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S07.E20: Unconditional Love

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Cheyenne’s father finds out that her boyfriend Zach lives with her.

Maci has an awkward handoff with Ryan’s mom, Jen. 

Amber realizes that despite her joy as a new mom, she’s still struggling with depression.

Airs October 8, 2018

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If THIS is what we get to watch AGAIN. Sign me out. Cate, Amber and Maci have the same over worn storylines. No Kousin Krystal, Leah is not being a Normal almost 10 year old. She hates her mom and doesn’t want to watch her pretend mom with James when she could be playing with her adorable sister emilee. Your house is stinky and depressing.

MTV why are you paying these women six figure salaries for the same BS different hair color? 

Anyone else watch the after show and see how quickly Bristol and Cheyenne took over? Then POOF cate was off the stage lol. EJ asked Bristol a question about the PTSD then Cate interjects herself into the question then makes it about her. 

Edited by Calm81
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3 hours ago, Calm81 said:

If THIS is what we get to watch AGAIN. Sign me out. Cate, Amber and Maci have the same over worn storylines. No Kousin Krystal, Leah is not being a Normal almost 10 year old. She hates her mom and doesn’t want to watch her pretend mom with James when she could be playing with her adorable sister emilee. Your house is stinky and depressing.

MTV why are you paying these women six figure salaries for the same BS different hair color? 

Anyone else watch the after show and see how quickly Bristol and Cheyenne took over? Then POOF cate was off the stage lol. EJ asked Bristol a question about the PTSD then Cate interjects herself into the question then makes it about her. 

I couldn't watch the after show. I can't stand EJ. I'm shocked to be saying this...please bring back Nessa.

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Ha! I was watching in real time, @druzy and @SuzyLee, but...there wasn't anything to say? I admit to pausing the TV during the Bristol and Cheyenne moments and just fast-forwarding through. 

I don't want Teen Mom to be over. NOT because it doesn't suck - it sucks great big donkey XXXX, but because if it dies, Farrah will make it all about her.

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19 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Does anyone have a link to the episode? Watching may qualify as self injury, but I don’t have  cable ?

Once they post it on MTV’s website you can sign in for their “24 hour pass” but you can make up a pseudo email and password.

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21 minutes ago, Linny said:

The struggle with this show now is that in Farrah's absence, it's glaringly apparent that none of these people DO anything. They sit around and tiredly discuss the same old shit they've been talking about for years, and if the cast can't find enthusiasm during filming, how can the audience expect to be entertained? It doesn't help that Ryan and Mackenzie no longer film, Jen evidently can't even bring herself to speak to Maci on camera, Leah's getting too old to pretend like she's willing to come running whenever Amber says "Boo Boo," etc. Tacking on Cheyenne and Bristol is a poor attempt to distract us from the fact that the OG moms are frozen in time, facing the same problems today as they did on day one, with no solutions or any true growth, just with more children and a hell of a lot more money in their bank accounts.

Tyler's therapist's suggestion that Cate watch the show should be recommended for all of the cast. They could all benefit from viewing their lives from an outside perspective, to see how they keep repeating patterns. Maci and Cate in particular are guilty of believing in the power of their own myth, and I think that's hindering any potential they have to improve themselves as people and as moms. This MTV coddled environment isn't healthy.

This show is proving to the world that money doesn’t solve everything. Amber used to complain in the earlier seasons that low income kept her depressed and hard to be a good mother that could provide. Fast forward a decade of doctor salaries later and she’s still depressed and still not providing anything worth any value to Leah aside from $900 poofy dresses that are using up much needed closet space for Leah’s true wardrobe.

Was Maci even on last weeks episode?? Something is telling me she wasn’t and I watched the episode two days ago !!!! That’s got to tell you something.

i haven’t watched last nights episode as I wait for it to show up on MTVs website as I’m not giving them money or my ratings. But based on the lack of comments on this episode thread, I’m not sure I will watch it. This show is done! We’ve said it for years but this time it’s no stopping it. Adding cousin Oliver killed “the Brady bunch” and Bristol and Cheyenne killed this one, but MEthinks the show was already on life support when they were asked to be on. 

It was nice snarking with all of you. I will still see most of you on TM2 land until that shows demise.

8 hours ago, druzy said:

@SuzyLee- it's been great chatting with you during this week's episode ?

Right?!?! ??‍♀️

It used to be that I’d come on here the morning after an episode and discover pages of snark and each comment having at least 20 likes and now?!? I actually have to watch the damn show to know what happened! Lol. Usually the comments give me the jist or what happened in the episode. All I know right now is that Cheyenne’s father’s hugged and someone wore a space kitty shirt ?

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Fast forwarded Cheyenne, just not interested.  Cate again was all about Cate.  All suggestions Tyler discussed from his therapist were met so defensively.  Poor Nova, with that crazy hair, couldn't even get a hug from Cate when she came home. I hope Nova's new sibling is a girl so they can bond over their crazy life.  I think if it's a boy, Cate/Tyler will actually pay attention to him, since he won't be Carly 2.0.

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8 hours ago, GreenlinetoHarlem said:

Bristol and Macy are very cold as well.

That's an understatement, especially regarding Bristol. While I can't profess to understand what it's like being the spouse of a serviceman who has PTSD and anxiety, she really doesn't have much compassion.  Dr. Phil calls it "a soft place to fall".  She doesn't have it. That's very sad.  

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Well, Corey landed himself another cushy MTV job just by screwing his cast mate from the Challenge. Talk about “ a soft place to fall”. We’ll see how active he’ll be in his daughter’s life when there are no cameras around.  I have no patience with Caitlin any more. If you know you have a problem with depression and anxiety that requires months of in patient treatment, you have no business bringing another child into the world. The little one you have already looks miserable. Tyler is soooooo done.  

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Catelynn's response to Tyler's therapy homework was such textbook gaslighting that it was hard to watch. I know we're not fans of Tyler here, but he made one request that didn't even come from him! All he did was ask her to watch a few of the episodes to understand what he was going through while she was at the spa. Also, these people are hardly stellar employees, but it's probably not smart to balk in disgust at the idea of watching the show has been almost your sole source of income and responsible for your quality of life for the past decade. Tyler was not accusing her of being unsympathetic or lacking empathy, although he should be. He seemed genuinely hopeful that the therapist had discovered a new means of communication for them. The marriage is obviously breaking down, but Tyler ironically is the one trying to save it. Sure he's probably milking the martyr husband card a little bit for attention, but I don't blame him at this point. Catelynn, for all her monologues and tears about feeling bad that Tyler is carrying such a burden, treats him like an ungrateful butler/nanny. She just shuffles around the house feeling sorry for herself and ignoring her kid. It's almost like she barely remembers Tyler is there until she needs him to do something. She bites his head off whenever he tries to interact with her or bring up his own topic of conversation that doesn't involve what he can do to make her feel better.

Watch how angry she gets immediately when Tyler suggests that they watch the episodes together. She knows she doesn't have a rational reason to justifiably say no, so as usual, she whips out the mental illness card. It takes a special kind of bullshit artistry to turn a calm discussion about how your mental illness is affecting your marriage into a claim that you're too mentally ill to watch yourself being mentally ill. Dumbass, you can't have it both ways. You can't demand that everyone around you restructures their entire lives on a daily basis based on your anxiety and depression while also refusing to acknowledge the aftermath of that constant restructuring. She doesn't actually care about Tyler's feelings, she just cares about appearing as though she cares about his feelings. So, predictable as ever, she finds a way to turn the conversation into an attack on her personally as a wife and mother because she knows those are forbidden criticisms.

And then I love when Cate said indignantly about the therapist, "Who is she to say I don't care? What gives her the right?" she's a therapist! You seem perfectly fine with therapists when they're kissing your ass in a desert resort or telling you the best cure for your depression is a movie marathon. You just don't like this one because she's not letting you flop all over yourself playing the victim. She's actually treating like you like an adult with, you know, accountability instead of an overemotional teenager that has to be coddled back to good health. And before you condescendingly look down your snobby little nose at Tyler's therapist, she has these things called formal qualifications, which is what you're supposed to get as an adult in order to have something known as a career. Cate's forgotten most people in the world only get paid for doing stuff other than sleep, fuck, and fuse their ass to their sofa.

Cate can fuck all the way off, honestly. I'm rooting for Tyler to divorce her at this point.

Edited by Guest
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2 hours ago, druzy said:

Maci's son got a haircut.

And he is adorable! Aww.  Much better with the haircut.  

Corey is a likeable famewhore. 

I don't feel the show is lacking due to Farrah.  I totally forget about her until she is mentioned here.  

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How TF Catelynn doesn't think there is anything wrong in their marriage and they were "fine" the last two years? Because Tyler walks around her on the eggshells and every time there is something he would want to discuss (like him not being happy) Catelyn goes into her "mental illness" persona and shuts down any further discussion. The same goes for her mother-in-law and probably the rest of their family. So of course she thinks they are perfectly ok. She keeps getting new diagnoses just so she can keep this victim more going and doesn't have to take any responsibility about anything in their marriage. Now she comes back with PTSD diagnosis. Compare that bullshit with the real PTSD that Dakota has. She comes home after almost 6 months of nature walks and movie marathons and just couple days in she can't deal with her daughter following her everywhere. She spent all that time trying to avoid real work on herself (as little as that facility can provide) by taking naps and staying up all night watching movies so no wonder she is still not equipped dealing even with the simplest real life stuff. 

I say this as someone with severe depression diagnosis and who had to finish couple outpatient treatments. My worst depression is under control with the help of the right medication for the last couple of years as I came to be able to live with the fact that my pain and insomnia are not going away and I am not able to work and bring home any income. I felt worthless for so long and guilty about me doing nothing for years while my husband works 70-80 hours a week. I had to quit a job I loved as I was getting worse and after 5 years of fighting fibromyalgia I was missing so much work I would be fired. Now I have been home for 8 years and it took almost 6  to get to a point I can actually leave the house once a week instead barely once a month only for doctor appointments. I never had the financial resources and MTV help but if Catelyn had even a bit of inclination to be better and do better after all the years she spent in therapy she would be better. At this point she is too far gone to change. She sees herself as someone very brave to bring the mental health issues on the tv screen and thinks she is actually helping other people. Tyler can just go and leave her and she will continue with her victim mentality and people telling her how "strong" she is will just perpetuate the problem. How can someone who feels so low can also sit on such a high horse? 

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9 hours ago, Emkat said:

Andrew is 100% on something. Look at his slow blinks during the dinner scene. 

I am so glad someone else noticed this.  Slow blinks, and something not quite right about his left eye--he never did open it fully.

This is the revenge of Farrah.

I need to know why, if Ryan is such a threat that Maci was able to get a restraining order, he is still allowed time with Bentley?  If Ryan made threats with a gun, why does anyone think his child would be safe with him?  The news is full of stories about non-custodial parents--99% of them dads--who murder their children to somehow "get back" at their exes.  Even if his parents must be present, what's to prevent a drugged-up Ryan from shooting them, too?

Bristol smugly asserted that god had given her the opportunity to be on Teen Mom so she could help other women in her position.  Gak.  I'm sure the lord above was concerned that the eighteen thousand unwed young mothers shows on TV now aren't enough and that what was needed was Bristol's story.  If god chose Bristol for TM, I think it would be to show how awful PTSD is, both for the sufferer and for the rest of the family, especially the spouse.

Who cares about Cheyenne?  Nobody.

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Highlight of the episode (besides Maverick’s haircut) was Tyler telling Catelynn that Nova doesn’t need to watch TV and that she needed to count trees or stare out of the window. The look of shock on Cate’s face was priceless! 

I’m no parent, but having puzzles, coloring/activity books & crayons or other age appropriate options (an Etch-a-Sketch or large Duplo/Lego building blocks) that don’t involve a screen would be good choices too. I’m sure Tyler will have those for both of the kids at HIS house when he divorces the hag and has full custody.

Amber & NuMatt at dinner: was that last thing she said about hoping they last forever “...or I don’t know what I’d do...” a veiled threat about potentially harming herself? The look on her face was weird. Really weird.  I couldn’t tell what the hell she was trying to suggest.

Also, it’s beating a dead horse, I know, but I wish that someone would tell these people that post-partum and bipolar are adjectives when used in the context of mental health. I can’t stand it when these morons continue to butcher the English language. Makes me wonder how much help they really are getting if they can’t even use the correct terminology.

Amber put the final nail in the coffin regarding her relationship with Leah in only two comments.

1. She called Leah “a butthole” on camera and NuMatt had the audacity to agree with her. Just when I think these terrible people can’t shock me with anything else, they do. 

2. She mentioned she wanted a family when talking about the things she was hoping to have. Bitch, you have Leah. Remember her? I thought it was quite telling that she only had a very old photo of Leah hanging up on the wall.

Also, what is so stressful about Amber’s life at home with a newborn baby? She doesn’t have other kids to tend to or anything to actually do during the days, so what is so damn stressful? I don’t get it. 

I am really familiar with behavior patterns/trends of 6th-12th graders, so I have a genuine question about Leah’s behavior on the show during this episode. When she gave Gary the look of death while she was drawing, is that normal behavior for a kiddo at her age when they’re aggravated by a parent? Not that an almost-10-year-old has anything to be aggravated about (as far as I know), but I didn’t understand why she was mad that her dad was talking to her at the table either and why she felt like it was OK to ask him to go to the other room because he was bothering her. 

I understand and am aware that other things happen that we’re not privy to, and that other events occur before the camera rolls, but I thought her behavior choices weren’t very nice. Maybe it’s me and her actions/words were normal for her age. It really stood out to me, hence my sincere inquiry.

Thanks in advance for the information!

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7 hours ago, Lesia said:

That's an understatement, especially regarding Bristol. While I can't profess to understand what it's like being the spouse of a serviceman who has PTSD and anxiety, she really doesn't have much compassion.  Dr. Phil calls it "a soft place to fall".  She doesn't have it. That's very sad.  

Well, look at the family she comes from. She had no chance with those assholes.

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29 minutes ago, Bridget said:

Highlight of the episode (besides Maverick’s haircut) was Tyler telling Catelynn that Nova doesn’t need to watch TV and that she needed to count trees or stare out of the window. The look of shock on Cate’s face was priceless! 

I’m no parent, but having puzzles, coloring/activity books & crayons or other age appropriate options (an Etch-a-Sketch or large Duplo/Lego building blocks) that don’t involve a screen would be good choices too. I’m sure Tyler will have those for both of the kids at HIS house when he divorces the hag and has full custody.

Amber & NuMatt at dinner: was that last thing she said about hoping they last forever “...or I don’t know what I’d do...” a veiled threat about potentially harming herself? The look on her face was weird. Really weird.  I couldn’t tell what the hell she was trying to suggest.

Also, it’s beating a dead horse, I know, but I wish that someone would tell these people that post-partum and bipolar are adjectives when used in the context of mental health. I can’t stand it when these morons continue to butcher the English language. Makes me wonder how much help they really are getting if they can’t even use the correct terminology.

Amber put the final nail in the coffin regarding her relationship with Leah in only two comments.

1. She called Leah “a butthole” on camera and NuMatt had the audacity to agree with her. Just when I think these terrible people can’t shock me with anything else, they do. 

2. She mentioned she wanted a family when talking about the things she was hoping to have. Bitch, you have Leah. Remember her? I thought it was quite telling that she only had a very old photo of Leah hanging up on the wall.

Also, what is so stressful about Amber’s life at home with a newborn baby? She doesn’t have other kids to tend to or anything to actually do during the days, so what is so damn stressful? I don’t get it. 

I am really familiar with behavior patterns/trends of 6th-12th graders, so I have a genuine question about Leah’s behavior on the show during this episode. When she gave Gary the look of death while she was drawing, is that normal behavior for a kiddo at her age when they’re aggravated by a parent? Not that an almost-10-year-old has anything to be aggravated about (as far as I know), but I didn’t understand why she was mad that her dad was talking to her at the table either and why she felt like it was OK to ask him to go to the other room because he was bothering her. 

I understand and am aware that other things happen that we’re not privy to, and that other events occur before the camera rolls, but I thought her behavior choices weren’t very nice. Maybe it’s me and her actions/words were normal for her age. It really stood out to me, hence my sincere inquiry.

Thanks in advance for the information!

I didn’t see it, but just by what you described it sounds like Leah is comfortable with Gary and able to say how she feels. Perhaps she thought if Gary went to the other room, the camera would follow him.

Or, Leah was being a brat ?

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10 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Does anyone have a link to the episode? Watching may qualify as self injury, but I don’t have  cable ?

I can't find a link for the full episode but if you go to this twitter page, all of the segments are posted. In this segment Cate plays the victim. Enjoy!

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1 minute ago, druzy said:

I can't find a link for the full episode but if you go to this twitter page, all of the segments are posted. In this segment Cate plays the victim. Enjoy!

Oh thank you @druzy!!! For some odd reason MTVs website refuses to upload the newest episode for “restrictions”. I wasn’t looking forward to watching this episode but the more difficult It was for me to find the episode has made me want to watch it even more! “Want what you can’t have!” Lol. BRB. Time to watch this snooze fest.

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3 hours ago, Cherry Cola said:

And he is adorable! Aww.  Much better with the haircut.  

Corey is a likeable famewhore. 

I don't feel the show is lacking due to Farrah.  I totally forget about her until she is mentioned here.  

If you've ever watched The Challenge, you'd know that Corey is not likable at all. He's fucking asshole. 

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2 minutes ago, jacksgirl said:

Broke up with TM awhile ago. Praying Calm81 is right and ratings are low and they will cancel this sh**show so all of these idiots can go get real jobs except Gary who actually has one.

ALL the idiots, male and female alike.

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Okay, I finally “watched” the episode. I put them in quotes because I was blanking out while watching it meanwhile contemplating purchasing Tide pods or Gain since I have a $2 off coupon for - that’s how exciting this show is now.

I felt emotion for Bristol’s scenes, only because they seem like a genuine husband and wife and it’s sad to watch them end their marriage with kids involved. It’s also weird watching someone that can speak in an articulate way. I’m used to Farrah speak. This show has hindered my vocabulary. ?

Cate annoyed me to no end. Both her and ty were looking for things to bitch about but Tyler was extra sensitive. “Was that a sigh due to hesitation?” right off the bat. He sounds soooooo over her shit that the littlest thing sends him over the edge!!! Nice to see Cates friend back - I guess the suspicion we had whether or not Ty was hooking up with her has been debunked?

Maci is a bitch. She was soooooo happy to see Jen when she was young with no money for a babysitter but now she leaves her waiting in the living room for her heiness???? Bitch please, the homework could have waited just a second for you a o say hello to your child grandma!

I hate these people.

Edit to add: Did anyone else think NuMatt looked stabby everytime the word depression or medication came out of Ambers mouth? I mean, I can’t stabd hearing it come out of her mouth because I’ve heard it from her and cate FOR YEARS but imagine living with her??? She never has lighthearted conversations it’s always about depressing shit or her woe is me crap - or bringing up old Matt for millionth time. 

Okay I’m done now lol. Sorry for rambling.

Edited by Calm81
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7 hours ago, ava111 said:

How TF Catelynn doesn't think there is anything wrong in their marriage and they were "fine" the last two years? Because Tyler walks around her on the eggshells and every time there is something he would want to discuss (like him not being happy) Catelyn goes into her "mental illness" persona and shuts down any further discussion. The same goes for her mother-in-law and probably the rest of their family. So of course she thinks they are perfectly ok. She keeps getting new diagnoses just so she can keep this victim more going and doesn't have to take any responsibility about anything in their marriage. Now she comes back with PTSD diagnosis. Compare that bullshit with the real PTSD that Dakota has. She comes home after almost 6 months of nature walks and movie marathons and just couple days in she can't deal with her daughter following her everywhere. She spent all that time trying to avoid real work on herself (as little as that facility can provide) by taking naps and staying up all night watching movies so no wonder she is still not equipped dealing even with the simplest real life stuff. 

I say this as someone with severe depression diagnosis and who had to finish couple outpatient treatments. My worst depression is under control with the help of the right medication for the last couple of years as I came to be able to live with the fact that my pain and insomnia are not going away and I am not able to work and bring home any income. I felt worthless for so long and guilty about me doing nothing for years while my husband works 70-80 hours a week. I had to quit a job I loved as I was getting worse and after 5 years of fighting fibromyalgia I was missing so much work I would be fired. Now I have been home for 8 years and it took almost 6  to get to a point I can actually leave the house once a week instead barely once a month only for doctor appointments. I never had the financial resources and MTV help but if Catelyn had even a bit of inclination to be better and do better after all the years she spent in therapy she would be better. At this point she is too far gone to change. She sees herself as someone very brave to bring the mental health issues on the tv screen and thinks she is actually helping other people. Tyler can just go and leave her and she will continue with her victim mentality and people telling her how "strong" she is will just perpetuate the problem. How can someone who feels so low can also sit on such a high horse? 

Thank you! My husband has severe depression too. Had inpatient and outpatient treatment before I met him. His drug regimen would cost thousands a month without insurance. It really sucks - so it drives me crazy how these girls toss the “mental health” excuse around for their behavior and well IMO just pure laziness.

But onto the show I didn’t watch. Guessing not worth the lather, rinse and repeating. 

Amber - maybe your daughter doesn’t want to be around you cause she’s old enough now that she figured out you only really want her to come around when the cameras are rolling. 

Edited by Jennifersdc
Edited to add - I’m pretty furious that Cate apparently compared her “PTSD” to poor Dakota.
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I know it has been commented on before, Hell, I may have done so myself, but Christ on a cracker, I was SHOCKED by the garbled word salad that passes for speech with Nova. I even went to check her birthday - seems to be January 1 2015. Thus means she is over 3 and a half. And she goes to day care/preschool. This should only aid in her speech development, ie, playing and engaging with kids and teachers during activity time. 

I can’t even snark on it that much. Poor little thing needs an intervention STAT. 

Its a good thing she is turning out to be so pretty because her parents are truly failing her in terms of her intellectual development. She will have her looks  to fall back on...like Tyler...?

Cosign whoever posted that this show only proves that money alone can’t fix things 

oh, and Cate is on her way to being an even nastier, self absorbed, narcissistic version of her mother.

i was really struck by how her face turned into this hardened sneer when Tyler asked her to watch the past season with him.

That girl is just one super-sized, whining Id. 

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