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Catelynn (and Tyler)

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I'm guessing this was brought up when Catelynn got pregnant; if so I'll repeat it - I think she got pregnant on purpose, so that Tyler would marry her and they could have "another" child. I'm not so sure either of really gave a lot of thought about what it really means to have a child and how they would have to change their lives. Now that they have a daughter they actually have to take care of it seems to have come as a surprise to them. That poor child - she's going to be unfavorably compared to perfect Carly for a long time.



Its sucks but its true.  When Nova turns into a nail biting, couch sitting do nothing like her parents she'll be constantly compared to Carly who's off setting the world on fire.  I'm sure Tyler and Cate won't give the credit to BrandonandTeresa.  Nova's shortcomings won't be because they are the two least stimulating people in the Midwest.  It won't be because they failed to model a truly healthy adult existence. 


  It'll be because Carly is and always will be the chosen one.

  • Love 3

I've always liked Cate, but if she's unloading poor, innocent Nova on Butch and April at every opportunity to do important things like...nothing, then screw her.

Bitch lost me when she freaked out on T about the strip club on national TV and then did an interview like she was totally fine with it.

You'd think they'd at least aspire to be something better than their parents....

  • Love 4
Cate got pregnant so Ty would marry her, just like Maci got pregnant so Taylor would marry her....


Well, at least there's one thing Catelynn is better at. 




Even if it took her six years. I don't think Cate successfully manipulated Tyler at all. Tyler has always known what Catelynn wants and has rarely been forthcoming. I think it was only when he realized their star was dwindling that he grudgingly gave in - marriage and baby means an extended stay as "American's Sweethearts" of the TM set. 

  • Love 6

That's probably more to do with her holding the purse strings then emotional manipulation.  If Tyler leaves Cate, he had no reason to be on the show and will lose a lot of fan girl adoration, because he is no longer the "good guy".


Cate is certainly no angel.  However, as laughable as Tyler's endeavors are, at least he has some thought to doing other things.  Cate doe not seems to have any ambitions, beyond the M.R.S degree.


Again, there is nothing wrong with wanting to be a wife and mother.  It just seems like she only became a mother solely to get that wedding, not because she wanted the child.

I agree with all of this, and this is disappointing.


With regards to your last sentence, this is how I view someone like Chelsea: I don't think she's particularly smart or has a lot of ambition regarding work outside of the home. She is someone who without the TM2 money (or without being a teen mom even) might have gone through the motions of school or work, but would probably revert to a stay at home mom once she got married. (This is not at all a reflection of stay at home moms, just Chelsea specifically. I realize plenty of intelligent career driven women choose to stay home with their kids for various reasons). That said though, I think she would have, and DOES, throw herself 100% in on parenting. She creates art projects for Aubrey. She teaches her manners. She potty trained her (hell, I let my daughter's daycare spearhead that one). She cooks for her, she bakes with her, she reads to her, and she legitimately appears to enjoy every second with her.


By contrast, it appears that Cate wants to be a stay at home mom solely so she won't be expected to work outside of the home. But she's not even doing the bare minimum right now. This is one area that I thought she would excel in because she does seem nurturing, but she appears to be approaching motherhood with the same laziness she has approached everything else in her life.

  • Love 9

That's probably more to do with her holding the purse strings then emotional manipulation.  If Tyler leaves Cate, he had no reason to be on the show and will lose a lot of fan girl adoration, because he is no longer the "good guy".


Cate is certainly no angel.  However, as laughable as Tyler's endeavors are, at least he has some thought to doing other things.  Cate doe not seems to have any ambitions, beyond the M.R.S degree.


Again, there is nothing wrong with wanting to be a wife and mother.  It just seems like she only became a mother solely to get that wedding, not because she wanted the child.

And an MRS degree with Tyler as the prize!  Nope. Not some nice, ambitious young guy in college or some young man who goes to work every day and works hard for his family and/or to make something of himself.  But Tyler. Who sits around all day doing nothing but social media and has no skills or education.


Someone said it up thread about Butch being a con and I think the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.I think Tyler fancies himself a sort of sage (see:"writer" career) and when he talks, to me it is almost like he's always performing. Blech.

Edited by lilmarysunshine
  • Love 5

I agree that he is constantly performing. Like that one episode when he started waxing nostalgic about a suicide attempt right in front of little nick. Tyler is a little bitch, he's getting way too old to be playing the poor kid with issues card for sympathy and a storyline. Why would he even put the idea out there for nick, that poor kid has been through a lot.

  • Love 9

I agree that he is constantly performing. Like that one episode when he started waxing nostalgic about a suicide attempt right in front of little nick. Tyler is a little bitch, he's getting way too old to be playing the poor kid with issues card for sympathy and a storyline. Why would he even put the idea out there for nick, that poor kid has been through a lot.

You know....that is a great point. I know it is not a contest but I'd take Tyler's childhood over Nick's. Apparently Nick's father figure (not father) is Butch. And his mother is way worse than what I'd guess Kim was. Kim seems fairly normal except for the relationship with Butch. So go ahead, Tyler, and tell Nick how a shitty life made you think of suicide when Nick's has likely been shittier.

  • Love 5

Tyler totally wanted that bullshit story told on camera. Nick's presence be damned. He was going to pull at America's heartstrings and try to pad his story as the BEST GUY EVER. Oh wow, look at Tyler tragic childhood and he's still so awesome.

Bull and shit. We know you're an asshole. If that story was halfway true no way he would have kept it in his pocket this long.

Edited by Brooklynista
  • Love 4

You know, the more I think about it, I agree, I'm getting kinda tired of the "our lives were so difficult" storyline from people who capitalized on getting pregnant at 16, really it goes for almost all of the teen moms, but Catelynn and Tyler are 2 of the biggest offenders. Don't get me wrong I get that their lives were less than ideal, I don't envy them having Butch and April for parent, but they don't let us forget for one second. I don't believe that money should automatically make things better so they don't get to complain now, but at the same time they have a lot of advantages that they have pissed away (like college) so I lose a little sympathy for them. Especially now that Tyler wants to be a writer, what do you want to bet that the primary topic for his stories will be how hard his life was. I have no doubt that it was hard, and I do respect when people talk about the hard stuff and share their experiences that can help others get through their hard times, but idk I just feel like they do it more for the attention than to truly inspire others. In a weird way it kinda makes me feel bad for Butch... I know that's weird... I'll explain. Between Cate and Tyler telling their stories of how awful everything was for them growing up Butch gets the majority of the blame... Rightfully so, even by his own admission, his choices definitely had a negative impact on those around him. I'm not saying he is blameless or anything, or even that I would be able to "move on" in their situation, BUT they do not let that man forget it for one second, and they have seemed to let it go as far as the other people involved go, for example April didn't have speeches at the wedding about how she neglected Cate or made things harder than they needed to be, and she was just as guilty as Butch, especially when it came to Carly. I'm not sure I'm communicating my point well, but my point is, lots of people had hard childhoods, lots of people still have hard lives, but at some point you have to make the choice to not let that define you and rise above whatever the issue may be, but it seems like Cate and Tyler and perfectly ok where they are, and using their difficult pasts as a crutch, and a ploy for sympathy and capitalize off of that.

  • Love 4

Tyler totally wanted that bullshit story told on camera. Nick's presence be damned. He was going to pull at America's heartstrings and try to pad his story as the BEST GUY EVER. Oh wow, look at Tyler tragic childhood and he's still so awesome.

Bull and shit. We know you're an asshole. If that story was halfway true no way he would have kept it in his pocket this long.


Completely.  He started the story, then realized the kid was there...but then just kept on going anyway, because why let freaking out a kid get in the way of his spotlight?

  • Love 3


By contrast, it appears that Cate wants to be a stay at home mom solely so she won't be expected to work outside of the home. But she's not even doing the bare minimum right now. This is one area that I thought she would excel in because she does seem nurturing, but she appears to be approaching motherhood with the same laziness she has approached everything else in her life.

This. I mentioned that as well. Cate has the excuse of not working because she is a mom who needs to tend to her child. She will also use whatever mental excuse she has this week to not tend to that same child.


I have done both - worked and I was a SAHM. When one chooses to stay at home, more power to you. If you can do it, by all means DO IT. You won't have that chance again to see your child on a daily basis when they wake up and you can sit there and feed them. You have that chance to nurture them and get excited as you watch their "firsts".  I thought Cate would be a great mom to her child and I really thought she would be over-nurturing and even smother Nova because of what she missed out after placing Carly up for adoption. Instead, she can't even bother to have the patience to dress her child without getting aggravated. She doesn't understand why her child needs constant attention. She doesn't understand why she should be her child's primary caretaker. Instead she pawns off that child onto April who is likely more than happy to have a chance at raising a baby again since she fucked up the first two times due to her addiction.


Cate has shown her true colors. She played a good game and lied all through her seasons.


If I may ask, since when is a single parent having a part-time job such a bad thing? I mean, it has been mentioned more times than I can count how it is not a bad thing for Leah Messer to be a SAHM because she can afford to do so and the reasons given were the same as the ones I just posted above when describing why it is beneficial if a parent can be a SAHM/SAHD. If Cate was not such a lazy ass bum, and she was doing the job she chose to do which is to be a SAHM, and she would later acquire a part-time job, would that be a bad thing? I think many of us would be rooting for her as she is gaining some independence and making money from an actual job and building her self-esteem. If Leah Messer were to live on her own and acquire a part-time job while caring for her girls three times a week, I don't think anyone would criticize her for being able to be with her kids while only working part-time.  I don't see why it is a bad thing for Chelsea to have a part-time job which allows her to spend a lot of time with her daughter. Chelsea has the means (MTV money, investments) to allow her to work on a part-time basis so she can enjoy being with her daughter. She seems to have much joy when spending time with her child. That is not something I see as wrong. Cate should take a hard look at what it means to be a SAHM. There are many single parents and married parents who wish they could be at home full-time with their kids.


I missed out on a lot of my kids' lives when they were young because I worked full-time. I had a chance to finally be at home with my youngest. I then went back to work full-time once my youngest was in school full-time. As long as any of these girls are not doing drugs or being a lazy as fuck (looking at you Jenelle, Amber, and Cate), working part-time doesn't bother me in the least. It is better than leaving one's child with their parent as they sit at home, chewing their nails, and scratching the dead skin off their scalp.


If Cate doesn't want to work outside of her home, then she should be working full-time at home caring for her child and demand Tyler get his ass to finding a job. If Cate is not careful, she may one day find herself fused to her couch. http://ergogenics.org/480-pound-pound-woman-dies-after-six-years-on-couch.html

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 5

Interesting how 7 yrs after the fact they are still so obsessed with Carly and wishing they could parent her, and yet they have a chance with a brand new baby and seem not to be interested -- as evidenced by the fact that Nova is shipped off to April 2-3 times/week -- the same mom who has a huge part of the reason they put Carly out of adoption to get her out of that dysfunction -- and evidenced by the fact that they think a 9 month old is "high needs/maintenance" and "hyper."


I already feel bad for Nova. Time will go by and she'll grow up being passed between grandparents and maybe Tyler's sister and just like Caitlynn and Tyler, school may be an after thought, she may end up in the cycle of sex at 13, pregnant at 16 etc. which is so common in these types of communities. And on top of that, she'll ALWAYS be compared to Carly. Time will tell how Carly turns out, but if parenting has anything to do with it -- B&T are upper middle class, Brandon works in finance I think, chances are his daughter will complete college. And then it'll be -- the daughter we put up for adoption is a college grad with a great job, and Nova -- well she's pregnant and working at the factory -- while taking NO responsibility for the fact that B&T likely parented their child all 18 yrs, put a high priority on education and teaching -- while C&T will likely pass their child off to whomever so they don't have to deal and maybe yell at her once in a while if she does bad in school.

  • Love 7

Interesting how 7 yrs after the fact they are still so obsessed with Carly and wishing they could parent her, and yet they have a chance with a brand new baby and seem not to be interested -- as evidenced by the fact that Nova is shipped off to April 2-3 times/week -- the same mom who has a huge part of the reason they put Carly out of adoption to get her out of that dysfunction -- and evidenced by the fact that they think a 9 month old is "high needs/maintenance" and "hyper."

I already feel bad for Nova.

And based on the shady answers they gave I'm betting Nova is elsewehere even more than that. I got the strong feeling it was a novelty for her to be home for a night and two nights in a row was rare. I hope that's changed in real time. Tyler's "I mean sometimes two nights" really got to me. He either doesn't know, doesn't care, or she really isn't there much. I feel really bad for her too.

  • Love 7

This. I mentioned that as well. Cate has the excuse of not working because she is a mom who needs to tend to her child. She will also use whatever mental excuse she has this week to not tend to that same child.

I have done both - worked and I was a SAHM. When one chooses to stay at home, more power to you. If you can do it, by all means DO IT. You won't have that chance again to see your child on a daily basis when they wake up and you can sit there and feed them. You have that chance to nurture them and get excited as you watch their "firsts". I thought Cate would be a great mom to her child and I really thought she would be over-nurturing and even smother Nova because of what she missed out after placing Carly up for adoption. Instead, she can't even bother to have the patience to dress her child without getting aggravated. She doesn't understand why her child needs constant attention. She doesn't understand why she should be her child's primary caretaker. Instead she pawns off that child onto April who is likely more than happy to have a chance at raising a baby again since she fucked up the first two times due to her addiction.

Cate has shown her true colors. She played a good game and lied all through her seasons.

If I may ask, since when is a single parent having a part-time job such a bad thing? I mean, it has been mentioned more times than I can count how it is not a bad thing for Leah Messer to be a SAHM because she can afford to do so and the reasons given were the same as the ones I just posted above when describing why it is beneficial if a parent can be a SAHM/SAHD. If Cate was not such a lazy ass bum, and she was doing the job she chose to do which is to be a SAHM, and she would later acquire a part-time job, would that be a bad thing? I think many of us would be rooting for her as she is gaining some independence and making money from an actual job and building her self-esteem. If Leah Messer were to live on her own and acquire a part-time job while caring for her girls three times a week, I don't think anyone would criticize her for being able to be with her kids while only working part-time. I don't see why it is a bad thing for Chelsea to have a part-time job which allows her to spend a lot of time with her daughter. Chelsea has the means (MTV money, investments) to allow her to work on a part-time basis so she can enjoy being with her daughter. She seems to have much joy when spending time with her child. That is not something I see as wrong. Cate should take a hard look at what it means to be a SAHM. There are many single parents and married parents who wish they could be at home full-time with their kids.

I missed out on a lot of my kids' lives when they were young because I worked full-time. I had a chance to finally be at home with my youngest. I then went back to work full-time once my youngest was in school full-time. As long as any of these girls are not doing drugs or being a lazy as fuck (looking at you Jenelle, Amber, and Cate), working part-time doesn't bother me in the least. It is better than leaving one's child with their parent as they sit at home, chewing their nails, and scratching the dead skin off their scalp.

If Cate doesn't want to work outside of her home, then she should be working full-time at home caring for her child and demand Tyler get his ass to finding a job. If Cate is not careful, she may one day find herself fused to her couch. http://ergogenics.org/480-pound-pound-woman-dies-after-six-years-on-couch.html


That was totally distrubing, I can't believe what that poor woman put her self through! Unbelievable!

Oh yeah I forgot about how embarrassing that was. He couldn't even pretend to be excited. How horrifying to know your husband is totally disappointed in the baby. Those gender reveal parties are so stupid but especially if your husband can't even fake being excited and is going to almost throw a mini tantrum in front of all your friends and family.

  • Love 2

I gotta say it.  Cate is white trash.  You can see her lazy, fat ass attitude shining through.  She doesn't even TRY to behave like a classy human being.


And Nova, that poor baby.  She doesn't even look well take cared of. She looks underweight for sure.  I just keep hearing all those empty promises about going to school and showing Carly how they were going to make the right choices because they gave her up for adoption.  Cate got fatter, louder, smokes, lazier and we see the life Nova will have. 

  • Love 10

I know it is not a contest but I'd take Tyler's childhood over Nick's. Apparently Nick's father figure (not father) is Butch. And his mother is way worse than what I'd guess Kim was. Kim seems fairly normal except for the relationship with Butch. So go ahead, Tyler, and tell Nick how a shitty life made you think of suicide when Nick's has likely been shittier.


And isn't Tyler's main complaint about Butch that he wasn't around?  Seems to me that would be a good thing.

I still remember how disappointed Tyler was when he found out they were having a girl. If Nova had been a boy maybe Tyler would act differently. At least the poor baby would not be compared to Carly every second of his life.


Tyler may have been more excited about a boy than a girl when Cate was still pregnant, but once the baby was born it would be irrelevant. Boy babies are as needy as girl babies and require just as much work and patience, which neither of these two are capable of expending.


What Cate and Tyler really wanted was a living doll that would provide instagram fodder but go away quietly when it was no longer convenient.


Par for the course for Ty, but I am so disappointed in Cate. I thought she would be the type to be super into motherhood. I always felt a little bad for her, like she must feel so gypped giving up Carly knowing that if she had just waited a few months, she would have received the means to care for her (I mean, this was still best for Carly, but I did feel bad for Cate), and that having this second child was a chance at redemption for her (not that giving up your baby for adoption is an act that NEEDS redemption as it is a selfless, responsible thing to do, I just assumed Cate felt that way), but no. That was wrong. Cate, just like her fellow "teen" parents Adam, Jenelle, Amber, Farrah, and Ryan want to pop in every so often and do the fun stuff, then hand the kid over to someone else once she gets bored or tired or has something else she'd rather do.


There's nothing wrong with not wanting to be a parent. But you should not have kids if you don't want to be a parent.

  • Love 5


This. I mentioned that as well. Cate has the excuse of not working because she is a mom who needs to tend to her child. She will also use whatever mental excuse she has this week to not tend to that same child.


I have done both - worked and I was a SAHM. When one chooses to stay at home, more power to you. If you can do it, by all means DO IT. You won't have that chance again to see your child on a daily basis when they wake up and you can sit there and feed them. You have that chance to nurture them and get excited as you watch their "firsts".  I thought Cate would be a great mom to her child and I really thought she would be over-nurturing and even smother Nova because of what she missed out after placing Carly up for adoption. Instead, she can't even bother to have the patience to dress her child without getting aggravated. She doesn't understand why her child needs constant attention. She doesn't understand why she should be her child's primary caretaker. Instead she pawns off that child onto April who is likely more than happy to have a chance at raising a baby again since she fucked up the first two times due to her addiction.


Cate has shown her true colors. She played a good game and lied all through her seasons.

Totally agree! I thought Cate really wanted a child because she regretted giving up Carly. However poor Nova is just a prop to those two. A way to stay relevant to the show. That poor little girl doesn't stand a chance with that lazy unmotivated fat cow of a mother and a nasty narcissistic asshole of a father.  After seeing April scream at Catelyn when they went prom dress shopping, verbally abuse her all the time and chain smoke like crazy, April is probably the last person I'd leave a baby with.

  • Love 4

I gotta say it.  Cate is white trash.  You can see her lazy, fat ass attitude shining through.  She doesn't even TRY to behave like a classy human being.


Cate got fatter, louder, smokes, lazier and we see the life Nova will have. 

I love this photo sequence so much I initially posted the link in the wrong forum.  Two candid shots, then a posed shot from somewhere else (no cigarettes), and finally a wide shot of the same pose with part of the family off to the side.



I love this photo sequence so much I initially posted the link in the wrong forum.  Two candid shots, then a posed shot from somewhere else (no cigarettes), and finally a wide shot of the same pose with part of the family off to the side.




Hee, camouflage paisley.


In the profile pic where Cate is puffing away, she is a dead ringer for my grandma, circa 1975, based on a pic I've seen. My grandma had a similar hairstyle and her posture while smoking was identical. In 1975 she would have been 43.

  • Love 2

I love this photo sequence so much I initially posted the link in the wrong forum. Two candid shots, then a posed shot from somewhere else (no cigarettes), and finally a wide shot of the same pose with part of the family off to the side.


OMG, that shot of Cate,with the cigs, coffee and Rainbow clothes, she looks just like the women I see coming out of the methadone clinic near my job.

  • Love 2

Tyler would love it if cate had a meltdown on the trip. He knows drama is the key to having a storyline. He even flat out said everything they had was because of Carly. After bringing up the anxiety issue after she told him not to. He is pushing her buttons and he knows exactly what held doing imo. Tyler is really gross and I can't believe more people don't see what he is doing.

Edited by Lexie
  • Love 3

Seeing Tyler tell Cate that they didn't NEED an anxiety attack while on their honeymoon, really bothered me. As someone with severe anxiety, something like that can trigger one, and she even said that. It just came off as him caring more about the damn honeymoon, then caring about her. 


SAAAAME!  My husband looked up at that line and said, "What the fuck?  What a horrible thing to say!"  

  • Love 4

I saw a scene where Nova crying and Tyler was on the phone afterwards, he used his finger to make blub blub blub noises instead of picking her up and that little girl, crying all the while used her little hands to make blub blub blub noises and self sooth. I wanted to cry for that little girl.

Yes, very sad. She was mimicking the noises/movement in an effort to communicate her needs to her parent. What she learns from this exchange is 1)communicating needs is useless, 2)my parent doesn't provide what I need.
  • Love 1

I don't know why I'm surprised these two are terrible parents. They haven't grown or matured in any way, mentally or emotionally, since we first met them. They still seem like the are 16, except Catelyn looks 56. What are they doing differently than when they were 16? Actually, they are doing less because at least they went to school most days back then. What absolute losers. How old are they, 23? When I look back at my life at 16 and then at 23 I see huge differences. I can't really see anything different with them. It's bizarre.

  • Love 6

I don't know why I'm surprised these two are terrible parents. They haven't grown or matured in any way, mentally or emotionally, since we first met them. They still seem like the are 16, except Catelyn looks 56. What are they doing differently than when they were 16? Actually, they are doing less because at least they went to school most days back then. What absolute losers. How old are they, 23? When I look back at my life at 16 and then at 23 I see huge differences. I can't really see anything different with them. It's bizarre.

Well put. These two have pretty much done nothing in all of these years they have been on this show. Any movement or actually doing anything has been for the damn show or the adoption agency, nothing more. It is the fact these two have nothing going on in their lives. Nothing has changed except they are now legally wed to one another which must drive Tyler batty.  I have not seen a change in Catelynn only because nothing has changed. She is the same damn person. The only thing different is the storyline being presented by these two.


Seeing Tyler tell Cate that they didn't NEED an anxiety attack while on their honeymoon, really bothered me. As someone with severe anxiety, something like that can trigger one, and she even said that. It just came off as him caring more about the damn honeymoon, then caring about her.

It is all about him. Cate knows it, too. I imagine she put on a fake anxiety attack just to piss him off or to get some sympathy from him. Cate should have told him, "I hope you don't attempt suicide."  Cate would roll out with an anxiety attack if she caught Tyler checking out some island babe or some chick in a thong.

  • Love 1

I think they talked about continuing their educations after high school so they could get decent jobs, then afford to be able to support a child. Since the MTV cash is still rolling in, they probably don't think they need the higher education in order to make money. They already have that money. How many people working standard 9-5 jobs would keep them if they won the lottery, for instance? Of course, many who win squander that money within a few years, but they feel they can quit their jobs because they now have cash.

I agree with all of this, and this is disappointing.


With regards to your last sentence, this is how I view someone like Chelsea: I don't think she's particularly smart or has a lot of ambition regarding work outside of the home. She is someone who without the TM2 money (or without being a teen mom even) might have gone through the motions of school or work, but would probably revert to a stay at home mom once she got married. (This is not at all a reflection of stay at home moms, just Chelsea specifically. I realize plenty of intelligent career driven women choose to stay home with their kids for various reasons). That said though, I think she would have, and DOES, throw herself 100% in on parenting. She creates art projects for Aubrey. She teaches her manners. She potty trained her (hell, I let my daughter's daycare spearhead that one). She cooks for her, she bakes with her, she reads to her, and she legitimately appears to enjoy every second with her.


By contrast, it appears that Cate wants to be a stay at home mom solely so she won't be expected to work outside of the home. But she's not even doing the bare minimum right now. This is one area that I thought she would excel in because she does seem nurturing, but she appears to be approaching motherhood with the same laziness she has approached everything else in her life.

I think Chelsea has had better role models for parenting than Catelynn has. Cate and Tyler could really use some parenting and child development classes.

He's such a narcissist that he can't just write one book -- he's writing two (yeah right).

Like Farrah and her "trilogy."

Edited by DangerousMinds
  • Love 4
I think they talked about continuing their educations after high school so they could get decent jobs, then afford to be able to support a child. Since the MTV cash is still rolling in, they probably don't think they need the higher education in order to make money. They already have that money. How many people working standard 9-5 jobs would keep them if they won the lottery, for instance? Of course, many who win squander that money within a few years, but they feel they can quit their jobs because they now have cash.


I don't know. I think if I was still that young and won the lottery, I might continue working. I could be more selective, do something I really enjoyed and not worry about the money. But you have to keep busy. I know so many seniors who declined dramatically after they quit working. I mean, at least get a hobby outside the house! They just don't seem to do anything, and it's really sad. 


Also, I don't know what these girls make per year, but I doubt it's lottery levels of money. Eventually this show is going to end. (It has to, right???) And they've done nothing to prepare themselves for that day. Take advantage of the money now, earn a degree or buy a business - do something that can seriously support you once it's all over. Be an example for your daughter. 

  • Love 3

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