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What was so great was the guy was not being insulting or mean.  You could tell he was a nice guy just trying to deal with her horrible attitude.  He fully expected the celebrity to be someone like Charlie Sheen.


It is also interesting to me that she thinks her porn, uh, sex tape is going to make her famous.  That is why she thinks she does not need the show or that it is holding her back.

  • Love 7

That interview was hilarious! It's like she can't even fathom that this guy has very little (or no) idea who she is. And she was so pissed when the topic wasn't all about her for a few seconds. She usually seems to keep her snotty attitude mostly in check when she's doing interviews outside of MTV, at least from what I've seen, but not here. I felt bad for the interviewer but he seemed to handle it ok. I bet afterwards he was thinking "what the hell just happened?"

  • Love 4

"Who is the celebrity" is now my favorite line I've ever heard. I loved how the guy had no clue who the hell she was.

Yes that was classic. I was wishing he would ask the next obvious question when she said she was the celebrity, what movies/shows/etc. she's known for? Although that may have been a self preservation move on his part. I think he knew he was in trouble as soon as he asked about her time on set and she was so appalled that someone would dare think she had ever been on a set. And yet she's a celebrity? I bet that guy was shaking his head in confusion for awhile after that interview.

  • Love 5

Coming soon:  Mom & Me Wine.  The new products will have an official launch at the Ice Wine Festival in New York City.


Also, If you are in New York City for the Mom & Me gala, you might as well make plans to see another Farrah Family launch event, as Farrah’s daughter Sophia will be walking the New York Fashion Week catwalk as part of the Bound By the Crown Couture show.


Can't make this stuff up:



  • Love 2

Coming soon:  Mom & Me Wine.  The new products will have an official launch at the Ice Wine Festival in New York City.


Also, If you are in New York City for the Mom & Me gala, you might as well make plans to see another Farrah Family launch event, as Farrah’s daughter Sophia will be walking the New York Fashion Week catwalk as part of the Bound By the Crown Couture show.


Can't make this stuff up:



Edited by Marisagf
  • Love 2

Oh, they let animals on the stage at Fashion Week?



No mention of Sophia but she's billed as "Teen Mom": https://twitter.com/F1abraham/status/695213016271314944

I don't know much about FW, but it sounds like there are a lot of "fringe events" around town that aren't really part of the actual event.  Sort of like renting space at the Long Beach Ramada Inn and hosting an "Oscar Party" for Z-List celebs like Farrah. 

  • Love 4

Yes, Farrah, you do not need this show.  I noticed that the only reason you are hosting this Z list event, with such luminaries as Ramona from Mob Wives (who?), is because you are billed as "Farrah from Teen Mom".


I hope you get kicked off the show and Teen Mom files an injunction to keep you from using the shows title in your projects (Backdoor Teen Mom, etc.).  That will probably kill about ninety percent of your income.


Yet, she thinks she is too good for this show, it is holding her back from making millions, and she constantly abuses/degrades the producers and crew.

Edited by qtpye
  • Love 8

I am so confused as to why every person in farrah's life puts up with her disgusting evil personality. She treats her parents like absolute crap, and they kiss the ground she walks on. The reason farrah acts this way starts with her parents who let her get away with talking to them any way she wants to. I would be like "keep your daughter, we are the ones doing you the favor you ungrateful *****".. And then you have the producers of teen mom who for some unbeknownst reason continues to keep letting her come back on the show for another season. I wouldn't care if she brings more ratings or not ( which i doubt she does.) If someone acted like she does, there is no way i as her boss would everrrrrrr let her come back and get money from me. And i love how she flips out on her mom for saying a curse in front of sophia, yet every other word out of her mouth is a curse

  • Love 6

So the mom in "Mom & Me" is Debra's mom?  The labels have Debra with another blonde lady, not Farrah.  Oh wait, here's the About Me page, which is GOLD: http://www.momandmefoods.com/our-story/ 


Okay, I know almost nothing about spotting Photoshop-ery, and even *I* can tell this jar is plunked down in a way that defies physics. How cheap can you get? Take a real damned photo with your product. http://www.momandmefoods.com/

  • Love 5

Sorry about that! Try this: for reviews of the sauce:


This review made me laugh: If you want a sauce that has no flavor and no boldness to it, by all means try this lackluster brand of sauce. Also, if you are having any problems with going to the bathroom eat a spoonful of this, guaranteed to do the trick.

  • Love 5

The only reason 16 and pregnant/teen mom were popular was because Derek died!? I don't remember the early episodes completely but I feel like Derek's death wasn't even mentioned until a few episodes into teen mom, so how exactly did that "make" the show?

And her claiming her porn only when it's convenient pisses me off to no end, one minute she is crying and bemoaning how traumatized by the experience, and the next she's bubbly and "you might know me from my celebrity sex tape"... You can't have it both ways.

  • Love 8

Farrah actually won an AVN award for "best marketing campaign" for Backdoor Teen Mom, they don't give out marketing awards for a "leaked sex tape," it was a porn, period. Why does everyone keep letting her lie about something so painfully obvious? Everyone that indulges her in her endless lies is partially responsible for the horrible trash-person she is.

  • Love 6

Was that what she said? I thought she said the only reason she was on the show was because Sophia's dad died. Which actually made sense to me, because that story was bound to have more drama than all the others they picked from when they first started 16&P.

That's what I heard her shout at the exec producer.   She really believes she is the reason TM was a hit and I guess them asking her back mid season didn't do anything to dispel that particular delusion.  


I am so confused as to why every person in farrah's life puts up with her disgusting evil personality. She treats her parents like absolute crap, and they kiss the ground she walks on. The reason farrah acts this way starts with her parents who let her get away with talking to them any way she wants to. I would be like "keep your daughter, we are the ones doing you the favor you ungrateful *****".. And then you have the producers of teen mom who for some unbeknownst reason continues to keep letting her come back on the show for another season. I wouldn't care if she brings more ratings or not ( which i doubt she does.) If someone acted like she does, there is no way i as her boss would everrrrrrr let her come back and get money from me. And i love how she flips out on her mom for saying a curse in front of sophia, yet every other word out of her mouth is a curse

I don't know about Deb and Micheal but there is a theory that this is all an act between the three of them at this point for a storyline which makes sense to me.    Earlier seasons however were for sure not an act.  This entire family is seriously effed up.    


It's easier to figure out why the MTV crew keeps kissing her ass - this show makes MTV tons of money for one thing and the crew are professionals for another.   But in the end, they get the film and the edit so we can all see what a lovely girl Farrah is to be around. 

  • Love 4

Was Farrah traumatized or abused by someone other than her parents as a child? The only logical way for her parents to continue to put up with her shit is because they feel guilty. She has so much rage and anger. Perhaps the portapotty is not for the producer she's known for 6 years but for the random cameramen.

That is my current theory.

  • Love 1

Heatherchandler they showed a preview or behind the scenes clip or something in the last after show. It was supposedly to explain why she wasn't at the after show, but it really made it look like she'd be off the show completely. She was cussing out the crew for daring to show up and film her for this trashy show, and at one point even pushed one of the producers. I'm looking to see if I can find it online anywhere.

Edited by NikSac
  • Love 1

The more I see of Sophia, the more I am reminded of my daughter.  The squeaky high baby voice, the slight lisp, the evil looks she throws whenever anyone upsets "her mommy", the stomping when something doesn't go her way, the complete lack of respect for her elders.  Except...my daughter is 2.  All those things are pretty normal for a 2 year old.  They are NOT normal for a 7 year old.

  • Love 5

Sadly, I think they would never kick her off the show.  I now realize the production crew encourages the bad behaviors, because it brings in viewers. 


I do not see Farrah ever quitting on her own.  She knows this show is her cash cow.  She will threaten to quit to have her fans begging her to come back.   The show is easy money for her and leads to other opportunities.

  • Love 1

Farrah was mentioned on another show, Superstore, in an episode I watched last night. It's a show about the workers in a WAL MART type store, I'm not a fan of the interactions between the lead male and female characters but the rest of their co-workers and customers are usually funny. Anyway, a pregnant, young co-worker is trying on dresses with her wannabe-rapper boyfriend in the wedding department and she proclaims her chosen dress is from the Farrah Abraham collection.

  • Love 2

I may be misremembering this but in the first season, didn't she or her mother make comments about sophia's dad being abusive?

Yes. Now he's dead Daddy Derek, the love of her life.

She also claims that both her parents beat her with belts and were sent to jail at one point.


  • Love 3

These people are so morally bankrupt, it boggles my mind. I could care less about Farah doing porn, really, but let's call it like it is, she did porn. Own it and move on. But she is truly a horrible horrible person. I saw an episode where she said she gave sophia $600 for losing a tooth. Who does that? She is not Angelina Jolie and I doubt Angelina would do that. The mother daughter relationship is a mess, both treating each other like shit. I do wish MTV would cut the cord.

  • Love 5

She said she gives Sophia $600 for losing a tooth, then she started crying and briefly ran into the bathroom to hide.


I think that sometimes it dawns on her that she is a nutcase and she is (very, very briefly) humiliated. This is usually a good time for her to start blubbering, bring up Daddy Derek -- and try to garner sympathy in an attempt  to deflect from whatever crazy thing she just said/did.

  • Love 6
She also claims that both her parents beat her with belts and were sent to jail at one point.




Holy crap!  I would never have pegged her as a physically abused child (more like a spoiled brat who always got her way).  If this is true, then she really should never leave Sophia with them, no matter how much she thinks they have changed.


I grew up in the south and it was not uncommon for kids to get paddled or "whupped", even with belts.  Oprah Winfrey talks about how her Grandma would make her cut her own "switch" for a whipping, when she was a child.  It was not considered abuse then.


Now, Farrah is several generations younger then Oprah, but for her parents to go to jail...they must have done some awful stuff.


If it is true, then I do feel sorry for her.  However, Farrah does not have a great track record with the truth (Daddy Derek was the love of her life, she never did a porno, she was paid millions of dollars for her sex tape, etc.) so, it is sometimes difficult to take her words at face value.

  • Love 2


In 2014 Michael states, there was no abuse and a book coming soon. So who knows!

If they actually spent time in jail for abuse, wouldn't that be easy enough to verify? There has to be a record of it somewhere.


I would think if Deb had a record, that would have impacted her ability to plead to a lesser charge when she was arrested for assaulting Farrah during the first season of Teen Mom. 

  • Love 6
“She is doing this all on her own. Farrah knows how to get her name out there. But her self-promotion is on the entertainment side,” Michael says, adding that Farrah would never sell-out her family for fame. She wouldn't? Errr… Michael has you subscription to the internet expired? 



Does any member of that family live in the real world?  Really, Michael...Farrah's porn, uh, sex tape was all for Sophia?  Her going on second rate trashy reality shows and often getting kicked out early, is how her life revolves around her daughter?


You have created this monster by enabling all her horrible behavior.  If my adult daughter claimed I beat her and went to jail, and it was not true, the relationship would be over.  Also, you are not protecting Sophia by being in Farrah's life...you are just creating Farrah 2.0.


You better get on the horn and call your daughter out on her lies.  She has just literally defecated all over your reputation, as a man and a father.

  • Love 6
Holy crap!  I would never have pegged her as a physically abused child (more like a spoiled brat who always got her way).  If this is true, then she really should never leave Sophia with them, no matter how much she thinks they have changed.


This is why I have no sympathy. She is either leaving her child with her abusers. Or she made the entire thing up. While I don't think she's the paragon of wise mothering (how many times did we see her leave Sophia unattended as a baby on a bed, counter top, near a flat iron?), I tend to think it's the latter. This is the chick who made up a boyfriend to get on Couples Therapy. When her mouth opens, BS comes out.

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