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Spoiler Discussion Thread: The Sequel

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Well I was not ready for that announcement. Actually season 8 being the final season, I knew it was a possibility but not that it would be only 10 episodes. I don't think I can watch SA's FB Live. 😞 

I'm glad that, if they only had him for a limited run they are not trying to space the appearances out over 23 episodes and hopefully there will be a tighter scripted episode run. 

I hope COIE, if we must have it, is episode 8 and then I would suspect they would have 9 & 10 play back to back as the finale.

Also I hope this talk about EBR is just speculation.

Edited by Genki
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49 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

I wonder if Pedowitz’s comment about a new generation of superheroes wasn’t just a throwaway and they’re planning a spinoff with Mia, Connor, Nora, etc.

I do think it’s interesting they had kids from the future on both the shows - and Supergirl has Brainy from the future if they wanted to tie that in somehow once the Earths are combined. Even if their show is set in the future, Legends could tie it together a bit since they could be traveling to both present day Flash and Supergirl (and Batwoman) and the future with Mia, JJ, William, Nora, etc. Arrowverse would still be all connected. Someone fic this for me, please!!

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3 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

It's a 10 episode season. What difference does it make it she's in 2, 5 or whatever, when there's only 10 in total?

I for one would much rather see her in all 10 instead of Dinah and Rene. It's the last Goddamm season the writers SHOULD honor what made the show last which was OTA and OLICITY not Dinah and Rene. 

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5 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

I figured they'd go another week after, but who knows. 

Assuming the finale is not part of COIE, having 10 episodes allows for a hypothetical two-hour series finale.  I could see them doing that.

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7 hours ago, Featherhat said:

Hopefully Oliver gets at least a bittersweet ending which they always give to LOT, like @BkWurm1 still hoping for a Nolan trilogy ending and/or a more hopeful future. I do think COIE is going to be more complicated than just swapping himself for Barry and Kara. 

Very ok with it ending with SA and not dragging on with the noobs or FFs.

I have been very vocal about not wanting that type of ending for Oliver for years because I thought he deserved to live his life in the open. Then living it the open actually happened and it hasn’t been that great. So now I’d be totally fine with it, except that I’m worried about Will. He’s with his grandparents and stays with them in the current future timeline. If they took him away when Oliver was alive would they let him go with Felicity when Oliver was “dead”? I don’t want him to get left behind. Unless Feliciy goes mama bear on the grandparents and demands custody and that William grows up with his sister. Then, I’d like you to meet our Uber driver. You’ll probably find him familiar, don’t freak.

Edited by bijoux
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Woops I posted my post in the wrong thread. To get this on topic 😛 :

It looks like Oliver is going to die, but it would be nice if he got a happy ending twist.

Making Crisis of Infinite Earth's earlier now makes more sense if Stephen Amell wanted out.

Amusing fact: Seems like Amell wants to autocorrect itself to Smell :p. 

Edited by Quark
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My thought is that with the rumored cast departures on The Flash, Ben Lewis could be put in that cast as William and how he develops his high tech expertise as implied in the flash forwards, as he lives in a Central City.

I have really enjoyed Ben as adult William this season, and it would be a shame not to take advantage of the character’spresence in Central City.

Edited by theschnauzers
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As much as Arrow has been frustrating to watch the last couple of season, I still love Oliver, Felicity & Diggle and the show and will miss it, and this board, when it finally ends.  

I think they did plan to carry the show on with the flash forward cast once Stephen left, but the poor reception to the bleakness of the timeline changed their plans and they decided to end the show. 

My only hope is that they don’t kill Oliver in COIE, they fix the bleak future they’ve been showing us and allow Oliver & Felicity to end on a happy/hopeful note, living their lives with their kids. It would feel too depressing if 7.5 years after Oliver returned to save Star City to right his fathers wrongs, he still ultimately ended up failing. 

If they want to create a new show featuring Mia, William and Connor I’d give it a go but ending Arrow with a dead Oliver & Felicity and old Dinah and old Rene in the new shows cast would be deal breakers. 

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If they did a Star City 2040 spinoff I'd watch if the main cast is Mia, Wiliam, JJ/Connor, Old Roy and Felicity, and Maybe Zoe. NO old Rene and Dinah

Edited by jay741982
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2 hours ago, kes0704 said:

I think they did plan to carry the show on with the flash forward cast once Stephen left, but the poor reception to the bleakness of the timeline changed their plans and they decided to end the show

The more I think about it, the more I think they were considering carrying on without him and this was a recent decision. The CW just announced the show’s renewal a few weeks ago and they are pretty known for bundling those announcements with news of final seasons (iZombie, Jane the Virgin, Crazy Ex Girlfriend, etc). It would have made much more sense to announce it then, rather than in the dramatic way they did it last night — though kudos to the CW for letting SA break the news.

I’m not sure when SA’s contract negotiations wrapped but I am grateful that he agreed to come back for another 10 (and as @Genki pointed out, that the producers didn’t try to space those 10 appearances over a whole season). It’s interesting that he seemed to indicate that he told them last year he wanted to season 7 to be his last. It kind of makes sense now why he seemed more subdued about the renewal announcement than usual. I wonder when he told EBR and DR that he was thinking of leaving?

Speaking of EBR, I know it’s our annual tradition to worry about her status but surely we can skip that this year? There was zero indication she wouldn’t be coming back for season 8 in the first place; even if she was ready to move on (which is pure speculation based on nothing she’s ever said), she would almost certainly want to see it through now. 

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44 minutes ago, Trisha said:

The more I think about it, the more I think they were considering carrying on without him and this was a recent decision. The CW just announced the show’s renewal a few weeks ago and they are pretty known for bundling those announcements with news of final seasons (iZombie, Jane the Virgin, Crazy Ex Girlfriend, etc). It would have made much more sense to announce it then, rather than in the dramatic way they did it last night — though kudos to the CW for letting SA break the news.

I’m not sure when SA’s contract negotiations wrapped but I am grateful that he agreed to come back for another 10 (and as @Genki pointed out, that the producers didn’t try to space those 10 appearances over a whole season). It’s interesting that he seemed to indicate that he told them last year he wanted to season 7 to be his last. It kind of makes sense now why he seemed more subdued about the renewal announcement than usual. I wonder when he told EBR and DR that he was thinking of leaving?

Yeah, we didn't need another situation like we had with Fox Mulder when the X-Files wrapped up its original run.  With some hindsight it's been clear they were trying to set up NTA as the ones to carry on the show - when that didn't work they tried again with the future folks.  I think there's some hope with the future folks but I don't think we need to see the present day Star City without Oliver.

Of course, there's always the chance SA will pop up once or twice a year during the crossovers.  He seemed to have a lot of fun making them and the end of his FB video implies it as well.

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I've transcribed SA's facebook video speech in the Social Media thread (page 750), but the following comment by him caught my attention:

-- SA: "But something tells me, even when I'm done, I won't be gone. If you've watched the Arrowverse, you should understand that."

That gives me a little bit of hope that Oliver doesn't die.

Edited by tv echo
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Posted yesterday - JDJ said that there are no spoilers in the background, but if he and his stunt double are doing this on the Arrow set, you can see that his character is wearing a mask. Also, behind them, you can see a few cops, as well as two people (a gal and a guy) both wearing similar-looking dark capes...


alfie10.aa  I am so confused by the background
*  *  *
josephdjones  @alfie10.aa 😅😅just ignore that no Spoilers

josephdjones  @robertreeves_ lol that’s my stunt double right next to me... but it’s like 40% I do whatever they’ll let me do but a lot of times the show won’t let me for liability reasons

Edited by tv echo
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5 hours ago, kes0704 said:

As much as Arrow has been frustrating to watch the last couple of season, I still love Oliver, Felicity & Diggle and the show and will miss it, and this board, when it finally ends.  

I think they did plan to carry the show on with the flash forward cast once Stephen left, but the poor reception to the bleakness of the timeline changed their plans and they decided to end the show. 

My only hope is that they don’t kill Oliver in COIE, they fix the bleak future they’ve been showing us and allow Oliver & Felicity to end on a happy/hopeful note, living their lives with their kids. It would feel too depressing if 7.5 years after Oliver returned to save Star City to right his fathers wrongs, he still ultimately ended up failing. 

If they want to create a new show featuring Mia, William and Connor I’d give it a go but ending Arrow with a dead Oliver & Felicity and old Dinah and old Rene in the new shows cast would be deal breakers. 

ITA with all this. 

They've been pushing Dinah and Rene hard this season so it does seem like they wanted to continue the show without SA but it really didn't take. There's more hope for a show with Mia, William and Connor, they'll have to see the reaction (it would be hard to do crossovers though when Arrow is 20 years in the future unless The Flash joins them.

I agree that the only way I'd watch any of these characters in the future would be if Oliver had a happy ending.

I like it when separations between actor and network are amicable. It sounds like SA gave them lots of notice, which gave Pedowitz time to start thinking of what he wants for his network in terms of DC comics shows, and that's why Batwoman suddenly appeared when earlier he had said that the CW had enough comic book shows.

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12 minutes ago, tv echo said:

Posted yesterday - JDJ said that there are no spoilers in the background, but if he and his stunt double are doing this on the Arrow set, you can see that his character is wearing a mask. Also, behind them, you can see a few cops, as well as two people (a gal and a guy) both wearing similar-looking dark capes..

716 had the gang going into a masquerade party, so it might have something to do with that, since all of the FF seem to take place all within the same week/day in some episodes. I guess the FF are in 719 but then just follow Connor since KM wasn't filming them it looks like.

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That reminds me .... why did SA single her out as one of the people he thanked along with Bam Bam? I know they adore Bam Bam for some reason but Chico has never done anything other than a crap job for this show. Most of the time she seems to have no idea what's on it or remembers to release information on time.

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55 minutes ago, way2interested said:

716 had the gang going into a masquerade party, so it might have something to do with that, since all of the FF seem to take place all within the same week/day in some episodes. I guess the FF are in 719 but then just follow Connor since KM wasn't filming them it looks like.

Since 719 is a Diggle episode I can see them following JJ/Connor in the FF. Maybe something happens to Mia and William like being held hostage or something and the Episode follows JJ trying to save them. JDJ did say we would be getting more info on his character. Maybe we find out he loves Mia 

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If the show does decide to do one final ripoff of Nolan’s Batverse the pieces are already in place. Felicity is his endgame relationship, Diggle is the employee who quickly became family, Dinah (taking over for Quentin) is the law enforcement ally, and Roy/Rene is the protege. I can easily picture Dinah giving Oliver’s eulogy via voiceover like Gordon while a montage plays. It shows Rene (and maybe Roy) still fighting the fight, an indication that Star Ciry has finally removed its head from its ass and is becoming safer, something Dinah related, Smoak Tech is up and running, Dig with the ring, and ends with the reveal of OTA+families together. Just show that they’ll be fine and don’t need to protect the city anymore. 

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Where is the show in the production schedule now? They've at least broken the scripts for the final episodes, right? I wonder if they're going to change things and how much they're going to change now that the decision has been made about SA sticking around. And please, please, please, I echo the call for a happy ending for Olicity. I've hated the presence of powers on this show but this is the one time I'm totally OK with a reality-bending god or whatever erasing this shitty timeline so Oliver and Felicity and their family can get their HEA.

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Felicity's really cute in her lil SCPD training tee, but I hope at the end she takes Oliver aside and is like..."Honey this is very dumb, let's do this on our own again," and it magically works out even though nothing in the previous episodes has suggested it will! 

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Arrow's season finale will be May 13. I wonder if/how they're going to adjust the final eps of the season, knowing there's so few left. I'm guessing the next few eps will chug along as if the show was getting another full season, and then we'll see stuff ramp up.

Edited by Trisha
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4 minutes ago, Trisha said:

Arrow's season finale will be May 18. I wonder if/how they're going to adjust the final eps of the season, knowing there's so few left. I'm guessing the next few eps will chug along as if the show was getting another full season, and then we'll see stuff ramp up.

May 13. 

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43 minutes ago, way2interested said:

This pic made me laugh so hard idk 

That and this one lol

Mia is Not stupid! Who were the ones who thought Felicity was dead without proof again? Who is this girl 

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OTA look like they’re about to start passing notes and whispering lol. 

I just want Oliver to not end the show worse than where he started. Is that so much to ask after giving so much of my time and energy to this franchise?!?

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I just remember SA's stupid vision of Oliver dying at the end of the series being the ideal way to end the show. Which God No that's so dumb SA. The fans wanna see him alive and Happy not lying in Felicitys arms lifeless while she cries or him dying in a hospital bed. 

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IIRC he said that years ago. Its totally possible his opinion has changed now that Oliver has grown so much.

Besides, I think Laurel was still his LI then. I would want my character to die too.

Edited by Chaser
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6 hours ago, tv echo said:

I've transcribed SA's facebook video speech in the Social Media thread (page 750), but the following comment by him caught my attention:

-- SA: "But something tells me, even when I'm done, I won't be gone. If you've watched the Arrowverse, you should understand that."

That gives me a little bit of hope that Oliver doesn't die.

To me that sounds more like if Oliver dies, there are a million and one ways he could return.

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16 hours ago, theschnauzers said:

My thought is that with the rumored cast departures on The Flash, Ben Lewis could be put in that cast as William and how he develops his high tech expertise as implied in the flash forwards, as he lives in a Central City.

I have really enjoyed Ben as adult William this season, and it would be a shame not to take advantage of the character’spresence in Central City.

I thought about your post and decided I want them to make William Firestorm. That would be amusing given Felicity's comic roots.

But your idea totally works too!

I really enjoyed Ben Lewis's William and I'm pretty sure I hand wave a lot of stuff about the writing for his character simply because I find his acting compelling. 

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Was I supposed to laugh at them all wearing their SCPD training tees? They look cute for sure but LOL. This is how bad this SCPD storyline is. Hopefully this is the beginning of the end of that. 

Also whenever I see the pics of Mia and William I'm a mix of "Aw, my Queen siblings are bonding!" and NOPE because the future is so horrible, haha. Those two had such a natural chemistry together that I'm really disappointed the future scenes weren't just OTA's kids on a mission to find all of their missing parents rather than the depressing apocalypse one they gave us. I really think a simple adjustment of the whole thing could've been a lot more watchable. Le sigh. 

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5 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I've hated the presence of powers on this show but this is the one time I'm totally OK with a reality-bending god or whatever erasing this shitty timeline so Oliver and Felicity and their family can get their HEA.

This is me! I will blindly accept, without any complaints, all totally out of left field story plans if they just fix the grimmest of grim future timeline.

Give me an alive Oliver & Felicity, in the present & the future, raising their kids together. I don’t care how they get there as long as they deliver this to me! 

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3 hours ago, Quark said:

To me that sounds more like if Oliver dies, there are a million and one ways he could return.

Just off the top of my head, if he dies we can see SA again as:

-Alternate Earth Doppelganger Oliver

-Flashback Oliver

-Videotaped Oliver

-Hallucination Oliver

-Plucked from the time stream Oliver

-Human Target Oliver

-Alternate timeline Oliver

-Resurrected Oliver

And that's far from an exhaustive list.

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I just reread the Wikipedia entry for COIE today, and this part struck me as a possible way to write out Oliver (and Felicity)?


As they are the only four who remember the original past, Alex [Luthor] sends Earth-Two Superman, Earth-Two Lois Lane, Earth-Prime Superboy and himself to a pocket "paradise" dimension, leaving the heroes of the remaining earth to sort out the aftermath of this crisis.

That wouldn’t really allow for a post-crossover series finale, though.

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