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Jesus God, Leah!!

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Hair can be smooth/shiny/soft but it can't be "healthy", it's dead matter. It looks like a haystack, but I've definitely seen her look worse.

"Little boy blue, come blow your horn, the sheep's in the meadow, the cow's in the corn. But where is the boy who looks after the sheep? He's under a haystack, fast asleep."

It figures Leah would have a dude living in her hair.

Regarding her educational pursuits, I will believe it when I see it. It would undoubtedly be something related to hair/makeup/tanning/nails/waxing, etc. Perhaps "social media expert" or party planning. I am on pins and needles here.

This is one of the comments from that post:

"lilmiss_busybeeAlways a bittersweet moment @leahdawn92mtv I did the same, when my two were in school i started my collage/uni! You are a strong amazing mumma/woman, reach for the star hun you can achieve what ever you set your mind too. Ps: thank you for info on ali wheelchair we just ordered Miss alleighahs YAY for her independence!"

Spelling and grammar aside, did that person actually name their kid Alleighah? Someone from this forum posted that as a joke. Didn't you? Didn't you? Didn't you?

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Why is Addie starting school in mid-October? I'm so confused.

And whatever, Leah. We saw you quit nursing school before you'd even completed any gen ed classes and we know you dropped out of cosmetology school. I would love to see Leah get some sort of training or degree, but I don't have faith she can finish any program (but I hope she proves me wrong).

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On 10/18/2016 at 11:51 PM, monagatuna said:

I thought of this thread recently when I was prescribed narcotics for sciatic pain last week. I usually never take anything stronger than Aleve, and I'm more likely to use an ice pack than a painkiller, but it's the only thing that keeps me from screaming (well, that and muscle relaxants). It's been five days and I've cut the Norco doses in half and am relying on the other meds to get me through. I take a full dose if I have to, but I really, really don't want to.

I also did some reading on opiate addiction and it turns out the ones who worry most about getting addicted typically are the ones who have least reason to worry. So that's comforting.

I was a little surprised that my doctor prescribed me the Norco without a word of warning, but I guess the fact that I've never been on prescription anything besides birth control and am a 37-year-old ultra runner and skydiver who suddenly can't move without a walker made the decision for him.

I am a chronic pain patient who has taken percocets 3 times a day for the past 3 years. I occasionally take breaks to help with tolerance build up. It both tickles me and frustrates me that these people make us paranoid. Dependency is normal; addiction comes from actually abusing the medication and not taking it as directed. Yet, here we are, all worried about becoming addicts thanks to these bozos on tv. (By the way, never feel the need to explain why you are on them or why you need them. Opioids, and Norco is the baby aspirin of them, have their place in healing. People with legit pain heal faster when they take them as directed. Those who try to tough the pain out generally heal more slowly and have more complications.)

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13 hours ago, mamadrama said:

Opioids, and Norco is the baby aspirin of them, have their place in healing. People with legit pain heal faster when they take them as directed. Those who try to tough the pain out generally heal more slowly and have more complications.

Thank you for this. I was surprised and alarmed to learn I was being prescribed a narcotic, and it's good to know I'm on one of the lowest levels. Like I said, I've never taken anything stronger than Aleve before (except whatever shot they gave me in the ER). I also had no idea I'd heal faster if I used them? I was about to skip my most recent half-dose (I was on the phone--stupid insurance denying my MRI) and got distracted and by the time I realized I was an hour behind, I wasn't really in enough pain to justify taking one. I'll talk to my doctor about whether it's appropriate to wean myself off these now. I'm also on a fairly high dose of Ibuprofen every 8 hours, so maybe it's okay.

You're absolutely right that it's frustrating that these boneheads make us feel paranoid about using drugs that our doctors find necessary for us. But I guess I'm slightly grateful for the cautionary tale--had I not seen Leah's struggle, maybe I'd be more cavalier. But maybe not--I'm very wary of anything habit-forming in general...but maybe she can serve as a cautionary tale for others.

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1 hour ago, monagatuna said:

Thank you for this. I was surprised and alarmed to learn I was being prescribed a narcotic, and it's good to know I'm on one of the lowest levels. Like I said, I've never taken anything stronger than Aleve before (except whatever shot they gave me in the ER). I also had no idea I'd heal faster if I used them? I was about to skip my most recent half-dose (I was on the phone--stupid insurance denying my MRI) and got distracted and by the time I realized I was an hour behind, I wasn't really in enough pain to justify taking one. I'll talk to my doctor about whether it's appropriate to wean myself off these now. I'm also on a fairly high dose of Ibuprofen every 8 hours, so maybe it's okay.

You're absolutely right that it's frustrating that these boneheads make us feel paranoid about using drugs that our doctors find necessary for us. But I guess I'm slightly grateful for the cautionary tale--had I not seen Leah's struggle, maybe I'd be more cavalier. But maybe not--I'm very wary of anything habit-forming in general...but maybe she can serve as a cautionary tale for others.

Sorry off topic I just wanted to mention, if you are on regular doses it's best to take them as prescribed, even without pain. I'm a nurse, and one of the best ways to manage pain is to stay on top of it before it starts, once you actually have the pain it's harder to manage, and more likely to lead to other issues like abuse (way down the road not from a couple times) but the theory is that if you wait for pain to start you are more likely to need more, which can build on your tolerance and then you require more and it can snowball.

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7 hours ago, monagatuna said:

Thank you for this. I was surprised and alarmed to learn I was being prescribed a narcotic, and it's good to know I'm on one of the lowest levels. Like I said, I've never taken anything stronger than Aleve before (except whatever shot they gave me in the ER). I also had no idea I'd heal faster if I used them? I was about to skip my most recent half-dose (I was on the phone--stupid insurance denying my MRI) and got distracted and by the time I realized I was an hour behind, I wasn't really in enough pain to justify taking one. I'll talk to my doctor about whether it's appropriate to wean myself off these now. I'm also on a fairly high dose of Ibuprofen every 8 hours, so maybe it's okay.

You're absolutely right that it's frustrating that these boneheads make us feel paranoid about using drugs that our doctors find necessary for us. But I guess I'm slightly grateful for the cautionary tale--had I not seen Leah's struggle, maybe I'd be more cavalier. But maybe not--I'm very wary of anything habit-forming in general...but maybe she can serve as a cautionary tale for others.

Leighroda below is right, and that's what I meant by healing faster. A lot of people don't want to take the medication so they wait and wait and then it's almost impossible to manage. That is why, after surgery, they tell you to take your first dose as soon as the anesthesia wears off,even if you're not hurting. And then, like she said, you need more and more.When you are in pain it is difficult to adhere to an aftercare plan. The pain can make eating, moving around, staying dehydrated,etc. difficult. This, in turn, also slows down the healing. 

I know we hear stories about people who were prescribed X for Ailment A and then suddenly developed an addiction to them but it's a little more complicated than that. A healthy respect for these medications is important, but just keep in mind that they DO have their place. :-)

I hope you start healing soon. I also have sciatica and even though I have osteoarthritis and a lot of other issues that cause pain I think the sciatica is one of the worse. Not a whole lot you can do for that part of the body. My husband rubs a lot. :-)

6 hours ago, leighroda said:

Sorry off topic I just wanted to mention, if you are on regular doses it's best to take them as prescribed, even without pain. I'm a nurse, and one of the best ways to manage pain is to stay on top of it before it starts, once you actually have the pain it's harder to manage, and more likely to lead to other issues like abuse (way down the road not from a couple times) but the theory is that if you wait for pain to start you are more likely to need more, which can build on your tolerance and then you require more and it can snowball.

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I have osteoarthritis and degenerative disk disease in my lower back. I am generally able to manage the pain with heat therapy, exercises I learned in physical therapy, body mechanics, core strengthening etc. But at times I have also had to use narcotic pain meds and it's so frustrating that - thanks to junkies like Leah - people in pain have to jump through hoops to get their meds. Sending positive energy to all my PTV peeps who are also living with chronic pain. 

One of my biggest worries about Leah's pill use is that if she does not get clean, that Ali might one day soon be prescribed narcotic pain killers as her muscles deteoriate, and that Leah would take or sell her pills (and Ali would be left without pain relief).

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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Do you know, I'm still confused over what happened regarding Leah's addiction.

It has been said that she's always dabbled in drugs.

We saw her stressed out with three kids, one with special needs.  She gets a prescription for anxiety, ends up  all loopy, passes out babbling on the phone, comes home & tells Jeremy she hates feeling like a "god damned druggie"

at the reunion she says it was messed up for a week, then her meds got adjusted.

next  thing we hear is that she got addicted while getting a spinal tap for Adddie and she's off to not!rehab!

then we see her all "better", making midnight ravioli

So confusing!  What to believe???

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8 hours ago, leighroda said:

Sorry off topic I just wanted to mention, if you are on regular doses it's best to take them as prescribed, even without pain. I'm a nurse, and one of the best ways to manage pain is to stay on top of it before it starts, once you actually have the pain it's harder to manage, and more likely to lead to other issues like abuse (way down the road not from a couple times) but the theory is that if you wait for pain to start you are more likely to need more, which can build on your tolerance and then you require more and it can snowball.

It is so nice to have a real nurse here to help answer questions and give professional advice. Thank you.

So many of us have so much in common. I am sorry that it has to do with pain. I have been extremely lucky that I have never had any issues with meds such as addiction. I had the tolerance problem with a couple of narcotics and ended up needing stronger meds. Over the years, I have found relief through procedures and exercise. Losing weight also helped.


Sending positive energy to all my PTV peeps who are also living with chronic pain. 

Same to you.


next  thing we hear is that she got addicted while getting a spinal tap for Adddie and she's off to not!rehab!

That spinal tap comment by Leah is so ridiculous, it is funny.

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My guess, Leah is off the drugses "for now", or at least either has been a)hiding it better or b) has some sort of different addiction now, one that isn't nearly as noticeable (so far). Not that she or her camp ever admitted she had any sort of problem, so most of us with two brain cells are left feeling like one-eyed people among the blind (Leah, her family and fans).

Honestly, I think she is trying so hard to fake good on social media, with all her momma of the year, #soblessed bs that there has to be some serious, serious cracks she is covering up. I wouldn't be surprised if she won't have another breakdown sometime in the near future.

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13 hours ago, HeySandyStrange said:

My guess, Leah is off the drugses "for now", or at least either has been a)hiding it better or b) has some sort of different addiction now, one that isn't nearly as noticeable (so far). Not that she or her camp ever admitted she had any sort of problem, so most of us with two brain cells are left feeling like one-eyed people among the blind (Leah, her family and fans).

Honestly, I think she is trying so hard to fake good on social media, with all her momma of the year, #soblessed bs that there has to be some serious, serious cracks she is covering up. I wouldn't be surprised if she won't have another breakdown sometime in the near future.

I'm thinking she's taking Suboxone. In my mind it is the equivalent to the Methadone that is prescribed for Heroin addicts. Correct me if I'm wrong however.

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3 hours ago, AmyFarrahFowler said:

I'm thinking she's taking Suboxone. In my mind it is the equivalent to the Methadone that is prescribed for Heroin addicts. Correct me if I'm wrong however.

Suboxone is like methadone in that it keeps an addict from getting dope sick. But, you can still get high on opiates if you're taking methadone. Suboxone blocks the opiate receptors in the brain. You could eat pillses by the handful and not feel a thing.

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3 hours ago, lovesnark said:

Suboxone is like methadone in that it keeps an addict from getting dope sick. But, you can still get high on opiates if you're taking methadone. Suboxone blocks the opiate receptors in the brain. You could eat pillses by the handful and not feel a thing.

Thanks for clarifying that, lovesnark! I know some Docs in Seattle use it but many don't so I have never had a clear understanding of it's purpose.

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There are articles circulating that Adam and his fiancé are no longer engaged. The first says it's confirmed that stacia had a miscarriage. Remember, Adam had a visectomy. She supposedly got caught texting with her ex. 


The second thing articles are mentioning is that Adam cheated and Stacia called it off. She really did miscarry. Hmmmm


edited to add that on his Instagram page, he denies it. 

Edited by Mkay
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You know, I'm sure "miscarriage" is the TM term for abortion. I hope Stasia DID cheat on Adumb. Of course he denies it. As Judge Milian says on The People's Court, I wouldn't believe his tongue if it came notarized. 

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They need to stop with the "miscarriage" BS and talk about abortion, if that's indeed the case here. This is a show about teen (now adult) pregnancy, and there are several legal options to choose from if a woman finds herself with unwanted pregnancy. Viewers should be informed and not mislead.

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I understand the theory of taking meds before the pain kicks in, but I've had two major surgeries in the past few years, and both times I was released with prescriptions for opiates. It was very clear, though, that I was only to take when needed. The first prescription was for maybe 30 pills, and the bottle said take one every 4 (?) hours as needed. However, if I had taken them every few hours, that bottle would have been empty long before my first follow-up appointment with my surgeon. I talked to him about that, and he said yeah, it's a major red flag if someone calls trying to get another opiate prescription after just a few days. They want you to wean off them and onto something like Advil or Tylenol asap.

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On 10/24/2016 at 4:57 AM, DangerousMinds said:

I understand the theory of taking meds before the pain kicks in, but I've had two major surgeries in the past few years, and both times I was released with prescriptions for opiates. It was very clear, though, that I was only to take when needed. The first prescription was for maybe 30 pills, and the bottle said take one every 4 (?) hours as needed. However, if I had taken them every few hours, that bottle would have been empty long before my first follow-up appointment with my surgeon. I talked to him about that, and he said yeah, it's a major red flag if someone calls trying to get another opiate prescription after just a few days. They want you to wean off them and onto something like Advil or Tylenol asap.

I think the poster meant it is for those who are dealing with chronic pain and are taking pain meds on a regular basis. I have had surgeries for my back pain and I received opiates to deal with the post-operative pain and the continuous pain I was dealing with in my back. I needed to take those on a regular basis. That is not the case with other surgeries I have had over the years since that pain eventually subsides and I am pretty tolerant of the pain.

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I will be on pain medicine for the rest of my life, I've had six spinal surgeries in three years and have more scheduled for next year.  People like Leah make it damn near impossible for those of us who need these meds to function to get them.  I don't take the pills to get high, I take them so I can get out of bed in the morning and maybe have a little time out of my wheelchair during the day.  Abusers like Leah give the rest of us a bad name and it pisses me off.  Any time I'm given a hard time over my medications it pisses me off all over again. 

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I can't imagine what that's like, Maharincess, I'm so sorry, And here I am complaining about three weeks in a walker (though I'm off the Norco and have cut back on my muscle relaxants and Rx ibuprofen as well) and not being able to walk yet. I hope this is the only serious spinal injury I have. I don't like being dependent on anything, but there is no way I could've managed the pain without them for the past few weeks.

What infuriates me is that Leah's family probably impedes any willingness she may have to get help for either her pain, if it exists, or for her addiction. There's probably some measure of shame, which is why Mama Dawn is in such denial that she's a "damn druggie" at all. ("If I'd'a thought yuh had a problem, I'd'a called Corey mahself.") Leah wouldn't have to announce to the world that she's getting help. She could quietly slip away to therapy, NA, or whatever, when they're not filming. Hell, she could do it without telling her family, although if they were supportive they'd be doing her a huge favor. How frustrating it must be for everyone on this board suffering from chronic pain. I've gotten a little taste of it the past few weeks, and I don't like it one bit.

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6 hours ago, monagatuna said:

I can't imagine what that's like, Maharincess, I'm so sorry, And here I am complaining about three weeks in a walker (though I'm off the Norco and have cut back on my muscle relaxants and Rx ibuprofen as well) and not being able to walk yet. I hope this is the only serious spinal injury I have. I don't like being dependent on anything, but there is no way I could've managed the pain without them for the past few weeks.

What infuriates me is that Leah's family probably impedes any willingness she may have to get help for either her pain, if it exists, or for her addiction. There's probably some measure of shame, which is why Mama Dawn is in such denial that she's a "damn druggie" at all. ("If I'd'a thought yuh had a problem, I'd'a called Corey mahself.") Leah wouldn't have to announce to the world that she's getting help. She could quietly slip away to therapy, NA, or whatever, when they're not filming. Hell, she could do it without telling her family, although if they were supportive they'd be doing her a huge favor. How frustrating it must be for everyone on this board suffering from chronic pain. I've gotten a little taste of it the past few weeks, and I don't like it one bit.

It's ok for you to complain and be upset about your pain and needing a walker.  I have people in my life who will complain to me about something and then immediately apologize to me for complaining when I'm going through so much. It doesn't bother me at all when they do that.  Just because I did something stupid, fell off a roof and messed myself up doesn't mean that other people can't complain to me about their issues.  Like I said, just because I have it bad doesn't make their or your pain any less.  I know there are people who have it worse than I do, I'm able to get out of my wheelchair sometimes but there are so many people who can't get out of theirs.  Complain away! 

I just get so damn mad when I'm given a hard time about my medications. My own Dr doesn't give me a hard time because she knows what I'm going through but other doctors always lecture me about what I take. I truly wish that these doctors could live with my pain for a day, if they did I think they'd be a lot more compassionate and understanding.  People like Leah gave given these meds such a stigma that people automatically assume that anybody who needs the pills are addicts who just want to get high.  I take them because I can't have any kind of life without them. I take a time released pain medicine every morning no matter what and I have norco for breakthrough pain.  I still have a lot of pain when I take them so I thought they didn't work and decided a few months ago to stop taking them. I realized really fast that they do work really good, I was in so much pain without them that I couldn't think straight.  I live in fear that the addicts will make it so hard that I'll no longer be able to get them. 

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"i was taught the correct way to handle a firearm..."

Too bad those same parents didn't teach him the correct way to write and how to spell. Those damn schoolses ain't well.

Rifles before ejumacation.

Too bad he wasn't taught to always wear a condom. We wouldn't be having this conversation right now.

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1 hour ago, EmeraldGirl said:

Just how many people have broken into his house while he is busy loading his gun? Geez I hate that argument.


This drives me batshit. If having a handgun in your house helps you sleep at night, that's your business. But no perp is going to stop a home invasion and wait while you unlock your gun safe and load up your guns.


I have nothing against guns. My husband has them. My dad has them. My father in law has them. I have nothing against owning them, learning to properly shoot them, and safely store them. It's my opinion that a 3 year old is simply too young to fully understand and appreciate the dangers of a deadly weapon, and that posing for photo ops, even with an unloaded rifle, is simply inappropriate. 


And I love how he spends time and energy crafting a poorly spelled rant just to say how little he cares what anyone else thinks.

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I'll try to stay off my soapbox and not get political but it really annoys me no end when people show off their kids playing with guns like toys.  It's not a toy.  It is a weapon which should not be in the hands of a 3 year old.  What does it teach her if she is allowed to play with gun and Daddy thinks it is so adorable and fun so he takes a photo? Maybe he should look at stats about how "safe" guns are in a home invasion (e.g. not particularly) and how toddlers with guns killed more people than terrorists with guns in 2015. 

It also makes me think that he was looking for controversy by posting the photo.  No one has been particularly interested in him since the season ended and this was a nice little way to get his name back into the DailyMail and co. Like all good TM2 famewhores he can't let people forget about him too quickly! 

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Three is too young. I'm all for gun ownership; have owned many myself over the years. I absolutely think if you have guns you should teach your child responsible gun ownership, instead of having it be that cool, but elusive item stashed in the back of dad's closet. But 3 is simply to young to grasp any of that. Once Addie is around 9-12 (depends on her maturity), I'd have no issue with her learning to properly handle a simple rifle for starters. 

But in this day and age, it's just D-U-M-B to post pictures like that. All you're going to do is get people riled up and poking around in your business. 

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I'm all for having a gun for defense.  I was given some news this past summer that really made me want to conceal carry. (Just imagine the worst case senario that is really out there) There are 2 weapons in my home. My 10 yr old daughter wants to learn to shoot in case she ever needs it.  I hope that she never will need to.  However, I wouldn't take a picture and post it on the internet.  That was asking for it.  

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5 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Too bad those same parents didn't teach him the correct way to write and how to spell. Those damn schoolses ain't well.

Rifles before ejumacation.

Too bad he wasn't taught to always wear a condom. We wouldn't be having this conversation right now.

Now stop swearin it ain't Christian like. Say "those dang schoolses ain't well."  Donchu know nothin??

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On 11/2/2016 at 1:30 PM, Pixiebomb said:

Now stop swearin it ain't Christian like. Say "those dang schoolses ain't well."  Donchu know nothin??

You are so right. What was I thinkin'? Apparently, I wasn't. lol


Just how many people have broken into his house while he is busy loading his gun?

It's the people CLIMBING OUT his house window while he was gone that he should have been worrying about. #deercamgate

Edited by GreatKazu
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39 minutes ago, MargeGunderson said:

WVU is rescinding her acceptance as we speak.

(Leah, you might want to look up "rescind" because it doesn't mean what you think it means.)

Leah: "I do know what it meanses. Mah email didn't go so I had to hit rescind."

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