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S13.E12: Live Results 1

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Finally! Results! I feel like this season has been on forever and it's only the first live results...

  • Heidi the stand-up-comic-hater's cheeks were sore from laughing at "trailer nasty"? Really?
  • For some reason Courtney's kicky dancing made me think of... Stephen Tyler? Mick Jagger? One of those. (Her thin build and long hair don't help.)
  • "Horror" is a strong word, isn't it, Howie? I can't help but think having to sit in your living room and choose between three acts is about as far from a horrific undertaking you can get.
  • Gold last night, silver tonight...I want Tyra to wear a different color metallic for each live show. Just for the hell of it.
  • "We're a high school dance team." Yes, you should have stayed in the gym. (I'm sorry, that was mean.)
  • Do they have a timer to tell Tyra when she's paused long enough before actually saying the name?
  • Vicki or Fountains...tough choice. (I would have gone for Fountains just because I can not-watch without muting the TV.)
  • Do we have to play therapist for every contestant that goes through? "Tell me how you're feeling...." "...sob..."
  • Darci! (Sorry I misspelled her name last night!) And Petunia!! I love her so much.
  • I knew there had to be a "both of you" fakeout somewhere along the way.
  • Mel, do you have to make every commentary about yourself?
  • I still don't like that the judges get to pick the last act. If America voted, then let their votes call it.
  • I don't really have an opinion on who the judges should pick...
  • Jeez, Simon, just flip a coin or something.
  • Oh, a tie. So America's vote decides anyway. So why bother with all the hemming and hawing with the judges?
  • ...I might be a little cranky tonight.
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I am not going to say anything about who went through because I know others haven't seen the results, but there were two acts that went through that I didn't agree with and one act that I'm happy they didn't go through.

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Ameriker really messed up.  The nasty comic?  Seriously?

Yes.  Tyra is given a verbal cue by the producer or director as to when to reveal the name on a card.

Simon knows exACtly what he is doing with the whole draaaaaaaama shtick at the end.  Unless there is a significant investment in one or the other choice, he will always defer to Ameriker - he's a man of the people, after all!   Vote Vote Vote!  It's an important metric to advertisers.

Darci is flat out amazing. 

On first glance, it appears Riana has an excellent, singer-centric roster against which to advance next week.  She would also be one, I believe, that Simon would "rescue" in any final showdown situation. 

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The old, unfunny comic lady getting through is one of life's weird mysteries.

Other than her, no real surprises for AGT. 4 singing acts (two tween/teens, a band and a giant choir)...a dance act with some real talent and hard luck backstory, & a superbly gifted close-up, sleight of hand magician.

Not advancing: a weirdly captivating, hygienically questionable gross comedy/variety act; a rapper (for future reference, if you are a rapper...this really isn't the show for you); a third rate Houdini meets Steve Irwin;  an awful, out of their depth high school dance/theatre troup; and a Mochi.

Poor Mochi was feeling all the feels on live tv :-( To me, he's the most likely (well, maybe not...maybe Flau'jae) act from tonight to be asked back in the next set of WC's. So hopefully he stays positive if he gets that second chance.

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We Three went through and Flau'jae didn't. That did surprise me. Otherwise, all three acts that came in 6th, 7th and 8th were better than the trailer park comic. I would have thought Mochi, at least, would do better then her. 

Howie came off as kind of rude, with the two girls standing there, proclaiming that his golden buzzer was going to win. 

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This is the first season I've watched this show, so I have to ask - is that how the voting/selection show typically works? If 7 were to go through, why did we have to do a last minute vote on 6, 7 and 8? That seems really odd. 

9 hours ago, Commando Cody said:

Howie came off as kind of rude, with the two girls standing there, proclaiming that his golden buzzer was going to win. 

I have to agree with this completely - I actually said out loud, "What a douche!" when he said that - especially to two young ladies who are both good. I personally think Amanda is better because Courtney comes off as so incredibly inauthentic that I find it grating. But, whatever. 

I thought Vicki was funnier in her earlier round and was pretty atrocious on the live show. If we're going on that performance, no way she should've advanced.

SO happy that Shin and We Three advanced and we don't have to see the spitters again. I really despised that act.  

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Regarding the fountain guys that I FF through, whose idea was it to bring them back as wildcards?  Simon?  If so, he was certainly negative at the end of their act when I began watching again.  More showbiz drama, I guess.  I watched a video of how Shin does his act.  It is a pretty simple explanation, but he does it with such flair.

I read that there's really a backlash on Courtney because of her prior experience that they "forgot" to mention.  I can't help but think that with her doing this act at 14, what will she be like at 27 when Joplin was such a mess?

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I think they want someone to challenge grace on AGT champions. If Mat Franco performs he has a good shot at it but I'm not sure he is going to take a month or two off from his Vegas show to perform in AGT champions. They know Courtney can take on grace head to head.

While Courtney doesn't have the best singing voice her stage presence is what makes her popular. Love her or hate her 99% of the people that watch this show are talking about her. She has 46 million views on her audition tape and her quarterfinals performance has 2.5 million views( in less than 36 hours) and is the #5 trending video on all of YouTube. 

I don't think there is anyway to stop that kind of following.

Shin Lim should be in the top 5 with her. 

Theres so many forgettable/bad acts this season that  I can't even tell you who will be in the top 5 and usually by now it's fairly obvious who will be.

As we saw last night America doesn't agree with all these golden buzzers either. The rapper didn't even make the save choices and the choir had to rely on the save. 

How did Vicki make it through without a save?

Next week:

Da RepubliK, Dance Group 

Duo Transcend, Trapeze Duo 

Front Pictures, Multimedia Performance Act 

Glennis Grace, Singer 

Makayla Phillips, Singer (Heidi GB)

Noah Guthrie, Singer/Guitarist 

Quin and Misha, Ballroom Dance Duo (Martina GB)

Samuel J. Comroe, Stand-up Comedian 

The Sacred Riana, Illusionist 

The Savitsky Cats, Cat Act 

Voices of Hope Children's Choir, Choir (Ken GB)

Yumbo Dump, Comedy Duo

So Riana and ?

Theres 22 semi finalists so we will have one wild card total.

For anyone that doesn't remember front pictures they were in the same audition as Courtney lord nil and a few others but for whatever reason they were pushed through to the quarterfinals without going to the judges cuts first nor getting a golden buzzer. 

Edited by anthonyd46
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13 hours ago, PhD-Purgatory15 said:

Poor Mochi was feeling all the feels on live tv :-( To me, he's the most likely (well, maybe not...maybe Flau'jae) act from tonight to be asked back in the next set of WC's. So hopefully he stays positive if he gets that second chance.

I don't think they bring back anyone that gets knocked out during the live shows. The WC's have already been picked. His only chance would be if another act has to drop out and they need to replace it. That has happened in the past.

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13 hours ago, PhD-Purgatory15 said:


Poor Mochi was feeling all the feels on live tv :-( To me, he's the most likely (well, maybe not...maybe Flau'jae) act from tonight to be asked back in the next set of WC's. So hopefully he stays positive if he gets that second chance.

Aaaahhhh hell no! I hope Flau'Jae doesn't have another chance!!! I might be wrong, but I don't think any more WC's are selected. Thank goodness!  :)

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1 hour ago, rr2911 said:

Aaaahhhh hell no! I hope Flau'Jae doesn't have another chance!!! I might be wrong, but I don't think any more WC's are selected. Thank goodness!  :)

There will be one wc from this round. They have two nights of 11 acts in semi finals and 7*3 =21. Therefore one wc.

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To me Courtney Hadwin is a one trick pony and is phony as all get out.  The shy, nobody gets me persona that breaks out on stage.  AGT not disclosing her past experience.  What is her future?  Trying to emulate Janis Joplin, Joe Cocker, and other classic rockers with their songs?

Amanda Mena has more future potential.  She can actually sing, and can grow into whatever solo artist she wants to be.  I didn't think Simon was correct in telling her she needs more and would do well being part of a group (paraphrasing here).  For once I agreed with Mel B's argument that she is a solo artist "and will always be a solo artist."

If any of the singers wins, I hope it's Amanda.

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45 minutes ago, CelticBlackCat said:

To me Courtney Hadwin is a one trick pony and is phony as all get out.  The shy, nobody gets me persona that breaks out on stage.  AGT not disclosing her past experience.  What is her future?  Trying to emulate Janis Joplin, Joe Cocker, and other classic rockers with their songs?

Amanda Mena has more future potential.  She can actually sing, and can grow into whatever solo artist she wants to be.  I didn't think Simon was correct in telling her she needs more and would do well being part of a group (paraphrasing here).  For once I agreed with Mel B's argument that she is a solo artist "and will always be a solo artist."

If any of the singers wins, I hope it's Amanda.

I don't think we can hold the not saying about her past performances against her. There's so many people on this show who have performed otherwise and AGT acts like they are up and comers. This show can never figure out what it wants to be. I mean the judges were pulling the doesn't have to be perfect crap when the pac group again . (I dunno what their obsession is with that group). There's plenty of people making money on emulating others.

Also calling someone 14 a phony might be a little much as well. Obviously her parents are making all these decisions for her at that age.

Like I said before Courtney is not the best singer out there not even close but the last two winners a big part of their win was because they turned into social media queens and Courtney is on that road. She has the stage preserence and people are talking about her.

Remember graces finale introduction two years ago it was just bragging and bragging and bragging about her social media following. They kept mentioning it with Darcy as well. I feel like that's where this show is going the social media following has become a big part of it. 

I'm not sure how to fix this show. The judges are all over the place. One minute original songs suck, the next minute they are the greatest thing ever. One minute perfection is needed, the next minute it's ok not to be perfect. First the judges have all the power then by the live shows they lose almost all their power. So then it comes down to we are getting winners with huge social media followings vs the most talented winners. 

Like I said a couple posts up Courtney has the world talking about her and that's what matters to this show at the moment. 

Just a refresher of the last two winners videos it's just videos of people imitating of them cause of their huge followings.

Edited by anthonyd46
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48 minutes ago, seltzer3 said:

Annoyed that all of the singers advanced.  I hate that Mochi got eliminated. Really do not want a final 10 of all singers

At this rate, we're probably heading for 8 out of 10.  Despite the judges always saying that AGT is special because there's no other place America can see variety acts, it seems that's the way they want it. Maybe research shows that singers draw better ratings? It's the only thing I can think of, because I swear that the judges intentionally don't put through some of the better variety acts (like the father-daughter acrobats) because they don't want them in the Lives taking votes from their precious singers. (including the Golden Buzzers). So instead they put through a bunch of fodder like the Human Fountain, the fat guys making body sounds, and the high school dance act, who are obviously going nowhere.

As a white musician who makes a living playing what's generally considered "black music," the issue of "authenticity" is a loaded question for me. Most black musicians I know say that they don't care about a person's race if they have a genuine feeling for the music. I think that Courtney does have a genuine feeling for the music she's performing, but to me her act still seems very contrived, and that the dancing and running around is something she's been encouraged to do by whatever adults are promoting her career. I also wonder if the public would be so excited if it were a 14 year old black girl doing Otis Redding and James Brown. So there's an element of exploitation about the fact that she's a 14 year old white girl from Scotland who takes on some kind of alien persona when she performs. (In fact, American blues and r&b have for decades been enormously popular in the UK. The Rolling Stones, to name one obvious example, got their start playing almost exclusively blues covers. And Lennon and McCartney, at the same age as Courtney, were already in bands playing Little Richard and Chuck Berry tunes).

Aside from all that, Courtney's talent just doesn't impress me. Her singing is all over the map. Probably to some extent because of all the running and jumping around, because only a small number of really gifted artists have been able to do that kind of physical exertion without affecting their singing. But I think that the "dancing" is probably what most people are responding to, and it's probably a good strategic decision not to have people focus on her unremarkable singing.

For me, any comparison to Janis Joplin is really far-off base, but every white girl who sings blues or rock on any of the competition shows gets that comparison. Janis Joplin was really deeply steeped in the southern blues tradition, going back to classic singers of the '20s and '30s like Bessie Smith. I don't get any of that feel from Courtney. I think she's your standard wannabe rocker chick, with maybe a little wannabe female Jagger thrown in. And Janis Joplin, while not personally my vocal cup of tea, sang with an incredible passion and commitment that made you feel every word was coming from deep within her soul. I don't get a fraction of that from Courtney. It all feels to me like a show.

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5 minutes ago, bluepiano said:

 But I think that the "dancing" is probably what most people are responding to, and it's probably a good strategic decision not to have people focus on her unremarkable singing.

You hit that right on the head totally agree. It worked for a lot of pop bands in the 90s and that's what attracts people more than the singing sometimes. 

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Crikey! I wish they would disallow singers from this competition (other than singing incorporated into other variety acts, like Darcy Lyn's, or the choirs).  If I wanted to watch American Idol, I'd watch American Idol.  Or the Voice. Ugh. 

I just don't get the hate for Vicki the commedienne.  I like her.  I thought she wasn't as funny last night as in the judges' cuts, but I still liked her. 

Why was Tyra's commentary so innane this week?!  If she asked one more person last night what feelings they were experiencing, I thought I would spit vomit like one of the human fountain guys.  I usually like Tyra, but there was too much of her this week and her interviewing skills need work. 

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19 hours ago, DietCokeJunkie said:

Then they shouldn’t be on the results thread. 

I see comments like that on facebook sometimes..."hey, show, it hasn't even aired here, you're spoiling it!" Well, then, don't go on their page...they're not gonna wait until the next day to post stuff.


18 hours ago, PhD-Purgatory15 said:

third rate Houdini meets Steve Irwin;



7 hours ago, Lunula said:

This is the first season I've watched this show, so I have to ask - is that how the voting/selection show typically works? If 7 were to go through, why did we have to do a last minute vote on 6, 7 and 8? That seems really odd. 

It used to just be the audience vote; they started the "Snapple Save" (later the Dunkin Save when they changed sponsors) in season 9, it looks like. I'm sure it's just to add more drama (and give people something to do while the results show is going on so maybe they won't just skip to the end). I think it's unfair to the people who were legitimately in 6th and 7th place. (Not that I think the show is aiming for fairness in the first place, mind you.)


1 hour ago, Cowgirl said:

If I wanted to watch American Idol, I'd watch American Idol.  Or the Voice. Ugh.

I used to watch the AI auditions with my roommate, just for the snark value. (She'd watch the rest of the season, but I got bored. Same with So You Think You Can Dance.) When we stopped living together I stopped watching because it wasn't really fun by myself. I do enjoy the Voice auditions, though. Partly because you have to actually be able to sing to even audition, unlike AI, so I know there won't be any idiots there just for laughs. But once the auditions are done I don't watch anymore.

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Really devastated for Mochi. He is a true talent and I'm sad that the projections, which I did think could be used to his advantage, seemed to overwhelm the act. 

I don't have anything personal against Flau'jae, but it does give me a little hope to see Golden Buzzers eliminated in the quarter finals without a save, no matter who they are. It's nice to know that producer manipulation isn't 100% fullproof.

Shin Lim, Angel City Chorale, and Junior New System are the only advancing acts that I'm emotionally invested in. We Three and Amanda Mena are dreadfully forgettable, I want Vicki Barbolak to be funny but she seems determined not to be (I did laugh at her Walmart greeter/he had me at "hullo" joke tho, that was clever), and the less said about Courtney Hadwin the better.

Darci Lynne is a superstar. I didn't think it was possible for her to be more polished than she was at the end of last season and she has proved me wrong. She's confident, funny, charming, and real. I wish her nothing but continued success.

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The best part of this show was Darci Lynn's triumphant return performance.  That girl is so sweet, beautiful, classy, and mega-talented.  I loved her and Petunia tonight.  Her hair and shining face were perfect and I really liked her dress and shoes outfit.  What a voice!  Wishing her all the best in success and happiness.

Shin Lin for the win!

I felt bad for Mochi.  I think he should have been put through just on the sheer talent and presentation.

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2 hours ago, CelticBlackCat said:

The best part of this show was Darci Lynn's triumphant return performance.  That girl is so sweet, beautiful, classy, and mega-talented.  I loved her and Petunia tonight.  Her hair and shining face were perfect and I really liked her dress and shoes outfit.  What a voice!  Wishing her all the best in success and happiness.

Shin Lin for the win!

I felt bad for Mochi.  I think he should have been put through just on the sheer talent and presentation.

Darci Lynn pretty much made everyone competing this year (outside of Shin Lim) look like a joke. On a show that loves its young girl singers, she is by far the best one they've ever had. And she sings with her mouth closed!!! No matter how high she goes, she hits every note flawlessly. Compare that to Grace Van der Waal, who often couldn't even sing a single line in the same key.

They kept saying Mochi is the best Diablo artist in the world, but the problem is that I still don't really know what Diablo is. The light show during his performances was so visually overwhelming that you only got a vague sense of what he was doing. He should have started his performance doing Diablo "naked," without any special effects, before the light show kicked in, so people could see his skill. Though I'm not sure that would've made a difference as far as America's vote. It's probably not something a huge number of people can relate to, compared to singing, dancing, or stand-up comedy. (And his being in tears even before the results were announced might've been a first.)

8 hours ago, Cowgirl said:

Why was Tyra's commentary so inane this week?

Tyra gets a lot of heat, but I think the fault is with whoever chose her for this role in the first place. She is not an experienced comedian like Nick Cannon, who had the skill to improvise, rather than just recite scripted commentary. And the cutting away to her reaction shots during performances is awkward, as she keeps making the same couple of faces. Nick was a master at that.

Nick did what good performers do, make something look easy which in reality definitely is not. His interactions with the contestants always felt natural, whether he was congratulating a winner or consoling a loser. By contrast, Tyra's interaction usually feel forced and uncomfortable. I believe this is her third season and she's not getting any better, so it's probably time to make a change. (But then I feel the same way about the judge's panel). 

Edited by bluepiano
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9 hours ago, ChitChat said:

Can I vote for Darci Lynne again?  :)    She is so talented with how she can have such a rapid-fire conversation/song with her puppet.  She's really honed her skills!  I wish her much success. 

If she is in champions edition you can.

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The show has gotten really bad in the past few years. Every year, the top 12 are filled with even more singers, which makes the show extremely hard to sit through. Not just singers, but there are the types of acts that always have at least one of them in the finals, like any act associated with a light show - the first time something like that was on the show, it might have been slightly interesting, but every year there's one of them: seriously, what is the market for something like that?

There's also "the act that is essentially not an act" like Riana, Tapeface, or Puddles' Pity Party who everyone seem to adore, despite them being annoying and doing next to nothing. It's also obvious who the judges/producers are trying to place in the viewer's mind as most important: i.e. Mochi gets judge feedback like "what a show!" said in a high pitched clown voice, while Courtney has the judges on their feet and crying. I don't even see why they would favor Courtney over anyone else except for short term YouTube views, because in the past, all of their winners/runner ups or anyone memorable (with the exception of Grace Vanderwaal) is completely forgotten - how does a show that gets 12+ million viewers every year fail so hard at making anyone famous? Remember when you were sobbing into your pillow because all the Forte CDs were sold out? (Maybe you'd laugh if you didn't think "who?", which was the essence of the point).

To crow about the overall show some more, minus Simon, I hate the judges. Howie is funny a lot of the time, but the prophetic lines, which I am guessing are force fed to him about an act who (is/was sick/family member died/troubled childhood/struggling Father, etc.) are cringey and never come true (i.e. "and right here tonight *sniffle* we've seen a star born). Mel and Heidi are around equal levels of annoyance with all of their bopping around to music and annoying faces/voices - they're like the annoying aunts who think they are being hip. Mel turning around "Ugh can't wotch this!" and hitting the buzzer because "I dun get it / I dun lyke it" is irritating - despite the judges being completely irrelevant when the audience gets to vote, you're paid to sit there and critique the act, at least don't be a dumbass about it. Tyra is a terrible host; all she does is appear on camera for a split second during an act to make a version of The Rock's raised eyebrow. Nick Cannon would make jokes or interact with the performer in a comedic way, not to mention he had a lot more charisma.

The acts that advanced this week were largely disappointing, though the ones who were eliminated were not that much better. 2 singers, a choir, and a band in the semi finals sounds dreadful. Does the old woman who acts like it's "her" choir actually do anything? It seems some people try and make conducting seem like it's actually work, but she looks like she's just feeding off of what everyone is already doing. The band is just "Our Mom" and it's irritating; it's on par with Flau'jae rapping about her Dad in every song - it's annoying enough when the clear favorite act of every audition episode (who also makes it near the end, coincidentally) has a sob story that is milked bone dry all season. The dance crew that got through is OK; they were better than the high school team, which should have been eliminated long ago. Shin is the best act out of all of them by far. Vicki is so painfully unfunny, I just stare off into space when she's on - the best way I can think of to describe why she sucks is that all her jokes are too predictable. There's no wordplay or anything clever, it's just the usual "Haha, I live up to the stereotype" - there's a limited amount of things she'll mention, most of which you'll see coming because she's made herself unattractive (which I doubt was for the sake of the act), so you know there will be "my weight, I'm old, my trailer, how I would spend the $1 million in accordance with my trailer schtick. I don't know how Howie can laugh at anything she says, since he is a stand up comic, he should be well aware that her material is weak. Even the audience didn't laugh very much, although they erupted with laughter at the 12(?) year old girl comedian from last year or the year before. I know comedy is subjective, but there's a gradable level of skill when it comes to wit or thinking on the fly and a lot of comics on this show just plain suck.

Guess that's all I have to complain about this week.

Edited by InternetToughGuy
I spelled Grace's name wrong
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^ So there IS another person who thinks that the conductor lady of the Angel City Chorale is annoying.  At least that's what I got from your post, InternetToughGuy.  She got on my last nerve this last performance throughout all the mugging backstage and jumping up and down onstage.

Equal hate for the Three Kids Whose Mom Died, So We'll Sing About Her.  (We Three.)  I don't like them.  I got a kick that Simon criticized their stage setup for this episode.

I'm glad Rapping About My Dead Dad is gone.

Vicky from the Trailer Park needs to expand her routine to beyond the trailer park.  It's already gotten pretty old, almost as old as she is.  (I'm not being ageist; I'm actually older than she is I think.)  I also cringe when they show the actual trailer park in Oceanside, CA where she lives by name.  Safety reasons.

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5 hours ago, InternetToughGuy said:

and hitting the buzzer because "I dun get it / I dun lyke it" is irritating - despite the judges being completely irrelevant when the audience gets to vote, you're paid to sit there and critique the act, at least don't be a dumbass about it.

I think the buzzers should be taken away once the audience vote is in play.


5 hours ago, InternetToughGuy said:

Tyra is a terrible host; all she does is appear on camera for a split second during an act to make a version of The Rock's raised eyebrow. Nick Cannon would make jokes or interact with the performer in a comedic way, not to mention he had a lot more charisma.

Every time I go on the facebook page (I'm a glutton for punishment, probably) there are people whining "bring back Nick!!!" It's been two years; he quit; he's not coming back. But they could certainly get a better host than Tyra. (I actually liked Jerry Springer as host.)

I don't mind Heidi so much (she can be kind of inane and dumb but at least she's not screaming through every other act) but Mel and her overdramatics need to go.


5 hours ago, InternetToughGuy said:

I don't know how Howie can laugh at anything she says, since he is a stand up comic,

I'm going with "the producers told him to."

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6 hours ago, InternetToughGuy said:

The show has gotten really bad in the past few years. Every year, the top 12 are filled with even more singers, which makes the show extremely hard to sit through. Not just singers, but there are the types of acts that always have at least one of them in the finals, like any act associated with a light show - the first time something like that was on the show, it might have been slightly interesting, but every year there's one of them: seriously, what is the market for something like that?

There's also "the act that is essentially not an act" like Riana, Tapeface, or Puddles' Pity Party who everyone seem to adore, despite them being annoying and doing next to nothing. It's also obvious who the judges/producers are trying to place in the viewer's mind as most important: i.e. Mochi gets judge feedback like "what a show!" said in a high pitched clown voice, while Courtney has the judges on their feet and crying. I don't even see why they would favor Courtney over anyone else except for short term YouTube views, because in the past, all of their winners/runner ups or anyone memorable (with the exception of Grace Vanderwaal) is completely forgotten - how does a show that gets 12+ million viewers every year fail so hard at making anyone famous? Remember when you were sobbing into your pillow because all the Forte CDs were sold out? (Maybe you'd laugh if you didn't think "who?", which was the essence of the point).

To crow about the overall show some more, minus Simon, I hate the judges. Howie is funny a lot of the time, but the prophetic lines, which I am guessing are force fed to him about an act who (is/was sick/family member died/troubled childhood/struggling Father, etc.) are cringey and never come true (i.e. "and right here tonight *sniffle* we've seen a star born). Mel and Heidi are around equal levels of annoyance with all of their bopping around to music and annoying faces/voices - they're like the annoying aunts who think they are being hip. Mel turning around "Ugh can't wotch this!" and hitting the buzzer because "I dun get it / I dun lyke it" is irritating - despite the judges being completely irrelevant when the audience gets to vote, you're paid to sit there and critique the act, at least don't be a dumbass about it. Tyra is a terrible host; all she does is appear on camera for a split second during an act to make a version of The Rock's raised eyebrow. Nick Cannon would make jokes or interact with the performer in a comedic way, not to mention he had a lot more charisma.

The acts that advanced this week were largely disappointing, though the ones who were eliminated were not that much better. 2 singers, a choir, and a band in the semi finals sounds dreadful. Does the old woman who acts like it's "her" choir actually do anything? It seems some people try and make conducting seem like it's actually work, but she looks like she's just feeding off of what everyone is already doing. The band is just "Our Mom" and it's irritating; it's on par with Flau'jae rapping about her Dad in every song - it's annoying enough when the clear favorite act of every audition episode (who also makes it near the end, coincidentally) has a sob story that is milked bone dry all season. The dance crew that got through is OK; they were better than the high school team, which should have been eliminated long ago. Shin is the best act out of all of them by far. Vicki is so painfully unfunny, I just stare off into space when she's on - the best way I can think of to describe why she sucks is that all her jokes are too predictable. There's no wordplay or anything clever, it's just the usual "Haha, I live up to the stereotype" - there's a limited amount of things she'll mention, most of which you'll see coming because she's made herself unattractive (which I doubt was for the sake of the act), so you know there will be "my weight, I'm old, my trailer, how I would spend the $1 million in accordance with my trailer schtick. I don't know how Howie can laugh at anything she says, since he is a stand up comic, he should be well aware that her material is weak. Even the audience didn't laugh very much, although they erupted with laughter at the 12(?) year old girl comedian from last year or the year before. I know comedy is subjective, but there's a gradable level of skill when it comes to wit or thinking on the fly and a lot of comics on this show just plain suck.

Guess that's all I have to complain about this week.

Agree with almost all of this...except about Grace...at least, I keep trying to forget about her, but people keep bringing her name up and I have to remember that crapfest all over again...

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8 hours ago, CelticBlackCat said:

^ So there IS another person who thinks that the conductor lady of the Angel City Chorale is annoying.  At least that's what I got from your post, InternetToughGuy.  She got on my last nerve this last performance throughout all the mugging backstage and jumping up and down onstage.

Equal hate for the Three Kids Whose Mom Died, So We'll Sing About Her.  (We Three.)  I don't like them.  I got a kick that Simon criticized their stage setup for this episode.

I'm glad Rapping About My Dead Dad is gone.

Vicky from the Trailer Park needs to expand her routine to beyond the trailer park.  It's already gotten pretty old, almost as old as she is.  (I'm not being ageist; I'm actually older than she is I think.)  I also cringe when they show the actual trailer park in Oceanside, CA where she lives by name.  Safety reasons.

Apologies for formatting, I'm not too familiar with how to quote specific parts. I don't get why the choir would get through anyways; they're so big, there's no way to connect with them on a personal level. They pretend like all 150 or however many members are all a tight knit family, all held together by the matriarch, which of course isn't the case. I keep thinking the choir leader is an old woman version of Joe C (from Kid Rock's band).

Flau'jae would've likely got further if she rapped over popular rap instrumentals, since rap is the most popular genre right now. There are far too many Soundcloud/YouTube rappers making their own songs to make original songs by themselves interesting.

Showing the trailer park she lives in also makes her act far less believable. The trailer park shown actually looked nice, not to mention it's in an extremely desirable location. If she made it seem like she was married to her brother in a trailer with the front door held on by duct tape, maybe it would be more comedic.


7 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Every time I go on the facebook page (I'm a glutton for punishment, probably) there are people whining "bring back Nick!!!" It's been two years; he quit; he's not coming back. But they could certainly get a better host than Tyra. (I actually liked Jerry Springer as host.)

I don't mind Heidi so much (she can be kind of inane and dumb but at least she's not screaming through every other act) but Mel and her overdramatics need to go.


I'm going with "the producers told him to."

I would never go on Facebook to see AGT related posts, since I know the people who go on there are an extension of the "well dressed couple out for a night of entertainment" kind of people who are in the audience on TV - I always wonder if I'm emotionless because I wouldn't stand up and enthusiastically clap my hands to the beat with my mouth wide open for any act (every single person in the audience does, though). I think Nick quit because NBC canceled his stand up show or something, which would make sense. Tyra's interaction with the acts, at least in the audition round are usually related with "look how hot I am!" or the contestant saying "I may not have made it, but I got a hug from Tyra Banks". It'd be like Sasha Grey in a low cut dress replacing Ryan Seacrest on American Idol.

Not really related to my original point, but I hate when the judges get incorporated into an act, like Vicki saying "you know when ya take a girl like Mel B out to dinner", "Would you look at Heidi Klum, everybody" or "something something Spice Girls" - I don't associate two old women clearly over the hill as anything glamorous, nor do I imagine most of the audience actually know who the Spice Girls are apart from name only. I was born in 1993 and don't remember anything about them from growing up when they were actually relevant, so a huge part of the audience is probably the same.

7 hours ago, Kimmmmmm said:

Agree with almost all of this...except about Grace...at least, I keep trying to forget about her, but people keep bringing her name up and I have to remember that crapfest all over again...

Yeah, I just saw that she was actually doing good by seeing how many views she gets on YouTube. I remember hating her when she was on AGT because of that hoarse middle aged British drunkard howl she would do every song.

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6 minutes ago, InternetToughGuy said:

nor do I imagine most of the audience actually know who the Spice Girls are apart from name only

Spice Girls started in 1994 (according to the all-knowing wikipedia); I was in college so a bit out of their target demographic. I know one song that I can't stand and I don't know what happened to any of them other than Mel B. (because she won't get off my TV) and the one who married David Beckham.


6 minutes ago, InternetToughGuy said:

I was born in 1993

Now I feel old. I graduated high school/started college in 1993. ?


10 minutes ago, InternetToughGuy said:

that hoarse middle aged British drunkard howl she would do every song.


I'll confess to liking her first song at first but they all sounded the same after that and it got old quick.

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1 hour ago, InternetToughGuy said:

I hate when the judges get incorporated into an act, like Vicki saying "you know when ya take a girl like Mel B out to dinner", "Would you look at Heidi Klum, everybody" or "something something Spice Girls" - I don't associate two old women clearly over the hill as anything glamorous, nor do I imagine most of the audience actually know who the Spice Girls are apart from name only.

This actually made me stop and think what "two old women clearly over the hill" were being talked about, but I'm guessing it's Mel B and Heidi. And that made me LOL. You need to capture that post and look at it when you turn 45. I hope you've heard of Janis Joplin so the Courtney references are relevant. Janis would be 75 if she had lived. I will admit that 75 is a tad beyond the crest of the hill. YMMV, of course! Everyone's hill is a bit different.

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2 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

This actually made me stop and think what "two old women clearly over the hill" were being talked about, but I'm guessing it's Mel B and Heidi. And that made me LOL. You need to capture that post and look at it when you turn 45. I hope you've heard of Janis Joplin so the Courtney references are relevant. Janis would be 75 if she had lived. I will admit that 75 is a tad beyond the crest of the hill. YMMV, of course! Everyone's hill is a bit different.

Mel B. is 4 months older than me. I hope I'm not over the hill (my knee doesn't like hills, anyway. or stairs).

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9 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

This actually made me stop and think what "two old women clearly over the hill" were being talked about, but I'm guessing it's Mel B and Heidi. And that made me LOL. You need to capture that post and look at it when you turn 45. I hope you've heard of Janis Joplin so the Courtney references are relevant. Janis would be 75 if she had lived. I will admit that 75 is a tad beyond the crest of the hill. YMMV, of course! Everyone's hill is a bit different.

I'm short and thin (and male), so when I'm 45, I'm probably going to look like a literal manbaby - I'm quite curious as to what it'll look like. Of course even now, most teenage girls and old women are taller than me and I'm about to turn 25, so it's already pretty awkward. For years, I've thought that when I'm middle aged, I'm going to dye my hair funny colors, wear long goofy earrings and still dress like a teenager in skate clothes - I think it'll look funny because I don't have a manly frame anyways, so it'd be more expected that I'm immature. 

I've heard of Janis Joplin, though I think it's likely overblown that people Courtney's age are fans. Just like on American Idol, there are 15 year olds pretending to be intimately familiar with Diana Ross' catalog; that just seems like a lie.

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21 hours ago, InternetToughGuy said:

Yeah, I just saw that she was actually doing good by seeing how many views she gets on YouTube. I remember hating her when she was on AGT because of that hoarse middle aged British drunkard howl she would do every song.

The producers of this show make a mistake if they think that views on YouTube are a reliable indication of an act's commercial potential. The internet is sort of its own world. And I suspect that many of the people who sit in their house endlessly watching YouTube videos are not the audience that goes out and pays to see live entertainment. You can watch all the YouTube videos you want for free. (other than paying your internet provider). Concert tickets these days typically start at $50 per ticket, plus service fees.

There are cat videos and videos of people injuring themselves in stupid ways that go viral and get 10 million YouTube views. So I don't necessarily think that massive internet popularity means a whole lot.

Edited by bluepiano
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I keep thinking the choir leader is an old woman version of Joe C (from Kid Rock's band).

I'm old, I think Truman Capote.

I want to like Vicki, maybe she needs more time on the touring circuit for comedians. If I ever got to go out and she was at the only local comedy club, I'd consider seeing her. I have an internet friend who lives in Oceanside, she'd like living in a nice trailer, she thinks the owners/managers of her low income apartment complex are trying to force the residents out to make it more upscale and charge rents that she can't afford. 

I'm ready for Mel B to retire as judge. I think she may be ready to move on too.=

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1 hour ago, bluepiano said:

The producers of this show make a mistake if they think that views on YouTube are a reliable indication of an act's commercial potential. The internet is sort of its own world. And I suspect that many of the people who sit in their house endlessly watching YouTube videos are not the audience that goes out and pays to see live entertainment. You can watch all the YouTube videos you want for free. (other than paying your internet provider). Concert tickets these days typically start at $50 per ticket, plus service fees.

There are cat videos and videos of people injuring themselves in stupid ways that go viral and get 10 million YouTube views. So I don't necessarily think that massive internet popularity means a whole lot.

The internet isn't really its own world anymore - online personalities used to be very niche, but young people equate them to "real" celebrities nowadays. Also, there are quite a few YouTube acts who go on tour with either low level musical talent or since they have no real talent, a shitshow comprised of live Q&As and challenges (who can dress as a girl the fastest!) is drawn up to try and fill an hour - those tours will sell out 500-ish seat theaters all over North America.

What's impressive is that Grace gets views on her new stuff, even though her AGT season ended a year ago - even people who win American Idol can rarely keep people's attention for longer than 3 months after the season ends. Also, the difference between a cat video or some random viral video and actual popularity is that the latter is person-focused - a single clip from "nobody in particular" has nothing to get invested in, which is why nobody really subscribes to those channels, even after getting millions of views on a video. The problem with any non-singing act is that it's very tough to market them without new material constantly being released, never mind the lack of any available platforms to market them on. It's like if a juggling act doesn't find a consistent gig in Vegas, they'll be back to doing the "I drove in a van all across the country performing in front of 10 people", because he has no real way of staying fresh in anyone's mind.

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5 hours ago, InternetToughGuy said:

The internet isn't really its own world anymore - online personalities used to be very niche, but young people equate them to "real" celebrities nowadays. Also, there are quite a few YouTube acts who go on tour with either low level musical talent or since they have no real talent, a shitshow comprised of live Q&As and challenges (who can dress as a girl the fastest!) is drawn up to try and fill an hour - those tours will sell out 500-ish seat theaters all over North America.

I'm sure you're right, because you sound very knowledgeable and way more up on this stuff than I am. But this really depresses me. I know fantastically talented musicians who have been out there for many years and are still struggling to get bookings in anything larger than a bar or 200 seat community theater.

Edited by bluepiano
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4 hours ago, bluepiano said:

I'm sure you're right, because you sound very knowledgeable and way more up on this stuff than I am. But this really depresses me. I know fantastically talented musicians who have been out there for many years and are still struggling to get bookings in anything larger than a bar or 200 seat community theater.

Indeed. For the large part, online personalities become popular because of their looks (which narrows down maybe the top 15% of people) and is typically reserved for people 30 and under, since YouTube/Instagram/Twitter are essentially targeted towards teens, there has to be a certain level of relate-ability. The problem is that music and entertainment in general can be made and shared by anybody now, so you'd need to be really good or unique to stand out (or look like Brad Pitt). If it makes you feel any better, one of the winners of American Idol (Crystal Bowersox) is still playing in cafes, likely because she was completely unmarketable (she had dreadlocks when on TV and looked like an overweight hippie - I just looked her up present day and she's kinda hot, so it was just the dreadlocks)

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Still rooting for Shin Lim!

Haha! I'm old enough to have actually  SEEN Janis in concert! 10/19/68. Have yet to bring myself to watch Courtney.

 Ages 43 (Mel B.)  and 45 (Heidi): Maybe it depends on which side of the ledger one is on; they both seem young to me.....? 

InternetToughGuy, Crystal Bowersox was runner-up to winner Lee DeWyze. 

Edited by LennieBriscoe
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