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S20.E01: Man Up/S20.E02: Man Down


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the school shooting thing was really random and pointless, also the description made it sound like the kid was going to kill himself not go on a rampage, also i think olivia didn't have an abortion but she regrets not having kids sooner was the idea, don't care for rollins problems,  noah redeemed himself somewhat by going after olivia, glad to see the father did suffer some consequences, what a jerk 

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, cfinboston said:

Maybe the "Sir" was a Ben Stone throwback. He called everyone sir including defendants. 

Ben always called witnesses “sir”, which Peter does sometimes, but never the people he was close to, although now that I think about it he did call Adam Schiff “sir” a couple of times when he was angry at him I believe, so maybe Peter was doing the same thing with McCoy. It would’ve been nice though if Stone had referred to him as “Jack” or “McCoy” instead of just “the DA”, I love the show’s continuity and references to other characters and they blew an opportunity terribly there.

Benson is really going to screw up Noah by bringing her general distrust of all men home to her son. She seems to think Noah will turn out bad because his bio dad was a bad guy and he has a penis. I’m beyond sick of Noah drama and I don’t want to see a lot of him this season. 

Fin and Carisi are awesome, Carisi had some excellent scenes in this episode and Fin was awesome as always, blunt and not afraid to tell it like it is. They are by far the 2 characters that always add a lot to the show, and I hope they continue to be used a lot. I’m afraid Stone is starting to get watered down, he seemed to be letting his emotions and Benson’s wishes influence his actions.

  • Love 7
16 hours ago, Everleigh said:

Small children aren't exactly known for their consistency. 

Oh, how I know they aren't consistent, but I thought Noah's behavior at the end and at worst, should be just some annoying backtalk. But when he (and someone mentioned this before) assaulted Benson, I thought that was too much over the top. If they show Benson talking to the shrink in the future, I am sure this incident will come up.

  • Love 4

OK, SVU -- after last night, I now have "I'll Make A Man Out Of YOU!" (from Mulan!) stuck in my head!

Since the best way to get rid of an earworm like that is to pass it on to someone else, here ya go!  You're welcome!

So....if the dad had a daughter instead of sons, and he wanted to punish her for something......he would RAPE her?!  Holy shit, he needs to be under the prison!

Agree that Kelli's pregnancy didn't need to be written in.  Who the hell was the random cheating boyfriend at the beginning?  Have we ever seen him before?  And do we care??  Since the show is a soap opera nowadays anyway, they could've taken a page from All My Children that time they didn't want to write in Susan Lucci's pregnancy.  They had Erica Kane do some stress-overeating and gain weight!   Amanda could have replaced her gambling addiction with food and they could send her to OA as well as GA!

  • Love 8

I'm always getting annoyed by Olivia and her omnipresence on the show. She may be the commanding officer, but, she's never too busy to be on patrol, Swat duty, lab duty, crime scenes, morgue, the service of warrants, searches, arrests, DA office direction, courtroom duty, prisoner exchanges, interrogations, media opts, and Press meetings.  Well, this episode made it clear one place that she doesn't show up at.......the gym.  lol 

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On 9/27/2018 at 11:23 PM, WineCheeseChocolat said:

Seriously, they should’ve dressed Kelli in loose black clothes and then shipped Rollins off to Atlanta (and WTF that she wouldn’t be able to get an abortion in Atlanta, it’s a major city, not a backwater) for some family emergency.

I took that as not about access but not being able to get past the stigma her circle (mother and sister) would throw at her.


Random thoughts:

I didn’t realize Dr BabyDaddy was the Father of the Bride guy.

Thank god they’re finally addressing Benson’s physical c9ndition. She’s been huffing and puffing through her lines for years.

For a second there I was totally expecting Dylan Walsh to repeat his previous murder crime on the show, but as soon as we saw the kids on campus I knew the shooting was coming.

Weird way to introduce the shrink—maybe we’ll see more of her?

Benson abortion out of nowhere!

  • Love 4

I can accept that Stone might not be a bible scholar—that most of what he learned was just through repetition without explanation—but then, since this is a scripted show, when he gets the meaning backwards, that should be noted by another character, right? This just really bugs me:
   [Stone] What kind of a world is this, Olivia? 
   [Olivia] I guess there has to be a hell so we can recognize heaven.
   [Stone] "Suffer the little children to come unto me." See, that always baffled me. If children have to be suffered to approach God, what kind of a world has He created? If they have to suffer to be close to Him, what sort of a heaven does He reside in? 

Only the Old English bible versions uses the word "suffer"—contemporary English versions use "let" or "allow" because that's what the archaic meaning was for "suffer." And, anyway, it was a command by Jesus to the adults to suffer or allow the children to come to him instead of telling them not to bother him. I don't necessarily expect Stone to know this, but at least one writer or editor should, IMO. It would have made sense for the father to screw up the meaning and then have Stone correct him. Maybe that's how it was in the original script and someone screwed up in editing?
But I guess I'm the only one bugged by this.</end-rant>

Edited by shapeshifter
Changed all instances of Carisi to Stone
  • Love 8
2 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

I can accept that Carisi might not be a bible scholar—that most of what he learned was just through repetition without explanation—but then, since this is a scripted show, when he gets the meaning backwards, that should be noted by another character, right? This just really bugs me:
   [Carisi] What kind of a world is this, Olivia? 
   [Olivia] I guess there has to be a hell so we can recognize heaven.
   [Carisi] "Suffer the little children to come unto me." See, that always baffled me. If children have to be suffered to approach God, what kind of a world has He created? If they have to suffer to be close to Him, what sort of a heaven does He reside in? 

Only the Old English bible versions uses the word "suffer"—contemporary English versions use "let" or "allow" because that's what the archaic meaning was for "suffer." And, anyway, it was a command by Jesus to the adults to suffer or allow the children to come to him instead of telling them not to bother him. I don't necessarily expect Carisi to know this, but at least one writer or editor should, IMO. It would have made sense for the father to screw up the meaning and then have Carisi correct him. Maybe that's how it was in the original script and someone screwed up in editing?
But I guess I'm the only one bugged by this.</end-rant>

That wasn’t Carisi, that was Stone.

  • Love 2

SVU was my favorite show as a teen. I've watched it on and off throughout the years, and pretty much always watch the season premiere. I watched the season 19 finale just last week. It's one of those shows that's had its ups and downs over the years. Some episodes are awesome, others suck, others are mediocre. I consider an episode mediocre when it holds my attention throughout the whole episode but it's nothing extraordinary. I'll admit, there have been many, many episodes I just wasn't able to finish - mostly in the last few years. I stopped watching weekly in season 15 after a renewed interest during the season 14 premiere.

I'll consider the season 20 premiere mediocre. It was interesting enough for me to keep watching and to want to see how it turned out. The school shooting was completely random, and I did not see that coming - although, I like when they follow up on the aftermath of a case. I often wonder what happens after a not guilty verdict - obviously their lives will never be the same. 

I wasn't too thrilled about them blaming the father's parenting choices on the kid's actions. I can't remember who said it, but if we started doing that for everyone, then the jails would be full. (I know a lot of SVU episodes are ripped from the headlines - not sure if this was one of them?) 

I've been saying since season 15 that it feels like they're setting up a series finale with this season, but this time it might actually be true? With addressing Liv's physical condition and wanting to be home with Noah more (plus, his new behavior issues), she might want to step back and retire. 

Edited by thecatmeows
  • Love 3
22 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

Are fin or carisi ever gonna find any love... Ice-t been on the show like 19 years.. Has he ever had a significant romantic interest... I mean I know carisi at least pined for Rollins.. But he hasn't had any real luck there... Benson has had a gaggle of beau's... Same for Rollins and good for them but what about the fellas... They did the same to Barbara who I woulda assumed was a lady slayer but you couldn't tell 

Fin is a relationship, he occasionally mentions her.

Would be nice to see his GF tho.


I think Carisi mentioned dating someone last season.

12 hours ago, thecatmeows said:

I've been saying since season 15 that it feels like they're setting up a series finale with this season, but this time it might actually be true? With addressing Liv's physical condition and wanting to be home with Noah more (plus, his new behavior issues), she might want to step back and retire. 


Unless the ratings completely tank they will get another season. Dick Wolf desperately wants to break Gunsmoke's record and NBC seems to be willing to do it to make things up to him for the a-hole move of cancelling the mothership with no fanfare on the verge of breaking the record and with the show producing at a high quality too. Also Wolf always wants another season, no matter how obvious it is that things have come to a logical ending point.

10 hours ago, MrsRafaelBarba said:

Fin is a relationship, he occasionally mentions her.

Would be nice to see his GF tho.


Yeah, probably not going to happen. Ice-T is happy to get less screen time as long as he gets paid and doesn't seem to feel any obligation to show his range. Plus Fin's like the popular idea of sharks - an evolutionary holdover from an earlier era somehow still going strong today despite all the changes in the environment (an era when if you weren't a lead your personal life wasn't really featured and the squad kept their personal life separate from work to keep their sanity). I'd personally just be happy to get another Fin centric episode that is all about him solving a sexually based offense.

Edited by wknt3
autocorrect fail
  • Love 8

I thought the episode was mediocre at best.  Peter Scanavino shined in his scenes with Sam, and showcased why Carisi should be have a bigger role in cases.  He's smart, has empathy, remains professional with perps, and doesn't allow his personal views/issues to influence his actions and behaviors (with the exception of the case involving his niece last season).  Fin is also good at remaining level-headed in scenes with both victims and perps.  They are the SVU dream team.  For a show that leans towards female-empowerment, SVU  makes  Rollins and Benson look unprofessional, emotional and erratic as they allow their personal issues to color how they deal with victims and perps. 

I already see Stone starting to lose perspective.  It really doesn't ring true to me that he is so grief-stricken over his sister because he didn't have a whole lot of interaction with her before his dad died. I see Benson starting to influence him. They couldn't get a conviction for rape on the father, so we will go after him for his son's crime.  Barba 2.0 in the making. 

Speaking about parental complicity, wonder if Stone will feel the same when Noah starts to kill animals and injure his grade school friends?  Noah is starting to look like a little sociopath in the making; sweet as pie when he gets what he wants but cold as ice and even a little violent when he doesn't get his way.  You know as well as I do that this is just a start of another personal issue arc for Benson this season.  Soon she will be coming in to work with lacerations and bruises, making excuses. 

I don't know why Benson was so upset about not being able to catch a teenage boy who is an athlete and someone else half her age.  She's over 50; who reasonably  could? Too much time was spent on this. 

I liked the female psychiatrist they used to evaluate Sam.  Professional and neutral; reminded me of Dr. Huang. They need to use her more. 

With the season premiere starting off with Stone being a man-whore, Benson facetiming with Noah, and pregnant Rollins with her two-timing boyfriend, it seems they are setting the tone for season with a focus on personal issues.  Interesting that Carisi and Fin weren't featured with personal stuff like Fin with his grandson.  It makes a statement, doesn't it?

  • Love 6

I don’t know if Fin is in a relationship or not, he’s mentioned a girlfriend a few times over the years but I haven’t heard him say anything in a while, but he’s always been incredibly private and I like that about him, even Benson once said he never talked about his love life at work and it was a long time before the viewers even learned about Ken. I like just getting brief references to Fin’s personal life, such as briefly seeing Ken, Alejandro and their son drop by for Fin’s birthday. 

I loved Guardian last season where we got a heavy dose of Fin but it was all about the case, the only personal thing was Fin talking to his grandson at the end. 

I want to see more of Fin and Carisi but I want minimal personal stuff from them, last season’s personal Carisi episode was the worst episode of the season, I just want to see them solving cases. We got a good amount of them in the premiere and they both had good scenes, they were by far the best part of the episode. Please give us more of Fin and Carisi solving cases, and do not turn their lives into soaps like Benson and Rollins. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, ChristiKRN said:


I don't know why Benson was so upset about not being able to catch a teenage boy who is an athlete and someone else half her age.  She's over 50; who reasonably  could? Too much time was spent on this. 



Yeah this was a few years too late. Even Stabler started to address about himself, in a non-ragey way, it was one of my favorite Stabler lines when he had trouble breaking in a door "either I'm getting older or doors are getting stronger." 

  • Love 8
21 minutes ago, Reg said:

Got a question...first, I’m no prude BUT when did it become ok to drop the word pussy 3 times in a prime time network show?  I’m a MAJOR SVU fan from the start (yes I’m an older chick) but I feel this sorta cheapened MY fav show. C’mon Dick, no need for it!  Speed Weed, fix it. 

They did love the word pussy, I haven’t noticed if it’s ever been used before, but I did notice they tossed it around several times in this one, although it made sense to use it given the plot. Stone also said goddamn once which was unusual for network TV. I have no problem with it, it can make the dialogue more realistic as people do use that language, I feel like the shows that overuse it are on premium channels because they can anything as much as they want to and as a result they fall in love with profanity and use it for shock value, but I have no problem with realistic uses of cursing, and I thought it made since in this episode. And yes it does sound like you are a prude.

  • Love 3

The first part had some strange directing. Rollins tells Benson she's pregnant, and for the rest of the scene says nothing but has the weirdest Cheshire cat smile on her face.

A lieutenant who's supposed to be in the station, whining about not outrunning a teenage boy, thus causing the injury to a bike rider  is some narcissistic stuff. What tickled me was the God awful sequence of Olivia running straight toward the camera with her mouth open as she reaches towards the boy. It was so strange and doofus looking I figured it was revenge by the cameraman.

The story got a bit more interesting later, but how in the hell does the mom give that testimony, yet suffer no consequences from the husband? The family became a cartoon for me at that time. I also think the story would have made more sense if the father violated the son with an object, than his own person.  The punitive and humiliating reason for the assault would have been just as clear without throwing in the issue of the father actually having sex with his son. The rape wasn't even spur of the moment, so a lot more issues would come into play the way they wrote the story.

  • Love 9

I sure do have empathy for the young man who was abused by his father, but, I just didn't have too much sympathy, when, after ample opportunity, he continued to defend his father and deny that he was raped.  Perhaps, a better course would have been to handle it in family court for abused and neglected children, where the proceedings are confidential and the burden of proof is less.  The social workers determine he was abused and formulate a protective plan to keep the children safe.  (Dad outside the home.) But, I suppose that that option wouldn't have provided St. Olivia the opportunity to get enough scenes in.  She should know her way around Child Protective Services by now. 

I do wonder about Noah and how they will address his behavior.  Perhaps, he needs a father figure in the home and that will be Olivia's next quest.  God pity the poor soul.  

  • Love 3
11 hours ago, Reg said:

Got a question...first, I’m no prude BUT when did it become ok to drop the word pussy 3 times in a prime time network show?  I’m a MAJOR SVU fan from the start (yes I’m an older chick) but I feel this sorta cheapened MY fav show. C’mon Dick, no need for it!  Speed Weed, fix it. 

I think it became OK to use that word on network TV when one of their NBC colleagues proved that "when you're a star, they let you do it" with no real consequences. But yeah it felt unnecessary. I'm guessing that most of the dialogue was scripted by Julie Martin from an outline by Chernuchin since it felt like her usual heavy handed clumsy attempts to depict the issues of sexism and misogyny.

  • Love 12

The second half definitely seemed like a Julie Martin episode, with its heavy handed, clunky, cliched dialogue and attempts to deal with social issues, the first half seemed more like a Churnuchin episode. The episode was mixed with the first half being far superior to the second half, it was just an average episode overall. 

1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I sure do have empathy for the young man who was abused by his father, but, I just didn't have too much sympathy, when, after ample opportunity, he continued to defend his father and deny that he was raped.  Perhaps, a better course would have been to handle it in family court for abused and neglected children, where the proceedings are confidential and the burden of proof is less.  The social workers determine he was abused and formulate a protective plan to keep the children safe.  (Dad outside the home.) But, I suppose that that option wouldn't have provided St. Olivia the opportunity to get enough scenes in.  She should know her way around Child Protective Services by now. 

I do wonder about Noah and how they will address his behavior.  Perhaps, he needs a father figure in the home and that will be Olivia's next quest.  God pity the poor soul.  

I felt sympathy for Sam, but I lost most of it after he shot up the school, he killed 2 innocent teenagers who hadn’t done anything to him and had nothing to do with his rape, Fin was right, he belonged in prison for life and plenty of people go through traumatic experiences and don’t shoot up a school. 

My main problem with this episode was that the family stayed together throughout the whole thing. It seemed like both Sam and Brian would’ve been put in a foster home as soon as John was arrested for rape, and it made no sense that the wife would stay with the husband even after she testified against him for raping her son, but she still seemed to be on the husband’s side!! None of that made any sense, and the scene where the family ate breakfast and acted like everything was normal after the dad was just acquitted for raping the son and the mom testified against him was just absurd to the point of seeming like a parody.

  • Love 11
8 hours ago, Xeliou66 said:

My main problem with this episode was that the family stayed together throughout the whole thing. It seemed like both Sam and Brian would’ve been put in a foster home as soon as John was arrested for rape, and it made no sense that the wife would stay with the husband even after she testified against him for raping her son, but she still seemed to be on the husband’s side!! None of that made any sense, and the scene where the family ate breakfast and acted like everything was normal after the dad was just acquitted for raping the son and the mom testified against him was just absurd to the point of seeming like a parody.

What didn't make sense to me was after they arrested the dad the first time, he is being questioned by Stone and then he and his lawyer just walk out. How does that make sense? Between the wife's story and the kid's injuries how in the world does the dad make bail? And even if he did how was child services not tearing apart his house once he got home.

  • Love 3
56 minutes ago, Kel Varnsen said:

What didn't make sense to me was after they arrested the dad the first time, he is being questioned by Stone and then he and his lawyer just walk out. How does that make sense? Between the wife's story and the kid's injuries how in the world does the dad make bail? And even if he did how was child services not tearing apart his house once he got home.

Yeah, nothing about the family situation made sense. John did have enough money to make bail if the judge didn’t remand him, but it made absolutely no sense that the 2 sons weren’t removed immediately and put in foster care, and it made even less sense that the wife would stay with him while testifying AGAINST him!! Why would she stay with him, and why would they allow her to when he could easily intimidate her and try to influence her testimony?! That made absolutely no sense. 

Maybe they could’ve given us a better story if they didn’t throw in Rollins being pregnant plus Benson/Noah. And I will repeat how much I hated the Benson/Rollins scene with Benson trying to use emotional force to get Rollins to keep the pregnancy despite supposedly being pro choice, and the dialogue about abortion and gun control was cliched, clunky, heavy handed and cringeworthy, just downright painful to listen to.

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, shksabelle said:

Maybe St. Olivia will get a clue, realize she is a commanding officer, and keep her spreading middle-aged butt in the station where it belongs instead of trying to run after teenager boys. 

Yeah, you didn't see Munch and Cragen running after teenage boys - of course, Liv and Stabler did that back then. They can leave the chasing teenaged boys to Carisi (I'd say and Rollins, but she keeps getting knocked up, so...)

Edited by thecatmeows
  • Love 11
On 9/29/2018 at 8:53 AM, SunnyBeBe said:

I'm always getting annoyed by Olivia and her omnipresence on the show. She may be the commanding officer, but, she's never too busy to be on patrol, Swat duty, lab duty, crime scenes, morgue, the service of warrants, searches, arrests, DA office direction, courtroom duty, prisoner exchanges, interrogations, media opts, and Press meetings.  Well, this episode made it clear one place that she doesn't show up at.......the gym.  lol 

AND a young kid!  I mean, I can understand it if she were young and single without children and everything about her life was her job, but I'm sick of seeing so much of her.  She's not helping anyway, just interfering with her personal opinions, so why keep slotting her in every fricking scene???!!!

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, SarahPrtr said:

AND a young kid!  I mean, I can understand it if she were young and single without children and everything about her life was her job, but I'm sick of seeing so much of her.  She's not helping anyway, just interfering with her personal opinions, so why keep slotting her in every fricking scene???!!!

It's so overpowering and obnoxious to see her crammed down our throats week after week.....my goodness, it's insanity.  A normal actor would be totally humiliated with such a thing. She is shameless.  I am embarrassed for her. 

  • Love 5

Mariska is just an egomaniac who wants the camera on her at all times, she has to be front and center in every dramatic moment, and she has to get a ton of personal stories as well, and get to preach to the audience about her political views. The show has turned into the Olivia Benson hour, MH becoming a producer greatly damaged the show.

  • Love 2

I'm now wondering how she's going to try to get a job presiding as a Judge.  I mean, she can do all things, right?  With their portrayal of her, I would imagine that she can be the first one on the crime scene, process the evidence, do the lab work, do the investigation, make the arrest, preach them a sermon, prosecute the person, and then PRESIDE over their trial. In her spare time, she's applying to work in the prison, too!  I mean, she's so awesome!  lol 

  • Love 3

They deleted a good scene where Fin visited Rollins at her apartment and found out Rollins was pregnant. This scene really highlighted the differences between Fin and Benson (I wonder if that’s why they deleted it) and showed why I love Fin while I loathe Benson : When Fin found Rollins was pregnant and Rollins was unsure of what to do, Fin said it was her choice and he would be there to support her regardless of what decision she made, while Benson used emotional manipulation to try to convince her to not have an abortion and tried to basically tell her what to do. Benson is an overbearing, controlling bitch, Fin is awesome.

  • Useful 1
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I know that you have to differeniate between the actor and the character, but, it's really difficult to do with MH.  Who is actually making this show about Olivia worship? How is she getting this treatment?  At least she was tempered by Stabler, but, their theme with her now is  insufferable, imo.  The real reason that I'm  now watching is to see just how brazen they are with it. lol  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I know that you have to differeniate between the actor and the character, but, it's really difficult to do with MH.  Who is actually making this show about Olivia worship? How is she getting this treatment?  At least she was tempered by Stabler, but, their theme with her now is  insufferable, imo.  The real reason that I'm  now watching is to see just how brazen they are with it. lol  

I stopped differentiating a lot between Mariska and Benson when Mariska herself said at times she couldn’t tell the difference between herself and Benson. What an insane statement that shows how she has lost all grip on reality. It is clear she is an egomaniac and everyone around her just kisses her ass and tells her how awesome she is.

  • Love 4

I’m supposed to believe that the kid who couldn’t kill a rabbit easily went into a school and killed multiple PEOPLE?   Sorry, don’t buy it.  If he had shot his family, maybe,but not schoolmates. He had a reason to be mad and terrified of his family.   Maybe even the lawyers, jurors or the judge. 

Edited by mythoughtis
  • Love 2
On ‎28‎/‎09‎/‎2018 at 3:56 AM, MrsRafaelBarba said:

Noah needs his little ass beat.

Ironic considering the content of this ep. 

On ‎28‎/‎09‎/‎2018 at 10:12 PM, UNOSEZ said:

Also.. What about Olivia's bio Fam... She has a blood- brother and a niece out there? 

Yeah I'd like that, let's at least have a mention of Simon, like someone asks where Noah is this week and is told he's off camping with his cousins etc

On ‎28‎/‎09‎/‎2018 at 10:23 PM, atlantaloves said:

Exactly, we true fans recall her fuck up of a pervert brother. 

How was he a pervert exactly? My private theory was always that Benson avoided him because she was affected by GSA towards him.  

On ‎01‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 4:41 AM, shksabelle said:

Maybe St. Olivia will get a clue, realize she is a commanding officer, and keep her spreading middle-aged butt in the station where it belongs instead of trying to run after teenager boys. 

Her butt look fine to me. 

  • Love 1

Man Up

Hooray, a white upper class male suspect, a partner at Morgan Stanley no less and he turns out to be innocent! That's a rarity! Although maybe it's because he's gay?

Nice that we have Benson addressing the issue of her age, few actresses would be brave enough to do that. She says she's not Wonder Woman but I'd like to see her in the outfit (and the Lariat of Truth would sure make SVU's job easier). 

Why are we interviewing the brother without an appropriate adult present? 

 Unindicted co-conspirator? If they're unindicted how can they be charged? 

Nice to see them fail for once...ooops, a two parter, I should have known. In real life SVU have a conviction rate of 2%, in L&O it must be 90%. 

Nice bit with the shorts, a genuine defence tactic and an effective one. 


Man Down

Genuinely shocking twist, I actually thought the kid would be bullied or commit suicide or rape someone else, I gasped when the shots rang out. 

Nice line from Finn to Carisi, doesn't want to use the ESU to detain the kid because they'll kill him and Finn says 'Maybe they should?'. Bad move for Carisi putting his gun away. 

Did I miss something? Did the kid ever actually say that the dad did rape him? The impression I got was he hit him with his belt. 

How can Stone go to speak to the kid, isn't he represented by council? 

Ok the charges against the dad are ludicrous and this is clearly a case of the SVU feeling bad for the tragedy and trying to blame someone else, surely he'll get off on appeal. Not enough that 2 people are dead and the son is in prison, they have to put the dad there too? As the defence solicitor pointed out, a 'snowflake' charge. 

Nice talk between Benson and Rollins, they actually disagree on something, good to break the groupthink once in a while.

 7/10, could have been good but largely a wasted opportunity

On ‎30‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 2:58 AM, mythoughtis said:

I’m supposed to believe that the kid who couldn’t kill a rabbit easily went into a school and killed multiple PEOPLE?   Sorry, don’t buy it.  If he had shot his family, maybe,but not schoolmates. He had a reason to be mad and terrified of his family.   Maybe even the lawyers, jurors or the judge. 

I think the whole point was he did it so he showed his dad he COULD kill?

On ‎04‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 3:52 PM, Xeliou66 said:

I stopped differentiating a lot between Mariska and Benson when Mariska herself said at times she couldn’t tell the difference between herself and Benson. What an insane statement that shows how she has lost all grip on reality. It is clear she is an egomaniac and everyone around her just kisses her ass and tells her how awesome she is.

Yes, a weird statement to make, L&O SVU is obviously MH's life work and it's a commendable one but she does strike you as a zealot. 

  • Love 1
On ‎04‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 2:06 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

I know that you have to differeniate between the actor and the character, but, it's really difficult to do with MH.  Who is actually making this show about Olivia worship? How is she getting this treatment?  At least she was tempered by Stabler, but, their theme with her now is  insufferable, imo.  The real reason that I'm  now watching is to see just how brazen they are with it. lol  

Here's the thing, in the current MeToo climate she's untouchable, I'm not sure the network would dare to cancel the show. 

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