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Season 6 Discussion

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2 hours ago, Bridget said:

I’ve read all 10 pages of the snark as of 4pm today, so forgive me if I somehow missed it, but am I the only one who noticed that Leida called Tasha a c-u-next-Tuesday during their argument? 

That said, for Leida to turn right around (without zero hesitation!) and call her fiancé’s daughter the same word?

Of course it was bleeped, but I figured that was the word they called other WITHIN EARSHOT OF ERIC'S 10 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER AND LEIDA'S SON!!!! 

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4 hours ago, Spike said:

He could just leave Debbie home without a car.  

He has probably done that more times than not.  He and Debbie are frugal enough to know if she doesn't need to go anywhere on a particular day, they save gas by having only one trip to and from work.  Coltee takes the carree.

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11 hours ago, SunshineTKPA said:

If you are born in Russia to a Russian citizen, Russia recognizes you as a citizen unless and until you renounce citizenship when you are 18 or older (which is a ridiculously difficult process and I have yet to hear of anyone who arrived in the US as a child, is a US citizen and has done it successfully).  A parent can't choose for a Russian minor child to no longer be a Russian citizen, so Richie is bound by the Russian rules. He must travel on his Russian passport and there is no way to get around it. Yes, he would enter the US on his US passport.

My situation is different. Both my children were born in Russia and my husband and I adopted them. They originally left Russia on their Russian passports with US visas and entered the US with same. They were not officially US citizens until we provided all the paperwork at Immigration. I have been told they became US citizens once the wheels of the plane hit US soil, but there was still all the paperwork to provide and process. When entering and leaving Russia, they are still bound by Russian citizenship rules.

By the way - US citizenship is different for children from countries (like South Korea) who complete the adoption process in the US - ours was completed in Russia.

Thanks!  I guess it makes sense from a citizens rights point of view.  It is giving the child complete control to decide when they reach 18. 


I was coming from what what would benefit Olga have the strongest case in America.


It is good to hear you adopted your children. I hope they are adjusting and liking it here.  You must be getting deja vu watching this season!


We will hear more about Richie this weekend.

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13 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

I'm not a fan of Colt's by any stretch. I do think that he's cheap and he would drive me nuts. There's no way I'm living in Vegas (or anywhere else without an air conditioned car. BUT - Larissa knew who he was when she agreed to marry him.

I’m not really sure she did know the extent of who he was, though. I think she would likely have had a general sense, but considering how many things he has offered to get for her and then not followed through (on at least a compromise of something that would fit her often unrealistically expensive preference vs. his often unrealistically miserly preference), I don’t think she would have been aware before she came to the US and actually started living with him and Mother. 

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3 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

It is good to hear you adopted your children. I hope they are adjusting and liking it here.  You must be getting deja vu watching this season!

Thanks - they were both babies when we adopted them and are teenagers now, so they think of themselves as American (although we do try to keep ties to their Russian culture and families, which is why we have been back to Russia so many times).  This season is very interesting to me because in addition to the Russian link, I live VERY close to Ashley. :)

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5 hours ago, RoadFullOfPromise said:

I’m not really sure she did know the extent of who he was, though. I think she would likely have had a general sense, but considering how many things he has offered to get for her and then not followed through (on at least a compromise of something that would fit her often unrealistically expensive preference vs. his often unrealistically miserly preference), I don’t think she would have been aware before she came to the US and actually started living with him and Mother. 

I agree.  But that could be said about all the couples.  The foreign fiancés have no clue what their life will be like until they get here. Skype all you want but it’s not like actually living in the same city together.  And the American fiancés seem to tell their beloved whatever they want to hear to get them here.  The transition from living in one country to another has to be difficult.  Add not being able to work, maybe drive, lack of friends, especially of the same culture, can be very hard and isolating.  

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19 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

"The Queen" is definitely materialistic. There was a perfectly nice red car offered as an alternative for purchase to the "sexy" black SUV and she wouldn't even look at it. I think maybe it was a Kia?

Having  tastes and preferences doesn't necessarily make a person materialistic.

She said she liked the car bc it matched her hair color. Well, obviously, she was joking, But theoretically there can be other, non-materialistic reasons to prefer one version of something over another.

But wasn't the car she wanted just $17K? That's not in any way expensive for an SUV. And it appeared to me like a Chevy!


19 hours ago, jumper sage said:

How does one even find a car without AC?  That is my question.

My father used to factory order the cars he bought. He could choose the options and avoid the mark ups at a dealership. Once he ordered one without air! When my mother and I found out, we berated him mercilessly and all he could do was call and revise his order. 


14 hours ago, magemaud said:

Paging Father Kalani! 

Low surrendered any and all claims of his samoan heritage when he married Lisa and vowed to raise his kids white.


5 hours ago, RoadFullOfPromise said:

I’m not really sure she did know the extent of who he was, though. I think she would likely have had a general sense, but considering how many things he has offered to get for her and then not followed through (on at least a compromise of something that would fit her often unrealistically expensive preference vs. his often unrealistically miserly preference), I don’t think she would have been aware before she came to the US and actually started living with him and Mother. 

I think when many ppl hear a man is college educated and works in IT they believe him to be financially secure. And I think in other cultures (maybe in Brazil), older parents who may be living onsite or near by know their fucking place in the household/family. It's not to hover around and take passive aggressive potshots at your incestually enmeshed adult child's fiance and insert yourself repeatedly into their relationship.

Edited by eatsleep
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26 minutes ago, eatsleep said:

She said she liked the car bc it matched her hair color. Well, obviously, she was joking, But theoretically there can be other, non-materialistic reasons to prefer one version of something over another.

But wasn't the car she wanted just $17K? That's not in any way expensive for an SUV. And it appeared to me like a Chevy!

There are old Toyota Camry that won't die. Literally they refuse to die. And there are  Jaguars (Ford -or Found. On. Road. Dead.) after Ford bought them and are unreliable. So, materialistic about one brand or other holds no weight unless you do some research and know a thing or two about the vehicle. A name is a name but you can't go by that. And a used car isn't always worse than a new, depending on which car.  As we've seen in reality TV many times, the mighty can be humbled very quickly so Larissa, if she is being particularly materialistic, should slow her roll.

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I’m not really sure she did know the extent of who he was, though. I think she would likely have had a general sense, but considering how many things he has offered to get for her and then not followed through (on at least a compromise of something that would fit her often unrealistically expensive preference vs. his often unrealistically miserly preference), I don’t think she would have been aware before she came to the US and actually started living with him and Mother. 

She knew who he was when she accepted a proposal with an engagement ring from him. And she certainly knows by the time she says "I do."



Having  tastes and preferences doesn't necessarily make a person materialistic.

She said she liked the car bc it matched her hair color. Well, obviously, she was joking, But theoretically there can be other, non-materialistic reasons to prefer one version of something over another.

But wasn't the car she wanted just $17K? That's not in any way expensive for an SUV. And it appeared to me like a Chevy!


Having a taste for and demanding things you cannot afford makes you materialistic. Larrissa like the SUV because it looked "sexy" and "expensive." She isn't a paragon of good taste; she likes to spend money. You can absolutely be materialistic and like a Chevy over a Kia; you don't have to have Jaguar taste.

A $17,000 car is expensive if you don't have $17,000. 

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5 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

She knew who he was when she accepted a proposal with an engagement ring from him. And she certainly knows by the time she says "I do."

Having a taste for and demanding things you cannot afford makes you materialistic. Larrissa like the SUV because it looked "sexy" and "expensive." She isn't a paragon of good taste; she likes to spend money. You can absolutely be materialistic and like a Chevy over a Kia; you don't have to have Jaguar taste.

A $17,000 car is expensive if you don't have $17,000. 

She may not have $17K but she believes her soon-to-be husband does. 

Liking the styling and look of a certain car doesn't make a person materialistic, as it could be a simple aesthetic preference. (I have chosen cars for myself based on visual design elements without any regard to brand, price or prestige.) And it seemed she wanted Colt to look good driving the car as much as she wanted to look good in it, herself. But either way, if Colt had already been the sole owner of a fully functioning car, this would have all been a moot point. 

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34 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

She knew who he was when she accepted a proposal with an engagement ring from him. And she certainly knows by the time she says "I do."

Having a taste for and demanding things you cannot afford makes you materialistic. Larrissa like the SUV because it looked "sexy" and "expensive." She isn't a paragon of good taste; she likes to spend money. You can absolutely be materialistic and like a Chevy over a Kia; you don't have to have Jaguar taste.

A $17,000 car is expensive if you don't have $17,000. 

We have seen Colt say one thing and then do the opposite many times.  As I posted before, HE was the one who drove to a ONE bedroom loft and talked about Debbie living alone.  What and who he is as far as I am concerned is a liar. What he says is not written in stone.

And,.......Larissa had NO idea who he was after he proposed after iirc 5 days?    Further down a very short road, saying "I do" does not mean you know that person either.

I also would not define materialistic by liking things. Everyone likes "things" and its normal to want things.

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23 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

Richie qualifies for social services which benefit Olga if she chooses or needs to use them.  If you don’t have to buy food, healthcare and get subsidized for things like housing and child care.....well, your life is not as stressful.  :’)

When she figures out Uncle Sam is a sweeter deal than Steven.....Adios Papi!  

That's not how social services work in the US.  Simply being a US citizen doesn't automatically qualify Richie for anything. TANF, WIC, CHIP, Medicaid, SSI, subsidized housing and HeadStart all have eligibility and poverty guidelines related to receiving aid. Olga is not simply walking into the US and having food, health care, housing or child care thrown at her just because her baby is American.  That's the myth of the "anchor baby" and it's why the term is a pejorative.

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1 hour ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I don't think men like to buy for women who demand or cajole in the form of a lot of hints. Now, if Eric found $20 in the street, he would fork it over to Leida when she demanded to have it, but it wouldn't be because he wanted to do so.

In my limited experience (and I hope I don't get jumped on for pointing out differences between men and women), but nobody likes to be ordered around, and men tend to have a lower threshold for these type of antics than women. Everyone wants to be able to do something for a person because it is appreciated, not because it is expected! I can't imagine making these types of demands of a man, but that's just probably my personality. I can't imagine saying to anyone in relationship male or female, "Buy me this! Why can't you buy me a biggie diamond/house/car/etc!" 

When I get a new car, it's because Mr. Coach says it's about time to get a new car, and then I go with his suggestions on price. I actually don't want something too expensive because I don't want it to have to worry about where I park at the supermarket. And, I go with his guidelines on price because he knows more about budgeting. He doesn't get to make all the big decisions in our family, not by a long shot. He's just better with money, trust me. When he presented me with an engagement ring, it wasn't because I asked him for one. It's a really nice ring! I didn't pick it out, and I enjoy the fact that he did. He got down on one knee and proposed. Very simple. No fireworks or someone recording us from the window. I wouldn't change a thing.

What I'm getting at here besides procrastinating with stuff I gotta do, is that I would imagine that nothing would make a man's wallet clamp up tighter than making him feel like what he was about to give wasn't good enough. On the one hand, Coltee is presenting things and then snatching them away. On the other hand, it's like, Larissa, you're getting something for free, presumably because the man loves you. Why are you whining? She complained about the a/c in the car, and he went out to buy her a new car. Maybe it wasn't exactly what she wanted, but it was better than what she had, right? Let's presume that the man was doing his best to afford a car, a wedding, rent, a visa, and a couchie and leave it at that. Once she starts working, maybe they can revisit the car situation, but sans criticism about what he's not doing good enough!

I guess I don't see it as one person getting something for free, in the case of MARRIAGE. If they were just dating w/ no discussion of marriage, then yes, it's a gift/she's getting something for free. And the car was still going to be his car/family car. not her exclusive car, as she can't drive.


You're husband tells you when it's time for you to get a new car??


No, of course no one likes to be nagged for things. But when you bring a foreign spouse over here who has no money or the ability to work, you absolutely do need to be prepared to meet their every financial need (and some of their financial wants imo if you are concerned w/ their happiness). I'd have liked to see how it would play have played out had he acquiesced fully to ONE of her requests....would the requests/demands continued or lessened?

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I also would not define materialistic by liking things. Everyone likes "things" and its normal to want things.

Isn't that actually the definition of materialistic? I didn't say it was abnormal - I like things too. I like nice things. I don't expect my family to go into debt to buy me everything I want.

Larissa has more than demonstrated her love of money and material goods. She likes things that look "expensive." She can't be satisfied with a $1.000 dress, even knowing that's her budget going in (and plenty of pretty dresses can be had for $1,000 - I know because I just got married two years ago). She refers to herself as "Queen" and wants to one day drive a Jaguar. I don't think she is abnormal and I don't think it's wrong to want nice things but she has no understand of or regard for a budget. She's like a whiny toddler. She needs to be financially responsible and she hasn't shown a single inclination in that direction thus far.


I'd have liked to see how it would play have played out had he acquiesced fully to ONE of her requests

She has a gorgeous ring that she likes. 


She may not have $17K but she believes her soon-to-be husband does. 

It doesn't matter to her if he has it or if he doesn't. He has $1,000 for a dress and she wants more. She thinks she can "talk him into it" (though I'm guessing her forms of persuasion don't rely much on talking). She doesn't care if he has the money in the bank or has to take out a loan or sell a kidney or whatever - she just wants what she wants and she wants it RIGHT THIS VERY MINUTE. If she wants that car, she can get a job when she has her green card and then go buy it for herself.

Edited by Elizzikra
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53 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

It doesn't matter to her if he has it or if he doesn't. He has $1,000 for a dress and she wants more. She thinks she can "talk him into it" (though I'm guessing her forms of persuasion don't rely much on talking). She doesn't care if he has the money in the bank or has to take out a loan or sell a kidney or whatever - she just wants what she wants and she wants it RIGHT THIS VERY MINUTE. If she wants that car, she can get a job when she has her green card and then go buy it for herself.

But as a couple, he, unilaterally, doesn't get to decide that. Couples negotiate and compromise when they don't agree, right? What kind of marriage, made in 2018, works w/ one partner making all major decisions? 

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55 minutes ago, eatsleep said:

But as a couple, he, unilaterally, doesn't get to decide that. Couples negotiate and compromise when they don't agree, right? What kind of marriage, made in 2018, works w/ one partner making all major decisions? 

What kind of marriage works when the financially irresponsible partner asks for things the family can’t afford and spends them into financial ruin? Larissa is the type to spend every dime they have and run up debt on all the credit cards she can get her hands on, financial ruin be damned.

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2 hours ago, eatsleep said:

I guess I don't see it as one person getting something for free, in the case of MARRIAGE. If they were just dating w/ no discussion of marriage, then yes, it's a gift/she's getting something for free. And the car was still going to be his car/family car. not her exclusive car, as she can't drive.


You're husband tells you when it's time for you to get a new car??


No, of course no one likes to be nagged for things. But when you bring a foreign spouse over here who has no money or the ability to work, you absolutely do need to be prepared to meet their every financial need (and some of their financial wants imo if you are concerned w/ their happiness). I'd have liked to see how it would play have played out had he acquiesced fully to ONE of her requests....would the requests/demands continued or lessened?

What I meant is that she's not contributing any money towards any of these things. Obviously she's not getting it for free. She has to sleep with Coltee! 

And of course in the case of marriage where the wife doesn't have a job outside the home (like me), she does contribute (when she's not on the internet, that is). She contributes quite a bit. There's give and take. I'm sure I wouldn't feel like cooking for my family if they whined and complained all the time about what I was serving them. (Well, okay, kids do that.) 

And yes, he tells me when it's time to get a new car. Otherwise I would just drive the old one until it stopped. I just prefer not to think about that kind of stuff. Car shopping is boring. It always takes me less than two minutes to pick one out and then it's two hours of paperwork. F*ck that. So many better things a person could be doing!

It would tell us something if Coltee gave into one of her demands. Would she get better or worse? 

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5 hours ago, Cherrio said:

We have seen Colt say one thing and then do the opposite many times.  As I posted before, HE was the one who drove to a ONE bedroom loft and talked about Debbie living alone.  What and who he is as far as I am concerned is a liar. What he says is not written in stone.

And,.......Larissa had NO idea who he was after he proposed after iirc 5 days?    Further down a very short road, saying "I do" does not mean you know that person either.

I also would not define materialistic by liking things. Everyone likes "things" and its normal to want things.

So after watching him on a reality show you were able to discern that Dolt is a liar, cheap etc but Larissa couldn't figure it out in 90 days, sorry not buying it.  She is aware of who she is marrying baggage and all. None of it matters because this is a green card wedding, and she will be gone as soon as she can figure a way to get the police to name her a victim so she can stay legally without him. There is a reason he had to go searching Brazilian cupid for a bride no self respecting woman here would have him. There is a also a reason she was on a cupid website, she wanted out of Brazil. 

Edited by Inuksuk2010
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On 12/10/2018 at 9:43 AM, trimthatfat said:

She is Eric’s other daughter. The one he’s paying child support for...Jenika has to earn her keep somehow!

Jenika seems like the only person to give Leila’s boy a thought.  I’ve never seen Leica kiss or hug that boy.  When her parents were leaving, the look on that boys face when Eric was holding him was so heartbreaking, I was crying.   The boy would have been better off going home with the grandparents.  The bitch let’s the boy sleep on the floor when she wants expensive things.  I hate her.  (Auto correct misspelled Leida’s name up there).

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2 hours ago, eatsleep said:

But as a couple, he, unilaterally, doesn't get to decide that. Couples negotiate and compromise when they don't agree, right? What kind of marriage, made in 2018, works w/ one partner making all major decisions? 

 Like the old saying goes "he who pays the piper call the tune"

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2 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

What I meant is that she's not contributing any money towards any of these things. Obviously she's not getting it for free. She has to sleep with Coltee! 

And of course in the case of marriage where the wife doesn't have a job outside the home (like me), she does contribute (when she's not on the internet, that is). She contributes quite a bit. There's give and take. I'm sure I wouldn't feel like cooking for my family if they whined and complained all the time about what I was serving them. (Well, okay, kids do that.) 

And yes, he tells me when it's time to get a new car. Otherwise I would just drive the old one until it stopped. I just prefer not to think about that kind of stuff. Car shopping is boring. It always takes me less than two minutes to pick one out and then it's two hours of paperwork. F*ck that. So many better things a person could be doing!

It would tell us something if Coltee gave into one of her demands. Would she get better or worse? 

I always bought our cars. I would pull in the driveway and say, here, sign this. He only saw one car before we bought it. He wasn't a good negotiator and I am. He was happy. 

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8 hours ago, Kdawg82 said:

There are old Toyota Camry that won't die. Literally they refuse to die. And there are  Jaguars (Ford -or Found. On. Road. Dead.) after Ford bought them and are unreliable. So, materialistic about one brand or other holds no weight unless you do some research and know a thing or two about the vehicle. A name is a name but you can't go by that. And a used car isn't always worse than a new, depending on which car.  As we've seen in reality TV many times, the mighty can be humbled very quickly so Larissa, if she is being particularly materialistic, should slow her roll.

I had an 89 XJ 6 Jaguar.

If I could do it all over again . . . . I wouldn't.

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On 12/11/2018 at 10:26 PM, jumper sage said:

I stood up in 2 weddings and the dresses were very reasonable, like $45.

Bold - I think that is a southern thing.  Up here in Michigan the girl's family throws the shower, I have never been to a bachelorette party and being in the wedding is the gift.

I'm from Ohio. I was in 2 weddings, one in the late 60's and one in the early 80's. My dresses cost about $75 each. I was maid of honor in one, and the bridal party was expected to foot the bill for a shower which the maid of honor was  also responsible for planning. A gift was also expected for both shower and wedding. All this was documented as customary in the bridal magazines of the times.

You got off easy, lol. 😜

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2 hours ago, Floatingbison said:

I had an 89 XJ 6 Jaguar.

If I could do it all over again . . . . I wouldn't.

My son had an 80's era Jaguar. I forget the model, but its reputation was for being an all around disaster. Every time he came to visit, his first stop was a repair shop that could supply parts for foreign vehicles, because something went on the fritz every time he traveled.

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12 hours ago, eatsleep said:

My father used to factory order the cars he bought. He could choose the options and avoid the mark ups at a dealership. Once he ordered one without air! When my mother and I found out, we berated him mercilessly and all he could do was call and revise his order. 

Maybe back in the day but these days AC is just like the steering wheel ...it is already in the car.  I live around Detroit so that may be how we do things her though.

1 hour ago, renatae said:

I'm from Ohio. I was in 2 weddings, one in the late 60's and one in the early 80's. My dresses cost about $75 each. I was maid of honor in one, and the bridal party was expected to foot the bill for a shower which the maid of honor was  also responsible for planning. A gift was also expected for both shower and wedding. All this was documented as customary in the bridal magazines of the times.

You got off easy, lol. 😜

That is absolutely insane.  Why would you even agree?  I am telling you that letting the bride's mother/aunt or whoever plan the shower is the best way.  Did you have to get addresses for all the relatives?  Being in the wedding is horrible enough, no one I know actually buys them presents too - crazy.

4 hours ago, Reality police said:

Car shopping is boring. It always takes me less than two minutes to pick one out and then it's two hours of paperwork. F*ck that. So many better things a person could be doing!

My darling, get to know your dealer and then call him and tell him, "I want this model, this color and the bells and whistles and don't forget your own discount for my car...let me know when your ready for me to sign".  I get a car every 2 or 3 years and dealers love repeat leasers/buyers.

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6 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

Maybe back in the day but these days AC is just like the steering wheel ...it is already in the car.  I live around Detroit so that may be how we do things her though.

That is absolutely insane.  Why would you even agree?  I am telling you that letting the bride's mother/aunt or whoever plan the shower is the best way.  Did you have to get addresses for all the relatives?  Being in the wedding is horrible enough, no one I know actually buys them presents too - crazy.

My darling, get to know your dealer and then call him and tell him, "I want this model, this color and the bells and whistles and don't forget your own discount for my car...let me know when your ready for me to sign".  I get a car every 2 or 3 years and dealers love repeat leasers/buyers.

Not sure who's quote you got but it isn't mine. 

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5 minutes ago, Reality police said:
12 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

Maybe back in the day but these days AC is just like the steering wheel ...it is already in the car.  I live around Detroit so that may be how we do things her though.

That is absolutely insane.  Why would you even agree?  I am telling you that letting the bride's mother/aunt or whoever plan the shower is the best way.  Did you have to get addresses for all the relatives?  Being in the wedding is horrible enough, no one I know actually buys them presents too - crazy.

My darling, get to know your dealer and then call him and tell him, "I want this model, this color and the bells and whistles and don't forget your own discount for my car...let me know when your ready for me to sign".  I get a car every 2 or 3 years and dealers love repeat leasers/buyers.

Not sure who's quote you got but it isn't mine. 

You are right! @CoachWristletJen said it.  Sorry darling.

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On 12/13/2018 at 7:57 AM, brilliantbreakfast said:

When I was young, I dated any number of young men who had this kind of love/hate relationship with their mothers.  Their mothers have set up this symbiotic, "I always have to be your #1 priority" relationship, and these guys go along with it, but they hate it every step of the way.  Any woman who gets involved with one of these guys is going to be the "other woman" and at the same time the object of resentment.  After the last one of these, I said "I'm not going to get involved with anyone whose mother is still alive."  And damn if I didn't get one whose mother died when he was 13, and that's another whole set of baggage right there.  (see also:  Prince Harry.)  Coltee is the king of passive-aggressive, and he will make ANY woman miserable.

I had a lengthy on/off relationship and engagement with a mother/son like this and it was pure hell. Like Larissa, I couldn't do anything right. She once set me up by convincing me not to tell him about an incident that I had every intention of divulging, and secretly told him herself, making me look awful.

But it is not the background of a relationship which causes these toxic things. That person's father was still alive. I later dated a guy whose father had died about two weeks before I met him. I never met his mother, but he was always telling me sweet things his mother had said that were encouraging our relationship, just because it made him happy. Fancy that! Nicest guy I ever dated besides my husband and no drama! They moved to Texas after a couple of months, because that's where her family was from. It was nice to know some mothers could be reasonable. The damage from the other relationship took years to get over.

Larissa is a pill, but I feel for her, especially when the rageaholic jerk goes off on her unprovoked and Colt sits by saying nothing and then tells HER she should have behaved better. I'm seeing red. Colt deserves a special place in hell for that.

Edited by renatae
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On 12/14/2018 at 6:34 AM, RoadFullOfPromise said:

I’m not really sure she did know the extent of who he was, though. I think she would likely have had a general sense, but considering how many things he has offered to get for her and then not followed through (on at least a compromise of something that would fit her often unrealistically expensive preference vs. his often unrealistically miserly preference), I don’t think she would have been aware before she came to the US and actually started living with him and Mother. 

I agree that Larissa likely had no idea what she was getting into when she agreed to come here. In Brazil, multigenerational homes exist so I am sure Colt living with his mother wasn’t a problem until she realied that the relationship was always going to be about 3 people. I believe that Colt offered her a lot, including their own private home, just to convince her to come here.

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9 hours ago, renatae said:

I'm from Ohio. I was in 2 weddings, one in the late 60's and one in the early 80's. My dresses cost about $75 each. I was maid of honor in one, and the bridal party was expected to foot the bill for a shower which the maid of honor was  also responsible for planning. A gift was also expected for both shower and wedding. All this was documented as customary in the bridal magazines of the times.

You got off easy, lol. 😜

*whispers* I had all of those things for my wedding in the 2000s. My sister in law offered to plan a shower but my maid of honour was insisting on hosting. It was only immediate family and bridesmaids (about 5 ppl in total) and we had snacks and wine. They also took me for a weekend of wine tasting and a nice dinner and I got cash at the wedding. I felt badly but they told me the got a great groupon deal. It was lovely and not at all expected as even at David's bridal the dresses were around 60 bucks. I guess I am an assholeeee lol. Funny my wedding and surrounding plans were considered low key by today's "say yes to the dress" standards.

Edited by sainte-chapelle
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On 12/12/2018 at 8:24 AM, configdotsys said:

I am so confused about this passport/visa thing with Richie. Can someone break it down or tell me where I'm getting lost...

Richie is born in Russia so is a Russian citizen and will get a Russian passport.

Putting aside the K1 because I'm confused enough, let's pretend that they have that. Now they want to take him to the U.S. to live so they use the Russian passport to get out of Russia. What do they do when they reach the U.S. with him? Do they have to tell Russia they are moving and not simply traveling and returning? What do they do once they are in the U.S.? Will they automatically get a U.S. passport for Richie because his father is an American citizen?

I'm asking because I think I read a post here that said if Olga comes here and it does not work out, she will have a hard time taking Richie out of the country and I'm wondering why that is if he is a dual citizen with appropriate passports for each country? Also, I think I read something about Richie getting a visa and that threw me off too.

I am curious how this application for Richie’s US citizenship goes since Steven is not Olga’s husband. I would think he needs to have some kind of dna test done to prove his paternal rights. Otherwise anyone can say that he is the baby’s father and give US citizenship to him

Edited by Maximadc
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About Coltee's finances:  we don't need spoilers to know, from photographs shown on the show, that Coltee is a recent college graduate.  The average student debt in the USA is now over $37,000.  If he is saddled with paying back that kind of money--and I don't know how much more interest adds to it--it's no wonder he is financially strapped, even if he is making a good salary now.  Someone with that kind of debt and no outside resources really can't afford to get married unless the wedding itself is Spartan and the bride/groom is able to contribute financially to the marriage, neither of which circumstance seems to exist here.

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2 hours ago, Mothra said:

About Coltee's finances:  we don't need spoilers to know, from photographs shown on the show, that Coltee is a recent college graduate.  The average student debt in the USA is now over $37,000.  If he is saddled with paying back that kind of money--and I don't know how much more interest adds to it--it's no wonder he is financially strapped, even if he is making a good salary now.  Someone with that kind of debt and no outside resources really can't afford to get married unless the wedding itself is Spartan and the bride/groom is able to contribute financially to the marriage, neither of which circumstance seems to exist here.

I dont think it quite works like that. I would have estimated that first of all, Colt probably graduated minimum 7-8 years prior, so it nay even have been paid off by now. I graduated with nearly 6 figure college debt (pharmacy degree). However i earn a 6 figure salary and make easily affordable monthly payments. 

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1 hour ago, Lily247 said:
4 hours ago, Mothra said:

About Coltee's finances:  we don't need spoilers to know, from photographs shown on the show, that Coltee is a recent college graduate.  The average student debt in the USA is now over $37,000.  If he is saddled with paying back that kind of money--and I don't know how much more interest adds to it--it's no wonder he is financially strapped, even if he is making a good salary now.  Someone with that kind of debt and no outside resources really can't afford to get married unless the wedding itself is Spartan and the bride/groom is able to contribute financially to the marriage, neither of which circumstance seems to exist here.


Do we know for sure that he went to college? I know he claims to be a "software engineer" but that could mean just about anything. I know a lot of people who work at IT help desks that don't have college degrees.

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I think Larissa IS a bit materialistic, but putting up with Colt Tea and Deb Bea is a full time job. If she knew what she was getting into then so did he. It's more likely that Moob Man was selling wolf tickets to get her on the plane. Of course Larissa may have overestimated her....ummmm....power of persuasion. Probably thought she could put something on him and have him wrapped around her fingereee.

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17 hours ago, jumper sage said:

That is absolutely insane.  Why would you even agree?  I am telling you that letting the bride's mother/aunt or whoever plan the shower is the best way.  Did you have to get addresses for all the relatives?  Being in the wedding is horrible enough, no one I know actually buys them presents too - crazy.

First wedding, I was 19 and completely clueless! Second wedding was my brother, lol. Seriously, those things were absolutely customary where I'm from. Sure, the bride and her family helped with the lists and planning suggestions. Also, the gifts being somewhat numerous, are quite a bit less costly than what you mentioned. Or were at the time, lol. A toaster. A blender. Not a place setting of Royal Albert. ;) That was for close family.

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On 12/14/2018 at 1:30 PM, CoachWristletJen said:

I don't think men like to buy for women who demand or cajole in the form of a lot of hints. Now, if Eric found $20 in the street, he would fork it over to Leida when she demanded to have it, but it wouldn't be because he wanted to do so.

In my limited experience (and I hope I don't get jumped on for pointing out differences between men and women), but nobody likes to be ordered around, and men tend to have a lower threshold for these type of antics than women. Everyone wants to be able to do something for a person because it is appreciated, not because it is expected! I can't imagine making these types of demands of a man, but that's just probably my personality. I can't imagine saying to anyone in relationship male or female, "Buy me this! Why can't you buy me a biggie diamond/house/car/etc!" 

When I get a new car, it's because Mr. Coach says it's about time to get a new car, and then I go with his suggestions on price. I actually don't want something too expensive because I don't want it to have to worry about where I park at the supermarket. And, I go with his guidelines on price because he knows more about budgeting. He doesn't get to make all the big decisions in our family, not by a long shot. He's just better with money, trust me. When he presented me with an engagement ring, it wasn't because I asked him for one. It's a really nice ring! I didn't pick it out, and I enjoy the fact that he did. He got down on one knee and proposed. Very simple. No fireworks or someone recording us from the window. I wouldn't change a thing.

What I'm getting at here besides procrastinating with stuff I gotta do, is that I would imagine that nothing would make a man's wallet clamp up tighter than making him feel like what he was about to give wasn't good enough. On the one hand, Coltee is presenting things and then snatching them away. On the other hand, it's like, Larissa, you're getting something for free, presumably because the man loves you. Why are you whining? She complained about the a/c in the car, and he went out to buy her a new car. Maybe it wasn't exactly what she wanted, but it was better than what she had, right? Let's presume that the man was doing his best to afford a car, a wedding, rent, a visa, and a couchie and leave it at that. Once she starts working, maybe they can revisit the car situation, but sans criticism about what he's not doing good enough!

I would say this is true if you have a good guy who has your best interests at heart. This is not the case with Coltee. Coltee is a terrible person and so is Mother.  Colt did NOT buy a new car.  Coltee enjoys dangling things in front of Larissa and then not delivering.  He is an immature guy who is not ready for a serious relationship.

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4 hours ago, Lily247 said:

I dont think it quite works like that. I would have estimated that first of all, Colt probably graduated minimum 7-8 years prior, so it nay even have been paid off by now. I graduated with nearly 6 figure college debt (pharmacy degree). However i earn a 6 figure salary and make easily affordable monthly payments. 

You're right--Colt is 33, so he's had some years to repay loans.  I don't know what you do for a living, but I bet you earn a lot more than Colt does.  The thing is that the relation between debt and income isn't direct:  I don't know how to explain this technically, but it's easier for someone with a six-figure income to repay a six-figure debt than it is for someone with a five-figure income to repay a five-figure debt.  You have to figure that both debtors have the same type of regular, necessary expenses, like shelter and food, and even if the five-figure debtor is paying as little as possible, she is never going to be able to completely eliminate those expenses.  A debtor with a six-figure income, however, can pay the necessary expenses and have money left to pay back debts.  If I've made my point, which I'm not sure I have.  IOW, I believe it was much easier for you to repay a larger debt with a much larger income than it is for Coltie to repay his student debt (which may be more--or less--than the national average).

2 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

Do we know for sure that he went to college? I know he claims to be a "software engineer" but that could mean just about anything. I know a lot of people who work at IT help desks that don't have college degrees.

I'm judging from the photo they've shown several times of proud Debbie with Coltie in a mortarboard, in which he doesn't look all that much younger than he looks today.

ETA:  I think Larissa is calling herself "the Queen" sarcastically, after cousin Coltie told her she should feel like a queen with that big rock.

Edited by Mothra
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1 hour ago, KariLois said:

I would say this is true if you have a good guy who has your best interests at heart. This is not the case with Coltee. Coltee is a terrible person and so is Mother.  Colt did NOT buy a new car.  Coltee enjoys dangling things in front of Larissa and then not delivering.  He is an immature guy who is not ready for a serious relationship.

Absolutely correct. Larissa might as well not even bother asking. Just do her time and get her green card. 

If they didn't eject Luis, they won't eject any of these people.

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6 hours ago, Mothra said:

Do we know for sure that he went to college? I know he claims to be a "software engineer" but that could mean just about anything. I know a lot of people who work at IT help desks that don't have college degrees.

While there are official ways to find this stuff out, they are some amount of work(calling the school in question Digipen). The best we have is his Linkedin which of course could be false but I don't really see any reason to assume that. He has legit looking endorsements and reviews including from Digipen faculty.  He seems to legitly be a software engineer for a well known gaming company. 

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After watching this episode for the 5th time, I can see that Tasha was jsut using the room as a "dresser" to store her clothes, she clearly was already moved out and living with Jake.  She was only not moving out strictly to be a bitch about it, so I'm glad she finally got her ass kicked out.

If she had kept her stuff neatly stored in a corner of that room, then Leida's son could have used the room, and she wouldn't have been kicked out, but she was being passive-aggressive in keeping it filthy just to bother Leida.

In my opinion.

Edited by Honey
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On 12/13/2018 at 9:39 PM, Kdawg82 said:

I have serious doubts about the fulfillment of said desire. Haha the way Leida refused his hand claiming she's "holding stuff" on the way to check out the venue was telling. He hasn't hit that yet. And likely the "marriage" will be null and void when she refuses to consummate it bc the bed isn't proper.

I'm inclined to agree with you here.  Eric does not have the affect of a man who is being sexually fulfilled.  I doubt he's even getting to second base.

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23 hours ago, Mothra said:


About Coltee's finances:  we don't need spoilers to know, from photographs shown on the show, that Coltee is a recent college graduate. 


The photo of Colt with his father was at least 10 years old since his father passed away that long ago. To me it looked like a high school graduation cap and gown. 

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How do Eric and Colt not have any money?

My dad was an army reservist and he continues to get a monthly check after retirement.  And that was not retirement from full time active duty.  On top of that guaranteed paycheck, Eric has some sort of management job and one child to pay child support for in Wisconsin.  How is he broke?  What happened?  How is he paying 1k a month in support for 1 kid?

Colt is a software engineer.  In Las vegas.  Which is not a super expensive city to live in.  He is splitting rent with his mom and for some reason he drives a POS car with no ac?  I thought maybe he was poor because he was upside down on the house but they are just renting, so what gives?  He has no children, he should make good money, he splits bills with his mom and he better not have a car payment.  Why doesn't he have money?

On 12/14/2018 at 3:34 AM, RoadFullOfPromise said:

I’m not really sure she did know the extent of who he was, though. I think she would likely have had a general sense, but considering how many things he has offered to get for her and then not followed through (on at least a compromise of something that would fit her often unrealistically expensive preference vs. his often unrealistically miserly preference), I don’t think she would have been aware before she came to the US and actually started living with him and Mother. 

I feel like Larissa has said multiple times in th that Colt told her she could get whatever he wanted when she got to the us.  Which sounds exactly like something a man that looked like Colt would say to a woman that looks like larissa. 

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On 12/9/2018 at 7:37 PM, Honey said:

I too think that $1,000/months sounds like a lot, but that's the number they keep repeating.  If he's paying that much, he's not poor.

...or, maybe it's the amount the government is garnishing him for current + back support of some kind.  He seems like the kind of cat that might have to be garnished into doing the right thing 

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30 minutes ago, RealReality10 said:

Alls I know is if I'm ever in Vegas I'm not going to friendlys heating and air conditioning

Although I know the two types are not the same, I find it amusing that Coltee's cousin is in the AC business, and Coltee doesn't have AC in his car.

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