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Catelynn (and Tyler)

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Yes I was 100% wrong for medicating while driving. That was before I got my card & I know better now. Indica species=less anxiety #NoXanax

Medicating? For what? The pot is what is making her fucking lazy and lethargic.

It reads to me she has no qualms driving impaired because she now has a card.

Catelynn barely received her card. That is like someone taking Vicodin without a prescription and driving while popping the pills for years. They then get a prescription and then claim they were justified for using Vicodin prior to getting the prescription.

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Not sure if this was posted here before. Just came across this when Googling something:




“Marijuana is only bad if the user makes it bad,” he wrote. “Alcohol is only bad when the user abuses it… crack, heroin & meth? #ScrewAllThat.”

Despite his drug use, Baltierra revealed he puts his 1-year-old daughter Novalee first when he retweeted, “As long as a person has his bills paid, food in the house & babies taken care of FIRST I don’t think it’s a problem.”

Baltierra, 24, then confessed to experimenting with more drugs in his past.

“I have a defective brain & used coke, pills, shrooms, LSD, ecstasy, etc,” he tweeted. “I just chose not to deny my weakness w/ drugs.”

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4 hours ago, poopchute said:

She didn't know you shouldn't get high while driving but she knows better now?  How did she not know before?

Well, the woman who raised her obviously thinks it's ok to drive while smoking pot, since she was right there with her partaking in the behavior and riding in the car being driven by her high daughter....but that's not excuse....by 24/25 you should damn well know that it's not okay to do. 

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I would have hoped April would be the one to shut down Catelynn and Tyler smoking pot. Maybe be the voice of reason. A simple "hey kids, remember where drugging landed me and your dad". I don't believe pot is a gateway drug, but they both come from a little extra of addicts. I'm disappointed April tokes along withe Cate.

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6 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Medicating? For what? The pot is what is making her fucking lazy and lethargic.


I recently started Zoloft. It has made me soooo lethargic. Seriously, I walk across the floor and feel like I am going to pass out from exhaustion. I've been on it for a month and I know it's a side effect that will even out eventually, and my need for it is strong so I can't quit it, but DAMN. I'm tired. I could not imagine taking it on top of mj. I've never tried mj but if ANYTHING has a side effect of drowsiness it hits me hard and knocks me on my ass. 

As someone mentioned upthread, I think the timeline was wonky. I am betting the pig didn't leave that next day. It probably left a few days later. Hell, maybe a month. 

I wanted to think that Cate's stay at the Not-Drug-Rehab would really help her. I occasionally keep up with her on Twitter, however, and it doesn't look like anything has changed. Tyler is still around, for instance. 

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"When all you see is like 40 year olds arguing w/ each other on social media & it's all about you. Really guys, thank you, I'm flattered! ???"

Hey dickbag, I never even disliked you all that much before, but this year you're really outdoing yourself! Bravo. And come on over to this site more often - we don't fight with each other - it's a pretty unanimous decision that you're a childish douchbag playing grown up.

And hey, I'm not 40, I'm 53, thank you very much! I've got scissors older than you ... bend down so I can cut that curl off your head like any good mommy should. 

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6 minutes ago, EmeraldGirl said:


"When all you see is like 40 year olds arguing w/ each other on social media & it's all about you. Really guys, thank you, I'm flattered! ???"

Hey dickbag, I never even disliked you all that much before, but this year you're really outdoing yourself! Bravo. And come on over to this site more often - we don't fight with each other - it's a pretty unanimous decision that you're a childish douchbag playing grown up.

And hey, I'm not 40, I'm 53, thank you very much! I've got scissors older than you ... bend down so I can cut that curl off your head like any good mommy should. 

Post of the day! LOL

Seriously, Tyler? You go through each and every Twitter and Facebook account to check out everyone's profile? Who is watching Nova? Not you that's for damn sure. Is Catelynn right beside you? Is she telling you what a wonderful husband you are to her? *barf*  Is she stroking that ego and that stupid ass curl on your head? Dumb asses. If you can't read this, it is because of all the smoke and haze.

Edited by GreatKazu
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On September 5, 2016 at 11:58 AM, AhFillAck said:

"The sun's farewell to the earth?" What, our entire planet goes black and either we or the sun go someplace else? He is trying so hard to sound poetic but his comment makes zero sense.

Yeah...I stopped thinking about Catelynn and atatted worrying that the sun might not be coming back!  Not a good move, Tyler...

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21 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Yeah. Her and April have the same medicine. Pffftttt!

This is the key right here. She wasn't all, "I'm feeling extra anxious right now. I better smoke some pot to calm my nerves." She was with her mother and wanted to do it together, to have fun. Nevermind the fact that she was driving, that's a whole other (HORRIBLE) issue. But in that moment, she just wanted to get wasted. 

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On September 6, 2016 at 10:52 AM, CofCinci said:

Cate has smoked pot since middle school. She wouldn't cough like that. Her mother wouldn't be so excited giggling that they were going to boogietown over pot. This was meth (or crack).

It's definitely possible to cough like that...some people even say if you're not coughing your ass off you're not holding it in long enough. It's proven false but some people still think you have to "hold your hit in" until you can't anymore to get the best high. Catelynn doesn't act like someone on an upper. Pot can definitely make users giddy and excited, especially if they're regular smokers and have gone without for awhile, even a day. I actually feel like April doesn't normally partake and that's why she was so excited. 

I've no problem at all with pot (clearly) but I can't imagine smoking it with a known addict mother whilst being filmed. I guess Catelynn really thought mtv would keep on with her protected edit.

Plenty of people lead productive lives while being regular smokers, Catelynn and Tyler are just not among them. It's wrong, to me, to blame the pot for their lack of ambition. Even without it they likely would be going nowhere. I believe Catelynn smokes to help with her depression, which she has probably had nearly her whole life. It might help but it's clearly not the actual answer or she'd be in a better place.

Edited by Rebecca
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I'm still sort of surprised that Cate decided to smoke pot on camera, knowing that Brandon and Teresa watch the show (or at least keep up with it enough so they can monitor whether C&T are breaking their rules), after freaking out over the possibility of losing contact with them and Carly. Even if they weren't hardcore Christians, I don't think B&T would be so cool with the fact that their daughter's birth mother is getting high while driving and that her birth father is asking where the roaches are in their gross home while her birth sister is running around unattended. They can't do anything about C&T smoking weed in the privacy of their own home, but Cate and Ty advertising their pothead tendencies wasn't a smart move. I'm guessing that C&T had no idea that MTV would include this footage and that may be why they thought just covering up the dashboard cameras was enough. This may also be why Catelynn chose not to watch this season; underneath all her Instagram swagger and Bob Marley boasting, she's still a sensitive person who's deeply embarrassed of her recent actions and decisions. She may also have realized that B&T would most likely see those episodes or at least read about them, and could have some big questions about how much contact she and Tyler can have with Carly now. Cate has potentially screwed herself over in several different ways, and she knows it. 

Edited by geekamonggeeks
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1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

I am remembering all those people who donated money to C&T so they could go to college. Makes me wonder how much of that money went into their lungs?

I somehow missed this. They actually had a college fundraiser, took people's money, and never went to college?


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I hope all the donors got refunds! I think I remember Tyler taking a class (in filmmaking?) but I am not sure if he even finished that.

Back when they were teenagers they had more ambition than they have now. They were going to become social workers, they were going to go to college "for Carly", Tyler had a job in a pizza place, Cate worked in a boutique.

Now it seems all they do is lay around, getting baked, eating, moping, whining, and playing on social media.

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I believe they did about a semester and a half before Tyler dropped out to go to New Orleans to be an "actor". Of course Co-Dependent Catelynn had to drop out too.  They didn't reimburse the donors.  

Around this time they ended their relationship with Bethany too. While I find Bethany to be a wholly unethical organization that lies to birth mothers, I do believe working for the organization was good for Catelynn because she was surrounded by professional women who wanted to empower her. 

Now she sits on the couch all day getting high because of "anxiety."  Wasting youth, wasting opportunity and wasting money. Money that will come to an abrupt end in the near future. 

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So this is a pig belonging to April; photo taken mere weeks after PigletGate. If that's the same animal, April must have fed it. **gasp** And it looks like it's going to be that dog's dinner. 

ETA:  this is the latest post about the pig, dated May 22nd, and nothing to be found after that date.


Edited by Katt
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Do Catelynn and Tyler still do adoption talks for Bethany? If not, then there goes what little bit of income they had coming that isn't associated with MTV. I can't imagine their doing any more talks, or very little compared to how many they were doing in the beginning. The story is seven years old now, and most people know what happened. So not only can they not discuss the adoption in detail on the show anymore, but C&T are probably not able to do much speeches because it's old news by this point. They're finding out the hard way that even though the adoption will always be a part of their lives, it's not really a part of the public's and people are getting tired of it. Their days are numbered. 

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I too wondered if they were still giving speeches for Bethany... after Tyler's arrogant behavior with Brandon and Theresa and Catelynn 's pot smoking and mental health issues and their laziness I can't imagine Bethany would want these two representating them anymore.

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5 minutes ago, Caracoa1 said:

I too wondered if they were still giving speeches for Bethany... after Tyler's arrogant behavior with Brandon and Theresa and Catelynn 's pot smoking and mental health issues and their laziness I can't imagine Bethany would want these two representating them anymore.

I thought Catelynn and Tyler stopped speaking engagements with Bethanny a few years ago. 

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6 minutes ago, Uncle JUICE said:

They're certainly making a great case against anything resembling an open adoption. 

also wondering what "Staci"'s take on the whole thing was....I hate when they can't even do basic research to get the cast right

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8 minutes ago, EuropeanGirl said:

I laughed at that, actually! Love how Maci's name was messed up. I had to stop and think who did they miss., that's how much relevancy she has as a 'celebrity' to me.

Me, too. My phone autocorrects Maci to Staci...so even my phone feels that way about how relevant she is. ;)

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The article wasn't bad, but the comments were brutal, especially the one idiot who said that Brandon and Teresa should give Carly back just to see how C&T feel. Fuck that noise. They LEGALLY ADOPTED Carly! They cannot give her back, even if they wanted to, because that window of time has closed. And why should they give her back? It may be harsh to say, but it's not Brandon and Teresa's fault that C&T are still struggling with the adoption seven years later. They weren't the ones who lied to Catelynn and Tyler about having Carly for summer vacations and having the grandparents and aunts and uncles all visit her. That was all on Dawn and Bethany for lying to C&T so they would relinquish their child. Hell, you can even shift some of the blame over to Tyler for pushing Catelynn into giving up Carly when she wasn't 100% comfortable with their decision. She was having second thoughts about the adoption, and instead of reminding her why they decided giving up their baby was the best thing to do, Tyler just threatened to leave Cate to raise Carly as a single mother. Maybe he is going through the five stages of grief as the article writer suggests, or maybe he's realizing that his gravy train is ending and lashed out. Either or. 

I love how the commentators make Brandon and Teresa out to be the bad guys even after the article writer agrees that their decision to pull Carly out of filming and request that their convos go unrecorded wasn't unreasonable. It honestly doesn't matter who adopted Carly; Tyker would still have a problem with that couple and a good portion of anti-adoption morons would still label them villains for keeping Carly away from her ~true parents~. I almost wish I hadn't read that article, or at least the comments. They never fail to piss me off. 

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8 hours ago, Katt said:


So this is a pig belonging to April; photo taken mere weeks after PigletGate. If that's the same animal, April must have fed it. **gasp** And it looks like it's going to be that dog's dinner. 


Hmmm, so this picture was taken shortly after Cate received the pig? Because that looks way too big. How quickly do pigs grow?

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Yes, Bethany was less than honest about the adoption process but seriously, what did they expect? Look, I understand the pain having felt it myself but I find it hard to believe that they seriously think they have any say in how Carly is raised. They fact is that the adoption is way TOO open. Open adoption is supposed to be pictures and some correspondence here and there. Not the phone calls, visits, etc. That is why the situation is so unhealthy. Nobody can move on because no lines have been drawn. That is why both Cate and Tyler are at the same place in their lives. Their lives have not progressed at all. It is like an addict whose maturity stops they day they become addicted.

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Wow I find that website linked to above absolutely fascinating in it's take on adoption and adoptive parents. It's so weird for me to see comments very anti Adoptive Parents and anti-adoption in general and especially because the comments come from a place that assumes bad intentions on part of AP and bad emotional outcomes for adopted children no matter what.  It's really interesting as well that with Cate & Tyler you see what our society's general assumption of the "typical" lifestyles and age range of those choosing adoption, whereas commenters on that article seem to be more articulate and coherent, which leads me to believe they are from higher socio-economic levels (and by the way some of them are pissed! - not at C&T but at the very idea of adoption at all).  Even as the author and some commenters talks about the evils of AP I feel like dude - watch the show. Cate and Tyler are drug dependent, emotionally unstable people surrounded by other addicts, recovering addicts and an extended family history rife with physical, emotional, and drug abuse. So tell me again about the evil APs who close open adoptions?  It's really super fascinating though because it's from such a different perspective then what we most often see. Sorry I'm nerding out on some sort of social science or anthropological place on this.... going back to read through more comments. LOL.

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I've been meaning to comment on this issue earlier, although some of you already said something along those lines. It was interesting to me how many of you want for Cate to grow a backbone and dump Tyler. I'm looking at it from a psychological perspective. Considering how she saw her mother engage in relationships where her partners were verbally and physically abusive to her (and also Cate) and how she has put up with it for some time at least, it's no wonder that Cate does the same. Besides April, I highly doubt that she had a positive female figure that had a functional relationship in which she was respected at the time when Cate was younger/in her teens. In my opinion, she received the following maternal message in her childhood: just go through the storm, it has to stop eventually. A man has to take the stress out on his female partner sometimes, but that doesn't mean he doesn't love you. That is how normal relationships work. With that being said, it's no wonder how: 1)she has no confidence to try and fight that because she had learned from her mother that tthe strategy is - not fighting it 2)she doesn't know that being single is better than having a bad relationship since her mother always stayed in those. Not only that her parents have split up, but afterwards, her mother never had a functional relationship with a partner who could be Cate's stepdad. So, therefore, she never had a positive example or message sent to her during her childhood about functional and healthy relationships and her relationship today is the product of all that. She thinks that she dodged the bullet since Tyler didn't physically abuse her or verbally (not in a direct way or the way her mother's boyfriends did). But, did she end up with a passive-aggressive, blackmailing, immature and selfish little boy who insults her subtly here and there and has a list of demands for her? Definitely. To me, she didn't win the lottery because he has never hit her. The above mentioned issues are as serious as that one to me.

So, bottom line, as far as Cate dumping Tyler - I don't think it will ever happen. Reason: she's not strong/confident enough, doesn't know how to be alone,not lonely and function that way and the most important thing, Tyler knows the line, if there is one to begin with, but he dances carefully around it.

Also: If I hadn't learned about addiction during my studies, I would have also thought how insensitive Butch was by telling his kids that drugs were what he loved the most. Whenever I read that quote here, I also look at it from the psychological point: his brain has those crazy urges that would make him do anything just to get some drugs. His biological nature kicked in and that was the only reason for that statement to me. He didn't choose to love drugs more, his mind was hooked on it, whether he liked it or not. Obviously, it's not good to say that to your loved ones, but I'm sad that people aren't informed enough about addiction to know that, to addicts, the addiction comes first.

Sorry for the rant, but I just had to lay it all out here, lol

Edited by EuropeanGirl
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