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S07.E19: Welcome to the Family


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1 hour ago, lidarose9 said:

I've been trying to shake myself loose from these damn shows for so long, ever since their kids got old enough to know what's going on. I feel like me watching is the same as validating their stupid behavior; it's the same as putting money in their pockets. I absolutely can't condone putting money in Jenelle's pocket anymore, especially after that "road rage" incident. I have to do the same with this show cuz I won't reward attention whores with more attention, not to mention money. I wish I lived in a world where I didn't have to even know the Palins exist, and I'm sure not going to watch a fake soap opera about their problems. I can find out when Ryan relapses and when Catelynn goes back to 'rehab' by reading this forum. You guys are a hell of a lot more entertaining anyhow. 

Thank you!

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I say this as someone who has battled clinical depression most of my entire adult life (and even before that) and as someone who has had a lot of sympathy for Cate's depression.  There's one thing left for her to do: GET A JOB.


YES!  I agree with your entire post - you said it well!  I know that when I am home, even for a day with nothing on the schedule, I feel unmoored.   I could not imagine living her life, I get anxiety thinking about it.  I wonder if this has been addressed by any of the hundreds of therapists she has seen.

  • Love 5

I’m only like 30 minutes into the episode so I have not read yet but I had to say, PLEASE keep Sasquatch Andrew’s giant, disgusting foot the hell off my screen! Barf! ? It was all I could see and look at when Amber was telling her producer her birthing story. Probably because it took up a third of the fucking screen, making it larger than life. I have the opposite of a foot fetish, clearly, but dammmmmmmn! (Sorry if this has been mentioned.)

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 13

I caaaan’t (still) with Catelynn, Tyler or anyone else in their scenes. *insert Roxanne gif* 

PS: can they brush Nova’s hair already? And the unkempt child constantly asking for baths (I just watched a bunch of last season) is suspect.

Fucking Cory. The last thing I want is to see his ass on another show. He has annoyed me so much douching, whoring and gaslighting his way around The Challenge. I didn’t even try Ex On the Beach because he was on it. I don’t know why MTV keeps trying to make him happen. He was even on the billboard for The Challenge and then went home third! I’ve never thought that someone should get Botox before but the lines on Cory’s forehead are fucking brutal. It’s good to see he is an actual father, though. Cheyenne’s just whatever, I’ve never had much of an opinion about her. She’s pretty and their daughter is ADORABLE! They both seem very into parenting her and that’s nice to see. Cheyenne’s new boyfriend is kinda hot and seems like a good guy. I hope he doesn’t make me regret saying saying that by douching out hard later.

I like the Bristol Stool Scale more than I like this Bristol. It’s more entertaining too. She’s always seemed cold and narcissistic. PTSD is a bitch, for that alone I feel for her (ex) husband. Bristol and her husband have only known each other a few years and they hurriedly pumped out two children? Yikes. I wonder how involved Levi Johnston (Trippppp’s dad) is and if he will be showing up on the show? 

It was nice of Leah’s parents to make sure she saw Amber’s baby as quickly as possible. Amber will never appreciate things like that. Amber seems to care way more about showing everyone she can be a good mom to James than actually being a good mom (per her own words on this episode and last season). She keeps bringing up “showing people.” I’m gonna pretend that Andrew fed the crew or something and all that food he was grilling wasn’t just for the two of them. Gross!!!

I didn’t miss Mackenzie ?. And we still get the Ryan drama so ??‍♀️ whatever about them being off the show. We’re just missing their lame bullshit excuses and Jen crying. I wish Taylor would cut that stupid beard already. And Maci should take out those nasty gauges in her ears. Just my personal preferences, obviously, though. 

20 hours ago, druzy said:

I'm not familiar with Cory's appearances on Are You the One or The Challenge but he is easy on the eyes. 

We ain’t friends no more!!!!  ? 

Wow, this show is definitely way less popular than TM2, I expected a lot more posts by now.

  • Love 4

Wait a minute, I get all the Ryan should get his shit together talk but why does Taylor get such a pass in this one? 

Did he or did he not start the whole mess that ended in court by tweeting something that maybe he shouldn't have? Bentley is old enough to read those tweets about his dad coming from his step-dad. Then they are so nose in the air on the way to court like they didn't instigate the whole thing? 

Not one time did I hear Maci, Taylor, Jen, or Larry say that maybe, just maybe Taylor was at fault and shouldn't have went there? 

  • Love 12

I am not watching either Teen Mom anymore but still come read about them. I just cant contribute to anything that is going to make these girls think they are famous. I can't stand Cate and Amber and don't know why Cheyenne is even on this show other than having fame whore Corey's kid. 

I don't understand why anyone would fuck him when he has been with her, Taylor, the other girl from Ex on the Beach, Anissa, Camila, and numerous others. Like who the fuck would want to fuck him after him sleeping with half the cast of The Challenge?

I don't understanf Cate's need to be continuously knocked up, she doesn't even mother Carly Jr. The last thing she needs to be doing is popping out another kid. This woman needs to work on herself and not bring another kid into her fucked up life. She needs to get off the couch, put down the quesadillas and go do something with herself, sitting around rehashing the Carly situation and how depressed she is isn't going to make any of it go away. To be a better person she needs to help herself and quit sabotaging herself. If she didn't have money she couldn't afford to lay around and drop money on rehab every season. As much as I loathe her husband, it does have to be tiring of her antics. 

And don't even get me started on Amber. She is about as smart as a toothbrush and can't be alone for one second and needs a dude to take care of her. I swear both her and Cate and all their talk about themselves is fucking tiring.

At this point I would rather watch Young and Pregnant 

  • Love 14
4 hours ago, Rebecca said:

Wow, this show is definitely way less popular than TM2, I expected a lot more posts by now.

So did I!

But I just watched and to me it’s the same old same old. Ryan’s on drugs! Catelynn maybe the most unsympathetic “mentally ill” person ever! Amber wants to prove to everybody she’s a good mother with Baby Sasquatch!  

God bless you Baby Jesus save me (maybe from God striking me down) - but I actually found Bristol Palin to be way more mature and likable than expected. That’s probably from being toted around the nation as an actual teen mom cause your mother decided it was a good idea to run for Vice President.

Easy money I guess - except I’m pretty sure we’ll see the dissolution of her marriage thanks to our partners in Hell - MTV.

The other girl and her MTV one night stand? - just seemed like typical famewhores to me.

I was also folding laundry through the entire episode so may have missed a few key points.

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, Stusan said:

Is it just me, or do the new dads seem so much older than the original cast? They act more like 20-somethings, too, unlike the original cast who are like teenagers with copious amounts of facial hair. (Please believe me when I am not calling Cory and Dakota mature, but MORE mature than the OG cast for sure.)

Probably because they had to live in the real world, at least when they were teens and in their early 20s, unlike the original cast. Cory is a famewhore but he didn’t get on tv until like 22/23 and didn’t get famous and $ until recently at 26/27. I’m sure he’s had real jobs, even just during high school and before MTV. And Dakota went to war at a young age and has seen some shit many (thankfully) never will. Even Bristol has lived “in the real world” and worked a real job (according to herself anyway), I’m assuming Cheyenne has as well. Some of them probably went to college of some sort too. The original cast, for the most part, hasn’t done jack shit but “work” for mtv while staying emotionally stunted. Cory and Dakota were also both quite a bit older than the original cast when they started having kids. 

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 10

@MyPeopleAreNordic your post is on point!!!  And I could not agree more.  I have bipolar disorder and my psychiatrist has always recommended me to work because she thinks it is better for me and I agree.


I tread lightly doling out my compliments to the "cast" but after watching the rest of it I thought Cory seemed like a really good dad.  And then I was super excited to see Nelson??? I just laughed when I typed that.  Cheyenne really gets under my skin.  She seems trying very hard to have a storyline with the gym class shenanigans. Her mom was not letting her get a word in edgewise.  I also feel like the baby/verge of toddlerhood should be out of her infant carrier by now. 

Okay, I'm going to wait for Amber to see how she ends up parenting James.  I'm almost 100% sure when he is mobile she will be annoyed but for her to express remorse about how she parented Leah I felt a little twinge of something for her. And she is right about the people she had in her life then, that does make a difference.  I also find it refreshing as fuck that she named the baby James.

I ended up liking Bristol. She seems to have avoided being trashy even thought the only thing I ever read about her in the media seems like she might have some drama but she seemed calm and productive.  I don't know what it's like to have PTSD or be in the military. Her husband seemed like he was really boiling over, even in the car. They lack the proper communication skills. I noted the way she put her hand on his arm to try and connect with him and maybe calm him a little. She's a younger women and probably doesn't know what to do with his trauma. I think they moved into their lives very quickly and didn't properly get to know each other before having children and marrying.  Like most of us they probably argue and say things they can't take back out of anger.  Well, that's enough from Dr. IDreamOfJoaquin.

YES, TYLER AND KIM, YES!!!!  I am glad Tyler had Kim for a support system.  She knows what it's like to have the focus be on Butch and his lifelong recovery.  I saw Tyler was getting slammed a little for being critical of Cate but he needs to join us on these boards!! We totally get it and see it.  She's at her rehab and not even doing the work.  And now he has to take care of Nova but also THE HORSE.  I feel like she is happy right now getting attention from this pregnancy but when that is over we are going to be pressing Repeat. 

  • Love 9

I also agree with everything @MyPeopleAreNordic said regarding depression.  Cate could also use a hobby, something to boost her self confidence.   Similar to the job, it should be something that takes her away from her house and helps her interact with others.

I haven't watched the show in years but I keep up on things through this forum.   From my perspective of what I'm reading, Cate suffers from something I did in high school ... for lack of an appropriate scientific term, it is:  "when I have X" syndrome.  As in, "when I have X, my life will be so much better!"    I had a rough go of it and was depressed when I was in high school.  I couldn't wait to get to college because life would be so much better.  Etc, etc ...  Cate does this with babies, with marriage, with pigs, with horses, with trips to the spa ...  Eventually I realized that no matter where I went or what was going on in my life, I had to take me with me.   So I had to figure out why I was so unhappy being me and then work on that.    Hopefully Cate will realize that no matter where she goes, there she is and she can start working on and starting to accept and love the only thing she really has control over ... herself.

  • Love 17

Catelynn's rehab/therapy seems to be like a summer camp. I understand that she has depression and needs help.. however to go away for 6 weeks every couple of months is ridiculous and unproductive. This is like the 10th time she's gone that we know of. She should be getting therapy elsewhere at this point because this place does not seem to be helping her. Preferably close by so she can see her daughter every once in a while. And like many others have said, get a job! Having a job doesn't always mean people need money, but a lot of times it's therapeutic to get out of the house and have routine and socialize with other people.. and making money at the same time doesn't hurt.

  • Love 9
6 hours ago, IDreamofJoaquin said:

@MyPeopleAreNordic your post is on point!!!  And I could not agree more.  I have bipolar disorder and my psychiatrist has always recommended me to work because she thinks it is better for me and I agree.


I tread lightly doling out my compliments to the "cast" but after watching the rest of it I thought Cory seemed like a really good dad.  And then I was super excited to see Nelson??? I just laughed when I typed that.  Cheyenne really gets under my skin.  She seems trying very hard to have a storyline with the gym class shenanigans. Her mom was not letting her get a word in edgewise.  I also feel like the baby/verge of toddlerhood should be out of her infant carrier by now. 

Okay, I'm going to wait for Amber to see how she ends up parenting James.  I'm almost 100% sure when he is mobile she will be annoyed but for her to express remorse about how she parented Leah I felt a little twinge of something for her. And she is right about the people she had in her life then, that does make a difference.  I also find it refreshing as fuck that she named the baby James.

I ended up liking Bristol. She seems to have avoided being trashy even thought the only thing I ever read about her in the media seems like she might have some drama but she seemed calm and productive.  I don't know what it's like to have PTSD or be in the military. Her husband seemed like he was really boiling over, even in the car. They lack the proper communication skills. I noted the way she put her hand on his arm to try and connect with him and maybe calm him a little. She's a younger women and probably doesn't know what to do with his trauma. I think they moved into their lives very quickly and didn't properly get to know each other before having children and marrying.  Like most of us they probably argue and say things they can't take back out of anger.  Well, that's enough from Dr. IDreamOfJoaquin.

YES, TYLER AND KIM, YES!!!!  I am glad Tyler had Kim for a support system.  She knows what it's like to have the focus be on Butch and his lifelong recovery.  I saw Tyler was getting slammed a little for being critical of Cate but he needs to join us on these boards!! We totally get it and see it.  She's at her rehab and not even doing the work.  And now he has to take care of Nova but also THE HORSE.  I feel like she is happy right now getting attention from this pregnancy but when that is over we are going to be pressing Repeat. 

Both my babies stayed in the baby wearer/Carrier until 15 months and my son is now a year. It’s not crazy for that baby to still be in a baby carrier. 

What IS crazy is taking her to “gymnastics”!! Not Gymboree but GYMNASTICS! Like that baby’s gonna start going cartwheels and balance beam at 1!

  • Love 6
15 minutes ago, teapot said:

does anyone else think Bristol kind of talks like a robot?

Cheyenne wants Cory so bad.  I like how they call the baby "Mooch."

Nova:  "mommy, don't leave me!"

Momoftheyear:  "I can't stay on the phone forever!!"

what a good idea those two had, having yet another kid....smh

Cate had to watch a movie!!! She couldn’t stay on the phone!

  • Love 21
4 hours ago, NannyBails said:

I haven't watched the show in years but I keep up on things through this forum.   From my perspective of what I'm reading, Cate suffers from something I did in high school ... for lack of an appropriate scientific term, it is:  "when I have X" syndrome.  As in, "when I have X, my life will be so much better!"    I had a rough go of it and was depressed when I was in high school.  I couldn't wait to get to college because life would be so much better.  Etc, etc ...  Cate does this with babies, with marriage, with pigs, with horses, with trips to the spa ...  Eventually I realized that no matter where I went or what was going on in my life, I had to take me with me.   So I had to figure out why I was so unhappy being me and then work on that.    Hopefully Cate will realize that no matter where she goes, there she is and she can start working on and starting to accept and love the only thing she really has control over ... herself.

Co-signing this!

I think when we're young, a lot of people do that whole "when I have X" thing that you're describing, @NannyBails. Most of us figure it out after it doesn't "work" a few times.  By our mid-20s (or before), most of us have matured and realized that.  But of course, Cate is still 16 when it comes to maturity. 

  • Love 5
18 hours ago, citychic said:

Wait a minute, I get all the Ryan should get his shit together talk but why does Taylor get such a pass in this one? 

Did he or did he not start the whole mess that ended in court by tweeting something that maybe he shouldn't have? Bentley is old enough to read those tweets about his dad coming from his step-dad. Then they are so nose in the air on the way to court like they didn't instigate the whole thing? 

Not one time did I hear Maci, Taylor, Jen, or Larry say that maybe, just maybe Taylor was at fault and shouldn't have went there? 

It was really a tweet on the same thought that everyone else in the universe had been thinking - and he didn't name any names.  And I don't really think venting about 2 jobless grown adults should warrant someone threatening to shoot up your house.

3 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

Catelynn's rehab/therapy seems to be like a summer camp. I understand that she has depression and needs help.. however to go away for 6 weeks every couple of months is ridiculous and unproductive. This is like the 10th time she's gone that we know of. She should be getting therapy elsewhere at this point because this place does not seem to be helping her. Preferably close by so she can see her daughter every once in a while. And like many others have said, get a job! Having a job doesn't always mean people need money, but a lot of times it's therapeutic to get out of the house and have routine and socialize with other people.. and making money at the same time doesn't hurt.

I don't even understand how Cate was able to 'skip class' - how is that even allowed in that kind of environment?? 

  • Love 17
9 minutes ago, gunderda said:

It was really a tweet on the same thought that everyone else in the universe had been thinking - and he didn't name any names.  And I don't really think venting about 2 jobless grown adults should warrant someone threatening to shoot up your house.

It was in response to someone asking how Taylor deals with Mackenzie and Ryan talking so much shit about him and Maci so it was 100% obvious who he was referring to but I otherwise agree. I think Ryan saw a little too much truth in that statement or he wouldn’t have gotten so mad. So instead of working to change it he just lashed out and made things worse. Like the petulant teenager he’s always been inside. And it’s always someone else’s fault.

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 4
2 hours ago, KittyKat133 said:

What IS crazy is taking her to “gymnastics”!! Not Gymboree but GYMNASTICS! Like that baby’s gonna start going cartwheels and balance beam at 1!

Starting as early as possible is better for developing talent. Some gyms take babies as young as 10 months! I wonder if Cheyenne was a gymnast or someone in her family was and they want her daughter to follow suit. Otherwise it’s kind of random and I can see how it sounds weird but a lot of gymnasts started at 1-2 years of age. They’re obviously not doing actual moves at that stage but super basic stuff and flexibility. 

I just read that Cheyenne’s real first name is Kristyn, Cheyenne is her middle name. I noticed her sister’s name on screen was listed as K. _____ ______ (two other names I’ve forgotten) and wondered what was up with that. Also it looks like her daughter is Ryder K.

  • Love 5

Cheyenne is always sitting in the back seat with her daughter - is that normal or am I not wrong that it seems a little odd? 

My mom has always done that with my nephews - sits with them in the back and leaves my dad up front by himself - even now that my nephews are 10 and 13 and its just so freaking weird to me!


And it looked like Amber got a new couch? something actually functional and they shouldn't need to keep covered with a sheet 24/7?

  • Love 7
On 02/10/2018 at 11:32 PM, TresGatos said:

Bristol Meyers husband is a Medal of Honor recipient. From Wikipedia:

"On 8 September 2009, near the village of Ganjgal, Meyer learned that three Marines and a Navy corpsman, who were members of Meyer's squad and his friends, were missing after being ambushed by a group of insurgents. Under enemy fire, Meyer entered an area known to be inhabited by insurgents and eventually found the four missing servicemen dead and stripped of their weapons, body armor and radios. There he saw a Taliban fighter trying to take the bodies. The fighter tackled Meyer, and after a brief scuffle, Meyer grabbed a baseball-sized rock and beat the fighter to death.[8] With the help of Afghan soldiers, he moved the bodies to a safer area where they could be extracted.[9] During his search, Meyer "personally evacuated 12 friendly wounded and provided cover for another 24 Marines and soldiers to escape likely death at the hands of a numerically superior and determined foe."

Uh huh...

  • Love 2

I think this is a wrap for me. Since I watch the episodes online a few days later, I have always found at least 3-4 pages of snark here. Now there are barely two and that says a lot.

I'm interested in seeing how things will develop when Cate gets home and how long will Amber's fairytale last, but I don't have the energy to watch the rest of them. Cheyenne has zero storyline and brings nothing to the table. I don't care for Bristol either. I am not interested, invested or able to make myself care enough to watch and ff. I will satisfy my curiosity by coming here. Thanks for the snark in advance and you guys crock!!!

  • Love 7

If Catelynn thinks her life sucks now wait until the MTV Money Train is over..... No more paychecks, Tyler leaves her and takes the kids and nails her ass for child support, Sierra Tucson Rehabilitation facility and Dr. Drew no longer return her phone calls... I'm not saying this to be mean but it's the truth... She has a real opportunity here and still does... she can turn this around.  Learn some coping skills at this facility, try to be independent from Tyler, be a mother to your child, get yourself a two-year vocational degree to do something...anything to support yourself when this ends..... So many people would give anything for the opportunity she has been given.

  • Love 13

I might be in the minority here (and not to make it racial) but I actually enjoy seeing a positive depiction of co-parenting and being a present father by a young, ethnic pair. Despite his past, Cory appears to be very affectionate with Ryder and gives her all the love a little girl needs. I just wish Cheyenne wasn't moving in a boyfriend so early in her daughter's life as I do sense some feelings betewen Cory and her still. And shame on her mom for implying that he's "like her stepfather" like that gives him equal rights as Cory ?.

I felt the disgust through my television when Tyler said he's repulsed by Cate's laziness. Hopefully she'll look back on this episode and change her ways. And I don't believe for 1 second that Cate and Tyler were using protection (appropriately) and still ended up pregnant. I can see her being the type to stop taking birth control and not telling Tyler then "miraculously" becoming pregnant.

We could really have less talking from Sasquatch. His voice is odd. I just hope Leah doesn't feel slighted and begin to question why she can't have her mom 24/7 and James can.

Bristol and Dakota's situation is unfortunate. He's dealing with alot but doesn't know how to express it in a way that Bristol can receive it and try to help. I feel bad for their babies who are obviously in a tense environment. 

  • Love 12
18 hours ago, Mr. Minor said:

When Sasquatch was grilling it looked like their 10 dogs had turned the backyard into a hog lot. I don't even want to think about the inside of the house.

Ewww imagine the wrap arounds that come out of that huge mastiff.  When they had Gary and Leah and family there the dogs were standing over them right in peoples faces I was like wouldn’t it be polite to put the dogs in the other room?? I love dogs but I found that odd

Edited by Mainer
  • Love 2
8 hours ago, EuropeanGirl said:

I think this is a wrap for me. Since I watch the episodes online a few days later, I have always found at least 3-4 pages of snark here. Now there are barely two and that says a lot.

I'm interested in seeing how things will develop when Cate gets home and how long will Amber's fairytale last, but I don't have the energy to watch the rest of them. Cheyenne has zero storyline and brings nothing to the table. I don't care for Bristol either. I am not interested, invested or able to make myself care enough to watch and ff. I will satisfy my curiosity by coming here. Thanks for the snark in advance and you guys crock!!!

Come to the light!  I haven't watched in years but I stay caught up by reading here.  Plus the posters here are witty, insightful and delightfully snarky so coming here is better than watching. 

  • Love 11

And I definitely think we have only gotten a smidge of what’s coming from the new girls... mtv doesn’t pick someone that’s not gonna bring the drama, Brianna is a prime example, my first thought was “oh ya I remember her, why’d they bring her back? She was sweet but kinda boring “ by the end of the season we see the exorcist throwing vases and screaming like a banshee.. I get a strong suspicion Bristol will somehow bring in a lot or it could be Cheyenne with her “mixed feelings”... I think we are all gonna be snarkin on these bitches in no time!

  • Love 2

Also... as a horse owner myself,  Caitlyn should Not have a horse, that horse hadn’t been brushed or groomed in a long time, it’s out there alone, horses don’t like to be alone they need a buddy even if it’s a mini horse (cheap to feed) UNLESS you’re spending lots of time with them they may be okay.. but to check out for 2 months and leave Tyler to deal with it, he obviously doesn’t know what to do, horses need there feet trimmed etc.. like hello? Then she mentions oh we will have to get him a friend or whatever. Like no! Sell the horse! Your not a good horse owner! She’s not taking care of the basic needs of a horse. That poor horse came from a farm with lots of other horse to go live a life solitude.. not fair to the poor horse and I’m sure the people that sold her the horse will see that clip and instantly want the horse back.. so sad! 

Edited by Mainer
  • Love 20
16 hours ago, KittyKat133 said:

Both my babies stayed in the baby wearer/Carrier until 15 months and my son is now a year. It’s not crazy for that baby to still be in a baby carrier. 

If she was born in March of 2017 and I think they were filming this in May-June 2018 then she would have been about 15 months so my assessment is correct!  


14 hours ago, Rebecca said:

Starting as early as possible is better for developing talent. Some gyms take babies as young as 10 months! I wonder if Cheyenne was a gymnast or someone in her family was and they want her daughter to follow suit. Otherwise it’s kind of random and I can see how it sounds weird but a lot of gymnasts started at 1-2 years of age. They’re obviously not doing actual moves at that stage but super basic stuff and flexibility. 

I wonder if MTV suggested the activity for something to film her doing and it was the focus point of her story this week.   

I just started taking my daughter to a similar class and it's like herding cats. The just run around and fall over and don't even do the obstacles set up for them.  

  • Love 4
On 10/4/2018 at 1:19 AM, Mainer said:

Also... as a horse owner myself,  Caitlyn should Not have a horse, that horse hadn’t been brushed or groomed in a long time, it’s out there alone, horses don’t like to be alone they need a buddy even if it’s a mini horse (cheap to feed) UNLESS you’re spending lots of time with them they may be okay.. but to check out for 2 months and leave Tyler to deal with it, he obviously doesn’t know what to do, horses need there feet trimmed etc.. like hello? Then she mentions oh we will have to get him a friend or whatever. Like no! Sell the horse! Your not a good horse owner! She’s not taking care of the basic needs of a horse. That poor horse came from a farm with lots of other horse to go live a life solitude.. not fair to the poor horse and I’m sure the people that sold her the horse will see that clip and instantly want the horse back.. so sad! 


I have no sympathy for Cate she's a selfish bitch. That poor horse.


Here's the video:

Edited by druzy
  • Love 5

I haven’t read the comments but I will after I post this - I’m kinda hoping I will read the same thought I’m having lol.

Here goes....


I almost was not going to watch this episode because Teen Mom OG is soooo boring these days and the fact that they added a new cast of moms (one who wasn’t a teen mom) made me even more anti watching. However, I finally watched it and I have some things to say.

Catelynne, Amber and Maci you better start acting respectful towards MTV (no more bitchy walk offs during reunions and specials) because I ENJOYED watching Bristol and Cheyenne’s segments and I FAST FORWARD through all of the other moms aside from the sad FaceTime call from Catelynn to Nova. Cate, Amber and especially Maci are sooooo replaceable!!!! They obviously are tossing the “OG” aspect out the door so I’m hoping these three stooges get tossed because they aren’t adding anything new.

  • Love 7

@druzy... watching that video infuriates me! “She might be wanting another horse” no what she wants is a normal life, Tyler looked like he had a handful of straw trying to feed her, that horse doesn’t want that... ugh!  It’s funny how Nova says I wanna see mommy and Tyler says here you can see her all you want, with a tone of I’m not interested in seeing her.. 

  • Love 10
7 minutes ago, Mainer said:

@druzy... watching that video infuriates me! “She might be wanting another horse” no what she wants is a normal life, Tyler looked like he had a handful of straw trying to feed her, that horse doesn’t want that... ugh!  It’s funny how Nova says I wanna see mommy and Tyler says here you can see her all you want, with a tone of I’m not interested in seeing her.. 

Cate probably doesn't keep up with vaccinations, deworming, teeth cleaning etc. She needs to give that horse back and Tyler needs to serve her with divorce papers.

  • Love 12

I'm not even really a horse person (when I was a kid, my aunt had a sweet retired race horse on her cattle farm that chilled with the cows and that's about all my exposure to them...I never rode him, just fed and brushed him), but I'm sad for Catelynn's horse.

Can't they at least pay for it to go live in a stable with other horses where it can be taken care of and interacted with daily by the staff/cared for properly? I know some wealthier families who own horses but they live in the city/suburbs and pay for the horses to be kept at stables. They go ride the horses once a week (in some cases, more), but the stable is providing the horse's daily care & it gets to hang out with the other horses.  I know it's expensive, but Cate and Tyler have the money. Cate could still go see the horse all she wants (and she'd have to leave her house & be "in the world" to do so, which would probably help her depression). I don't get why they don't do that for that poor horse. I wonder if Cate even knows it's a thing that many middle and upper class people do with their horses (since she aspires to be like Theresa and all).   

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3 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I'm not even really a horse person (when I was a kid, my aunt had a sweet retired race horse on her cattle farm that chilled with the cows and that's about all my exposure to them...I never rode him, just fed and brushed him), but I'm sad for Catelynn's horse.

Can't they at least pay for it to go live in a stable with other horses where it can be taken care of and interacted with daily by the staff/cared for properly? I know some wealthier families who own horses but they live in the city/suburbs and pay for the horses to be kept at stables. They go ride the horses once a week (in some cases, more), but the stable is providing the horse's daily care & it gets to hang out with the other horses.  I know it's expensive, but Cate and Tyler have the money. Cate could still go see the horse all she wants (and she'd have to leave her house & be "in the world" to do so, which would probably help her depression). I don't get why they don't do that for that poor horse. I wonder if Cate even knows it's a thing that many middle and upper class people do with their horses (since she aspires to be like Theresa and all).   

Sort of like leaving the damn horse where it was in the first place? But no! Cate needs a pony!

 I'm no animal lover, but after the whole super secret nighttime pig extraction I knew Cate's care was no place for any living being. Animal or otherwise. 

Edited by Brooklynista
  • Love 16
1 minute ago, Brooklynista said:

Sort of like leaving the damn horse where it was in the first place?  I'm no animal lover, but after the whole super secret nighttime pig extraction I knew Cate's care was no place for any living being. Animal or otherwise. 

Lol, I guess so. 

I stopped watching the show a while ago, so I guess I forgot the horse was stabled when she bought it. 

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I finally got around to watching this. .Why the hell does Amber INSIST on calling Leah BOOGER? Come on you illiterate dumb fuck, call her by her name. Or did you forget?

I FF Cheyenne. I don't know anything about her and don't care to. I enjoyed Bristol's segments. Maci and Tyler (sorry Catelynn) is the same old boring shit as usual.

This show is tired.

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