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90DF Live Chat: Rice-A-Roni & Google Translate

Message added by Meredith Quill

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This is the LIVE CHAT topic for ALL 90DF shows. Posting should only occur in this topic during the FIRST live airing of the episode.  See here for more details.

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1 minute ago, Brooklynista said:

I have a birthing question.  Does the pain stop immediately once the baby is out? Is there residual pain? Women seem to be all smiles as soon as the baby is placed on their chest.

The first sight of your baby- it's such an ineffable experience- happy doesn't even begin to describe it.

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1 minute ago, Brooklynista said:

I have a birthing question.  Does the pain stop immediately once the baby is out? Is there residual pain? Women seem to be all smiles as soon as the baby is placed on their chest.

Not really, you still have to push out the placenta. But it's mostly over at that point.

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1 minute ago, Brooklynista said:

I have a birthing question.  Does the pain stop immediately once the baby is out? Is there residual pain? Women seem to be all smiles as soon as the baby is placed on their chest.

You still have to give birth to the placenta and you’re usually being stitched up to. I has an epi so I felt no pain!

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2 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

I have a birthing question.  Does the pain stop immediately once the baby is out? Is there residual pain? Women seem to be all smiles as soon as the baby is placed on their chest.

my experience, for the most part yes, I didn't have epidurals during my labors, but did have some drugs, but really once the baby is out the hard part is over.   A little bit of pain with some other after labor things but nothing compared to the pushing lol

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1 minute ago, Brooklynista said:

I have a birthing question.  Does the pain stop immediately once the baby is out? Is there residual pain? Women seem to be all smiles as soon as the baby is placed on their chest.

I've only had a Caesarean, but my understanding is that there are a couple of contractions to expel the placenta, but you don't even notice them (after an 8 pound baby I'm sure its like nothing). And of course having the baby in your arms is such a rush, everything else fades away. 

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2 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

I have a birthing question.  Does the pain stop immediately once the baby is out? Is there residual pain? Women seem to be all smiles as soon as the baby is placed on their chest.

The pressure and contractions stop. You are super sore but the relief is so great you dont even notice.

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2 minutes ago, sagittarius sue said:

Good grief!  That doctor flung the baby on Karine's belly like a chunk of meat!

Not a doctor, just the local butcher popping the baby up on the scale. They were between shifts!

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2 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

I have a birthing question.  Does the pain stop immediately once the baby is out? Is there residual pain? Women seem to be all smiles as soon as the baby is placed on their chest.

Your Adrenalin and endorphins take over so usually pain will stop upon birth.

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3 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

I have a birthing question.  Does the pain stop immediately once the baby is out? Is there residual pain? Women seem to be all smiles as soon as the baby is placed on their chest.

 Yeah, pretty much. You do have some cramping over the 1st couple of days but nothing at all like actual labor pains

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1 minute ago, kacesq said:

Don’t newborns eye color change sometime? Pole says the kid has blue eyes...

and Laura, you’re not the dominant one. You moved your ass to Qatar for a man who you said sucks in bed...

Babies are born blue then they change if they are meant to very quickly

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Cowboy Liam may very well be awkward, Aladin. You are so right. Aladin seemed to be very welcoming. 

1 minute ago, LucyEth said:

I don't know, Aladin seems like a nice guy.  Not sure what he sees in Laura.

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