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Married To Medicine - General Discussion

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It's a good thing  that Buffie is married to a psychiatrist!! Bish needs some serious help STAT!

At least Dr. Dave can give her a little zofran or something to calm her bigass down.  I'm wondering if she's now going through menopause and this is why she's soooooooooo over the top emotional?? Just a thought.

Man,Toya and Eugene have really stepped up their real estate game! 9000 sq.ft house on an acre of land?? WOWZA! That guy is really working the extra shifts, isn't he?

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Toya's house is so nice, but I don't love the property.  For an acre, they should have a bigger pool and a much bigger, better backyard.  Clear those random trees and put up some high hedges or uniform trees around the perimeter.  I could find things to pick about Contessa's backyard, but it's much better.  

Toya is waiting to buy furniture until the guests leave.  Sure Jan.

Why couldn't we hear more about "doctoring of documents" by Quad?

The infertility stuff felt like acting.  Jackie sounded so weird saying that she'd never do...exactly what she did do.  Buffie was doing the most though.

I don't like Contessa's tough love.  Ok, Gunnery Sergeant Hartman.

"This isn't at all how I imagined people in my closet" was the funniest line ever.

Mariah retorting to Contessa that she rides thoroughbreds while doing a gypsy dance with her hips wass also unintentionally funny.

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The New Group Dynamics


I think the real group shift/dynamic is not Mariah vs. Quad, it's Jackie vs. Simone:

Heavy, Quad & Contessa are Team Jackie.

Mariah, Toya & Buffie are Team Simone.

I think Jackie purposely blasted Buffie's business because Simone has taken to Buffie & isn't up Jackie's ass as much.  I also think Jackie is using Buffie as a proxy for Mariah.  Everyone on Team Jackie has a problem with everyone on Team Simone.

I think Jackie lost a lot of lustre in Simone's eyes when Simone saw how a) she blasted Buffie's business and b) was basically "Bitch and?" about it.  I think Simone was truly shocked Jackie was acting like that and knew Jackie was being fake and insincere with her apologies and explanations. 

IMO Simone wanted that apology from Jackie more than Buffie did because she couldn't believe her friend Jackie was acting like that.


I think the reason Dave hasn't pushed for other options to having a child is Buffie may not have been in the best mental place to take care of a child.  I think Buffie was probably hurt by having this situation be dredged up again & another one of Jackie's fake, insincere apologies* and Conetessa screaming in her face to get it together without even knowing what was going on didn't help matters much.

Contessa vs Mariah

I'm not sure what the problem between the two is, but Contessa really really really wants to fight Mariah and I need Contessa to sit down and explore where her edges and hairline went to.  It's none of Contessa's business that Lake came to Toya's party; for all anyone knows Toya could've invited Lake to the party independent of Mariah.  Contessa had all that energy to fight Mariah but didn't have that same energy when it came to telling Scott how she felt. Girl bye.


*Jackie shouldn't have apologized the first time to Buffie because she didn't mean it and she shouldn't have apologized on tonight's episode.  She should've told Simone the truth,, that she didn't feel she did anything wrong and she wasn't apologizing and if Buffie is hurt, if Buffie is in pain, that's too bad but it's none of her business.

Furthermore, all this "Maybe I need a new group because these girls are too offended:" 

Stop offending people and you won't have to go on a constant apology tour

I think Jackie was offended Simone took up with Buffie & stop co-signing her bullshit.  Now she's resorting to having to hang with people like Quad, Heavenly and Contessa, whom she'd NEVER associate with off camera if it weren't for this show.  She definitely wouldn't be associating with people like Mariah & Toya.(Jackie, stop hating because Toya's house is beautiful & yours is undone) .

As always, shut up, Curtis.  Curtis & Jackie are evenly yoked.

Edited by drivethroo
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I think some sort of case can be made for all of the wives/doctors on this show as to having some form of mental "disturbance" but I feel for sure Buffie and Contessa demonstrate it more than I have seen.

It was damn frightening to watch that out of nowhere absolute breakdown by Buffie this episode.  I imagine the ill advised, rude announcement from Jackie was a "trigger:" but there has to be a shitload of other baggage that came based on the Jackie trigger.

I did not see how Jackie came to know about Buffie's infertility but if it was because Jackie is her OBGYN, and Jackie announced it like that my first thought is a Malpractice lawsuit against Jackie based on Doctor/Patient privacy.   HOWEVER.., then i remembered these people are on a freaking reality tv show and it was apparently at some point brought up on this reality show by Buffie, so all her bs about any breach of confidential matters is moot because Buffie..., TV SHOW.

Then Contessa out of nowhere went all Captain America, almost slapping her and telling her.. "You will not freak out on my watch soldier..."  Which absolutely did not work and was out of place and it doesn't seem like Contessa knows her like that anyway.   But I  am thinking more and more that Contessa has some type of mental issue which I just can't pinpoint because she has these "victim" , "nobody loves or appreciates me" " I see I am alone in all this".. "I am going to be Surgeon General" after going to what seems to be some type of "Univ of Phoenix" for profit night school.... episodes..    Damn I would steer away from her as any type of doctor if i needed Medical Help.

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Didn't we at one time see Buffie in Jackie's office as a patient? Maybe I am dreaming.

I am really over Jackie. She is just astonished that anyone would think had she had done anything wrong, since she is Saint Dr. Jackie and she knows best about everything.

Curtis is gross. He seems to almost threaten to cheat again. Who would put up with that creep?? Jackie makes this big show now of pandering to him. Gag. 

Copntessa thinks she is a drill sergeant and can just bark commands at people so they will fall into line. Maybe she needs to get back in the army. She could have troops saying yes ma'm to her and she would have power and feel the respect that she seems to think she deserves. However,  her whole storyline was a fairy tale for the show. She just took a break for a semester from her program. Big deal. They built it up into some huge drama, of course.

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2 minutes ago, Pickles said:

Didn't we at one time see Buffie in Jackie's office as a patient? Maybe I am dreaming.

I am really over Jackie. She is just astonished that anyone would think had she had done anything wrong, since she is Saint Dr. Jackie and she knows best about everything.

Curtis is gross. He seems to almost threaten to cheat again. Who would put up with that creep?? Jackie makes this big show now of pandering to him. Gag. 

She was in Simone's office with a lump in her breast. I don't think she's Jackie's patient.

Curtis really is gross and I liked that Jackie pointed out that she was busy when she met him. Said it before, say it again: if he wanted a woman who would be home at 5:30 every day, he should have married one. But even though Jackie pointed that out in her TH, she still seems to have taken away the lesson that Curtis was right to cheat because she worked so much. I think these renovations are way over the top but I did like that Jackie was so excited in her helmet. "I just wanted to see if you need any help."

Jackie is clearly not used to discord from Simone. I never got the sense that they were on unequal footing in the friendship - they seem to be real friends, and you can tell they've been friends for 20some years - but this whole thing with Buffie is really throwing her for a loop. I don't know what Contessa was trying to do with Buffie. Have they even had a conversation?

I laughed at the exchange between Eugene and the party planner about camel shit. I thought it was really nice that Damon was so proud of Eugene. Damon seems like a nice dude. What he's doing with Heavenly, I do not know. 

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1 hour ago, tiredofwork said:

HOWEVER.., then i remembered these people are on a freaking reality tv show and it was apparently at some point brought up on this reality show by Buffie, so all her bs about any breach of confidential matters is moot because Buffie..., TV SHOW.

We don't know when Jackie found out about Buffie's fertility struggles.  We DO know Jackie told a room full of people who don't know Buffie about Buffie's fertility struggles.

We also know Jackie (and Contessa...I'll get back to her later) feels Buffie needs to get over it and to "turn her pain into purpose."

Now this is where I think Jackie and Simone fell out: I think Simone was pushing for an on camera, SINCERE/REMORSEFUL apology from Jackie because she knew Jackie was going to end up looking like a big bitch when the show aired (because she looked like a big bitch to the group).

But Jackie is arrogant and didn't appreciate Simone telling her she needs to apologize to the simple bitch Buffie, told Simone so, Simone has distanced herself and this is where the "you're a grudge holder" comes from in the previews.

Contessa didn't even know what was going on but she wanted to jump up Jackie's ass and be her mouthpiece and that's why she barked at Buffie to get over it.  Further, Contessa has been spoiling for a fight with Mariah all season.  Mariah has NEVER had a problem saying what's on her mind and from what I heard, Lake is about that life so Contessa needs to sit her ass down and shut up.

Contessa wouldnt' have appreciated it if Buffie had screamed in her face WE ALL HAVE MARRIAGE PROBLEMS!!! when they were on the couples' trip and Contessa ran away from the table because Scott didn't kiss her ass.

36 minutes ago, Pickles said:

Curtis is gross. He seems to almost threaten to cheat again. Who would put up with that creep?? Jackie makes this big show now of pandering to him. Gag. 

Jackie will put up with him because otherwise she'll be alone, scratching and surviving in Atlanta's sad dating scene and both of them know that.  Curtis will find someone to replace Jackie far faster and easier than Jackie will find someone to replace Curtis and both of them know this as well.

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On 12/21/2019 at 8:08 PM, sATL said:



LMAO!!! Real random right?  lol.  Toya said a bunch of Zen sounding things about her dressing room, not the least of which was, it's a place of peace, you can't be mad in this closet, etc.  I hate it to say it cause I clowned her for it initially but I see why.  Smokey grey suede, nail studded doors? 


She right, can't nobody be mad in that closet.   

but this chick here: 

11 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I don't like Contessa's tough love.  Ok, Gunnery Sergeant Hartman.

The. Entire. Fuck?  First of all Loretta Castorini, get away from me. 


Second of all, miss me with the we've all been through something speech.  You might know what it's like to miscarry.  You don't know what it's like to be childless.  Furthermore, I'm still going through it.   Thirdermore, this ain't boutchU!  Your struggle ain't my struggle.  Fourth of all, this closet has replaced the ladies room as a place of peace and neutrality.  You're hollering at me in Switzerland.   Fifth of all, at least 2 of you muffucahs who are losing your mind at the fact that I'm losing mine? Took an oath to first do no harm.  Bitch, you harming me!  

I'm gone disagree with ya'll though, I don't think Buffie's breakdown came out of nowhere.  I think Jackie re-exacerbated feelings that are very close to the surface.  Having someone outside your inner circle be cavalier about their...responsibility/contribution in forcing you to confront something you're managing at your own pace might be enough to get all the way hell bent about.   I don't mind how off the rails Buffie sounded because I don't think grief or trauma has to look neat or manageable to other people.   They know what the problem is, that's enough.   They're not entitled to say how she processes it, that's hers.  

5 minutes ago, Pickles said:

Didn't we at one time see Buffie in Jackie's office as a patient? Maybe I am dreaming.

I am really over Jackie. She is just astonished that anyone would think had she had done anything wrong, since she is Saint Dr. Jackie and she knows best about everything.

Curtis is gross. He seems to almost threaten to cheat again. Who would put up with that creep?? Jackie makes this big show now of pandering to him. Gag. 

Copntessa thinks she is a drill sergeant and can just bark commands at people so they will fall into line. Maybe she needs to get back in the army. She could have troops saying yes ma'm to her and she would have power and feel the respect that she seems to think she deserves. However,  her whole storyline was a fairy tale for the show. She just took a break for a semester from her program. Big deal. They built it up into some huge drama, of course.

get out my head lol.

Jackie said I can't understand why Simone, my friend of 20 years who knows me better than anybody here, wants me to continue to apologize.  Girl. 


It's because your fren who loves you, knows you well enough to know to look out for you.  That first one wasn't shit and we saw that.  Andplusalso, this is all around not a good look for you, personally, professionally, none of that because you didn't have a right to bring it up in the first place and most importantly, you opened up a wound she is and has been dealing with privately, in public.    Forget being a doctor, you're supposed to aim higher as another woman with the same painful experience.   Simone is seeking to cloak your dumb ass by asking you to apologize again.   Talmbout I don't know if this group is for me if I have to keep explaining myself.   You could always spend some time with Curtis' new girlfriend, picking out furniture for the reno and stuff.   Or, OR, just be less of a dick.  You mad your aint shit to begin with ass husband has all these thinly veiled threats of infidelity each time you stay at work past 5:30.  You mad you gotta placate this muffucah into not being an asshole ever again when that's who he's already shown you he is.  Shiddd, I would be too, say that.   Buffie's a good one.  Id've been called up Joseline and jumped weeks ago. 

15 minutes ago, drivethroo said:

But Jackie is arrogant and didn't appreciate Simone telling her she needs to apologize to the simple bitch Buffie, told Simone so, Simone has distanced herself and this is where the "you're a grudge holder" comes from in the previews.

Man I'd hate it if these two didn't work it out.  I'm not a fan of the reason and season idea.  I think with besties, especially women friends, if it's long and real, it (should be) for life, but sometimes you just can't get past yourselves. 

Contessa has been through something.  She goes from zero to I'm finna black out and drop kick your ass over shit that ain't got nothing to do with the original conversation - I'm trying to pick out the theme.   Somebody help, because she's done it before I just don't remember with whom and what they'd done.  Is it close talking, or does somebody have to be physically putting their hand on her or.......? 

Mariah made me laugh with her:  I don't [fight?] horses, I ride em.  lol.   But you digging at somebody bout wearing a whole clydesdale  ponytail?  You?   Now, bitch. 

where's @LibertarianSlut?  Girl see what you was trying to tell me bout not blocking my blessing because the packaging might be extra fluffy?   I want a husband that won't say shit when I spend 2500 of his American dollars to rent a camel.   

Does anybody watch Ready to Love?  I reallly reallly need a thread and somebody to talk shit with, I got a suitcase of shade to unpack lol. 





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4 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

I'm gone disagree with ya'll though, I don't think Buffie's breakdown came out of nowhere.  I think Jackie re-exacerbated feelings that are very close to the surface. 

I think so too, especially since it seems like Buffie's husband is more on the "I've made peace with not having kids" tip and Buffie doesn't want to stop trying.

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41 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

Man I'd hate it if these two didn't work it out.  I'm not a fan of the reason and season idea.  I think with besties, especially women friends, if it's long and real, it (should be) for life, but sometimes you just can't get past yourselves. 

The person who is going to be the saddest about them not working out will be Jackie, not Simone.   My prediction is this:

  • Jackie said something very foul and shitty to Simone.
  • Simone said to herself, let me step back from this bitch for a minute so I don't say something she regrets.
  • Jackie, being arrogant and thinking she's never wrong, wants to hang out and ki'ki with Simone as if nothing ever happened.
  • Simone, says you know what? I'm good right now...I'm just gonna sit over here and I'll holla at you later.

They've distanced themselves from each other...when Andy asks what the deal is, Jackie, being arrogant and thinking she does no wrong, claims it's Simone bailing on the friendship, without acknowledging the part she played in where it went wrong.

When it's cold outside and Jackie has nobody to hold because Curtis is out there cheating, she'll call Simone when her new pals can't be reached for support.  And Simone will be there for her, but it won't be the same because Simone is always going to have that side-eye looking at Jackie.


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12 minutes ago, drivethroo said:

The person who is going to be the saddest about them not working out will be Jackie, not Simone.   My prediction is this:

  • Jackie said something very foul and shitty to Simone.
  • Simone said to herself, let me step back from this bitch for a minute so I don't say something she regrets.
  • Jackie, being arrogant and thinking she's never wrong, wants to hang out and ki'ki with Simone as if nothing ever happened.
  • Simone, says you know what? I'm good right now...I'm just gonna sit over here and I'll holla at you later.

They've distanced themselves from each other...when Andy asks what the deal is, Jackie, being arrogant and thinking she does no wrong, claims it's Simone bailing on the friendship, without acknowledging the part she played in where it went wrong.

When it's cold outside and Jackie has nobody to hold because Curtis is out there cheating, she'll call Simone when her new pals can't be reached for support.  And Simone will be there for her, but it won't be the same because Simone is always going to have that side-eye looking at Jackie.


Oh girl I totally get it.  I'm speaking from personal experience when I say it doesn't even have to be foul.  When interpretation takes the place of communication, it winds up where it winds up.  Each of them should be able to give the other the benefit of the doubt that's built into 20 years of history but that's what I mean by sometimes you can't see past yourselves.  We get stuck, we get proud, it gets easier not to reach for your friend and one day the distance is too great.  They'd both suffer but Simone would not be comforted by the righteousness of being correct, that don't mean shit when you gotta pause before dialing your bff's number.

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1 hour ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

Jackie said I can't understand why Simone, my friend of 20 years who knows me better than anybody here, wants me to continue to apologize.  Girl. 


It's because your fren who loves you, knows you well enough to know to look out for you.  That first one wasn't shit and we saw that.  Andplusalso, this is all around not a good look for you, personally, professionally, none of that because you didn't have a right to bring it up in the first place and most importantly, you opened up a wound she is and has been dealing with privately, in public.    Forget being a doctor, you're supposed to aim higher as another woman with the same painful experience.   Simone is seeking to cloak your dumb ass by asking you to apologize again.   Talmbout I don't know if this group is for me if I have to keep explaining myself.   You could always spend some time with Curtis' new girlfriend, picking out furniture for the reno and stuff.   Or, OR, just be less of a dick.  You mad your aint shit to begin with ass husband has all these thinly veiled threats of infidelity each time you stay at work past 5:30.  You mad you gotta placate this muffucah into not being an asshole ever again when that's who he's already shown you he is.  Shiddd, I would be too, say that.   Buffie's a good one.  Id've been called up Joseline and jumped weeks ago. 

Man I'd hate it if these two didn't work it out.  I'm not a fan of the reason and season idea.  I think with besties, especially women friends, if it's long and real, it (should be) for life, but sometimes you just can't get past yourselves. 

See I don't think that the Simone and Jackie thing is actually about Buffie at all. I'ma take you way back to the start of the season. Mariah was all butt hurt about Jackie repeating what was said at the reunion about her and Simone was spitting fire mad about Heavenly going in after Curtis. I think that was REALLY what the entire Jackie/Simone fall out was over. Simone felt a way that 1) Jackie didn't take Heavenly to task for what she said about Curtis and instead was all "well, you need to keep that off social media" and 2) that Jackie was taking Quad's side, when Simone had made it clear she didn't have any time or effort to spend on Quad. 

This entire season between these two has been nothing but subtext around these two issues which THEY'VE NEVER ACTUALLY TALKED ABOUT ON CAMERA. Now, I think they have discussed them privately, and perhaps have agreed to disagree, but if you noticed, there haven't been any kee-kee lunches, catch up at each other's houses, or dinners with the fellas which were all staples of the previous seasons. I agree that Simone has been trying to save Jackie from herself, but that isn't the source of the coolness between them by a long shot. Mama is ALL IN HER FEELINGS and she's been trying to keep it above board rather than call Jackie everything but a chile of God on national tv.

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1 hour ago, Rlb8031 said:

This entire season between these two has been nothing but subtext around these two issues which THEY'VE NEVER ACTUALLY TALKED ABOUT ON CAMERA.

I think that's why this season has been janky and centered around Buffie.  There's a cold war between Jackie & Simone that nobody is discussing and it's clouded the whole season.  Jackie's been lashing out at Mariah and Buffie when she really wants to lash out at Simone.

Jackie probably said something very foul to Simone, Simone took a step back to avoid saying something Jackie will regret and the rest of the cast chose sides. 

Something also must have happened for production to continuously show Jackie being a big bitch this season.  Observant viewers have always known Jackie is a bitch but it's always been covered up under Lemon Squeezes and calm demeanors.  Jackie definitely got the bitch edit this season; to me, this undercover stuff between Jackie/Simone/Bad Edits is more intriguing than Contessa's spoiled flights of fancy, Quad vs Mariah and Heavenly.

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"   Look baby, you have been thought sh*t.  But We have all been though sh*t. So if you sit here and wallow in sh*t,  you will be absorbed in the sh*t. So get it together and get out of the sh*t. Do you understand what I am telling you ? Get out of the sh*t. "

A Dr  basically cussing out the patient. This wasn't tough love - that was a verbal beat-down. The woman has tears streaming down her face - now is not the time for speeches - if that was supposed to be a motivational speech.. Talk about kicking a person when they are down..

This is coming from a women who wants to work with the undeserved medical community ?

Contessa- do you have a mild form of PTSD ? - I mean you went from 0 to 200 on a hysterical, non-aggressive unarmed woman - like she was enemy #1..


PS: I do think this debacle was another ploy to show off Toya's closet.  I think the place where she has her shoes was made for something else - like artwork . Doesn't make sense to go up a floor to get your shoes. And I'm surprised she didn't build in a small wine/liquor area - to keep from carrying bottles & glasses around.

Edited by sATL
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12 hours ago, FlyingEgret said:

Contessa didn't know that leaving her children for months at a time would affect them?  I am glad she is going to school before applying for the job of Surgeon General... maybe she will learn some common sense as well as medical terms...

how old is contessa ? A prior post mentioned the surgeon general is part of the commissioned officer corp agency.  also to I figured to be a "general" one had to start off as a "lieutenant" - which will be her woes of next season. So I was wonder what drama whould that entail - once she earned her new shiny public health degree

According to the website - there is an upper age restriction. But I guess the President can appoint whomever...Wonder how Dr Scott will handle if they have to move...


Edited by sATL
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While I am hot and cold on Jackie, I can see where she was coming from regarding the apology.  If she really did apologize and Buffy accepted that apology then it should be the end of it, until or unless Jackie did something like it again.  I had a friend that would do this.  We would have a disagreement and I would apologize, she would accept; then we would be out with friends and she would bring it up, blindsiding me.  We are no longer friends

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Episode 16: 


"Reunion Part 1"

Host Andy Cohen reflects on some of the seasons biggest moments as the ladies of medicine come together in part one of the explosive “Married to Medicine” Reunion. Quad discusses her current relationship status, while Simone surprises everyone with new information about Dr. G. Buffie confronts Dr. Jackie causing Heavenly to leap to her defense.

Episode 17:


Part two of the reunion continues as Andy welcomes the husbands to tell their side of the story. The ladies talk about their favorite shady moments from the season. Mariah discusses the allegations brought up against her. Dr. Simone and Dr. Jackie shock everyone when they reveal a rift in their friendship.

Airing December 29, 2019.

Just now, jalady said:

Most of these women are generally attractive; WTH?  Everyone is overly made up, Jackie’s bangs are awful, and Mariah - what the actual fuck have you done to your face???  And that makeup?!?!  Yikes 😲

Hah!  I came to say wtf is up with their lashes?!  It’s like spiders on their faces.  

  • Love 6

Heavenly looked the best, but...I have comments.   Mariah looked really good in the pink corset-robe thing, but her face was too shiny and her eyes are strangely disappearing, though I was a huge fan of the pink eyelashes.  Contessa looked like a poodle.  At least she had her nipples covered this year, but she looked the worst to me.  Jackie’s bangs were jarring for her bone structure, and it looked like she got her suit at a bordello.  Toya looked exactly how she looks on the show, no better, no worse, which is better than average.  The dress was flattering.  I wish Simone hadn’t gone with a sexy camisole and the one blonde curl.  The rest of what she had on worked for me.  I wish Quad would have put something over her bra, but her hair was great.  Quad and Contessa had damn spiders on their faces.  Buffie’s bra top actually had a piece that was digging like an inch into her breast.  It looked so painful, and I noticed it was later removed.  Heavenly was a little too shiny, I could have lived without the feathers, and her part was a little wonky, but overall she looked really great.  It’s like she’s aging down.  And she’s slimming down.  Too bad her personality Is so abrasive.

Andy is quite possibly the most lascivious person I’ve ever seen:

”Who’s your hall pass?”

”What’s more important, credit score or dick size?”???

And he gets so excited to hear about it.  Who gives a shit?

I’m sure Eugene will be thrilled to know that the world knows that he doesn’t pull out when he’s supposed to.  So now we know he masturbates and doesn’t pull out.  I’m sure the AMA and his patients are thrilled.  

Why would Quad want a ten-inch penis?  How big is her vagina?

Jackie saying Toya is a “notorious VAG” was so unfortunate. Toya could get away with saying that.  Jackie saying it and knowing it was pre-rehearsed caused it to go over like a lead balloon.  

Is this show about anything but sex?  

When Andy asked Heavenly why she didn’t tell Damon about the naked man who picked her up, she should have just said, “because he refused to answer me about the nipples that were in his face in Cabo.”  They’re mutually dishonest.  Whatever works.  

Jackie is on excuse 959, 960 and 961 as to why she revealed Buffie’s infertility.  Oh, excuse me, she’s making points one, two and three...it’s easy to say you’d give your baby to Buffie when there’s no chance of you getting one.  “I would never, ever hurt you about your infertility.”  Isn’t that what you did??

I’m not defending Heavenly saying “fat ass,” but what’s “inherently kind” about calling someone out on having dentures first?

If Simone isn’t upset about Jackie’s friendship with Heavenly, what is she mad about then? Why did they grow apart?  Simone still seems pissed.

Jackie wants to leave the show?  There’s the door.  “Bye...bitch...bye.”

Why doesn’t Quad say exactly what she saw with regard to Mariah doing cocaine?  Andy asked her directly and she started speaking in broken phrases and innuendo.  This is the reunion—if you’re going to talk about it, talk about it!  I am not a Quad fan.

If Quad and Heavenly have so much on Mariah, why don’t they just spill it?  I’m starting to believe they have nothing.  I tend to believe Mariah about Quad sleeping with her brother in law, because a.) there was a police report about what I guess happened in the aftermath and; more importantly, b.) as soon as Mariah started talking about the police report, Quad started shouting over her.  Quad is so messy. I don’t care if she offers to take a polygraph, because it will be fake, the way they fake polygraphs on other shows.  

Quad loves her a high horse and a platform.  Whoever dates her next should look before he leaps.  

Women were always sliding into the husbands’ DM’s, but now more than ever?  Do they...need glasses?  They seem like good guys, but not one of them has sex appeal to me.  Are they that rich that tons of women think there would be much left over after they divorced their wives?

Curtis was phoning it in.  He was thinking about every question Andy asked him and formulated a response that would suit Jackie.  “Was I angry that Eugene didn’t say the sip and see would be naked?”  Pause.  “Of...course...I...was...angry?  Because I’m protective of my wife?”

Do Simone and Heavenly actually hate each other?  I’m confused.  They used to be close.  Is it really because of two social media posts, one from each camp, a matter that was disposed of by episode three?  It seems like it may be something they’re not telling us, or something cooked up for TV.  There’s fire, but no smoke.  It’s weird.  

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13 hours ago, jalady said:

Most of these women are generally attractive; WTH?  Everyone is overly made up, Jackie’s bangs are awful, and Mariah - what the actual fuck have you done to your face???  And that makeup?!?!  Yikes 😲

They all had on SO MUCH MAKEUP. Mariah's face was bonkers - she's already fair and her makeup was fairer than her skin and I just wanted to take blotting papers and go to work. Contessa looked straight crazy, head to toe.

Lisa Nicole even sounds pitiful in her comment. Nobody "accused" your man of being a cheater; both you AND he admitted he cheated. It was a topic of conversation on the show. 

11 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Women were always sliding into the husbands’ DM’s, but now more than ever?  Do they...need glasses?  They seem like good guys, but not one of them has sex appeal to me.  Are they that rich that tons of women think there would be much left over after they divorced their wives?

None of them are sexy to me either, but isn't the single woman to single man ratio in Atlanta like 8:1 or something?

  • Love 6

This is going to sound mean but I thought all the women looked like drag queens ( no offense to queens). 

Jackie seems incapable of empathy. She simply cannot relate to how others feel. Kinda weird considering she is an OB/GYN. If my physician went on reality tv acting a fool I would be finding a new doctor, stat! 

The Quad/ Dr Greg situation is sad. It seems they both still  have feelings for each other. Am I a creep for thinking Dr Greg’s alleged small penis may have been their “ biggest” issue? 🤪

I like how Eugene calls out Toya when she is full of it. 

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Empress1 said:

They all had on SO MUCH MAKEUP. Mariah's face was bonkers - she's already fair and her makeup was fairer than her skin and I just wanted to take blotting papers and go to work. Contessa looked straight crazy, head to toe.

Lisa Nicole even sounds pitiful in her comment. Nobody "accused" your man of being a cheater; both you AND he admitted he cheated. It was a topic of conversation on the show. 

None of them are sexy to me either, but isn't the single woman to single man ratio in Atlanta like 8:1 or something?

straight. crazy.   'cho Raye Skywalker ass hairstyle.   That crazy shit can be carried off by the right personality.  Young folk, rappers and their ilk.  Soccer moms out here dressed like Lizzo and Cardi isn't really working for me, them either lol. 

Arachnid lids.  No. Why? Don't.  As a general rule if you can see your own eyelashes, they're too fucking long, Beloved.

Jackie's realization had mad Scarlet O' Hara in it.  Thank God she went into medicine, that was African-movie level emoting, right there. 

Bwahahaaaaaa!!!!  how bout Quadrafinka's response though?   This was Lisa, through the tv: 


Yes, Heavenly is the friend who will do what Jackie says.  She is going harder for Jackie than Jackie.  And she sounds redamndiculous for it.   Buffie and Jackie couldn't talk, then Simone and Jackie couldn't talk without her intervention.  There was one thing she said, some editorial commentary that made me tell the teevee to tell her STFU.   2 things.   Something like "so we don't have to talk about it no more" re Buffie and Jackie and "that's all I'm talking about" when Simone and Jackie hugged, I think.   


who is talking to you??  I think she's entirely at fault about the Simone dust up.  They were closeish at one time.  But she doesn't trust other women, so she has no idea what it means to honor a girlfriend bond.   If and when, really when lol, I shit talk my husband to you, in confidence and you take what I say and run it past a global social media platform?    Bruh.  You ain't shit.   Worse though, my bestie watched all that and remains friends with the very bish who doth betray me?  Oh nah Ceasar, we can't be homies at. all.   I'm also legit surprised she was obtuse enough for Andy to have to say you aren't getting how much your friendship/loyalty to Heavenly hurts her.  She kinda slow to be a smart cookie.

Is ya'll honestly telling me.  That Buffie coulda been had a damn Brady Bunch by now? Look, I don't mean to make light of what I'm never gone go through personally.  Feeling the baby kick and rubbing on a round belly is a huge part of the experience, I get that.   But, if there's something about your body that won't allow you to carry, but did allow you to produce viable eggs FIVE fucking times and the thing that is keeping you from motherhood is swollen cankles and not holding down lunch?  Muffucah that's what Judith Sheindlin would call a voluntary hardship.  No disrespect, infertility doesn't mean what I thought it did if you can and have conceived several biological embryos waiting to be housed.   I'm Team Dave.  We coulda got through the hard part years ago, had us at least three different 10 year olds and still out here young enough to live our best lives?   She bullshittin. 

Between that front, that back and that profile and even her fake ass freak number?  I see why Big Genie stays paying for all manner of camels 'n shit.  Toya is gorgeous.  

Someone please tell Quad I said liner darker than your gloss?



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Z Dub, I love you to life and live for your comments and I almost gave you a “like” until I got to your comment about Toya, lol.  Baby definitely got back and she probably looked the best last night (damning with faint praise for sure), but I just don’t think she’s gorgeous.  Definitely an attractive woman though.  So you have an almost like 😂.

  • LOL 2
10 minutes ago, jalady said:

Z Dub, I love you to life and live for your comments and I almost gave you a “like” until I got to your comment about Toya, lol.  Baby definitely got back and she probably looked the best last night (damning with faint praise for sure), but I just don’t think she’s gorgeous.  Definitely an attractive woman though.  So you have an almost like 😂.

I'll take my approval any way you wanna lemme have it so g'awn and give it up.   That was nastier sounding than it was supposed to be lol.   But you know good n' hell well that by and amongst:  Buffie's smokey eye/boob dagger, Mariah's my lil pony unicorn imitation, Simone's Bad Boy label suit, Jackie's I-can-see-the-track-bump bangs, Quad's front, Heavenly's top and Contessa's.........everything, Toya was out here winning.   She always look golden and/or bronzy, like her shit is made of sunbeams and glitter.  


  • LOL 12
3 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

Is ya'll honestly telling me.  That Buffie coulda been had a damn Brady Bunch by now? Look, I don't mean to make light of what I'm never gone go through personally.  Feeling the baby kick and rubbing on a round belly is a huge part of the experience, I get that.   But, if there's something about your body that won't allow you to carry, but did allow you to produce viable eggs FIVE fucking times and the thing that is keeping you from motherhood is swollen cankles and not holding down lunch?  Muffucah that's what Judith Sheindlin would call a voluntary hardship.  No disrespect, infertility doesn't mean what I thought it did if you can and have conceived several biological embryos waiting to be housed.   

I’m Team Dave also. I was infertile, not a single viable opportunity for an embryo- it took Buffie a long time to adjust her expectations- but she had options. I hope she ends up with a wonderful child. She seems like she would be an amazing mother. 
Jackie, on the other hand, would not have been the best mother, being as she is missing an empathy chip.

I really liked Jackie the first couple of years, but now if I had to choose, I’d take Simone yelling at me as my OB/Gynecologist versus Jackie’s lack of self-awareness.



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Toya thanks for the shoutout about Detroit haha very true😉😉

Heavenly seemed very angry this reunion. She has become more like Jackie’s flunky. I was surprised to see Jackie tell her to stop talking lol Toya knows she purposely sat in Curtis’s lap haha. I think Quad slept with Lake’s ex husband. She always gets this guilty/weird look on her face to me whenever it’s brought up. Dr. Damon seems like he would be a down low cheating husband haha but if I were Heavenly I would be mad and jealous too. That stripper was all over daddy haha 

  • Love 2

See, I understand why Jackie and Heavenly rock for each other. While they are exact opposites in most areas, they share one trait that bonds them - they keep their own counsel when it comes to their husbands. Heavenly never publicly says a negative word about Damon - and when she does it is about mostly innocuous things (he spends too much time in the studio, or he won't tell other people no). Even when Jackie was publicly embarrassed by Curtis' cheating ass, she never disclosed any information about how he had done her wrong, beyond what was being shared in the media. They see each other and they get it, which is why they have lasted as friends when it would seem that they should have been the first to fall out. 

As for Heavenly and Simone, what Simone doesn't understand about Heavenly is that her version of girl code is that she will be your ninja assassin if someone comes for you - hence her defense of Jackie in the Buffie situation. Simone talked to Heavenly about her man needing to get a job, drinking too much, and hanging at the strip club, and Heavenly took each and every bullet, fashioned them into throwing stars and tossed them right at Cecil when he got sideways on Twitter. THAT'S WHAT SHE DOES. And if you don't like it, don't give her the ammo, because snippers are going to snipe. 

And Simone knew, that she wasn't going to be able to tell Jackie "pick me" because Jackie at her core is like "girl, why did you tell Heavenly those things if you didn't want them repeated?" which is a question that Simone can't answer. Simone was both big mad and butthurt with Jackie, but she knew that Jackie didn't get it and that she'd have to admit she did something stupid by talking about Cecil to Heavenly which she never would.

As for the rest of the crowd - ladies, let your makeup whisper like your wealth. I kept trying to figure out what was wrong with Contessa's face when I realized she had fake lashes on both her upper and lower lids. She looked like a damn Venus Flytrap in an sequined gown...

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I find this show REALLY hard to watch.  Dr. Heavenly and Quad are the most vicious of all the women in the Bravosphere, IMO.  They are so bad, they ruin the show for me.  It's just not entertaining at that level of spite, anger, and desperation.

On the other end of the spectrum...Dr. Jackie's holier-than-thou schtick is OLD and seems to reflect a great big ego underneath.

Edited by Jextella
  • Love 5
On 12/30/2019 at 10:53 AM, Empress1 said:

They all had on SO MUCH MAKEUP. Mariah's face was bonkers - she's already fair and her makeup was fairer than her skin and I just wanted to take blotting papers and go to work. Contessa looked straight crazy, head to toe.

I didn't even recognize Contessa, and Mariah's face looked too shiny.  


On 12/30/2019 at 10:53 AM, Empress1 said:

None of them are sexy to me either, but isn't the single woman to single man ratio in Atlanta like 8:1 or something?

I think it's worse if you're talking about black men.

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On 1/2/2020 at 11:06 AM, OnceSane said:

Episode 18:

Airs January 5, 2020.

I feel like Quad knows something deep about Mariah and Aydin. Aydin apologized real quick when Quad started yelling at him for telling to be quiet. Further more Mariah and family were recorded talking about Quad, yet she and her husband want to play the victim. Mariah, if you’re constantly having conflict with others, you’re most likely the nucleus. Contessa’s makeup artist must not like her very much. I understand her being somewhat resentful of Scott. She quit the Navy for him and most likely had children before she was truly ready to make him happy.

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I liked that Simone talked about how even if a 14-year-old isn't having sex, the odds are good that s/he knows someone who is so you have to keep the conversation open. You can't stop kids from having sex. You can give the sex consequences, but you can't physically stop them from doing it.

Otherwise, this was a pretty dull part 3. I think the only time I laughed was when Contessa said she had someone to set Quad up with and Heavenly muttered "He's 4'11"."

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