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S20.E36: Head of Household #13; Nominations #13


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9 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Two-part answer:

  1. No - “expect the unexpected”, remember?  Although a midweek eviction has been a staple for years now - so for fans of the show, it’s hardly “unexpected”.  ;)
  2. The elimination will be aired on Wednesday, but that’s probably not when it will actually occur; it won’t be a live broadcast, so Production will want to allow time for editing.  More than likely the eviction will take place sometime midweek of a normal HoH reign - Monday or Tuesday,


Should be, if they’re going to stay on schedule.

[Nods] Yep, unexpected and I should know about the not-live elimination because it would have been announced live by Julie.  I really need to stop doing dishes or cooking during the show.  Thanks!

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 did they really need to show the DE machinations during the "previously on" segment and then dissect it again in minute detail over the first 10 minutes of the show?? 

It's possible the show knows that people like me stopped watching weeks ago and are only now just tuning back in for the finish now that "Level 6" finally has to turn on each other. Although as it turns out, that's not even very interesting either. I will say it did my heart good to see Brett walk out the door and to see JC realize Tyler's not actually his puppet. Other than that, though, I find the remaining contestants mostly disagreeable. Sam's still an idiot, JC is still repulsive, and:


What really bothers me about Tangela is that they seem to get a lot of glee out of making people feel stupid when they could just as easily win without being assholes about it. 


So it's just a matter of watching Sam and JC get evicted on Wednesday then it's over. Snore.


 The canned questions from the jury on the live show is truly all the questions they get. Horrible change, IMO.

God that's so true. It was so much better back when they jury actually got to grill each contestant. Now all they get is some producer-written, toothless question like "what do you think was your biggest game move" or some other banal crap.

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I've never even heard of that 'superstar'.  More filler really.  

One thing that bugs me with these questions comps is they often aren't that hard, for instance in the one with stuck videos they put that Scottie falling down video near the end when it was one of the easiest.  At least this wasn't a 50/50 guess opportunity but most of them weren't really that hard, despite the script telling us that they were.  As it wasn't live you could really have had more questions too.

Edited by amazingracefan
  • Love 4
16 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Damn, those THs really had me fooled. Sam seemed so chipper in hers, I was convinced she won HOH. 

Or maybe just wishful thinking?

They played up Angela getting the last question wrong so much and the possibility of it going to a tie breaker (not even a Sam win) being so shocking that it just felt like that was as much tension they could squeeze out of it and that would be it.  And so it proved.  Wishful thinking was definitely the main suspense, but the way they dragged it out also killed the suspense I thought.  With all that there obviously wasn't going to be tie breaker suspense too.

Edited by amazingracefan
  • Love 4
11 minutes ago, amazingracefan said:

They played up Angela getting the last question wrong so much and the possibility of it going to a tie breaker (not even a Sam win) being so shocking that it just felt like that was as much tension they could squeeze out of it and that would be it.  And so it proved.  Wishful thinking was definitely the main suspense, but the way they dragged it out also killed the suspense I thought.  With all that there obviously wasn't going to be tie breaker suspense too.


Yeah, welcome to the editing room for sure. ;)  In reality the odds are Angela and Sam buzzed in within a second of each other, but the editing crew inserted the DR voiceovers - and a commercial break, even - to increase viewer perception of an eternity passing between Angela’s and Sam’s respective selections.  Because !!!#DRAMA!!!.

Edited by Nashville
DR, not TH - this is BB, not Survivor.
  • Love 3
8 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

God that's so true. It was so much better back when they jury actually got to grill each contestant. Now all they get is some producer-written, toothless question like "what do you think was your biggest game move" or some other banal crap.

Given that one alliance systematically sent each member of the other alliance to the jury house, I would really hope that the jury is given free reign on asking questions.  The "stock" questions are completely pointless, especially if it ends up being two Level Sixers in the F2.  I mean, I am supposing that the jury will be bitter, so let them ask away, I say.  I want to see Tyler squirm a little.  Okay, a lot.

  • Love 3

Just to comment on Bebe Rexha-- I'm old too & I have heard of her ( before Big Brother !). I watch a lot of late night shows and she has been on several, also she was on one of the New Years Eve shows this year, though I can't remember which one. Now, I couldn't tell you any song she is known for, but I do think she's a decent singer. Lord knows, they could have done much worse, given what passes for singing these days !

  • Love 1
41 minutes ago, Vixenstud said:

Forgot to mention.....please BB Gods, don't EVAH show JC in his Underoos bikini briefs again.

Swear TO God.  What, does Production think JC is little-kid-running-around-in-his-underwear cute?  News flash, dipshits: physical appearances notwithstanding, JC isn’t a little kid - he’s a 28yo man.  After Steve, JC was tied with Winston for oldest male this season - and is in fact the oldest male in the House now.


Just realized: the oldest person in the House now?  Kaycee - age 30.

  • Love 3
17 hours ago, DebbieM4 said:

  But putting that aside, I'm disappointed in Tyler because I thought he had his eye on the prize (winning the game).  Now he seems distracted by someone who is likely using him to her own advantage.  

I don't see this at all. I mean, as far as I can tell, Tyler's strategy/plan hasn't changed even a tiny bit. His plan was to be loyal to his alliance for as long as he could, and that's exactly what he did right up until this week, when Brett mentioned backdooring Angela or Kaycee. I'm also not really sure how Angela is suddenly using him. He's been in an alliance with Angela and Kaycee since week 1, how is she using him when they've been working together, towards the same goal (eliminating everybody who isn't part of L6) since the very start? As for the smugness. I don't see that either. Tyler's DRs have always been about the game, it's not his fault that he's playing a good game.  He's never been mean or hurtful. And his social game seems good to me, he's very well liked in the house, that's why so many people were happy to work with him. The only people who may be bitter are JC and Sam. If they end up feeling stupid, that's not Tyler's fault, it's their own fault for floating through the summer without even attempting to play Big Brother.

Edited by Rachel RSL
  • Love 10
29 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

I mean, as far as I can tell, Tyler's strategy/plan hasn't changed even a tiny bit. His plan was to be loyal to his alliance for as long as he could, and that's exactly what he did right up until this week, when Brett mentioned backdooring Angela or Kaycee. 


Oh, Tyler was definitely already planning to fuck Brett over before that, but Brett certainly gave him a 'reason' [tm Vanessa) to use to sell Kaycee/Angela on it. He should thank Brett for being so gullible and stupid because it really helped him out there!

I think Tyler's game has been slowly slipping since his Hacker nom. I mean imo he basically stopped playing for a couple weeks after that and has only now started again. Luckily for him he had created such a stronghold over the game in those first couple weeks that it didn't matter. But it might prove to matter in the end if he can't get the votes to win.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 2
6 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

At this point, his absolute best play would be to eliminate Kaycee somehow. She's really the only one who has a chance of beating Tyler.  I can't see him losing to anybody else. Even if the jury is bitter, I can't see them giving the win to Sam or JC, and they all hate Angela.

Only way I could see that happening would be if:

  1. Tyler won the very next HoH, with four HGs remaining - himself, Angela, JC, and Kaycee.
  2. Tyler nom’ed both Kaycee and Angela, pitching the noms to both as part of a plan to BD JC.
  3. Tyler could arrange to throw PoV to JC; PoV would then be nullified, for lack of a replacement nom.
  4. Tyler could talk JC into keeping Angela and evicting Kaycee, presenting Kaycee as the strongest threat throughout all phases of the 3-part F3 comp.

Not likely, especially... well, ALL of them except #1.  All of it possible, but none of it probable.

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I know I am getting old when they announce a musical act and I say to myself, "Who the fuck is that?"  Then I fast forward through the musical act, because I don't give a shit and have no interest in listening to it anyway.

Me: Google "Bebe Rexha" (see that she's somewhat popular.) tell myself..don't be an old fart..at least listen to her sing.

Me (3 seconds after she starts) oh HELL no. ?

  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, LoneHaranguer said:

Contrary to Tyler's DR, it looked more like Kaycee and Sam were the ones on a date than Tyler and Angela. 

Throw a little more alcohol into that mix, and you might’ve been right.  ;>


7 minutes ago, LoneHaranguer said:

Tyler didn't look enthusiastic about the entertainment either.

What type of music did Tyler get on his HoHs?

  • Love 1
24 minutes ago, Nashville said:

I’d say: if you like/d Jewel, then you’ll like Bebe.  Likewise contrariwise.  ;)

I expected to ff through the segment but even though I'm older (50's) my musical tastes run the gamut so thought I'd give it a sample. Turns out I enjoyed her appearance.  Then once I googled her discovered it was Bebe that recorded Meant to Be with Florida Georgia Line so I was familiar and didn't realize it.  And yes, I realize that was the 2nd song she did during the episode but for some reason did not put 2 + 2 together at the time.

Edited by sharkerbaby
  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

At this point, his absolute best play would be to eliminate Kaycee somehow. She's really the only one who has a chance of beating Tyler.  I can't see him losing to anybody else. Even if the jury is bitter, I can't see them giving the win to Sam or JC, and they all hate Angela.

The only way he can get rid of Kaycee is if he's the next HOH and JC wins veto and votes her out but he will want to vote out Angela instead.  I don't think Tyler is going to throw the F3 HOH.

3 hours ago, LoneHaranguer said:

Contrary to Tyler's DR, it looked more like Kaycee and Sam were the ones on a date than Tyler and Angela. Tyler didn't look enthusiastic about the entertainment either.

It's a shame Sam's so batshit. Some good old fashioned, drama-free "cuddles" with a super chill person like Kaycee would do her a world of good. 

Edited by IndyMischa

Finally got a chance to watch, and didn't think it was possible but I dislike Angela even more than I did. She is so full of herself, and is doing exactly what Sam originally stated in her HOH; getting ahead by using a guy to sheild her. Yes, I know she has won comps, but isn't it convenient that she and Tyler began their showmance as the numbers dwindled. If they hadn't started the showmance, there'd be a greater threat of him focusing on her because she has won comps. Granted, taking Angela to the final two pretty much ensures whoever is against her will win BB, but I just want to see that smug look wiped off her face. As for smug looks, I originally wanted Tyler to win, but now, I'd even take a JC win over any of the level 6 people because they're so annoying, and it takes a lot to be more annoying than JC.

  • Love 1
13 hours ago, Nashville said:

What type of music did Tyler get on his HoHs?

Random venting ahead:

I miss the old days when we were told what music the houseguests received in their baskets.  It was such a small thing, but it gave us a tiny insight into their personalities.  I can still remember loving when Jason from BB3 got the soundtrack from Moulin Rouge in his basket.  And someone - can't remember who - received a Clay Aiken CD.  Is it too much for CBS to fork over for the copyrights or something?  It's not like we hear the music.  For example, I want to know who Sam was spazzing out to when she won HOH.  And while I'm complaining, is it just me or does it seem like this season in particular has gone super cheap with the house, the decor, and the comps?  We don't even get luxury comps anymore.  What's up with that?  Grodner not making enough money off of this show?  Did she hire too many interns?  Did Julie Chen-Moonves demand a substantial raise?


Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 8
3 hours ago, laurakaye said:

And while I'm complaining, is it just me or does it seem like this season in particular has gone super cheap with the house, the decor, and the comps?

Maybe they blew the budget on Sam's "robot". They should have asked somebody over at The Big Bang Theory if they could borrow Sheldon's "virtual presence device".

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Random venting ahead:

I miss the old days when we were told what music the houseguests received in their baskets.  It was such a small thing, but it gave us a tiny insight into their personalities.  I can still remember loving when Jason from BB3 got the soundtrack from Moulin Rouge in his basket.  And someone - can't remember who - received a Clay Aiken CD.  Is it too much for CBS to fork over for the copyrights or something?  It's not like we hear the music.  For example, I want to know who Sam was spazzing out to when she won HOH.  And while I'm complaining, is it just me or does it seem like this season in particular has gone super cheap with the house, the decor, and the comps?  We don't even get luxury comps anymore.  What's up with that?  Grodner not making enough money off of this show?  Did she hire too many interns?  Did Julie Chen-Moonves demand a substantial raise?


It was Austin from BB17 who got the Clay Aiken CD, lol.

Here’s a list for this season, just gathered from live feed conversations:

Tyler – Post Malone
Kaitlyn – Vance Joy
Scottie– Nirvana
Sam – James Brown
Bayleigh – Cardi B
Angela – Hootie and the Blowfish
Haleigh – The Weeknd
Fessy – A-Boogie
Angela – Chris Young
Tyler – Marshmello
Kaycee – Chris Brown
Angela – Chris Young (again)

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, atomic said:

It was Austin from BB17 who got the Clay Aiken CD, lol.

Here’s a list for this season, just gathered from live feed conversations:

Tyler – Post Malone
Kaitlyn – Vance Joy
Scottie– Nirvana
Sam – James Brown
Bayleigh – Cardi B
Angela – Hootie and the Blowfish
Haleigh – The Weeknd
Fessy – A-Boogie
Angela – Chris Young
Tyler – Marshmello
Kaycee – Chris Brown
Angela – Chris Young (again)

Thank you for that.  I am officially ancient, as I recognize exactly half of them. :)

  • Love 2
On 9/17/2018 at 11:14 AM, watch2much said:

I think if Kaycee can make it to the end she'll win it against everyone.  she seemed to have genuine friendships with members of the jury and she was never mean to those leaving.  

I agree.  She's on the road to a win, and if I were the others, I would be seriously planning to get her out now.

On 9/17/2018 at 5:12 PM, Rachel RSL said:

I don't see this at all. I mean, as far as I can tell, Tyler's strategy/plan hasn't changed even a tiny bit. His plan was to be loyal to his alliance for as long as he could, and that's exactly what he did right up until this week, when Brett mentioned backdooring Angela or Kaycee. I'm also not really sure how Angela is suddenly using him. He's been in an alliance with Angela and Kaycee since week 1, how is she using him when they've been working together, towards the same goal (eliminating everybody who isn't part of L6) since the very start? As for the smugness. I don't see that either. Tyler's DRs have always been about the game, it's not his fault that he's playing a good game.  He's never been mean or hurtful. And his social game seems good to me, he's very well liked in the house, that's why so many people were happy to work with him. The only people who may be bitter are JC and Sam. If they end up feeling stupid, that's not Tyler's fault, it's their own fault for floating through the summer without even attempting to play Big Brother.

I stand by what I said.  Tyler is playing differently than he was before, and his social game is not what it was.  Angela is a big phony, and I do think she's using him to get to the end.  Yes, there's an alliance, but eventually they have to turn on each other.   I also never said that Tyler is smug.  I do think that Angela is extremely smug.  I want to smack the smugness off her face every time I see her.

I like Tyler, and I agree that he initially wasn't mean or hurtful, but that's changing.  He seems to be forgetting how important social game is, which is unfortunate because he was very mindful of that for a long time and it served him well.  Yes, he's well-liked in the house, but being disliked by members of the jury carries a whole lot of weight.  I think getting involved with Angela is a really bad idea and could hurt him (in more ways than one.)  

  • Love 3

So, I binge-watched the entire season over the course of the last week. I'd never watched BB before, though I did watch CBB this past winter.

Honestly, I do think Tyler and Angela are the real deal. They've both played the game so well that I can't imagine that they would risk their game for a fake romance, and by this point, where we're, what, 80-something days in, there's no benefit in the game to spending so much alone time with one individual unless you actually are unable to stay away from them. I also think they formed a solid friendship along the way. If Angela was using Tyler, I don't think she'd be saying "I love you," she'd be getting him to promise that she's his choice for final two. 

Tyler's social game definitely is suffering a bit as the numbers dwindle, but he's had to wrangle JC and Sam and their ridiculous emotionality NONSTOP for the last almost-three months. That has to wear on someone...especially someone who seems to otherwise be a pretty laid back person.

I'm really over Sam. Choosing to be the housekeeper, and then whining about BEING the housekeeper, does not mean you've earned $500k. Neither does being a "good person."

  • Love 3
20 hours ago, laurakaye said:

I miss the old days when we were told what music the houseguests received in their baskets.



I think the Canadian version last time gave a full playlist of songs for each HG's HoH which in nearly every case was a lot of different singers/groups than just one cd of one person.

Edited by amazingracefan
1 hour ago, Nashville said:

Cool, an MP3 version of a mixtape.  How very 90s of them.  ;)

Aren't mp3 playlists very now?  Mixtapes as with cassette tapes probably became big around the 80s, I definitely recorded stuff off radio back then.

Edited by amazingracefan
  • Love 2
54 minutes ago, amazingracefan said:

Aren't mp3 playlists very now?  Mixtapes as with cassette tapes probably became big around the 80s, I definitely recorded stuff off radio back then.

Yeah, but the reference was to BB Canada - and when I read it I recalled a Canada joke out of HIMYM, when the “Robin Sparkles” videos came to light:

Marshall: [Looking at Computer] This is the 90s, why does it look like 1986? 

Robin Scherbatsky: The 80s didn't come to Canada til like '93.


  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Yeah, but the reference was to BB Canada - and when I read it I recalled a Canada joke out of HIMYM, when the “Robin Sparkles” videos came to light:

Marshall: [Looking at Computer] This is the 90s, why does it look like 1986? 

Robin Scherbatsky: The 80s didn't come to Canada til like '93.


That reminds me of the quote attributed to Mark Twain

"When the end of the world comes I want to be in Cincinnati because it's always twenty years behind the times."

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