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Catelynn (and Tyler)

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My weed comments, which are strictly about Catelynn and Tyler, are not meant to be generalizations nor are they about anyone else. My point about them failing a piss test is due to the kinds of jobs those two would likely be qualified to get. I have had piss tests at various jobs and at others I didn't have to take any drug tests. I worked for the county courthouse and was required to take a test. Costco drug tests their employees. Other retailers require drug testing. Some contractors require potential employees to take a urine test. What sort of jobs these two lazy slobs would get may likely require a urine test. Going strictly by the lack of motivation, the lazy attitude, the excuses they give, and going by other factors, it is not a stretch IN MY MIND that these two are smoking pot to get high, not to relax or help with any medical issue.

  • Love 4

It's almost as if Cate and Tyler saw how great Carly was turning out and congratulated themselves, instead of Brandon and Teresa, who were actually doing all the hard work.


They thought their awesome genes were the main contributing factor and the people actually raising the kid were just extras.  I am sure Cate romanticized what an amazing mother she would be.


Wow, I think you're soooo spot on!  Carly seems like a great kid and those two think that just happened/they had something to do with it.  They have a chance to be full-time parents and they think the same amount of effort (i.e. none) results in the same kind of kid. 

  • Love 3

My weed comments, which are strictly about Catelynn and Tyler, are not meant to be generalizations nor are they about anyone else. My point about them failing a piss test is due to the kinds of jobs those two would likely be qualified to get. I have had piss tests at various jobs and at others I didn't have to take any drug tests. I worked for the county courthouse and was required to take a test. Costco drug tests their employees. Other retailers require drug testing. Some contractors require potential employees to take a urine test. What sort of jobs these two lazy slobs would get may likely require a urine test. Going strictly by the lack of motivation, the lazy attitude, the excuses they give, and going by other factors, it is not a stretch IN MY MIND that these two are smoking pot to get high, not to relax or help with any medical issue.


Agreed. Many companies also have RANDOM drug testing so once you have the job you're not necessarily safe. You don't know far enough ahead of time when a test will be required in order to have the time to clean out your system. Not to mention you never know when your company may decide to institute drug testing. It's not just jobs where drug/alcohol use could be blamed for an on the job accident that now require drug testing, many office type jobs are now instituting this policy.

  • Love 2

Agreed. Many companies also have RANDOM drug testing so once you have the job you're not necessarily safe. You don't know far enough ahead of time when a test will be required in order to have the time to clean out your system. Not to mention you never know when your company may decide to institute drug testing. It's not just jobs where drug/alcohol use could be blamed for an on the job accident that now require drug testing, many office type jobs are now instituting this policy.

Exactly. I am sure Butch has told this or mentioned this to Tyler when he had to give excuses for why he could not get a job since he would pee dirty. Many jobs, even those that did not use to drug test, are now doing random tests. It is the reality of things and I would not doubt it if that is one of the reasons he will not seek work.


Sigh.  The demonization of marijuana really grinds my gears.   As I said above, I've been a daily pot smoker for 15+ years and have had a number of jobs on my journey to becoming an attorney.  Oftentimes more than one at a time (I worked my ass off to get where I am.)  I've had to drug test ONCE and I simply stopped smoking for a couple of weeks and passed.   Those kids would be lazy slugs with or without the weed.   Blame Mtv, not marijuana.


I think what the poster was getting at is that T&C would have to stop smoking pot for a number of weeks (if Cate is a daily smoker combined with her size, I'd lay off for a month just to be safe) in case a drug test is required for employment, and thus have no desire to look for work. They are lazy slugs who aren't that inspired to look for work under any conditions, but if you add having to lay off pot for a whole month- well that would negate any desire to look for a job.

Edited by Tatum
  • Love 6

Cate and Tyler are so...old. They are so weirdly frumpy it isn't funny. They fancy themselves as the most cultured people in the trailer park. Sort of a bootleg BrandonandTeresa.

Everything about them is so senior living. From the doilies in the house to the way she calls him "honey". I dont know anyone under 45 that calls their mate honey. It's so dated. Remember when they went to that bed and breakfast? It was a place for an older married couple that needed a chance to reconnect. Not two childless twenty somethings. Why not Vegas? Or Miami. Because they don't know how to be! They're playing at being grownups.

They live the life that they think they've modeled after BrandonandTeresa.

Instead of the Hamptons, they have Trailer Park Chic.

Edited by Brooklynista
  • Love 5

My weed comments, which are strictly about Catelynn and Tyler, are not meant to be generalizations nor are they about anyone else. My point about them failing a piss test is due to the kinds of jobs those two would likely be qualified to get. I have had piss tests at various jobs and at others I didn't have to take any drug tests. I worked for the county courthouse and was required to take a test. Costco drug tests their employees. Other retailers require drug testing. Some contractors require potential employees to take a urine test. What sort of jobs these two lazy slobs would get may likely require a urine test. Going strictly by the lack of motivation, the lazy attitude, the excuses they give, and going by other factors, it is not a stretch IN MY MIND that these two are smoking pot to get high, not to relax or help with any medical issue.

Totally agree. (Plus, I'm not about to get into a debate about the effects of long-term regular pot use but I think there's evidence that it both does and doesn't rob people of motivation. I was involved in a long-term relationship with someone who smoked regularly and quit for that reason - said all he felt like doing was smoking. He went on to get his PhD from a very prestigious university so I don't think he was inherently a slacker but he felt like pot did that to him. Of course, that doesn't mean that everyone who smokes regularly suffers those effects but I certainly think it can be a contributing factor here. And, for the record, I am a supporter of decriminalization/legalization so it isn't like I'm totally anti-pot but different people have different experiences, obviously.)


And, you're right. Many jobs are subjected to random drug tests, including both mine and my husband's.  There is no way I'd smoke, Just not worth the risk *for us.*

  • Love 3

There's absolutely no reason to assume that they're doing the same things today that they were SIX YEARS AGO ... back then they were uneducated, full of grand ideas but no action, and just coming off having a baby girl. They're nothing like that now!



Cate and Tyler are so...old. They are so weirdly frumpy it isn't funny. They fancy themselves as the most cultured people in the trailer park. Sort of a bootleg BrandonandTeresa.

Everything about them is so senior living. From the doilies in the house to the way she calls him "honey". I dont know anyone under 45 that calls their mate honey. It's so dated. Remember when they went to that bed and breakfast? It was a place for an older married couple that needed a chance to reconnect. Not two childless twenty somethings. Why not Vegas? Or Miami. Because they don't know how to be! They're playing at being grownups.

They live the life that they think they've modeled after BrandonandTeresa.

Instead of the Hamptons, they have Trailer Park Chic.


Hey now! Yes, they are weirdly old and I am here for all the doily and old folks home snark. But! MAYBE they were so sick of babe, baby, sweetie, we, um they decided Honey was sweet and not annoying. I'm just sayin'. *cough*  #defensively


When my youngest son was in kindergarten, his teacher asked "What's your mother's name?" He said "Mommy." "No, I mean what does your father call her?" "Honey."

  • Love 9

I  thought it was kind of odd, the way Tyler was looking at his father when Butch told the psychologist about his apparently God-awful childhood.  I actually broke down and cried for Butch when he recalled being a bedwetter, and his father telling him that he'd better not wet the bed again or he'd get a beating, etc. :  And then,  "I knew my mother loved me; I didn't even know my mother." [paraphrased by me].  Until that point it was hard for me to get any real sense of Butch other than what was voiced by Tyler, his mom, Cait and her own mom, all of whom presented a profile of Butch as he has been all of his adult life, for the most part.


Hearing his "back story," of course, does not excuse any of his anti-social behaviors or the years of non-involvement with his kids; it does, however, offer Tyler an opportunity to understand Butch better, particularly his childhood, and to consider how that defective childhood affected his adult behaviors and relationships.


 Looking into any person's past - seeing the child he or she once was -   often elicits a sympathetic, rather than a judgmental, perspective of that person.

Edited by StayingAfterSunday
  • Love 13

I agree with the above.  Butch's story really explained a lot.  I find violence directed toward children as so heartbreaking.  Even when children aren't loved, listened to, valued, etc, it breaks my heart.  I guess having a child it just makes you really want children to be loved and cared for--when people don't care or treat them badly I find it so sad.  And yes, it makes such a difference in how that child grows up.  They grow up not knowing what it is liked to be loved.... they don't have a good reference point to start with.  Though many overcome it, not everyone can, especially when violence is involved as well.  

  • Love 7

Everything about them is so senior living. From the doilies in the house to the way she calls him "honey". I dont know anyone under 45 that calls their mate honey. It's so dated.


Tyler calls Cate "honey," too.  It sounds very weird to me. 



I guess having a child it just makes you really want children to be loved and cared for--when people don't care or treat them badly I find it so sad.


I agree that it's very sad, and for the record, I don't have kids, and I don't automatically like a person just because s/he happens to be a child. Mistreating people you made the choice to bring into the world always boggles my mind. 

  • Love 1

There's absolutely no reason to assume that they're doing the same things today that they were SIX YEARS AGO ... back then they were uneducated, full of grand ideas but no action, and just coming off having a baby girl. They're nothing like that now! "

Ha! Yes, they have grown into two fine adults with so much growth.

The only growth in their lives is the fact they have bigger couches to lay around on and they brought a new baby into the world for someone else to raise.

Speaking of these two and how old they come off, I remember seeing a silver tea set in their dining room area. That shit made me laugh.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 6

Am I the only one that thinks Caitlyn and Tyler's house smells disgusting? Granted, she's one of the only moms I've seen doing chores (really, do any of these people do chores?!) but the dogs and the carpet make their house look nasty.

And I think Caitlyn really has depression. She barely puts effort into herself. Her hair is messy, her clothes are too big and she's breaking out with acne. Poor thing, she needs help and Tyler's not giving it to her.

  • Love 6

Sigh.  The demonization of marijuana really grinds my gears.   As I said above, I've been a daily pot smoker for 15+ years and have had a number of jobs on my journey to becoming an attorney.  Oftentimes more than one at a time (I worked my ass off to get where I am.)  I've had to drug test ONCE and I simply stopped smoking for a couple of weeks and passed.   Those kids would be lazy slugs with or without the weed.   Blame Mtv, not marijuana.



I'm also a lawyer and I have never once been drug tested for any job (and I've had jobs such as waitressing, cashiering at the 7-11 since I was 15 years old up to working at a doctor's answering service during college and then quite a few legal jobs). I would have passed fine because I don't smoke pot (it makes my anxiety worse and I freak out!) but my husband is a long-term stoner who is no slacker. (He vapes or eats it, doesn't smoke it.)

I do think that substances (such as alcohol, pot or anything) can create a nasty cycle when it comes to depression. But then again pot can be useful for helping some mental illnesses so I don't know. I just hope they're not self-medicating and maybe they could talk to a doctor or psychiatrist who is down with medicinal marijuana. My husband has a weed card and it helps his depression.

I'm not big fans of Catelynn and Tyler anymore (or really anyone on Teen Mom anymore!) but I think they have come from a cycle of poverty and addiction and abuse that is really hard to break out of. People seem to give Brandon and Teresa parents of the year award for being from an upper middle class environment and having good jobs etc. etc. etc. but I really don't think that C&T are that awful compared to where they came from. I think Catelynn could be doing better but she is trying her best for where she is right now and that is all any of us can do. I definitely think she has depression and still has grief and guilt about Carly. (I have never been a fan of Tyler's and I felt since 16 & Pregnant that he was pressuring Catelynn to give Carly up for adoption or at least taking advantage of her co-dependence on him. I think Catelynn wanted to keep Carly and Tyler clearly wanted to give her up and has been riding the fame wave ever since. So I don't have many good things to say about him as a person or a parent but I also think he has had it very rough and he clearly looks to Butch for the love and acceptance that he will never get from Butch because Butch is unable to get it. So I do feel bad for Tyler even though I dislike him.)

Edited to add-- I definitely know many stoner lawyers and other successful stoners, including in my husband's field (IT/web development). So I agree with you that stoner doesn't equal slacker. I do think it sucks that many entry level jobs test for it and I don't think it should matter if people smoke pot at home or in their free time etc. Also the one strand of marijuana I did appreciate when I could (I have since had a baby and was breastfeeding and now I'm pregnant again) was a kind that suppressed appetite! I would have loved to see if I could lose weight on that but it was only around briefly and my husband was going to look at the dispensary for me but because I'm not a huge pot fan normally I slacked off on my request and the time to do it passed, ha ha. But I know there are all different types of marijuana and some give you the munchies while others take away natural munchies (which are the kind I'm unfortunately prone to!) And that the different strands can do all kinds of different and unique things for different people that are really helpful. I definitely hate when pot is demonized or stereotyped.

Edited by GuiltyPleasureTV
  • Love 4

I'm over these meetings between Tyler and Kim.  Its like they just get together to slam Cate.  Kim needs to realize that Tyler is only a special snowflake to her and quit ragging on Cate about every damn thing.  I'm no Catelynn fan, but I'd be more than a bit pissed to see my MIL talking shit every time she was on camera.


I'm a petty bitch and MIL would suddenly find her time with my kid dwindling.  You don't get to have my kid and shit talk me.

  • Love 8

. I just hope they're not self-medicating and maybe they could talk to a doctor or psychiatrist who is down with medicinal marijuana. My husband has a weed card and it helps his depression.

I'm not big fans of Catelynn and Tyler anymore (or really anyone on Teen Mom anymore!) but I think they have come from a cycle of poverty and addiction and abuse that is really hard to break out of. People seem to give Brandon and Teresa parents of the year award for being from an upper middle class environment and having good jobs etc. etc. etc. but I really don't think that C&T are that awful compared to where they came from. I think Catelynn could be doing better but she is trying her best for where she is right now and that is all any of us can do. I definitely think she has depression and still has grief and guilt about Carly. (I have never been a fan of Tyler's and I felt since 16 & Pregnant that he was pressuring Catelynn to give Carly up for adoption or at least taking advantage of her co-dependence on him. I think Catelynn wanted to keep Carly and Tyler clearly wanted to give her up and has been riding the fame wave ever since. So I don't have many good things to say about him as a person or a parent but I also think he has had it very rough and he clearly looks to Butch for the love and acceptance that he will never get from Butch because Butch is unable to get it. So I do feel bad for Tyler even though I dislike him.)

Edited to add-- I definitely know many stoner lawyers and other successful stoners, including in my husband's field (IT/web development). So I agree with you that stoner doesn't equal slacker. I definitely hate when pot is demonized or stereotyped.

No one posted or implied a smoker of marijuana automatically makes them a slacker. And no one ever made any comments that were "demonizing" the use of pot.

Agree Brooklynista. Tyler needs to worry about his lack-luster life and stop talking about not only Catelynn, but everyone else around him. He acts as if he is the shit and that is just so fucking irritating.

  • Love 4

No one posted or implied a smoker of marijuana automatically makes them a slacker. And no one ever made any comments that were "demonizing" the use of pot.

Agree Brooklynista. Tyler needs to worry about his lack-luster life and stop talking about not only Catelynn, but everyone else around him. He acts as if he is the shit and that is just so fucking irritating.


Yeah, a poster said that she thought C&T wouldn't want to get  jobs because-among other reasons- they wouldn't want to deal with potential drug testing, which was somehow misinterpreted into, people that smoke pot don't want to get jobs, or are unable to get jobs.


I'm over these meetings between Tyler and Kim.  Its like they just get together to slam Cate.  Kim needs to realize that Tyler is only a special snowflake to her and quit ragging on Cate about every damn thing.  I'm no Catelynn fan, but I'd be more than a bit pissed to see my MIL talking shit every time she was on camera.


I know! Shut UP Kim! Your son is an emotionally abusive (well to his girlfriend/wife, he physically abuses dogs), lazy, uneducated, unmotivated jackass. Cate may be a lazy unmotivated crap mother herself and she STILL deserves better than Tyler. Real nice work you did, there, Kim.

  • Love 6

Thank you ladies for defending my comment about weed which ended up being twisted into something else. I made my point clear. Twice!

I have mentioned before there is nothing wrong with smoking pot. My comments were strictly about Cate and Tyler and their circumstances.

Brooklynista, spot on. Tyler is too quick to want to discuss what is wrong with Catelynn, which seems to reflect more on his impatience and lack of tolerance towards her. It is so clear Tyler is annoyed at the life choices he made. Catelynn is his scapegoat.

It comes off more to me that Cate is not depressed, but extremely worried and scared that Tyler is not at all happy with her. Clearly the things he says to her and about her on camera are bad enough. Imagine what is happening behind closed doors. I cannot get it out of my head how Cate revealed how Tyler has a temper. It is something we already knew except that was the first time Catelynn has said such a thing.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 5

I'm over these meetings between Tyler and Kim. Its like they just get together to slam Cate. Kim needs to realize that Tyler is only a special snowflake to her and quit ragging on Cate about every damn thing. I'm no Catelynn fan, but I'd be more than a bit pissed to see my MIL talking shit every time she was on camera.

I'm a petty bitch and MIL would suddenly find her time with my kid dwindling. You don't get to have my kid and shit talk me.

Ugh yes. She would never see my kid again. She clearly encourages Tyler to "vent" about Cate by always asking about her attitude and what he thinks, etc. Tyler should know better than to tell his mom about his wife's problems. You're not a teenager anymore, keep your mother out of your marriage.

  • Love 8

Wow. I was just sharing my opinion and differing experience than that which some people were speculating could happen, and my differing opinion on the way that I initially took/read the posts (and still do). To each her own. :) I apologize for my accidentally dramatic contribution to PotGate.

FWIW I don't think that Catelynn and Tyler aren't applying for jobs due to drug tests. I think they just don't want to work minimum wage jobs when they are getting paid reality TV star money. Yes they have gotten lazy and could be potheads and/or alcoholics although I have no recent evidence of that. But I could understand why they wouldn't want to work teenage type jobs anymore when they are being paid good money for their "job" of being on MTV. Not sure what they will do when that gravy train stops but IMHO it's human nature to not want to flip burgers for $7.50/hour when you're already being paid $250k a season or whatever. I fault them for quite a few things but not applying for minimum wage jobs is not one of them. I hope they can get their act together and get some sort of feasible career or hopefully are saving money and otherwise planning for their future. The type of jobs they're qualified for right now are not going to get them anywhere close to what they're currently making or anywhere close to the kind of life they've said they wanted.

Edited by GuiltyPleasureTV
  • Love 6

If they had done anything other than sit on their lazy asses for the last 7 years and gone to college or learned some kind of trade, they wouldn't have to go looking for "teenage" minimum wage jobs.

But they haven't, they've done nothing.

Imagine how it's going to be when the show is over and the free money stops rolling in. At that point they'll have no choice but to go after teenage minimum wage jobs because they'll be broke and don't know how to do a damn thing but sit on their asses and whine.

And I'll laugh and laugh.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 6

If they had done anything other than sit on their lazy asses for the last 7 years and gone to college or learned some kind of trade, they wouldn't have to go looking for "teenage" minimum wage jobs.

But they haven't, they've done nothing.

Imagine how it's going to be when the show is over and the free money stops rolling in. At that point they'll have no choice but to go after teenage minimum wage jobs because they'll be broke and don't know how to do a damn thing but sit on their asses and whine.

And I'll laugh and laugh.

See, that's why you can't even really like Cait. They've had a fairly substantial income without a kid for 6 years and they did nothing. They could have a Master's Degree by now and they don't even have a trade certificate! They haven't even done something stupid like move to LA or NYC to make it in show business. They haven't even dated other people! They've dedicated themselves to becoming a slightly more functional version of the life they were saving Carly from. And I just can't even pretend to respect Cait. It's 2016 and she is a young woman of means and opportunities who has no greater ambition then to marry her middle school boyfriend. Middle school! She has been trying to become Mrs Balteria since the 7th grade! I wonder how much of an accident Carley really was or if she never saw Tyler's insistence on adoption coming and just assumed he'd marry her.

  • Love 6

I may be mistaken, but I think Tyler briefly moved to New Orleans to pursue an acting career. Glad that didn't work out. He's on the telly way too much as it is.

Yep, grandiose ideas for someone who (most definitely) wouldn't be able to even hold down a paper route.

I think that Tylet was courted by a predator manager type that thought Tyler was a Twink. Once Tyler realized that the guy wanted to sleep with him and couldn't make an actor, he ran home to Michigan/Catelynn to reassert his manliness.
  • Love 5

Flipping burgers? Minimum wage jobs? Those are the only kind of jobs those two lazy asses would qualify for ever because they failed for 7 years to live up to the bullshit they were trying to sell.

We expected more from Catelynn and Tyler because they claimed season after season they were going to commit themselves to getting an education and permanent careers.

Sure we have not seen them smoking pot or drinking, but we do know they are not doing anything that will benefit them as far as securing jobs are concerned. For years we did not know these two were smokers until some tabloid put a photo out there of them lighting up. We did not know they were arrested for some pot incident until an article revealed this info. MTV has tried to hide so much about some of the participants. Even now, they are trying their best at keeping Leah Messer's drug issues and camera-gate hidden from us. The same holds for MTV's "sweethearts".

Those two losers should be damn lucky to get any kind of job. As pointed out above, they had 7 years to better their lives so they would qualify for a career instead of a minimum wage job. Now, they claim to be better than Butch and April because they own a home and have cars. Big whoop-di-do.

  • Love 3

I may be mistaken, but I think Tyler briefly moved to New Orleans to pursue an acting career. Glad that didn't work out. He's on the telly way too much as it is. 

Yep, grandiose ideas for someone who (most definitely) wouldn't be able to even hold down a paper route. 

Do people move to New Orleans to film stuff?  Seems like Chicago would be more reasonable based on where they live. 


Really, what is their plan? They can't think this show will last forever and Tyler can't really think he can write enough books to support them. I mean that's a complete joke. Do they ever talk privately about how fucked they are or do we think they are just so stupid that they aren't even worried or concerned about how they will support themselves for the rest of their lives?

  • Love 2

Really, what is their plan? They can't think this show will last forever and Tyler can't really think he can write enough books to support them. I mean that's a complete joke. Do they ever talk privately about how fucked they are or do we think they are just so stupid that they aren't even worried or concerned about how they will support themselves for the rest of their lives?

I wouldn't be that surprised if they do think Reality Star will be their long term career. I mean, why not? The Kardashians have been on TV for how long? The Real Housewives franchise is 12 years old? I think? They aren't terribly bright kids and they've grown up in the era of reality tv and this is the only income they've ever known. Why wouldn't they just assume they can roll this into another show, and then another, and then another...

  • Love 3

I suspect they truly believe they are accomplished and successful with their lives because they now have a HS diploma, a car and a house.

Tyler's plan is to be an author, and unless he becomes the next JK Rowling, writing shoddy books is not going to maintain their lifestyle. If the last book was any indication of what's to come, I'm not interested. (Yes, I borrowed it from the library and it was so painful to read I couldn't finish it.) Really, their MTV money isn't going to last because they are forking out cash to their relatives too. Remember when April suddenly had new boobs? I doubt C&T had the insight to make long term investments either.

Catelynn wants to be a SAHM, okay great, that's a 24/7 job. Yes, it really is exhausting and difficult especially when your baby isn't STTN yet, but it's your child so the effort you put in is worth it and rewarding (plus, having a husband who helps makes a huge difference, cough cough Tyler.)

  • Love 2

Catelynn wants to be a SAHM, okay great, that's a 24/7 job. Yes, it really is exhausting and difficult especially when your baby isn't STTN yet, but it's your child so the effort you put in is worth it and rewarding (plus, having a husband who helps makes a huge difference, cough cough Tyler.)



I have no idea what STTN means, but I do know what SAHM means and apparently in her case she doesn't consider it 24/7. She considers it "when I can handle dealing with the child." Otherwise she passes the baby off to people she claims did a terrible job raising her. I don't understand it.

  • Love 2

I saw that information today as well. Don't get me wrong, I hope she's okay, but thirsty for attention much? I mean, they immediately have to let the public know that something's going on. We probably found out before Kim. I believe it's not something as horrible as overdose although I know the poster who said it was kidding, but I believe they are letting it be known because it will be something good for them. Why didn't they ever talked about smoking marijuana? That's exactly my point. Medical emergency or not, Tyler knows they will only benefit from it if they share with their fans.

I don't get why he didn't reveal what's the deal. Are they waiting to see what it is or is he contacting Us or People to sell the story?

  • Love 4

I hope she's okay and all but does everything have to hit social media for these two? I'd much rather her enter rehab in private then come back and tell her story.

Example: I went to rehab 30 days ago and I feel wonderful now.

Instead of airing it the minute it's happening as that just shows attention seeking to me.

Even Leah from TM2 kept hers under wraps to see how it would workout. And before anyone says "but Leah went in for drugs which is something she didn't want people to know about..."

She said she went in for rehab for depression and maybe the depression is what brought on the drug addiction. I dunno.

Either way somethings should be kept private within the family until some positive changes have been made. I smell a US weekly story was Tyler and Cates motivation. These two are really milking the pity of their fans.

If they aren't trying to seek attention for this and Catelynn really is suffering and wanting professional help then I truly wish her the best because depression sucks--postpartum depression sucks a tad more in my opinion because it effects the bonding with the new baby.

  • Love 2

Tyler will make the next few weeks?/months? All about him.

He already has:  "I will Never stop fighting for my wife...."


Hey Tyler, how about a nice cup of STFU?  Let your wife decide what she wants to Tweet and what she wants to keep private.


More than anything she probably needs time away from that overbearing control freak.  "Don't feed the birds!  Why are you feeding the birds??  Oh, great, here comes the whole bird family.  My day is ruined because you fed the birds and gave me a daughter instead of a son."

  • Love 5

He already has: "I will Never stop fighting for my wife...."

Hey Tyler, how about a nice cup of STFU? Let your wife decide what she wants to Tweet and what she wants to keep private.

More than anything she probably needs time away from that overbearing control freak. "Don't feed the birds! Why are you feeding the birds?? Oh, great, here comes the whole bird family. My day is ruined because you fed the birds and gave me a daughter instead of a son."

That annoyed me too! I mean, the first time I've seen this woman off her sectional doing something of nature (looking like she was taking joy out of) for Tyler to make her feel bad about it.

He was also pushing the kid thing when his wife was clearly saying not anytime soon like "hello! I'm going through postpartum depression and haven't lost the weight from this pregnancy and you want more?"

So easy for a man to say lets have more since their bodies don't go through anything. They get the fun part of creating a new baby.

I can't stand Tyler. It's his world and Catelynn just lives in it.

  • Love 8

How do go to rehab for anxiety? It's not an addiction. Do you learn how to handle it better, without meds? I have a touch of anxiety, but it's minor and is treated with an Ativan here and there (mostly at night, when I'm stressing out about my day ahead or day I just had). I swear, the best thing for Cate's anxiety is for her husband to not have Tyler's personality....

  • Love 7

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