe she will be.  But there is a very high, almost certain, chance that it will turn out according to the most knowledgeable person on the planet and Ali's quality of life will deteriorate, accelerated by their refusal to listen to his expertise. 

They see her falling over multiple times a day because her little legs aren't able to hold her up.  They know that a fall is dangerous for her but they still have her playing f*cking sport!  Ali's condition isn't the end of the world, millions of people live fantastic lives with physical disabilities.  Ali's whole family is failing her and none of them deserve her. 

  • Love 16

A bit of a personal  post I made on  another forum

I’m all for Ali being happy, but its like Dr. Tsao's pointed out. It's not that Ali is incapable of walking, it's that she shouldn't because it will deteriorate her muscles faster.

 I just worry about Ali’s emotional heath with type of comments her parents make to her and to the public. Now, I don’t exactly hold this against them as a parent they do not want their children to suffer and I guess they find a type of solace in their faith, understandable given their circumstances

The way Leah and Cory act with the healing prayer reminds me of my childhood. I was born disabled and when was younger, My mom and I myself envisioned us climbing mountains together, etc. So we would pray and ask God to heal me. Until one day as a kid I told Mom and my family to not pray for that anymore and to put that dream away. I told them that I was ok with myself and I think God was Ok with me too.

Which reminds me of another personal instance now and then I will run into people who will pray for me and think they can heal me. One day I was eating at a buffet and this lady asked to pray for me and said sure but she comes and touches me on the head and starts praying oddly she kind of scared me. She thought the Holy Spirit worked with or something , Anyways after she though of the days I should try walking and she gave us pamphlets and left. Needless to say I lost my appetite 

I’m not sure if Ali will ever come to the same conclusion/acceptance as I did or if she might end up feeling a type of blame for herself once she realizes things will only get worse, like I can picture her in the future questioning what she has done wrong in God's eyes to deserve this? I can also see her being angry in the future or holding a type of resentment by not accepting her MD, I hope that is not the case though. I wish Ali the Best. I hope one day Ali understands that it is Ok to be different/disabled, because right now I think the message her parents unknowingly sends Ali is to not accept MD or her circumstances and that can easily be fixed with faith…

Edited by anonymousgirl
  • Love 14

I looked up exercise and MD a while ago and it seems like a little bit of exercise actually is encouraged (but not to the point of getting tired).  (Per things like WebMD, Mayo, etc - the more reliable types of sites).  Obviously the recommendations in any particular case are going to vary somewhat, but it seems like flexibility exercises (to prevent contractures) and mild general exercise (to maintain tone and basic strength, but not to tax someone very hard, which could cause damage) are recommended.  So, a little walking etc is probably good - it's just that they also need to use the wheelchair, probably much more than they do, to avoid tiring her unnecessarily, and to enhance her ability to participate in life.  

I remember the original prediction (well, based on what we see on TV), as being an expectation that as she grew, at about age 7, she would start to go downhill.  There was a certain element of uncertainty to that, of course, especially with an unusual variety of MD; but I also remember getting the sense that it simply had to do with her getting bigger, and her body size eventually becoming too much for her muscles to handle.  She has stayed quite small compared to her twin so far, though, so perhaps the reason she has done a little better than expected in those conversations is simply related to that.  

As for prayer, well, I don't believe in anything supernatural, but I do believe that prayer keeps the person utmost in your mind so that when you have something helpful to do for them, it is more likely to come to you; and, that it offers comfort, helping the person feel less alone in their struggles.  To the extent that I pray it is not that I think I am praying to something, but that I think the ritual has some value in connecting us to one another and refocusing us on things that matter - and I pray not for outcomes, but for the person affected to have the all the strength, patience, ease, perspective, sense of comfort, etc., that might help them cope with the hard things that face them.  I find that I interact differently with others when I do that, and that the interactions between us are better as a result, and it's interesting to wonder why, but to me it's a technique that taps a certain part of the human heart, for the good, rather than something that brings tangible results through any more mysterious power.  Obviously, they're looking at it differently, though (she's walking because you all prayed!), and so they may well be pushing things way too far - but maybe it's become a little more in line with the recommendations than they've been getting credit for.

Edited by akr
incomplete sentence
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6 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

Has anyone watched the HBO documentary 'Mommy Dead and Dearest'?   It reminded me of Ali.  Without spoiling the documentary, the mother pretends the child has MS and keeps her in the wheelchair---- on TM, Ali is told she has MS and no one puts her in the wheelchair.

That was a very disturbing show. I felt so sorry for the daughter; she only knew what she was told, and did/said what she was told to (or else).  What an f'd up life  .Agreed -the polar opposite of Ali's situation.

  • Love 2

I just realized.....with Kail and Jenelle having 3 babies by 3 baby daddies.....maybe it's times to give Leah a teeny, tiny, itty-bitty bit of credit. Since she got pregnant with the twins, she's *only* had one baby by another guy. She has 3 kids by two men, not three by three men and two of those (the twins, obviously) were the result of the same pregnancy. So if she hadn't have twins, she'd have two kids by two men, which for this crowd, is something kind of approaching admirable.  At least her custody drop-offs and holidays won't be as complicated as Jenelle's and Kail's. 

I think Leah learned how to use birth control properly and while she may have had that relationship with TR Dues and others, she doesn't seem to be looking for another baby daddy and new baby. Especially given her "anxiety" (cough, pulses, cough), that's definitely a smart move. So there, I said something nice about Leah....which hasn't happened in a while. Maybe she's figure out she doesn't need anymore kids.  Maybe she's actually one of the smarter and more mature girls on the show. (It hurts me to type that somewhat.) Take note, Kail & Jenelle. I just said Leah was smarter....

(And I hope I didn't just jinx it by posting this and we'll so learn she's pregnant.)

  • Love 12
8 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I just realized.....with Kail and Jenelle having 3 babies by 3 baby daddies.....maybe it's times to give Leah a teeny, tiny, itty-bitty bit of credit. Since she got pregnant with the twins, she's *only* had one baby by another guy. She has 3 kids by two men, not three by three men and two of those (the twins, obviously) were the result of the same pregnancy. So if she hadn't have twins, she'd have two kids by two men, which for this crowd, is something kind of approaching admirable.  At least her custody drop-offs and holidays won't be as complicated as Jenelle's and Kail's. 

I think Leah learned how to use birth control properly and while she may have had that relationship with TR Dues and others, she doesn't seem to be looking for another baby daddy and new baby. Especially given her "anxiety" (cough, pulses, cough), that's definitely a smart move. So there, I said something nice about Leah....which hasn't happened in a while. Maybe she's figure out she doesn't need anymore kids.  Maybe she's actually one of the smarter and more mature girls on the show. (It hurts me to type that somewhat.) Take note, Kail & Jenelle. I just said Leah was smarter....

(And I hope I didn't just jinx it by posting this and we'll so learn she's pregnant.)

You forgot about her miscarriage with Jeremy before she had Adderrall. It still would have been two baby daddies, but she could have ended up with four kids by two guys. JesusGodLeah!

3 hours ago, monicageller said:

Countdown until Leah starts dating him (if she isn't already)...

Dating or screwing him? I don't think Leah knows how to date. 

  • Love 8
8 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I just realized.....with Kail and Jenelle having 3 babies by 3 baby daddies.....maybe it's times to give Leah a teeny, tiny, itty-bitty bit of credit. Since she got pregnant with the twins, she's *only* had one baby by another guy. She has 3 kids by two men, not three by three men and two of those (the twins, obviously) were the result of the same pregnancy. So if she hadn't have twins, she'd have two kids by two men, which for this crowd, is something kind of approaching admirable.  At least her custody drop-offs and holidays won't be as complicated as Jenelle's and Kail's. 

I think Leah learned how to use birth control properly and while she may have had that relationship with TR Dues and others, she doesn't seem to be looking for another baby daddy and new baby. Especially given her "anxiety" (cough, pulses, cough), that's definitely a smart move. So there, I said something nice about Leah....which hasn't happened in a while. Maybe she's figure out she doesn't need anymore kids.  Maybe she's actually one of the smarter and more mature girls on the show. (It hurts me to type that somewhat.) Take note, Kail & Jenelle. I just said Leah was smarter....

(And I hope I didn't just jinx it by posting this and we'll so learn she's pregnant.)

I've been reasonably impressed that Leah hasn't gotten pregnant since Addy- no matter what her reasons, I still consider that a win.


Dollars to donuts though that Leah was fucking her brother in law before the divorce was even a thing.

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, Tatum said:

I've been reasonably impressed that Leah hasn't gotten pregnant since Addy- no matter what her reasons, I still consider that a win.


Dollars to donuts though that Leah was fucking her brother in law before the divorce was even a thing.

I think Leah knows she is in over her head. I also thinks she realizes that she did land a good one in the Dad department with Cory and a high earner in Jeremy. I could see her not having another unless she comes across a guy that doesn't have any and wants one. But given her demographic many guys her age would probably already have at least one kid, and might not be interested in another. 

Also I can say a lot of things about jeremy's character but Addy is his only child- looking at his circle that tells me he's SOMEWHAT responsible. 

  • Love 6
5 hours ago, Tatum said:

I've been reasonably impressed that Leah hasn't gotten pregnant since Addy- no matter what her reasons, I still consider that a win.


Dollars to donuts though that Leah was fucking her brother in law before the divorce was even a thing.

Victoria's brother is too ugly for Leah (and doesn't appear to have a high paying job). I don't have much faith in Leah but I have to say she'd find someone a bit cuter and not her sisters leftovers. They're close sisters but you never know after popping pillses and drinking it could happen but I hope not lol. That dude was dumb as rocks. Actually, rocks are smarter.

Edited by Calm81
1 hour ago, Calm81 said:

Victoria's brother is too ugly for Leah (and doesn't appear to have a high paying job). I don't have much faith in Leah but I have to say she'd find someone a bit cuter and not her sisters leftovers. They're close sisters but you never know after popping pillses and drinking it could happen but I hope not lol. That dude was dumb as rocks. Actually, rocks are smarter.

Eh, I don't think he's any worse looking than Corey or Jeremy was before Jeremy lost some weight in the face and grew the beard to hide his weak chin. Also based on Jeremy's twitter rants I don't think he's much of an intellectual himself.

On some of the scenes from last season, Leah and the BIL seem a little flirtatious with each other and I had actually commented awhile back that Leah's likely gotten drunk or high and fucked her BIL at least once.

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On 5/30/2017 at 8:38 AM, ghoulina said:

Oh I know. I've just mostly seen that from Leah's camp. Cory has his faults, but I can't see him thinking the wheelchair is okay as a playground. I'm guessing the girlses got into that habit at their mama's house and tried it out with grandpa and he, hopefully, put a stop to it. 

I haven't seen any evidence that Corey is better re: the wheelchair. Everything else on earth, yes, but her disability no. 

To the poster above-- the variations of MS are all very different. Ali has a rare, severe, particularly progressive form. I know people in their 30s with MS and full time jobs, fully self sufficient, etc. Many do exercise. Ali's disorder is very rare, hence the specialist that they ignore. So I think whatever his recommendations were were specific to her form. 

On 6/1/2017 at 5:36 AM, Tatum said:

I've been reasonably impressed that Leah hasn't gotten pregnant since Addy- no matter what her reasons, I still consider that a win.

Isn't it sad that this is impressive in these circles?! 

Edited by Lm2162
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On ‎6‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 8:18 AM, Scarlett45 said:


Also I can say a lot of things about jeremy's character but Addy is his only child- looking at his circle that tells me he's SOMEWHAT responsible. 

Actually, he impregnated Leah twice. Her first pregnancy resulted in a miscarriage. He then pushed her to have another baby immediately when Leah was unsure of their relationship. She was also torn between him and Cory. 

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On 5/23/2017 at 2:45 PM, poopchute said:

lol determination and prayer.  These fucking simpletons.

Wow this is truly disgusting. Honestly I think it's child abuse or at least neglect. 

Plenty of people are wheelchair users and live full lives. There is nothing wrong with or less than about not walking. She's a smart girl. They should be encouraging that side of her and her other talents. She will end up being a wheelchair user either way and in one way, she will live longer and have less pain. In another, she's forced to do things that she's not physically capable of. I can't imagine what that does to a child. Thinking of a wheelchair as a reduced/failed life is exactly what's going to depress and destroy her when it comes time to be in it full time. Not the wheelchair itself. I have zero sympathy for any of them anymore, this is just willful ignorance. 

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

I haven't seen any evidence that Corey is better re: the wheelchair. Everything else on earth, yes, but her disability no. 

I know he's not better about making sure Ali uses it. But I just don't see him allowing it as a toy. I'm basing this on what we've seen of their parenting styles. Leah tends to either be completely oblivious to what they're doing or freaking the fuck out. Cory has always seemed very no-nonsense. He seems quick to correct them when they're not behaving appropriately. Despite him not utilizing the chair as he should, I think he's sensible enough to know how expensive those things are and now allow the kids to play on it. 

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While I agree on the kid count that it is kinda weird that Jenelle and Kail surpassed her in the baby daddy count (which is a true testament to how messed up leah has been if Jenelle surpassing your baby daddy count is an accomplishment) but she still has had 2 divorces before she's 25, so I'm not really willing to give her a pat on the back. That being said, it does seem like she is growing up and getting things together, she's been relatively drama free for a while. I don't think she's mother of the year or anything, I have ridiculously low standards for her, but there has been *some* improvement on her part, or she's gotten better at hiding the crazy.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, leighroda said:

While I agree on the kid count that it is kinda weird that Jenelle and Kail surpassed her in the baby daddy count (which is a true testament to how messed up leah has been if Jenelle surpassing your baby daddy count is an accomplishment) but she still has had 2 divorces before she's 25, so I'm not really willing to give her a pat on the back. That being said, it does seem like she is growing up and getting things together, she's been relatively drama free for a while. I don't think she's mother of the year or anything, I have ridiculously low standards for her, but there has been *some* improvement on her part, or she's gotten better at hiding the crazy.

Exactly. Then, there is Ms. Messer's admission to having had "only 7 guys" by the time she was 17 years of age. Mind you, she said herself she started dating at the age of 13 years of age.  

Let's not forget she moved Mr. T.R. Dues into her home along with his two kids. Leah was tending to FIVE children. She can't even take care of the three she has and there she was with five children under her wing. 

Kail and Jenelle share far too many things in common. Leah is in her own special circle. 

How about pets? Who is the worst? Does Amber beat Jenelle in that department? 

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